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ne a t Salve Regina is by the observance of ~e' s own r eligious, social, vidua l traditions. Added iate routine is a varied 1 1 e which fills t h e p recs w eeks with a combined r everence, joy, cha rity, I will.
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's party
Vol. 15, No. 2
Salve Re g ina Co ll e g e, Ne wport, R. I.
Ma rch, 1961
Jinxed Juniors Snowed Under; Look To April Saturday , February It was to be the date o f the Jun ior Sapphire Ball at Sa lve Regina College. R efreshm ents, programs and post-prom parry p lans awa ited in readin ess fo r t he e ve ning , but th e wea th er d d nor oblige. Beginning arou nd 3:00 a. m . on Febru ary 4 a snow stor m descend ::ci upon R hod e Isla nd proving ro be the worst "norrh easter路路 since 190 11. This r路esu lt-ed in a hecr ic day fo r the Juni ors and all those d irectl y con cerned w ith the Ba ll , since the rep orts fl uctu ated from the adam.uH asserti ons o f some of the Junio rs that the da nce woul d be held to th e H ighw ay D epartm ent's eq uall y adamant asserti on tl-:at the hi ghways were impassable .
!aria R egina Sodalit y's ~hristmas party for uneg ed children in N ewport f the most r ewarding of m's projects. All students ed t o share with the Soembers the joy of givin~ ibuting gifts of toys and for 30 young guests. At :y, h eld in M ercy Hall .h e second week of D eSa lve R egina's "fairy .ers " enchant the children pr ogr a m of delig h t s a nd ;, a nd a r e, in turn, amply :1 by the excitem ent and :s mirrored in the eyes of :le visitors. Wreath
(2 ) Cath y Foye , Ma ry He al y, Came le Ma ncini won d e r, " Will a plastic bag keep it 'ti ll Ap ril?"
Bur the sp iri ts o f th e Class of '62 refuse to be dampened. U nder rhe :ead ;o rship cf P'lt Sil va, P resid ent, the g irls look ro A p nl for the fulfill. ment o f th eir Sapph ire Ball dreams. Ap ri l 22 is rh e dare new ly-proposed for the Ball and o n Apnl 2 1 ~ a casua l "N ebbish " them e-d ance is sched uled ro he lp the Jun iOrs ratse fun ds for their yearbook. T hi s w ill be opened to the who le college. T he B:!l four co mpany is also o bl ig ing by promi sing to engrave the mi ssing dares on the rings. {1) " Thi s is what we wou ld have wo r n", soy Ba rbara Gor man, J e a n Pe tti ti , a nd Joan 0 Brien. 1
The conse nsus of opinio n fi nall y cam e to a head arou nd 2 :00 p. m. however, and the rea li ty had to be faced- the Sapphire Ball was c:tncelle d -the first dance to m eet thi s fate in the hisrory o f the college. But this was not the beginning o f the Juni ors' troubles. P rev ious w the danc ing d ilem ma of the g irls, it was d iscovered at their ring lin in.:; that the d:tte o f grad uat ion was o mi tted from the rin gs.
Salve Sponsors Missionersi
Boston Hosts I. R. C.
Seniors To Work In South
At the rece nt N ew Engla nd Reg io nal Conference o f I. R . C lubs Cathy Foye, a Juni or was el ected R eg io nal Vice Pres ide nt fo r rh e So u t h eas t e rn M assac husetts ~ nd Rh od-e Island Di srri cr. T he con fe rence was he ld at rhe K e nmore H otel in Boston o n the wee ke nd of M arch 3 ro 5. N an cy Leo nard, D owthy Du tra and Car heri n~ Foye rep r-esented rhe coll :"ge at t hi s m ee tin g. Th ey panicipa red in rhe g roup di scuss ions o n the vital subj-ect o f relat ions in Latin Ameri u . Som e of rhe speake rs and guests at the co nference wer-e Sra M arg<tri ta Macaya, the Costa Ri ca n dele gate to rhe U. N., l\ fr. Jameson o f the Stare D epart m ent Program o f H ousing and rhe Ass istant D ean -> f H arv ard U ni versity Law School who sp oke o n rhe Cuban rev olu tio n and the Bogata confere nce and alw four Lat in America n stude nts, one fr cm Pa nama, Pu erto R ico ~ tn d rwo fr om C ub.t.
Mary Langh orn and M arie M cCanhy ,. rwo mem bers of the prese nt Sen ior class, have ann ounced that they have volunteered for l:ty A postolare wc rk , soon after grad uatio n. Mary, Salve Regi na's Sru dent Body P reside n t. will leave shortly after gr :1d u <~ri o n to do ca teche ticai or parish cens us work in N orth Carolina . Marie , a H o me Eco nom ics ma Jor, is l1eaded for New M ex ico or Texas for teac hing. M ar ie plans to begin her m iss ionary work in September. Thes-e g irls wil l be p ioneers for the lay A po sw late movement fro m Salve R egina Co llege, answeri ng the ap peal made by Siste r J ohn of R eg is Coll-ege last year at a school assembly 13c rh ~1re engaged in :tcrivc memb:> rshi p in rhe M issio n U n it on campus. R osemary H yde heads th is group as Presid ent and Siste r M:t ry M arr h.1, R.S.M. is its moderator.
olemnity of th e Advent s k ept in f ocus by obthe cer emony of lig hting ren t Wreath. B eginning ~ f reshman cla ss on the 1day evening, each group :s in the Great Hall to ~ week with the simple, ve prescribed pra yers and th e ca ndle which symhe coming of the L ight orld . The Advent Wreath 1a l b eauty is fashioned ented by Home Economnts. ;h t procession
Pa tr icia Silva , Juni or C la ss Pres id e nt, rece ives he r ring o t a n nual cere mony.
