New Student Record 1984

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o M M U N I


Sist e r Lucille McKillop, Ph.D. P res id e nt





Through our annual New Student Register, [ tak e great delight in presenting you to our College community. [ trust you will all come to know one another in friendship -as well as gain genial recognit ion by our faculty, staff, and re turnin g students . To be thus identified as a registered student at Salve means more than formal college status. lt implies that you have ta ken a strong commitment toward a lifetime goal of substantial achie vement. You have ente red a gateway that will lead to a lasting ex perience of our moral and academic values -of individual integrity and intellectual excellence. Each of you will face the challenges of personal growth through self effort . All genuine edu cation hinges on your determination-your contribution of drive, enthusiasm, and staying power. College is a lengthy marathon , but all who finish the course are true winners . Realize that you are not alone in this ambitious venture. Here we cherish the values of a car ing Christian community. We study and learn together. We pra y, we play, we share, we encourage and support one another in Christian solidarity. Open and heartfe lt acceptance extends right up to the President 's Office. Accept us in return and make these Salve years the best years of your lives. Sister Lucille McKillop President







September 4



September 5 September 12

Wednesday Wednesday




-e U -e



22-26 Mon.-Fri.

November 21


November 26 December 14

Monday Friday

December 17-21 Mon.-Fri.

December 22



Resident Stud ents Arrive Classes Begin Last da y to change previous registrations Columbus Day Holiday: No Classes Mid-term Examination Week Thanksgiv ing Break Begins: No Classes Classes Resume Last Day of Classes for First Semester Final Examinations. Grades due 48 hrs. after scheduled exam for each course. Christmas Break Begins

Januar y






Januar y







11-15 Mon.-Fri.


16-24 Sat. -Sun.

March April

25 5-8

April May May

Tuesday 9 Friday 10 13-17 Mon.-Fri.







Monday Fri.-Mon.

Resident Students Return Classes Begin-Start of Second Sem ester Last da y to change prev ious registration Washington's Birthday - No Classes Mid-term Exa mlnation Sp ring Break : No Classes Classes Resume Easte r Break -No classes on Friday and Monda y Classes Resume Last Day of Classes Final Examinations: Grades due 48 hrs. after examination Final Grades due for Gradu ating Students Commencement


College Activities Contributing to the total educational experience of students , the College Activities Office seeks to provide meaningful social and cultural activities for the entire community. Realizing the theoretical environment of the classroom can be complemented with practical experiences, this office affords participants the opportunity to identify, to develop and to share their individual qualities. By fostering an appreciation for diverse interests and talents, the College Activities Office expects students to reach a better understanding of themselves as unique individuals and to seek the best in others. In keeping with the mission of the College, this area and its staff strive to bring the student to the realization that his skills, properly used, can and ought to be offered in service to the larger community.


STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Intramurals and Athletics The College offers an extensive variety of programs on an intramural level for both men and women . The intramural program is geared to the students' interest in team and individual sports on all levels of performance. These programs include soccer, tennis , basketball, ping-pong, bowling, softball, and volleyball. Additional activities are initiated and organized by the students under the direction of the intramural sports director. Growing out of the intramural program, the varsity athletic program for men and women serves the student with above average athletic abilities. The College is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association. Men partici pate in intercollegiate basketball, baseball, soccer, and tennis, and women compete in basketball, softball and tennis. An Annual Sports Award Program is held in the spring to acknowledge the contributions and successes of the participants in both intramural and intercollegiate athletics.

Ne wport Co llege Theat re Co mpany The Newport College Theatre Company is responsible for all main stage productions as well as laboratory workshops in theatre. Students actively involved in this organ ization fully participate in all aspects of the college theatre program. The Newport College Theatre Company aligns itself with the Newport College Dance Company, The Newport College Band Club, and the Newport College Singers .

