Five Seniors Win Honors In Kappa Gamma Pi ...
Five members of the Senior class were elected to membership in Kappa Gamma Pi, the National Scholastic Activity Honor Society of Catholic Women's colleges. 'f.he students are chosen on the basis of a high level of achievement in scholarship, ,character, service and leadership. Miss Julie Carlson, a history major and education minor, is a graduate of Saint Catherine's Academy. At Salve Regina College, Julie has demonstrated her talents in the Spanish and art dubs. In 1955, she was chairman of vhe art show. Miss Eileen Flaherty came to Salve Regina College from Saint Xavier's Academy where she wrote a weekly column in the high school section of tihe Providence Visitor. Miss Flaherty's major field is mathematics and her minor is education. Miss Diane Silveria is a nursing student. She has belonged to Our Lady's Sociality for four years as well as to N. F. C. C. S. She was class treasurer in her freshman year and President of the Salve Regina Student Nurses Association during her senior year. Miss Silveria has also been active in the W. R. A. Miss Kathleen Sullivan, a nursing student, graduated from Saint Canherine's Academy. While at S. R. C., Kathy belonged to N. F. C. C. S., the Sodality, and S. N. 0. where she was vice-president in her junior year and in her senior year, senior delegate to the R. I. State Convention. Miss Loretta Verde, a chemistry major and biology minor has just completed her term of office as President of the Student Council. In her freshmen and sophomore years, she served as president of her class. Her activities include Sigma Rho, N . F. C. C. S., I. R. C., Sodality, and typist on ohe Ebb Tide Staff.
Mother Mary Hilda To Confer Honors, Hoods
Seniors To Sing Baccalaureate Mass
Baccalaureate exercises will open Class Day exercises for the Class of 1958 will ¡be held on May 23. on Sund~y, June 1, with Mass Loretta Verde will be Processional offered by the Very Reverend Marshal. Very Rev. Irving A. Irving Georges, O.P. in the college chapel at 11 a. m. Georges will give the Invocation. Seniors will march in procession The program will include the Class S ong--Gertrude Armaral, down the grand staircase to their Class History-Barbara O'Gara, places in the chapel. The BaccaClass Prophecy-Helgi Danjezek laureate Mass will be sung by the and Kathleen Sullivan, Class Will- Senior Class. A dinner for parents Jean Coughlin and Patricia Smith, and students will be served in the Class Ode-Dorothy Mahler. main dining room immediately Shirley Perry will deliver the after. Loretta Verde will be toast Address. Nancy Dupont will present the college banner to Ann mistress of the ceremony. Day of Recollection, officiated Connors, Chairman of the Freshby Father William Gallagher will man Class. Mother Mary Hilda will confer open at 9 o'clock for the Seniors. Honors and the Academic Hood. Their induction to the Alumni AssoParticipating in the planting of ciation will ¡proceed at 7: 30 p. m. the Class Tree will be Jean Coughlin, Dianne Silveria, and Bardiction of the Blessed Sacrament bara Balzano. The Seniors will conclude the will be given in the chapel by campus program by an Act of Con- Reverend Father Georges, assisted secration to the Sacred Heart. Bene- by Reverend Father Shea..
Salve Reginia College, Newport, R. I.
June, 1958
Bishop To Confer Degrees; Bishop Brady To Speak The eighth commencement exercises of Salve Regina College will be held June 2, at 3:00 p. m. on the terrace of Ochre Court. The exercises will be dedicated to His Excellency, Most Reverend Russell J. McVinney, D.D., L.L.D. in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of his consecration as Bishop of Providence. A tribute to Bishop McVinney will be given by His Excellency Most Reverend Matthew Brady, D.D., Bishop of Manchester. Born in Waterbury, Connecticut, Bishop Brady was educated at St. Thomas Seminary, American College at Louvain, Belgium, and St. Bernard's, Rochester. Ordained to the priesthood in 1916, Bishop Brady has served as chaplain of the U. S. Army, as a member of St. Thomas Seminary faculty, as pastor of St. Rita's Church, Hamden, Conn., as appointed defender of the marriage ,bond and promoter of justice, Conn. diocese, and as director of nhe Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Bishop Brady was consecrated Bishop of Burlington in 1938 and was appointed Bishop of Manchester in 1944. The Reverend John T. Shea, A.B., Marshal will lead the procession, following which Bishop McVinney will confer nhe degrees. Very Reverend Irving A. Georges, O.P., M.A., S.T.Lr., S.T.M., will extend the greetings of the faculty and administration. His Excellency Dennis J. Roberts, Governor, will bring the greetings of the State, and His Honor Henry C. Wilkinson will extend tihe greetings of Newport. Michael E. Walsh, Ed.D., Commissioner of Education will present professional teachers' certificates. The commencement activities will end with an address and benediction by the Most Reverend Bishop followed by the recessional.
