Seniors Trek To New Hall As any old timer will tell you, the Seniors, "have the pioneering bug bad!" For having tried the gold-leafed and muralled ceiling of the main Salve Regina building, they are moving on to newer skies. This time, which will be Spring, ·;·hey
Moore Hall
will encamp with their stuffed pandas and books in a white building, half-hidden from the road by trees. Moore Hall, as
it will be called, has been donated \·o ·;·he Mercy Centennial Drive by Cornelius Moore, a prominent Newport lawyer. Don 't startle ·rhe Seniors unnecessarily these days. They are dreaming of cozy evenings in the two parlors, and of hovering over the kitchen stove . And when Summer comes there are the verandahs that stretch out above ·;·he main doorway for sunning .
e Vol. 4, No . 3
Traditional Procession, Caroling, And Tableau Mark Xmas Season Celebrating Christmas in ·r he traditional manner, the student body will hold its annual caroling procession on December fifteen in the Great Hall. Immediately after the formal dinner, all will assemble in caps and gowns on the second floor. Arranged in the order of classes and carrying lighted candles, they will ihen march down \·he grand staircase to places before the ' crib in 1·he great hall fireplace. To the strains of 0 Holy Night, Gesu Bambino , Christus Notus Est, Adeste Fideles and Silent Night, the Sodality will present its annual Christmas tableau of the Nativity. Taking part in this presentation are: Jane Murphy, Angel of ·rhe Nativity; Barbara Kelly, Our Lady; Frances Mournighan, St. Joseph; and Alma Cooper, Mary Cahill, and Camile Henault, adoring angels.
Chil dren Of Mary Reinforce Sodal ity Strength In Reception The reception of candidates into the Sodal ity took place in the chapel during the annual retreat. Led by Miss Mary Cahill, Prefect of the Sodality, the procession proceeded to the chapel where the Reverend William Donagh y, S.J. , this year 's retreat master, addressed the future sodalists. Following his exhortation, Father Donaghy blessed the medals and presented them to the new members. Benediction closed the ceremony.
Salve Regina College, Newport, R. I.
December, 1950
S.R.C. Manhattan Harmonize In Joyous Strains O f Yuletide For the first time in their musical history the Queen's Choristers will blend their voices with those of the Manhattan Glee Club in a concert at Bayview on December ten. Highlighting Salve Regina's selections will be several Christmas numbers. " Good Day, Merry Christmas, Good Day", an ancient English carol by Woodside, " Christus Notus e st Nobis" by Melvil , " Gesu Bambino" by Pietro Yon, and " Christ of the Christmas Bells" by Cronhan will b e offered. The Salve Regina Glee Club will also render " Lo How A Rose E'e r Blooming" by Praetarius.
Miss Barbara McAndrew
Parents Tea; Christmas Play Highlight Month " A Child Is Born " will be presented by the S. R. C. Dramatics Club at the annual Parents' Tea on December three. The entire program and tea is dedi cated to the parents of the Freshmen, who will be their guests on that day. The play will be presented at three o 'clock at Mercy Hall, and the tea commencing at four o ' clock, will be followed by an art exhibition . Those participating in the play are: Frances Bridgeman, Marguerite Johnson, Constance Lynch , Eleanor McGrath, Marilyn Andrad e, Eleanor Testa, Barbara Brothers, Frances McGuiness and Mary Murrary.
Miss Barbara McAndrew, mezzo-soprano, will be th e featur e d S. R. C. soloist . She has chosen to sing " The Birthday of the King " by Neidlinger and " King Christmas" by Dacre . Under the resp e ctive directions of Sister Mary Rosina , R.S.M. and Broth e r Basilian, the So!ve Regina and Manhattan choral groups w ill combi ne thei r voices in several joint numb ers. Th e y w ill re nd e r the Fred Waring a rrang eme nts of " Holy, Holy, Holy" and " Th e Holy City" . Their chief selectio n wi ll b e " Th e Song of C hristmas" , the story of lhe Na tivity as ·;'Old in Christmas songs, carols and Biblical ve rses. The two clubs will al so b e combin e d ·(o sing " How Love ly Is Thy Dwe lling Plac e", "The Prayer of Hanse l and Gre te l", and " SaneIus" from St. Cecilia 's Mass . Spon sore d by th e Salve Regina Guild , the proceed s of t he concert will be donated to t he Siste rs of Me rcy Centennial Fund App e al.