Juniors Receive Sapphire Rings At Traditional College Ceremony Th e annu al R ing Ceremon y of rh e Ju n ior Class was held on Friday , February .'\ in th e Grea r H all o f Ochre Cour t. Pa re nts of the J tlll iOt g trls were present ro see their da ught-e rs rece tve thetr class nngs from M other M ary H ilda, R.S.M . Th e Juniors then sang the class so ng, t he school Alma Mater, and recited a loyalty p ledge to Salve R egtn a. Stster M ary R osalia, R .S.M. e xplained th e signi fica nce o f the ring~ rhe R ev. Father lrv ing G eo rges, O.P. spok e o n the rol e of sy mbols tn . o ur. ltves, and M cther Mary H il da, R .S.M. asked the cl ass ro read th e B tble tn order ro l:: e::c m e bette r Cath olic wome n. M ary L:!ng horn , Pres ident of the Stude nt Body, gave a cong ratul arory spe路ec h ro rhe class. Pat Sil va, J uni or Class Pr.:side nr. expressed rl~ a nk s to rhe pare nts for their important rol e in th e co! lege career o f each g trl. !h.e Freshman Cl ass Pres id ent otTe recl co ng ratul ati ons o n behalf o f the Juntor s Fr-~ s hm a n Siste rs. Follo wing th e sp eeches, the Juni or Class and the ir g uests fil ed into the C hape l for the cel-ebra t ion o f Bcncdi cr ion. After the cere mo ny a tea was held in the main dining room for J uniors, the ir pa re nts, and the faculry.
;teful elegance of Salve's ing room is a n approprilg fo r the annua l Holly ,ay faculty members are u ests and are fe ted by 1d junior r esident s tuthe na m e of the s t udent ditional N oel fes tiviti es through the week in a ll halls. riately, t h e merriment ' feasti ng is replaced by solemnity as the s tuticipate in t he tra ditioncandleligh t p r ocession. .g in the upper ba lconies, garbed in caps a nd ld c a r r y i n g ligh ted roceed down t h e br oad 1ircase to t h e dark ened !. Highlig h t of the cerethe placing of a wax the prepared creche. r tra ditionally belongs esident of the student , this year , is Marie B e f o r e the creche, e lig hted by each class .o r epr es ent the homa g e ~ I nfant King by every inian . .rd - bound s t u d e n t s t hey share in the three Eve Masses w hi ch eli! R egina 's observan ce birt h.
y If
Controversial Comments "E mpty barrels make a lot of noise. " is an effective old saying, how true. The gripes on campus are supposed to be expressed in "Letters to the Editor" protesting the situations or at least desiring <:x plana ti c ns. Well , all though some letters come to us regarding various subjects, too few are written. This paper is for students. It is your means of expressing your likes a nd gripes on campus. The staff can do noth ing un less we are supported by the student body. If you want your paper to be an eHective instrument on campus, do something about it! Apathy is the bane of accomplishment. ·=··!··:··!··!··=··!··=··!··!··!··!··!··!··!··!··!··!··!··!·
Letters To The Editor
Dear Editor, H e w many rimes have we hea rd rea chers say "be origin al" or "why don't yc u write for the school paper ?" I wou.d like co know just how p eople expect anyone to be o riginal? A person has to follow cerra in laws and regulations in ord-er ro write e ither a t·e rm paper or an article for a school paper. If these laws are nor foll owed srricrly, the results are e ither a "0'' or ir is rewritten befor·e ir is printed. The result is rhar all papers sound rhe same; all articles sound as th ough they were written by rhe same person. What ever happened to "individuality"/ M ay I also say that I belie ve rhe first edition of rhe Ebb Tide was well wrirren e ven though ir was criticiz-ed by the J ournalism C lass.
Challenge' This is a word we have been hearing very frequentl y si nce rhe new President's e leccion. H e speaks of rhe cha llenges rhe peO?l.: o f rhe United Scares muse meet in ord er co ov·e rcome the problems of o ur ccu ntr y in rhe domestic and foreign areas. The probk:ms, and rh::: man y which ex ist on rhe loca l level, can be dea le wi:h if rhe American college srude nr has rhe cou rage co meet with what is, in my opin ion, the grearest * * * " chall enge facing him today: the coura.g e to rake an active parr in partisan politics. Editor's Answer: H ow many of us have heard p olicies re fe rred ro as "rorren," "dirry," Concerning re-writte n art icles, rh e .rtttjf imposes no res:ricnons 0:1 "croo ked "/ H ow many have bee n guilty of referring to politicians, :~nd subject marrer bu t on ly on sry J.e. Many of our writers have bad t: J politics in ge nera l, in just such a way l If p olicies is "rotten,'" "dirry," or previous journalistic experie nce and ir is necessary ro "refin ish" their "crooked", ir is rhe p eople who are to blame. The people who lnve arricles. rderr·ed co poli tics in such a manne r have actually been calking abour Concern ing term papers, a standard form must exist if the reas on the mselves because in a democracy rhe people determine how and by fo r a term paper is to be realized . If no such form existed , then individual wh Dm rh e gove rnment is ro be run. style would determine mu ch o f rhe pupil 's grade, and srudenrs not gift.~d Are the co llege students of America doing their p arr to see rhar the in literary expression would be judged unfairly. governmenr is being run by rhe people mosr ca pabl e of running it? In my opi nion they are nor! They are nor me rely because of a fear of e n•Y.• * * * * * gaging in partisan policies. They are afraid o f rhe "stigma" which may be placed upon rhem. Dear Editor, Ju st ro eire an exa mple, I shall rake a small commun ity in Rh ode 1 am very much interested in finding our ex,lctly how th·e stude nts Island with a population of approximately 8, 500. In this town rhere were fift-een positions co be fill ed from mayor ro sewer commiss ioner: all of selecred for the dean's list are chosen. Unlike other coll·eges at~d unithem very imporranr in the funcrioning o f the town. From rhe list of versities which determine th eir dean's list by a set point mark , 1 und-e rrh irry candidates, fi fteen from each parry, rhere was o nly ONE college stand we do nor have a standard grade whi ch indicates o urs and I think man. l am su re there are m any sim il ar examples throughout rhe counrry. this is unforrunare because, if a student knows exactly what grade he Considerin g rhe above face, and combining ir wirh the conclusions o f must reac h ro attain dean's lis t, he will work hard co rea ch this god man y d iscuss ions with other college srudenrs on rhe subject, I fe el safe H owever, if he kn ows rhar due co rhe many exc·eprionally supe ri o r ~ru in say ing rhar the American col lege graduate has lacked rhe COURAGE denrs, he has no p oss ibility o f being on rhe de:~n"s li st, be loses this co participate in the running of rhe government. College students should extra initiative to work. be interested enough in the ir country to tlcliz •e!y enjoy rhe privilege of 'll' participating in rhe running of ir. * * Poli tics is there calling or inviting us defiantly. Ir is gtvmg us a CHALLENGE. Le e us have rhe courage co accept this challenge so Editor's Answer: eff.ecriv ely that rhe "stig ma" of being a p oli tician may be erased from rhe Our d ea n's lise is determined by selecting rhe cop t·en percenr of Am eri ca n way of thinking. each class. To our kn owledge, this has always been rhe manner of choosing rhe candidates for this honor since rhe esra blishme nr o f rhe BY P ETER MACDOUGALL college. As far as rhe justificat ion o f chis m ea ns of selecrion is concerned, Stl!(/ent Sentlle Pre.rident we, as rhe editors, reserve comm·enr. The reason for chis is rhar rhis subC/a.r.r nf !C)(il. U. R. I . jeer falls under rhe jurisdiction o f rhe hculry and administ ration. Therefore, our on ly comment wo uld he a suggesti on to refer your question to rhem, since they a lone are in positio n to answer ir.
