Ebb Tide, Vol. 25 No. 5 (Feb 1971)

Page 1


February, 1973



. E. A. Sponsors Spea.,er :. Scholarships Being Offered · John Birch Society Silversmith Competition


conduct a seminar on "An Overview of Our Among the aspects to are the differences Republics and Democthe change from our Republic to a central why some who have so greatly from the enterprise system are not in fighting commuand the politicaL,spectrum extreme left to extreme The discussion will also the method of opera~on Communist Conspiracy, and growth, and a plan to save our Nation fate of so many others engulfed by CommuMr. McManus has given aeminar to large audiences parts of the country. professors, farmers, stubusinessmen and househave generally agreed that lecture puts the many conevents of today into solid clear perspective.

Mr. McManus became a Englander in 1953 when entered Holy Cross College. graduation in 1957, he for three years as a U.S. Corps officer. In 1960 entered the electronics indusand held various engineerpositions until 1966 when he the staff of the John Society. McManus served the Soas one of its Field C<K>rcovering Northern New and Massachusetts for to two years. Since 1968 has served in the home office co-director of Ad Hoc Com-

mittee operations for the Society in 37 states. His knowledge - and versatility have been called upon often for speaking engagements, radio and T.V. appearances and on-the-spot reporting for "The Review of the News," a weekly news magazine affiliated with the John ' Birch Society. The father of four children, Mr. McManus, his wife and family reside in Wakefield, Massachusetts. Coffee will be served mid-way through the program and publications of the John Birch Society will be on sale in the lobby. The student National Education Association on campus is sponsoring this event and all members of the faculty and student body are invited to attend.

Spaghetti Dinner Set For Memorial Fund A dinner, entitled Spaghettiby-the-Sea, will be held on Friday, February 26, 1971 in the Haven. This endeavor has been undertaken by Mrs. Elaine ¥ayer in order to obtain funds fo.r the Arlette Hopkins Scholarship Fund. The scholarship will benefit a French student who is planning study abroad. The serving times are scheduled for 4:30-5:30 p.m., 5:306:30 p.m., and 6:30-7:30 p.m. Admission is $1.50 and there will be a door prize. Tickets for the raffle will be sold at the door. Various committees such as publicity, hostessing, cooking and tickets have been established. Sister Veron,ica, school dietician, will help in preparing the food for the dinner, along with those girls on campus who have volunteered their services.

During February and March, the "Silver Opinion Competition," sponsored · by Reed and Barton, America's oldest major silversmiths, will be conducted at Salve. Awards in the form of $2,500 of valuable scholarships are being offered to duly enrolled women at several select colleges. The first grand award is a $1,000 scholarship followed by a $500 scholarship. The third grand award is a $300 scholarship. Seven other awards of $100 each will also be presented. In addition, 100 other prizes including sterling silver, fine china and crystal with a retail value of $75.00 will be given. Entry Form In this year's "Silver Opinion Competition," an entry form illustrates twelve . patterns of sterling and eight designs of both china and crystal. Those competing simply write down the three best combinations of sterling, china and crystal from the patterns given. Scholarships and awards will be made to those entries matching or comIng closest to the unanir;10us selections of tablesetting editors from three of the leading magazines in the n.a tion. Student Representative Sheila Sessa, '73 is the student

Farm Workers Fight for Rights The events are . complex but the issue of the Salinas lettuce strike is simple: will farm workers have the right to build a union -<>f their own, or will their employers choose a union for them ? The people in the Salinas Valley formed their union, but the growers ignored their request for elections, sought out the Teamsters Union and signed "back door contracts." These contracts were called back door sin_ce the Teamsters' leaders and the growers met and mad!! agreements without consulting the workers. When these contracts were announced the workers · decided to boycott in order to break that contract and have the right to form their own union. This boycott which was effective in the Boston area, is now occurring in the vicinity of Providence. This has come about · due to the fact that the non-union produce which was not bought in Boston is now being shipped to Providence. With this boycott the workers are hoping that the growers will accept the union of the workers.

representative who is conducting the competition for Reed and Barton here at Salve. Students interested in entering the "Silver Opinion Competition" should contact Sheila at McAuley Hall, Room 12 for entry blanks and complete details concerning the rules for the competition. Sheila also has samples of the twelve most popular Reed and Barton patterns so that entrants will be able to actually see the sterling patterns. Through this competition Reed and Barton hopes to compile a library of opinions and expression of young American taste.