lOu~ C/~aj2L~,_in ~ d/l(t::i:iaf}'~: Year after year we celebrate the histor ;:ai fact of 'Gcd bec om e man' at the Christ Mass or more p reci sely at the three Christ Masses. Year on year the gospel of ' Peace on -:: arth ·; o men of good wil l' rings out with fres h clarity, setting in joyous motion th e strings of human hearts ·; he world ov er. Where there is good will, God 's grace moves in ·; o ill umin ate earthly intellects with ·the otherwise in cred,ble tru th that 'God is among us', ·; ha t ·ihe 'Word is made fle sh ' in t he cave at Bethlehem . Where the re is good will, the lovely glow of the Nativity Star ca sts into shadow ·rhe g la mour and pleasure of the Inn which woul d coun terfeit, ·; hen os now, lhe substamial happin ess which is only where are Joseph and Mary and Jes us . My earnest prayer d uri ng ·;·his holy season will be for all o f Salve Regina to have good w :li o01d so be ready to see and follow t he Star to ·i rl e ineffable peace or 'Christ living in us.'
Secret Admirer Is Obviously Anxious; Margy Made Queen . ... and Jetsam We Hear That . . . . Boobie O ' Rourke has a secret o dmirer. Could be that Norma Haronian and Jan e Sullivan had something i·o do with the instigating of ·; hat littl e romance? Said admirer even work s on his night off in hopes of seein g Bobbie . Must be pretty serious!
full face ; his eyes g lasses. Amidst i·he vociferous ·;J ir ls he as a sharer in th eir
elatio n. Mr. Cornelius Moore told us t hat he ho ped our •: allege would continu e io grow in its ·i! ne ·, ra ditions of Catholic education. Hi s d esire was ·rhat we derive pleasure and enjoyment -from our new build ing , which he so generously d onated to ·i lll our desperate need . He personifi es Chr istia n charity in action; t he bond of perfection which strive s to minister ·;·o both ou r te mporal en d spiritual welfare. More ·than o be nefactor, he is an integ ra! part of ·that moral union ·rhat makes our Salve Regina a living , spirited organ ization . " Thank you " is ~ o inadequate ·; o ·=x pr ess .;, ur •;Jratitud e. Ou r sincere pray ers :::tre our b est ex pression of appreciation. May Go d shower graces a nd happin ess on this fine gentl ema n fo r his genero us spirit.
h )LiU.E.5..
( ' f' f' (--, /. I C./J/J '_liL. E
Adm ;ttedly we al l have gripes, and Ebb Tide is no exce ption. Our ... allege pap er is da ngling from on e end of the prov erbial rope , wh ich constitutes a slight justi fi cation f or t his outb urst . W e don 't wish to bring tears to your eyes with tal es of a linger ing d eath, but we would appreciate a shower of subscri pti ons. We fully realize that our readers " saleswomanship" is b eing given a run for its money, but it' s money we want, and must have, so put y our b est foot forward (in so meone's doorway preferably ), and sell se ll - sell! To give you a f ew statistics: La st year we mailed out 58 subscriptions obtain ed by the girl s. This year our mai ling li st numbers 29 .
Certain People .. .. are very anxious to see Thanksgiving vacation draw near and a rest from schola sti c activities isn 't the only reason. There Seems To Be . a group o f very p ersiste nt Naps in t he vacinity of Mercy Hall. A knock on the door or a ring of the phone always seems to invol ve a request to mee t some girls. Pl ease keep all telephone lines clear. (Publish ed by special request of the Naps. ) Thank you!
d/- §ift ~-U:JfjE:ition
The Sophomore Hop . . at Providence College saw t he crowning of Margy John son as queen . Congratulations, Margy .
Barbara Barry's .. . interests
df,zJ thE {_i/u:.att::it -,,;; of _lf2E:iE A pleased smile crinkled his looked warm iy from horn-rimmed group of exc ited, jubi lant, and min gled, not as an onlooker, but
Flotsam ....
are b etween shorthand and writing letters. We can 't decide which engrosses most of her time, but we ' ll take a guess and say love.
Some People Choose . . . . the oddest places ·;·o play ·;· ag, don 't th ey, Ann Cotter and Mary Quinn? Ann also recently receiv ed a " sympathy'' card from her partn er in crime .
