JEA Business Plan

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BUSINESS PLAN 1844 India St San Diego, CA 92101


TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary a. Overview b. Services c. Keys to Success 2. Mission + Vision 3. Business Profile a. Ownership b. Operation c. Organization d. Firm Structure 4. Marketing Plan a. Market Analysis b. Competitive Analysis c. Opportunity Analysis d. Strategies + Tactics 5. S.W.O.T 6. Current and Projected Financials a. Firm Capitalization b. Operational Costs Breakdown c. Balance Sheet d. Projected Profit and Loss e. Break Even Analysis f. Projected Cash Flow 7. Conclusion




1844 India st. San Diego, CA 92101

OVERVIEW JEA was established on November of 2012 in the city of San Diego in California by current owner Jose Escamilla. Although currently a small firm located in the heart of the city, JEA hopes to expand its services past the city’s boundaries and into neighboring counties and the rest of California, providing the state with a modern architecture of its own that takes into account issues of sustainability without compromising design or price. After fulfilling his architectural education at Princeton University’s School of Architecture and later on at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, Jose Escamilla continued to grow professionally and intellecturally for 10 years at various firms, including the renown SOM, HOK, and finally OMA. His experience in the field is highlighted by his 8 year tenure at OMA, where he was one of the leading project architects for the award-winning Miami Convention Center along with fellow JEA architect Gerard Otel. Hoping to expand on their success, product of their chemistry and leadership, JEA will foster a working environment whose collaborative effort will provide San Diego with a fresh, innovative perspective. Now, what sets JEA apart? JEA’s work ethic and philosophy is a combination of different elements. JEA will strive to become a part of the community in order to fully understand what it will entail to practice architecture in the city of San Diego. We believe that architecture is of the people and for the people. As a result, JEA will seek to consistently provide architecture that is not only harmonizing but also satisfying. Additionally, JEA designs with sustainability and building performance as a top priority. These elements go hand in hand and JEA will seek to produce long-lasting and efficient architecture that will take advantage of the beautiful San Diego climate while working in conjunction with our clients’ needs and priorities. Finally, as a Tijuana native, Jose also grew up in the San Diego community. Even throughout his studies and work endeavors post-graduation, Jose always kept in touch with the community while paying close attention to the community’s needs, overall development, but more importantly, how these needs developed over time. In other words, while JEA might be a newcomer to the city, the city will not be a newcomer to JEA. And it is this what makes us extremely excited and eager to expand our services in San Diego, both with small and larger scale projects. It is a community that we understand and a community that, as we continue to explore the city’s current and future needs, we will help continue to move forward.

SERVICES JEA’s services currently fall under the following two categories: ARCHITECTURE One of JEA’s core beliefs is that listening and collaboration are the key to a successful project. While collaboration begins within our office, it is a concept that we carry with us throughout the life of a project, from the earlier Pre-Design, Schematic Design, and Design Development phases all the way through Bidding, Construction, and Close-Out. JEA will provide its clients with state-of-the-art architecture that is delivered in time and within the budget. With a team of LEED certified architects, JEA places an emphasis on sustainable design to mitigate a building’s footprint on the environment but ultimately to also save our clients money through the buildings’ improved performance.

Miami Beach Convention Center, OMA

INTERIOR DESIGN In addition to architectural services, JEA will also provide high-quality interior design, seeking to set ourselves apart from the competition based on the awe-inspiring experiences we can create through interior design. We believe a building’s interior is what truly defines a spatial experience and as such, we are committed to the highest standards of design. As always, our collaboration with the client will be of utmost importance in order to deliver interiors that truly satisfy and harmonize with the rest of the building, thus yielding a fuller, richer project.