HAvE Gown w,·ll
-~ ~~
TrA v t/ tl:t.C....-
Important: Noti ce to Owne rs of Popu la r Ski Resorts. If Jcsirous Df snow for any occasion- consult Juni or Class.
Dean 's List Seniors Ann Mari e Doolan M arcia Fenn Mrs. Srephano Tuli a Tudino Judith Brown Marily Fonres Mary Langhorn Earle ne Mara 1vfauree n McGillicuddy Mary Murphy J ea nne Baggor Mary Lou Fox Carol Giles Dororhy J ones Juli e K ehe w Nancy Lally Carme la Ricci
Brenda Phelan J ane Skiffington R osemarv Hyde Ann Kelley Mrs. Patric ia Nagle S. M . Ignatius Ann Marie Smith julie tte DiCol a
} mzinrs Lorraine H ennessey Mary Carol King Patricia Silva Eileen Jennes Mary Castro Paula Blais ( Cr,Jdiuuetl
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:r 1962
ne a t Salve Regina is by t he observance of :;-e's own religious, social, vidual t r aditions . A dded ·iate routine is a varied 1 I e which fills the preLS week s with a combined rever ence, joy, charity, l will. 1
Student Center Makes Big Hit On Campus; Day-Hops
(1) Th e smiles of Cathle e n Morr issey, Virg inia McG inn and Alice Tadd e i se em to e xp ress the ir fee lings about th e Ce nte r.
The m osr popul ar pl ace o n campu s no wad ays is rhe new Srud enr Cenrer. The Cenre r build ing h;JS bee n recenriy reno vared a nd has been painred a p ale beige inside. The c ha irs and rab ies in rhe Ce nrt r a re aluminu m w irh red covers, whic h b l·e nd we ll wirh rhe resr o f rhe sur· rc un di ngs. T he m ain secri o n o f rhe build ing is occ upi ed by a cm11uer and a very co mpacr ki rc he n. This S·ecr io n is ·eq uipped wirh a sro ve, a large ref ri geraror, a cabine r- (or frap pe-if you p rtfe r ) mi xer, a coffee se rver, ~nd m an y orhe r m odern and effi c ie nr resraura n r co nven ie nces. T he Srud enr C eme r is open fro m 9:3 0 in rhe m o rning unril 10: 00 ar ni ghr. Ir is very ra re ly wi rho ur c usrom e rs a nd is hea vi ly pop ulared dur ing fre-e pe ri od s, and ·espec ially a r noo n· rime. The coffee a nd oc her "spec ialr ies" o f rhe Cen re r are hi g h ly ra red o n campus. So me o f rhe p roduces o n rhe me nu in cl ude fr·e nch -fries, hor-dogs, hamburgers, ca biners,
ice cr·ea m, coffee, mil k, p as rry, and m any o rhers. The laresr ad d irio n 1s p izza whi ch also com es hi g hly recommended. T he Cemer is an imporra nr p arr o f rh e social side o f the co llege. ! r has g i v·e n rh e sr ud enrs a p lac·e ro bring d ares fo r an a fre rn oo n or ·e ve ning w rhar rhey m ay m eer rhe ir fr ie nds and enjoy a hot c up o f coffee. l r has p rcv icled a pl ace fo r srucle nrs ro m eet berw ee n cl asses o r afrerw a rds. H c wever, p erh aps rhe mos r imporra nr rhi ng rhar rhe Cenre r has do ne has c :: en ro uni re rhe day -hop s and rh e reside nr srud enrs. Pre vi o us ro rhe Cenrer, rhe college lacked a pl ace wh ere rhese rwo g ro ups co ul d co n ve ni·en rl y a nd co mfor mbly ea r a nd relax rogerher. The re was a g rear I~·::•cd fer scm er hing ro bring rhese rwo rogerher a nd rhe Cenrer has clo ne jusr rhis. Th e C enrer is also appreciared by rhe day-ho ps beca use ir pro vi d·es rhem wirh a comfo rrable p lace ro have lunch ins read o f hav ing ro rush d ow n -ro wn . l r is appreciared by rh e res ide nrs especia ll y beca use ir g iv·es them a place ro carch a qui ck snack be fo re bed.
" Th e Ce nte r is rar e ly wi th o ut o cu sto mer/'
Lent Has A N ew Outloo k
Lect u res On Ball et
Death Of Laos Missioner Is Great Loss To World T he monrh of J an ua ry saw a grear loss ro rhe worl d. As a res ul r of rec urrin g ca ncer, Dr. Th o nus D ooley, fa med m issio nary ddcror of Laos, d ied ar rhe age of rhir ty- fou r. Yer, rhi s s·e lfless mi ssioner accomplished m ore in rhe sho rr rime rhar 1c had rh;t n m osr people cn uid ac,comp li sh in rwo li fcr imcs.
's pa rty
lfaria R egina S oda lity's :::hr istmas party for uneged children in N ewport f the most rewarding of m 's projects. All s t udents .ed to share with the Soembers t he joy of givin~ ·ibuting gifts of toys and for 30 young guest s. At ty, h eld in Mercy H a ll :he second week of DeSalve Regina's "fa iry 1ers" enchant the children program of delights and s, and are, in turn, a mply j by the excitement a nd ;s mirrored in the eyes of cle visitors. Wreath
Re now ned Da nce r "B,tli er was bo rn fa r be fore me n learn ed ro u ik. l r's rh e m osr b-::auriful arr you ca n Lmag ine. Madame Ann a Rojc add ressed rhese words roa n ass~ m b l y in M ercy H all o n Februa ry I . Spea ki 11g wirh a caprivar ing Y ugos lavia n accenr, rhi s in rer nar iuna l reac her, co nsu lram and cr icic o f rhc bailer em phas ized irs im po rn nce as o ne of rh e m a ju r arts. A frer rrac ing irs evolu rio n, she performed a p racr ica l de m o nstrario n of rhe ba li·er, show ing irs beau ry ,tnd simpli ciry. Dressed in a roya l b lu e sui r ;md bar, Mada me R oje affirmed her belief in a n Arn.e rica n ba iler R en<tissance.