The Salve Regina College Chorus is the official choral group of the College. Membership is open to all members of the College and civic community. Music selections range in style from contemporary to classical. Activities and events are coordinated by the director. The organization is both an educational and an enjoyable activity for students who wish to improve their talents while providing a challenging and significant service to the College.


Committed to the philosophy that the truly educated are those who have developed themselves socially, physically, emotionally and culturally, as well as intellectually, the entire College community is seeking ways to help all persons identify and develop further their capabilities, talents and resources.






JUDI ADOMAITIS Barr e, MA Cheerleading, Drama CATHERINE ALBANESE Newton , MA Che erleading, Danc ing MICHELLE ALVES Milford, MA Dancing, Gymnas tics NICOLE ARABOLOS Hamden, CT Ballet , Danc ing EILEEN AUSTIN Stamford, CT Art, Cheerleading MICHAEL BAUSOLA Antioch, CA Jazz , Music DAVID BENJAMIN Barrington, RI Hockey, Surfing

Business Nurs ing Pre-Law Med. Tech .

Liberal Arts Pre -Med Pre-Med

LORI BENSON Cranston, RI Cheerleadlng, Choir KATHLEEN BILLUPS Groveland , MA Che erleading, Skiing STEPHANIE BOLMANT Brockton , MA Animals, Drama SUZANNE BOURKE Reading , MA Ballet , Dancing STEPHANIE BRINKHAUS Needham, MA Skiing, Soccer COLLEEN BROGAN Hawthorn e, NJ Drama, Horses PAUL BULGER Newtown , CT Skiing, Surfing MICHELLE CA LARES O Winchester, MA Cheerleadlng, Choir KIMBERLY CAMPBELL Bangor , ME Horses , People ROBIN CAPUTO Port Jeff ers on, NY Camping, Pub lications DEBORAH CAR LILE Portsmouth, RI Debating, Drama JAMES CARNEY Garden City, NY Bask etball , Bicycling LAUREEN CELIA Brockton , MA Drama, Peo ple SUSAN CHANDONNET Che lmsford , MA Soccer, Travel DIANA CHAPMAN N. Easton , MA Plano , Swimming BRIAN COCO Hartford , CT Golf, Politics JANINE COFFEY Bayonne, NJ Photography, Swimming


Liberal Arts

Nursing Miley Business Nursing Nursing

J ourn alism Business Miley Nursing Pre-La w

Nursing Politica l Science Business Nurs ing

Crlm. Justice Education Pre -Law Nursing

JANE CONNELLY Dedham, MA Softball , Swimming JOHN CORRIGAN Gales Ferry, CT Camping, Drama KENNY COCVESE Johnston, RI Bicycling, People CHARON COTE Middlet own, RI Bicycling, Plano KELLY COUGHLIN Terryville, CT Drama, Music SUZANNE CULLEN New Canaan, CT Bicycling, Dancing KELLY CULLINA Glastonvury, CT Skiing, Tennis LOUIS A DANIELE Hampden, MA Animals , Music MARY ELLEN DAVIS River Edge , NJ Swimming, Water Skiing ELIZABETH DAY Rehoboth, MA Gymnastics, Poetry DENISE DE FILIPPO Free por t, NY Bowling, Dancing CAROLINE DE FUSCO Avon, CT Photography, Wat er Skiing PAMELA DE NUTTE Read ing, MA Dancing , Skiing DIAN A DEAKIN Brookfield Ctr ., CT Music, Track PATTI路JO D EERKOSKI Mattituck, NY Sk iing, Softball SHEILA DELL'ORFANO Billerica, MA Skiing, Softball SUSAN DELL'ORFANO Billerica, MA Animals , Basketball JILL DERRIG Providence, Rl Dancing , Drama, 1 MARIA DI MONACO Wallingford , CT Soccer, Volleyball JAM ES DlZAZZO N. Andover, MA People, Skiing WILLIAM DOLAN Williamstown, MA Baseball, Track ELIZABETH DWGAN Waterbury, CT Publications, Skiing EILEEN DWYER Batav ia, NY Cheerleading, Rea ding MICHELE ELECK New Milford, CT Swimming, Track

Nursing Business Political Science Liberal Arts

Pre-Law Education Business Med. Tech.