The Glee Club .. was literal ly " floating on air" at the recent concert with Providence Coll ege . Reason - th e collapsible bleachers . Incid entally, what strange e ffect did th e men from Providence have on Franny Alcarez? Betty Burns . . . .
ha s started a bureau for the purpose of lendi ng out clothes. Anyone interested or in need of wearing apparel pl ease sign up in advance.
Guess the Weekend .
in N ew York proved too much for Clair e O ' Donnell and Terry Walsh . Th e result wa s a very tired Monday . In cidentally, Ellie McGrath now has cl ear impressions of how a corpse reacts to ice cream. The corpse was Terry .
The wind b lew drifts of silver snow, That up th e hillside swirled, And a magic Chr istmas land looked bright To all but a littl e girl. Carol was poor and had no coins To buy her mother a little gift; And then she saw, a ll dressed in gold, An angel posed on the high est drift. Sh e listened whil e the angel told Of Jesus
Ellie Testa ... . w hose
car is affectionately called Bambi, had a bit of troubl e with said mechani sm Bambi just a few days ago . wouldn 't budge .
Some People . . . .
just don 't mind running errands, especially if th ey involve a stop at Walsh 's. Ask Pat Sullivan for additional informa tion on the subject.
His Mother
above; Then
th e
wrapped in faith Her mother's Chr istmas gift of Love.
Ebb-Tide December, 1950 Issued monthly by th e students of Salve Regina College Subscription rate $ 1.00 a year. Editor- in-chief De lio Lan di
Speaking of Weekends .. . Mary Lehan e also enjoyed a hectic one at Holy Cross recently .
Assistant Editor s Joan Danis
Rita Be lang er
Jea n Judg e
Stoff Reporters Marjori e Ack royd
De li a Landi
Patricia Dooley
Jayne Mycroft
Margu er ite Johnson
Grace Wood s
Exchan ge Editor
Circulation Manage r
Barbaro O ' Rourk e
Margaret Feye
Art Editors
Ann -Marie Cotter
Barbara Barry
N o rma H aronian
Barbara Kelly
Joan Shugrue
Claire 0 Connor
Mary Franc e s 0 Hare
Devotions To Honor Spanish Club Pa t ron; Pi nata Po riy Pian ned
Problem Child Toddles From Party Wearing Frosting-Covered Print Ebb Tide is growing up! She may wobble a bit now and ·rhen, but ofter all :;he':; only ·rhree years old, and we ·;·hink ;hat she is quite a precocious brain-child for her tender age. Of course, she hasn 't always been our pride and joy . Frankly, ·ihere were ·;·imes when we thought of committing papercide, and she still has a few faults (on several occasions our faces have been quite red over ·;-he literary -faux pas she .. as made). Making her up has often brought us to the point of tears; no matter how ·:lne
Marion Bissell Explains
our ruler point, her headlines will persist in b eing a ·trifle too long or a ·;-rifle ;-oo short for journalistic ·ias hion. 'fhen, ; oo, she's very stubborn about going 'io press on time . Schedul es mean nothing ·;-o herif she wants another article, we can 't do a thing with her until she gets it. Our copy of " Bringing lJp '(our Paper" is thumbworn. We've taken all the courses on paperology and confidentially, we' re thinking of enteri ng our prodigy in ihe next " Most Beautiful Paper Contest" . As we light ·;-he candies on her birthday cake and b eam with pride on our •:ranial off-spring, we know ·i hat you join us in wishing her many more Happy Birthdays!
Family Welfare Society Debates And U.N. Trip To Sociology Students loom in I. R. C. Plans Marion Bissell will lecture on ;-he Family Welfare Society ·to ·;-he socioiogy stud ents, here at school this first week of December. The Family Welfare Society is a private social service agency, specializing in assisting in the solution of ·ihe kind of difficulties that are common ·;-o ·family life . It is one of t he earliest of private agencies that have been established in America, and it is staffed by trained personnel who offer consultations and advice on personal and family difficulties freely . Miss Bissell is the executive secretary ·io r ;·he Newport chapter of the Family Service Society. She w ill be the second speaker in a series of welfare lectures ·;-hat are being sponsored by the sociology department.