'Jfie cdlll.01-t d?eo-e'"l~nd
!Bi1,hop <We c}fono'"l <you Your tenth anniversary as Bishop of Providence ... during those ten years, you have done much to promote growth and development . . . Salve Regina is grateful for your guidance . . . your presence at our academic functions has lent grace and dignity ... through your guidance, we have come closer to discovering our role as Catholic womenthrough you, we realize its significance and we possess a greater appreciation for this role ... we congratulate you on the glorious achievement of your ten years as our beloved Bishop . . . we pray that God may bless you with continued years of health, holiness, and helpfulness to all your children. ,1.d Mttltos Annas
Shields, Diane Silveria To Head Ball
Co-chairmen Joan Shields and Diane Silveria recently announced commit.tee chairmen for the annual Commencement Ball. These include: Barbara O'Gara and Carol Cannon, tickets; Loretta Verde, orchestra; Patricia Smith and Marilyn Soucy, refreshments; Anne Horan and Bavbara McAlear, programs; Patricia Crecca and Marie Robinson, favors. The strictly formal ball will be held in the Great Hall from 9 p. m. to 11: 30 p. m. on May 29. Music for the occasion will be under the direction of Tony Abbott. Patrons for ,the affair, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Shields, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Flynn, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Silveria, will form the reception line with honored guests Very Rev. Irving A. Georges, O.P., Rev. John J. Shea, and members of the college administration.
"Our Fair Ladies" Senior - Sophomore Production Theme Members of the Senior Class will have their last formal dinner with their Sophomore Sisters here on May 28. The traditional holiday meal will be served in the main Dining Hall at Ochre Court. The Class of 1960 will remember how tihey were treated to picnics and parties by their Junior Sisters last year. This dinner is but a small opportunity for them to reciprocate for the counsel and warm welcome which they received as incoming freshmen. The Sophomores will provide entertainment later at Mercy Hall.
Reflections From The Sea
To Our Graduates Congratulations and Farewell With Commencement come fond farewells and sincere wishes for happiness in life. To you, the Class of 1958, we, the undergraduates extend rhese. Some of us have been with you three years-others less-but all have enjoyed knowing you, working with you. It is with happiness that we say "Congratulations" and yet there is a note of sadness intertwined. When we return in September, we will no longer have the fun-loving crowd from Moore. We will have a new class-but it will not be the Class of 1958. To some, you were the sophomores during initiation week always popping out of uhe strangest places and requesting the most unusual things; and yet thanks to our initiation, we had a preview of all the fun and happiness we would have with you for the next three years. For the Class of 1960, you were the guides, the confidantes, the ones who knew the ropes and helped us to find the friendliness of college, the sense of belonging. The Class of 1961 viewed you first with awe. You had almost completed the road we had just begun to travel. Gradualiy this awe changed to friendship, and we, too, say "'!'hanks". Again we say "Congratulations" and the best of everything always to the Class of 1958!
Tulia Tudino '61 Receives Grant Awarded To S. R. C.
Invested with symbolic black She felt a surge of pride-restrained She glanced at the sea and wondered at its calm. Another tide in its turning Churned restless as she peered into its deptshs And wondered no longer She gazed then in sympathy with the moods of her sea. She saw its depths reflected now, Its star imprisoned in her ring. But the free will be free; And now, in penetrating light, She beholds the wide sea. Unbound in force, unknown in fury, unsounded in depth Her sea? For such a little while Was it hers-but now forever She leaves her love by the sea. But love lives on in memory And forever is such a short time.