Miami Beach Convention Center, OMA

Upon expansion, JEA hopes to increase the scope of its services to continue to suit the needs of the San Diego and neighboring communities. The life cycles of these types of projects are as follows:

Graphics = 4-6 weeks Interiors = 6-8 months Architecture =1 yr (min), 5-10 yrs max

KEYS TO SUCCESS JEA has compiled a list of some key factors that we consider will be essential to success: Marketing extensively to current and past acquaintances as well as within the San Diego community Continuously attend community meetings to increase firm’s presence, stay updated with community needs, and build trust with the community Staying in close contact with our clients after project completion, not only to maintain a positive relationship but also as potential sources of future work / leads Working together with local groups to set up events that can benefit the community, the organization, and help us build community presence Staying current with our website and social media presence, constantly updating both with projects, articles, and other relevant information Maintaining a collaborative and motivated staff by creating as well as an efficient working environment Carry out continous demographic analyses to stay updated with trends within the city and the rest of our markets Pursue joint ventures / collaborations to expand the scope of our work, gain experience, and expand our presence




1844 India st. San Diego, CA 92101

MISSION STATEMENT JEA believes that great architecture is that which satisfies both the client and the community while simultaneously adding something to the context in which it sits. As a result, while staying within the budget and deadlines is always a priority, we never compromise quality, user satisfaction, and urban integrity. We seek to produce architecture that reflects our passion, but most importantly, the client and users’ as well. To achieve this, we approach each project according to its particular needs. This approach combined with JEA’s experience in the field and the expertise of each one of our employees is what allows us to deliver our clients with a very unique piece of architecture that results in the highest quality response to their needs. Finally, JEA believes that sustainable and energy-efficient architecture is the future. We are qualified and prepared to take on these design challenges and are determined to implement solutions at various scales--commerical, residential...locally and internationally--that will allow both JEA and our target communities to grow.

VISION STATEMENT JEA’s vision is to become the leading architectural firm in the city of San Diego, working towards meeting the city’s needs in the following years and working together with the city’s agenda to revitalize the city’s architecture. In addition, JEA hopes to expand its services to the rest of California, particularly in the cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco, within the next 5 years. It is also in JEA’s plans to start providing their services to the rest of the United States within 10 years, expanding to markets with similar needs once we gather enough experience. Yet, the San Diego and California region will always be our priority. Finally, JEA plans to reach out to neighboring city Tijuana within the next year, for we believe that this is in line with JEA’s desire to constantly take up new challenges in order to test new ideas that will ultimately help us grow.




1844 India st. San Diego, CA 92101

OWNERSHIP Currently, JEA is set up as a sole proprietorship firm, with Jose Escamilla being the sole owner. However, as we continue to grow, JEA envisions the possibility of this changing by developing potential partnerships within the firm. Yet, current owner Jose Escamilla will always maintain at least 51% of the firm’s shares. Finally, JEA also envisions having employees acquire shares of the firm based on merit in the future.

OPERATION At JEA, we focus on always keeping an open mind and communication--elements we believe work successfully in tandem with each other. We believe that while projects certainly help a firm grow, true growth occurs from within the firm when individuals are consantly motivated to collaborate and passionate about what they do. We foster a community environment because we believe that the work atmosphere and our employees’ happiness is one of the most important keys to long-term success. JEA is committed--to the client, our community, and to our practice.

Jose Escamilla AIA | LEED AP Principal 619-608-2492 EDUCATION 1991—1995 Princeton University—Princeton, NJ Bachelor of Arts with concentration in Architecture 1997—2000 Harvard University—Cambridge, MA Master of Architecture PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1995—1997 Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP—New York, NY Intern Architect 2000—2004 Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum—St. Louis, MO Project Staff (2000 – 2002) Project Director (2002 – 2004) 2004—2012 Office of Metropolitan Architecture—New York, NY Project Staff (2004 – 2007) Senior Architect (2007 - 2009) Project Manager (2010 - 2012) 2012—Present Jose Escamilla Architecture, JEA—San Diego, CA Principal (2012 - Present) 2013—Present University of California, San Diego—San Diego, CA Professor in the Architecture-based Enterprise Systems Engineering Masters Program