()ncert will take place at



Cadet Coeducation Introduced at Salve The academic year 1971-72 at Salve will open the appearance of a Police Cadet program. As stated by Dr. Lester Carr, this program shall include "anywhere from 50 to 150 collegeage male students." A dormitory for thofle wishing on-campus residence will be provided; however, non-resident students shall also be welcomed. The men will be attending both day and evening courses. Their curriculum contains a variety of courses including Law Enforcement, Sociology and Psychology. New Concept The new concept of co-education here at Salve has come about as a result · of funds granted for a Cadet program from the Federal Government. Anyone interested in applying to this program is welcomed and urged to do so as soon as possible.

News View The class of 1972 was p!jesented their class rings by Sister Kathryn Mary, class moderator, at an informal -ceremony in Ochre Court ·on Thursday, February 4, 1971. '

REMINDER Donations for the Arlette Hopkin's Scholarship Fund are now being accepted. The deadline is tentatively set for M arch 1. Make all checks payable to the ~ lette Hopkin's Scholarship Fund and kindly give them to Mrs. Elaine Mayer, chairman.

dents of such colleges must aplroach their positions with the lasic philosophy that 't heir :chools will survive, and proceed rom there. When asked what qualities he would like to see in the new lresident of Salve Sister replied .hat ideally she would like 't o see L nun in the position for 'two >ertinent reasons. Firstly, thelresident presents 'the image of he college, and a sister would >est present the philosophical ~onvictions of a college which is ~ponsored by a religious comnunity. Secondly, Sr. Christo>her would like to see a woman n the position as an affirmation (Continued on Page 4)

~--:- .1" ..11--- ----------~---------------------------,

Paoe_ 6


Salve Regina College

Ebb Tide


May 1967

Page 8 ),';, •,;' t;;,






People nowadays frequently become so engrossed in movements, pressing issues and even personal situations that they tend to lose sight of small yet significant necessities. These necessities that one grasps onto are somewhat undefinable.

One old m ilk can. Contact Box 865, Any information on t he wh ereabouts of Bob Achche. Contact K. Bai, McAuley. Anyone in ter ested In helping with busin ess matter s of a r eally fine newspaper. Desperately n eeded. No exp erience needed. Contact Box 26 SOON! One large coffee percolator or small urn in good condition. Interested if the price is right. Contact Ebb Tide. Two diligent but spastic biologists want phytoplankton that glows in the da rk. Desperat ely needed as soon a s possible. Contact Box 78.

--; ...


~ ;;:;.s:: ~



LOST One p lastic bag cont a ining t wo toothbrushes . I'm ser i o us ! If found, con tact Box 34.

PERSONAL Dear Patti, Go to bed . Love, Your r oommate. Dear Clark, Sex relieves t en- .· sion. Your con cerned friends.


Congratulat ions, P eggie, y ou finally did it! Doctor Den tons' r eally do w ork, don't they Linda ? ? ?




" I



Real fine r affle tick ets. Cheap. Contact Box 24. Anyone wishing to utilize thls column, feel free to do so. Just submit y our contributions to Editor, EBB TIDE, or leave them on t he bulletin board. We will print as m any as space allows.

DAILY From Newport

NEW YORK Fastest, Most Frequent Servi Via ALMEIDA BUS U


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For FuU Information, Schedules and A

D Also 7 Daily Trips To New london ond Cop• Newport Terminal - 27 Connell Highway - Tel