-Carol Cannon Pat Dunigan, Chairman of Entertainment, is using the theme of "Our Fair Ladies" and is adapting words to the music of "My Fair Lady". Her committee will re-enact humorous incidents in nhe college days of the departing seniors. The graduating class will recall initiation week, their first visit to the Dean, semester exams, their ring ceremony, 0. C. balls, comps, and finally, graduation. Each senior will also receive a favor at the banquet, a small token of remembrance from her sophomore sister.
Fairfield Student Reg ion a I President At the regional congress in Boston, members of N. F. C. C. S. elected officers for the 1958-59 year. John Croak, former Family Life Commission Chairman from Fairfield, was elected to the office of regional president. From the College of Our Lady of the Elms comes the vice-president, Patricia Flaherty. Pat is the former Liturgy Commission Chairman. For the second consecutive year, Jim Ryan from Providence College will handle the region's finances. Joy Henderson from St. Joseph's College, Hartford, won the office of corresponding secretary, and Suzanne Marin from Anna Maria is the recording secretary. Anne Motte will succeed Carol Cannon, former senior delegate from S. R. C. and Pat Dunigan, travel chairman, will become junior delegate.
Sister Mary Anacletus, R.S.M., recently announced that Tulia Tudino, a freshman, is the recipient of the scholarship awarded to Salve Regina College by the L'Alliance Franr;aise de Paris on the basis of a competitive oral examination. Monsieur Blancpain, Executive Director of the Alliance Franr;aise, sent his sincere congratulations both to Salve Regina and to Miss Tudino on the honor awarded to both. Tulia is a graduate of Saint Mary's Academy, Bayview, where she was active in the Sociality and the French Club. At Salve Regina, she plans to major in French and minor in education. She is also a member here of the Sodality and the French Club. Tulia spends much of her time working in the library helping Sister Marie Therese. In June, Tulia will sail for France; classes begin in July. After her arrival, she will take a placement test to determine the courses she will take. L'Alliance Frarn;aise has planned various excursions to enable the students not only to view Paris, but also to see the wonderful continent of Europe. As one of her side trips, Tulia hopes to go w Italy to visit her brother who is studying medicine there. After graduation, Miss Tudino hopes to do work as an interpreter preferably for the United Nations. To her, we extend our sincere congratulations and say "Bon Voyage"!
Anne Motte To Edit REGINA MARIS Sister Mary Jean, R.S.M., recently announced that Anne Motte had been appointed editor of the 1959 R egina Maris.
Members of the class held elections to fill the remainder of the offices. Co-editor is Anne Carpenter; Business Manager, Deanna Mannix; Ads, Sheila Murphy and Dolores Petrarca; Photography, Rosa daSilva and Margaret Toomey. During the past year, Miss Motte, an English major and education minor, served as editor of the Ebb Tide and formerly had been fea ture editor. Anne Carpenter has had a variety of experience. At Saint Xavier's, she worked on the Xavier and the Xavie-rette and at Salve Regina College has contributed w the Ebb Tide.
A graduate of Immaculate Conception in Newburyport, Deanna was business manager of the Ebb Tide during the past year and contributed much to its financial success. Sheila is a sociology major nnd an education minor and during tihe 195 7-58 year contributed many editorials and feature stories to the Ebb Tide.
After graduating from Saint Xavier's, Dolores entered S.R.C. where she is a history major and education minor. Both of the girls on photography are education minors; Rosa is a Spanish major and Margaaret a sociology major. Rosa has served as class secretary this year while Margaret was Student Council Representative in her sophomore year.
Miss Myette '60 To Distribute Notes Betty Myette attended the talk given by Archbishop Richard J. Cushing on March 20. It was sponsored by the Parents' Council for Retarded Children and dealt with the mentally retarded. During the lecture Miss Myette took notes for the benefit of other students who were unable to attend. These notes came to the attention of Mr. Nathaniel Michaelis and Mr. Frank McEntee of the Council who requested permission to make mimeographed copies of the talk to be sent to interested persons. As a result of this endeavor, Betty's summary of the Archbishop's address has reached many parts of the country, including schools and colleges.