Residents Mix
\'V'edn esday, Fe bru ary 15, m arked rhe beginning of rhe l.e nre n Seaso n. T he new o url ook o n Le nr regards do ing posirive rarh er rhan negarive ac rs ro receive rh e fu ll be nc fi rs o f rhis season. R arher rha n g iving up a ciga rerre, dai ly M ass, rhe srari[>r. s, o r a visir ro c hape l have m uch g rea rer va lue ro rhe col lege srudenr. Le nr is a good rim e ro pro ve rhe e rern al rru rh rhar "prayer can m o\·e mo umains".
Sa lve's C hee rle a ders: - Fro m left to rig ht: Nanc y Mann e lla , Virginia De iBe llo, Ruth Rog e rs, l ou ise Bou lay, J oanne Ru ggie ro, Sh e il a Carro ll, l o is Souza , Diana Bienia.
Dean Enjoys Recen t Trip "The bea uriful Rocky M o un ra ins surro und ing rhe ciry of De nve r a re awe·in spiring. I r was a wonderfu l exper ience ro observe rhar lirrle bi r o f rhe Grear W est for a short rim e." Th is was rhe impressio n o f Sisrer M ary Rosal ia, R .S. M ., Acade mi c D ea n, upo n he r re rurn fr om a visit ro rhe \'<! es r w hi ch las red fro m J a nu ary 7 ro J a nuary 13. Befo re rrave ling ro Co lorado, Sisrer sropped in Omaha, Neb raska, w here she v isire d wirh preside nrs a nd dea ns o f or her M e rcy coll eges at rhe College o f Sainr M ary in Om aha. While in rhar ciry, Sisrer also had rhe o p porruniry ro rour rhe fam ed Boys Tow n. The m a in purpose o f rhis rrip was ro arre nd borh a co nfere nce of Acade mi c D ea ns and a m eer ing o f rhe Assoc iarion of Amer ican Coll eges. Th e principa l rop ic o f d iscuss io n ar rh e gar he rin g of dea ns was rhe curr iculum o f rhe libe ral arrs college. Whil e in D e nver, S isrer was also p resenr ar m ccr ings of the Gc ncr:d Adv isory l3oa rd o f rhc Sisrcrs o f M e rcy of wh ich she is a m e mber.
O ur Spo nsors Aqu idn eck Island Cre am e ry Cherry's Cliff Walk Manor Cotrel l & Leonard, Inc. Cran e Plumbing and He at ing Co. Egan 's Laundry Esqu ire Homes, Inc. Jack's Shoe Store T. J . Brown - Landscape rs Ma yflow e r Restaurant McCarthy Bros. Ice Crea m Co ., Inc . Thompson - F-orbes Ne wport Cre am e ry Ne wport Oil Corporation J . T. O ' Conn e ll , Inc . Ph e lan Florist Syl via Putz ige r Blaze rs Jane Toche r Sports Cloth es, Inc . Viking Hotel Gustave J . S. Wh ite, In c. W ilk inso n Press, In c. W ise man's Art Store
olemnity of t he Advent .s k ept in focus by obthe ceremony of ligh ting rent Wreath . Beginning ! fre shman class on the :J.day evening, each group ~s in t he Great Hall t o ! w eek with the simple, ve prescribed prayers a nd the candle w hich sym.he coming of t he Light 'orld . The Advent Wreath ml beauty is fashion ed ented by Home Econ omnts. ~ht
steful elegance of Salve's ing room is an appropri:J.g for the annual H olly .a y faculty members are ·uests and are f et ed by 1d junior r esident s tuthe name of the s tudent dit iona l N oel f estiviti es through the w eek in all h a lls . riat ely, the m erriment r feastin g is r eplaced by solemnity as the stuticipat e in the traditioncandlelig ht procession . 1g in t he u pper ba lconies, gar bed in caps a nd td c a r r y i n g lighted ·roceed down the broad !l.ircase to the da rkened I. H ighlig ht of the cer ethe placing of a wax the prepa r ed cr eche. ·r traditiona lly belongs esident of the s t udent '• this y ear, is Marie B e f o r e t h e creche, e lighted by each class :o r epresent the homage e Infant K ing by every inian. .rd - bound s t u d e n t s they sha r e in the three E ve Masses which eli~ R egina's observa nce birth.
11 11 .1.
Committee Heads Introduced Salve Holds Student Song Contest; Social On \Ved nesday. March ! at the
Club Director Judges Entries
S. G. A. M c-e·ting, D orot hy Dutra a nd Li z Mc Lo ug hlin were prese nted to th-e Student Body as the app o inted co-cha irmen o f the new So::ial Co mmit te-e of Salve Regina Col1eg-e. Th-eir term will last from Marc h 196 1 to March 1962. At rhe ne xt class m eet ings o f the r espect ive classes, rwo representatives (one resident and one d ay student) w ill be e lected w s·e rve o n the commi ttee. Dorey and Liz in an o utline of the ir te ntative plans ann oun ced th a t
Coming Events Attempting a song are Cathy Sullivan, Mauree n Kelly, Ro e le ne Mara, El eanor Hawkins, Carol Rourke, Carol Stone, Susanne Gibbs. Sea ted are Mary Coughlin and Ann Mary Sweeney.
It has been said rlut a s1ng ing college is th e sig n o f a happy college. True, we at Salve :ue happy, bur as we g l.tnce through uu r college handb ouk, the ne·d for more college songs i ~ ve ry apparent. \X1 ith the id ea of beg inning a new acti•: ity on ca mpu s which would have a very defmite purpose, M ary Llllgho rn has ini tiated the id ea of a song contest. Ellen Scully a nd Urs ul a Jaraz::wski, both Studem Co un cil members a re serving :tS co-cha irmen of the comest. l r is the ir hope that the stude nt body will be fired up with the e mhu siasm necessarv to m:~ke this contest a very succes'sful under tak ing. DEAN 'S LI ST ( Cou!i!lll {,d /1om Ptt)!,e
Charmte Fae!Lt Diane Ritc hi e S. M. Eucharista S. Marie \'\fa lter S.M. Emeria Joan O 'Brien Cecile Belisle Patricia M cCanna Sister J ohn, S.J.C. I re ne Pao nessa H ele n Shea Hel en Fu rtado Joan D ove S. M . The resa Agnes S. M . Adrie nne Virgini a Gonsalves S. Miriam J oseph
Claustro pho bia
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Ca 112.j2LU.