ORGANIZATION JEA takes pride in its staff. We are a firm whose values and philosophy is a sum of what each member brings to the table--a true effort of collaboration. The following individuals are members that will be essential to JEA’s development and expansion during its first years. LEONARD CAPRI | AIA / LEED LEAD DESIGNER Long-time friend and multi-award winning architect Leonard Capri will act as the firm’s lead designer in conjunction with Principal Jose Escamilla. A graduate from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, Leonard carries with him 15 years of experience in both architectural and interior design. He was a key player in BIG’s West 57th residential project in New York, recipient of multiple design and LEED awards. SOPHIA GERRIE | AIA / LEED SUSTAINABLE DESIGN EXPERT A San Diegan native, Sophia brings the unique perspective that only a true native can bring. Having completed her undergraduate studies at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo’s Architecture program and her graduate studies at University of Pennsylvania’s Environmental Studies program with an emphasis on sustainable design, Sophia provides JEA with the edge it will need to deliver the highest-quality sustainable solutions. GERARD OTEL | AIA SENIOR ARCHITECT Gerard worked with Jose on multiple projects while at OMA. Together, they led the multi-award winning Miami Convention Center to great success, including numerous design awards. Known for his visionary design projects, Gerard’s 20 year experience in the field makes him one of the most valuable team members. Before OMA, Gerard worked on numerous private home designs--expertise that will help JEA succeed in the housing market.

FIRM STRUCTURE Public Relations

Graphic Design Book-keeping Principal


Project Manager

Project Manager Project Architect


Project Architect

Project Architect

Project Architect

Junior Architects As JEA expands, the staff size will expand accordingly to continue to maintain the same high quality of work within our projects without compromising manageability. However, JEA will not exceed 50 employees at any given point for we believe that efficiency is maximized in teams of 7 members or less.




1844 India st. San Diego, CA 92101

MARKET ANALYSIS San Diego is the 8th largest city in the United States and one of the fastest-growing cities in the nation. Known for its year-round sunny climate, is population is currently growing and building permits (which make up over 10% of the total building permits in California, ahead of San Francisco and tied with Los Angeles) are increasing to accomodate for this. More importantly, the city’s current economic thriving will pave the way for the city’s upcoming architectural expansion. San Diego’s beautiful weather has also been taken advantage of when concerning the city’s future. Currently, San Diego sits 2nd in the nation in Solar Installations, showing the city’s interest for a more sustainable architecture in years to come. Sustainable solutions will be quintessential when renovating and replacing existing buildings, modernizing the current urban fabric to adapt to the needs of the 21st century. As a starting point, we have three immediate markets. However, our goal is to quickly expand our services to the rest of the city’s counties within a year. While we will certainly pursue ventures throughout the city, the following areas have been selected for their particular characteristics, which we believe effectively reflect the city’s demographic possibilities. They are as follows:


La Jolla is currently home to a variety of business sectors, among them luxurious dining and shopping but also software development, bioengineering, finance, real estate, medical practice, and scientific research. A recent press release by the City of San Diego has indicated the city’s interest in expanding its infrastructure to accomodate for the city’s future development as an even bigger center for scientific research. Led by UCSD, the Salk Institute, and the Scripps’ Institution of Oceonography and Research Institute, the area is already home to world renowned research centers . Finally, the area is also home to high-end housing, which trends show will further continue to grow as the number of retired citizens increases within the next decade.


Downtown San Diego is the cultural, financial, and business center of the city. While the current demand for new apartment buildings as well as renovations of existing buildings certainly highlights the area’s current architectural needs, the upcoming expansion of the San Diego Convention Center should not be overlooked as an indirect source of future work in the market. Estimated to generate over 3000 construction jobs, the revamping of the city’s main cultural center has potential to generate a wave of similar projects in the surrounding area.


Finally, JEA envisions pursuing projects in Tijuana in the nearby future. As Jose’s native town, Tijuana has potential to act as the gateway to JEA’s goal to expand internationally within the next 10 years. Initially, however, we will seek out to collaborate with other architects and slowly make a transition into full independence for projects. We believe that the contrast in the market, while still being immediately next to San Diego, will allow JEA to grow as a practice, helping us expand our experience, philosophy, and most importantly, our reach.

COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS We classify our main competition under the following 3 categories: IDEA FIRM Our first competitor is the idea firm. These firms tend to depend on a single personality and a very particular set of people. In addition, their reach tends to be worldwide for they tend to cater to a very educated clientele. We are most likely to face competition from these firms at the design competition level. However, these idea firms could also pose successful partners for joint ventures, either for competition purposes or for full projects. SERVICE FIRM Service firms often tend to be members of multiple groups, such as the chamber of commerce, that often become one of their main sources of work. In order to stand out among these service firms, JEA will need to continuously market within the numerous communities these service firms form a part of. In addition, we face stiff competition from these firms financially, for their budgets tend to be lower due to their more generalized design. As a result, JEA will have to constantly keep competitive fees and must be able to adapt to budget differentials quickly, but without compromising quality of design or services. In the end, it is the more specialized and detailed services--our craft--that will distinguish JEA from the service firm. SPECIALTY FIRM Specialty firms are perhaps JEA’s greatest competition due to their massive expertise in any given area. As a result, the scope of a project will be key when dealing with specialty firms. When possible, JEA will seek to partner up with complementary firms in order to be able to fully compete with specialty firms, particularly with larger scale projects. In addition, consulting arrangement will be essential in order to further expand our immediate areas of expertise and be able to more fully fulfill the needs of the client.

OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS As already outlined in our market analysis, San Diego is about to go through an exciting phase of economic development that will call for architectural interventions in order to accommodate such expansion. However, in order to stay current on the latest opportunities, JEA will rely heavily on communication with numerous figures, among them: 1. Realtors 2. Contractors 3. Politcians 4. Past clients 5. Consultants 6. Other firms JEA will also seek to constantly attend particular community meetings or events that could result in leads.

STRATEGIES + TACTICS JEA hopes to expand its presence, locally, regionally, and internationally, through a diverse set of strategies. By using different mediums, JEA will be reaching out to as many people as possible in order to create various networks that can help publicize our name through word of mouth. In addition, these tactics are not single-use, meaning, JEA will constantly, but moderately, keep its presence updated through email and mailing lists as well as through our website and social media. LOCAL REACH Community Meetings: Member of Groups Publications in Local Newspapers REGIONAL REACH Market Research Demographic Analysis Attending events + conventions/shows INTERNATIONAL REACH Website Social Media Publications Lectures Competitions Joint Ventures JEA hopes to take advantage of its proximity to the city of Tijuana, Mexico, as a gateway to expand its services into the rest of the country, and later on, Latin America. Tijuana, Jose’s hometown, will be another market to consider in the neraby future. Pursuing joint ventures with distinguished Mexican architects, as well as reaching out to important publications in the country, will be some of the tactics JEA will use to expand into the Latin American market.

JEA is currently working towards setting up 3 opening events in order to increase our presence in the community. These will be subsidized by the organizations themselves.

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO As a current faculty member at UCSD’s graduate program, JEA hopes to use this as an opportunity to opening new doors for collaboration projects with upcoming research projects or any architectural endeavors with current faculty. Furthermore, this publicity would extend to current students but more importantly members of the La Jolla community. A lecture regarding our philosophy as well as our past and current work followed by a reception and dinner with questions and answers would allow us to let the community who we are as well as allow us to interact with them at a more intimate level.

NEWSCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN Like at UCSD, this opening event would allow us to interact with university professors, architecture students, and other people within the field. Given its more central location--in downtown San Diego--we would like to expand this invitation to people directly involved in the business, such as contractors, realtors, among others. Finally, the central location would also allow us to start introducing ourselves in one of our main goal markets, downtown San Diego, and start meeting local businesses owners, community members, and other potential clients in the area.

ST. AUGUSTINE HIGH SCHOOL St. Augustine High School was Jose Escamilla’s Alma Mater and a place that was always about giving back. JEA has set up a lecture, followed by a reception and informal dinner that will allow parents, students, alumni, and nearby community members, to see what JEA is all about. We are working closely with the school to heavily publicize the event to current staff, students, and past alumni and potentially expand the event to other alumni in order to show what past graduates have done and where they’re at now, which will also inherently allow for further networking opportunities and potential leads.