Senior Class Elects Leaders On May 4, 1958 the Class of 1959 elected class officers for their Senior year. They are Janis Miles, president; Edith Spooner, VicePresident; Patricia Woods, Secretary; B. J. Brennan, Treasurer; and Anne Carpenter, Student Council Representative. Janis is a math major. In her Sophomore year, she was editor of the Ebb Tide. This year she is associate editor of the paper and she is completing her term as secretary of Student Government. Janis is publicity director of the Glee Club. A transfer student from R. I. C. E., Edith came to Salve Regina in her Sophomore year. She is majoring in sociology and plans to teach upon graduation. Pat Woods is a sociology major and English minor and a member of the Art Club. B. J. Brennan is an English major and education minor. She is on the Ebb Tide staff. Anne Carpenter was re-elected Student Council representative from last year. She has made many poetic contributions to the Ebb Tide. Anne was class secretary in our freshman year.
Helgi Danjezek Wins Student Nurse of '58; Virginia Shaughnessy Receives Cluny Habit Miss Helgi Danjezek, '58 was elected Miss Student Nurse of 1958 at the first annual convention of the Rhode Island State Student Nurses Association. Having served as state president for 1957-1958, Miss Danjezek initiated the state convention as an effective means of unifying all members. It is with admiration and pride in her accomplishments that we congratulate Helgi and wish her every success in the future.
......... On March 19, Miss Virginia Shaughnessy formerly a member of the Class of 1960 was received into the Order of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny at their Novitiate in Newport. Her name in religion is Sister Saint John the Baptist. The work of this order lies primarily in the foreign missions. We extend Sister our sincere congratulations.
Seven Accept Nominations Three seniors and four juniors have accepted nominations for the honor of membership in the National Mercy Honor Society, Sigma Phi Sigma. Jean Coughlin, Shirley Perry, and Kathleen Sullivan, seniors; Barbara. Balzano, Jane Integlia, Janis Miles, and Anne Motte, juniors, were chosen on the basis of saholarship, fidelity and service to Salve Regina College and :to the ideals of Our Lady of Mercy, patroness of the Sisters of Mercy. Jean Coughlin came to Salve Regina from Saint Xavier's Academy. She has been an active member of Our Lady's Sodality and during the past year has served as Prefect. Miss Perry's major field is sociology, while her minor is English. She has spoken eloquently at various meetings of the Sodality, of which she is Vice-Prefect. Miss Kathleen Sullivan graduated .from St. Catherine's Academy. She is a member of the nursing department. Miss Balzano, recently elected Student Government President, is a transfer student from the University of Bridgeport. She was President of rhe Junior Class, and is majoring in sociology. Miss Integlia, a gradua,te of Rogers is active in the Sodality, and has just been elected to the office of Prefect. Both Miss Motte and Miss Miles are graduates of Saint Xavier's Academy. In her senior year, Miss Motte will serve as tihe editor of Regina Maris. Miss Miles is president of the incoming Senior class.
Miss D'Almeida Heads Class of '60 'the Sophomore Class held elections on May 7, for offices during the incumbent Junior year. The results were as follows: Miss Helena D'Almeida, Sophomore Class president, was chosen again by her fellow classmates to lead the class during the 1958-59 year. In her freshman year, Helena was secretary pro-tern and served ex-officio on all committees this past year. Miss Nan Kelly of Newport won the office of vice-president. She has lbeen an active member of the Glee Club for two years. Elected to the office of secretary and treasurer were the Misses Monique Geoffrey and Gail Fisher, respectively. Miss Fisher held this same position in the Sophomore class and is a member of The Ebb Tide staff. Miss Martha Lyons will represent the Class of 1960 as a member of Student Council. Miss Lyons transferred to Salve Regina from Rosemont College, Rosemont, Pennsylvania. ¡
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Greeting Cards for a// Occasions Religious Articles
Carol Reardon, Anne Smith To Co-Edit Ebb Tide Two members of the new staff It has been recently announced by Sister Mary Donald, R.S.M., that have also been announced. Anne two sophomores, Carol Reardon and .Motte, retiring editor-in-chief, will Anne Marie Smith will co-edit next take over the position of feature year's Ebb Tide. A slight change editor, replacing Dolores Matoes. Marie McCarthy has been chosen has been made in that there are coeditors, with the position of associ- as business manager replacing Deanna Mannix. ate editor omitted. The remainder of the staff will Carol Reardon for the past year meet with the new editors in the has worked on Ebb Tide lay-out. fall. Any girl who is interested in Ann~ Marie Smith, also incoming reporting, typing, or lay-out will president of the sophomore class, r,lease see Carol Reardon or Anne has worked on ohe paper as a re- Smith when classes resume in the fall. porter.