W ane scmething d o ne and d cne we ll , look for Ellen Scul ly : he n~w l y - e l ec r ed Presid ent o f the Fres hman C b ss and c ha irma n o f ;:he M ercy H a ll H ouse Council. El ll" n, a grad u,tt-e of Holy Cross Academy in Brc:Jk linc, co mes from D e dh am,
Juni ors Say " Than k You"
M ass. A po!itict! science major, she p lans to work in a U. S. Emb.1ssy ab road. Howeve r, she has m ~ ny or he r talencs. An ard·e nr fan of water sports, Elle n spends her summ er te.1c hing blind children to
The .Jun ior Class wishes to ex. . . press !tS appr:::uatJo n ro everycne wh :l d ::votcd rime and energy to the ill-fated Sapph ire Ball. W e esr:ec ia ll y would like to thank Sister M ary Phil emon, R.S.M . for her cffcrts in help i1tg us ro plan a bigge r .111d even berrer dance for April. r\ lrlwugh dis:tpp:l!nted about Feb. t, w:: ,t re .til lo:,kin g for11ard to April 22.
SW im. H er diligence and zea l in any th ing she undertakes a nd her wi ll ingness to help others has brought h er the afTecrio nate ni ck-1ume of "Ac·e". In the sho rt rime she's ocen here, Ellen has acqu ired m a ny fr ie nds am :mg b:nh freshm en and uppe r cl.tssmcn.
Bull etin
Cu rta iled
There's nu more pho ne b:l:Jot h pil e- up :tr M u \uley H a ll these d:tys. Sine:: the: new phone has b een pm in e n th e third noor, the wa iting line h,ts practically vanish ed. I t is n:;w possibl..: ro mak e and receive rh :mc c. tlis without sta mpeding to the booth.
M arie R ob inson M a rg uer ite \XI illi amson Patricia Bradbury D orot hy Ove rbury Geraldine Sousa M argaret \XIh alo n Doroth y Ka tz Ali ce Tadd e i Evelyn Sulliv,m Marilyn K e nn edy El a ine Thom.ts Elizabeth Med.e i rtlS Judi th Shanley Doreen Olivcir.t tCIJJlfiil!((d
Th e sr u ~l emo; are urge~i to jo in with th~ ir fr iends and classmates ro ccmpose ·e ithe r wurds and melodies or wor(h whi ch w ill properly f1t pre-com posed m elod ies. Alrhc ugh rhe main pur pose d this conrtst is to arouse sp1 n t on the c.un pus :md to meet the n~ed fer m ore campus songs. co m perici o n shou ld be aroused, as a trOl'!1y will he prese nceJ to the winnin g division. Since it is the desire o f Stud ent Cou ncil to mak e this con test an annual .tctiv ity, the trophy is ro be passed yearly bear ing the ne wly engraved inscript ion o f the winning cha m ps. Al l are urged ro attend the judging of the song enrries :tnd the prese ntation of the rrop hy. Gr:JUps o f arprcx imarely ten girls w!!l sing the so ng ·t ntr i·es for the aud ience. \Xfe pl edge ou r loyalty to Salve-"S,ty it with Mu sic'"
FHIDAY, MARCH 10-Sa lve R egina and Assumpt ion College: Jc inr Co ncert, 8:00 p. m. , Ochre Court FR IDAY, MARCH 17-N. I. T.l \XIEDN ESDAY , MARCH :28-Easter R ecess W EDNESD AY, :\.PRIL 1:2-Spring Fas hi o n Show SATURD1\Y, APR IL ] ) -Father D augh te r Dance FRIDAY. SATU!WAY, SUN DAY, APRil. 2 i , 22, 23-Juni o r W eeke nd FR IDAY, SATU IWAY, SUNDAY, APRIL 2~l, 30, MAY ]--Freshm en \X'e·ekend
CcngraruLttions to M oore H al l c:1 their winning the so ng contest.
a social calendar will be arra nged a nd a m ea ns will be devise d whereby boys, unfamiliar with the coll ege will be inrroduced co Salve.
Glee Clubs Present Joint Concert On Friday, March I 0 , the Glee Clubs cf Assumpti on a nd S:t!ve R egina Co' leges prese nted a jo inr con cert. The performance e ntitled, "So unds of Musi c", was gi ven in the Gr:oat Hall o f O chre Court at 8 p. m. Th e Glee Clubs are un der the dire ction of fr ederick Mirliani a nd C. Al·exander P eloquin, respecrive:y. The donati o n was $ 1.00. Among the numbers sung were ic c lu:~d "Deep Rive r" , a selection fr ::m P.ee rers ; a nd along a lig hrer \'·~ in, sc me songs fr o m the Broadway musica l "Sounds of Music" . Immediately preced ing the co ncert, a dinner was enj oyed by both Glee Clubs.
The sophomore class selected 2s the ir leader rhis year, Marie R obinson. Marie can be found in many places, the li brary, e ither studyi ng, he!ping som e struggling English major, or r e: ~ding magaz ines; the srudent union , or sometimes in her room-but only sometimes. A graduate of St. M a ry 's Academy, Bayview, she ser ved o n the Student Council th a t was ini tia;:ed rhere. She is an ex uberanr English m a jor and intends ro reach upon graduating.