Preparation s for coming debates with various New England colleges >:ls well as a proposed trip to the United Nations in N ew York are the current I. R. C. projects. Working on t he National College debate ·ro pic, resolved: That ·; he non-Communist nations sho uld ·i orm a new international organi zation; club members h ear Dr. Nugent explain some phase of ;-he question every Tuesday afternoon -f rom five until six o'clock . In connection with research on ·the ·i opic, Dr. Nugent has accumulated for ·the club -::1 library of periodicals pertaining ·;-o ;he subject. On December ten the World Affa irs Council plans a week-end -; rip ;-o U. N . headquarters in New York, which several I. R. C. members will attend.
Keyboard Kommandos Launch New Program; Pencils Aimed At Work-Experience Objective During the past few weeks, members of the Commerce Department have embarked on a new business venture. Under the direction of Sister Mary Euphrasia, R.S.M., each girl has been assigned t o do secretarial work for two different faculty members, so that she may have the opportunity to establish an " experience" record , display initiative and responsibility, and improve skills. " On the job" con ditions will be met in this work, whic h is being approved by the program supervisor, who is also giving assistance ·to each girl in setting up stencil work and other techniques. Bi-weekly reports will be required of each faculty member, on deportment forms, for student workers. These will also help establish references to be ke pt in Commerce Department files.
Boost ing t he Year Book -fund, ·the business girls will -feature a current movie. They also plan the presentation of THE QUARTERBACK a ·il lm story of a gridiron hero who learns ·i he hard way ·; hat in life, as in college, opportunity comes ;·o ihose who plan, prepare, and work for it; ihat only through individual efforts may security and success be achieved.
On December eleven a Span ish Club party will be held in the gym in celebration of ·;·he Christmas season. The most important fun-making element of the fiesta will be the breaking of the pinatas, paper-mache figures filled with surprises . The pinatas, one ·filled with sweets, ·;·he other with rice and confetti, will be hung dangling into open space . Blindfolded girls will try to break the pinatas and shower down the goodies or get caught in ·the ·i orrent of confetti . These will be prepared by Marjorie Ackroyd, Mary Loui se Bu rchart, .Jacqueline Bulger, and Kathleen Leonard . Rita Lawrence will ·;·ake charge of enterta inment. A play " EI ano nuevo" will be presented as well as singing of carols in Spanish . Sandwiches, cocoa, and bar.uelos will be prepared under the direction of Yolanda Castillo and Janet McDonald .
French Club Features Short Radio Comedy The second big meeting of the French Club on Wednesday, November fifteen, in Mercy Hall presented a short radio comedy. Turning to dramatics, the girls staged a radio play " Le Narcotique" in French. Before the presentation Miss Barbara McAndrew gave a short summary of i·he story also in French. The singing of /_e Marseillaise with Miss Marilyn Mattox a t the oiano ended the meeting. Mr. Huffer, who has entertained the club with several informative lectures, has left -for Europe until this spring .
Sons Of Ben And 'Will' Along Fete And Jest In Lyric Song Lyric feasts at the Triple Tun have been revived by -;-he modern day 'Tribe of Ben ,' consisting of ;·he Junior English majors. In the midst of bubbling, ·fizzing cokes by torchere light presided the chief, Ben Jonson (Sister Mary Jea n). The figure of wit and wisdom hovering near Ben, on close scrutiny we discovered i·o be Will Shakespeare, (Sister Mary Donald 'i"o you, neophites). There hovered, six loyal of 'i"he band, while the chieftain poised, knife in hand, over the gala decorated cake . Cok es raised in -;·oast, ;-he merry intellectual discussion began as " times i-ransshifted ."
Fall Frolic Strikes Informal Note; Year Book Fund Hits New Pitch Combining business with pleasure, members of the Senior Class sponsored a student body dance for the Yearbook fund in Mercy Hall o n November eighteen. Informality was the keynote of the Fall Frolic as depicted in the inviting posters designed by Norma Haronian, Ann Cotter, and Elea nor McGrath . In a seasonal setting of corn stalks, scarecrows and hay, the Fall Frolic did justice to its name, due ·;·o the efforts of Grace Woods, .Jane Sullivan, Pauling Silvia, Patricio Dooley, Mary Cahill, and Frances Mournighan , members of 'lhe decoration committee. Music was furnished by Bob St. Amour and his Serenaders from eight-thirty to twelve. The orchestra committee was comprised of Jean Judge, Lucy Roberts, and Elizabeth O 'Connell. Pumpkin programs were •:J iven to each couple attending ·1he dance, and these were arranged by Barbara Kelly, Mary Murphy, Dorothy Perkins. Margaret Feye, and .Jayne Mycroft. Miss Barbara O ' Rourke headed ·;·he ways and means committee . Under ·;·he general chairmanship of Florence Mclaughlin, dance proceeds were given ·;·o i·he yearbook fund as ·;he Senior project. To help the Seniors with their yearbook fund, all classes and various clubs a re p lanning little means of swelling ·i he ·i inal total. Remembering that they, too, will one day be Seniors with anxious eyes turned toward a beautiful yearbook, ·i he under graduates supported this dance, o Senior project and a true spirit of Salve Regina cooperation was shown everywhere.