Liberal Arts Nursing Spec. Ed. Liberal Arts

Business Nursing Med. Tech . Psychology

Pre -Law Engineering Nursing Fine Arts

Pre-Law Political Science Miley Liberal Arts Nursing


NICOLE ENDERLE W. Caldwell , NJ Photography, Skiing KRISTIN ENGEL Bethany, CT Dancing, Drama NANCY FAITELLA Unionville, CT People, Soccer ROBIN FALLON Armonk , NY Crafts, Running NANCY FALOCCO N. Attleboro, MA Ballet, Dancing JEAN FARLEY Hyannis , MA Running, Track LISA FAUTEUX Epsom, NJ Ballet, Dancing DEBRA FAY E. Stoneham, ME Cheerleadlng, Drama KAROLYN FEEKS Briarcliff Maonr, NY Art, Poetry JAY FILIPSKI Glastonbury, CT Photography, Skiing SONYA FORD N. Chelmsford, MA Running, SkIIng LYNN FORTIN E. Longmeadow, MA Animals, Astrology LEIGH-AN FRAZIER E. Hartford, CT Choir, Crafts MATTH EW FRAZIER W. Hartford , CT Gymnastics , Music KENDRA GAGNON Glastonbury, CT Photography, Tennis CHRISTINA GAITA Walpole , MA Film, Languages KIM GALLAGHER Old Brookville, NY People, Racquetball TRACEY GARD NER S. Dartmouth, MA Cheerleadlng, Horses LYNN GASKI Bristol, CT Dancing, Tennis JACQUELINE GERAGHTY Johnston, RI Swimming, Yearbook LINDA GEREMIA Johnston, RI Bicycling, Cheerleading RAYLEEN GIANNOTTI Tiverton, RI Bicycling, Softball JANE GILLIGAN New Vernon, NJ People, Reading LYNNE GIORDANO N. Easton, MA SkIIng, Soccer


Liberal Arts Liberal Arts Nursing Liberal Arts

Business Liberal Arts Miley Psychology French

Business Crim. Justice Miley Science

Liber al Arts Psychology Communications

Libera l Arts Business Nursing Business

Med. Tech. Liberal Arts Sociology Business

CATHERINE GIRARD Glastonbury, CT Cheerleading, Running APRIL GRAY Bloomfield, CT Bowling, Cheerleading REGINA GRAZIANI W. Simsbury, CT Art, Politics PAUL GRAZIANO Providence, RI Baseball, Basketball KATHERINE GRIFRN Westwood , MA Dancing, Music CHERYL GRIMES Dedham , MA Bicycling, Da ncing L1SANNE GUERRERA Stratford, CT Piano, Swimming ROBERT HARKINS Weymouth, MA Baseball , Photography HOLLY HARRINGTON Hope Valley, RI Bicycling, Volleyba ll SUSAN HARRINGTON Hanover, MA Skiing, Soccer DA RLENE HARRIS N. Sm ithfield, RI Guitar , Music COLLEEN HAXTON Narragansett, RI Softball, Tennis CLARE HEAVEY Needham, MA Gymnastics, People LESLIE HOLLY Pawcatuck , CT Art, Bicycling AMY HORTON Beacon, NY Ballet, Skiing KIM HOULEY McLean, VA