One of Salve's basketba ll st:us, Marie also partakes in skiin g :~ nd sw tmming. H er favorit e pastime though is spendi ng weeke nds at Fordham Unive rsiry. P o pular with a ll her class ma tes, Marie sta nds out as a prominent and promiSing m ember of the Sophomore Class.
me at Salve Regina is by t he observance of g e's own r eligious, social, .vidual tradit ions. A dded ~iate routine is a v a r ied u 1 e w hich fills the preas week s with a combined ' r everence, joy, charity, d wilL i
White Cops
Party Marks Soph Nurses' Departure
Salve Assists N. F. C. C.S. Program; Formosa College Students Benefit The Nat io na l Federat io n o f C.uhli c College Srud ems has r ec·e ndy asked all irs m em b er col! ege s ro parti cipate in a n at io n wi de p ro gram ro aid rh e e recr io n of a university fo r Cat ho lic Co ll ege Students o n Fo r m osa. Sa lve R eg in a plans ro do irs p an th ro ug h a M ission U ni t Pro je cr whi ch is o rganizd w co lle cr se cond h:lll d bo oks. The Swde r; rs' R etreat w i 11 be held o n M arch 27 , 28, a nd 79 this year. R everend Fat hers Sch en i.::k and Y o ung w ill be t h e re rre;u m asters. A sc hed u le wil l b e posre d so:m sho wing e ach d :ty's acr iv it ie s. T o prov id e em en a inm em for .: 11, the soci.d co mmi ttee sponso red : n -
Port Hole Peeks Lind a and Peggy, wh at happened one M on day n ig h t in R oo m )? \'V'as it Schope nh auer · or is it t he sop ho mo res wh o bel ieve t hat supreme happ in ess co nsists in co mplete inertia ; ot her wise kn o wn as rhe latest so p hs· fad. Vegera t inr' M ary C. , it's a bout th ose crew nec ks. H e le n M ., b .: ve you ope n ed J11 :1 I;y ca r doo rs, late ly ? M ay I co mme nt o n t he ra t io n ing of appl esauce, Ia rely;; K ary D . of M oo re has bough ' ,t new b oo k ca ll ed . "T h e .'\rr o f Taking T e lep ho ne M essages". H av in g " t uxedo troub le", F res hmen ? "Hey , Ag n es. o n yo u fi ll us in <' n what h appe ned off rhe c o:~ st of Virg inia ' " M ay I co mm em o n t hose 'T une s of Gl o ry" ' in sre;td o f F r. b ud·e rch le.
fc rma l da nces e n J an ua ry 14 and Feb rua ry 4. R ep r ese nrar ives fr o m suc h d i v e r~·:: pl aces as Offi cer Ca nd idat e Schoo l, th e U nive rsity o f R h::d e Is la nd a nd P rovid e nce Co lleg e atte nded .
Staff Co- Editor.r Ma ry Caro l King
Jea n Bre nn a n
Ce~rto o nist
M ary T. C o ug hlin
Photo!!,rapber M a ry R ose Warburto n K ate Bur ke K at h lee n Be.tr : r Cualdi n e Cor; lc n Joan Cosg ro \'e R eg in a C urr in Elle n Dunph y .J e a n Ega n C h arl otte Fae lla Carher in·e Foye M auree n H o rr igCJ n Nan ~ y L:~ ll y N ancy Leomrd She ila M cCart hy Su za nn e M a il hu x R a·e len e M ara M a rga ret !vf ira nda lr·e n e P a ( mess ~t Peggy Ph eh n P at ri c ia Si In H ::le n Sh ea Tu lli a Tud ir.G
" Reel Dope" S in ger -a ::rress Dori s D:t y .lll d Brc .1d way sur R ex H arri so n comb ine ro m ak e "Midn ig h t Lace " a c c x-o(flce hi t th ro ug h o u t th e co un t ry. Prod uced by R oss Hu nre r, thi s sus re ns :: ful n;:: Jc dram a is set in m ::d ern -day Lo nd o n . a nd co-stars .J o h n Gav in of " Psycho " fame :t nd ve te ran ;;crress M yrn a L O)' · O th er in du c e m ·e n rs incl ude fu ll -sca le T ec hni m lor p r odu ct io n. exc it in g p h otog rap hy, Mi ss D ay's fa bu lo us wa rdrob e, an d a ne rv·e- ring ling surp r ise e nd in g.
S. G. A . President Attends Conference
N o lo nger d c·es w inter shed :1 ::lark li g ht upc n th e fas hi o n wor ki. Tl~·: seaso n cf 'GI brough t w ith it sh;!d ~ s to de li g h t rhe pale tte o f Van Gog h ; tweed mixrures o f heather blue and g ree n , sca rves o f she tl and , and Pendleton 's int rodu ct io n o f rl: e ne we st p laids in wo me n 's spo r tswear. Boo rs this ~eason are rhe id eal m ea ns o f trail -blaz ing. The y •1 0 lo n ger are hidd en un de r the snow bm L are p ro udl y wo rn as t he com ~ ple ri o n to th e fo ul we a ther ga rb. \'V' in d br ea k ers proud ly p res ~ nr colo rs array::d in bo ld to n es, mu te d shadings o r the li g h t pasrd s. Sn c w is last ing , m ay co lo r be roo '
The Glitter and the Gold Th·e biggest n ews aro und any g irls' ca mpu s no d o ubt s pa r k!es. Salve R eg in :t is no e xcept io n . O u r e min ent seni ors, Tu lli a Tudino. Cla ire Shann o n, Ann M ;: ;·ie D c:Jla n, M a uree n M cGillicuddy, J ud y R eady and Jane t Pe ll e ti e r ar rest that "di am o nd s are a g irl's best fri end ". Ge ra ld ine Po rad a, Ann Kin sell a a r' d Ph yllis Po nte, a ll J uni o rs agree. P:u Sil va wea rs an "a nchor" t hese d .tys while Ann O 'Co nn o r. a sopho m o re jc in s her. O the r "p in n ees" ? re T errv N ap p i.. K ar hi O w ::' ns, M aur e·e n Sh er ry. M argaret Veloza a n d Jul ie K e hew. A nd s:~y wh a t yo u w ill abo u t frr s''m :: n ad justm e nt, rhey ro o add ··: icr: :· a nd g o ld ro t he ca m pus. [hr: :~ ra Arr ud .1 sp :JrtS a d iamo nd , w hil e L e n or~ White , R osea n ne N e um a nn . Pam M o nri , Par Sperr'n i, T err i H us h :~ n d M ary Lee Paren re w ear p ins. T o ,Ji l---:c ng rat ul a ri o ns a nd lup pine ss1
M ary La ng ho rn , Student Gov ernm e n t Asso:·iar io n Pr·esid em att·ended the fi rst ann ua l Con fe re nce of Stud ent Bod y Pres id ents o n Sarurday, Februar y I I at t he U ni ve rsity o f Rh od e Isla nd. Peter Mc D ouga ll , U. R . I. 's Sr ud·e nt Sena te P res id ent cond ucted t he meeting. The p urpose o f the Co n fe re nce was to e xc hange ideas and o utloo ks on va ri o us sub jects concern ing m em ber college s. Thi s e xchange strives ro assist the coll eges in self- improv·e m en r :tn d in be ing aware o f wh at's going o n at ot her ca mpu ses.