Letters .to the Editor

Dear Editor : tions about the future. · Because Sister Margaret Sormust Johnny's teachers. ensen has in a Christian manner Johnny must learn to served me, I wish to express ate assumptions about the publicly my gratitude to her. ture: about the kinds of The understanding- and support, professions and vocations One of the necessities that has prevailed at Salve is its, communicated to me with open- may be needed 20 to 50 shall we call it "spirit." It is undefinable. It lingers, it con- ness an~ respect, have been a . from now; about the nects, it heals. It is centered in those. who make up the great source of peace and en- family forms and relationsld! community and in nothing else. It has seen Salve through couragement to me - not only that man will celebrate; • but also personalthe ethical and moral probl_ . numerous situations whether they be individual or collec- academically, ly. For these reasons, then, I that will arise ; about the tive. It has given solace when there was nothing else left. thank Sister Margaret for the tutlonal and It has made happiness twice as happy. It is people them- service she has rendered me and forms that will provide wish her peace and success in for society. I selves. her endeavors. We must create a "Council · No one on this campus can deny the fact that we are Very truly yours, the Future" in every Cynthia Ellen Field Teams of men and women engaged in a pressing issue. So pressing perhaps that we voted to probing the future • • • are not only losing sight of that "spirit," our own mass It was with a great deal of inthe interests of the present. media~ but also of each other. terest that I read the news reprojecting, probing, guellllb&. It could easily happen; we could easily let it. We could lease describing the new mem- predicting, prophesying bers of Salve Regina Colleg e' s the future such a council become ..islands each seeking for his own. Or we could go Board of Trustees. I congrat u - have '1 a powerful impact on together in whatever path is ahead connected by the late them for having achieved in ca,t ion. "spirit". their private and public lives the Since no group holds a success and r ecognition that poly of insight into tomo.....wr:.· Here lies every individual's right and responsibility. they so r ichly deserve. these councils must be On the other hand, I am bitLittle things really do count. cratic. Specialists will be terly disappointed that the important for their success. board of trustees of our college they will not succeed if they has not seen fit to appoint_. men captured by professional edul:l.'lat SCHEDULE OF S.N.E.A.'S UPCOMING EVENTS more oriented to the future of tors, planners, or any education than these men seem sentative elite. Thus February 25, 1971 - 7 :00 P.M. - Twombley-Burden room to be . I am also disappointed must be involved from the John McManus, representative from the John Birch Society, will that there were no women ap- start - and not merely as speak on the topic, "An Overview of Our World." Coffee will be pointed to the board; surely opted rubber stamps for served mid-way through the program and there will be an oppor• there are women who could notions. tunity for informal discussion with Mr. McManus. have contributed mightily to our The council of the future March 11, 1971 - 7:00 P .M. - Twombley-Burden room college,. I am also disappointed offer a way out of the impa..,~ Dr. Fred Wilkinson, representative from the Department of that the board did not choose in our schools and colleges. Health, Education and Welfare, will speak on "Teaching Opporto select a representative from are trapped in an ' tunities Abroad." · the students and the faculty for system that is designed to membership; such a selection form students into living April - Date Undecided would have gone a long way of the past. Today's studenta Salve's S.N.E .A. will sponsor an all day state convention inviting towards resolving the still vo- have a right to rebel. But their . members from Rhode Island's S.N.E.A. chapters. ;. . I l~tile community problems of rebellion must not be a patch· • • the rcollege. quilt based on a social program This semester, S.N.E.A. has been diligently working to obtain Education must be in the of 19th century Marxism or interesting speakers with a wide range of topics. Take time to business of the future. It reearly 20th century Freudianism. attend these activities and support this organization. quires men whom C. P. Snow These sy stems are chained to described as having " the future the past. The creation of futurein their bones." Unless humani- oriented, future-sh~ping task· ty is able to grasp control of the forces in education, could revolu· accelerative thrust of change tionize the revolution of the - and there are few signs that young. PERROTTI'S CARD AND GIFT SHOP it will - the. man and woman The present educational sy• of tomorrow will face an e~en tern is changing ' rapidly. But and more demanding task of adap- much of this change is no more PERROTTI'S DRUG STORES tation to change than we do tothan an attempt to refine exist· day. For education the task is erit machinery, making it more 176 Broadway Grant's Plaza clear : it s prime purpose, goal, Bellevue Shopping .Center efficient in the pursuit of ob• must be to p repare the individual lete goals. Unfortunately, the for the future. Not for a future board of trustees of this college ~· that is a mere re-casting of the have chosen to make of past or the present, but a future ' boatd an unrepresentative that is r eally future .• Mankind's It would seem that the college'a \, EBB TIDE STAFF 'cope-ability', the speed with body is half in the airy atm01o The opinions of this newspaper are not necessarily those of which he can adapt to continual phere of the future and half the administration, faculty, board of trustees, or entire student change is one of education's pri- bedded Jn the dUSt and nPt'l'lfl· · body. 4nY reader wishing to express his or her views concerning mary responsibilities. cation of the past. If the ' Johnny can't read may not ·be any subject may write to Editor, Ebb Tide, Box 26, Salve Regina is to meet the needs of the true so much about books 'and ture it will have to act drama.nCollege, Newport, R. I. understanding of present and cally and decisively in the Editor-in-Chief ........ . . . . . . . .. . ....... ... ... . Pat Canavan past, but it is still very true that ent. News Editor .... .. . . ......... . .. . ..... Mary Ann McNamara Johnny is not being prepared to The college is like a grape; It Feature Editor .... . . . ..... . .. . .. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheila Sessa read the future. It is not enough will either be crushed Art and Photography . ... .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marilynn Kitchen for Johnny to understand the turned into wine which will Business Manager ...... . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . ....... Mary Murphy past or the present because the vide spirit for the future; or Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sister M. Noel Blute, R.S.M. here-and-now environment will can be eaten now and disappear; Sta1r: Linda Amoriggi, Stephanie Bowler, Pat Cadigan, Andrea soon vanish. Johnny must learn or it can be allowed to dry up Contre, Janet Coussa, Lynn Cusack, Mary De Marino, Diane Dito anticipate the directions and and become a raisin. Lorenzo, Pat Hoffmann, Martha Lardner, Pat Maurano, Mary rate of change. He must learn anyone? ~~l1l1}~ Ann McDonough, Maureen McGahan, Connie Souza, Betty Brum. to make repeated, probabilistic, In Christ's peace and love, .rJ increasingly long-range assumpRev. Richard E. MaDdevtll