S. R. C. Holds
Students Elect
Baby Day
Barbara Balzano
On Wednesday, May 7, from rtwo thirtiy to five thirty, the doors of Salve Regina College opened towelcome the return of some of the graduates and their young children. Yes, this was another Alumnae Baby Day! About forty young ones milled about the Great Hall both fascinating and fascinated by the Sisters. To some Black habits are somewhat a"'.esome and strange. Gradually this wore away and the children never had a more delighted audience. Replies were received from graduates as far away as California, Puerto Rico, Illinois, Missouri Ohio, New Jersey, and New York'. The children present received little name tags and miniature medals of Our Lady. .No party would be complete w1nhout refreshments and this was :truly a party. Their eyes sparkled as they viewed the table laden with ice cream, cookies, and mi1k. Politely they waited until either the Sisters or their mothers brought their refreshments to them. ~rs. Patricia Sullivan Walsh, president of the Alumnae, was present and with four of her five children. Of all the Alumnae, Mrs. Walsh has the largest family. The youngest baby was the five week old son of Mrs. Maureen Oates Sweeney. Benediction celebrated by the Reverend Irving A. Georges, 0.P., chaplain, concluded the day.
On April 29, 1958 the student body elected its slate of officers for Student Government for the coming 1958-59 year. The Council is as follows: Baribara Balzano, President; Marilyn Sullivan, Vice-President; Alice Violet, Secretary, and Deanna Encalada, Treasurer. Barbara is exceptionally wellqualified to head the Student Council. In her sophomore year, Barbara was elected Vice-President of her class, and also chairman of the Sophomore Dance. As President of the Junior Class, Barbara played an active part in Student Government affairs. Her activities include: reporter on the Ebb Tide staff, N. F. C. C. S., and sodality. A~ a Newport day-hop, Marilyn Sullivan has been active in the sodality, a member of the Ebb Tide staff, and participated in various other activities here at S. R. C. She is a sociology major and a business minor. The newly-elected secretary of the Student Government is a home economics major and an education minor. Alice Violet resides at Marian Hall. British Honduras is well-represemed on the Student Council by Deanna Encalada who holds the office of Treasurer. Participation in activities on campus include being a member of the sodality and President of the Spanish Club.
Anne M. Smith To Lead Class The Freshm~n recently held elections for their Sophomore officers. The president, Anne M. Smioh, is a graduate of Marycliff Academy; she was Prefect of the Sodality and a me~ber . of the student government m high school. Anne hopes to be a social worker. Th~ vice-president, Peggy Cauley, was v1~e-,president of her class at St. Catherine's Academy, Newport, for two years. She was secretary of the class one year. Peggy would like to teach history. ~aureen McGillicuddy, the incoming secretary, graduated from St Jos::1;>h's Academy in Portland: Mame. She hdd class offices during her four years of high school. Maureen _is a Spanish major. Collectm~ money and balancing the budget is an old job for Judith Ready, treasurer, because she was treasurer of h~r class in high school. Judy would hke to go into interior decorating. Carolyn Do:"nes will represent the class agam on the Student Government. Carolyn, a graduate
EBB TIDE Published monthly by the stu¡ dents of Salve Regina College, Newport, R. I. Editor-in-Chief Anne Motte Associate Editor Janis Miles Feature Editor Dolores Matoes Lay-Out Carol Reardon Business Manager Deanna Mannix Proofreaders Earlene Mara Helen Fisser Reporters Carol Cannon Marilyn Sullivan Maureen McCabe Pat Dunigan B. J. Brennan Gail Fisher Donna Hurd Susan Hatfield Barbara Balzano Ann Bryan Lucille DiRobbio Marie Lazlo Ann Smith Dolores Poirier Judy Brown Sheila Murphy Maria Pezza Typists Gerry Condon Rhoda Brophy Alice Losardo of Bayview Academy, was an honor roll student
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