Th :: EBB T I DF. has bee n offered rh e opp ortuni ty o f jo ining rhe l n-
Freshman Class Names Court Cotillion Heads
The Class o f '6.2 recen tly k ick eJ off pla ns for the ir Co u rt C or il l i r ~ n by selec t ing as C h ai rm an an d C ochairma n, Le nore \X' hire a nd Sa nclr:t N icos ia, respect ive ly. The tentat ive p lan s in vo lve w e ~ k end activities. as we ll :1s rh :: dan ce itself.
* Ginn y M mrc . P a m H an coc k. Mari e R ob inso n , Ma ry A nn La (h· ry and M a ure e n K e lly :m e nded the
Editor's Note rerco ll·egiar :: Press N ew s and FeaServi ce
Thi s
o rga n izati o n
N F CCS C o n fe rence a t E mm an ue l C o ll e_ge o n S:uu rday , Fe brua ry ! 8.
sends im po rt.tnl coll ege news to its va ri o us m em be rs. I r e nab les m e m -
We lcome Back, Seniors
l:e r coll eges to keep in fo rme d o f
" It's ni ce to b e o n ca m p us aga in ' " cx :· la im ed M ary Ann M cC:w g hc y a nd .J ane Skeffin gton , rwo ~e n io rs w ho s pem the fir st sem este r p ra ctice reach in g. T he swd r nr reache rs and the n u rsin g st ud ents re t urn ed to ca m r ~ us second se m es te r uni t ing rhe ce ni o rs ,ts a class o nce m o re.
rm p:.: n anr ca mpu ses.
happe nin gs
oth er
Th e Staff is interested in fi ndin g o ur whet h er th e st uden ts wo ul d li ke rhe EBB T l DE to be lo ng ro th is Pr :>ss Se rvi ce. If so, we requ est that ycu m enri o n the fact ro o ne uf rhc Staff m embers.
M on day, J. tnuary .23, the Sop homores g:uh ered at Mo :)re H a ll ro bi d a sad f.tr e we ll ro th e n urs in g st ude nrs in r!1e ir class. The Nu rses le ft after se m esre r break for P rov ide nce wh ere rhey w ill sp e nd rhe next two ye.trs wo rk ing in a hosp ita l as pa rr o f th eir train ing. M ar ie R o bi nso n , president o f rhe c lass o f '63, p resented each o f the nurses w ith a Mi ra cu lo us M eda l as a sm ,d l wk en fr o m th eir ci:Jssm at·es. "Carh :J ii c nu rse s t rad iriu n all y wear a sma ll M irac ul o u3 M eda l tucked in ro th e ir ca ps" , M ar ie expla ine d , " And it is our h ope th<J t yo u wi ll th in k fond ly o f yo u;· m :!n y fr i·ends back (; 11 campu s wh en j' tHI wea r ir. " Ca ke , ice cream . and sod a were ser ved Ltrer as rhe g ir ls charred 8nd exc hanged pro m is.es to wr ite fr equ entl y a nd ro vis it often . Al tho ug h at th e m o m enr it see m r cl as if t hey wo ul d ne ve r be back. th:: N urses w ill ret u rn ro cun pus once a week fo r cl asses.
" Chapin Chatte r" BY
A ge nera l "ch ange o f gu.1rd" ma r ked rhe o nse t o f t he s e m e s ~e r for us at C. \'. C. The Sen iors, g one fro m our midst, h:tve return ed to campus. whi le up from N ewpn rr cam e th e Sophomores ro co nti !l ue t heir srud y o f M ed ica l-S urg ical Nurs ing . E ve n th e J u n iors ha d a slight inte ma! shift w ith the P ed iat ri c and Obs te tr ic g roup s excha ng ing pl .tCes ro comp lete rk ir progr am of Mare r n:,I-C hi lcl Nu rsing. The g li rre r of r in g s and thou g hts of rhe Apr il 13all are march ed by th e vo lum e o f shee r exc item ent rh ~ r t he Sophs ooze. Al l o f th e in ha b ita nts of "s,J urh ca mpu s" shar e :\ p ro fo un d inre resr in P . C baske tball bur of brc o th e r a reas a re be in g rep resenred rn l)U r cos m o po li ta n colo ny. M uc h ro te ll , bu r lack of sp.1ce inhibi ts- see you nex t rssue .
Drawing For Hi -Fi Benefits New Haven M rs. J. T. Cosg rov e . m ot he r o f J oa n C osgrove of rhe Sen ior c i:J<;s, was the wi n ne r o f t he H i-f i dra wn o n Fe bru ary 1. C aro l Morst> drew rhe w in ni ng t icker afte r \'V'edn r' day's asse m b ly N ancy Le onard was the cha irnu n o f t he pro ject w hi ch is ro be ;1 efi r the new Student 's H a vc n. T he amount receiv ed was S75 0.
m In .y, ill-
t's p a rty Maria R egina Sodality's Christmas party f or unleg ed children in N ewport •f the most rewarding of on's projects. All student s t ed to share with t h e Solembers the joy of giving ributing g ifts of toys and · for 30 young guests. A t ·ty, h eld in Mercy H all the s econd week of D eSa lve R egina's "fairy h.ers" enchant the children progr a m of delights and os, a nd are, in turn, amply od by the excitement a nd ss mirrored in the eyes of .tle visitors. Wreath solem nity of t h e Advent is k ept in focus by obthe ceremony of lighting .vent Wreath. Begin ning te f reshman class on the mday evening, each group ~ e s in the Great Hall to te w eek with the simple, ive prescribed prayers and : th e candle which symthe coming of the L ight \Torld. The Advent Wreath ma l beauty is fashion ed sented by Home Econ oments. g ht procession ts t eful elegance of Salve's 1ing r oom is an appropriing for the annual Holly Lay faculty members are g-uests and are feted by md junior r esiden t s tuthe name of the student 1ditional N oel fes t ivit ies through t he week in all ~ h alls. priately, t he m errim ent y feasti ng is replaced by i solemnit y as t he s turticipat e in t he tra d itioncandleligh t procession. ng in the upper balconies, garbed in caps a nd nd c a r r y i n g lig hted proceed down the broad taircase to t he darkened ll. Highlight of the cerethe placing of a wax t the prepared creche. or traditionally belongs resident of the student o, this y ear, is M arie B e f o r e the creche, r e lig hted by each class t o represent the homage 1e Infant King by e very ~i ni an .
a r d - bound s t u d e n t s t t hey sha r e in the three ; Eve Masses w hich clire Regina's observa n ce s birth.