Serving Salve Regina Students SEVEN

Ebb Tide


February, 1973

Ebb Tide -

College Program Joins with Peace Corps Margaret Sorenson reas Dean of Studies at the first semester. Sister that "the reasons for my were professional and I prefer not ~ou.•ahtJV>rR.tA on that." asked who would reher position, Sister repli~ "it is my understanding Dr. Lester Carr will take many of the responsibilities serve in the capacity as of Studies." for Sister Margaret's fuplans: "Right now I am I.OJa!iHna and also looking forto a long awaited vacation beyond that I haven't given thought." Sister is con.lU' I -•-- to live near campus "begiven up a position necessarily mean giving my convent home on Clay I will live here until an-



on the Board of Trustees Salve. Commenting on Salve's future, stated that "I came to because I believed it had a deal of potential and I that a great deal of fine things had been dealready. I hope that in Salve will continue to strengths and to work its potential toward

The officials of the State University at Brockport in conjunction with the Peace Corps have announced plans for an advantageous academic program. In this program students can earn college credit while preparing to teach mathematics and science as Peace Corps volunteers in Latin America. This program is open to students who are in good standing at any accredited college or university and who will have completed their sophomore or junior year by June, 1971. The program is designed to fill the need for mathematics and science teachers in developing Latin American countries. It entails one academic year followed by two summers of fully subsidized and integrated academic courses and Peace Corps training. After completion of this program, graduates will receive either a A.B. or B.S. degree, secondary school teacher certification and an assignment overseas. According to Peace Corps officials, this program at Brockport is the only one in the country to grant full academic credit for Peace Corps training. For further information, contact: State University College at Brockport, Office of the Deputy Director, Peace Corps/College Degree Program, Brockport, N. Y. 14420. t.'1 ;:,[

have dealt with for a very reexperienc.e. I enjoyed with them very much. last semester I got to know lot of the girls and I have fond memories of my exlltl~en.ces as Dean."

MRS. FINN is alive and weU in her new store



285 Broadway (Next to Newport Hospital)

"\.. ~


News VieW'. Martha Cleary '72 is the student body's representative to the Faculty Firing, Hiring and Tenure Committee. Linda Amoriggi '72 has been selected to represent the junior class on the Ten Year Planning committee. On March 2, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. Ann Bishop from Marathon House will speak on the principles of the institution and the aspects concerning the life of an addict. It is being sponsored by Student Nurses' Organization (SNO).

Some of the members of Salve's basketball teem assemble before their first game.