1844 India st. San Diego, CA 92101

STRENGTHS Expertise in sustainable design and energy-efficiency Vast network of contacts in San Diego area from previous education and having lived there Multi-lingualism opens door to Hispanic markets Youth brings a new, fresh, and modern perspective Associations with Newschool of Architecture and UCSD grant us the upperhand in any future campus expansion projects

WEAKNESSES Current firm size limits the size and number of initial projects Currently dependent on savings and small projects’ revenue Well-established firms currently have a greater presence No finished projects in San Diego for reference Partially economically dependent on savings and other assets

OPPORTUNITIES Lack of firms who include energy-efficiency / sustainability in design Wealthy communities present opportunities for residential projects Economic growth in downtown area due to upcoming expansion of major buildings High need for new appartment complexes in downtown area Sustainability is a major element in city’s future agenda Downtown currently seeking to renovate multiple appartment complexes

THREATS Rising rent prices in current firm’s location Fluctuation of San Diego’s building permit allowance in the past 10 years Upcoming elections and a potential switch in city’s agenda and priorities




1844 India st. San Diego, CA 92101

FIRM CAPITALIZATION PAYROLL Principal: Project Architect: Draftsman: Junior Architect (2): Secretary/Bookkeeper:

$ 75,000/year $ 45,000/year $ 35,000/year $ 30,000/year $ 25,000/year


$ 240,000/year

($240,000) * (0.65 utilization rate) * (5) * (1/3 year) = $260,000 COST BREAKDOWN Actual Total Payroll Direct Payroll Indirect Payroll Profit Consultants Marketing + Promotion

$240,000/year * 1/3 year 65% of $80,000 35% of $80,000 20% of $260,000 30% of $260,000 5% of $260,000

= = = = = =

$80,000 $52,000 $28,000 $52,000 $78,000 $13,000




Remaining to support operation costs



OPERATIONAL COSTS BREAKDOWN 120 days Full year Employee Cash Benefits 13% Occupancy 25% Depreciation & Amoritization 13% Travel & Entertainment 8% Telecommunications 10% Interest Expense 5% Professional Legal Fees 4% Office and Computer Supplies 5% Professional Accounting Fees 3% Bad Debt Losses 2% Recruiting Costs 2% Consulting Fees 2% Professional Liability Insurance 3% Other Insurance 5% TOTAL 100%

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

$1,170 $2,250 $1,170 $720 $900 $450 $360 $450 $270 $180 $180 $180 $270 $450

$3,510 $6,750 $3,510 $2,160 $2,700 $1,350 $1,080 $1,350 $810 $540 $540 $540 $810 $1,350




Therefore, if JEA sets aside a profit of $52,000, we will be able to start up with a reduced nest egg of $208,000. In addition, we plan on negotiating with consultants and extend the paycheck deadline by 4 months, which would allow us to further reduce the nest egg to $130,000. REQUIRED REVENUE Technical Payroll Direct Payroll (80% of Technical) Net revenue/yr (Direct Payroll * 3.375) Consultants/year ($260,000 * 30%) * 3

= = = =

TOTAL, gross fee required = Required revenue (120 days) = Monthly capacity =

$210,000 $168,000 $567,000 $234,000 $801,000 $267,000 $66,750

MARKETING EXPENSES JEA has set apart $13,000 for marketing expenses during the first 120 days. The breakdown is as follows: Travel 25% = $3250 Brochures 12% = $1560 Entertainment 11% = $1430 Conferences 9% = $1170 Contributions 8% = $1040 Printing 7% = $910 Photography 5% = $650 Special Events 5% = $650 Memberships 4% = $520 Training 4% = $520 Public Relations 2% = $260 Advertising 2% = $260 Slides 2% = $260 Exhibits 2% = $260 Presentations 2% = $260 TOTAL 100% = $13,000

BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and Equivalents Accounts Receivable Work in Progress Investment in Joint Ventures Prepaid Expenses Refundable Income Tax