Freshmen Invested In Academic Cap And Gown at Ceremony The ·;·raditional cap and gown investi ture ceremony for 'lhe Freshmen cla ss will be held in the chapel on ·rhe morning of December eight. Following the morning Mass, the Reverend Gerald F. Dil lon, chaplain of ·1he college, will officiate at the ·;·rad itional ceremony. The prayer, used in bestowing ;·he academic gown on the Freshmen Class, is one used for ·;·he dubbing of knights. Those who will assist Father Di llon at the exercises will be Miss Jane Murphy, president of ·the student body, and Miss Mary Cahill, Prefect of the Sodal ity and Vice -President of ·;·he Student Body. After the investiture ceremonies, ·the Reverend Father Dillon will deliver an address which will explain the signifi cance of the academic dress and the duties of the wearer. Benediction will close the ceremony.
Santa Plus Merry-Minded Students Shower Toys, Goodies, Prizes On Starry-eyed Tots Have you ever noticed a child 's face when he sees the flickering red ond blue lights, the dainty frosted angels, and 'lhe glittering tinsel on a gigantic Christmas ·tree? Do you recall ·those sparkling eyes and that half-gulped - " Golly! " Stories of the Christ Child that ·fi ll him with awe, legends of Santa, games, •:Joodies, and gaily wrapped presents- it happens every Christmas, and if you'd like to be a part of it all, just bring a toy or some pretty package ·to Miss Patricia Sullivan before 'ihe afternoon of December fourteen . Every Christmas i·ime i·his t raditional treat is given to the less fortunate children of Newport by the Sodality. It's a real treat too, to watch their smiling faces m they unwrap 'lhe packages presented ;o them by Santa Claus (Flo Mclaughlin ·io you ) and to join in the game playing, and ice-cream eating t hat only little children seem fully to appreciate. So if you'd like ·jo be an individual Santa Claus, don 't forget ·ihat •:Jift and don 't forget that date . You ' ll ·find a re al
friend in thP. little 'lot ·;·hat blushingly ::ay s, " Hello" and it's the one party you'll never forget.
Home Economists Pour Hospital Tea And Plan Freshman Xmas Party Home Economics students poured tea at the Naval Hospital on December three, as a part of their Christmas plans this year. Through the auspices of the Red Cross the Club was able to buy materials upon which to work, but it was the girls who prepared the tea themselves. Under the general chairman, Janet McDonald, and her committee, they chose the refreshments and the Christmas decorations, and planned favors for the patients. They poured for the men and their guests that Sunday afternoon. A Christmas party for the Freshmen students in the club is to be given in ·;·he Economics laboratory by 'lhe other members on December 'twelve. There will be carolling around the crib to be set up under ·the tree, and ·;· he Freshmen will clima x the evening by hanging up their stockings 'lo be ·filled by their big sisters.
Council Meets In Chicopee; Scholarship Fund Established The Fall Council meeting of ·the New England Region, N. F. C. C. S. was held November 10, 11, 12 at 'I he College of Our Lady of ·ihe Elms, Chicopee, Mass. Misses Barbara O ' Rourke and Patricia Fox, Senior and Junior delegates respectively, and Miss Marguerite Johnson, Regional 0 . S. P. Magazine Exchange chairman, represented Salve Regina College . Plan s are underway for a scholarship fund which will b e given ·i·o some deserving student in anyone of the member regional colleges. This undertaking will be one of 'lhe major projects of ·;·he year. A pre-congress meeting will be held sometime during the ·first two weeks of January 1951, at a place to be announced.
William B. Roderick, Manager