Salve's basketball team is preparing for the season with practice every Thursday night at 6:15 p.m. at the Hut, where all home games are also played. Admission is free and transportation is provided. If anyone is interested in playing basketball, the team is still accepting new members. The team members are: Ginny O'Connell, captain; Judi Lombardi, manager; Sheila Kissane; Marilyn Sirontnik; Nancy Sullivan; Carolyn Reder; Kathy DeCosta; Anne Murphy; Ten·y James; Mary Crowell; Barbara "Middletown'' Sylvia; Mary Ann McNamara; Kathy Knapp; Martha Lardner; and Paul Wall~er, coach. THE SCHEDULE Feb. 11 .. St. Catherine's - at De La Salle Feb. 18 . . . . . . Barrington College - home Match 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . Emmanuel - away Match 17 .. .. . • . .. .. .. .. Bryant - home (No Date) .... , ... .'•.... . Mt. St. Joseph's (No Date) .. . : .... .. ...... .. .... .. .. URI (No Date) ..... : . . . . . . . • . . . Vernon Court (Tentative) ...•....•..• Providence College

Salve's Artists Go Professional With Exhibits The art department of Salve Regina College has presented their first art exhibition, under the co-ordination of Mr. Stanley •Grashow, department head for Ule creative arts division. On January 29th, approximately seventy-five paintings were put on display in Mercy Hall. Each painting is an example of two dimensional art. The paintings are the works from first semester Introduction to Art classes and past summer art cou:rses. "The purpose of the exhibition," said Mr. Grashow, "is to indicate the progress of the beginner students' work and also in hope that other students will be encouraged to attempt to express their talents through art." Throughout the year, many more unique art creations will be put on display in the creative arts building. Future exhibitions will take place in the new art gallery which is now being constructed in Mercy.

Conflratufations ((Thou art my life, my love, my heart The very eyes of me; 1. And last command of every path To live and die for thee."

l)ncert will take place at


Salve wishes to congratulate: Trudie '72 and Charlie Mandeville on the birth of a baby boy, Jonathan, on February 5, 1971. Martha Warwick '71 on her engagement to Kennedy Lane. Elaine Kryston '71 on her engagement to Roger Chapland. Loreen Golini '72 on her engagement to Douglas Cosini. Barbara Backus '72 on her engagement to Joseph Pteira. Dolores Suita '72 on her engagement to Mark Ecklar. Pauline Grondlin '72 on her engagement to Mills Coverdale. Mary Lou Morin '72 on' her engagement to Jay Roche. Marcia Loos '72 on her engagement to Michael Gramucci. Claudia Ponds '73 on becoming the pinmate of Edward McKeon.

Glee. Club .~ Plans Itinerary ·.:. ~· . For Semester · Salve Regina's Glee CLub will travel to St. Michael's College in Winoski, Vermont on February 27, 1971 for a return concert. Under the direction of Mr. Glen Guittari and Sister Maryanne, the club will present about four songs and, jointly St. Mike's and Salve will offer three additional musical numbers. An Easter Concert with Providence College is one of the events scheduled for this semester. Mr. John Carew, the head of PC's Glee Club, will also bring his club to Salve for a return concert. Salve's Glee Club is also planning a tour for the spring. Plans are somewhat incomplete, but one stop will consist of a concert for the alumnae in the New York area.


1' •.

.' ''

dents of such colleges must aptroach their positions with the tasic philosophy that 't heir :chools will survive, and proceed rom there. When asked what qualities he would like to see in the new >resident of Salve Sister replied ":hat ideally she would like 'to see L nun in the position for 'two_ >ertinent reasons. Firstly, the >resident presents 'the image of ,he college, and a sister would >est present the philosophical :onvictions of a college which is ~ponsored by a religious comnunity. Secondly, Sr. Christo>her would like to see a woman n the position as an affirmation (Continued on Page 4)

Paoe 6


Ebb Tide

Page 4



May 1967

Salve Regina College

Stop, Look & listen:


Page 8



One old milk can. Contact Box 865.

Any infonnation on the whereabouts of Bob Achche. Contact K. Bai, McAuley. Anyone interested in helping with business matters of a really fine newspaper. Desperately needed. No experience needed. Contact Box 26 SOON!

...-; ~


One large co:ffee percolator or small urn in good condition. Interested if the price is right. Contact Ebb Tide. Two diligent but spastic biologists want phytoplankton that glows in the dark. Desperately needed as soon as possible. Contact Box 78.