= = = = = =

$70,000 $140,000 $40,000 $3500 $25,000 $7000

Total Current Assets



Property and Equipment



Security Deposits Cash Value of Life Insurance Notes Receivable

= = =

$8000 $30,000 $5500

Organizational Costs (net of armortization)



Total Other Assets



Other Assets:




LIABILITIES AND OWNER EQUITY Current Liabilities: Debt due within one year (line of credit) Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Accrued Vacation Pay Accrued Payroll Taxes and Employee Withholdings Billings in Excess of Earnings Security Deposits Payable Taxes Payable

= = = = = = = =

$75,000 $30,000 $12,000 $8500 $15,000 $1500 $15,000 $20,000

Total Current Liabilities =


Long Term Debt






OWNER EQUITY (Assets less liabilities)



PROJECTED PROFIT AND LOSS Gross Fee (projected) Other Revenue (UCSD salary, publications, lectures) TOTAL REVENUE

= = =

$801,000 $80,000 $881,000

Consultant Costs NET REVENUE

= =

$234,000 $647,000

Direct Labor






Indirect Labor Marketing Labor Support Labor TOTAL OVERHEAD SALARIES

= = = =

$42,000 $13,000 $13,000 $68,000


= =

$27,500 $95,500

Promotional Expense Operational Expense TOTAL NON-PAYROLL OVERHEAD

= = =

$53,700 $153,200 $206,900

KEY RATIOS Overhead Rate Overall Utilization Rate Technical Labor Utilization Rate Support Salary Ratio Gross Multiplier Net Labor Multiplier Revenue Factor Profit Percentage

= ($302,400 / $168,000) = = ($168,000 / $240,000) = = (direct technical labor / total technical labor) = = ($25,000 / $240,000) = = ($801,000 / $168,000) = = ($647,000 / $168,000) = = ($647,000 / $240,000) = =

1.80 0.70 0.80 0.10 4.77 3.85 2.70 10%

BREAK EVEN ANALYSIS An estimated monthly revenue of $66,750 is necessary to break even, as shown by the monthly break even analysis below.


$20,000 $10,000 BREAK EVEN

$10,000 $20,000










PROJECTED CASH FLOW Cash flow projections are essential to JEA’s management, ensuring that we properly manage and distribute our workload to maximize efficiency while being able to deliver the highest quality service. Below is a diagram for the projected cash flow for 2015 based on 3 contracts for projects assigned to JEA. Project Name Jones Residence 13th & Market St. Apartment Renovation H&M Retail Store

Location La Jolla Downtown Mission Valley

Cost $4,500,000 $2,800,000 $1,200,000

Fee as % 10% 8% 8%

Total Fee $450,000 $224,000 $96,000

$100,000 $90,000 $80,000 $16,800 CD

$70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $7,700 SD

$40,000 $16,800 SD

$7,700 SD

$4,800 DD

$16,800 SD

$16,800 SD

$4,800 DD

$4,800 DD

$13,000 CD

$13,000 CD

MONTHLY CAPACITY $66,750 $13,000 CD

Contract 2 Contract 3 $52,500 CD

$52,500 CD

$16,800 CD

$30,000 $33,750 DD

$10,000 $0

$22,500 SD


$6,400 CA

$52,500 CD

$16,800 SD


Contract 1

$33,750 DD

$26,400 CD

$13,000 CD

$22,500 SD







SD = Schematic Design DD = Design Development CD = Construction Documents CA = Construction Administration $6,400 CA

$6,400 CA

$8,000 CA

$8,000 CA

$8,000 CA

$15,000 CA

$15,000 CA

$15,000 CA

$15,000 CA

$15,000 CA









1844 India st. San Diego, CA 92101

JEA is excited for this upcoming period of expansion. The future is bright and the possibilities are endless. We are motivated to excel in our field and quickly become the premier architectural field in the city of San Diego and, in years to come, California. We believe that your support will only make our task easier, allowing us to fully dedicate ourselves to every project. We are ready and determined to make a change. But more importantly, we are committed--to our community, our clients, to our practice, and to you. Respectfully yours, Jose Escamilla, AIA | LEED Principal, JEA





1844 India St San Diego, CA 92101 | 619-608-2492

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