Political Science Business

Journalism Nursing Business Pre-La w

Education Nurs ing Crim . Justice

Liberal Arts Fine Arts Psychology

KRISTIN HYOTTE Fra nklin, MA Photograp hy, Skiing Nursing PATTY KELLEY Hyannis, MA Skiing, Swimming Business CHRISTOPHER KERSHAW Manchester, MA Computer Science Basketball, Computers ERIN KILEY Newton, MA Music, People Nursing LISA KLOWAN N. Attleboro, MA Racquetball, Read ing KAREN KNOWLES Pawtucket , RI Languages, Publications CLARE KNUPPEL Leon ia, NJ Animals , Bicycling MARGARET KOVAL Wolcott, CT Cheerleading, Volleyball

Business Liberal Arts Nursing

Liberal Arts


ANNE KRZYWDA Hull, MA Bowling, Horses CAROL LA SALLE Somerset, MA Computers, Music ANN LANDRY Mattapoisett, MA Choir, People LAURIE LANGLAIS Attleboro, MA Bicycling, Choir LAURA LANZI Fairfield, CT Horses, Photog raphy JUSTINE LAUBER Basking Ridge, NJ Drama, People CHERYL LAVOIE Assonet, MA Art , Poetry EILEEN LEWIS Madison, CT Dancing, St udent Gov't, JUDITH LOONIE Brockton , MA Basketball, Softball BETH LORENZ Stamford, CT Ba llet , Cheerleading PATRICIA LYNCH Newport, RI

Nursing Chemistry Crim. Justice Business

Communications Social Work Psychology Nursing

Nursing Freshman Communications Business

SUSAN MAC KNIGHT Middletown , RI Anima ls, Photography EDWARD MAC MILLAN N. Andover, MA Music, Racquetball JOHN MACHADO Hudson, MA Basketball, Bicycling NICHOLAS MALTAIS Tiverton, RI Camping, Hunt ing MICHELE MANSFIELD Northford, CT Horses, People KARA MANSI Cumberland, RI Crafts, Photography LISA MARCH ESE Norton, MA Dancing, SkIIng TONI MARCIEL Bonn, West Ger . Debating, Politics KATHY MARICLE Newport, RI Softball, Travel KIMBERLY MARR Gloucester. MA Photography, SkIIng DEBORAH MARTIN Burlington, MA SkIIng, Soccer MICHELLE MARTIN Acushnet, MA Music, Travel MATTEO LAURIE New Haven, CT Camping, Cheerleadlng



Business Business Crim . Justice Nursing

Liberal Arts Nursing Political Science Computer Science

Political Science Nursing Education Spec. Ed.

CONNIE MATTOS Westport, MA Ballet, Cheerleadlng

Wall Psychology

JAMES MATUSZEWSKI Uncasville, CT Basketball, Football


KRISTI MC ARDLE Milton, MA Dancing, Gymnastics

Miley Nursing

DANIEL MCCARE New Canaan, CT Baseball , Basketball


KATHLEEN MCCARTHY N. Haven, CT Music, Running KERRY MC GIN NESS Lexington, MA Cheerleading, Photography

Liberal Arts

CARRIE MCGURKIN Wethg rsfield, CT Bicycling, Soccer

Fine Arts

TIMOTHYMCHUGH Trumbull, CT Bicycling, Sk iing


ALICE MCKEON N. Gra nby, CT Cheerleadin g, Sk iing


MAURA MC LAUGHLIN Norwell, MA Bicycling, Softball


MARJORIE MEECHAN Cumberland, RI Ballet, Gymnastics

Liberal Arts

KAREN MELIA Salem, NH Skiing, Swimming

Crlm . Justice

LUCY MICACCI Southington, CT

MICHELLE MILARDO Portland, CT Art, Photography


KEIKO MILLERICK W. Har tford , CT Horses, Skiing


FRANK MONTECALUO Wa rwick, RI Running, St ude nt Gov't.