11 r i I!
.. .1• I
Salve Enjoys Successful Season
Inauguration Ceremonies Cause Girls To Insist on "Washington Or Bust"
Mary Rose Warburton, Frances Se rpa , Marie Robinson, J ud ith Post, Patricia Molloy, Ellen Scu lly, Virginia Butler, J oan Reardon. Bottom Row: Lyn Tob in, Ann McGlinch ey, Marcia Fenn, N ancy Rubino, Sue Goul et .
From left to right:
Salve R egina's hoopsrers for '60 and '61 recenrly climaxed their seaso n with one loss. Sronehill was the only rea m ro defeat the sharp Salve shoorers . Th eir latest v1crory was over Our Lady of the Elms College ro the tun e of a 55 - 35 score. Marcia Fenn captained the neat little team this season and Dr. farians acted as coach.
Your Opinion May Be Worth Money In Reed & Barton's Silver Contest During the monrhs o f Febru ary and March, R eed and Barron, America's oldest major silversmiths, are conducting a "S ilver Opini on C ompetition" in which valuable scholarship awa rd s tora lling $2.050 .1fe being off-e red to duly enrolled women studenrs at a few selected colleges and unive rsities. Salve R egina has been selected to ent-e r this Competition in which the First Grand Award is a SSOO ca;h scholarship ; Second Grand Award is a $300 scholarship; Third Grand Award is a $250 scholarsh ip ; Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Awards are $l00 scholarships. I n addition, there will be 100 other awards co nsisti ng of sterling silver, fine ch ina and crystal with a retail value of approxim.1tely $50.00. In rhe "S ilver Opinion Competition' ', an entry form illustrates rw·e lve designs of ste rling with nine designs of both chi n.1 and crystal. Enrranr simpl y lists what she considers the six best cc mbinarions of these. Awards will be made to those enrr ies marching or coming cl osest to the unanim ~)l.IS selections of table-setting edirors from three of the nation's leading magazines. Miss Ceci le Belisle is rhe Studenr Representative who is co ndu cting the "Silver Opinion Comfetirion", for R eed and Barron at Salve Regin a College. Those interested in enrering the "Si lv-e r Opinion Competition" shculd contaCt Miss Cecile Belisle for enrry blanks and for complete derails concerning rhe Competition rules. She also has sampl·es of 12 d the most popular Reed and Barron designs so that enrranrs ca n see how these sterling patterns acrually look. Through the opin ions on silver design expressed by college women c :mp ering fo r these scholarships, Reed and Barr o:1 hc j_: ·es to cc m :,ile a valuabl e libra ry of expressions of young American rasre.
Just me ntion rhe word Washin gto n ro certai n soph c m o r:: soc ia lites a nd you're tuned in to a tale comparable ro a rhr-~e hour ''Specracu!ar". Geri Conlon and Mary J a ne McGrath rea lly bubble c v-~ r with ' \ / h.u a trip!" "He's the grearesr 1 .. "and ro think he's fr cm M assachus-::: rs'". The "he" naturally rderring ro our ne wly-decred pr-esident, ] . F. K. Accompanying Bo nni e MacHarg, a fell ow sophomore, the girls slated a simple weekend jaunt to the Capiro! to witness the inauguration. Bur "circumstances alter cases" as the saying goes, and their pl ans were changed often, due ro such ordinary occu rrences as train strikes and blizzards. Since trains were nor ava il ab le, rhey surprisingly man aged to obta in three plane rickets ar the last minute, a nd land ed in W ash ington am id drifts three to four feet high. As M a ry Jane gayly squc;~led, "I kept insisting rhar the white puffs surrounding us were clouds, bur after our rock 'n roll landing 1 was convinced ir was snow 1" Steel heels certainly cause a f.ew "slip ups" that day. Th en, to.), :!S Geri enthusiastically chimed, in the res ulting traffic tie- ups ir w:1s not unco mmon a sight ro see impariem drivers "g l id·:: along right on the sidewalks!" Yet, "The Sr. Louis Blues' ' ne a rl y turned in to their theme song, becaus-e their families were und er the impress io n that rhey had AJ wn ro Sr. Louis, since the Aighr they we re suppos-ed to have taken was re-routed there. A few pho ne ca lls saved rhe day tlll rhar score, th ough. Whe n commenring o n the Ina ugu ral Parade, rhe only co h er·ent p:1rase Mary Jane could o ffer was, "rhc first Aoar was from M assac hus-etts'" G eri insists that she'll nev-e r criti cize newspapers again, for they really ca me in handy as foo rw a rmers on .January 20. And if you ever find yourself numb from zero temperatur-es, the besr advice they can ~ 1tfer is ro have rhe pers~m in fronr of you sir o n your fe ~r . "Ar least ir beats freezing". The hi g hligh t of their trip was rh:: lnaugur:ll Ba ll ar the Armory. Among bright, multi-colored lights, m ovie stars and p :1liri : ia!1S, our Salve girls Arthur Murrayed their way to an unforge r~ble evenin<;. M;~r y Jane even succe·e ded in "Cha-cha-ing into Sam Rayburn ", as she arresrs coloring pcinredly. Favors cons isted of go ld and silv-e r charms m ~) lded into a prcG!e of K e nned y and .J ohn so n. And if w-::. ar-e ro rake an ::xp·erie nced wcrd for it, a glimps-e of "rha r ad~1rable Jack and cute Jackie" in person, surpass any and a ll re p r:1d ucri :ms.
~~ J
3j Sandra Sousa Elizabeth Hyman Ann Boucher J oyce Havens Ja ni ce M oree M e redith H crgan T erri Carmody Sara O'Brien Mary Concannon
f CollliJJt'u:d / rnnt Pai!,C:
Pre.rhmen Louise Boulay Loretta D'Amico Di ane Dufresne Claire Morin Cec ilia Nicew icz Anronetra Pagliarini Barbara Arruda Alice Oliveira
T h e com m ents expressed i n this paper are not necessarily o nl y t h ose of th e staff b u t are a lso suggested by o th er stucients.