LOST One plastic bag containing two toothbrushes. I'm s e r i o u s ! If found, contact Box 34.

PERSONAL Dear Patti, Go to bed. Love, Your roommate. Dear Clark, Sex relieves ten- .· sion. Your concerned friends. Congratulations, Peggie, you finally did it! Doctor Den tons' really do work, don't they Linda? ? ?


' /

~ \



Real fine rafile tickets. Cheap. Contact Box 24. Anyone wishing to utillze this column, feel free to do so. Just submit your contributions to Editor, EBB TIDE, or leave them on the bulletin board. We will print as many as space allows.

Page h.4

Attention: S.N.E.A. Members Dear S.N.E.A. Members,

The majority of you have paid a $4.00 membership fee and are simply receiving a copy of "Today's Education" every month. If you are satisfied with this type of uninvolved membership and are interested in S. N. E. A. just because it will look good on your credentials then this is your business and I certainly can't argue with you. However, if you are complaining that your $4.00 has given you only a few magazines then I will definitely have something to say to you. Whether you've been interested enough to realize it or not, S.N.E.A. was an active organization last semester and will continue to be active this semester. To bring you up to date I'll give you a brief rundown on our past activities. September was devoted mainly i to our membership drive, but we also had our first business meeting with Mr. Bernard Singleton of the Rhode Island Education Association as our guest speaker. In October S.N.E.A. sponsored the fiJtn, "Make A Mighty Reach," and an audio-visual workshop conducted by Mr. Joseph Travers of the Middletown School Department. In conjunction with campuses throughout the country, SpeakOut Day was held on November 18 and included a series of activities. Finally in December we sponsored an afternoon Christmas party for approximately sixty Head Start children. Now besides these main activities we have held several short business meetings to which all members

have been invited. You also can't say that you were not aware of what was going on because It you were you obviously didn't read notices on doors and bulletin boards. In the past S.N.E.A. has had the reputation of being a "donothing" organization. However, this year through the efforts <'f several dedicated members hopefully this stigma will be erased. So don't down S.N.E.A. It you're a member and haven't done anything to show your interest or help us out then you're the one who's apathetic. Included in this Issue is a schedule of S.N.E.A.'s upcoming events. If you have questions about any of these events or if none of them catch your interest then CALL ME! We're really enthused about our guest speakers, but I can't tell you how embarrassing it is for both the speaker and S.N.E.A. when only about ten people attend the lectures. We're doing the best we can at this point. It's up to you to let us know whether you're content or ' dissatisfied. Sincerely, i Denise Lajoie ~Chainnan of S.N.E.A. Extension 44


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For Full Information, Schedules and

. 'f

Invitations have also been sent to the following


From Miley Hall To Newport Almei, LEAVES EVERY FRIDAY AT 12

Wednesday, February 24 Mr. Michael Sweetser, Director of Personnel Deaconess Hospital, Boston Wednesday, March 10 Miss Carolyn Borden, Program Counselor Yale-New Haven Hospital Thursday, March 11 Secondo Siniscalchi, Director ot Pe~sonnel Cranston School Department Monday, March 15 Captain Claudia Meng Women's Army Corps Monday, March 15-2:80 p.m. Mrs. Ruth Shaw, Admissions Counselor Entree Program, Katharine Gibbs School, Providence Wednesday, March 17 Miss Sabra Carl, Employment Counselor Boston University Medical Center Tuesday, March 28 Lieutenant Paula Demarest, USN Woman Officer Progra,m Thursday, April 1 Captain Patricia Breeding, USMC U. S. Marine Corps


From Newport



P.S. We have an abundance of materials, including back issues of "Today's Education" and "Student Impacts" plus many pamphlets and publications concerning various aspects of education. These materials are available to all members so if you're interested in looking them over please contact me.

Serving Salve Regina Students · SEVEN DAILY EXPRESS From Newport To

Serving Salve Regina Students SEVEN DAILY


St. .Joseph's Ball 846-8989 At Miley Hall During Meal Hours Alsa 7 Dolly Trips To Nn-Landon and Cape Cod Points Newport Terminal - 27 Connell Highway - Telephone 146-6311









Dep+- - ·t Q."nd



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