Crim . J ustice

MICHELE MORIN Attleboro , MA Animals, People


MICHELE MASCHELLO Middlebury, CT Skiing, Tennis SUE MOTTA Barrington, RI People, Soccer

Business Psychology

ANN MURASSO Hartford , CT Cheer lead lng, Dancing


DEIRDRE MURPHY Scituate, MA Photography, Skiing


STEPHEN MORRAY Green Village, NJ Art, Hockey

Crim. Justice

ELIZABETH NICHOLLS Westbrook, CT Music, Photogra phy

Liberal Arts




MARY BETH NOTARANGELO Bristol, CT Bicycling, People CAROLYN O'BRIEN Frankl in, MA Basketball, Gymnastics TIMOTHY O'BRIEN E. Providence, RI Bicycling, Golf MARGARET O'NEILL Stamford , CT SkIIng, Soccer SHARON O'NEILL Harvard ,lL Ballet, Student Gov't . KIMBERLEY ORSINI Stratford, CT Swimming SANDRA PARKER Guilford, CT Bicycling, Crafts JACQUELINE PAVAO Swansea, MA Computers, Photography JENNIFER PESCI Windsor Locks , CT Gymnastics, People DOROTHY PLACHNO Bristol, CT Photography, Travel DAVID PLANTE Pawtucket, RI Basketball, Bicycling CHRISTINA POLCARI Belmont , MA Bicycling, Camping ADRIANNA PORCARO Watertown, CT Camping, Drama KRISTEN PROVORSE E. Greenwich, RI Animals, Sk IIng COLLEEN RAMSAY Lanssborough, MA Music, Piano MARIA RAPOSO Fall River , MA Dancing , Languages HELEN RAYMOND Naugatuck , CT Dancing, Music MARUEEN REGO Swansed, MA Basketba ll, Swimming CAROLYN REYNEN Rocky Pt ., NY Cheerlead ing, Student Gov't . BRIGID RICE Manhasset, NY LaCrosse, Running CLAIRE RITTENBURG Read ing, MA Danc ing, Gymnastics PATRICIA ROBERTS Waterbury, CT Bicycling, Cheerlead lng CHRISTINE RONDEAU Bristol, Rl People, Racquetball MARY ROOHAN Saratoga Spgs., NY Music, Peopl e


Nurs ing Nurs ing Criminology Miley Libe ral Arts

Account ing Educa tion Educat ion Nursing

Nursing Crim. Justice Miley Sp ec . Ed.

Fine Arts Biology Journalism Nursing

Sociology Pre-Law Nursing Business

Psychology Education Nursing Nursing

FRANK ROSA Middletown, RI Basketball, Music STEPHANIE ROY Paxton, MA Animals, Science ELAINE SACCO Boston , MA Dancing, Dra ma MELANIE SALOME Centerville, MA Astrology, Bicycling OSVALDO SANTOS Sp ringfield, MA Fishing, Soccer TRACY SCHLOEMANN Branford, CT Horses, Scuba Diving MARY SEEBODE Cedar Grove , NJ Basketball, Horses LAURA SEQUIN New Bedford, MD Cheerleading, Dan cing MELISSA SERPA Bristol, RI Basketball, Horses SEBASTIAN SERRANO Quito, Ecuado r Soccer, Volleyball MAURASHEA Wood bury, CT

Pre-Law Med.Tech. Education Accounting

Biology Nursing Nursing Miley Nursing

Med. Tech. Econom ics Business

ERIN SHIELDS Duxbury, MA People, Tennis THERESA SILVEIRA Middleto wn, RI Horses, Skiing JACQUELINE SIROIS Lynnf ield , MA Skiing, Stud ent Gov't . TRACY JO SMITH Redding Ridge, CT Bowling, Softball SUSAN SOMERS Montpe lier, VT Music, Softball PEGGY STABLEIN Fairfield, CT People, Swimming CYNTHIA SWIFT N. Dartmouth, MA Dancing , Horses ANDREE THERRIEN Lawrence, MA Drama, Publications MARSHA TORRES New Bedford, MA Crafts, Readin g SUSAN TRACY Middletown, RI Music, Photography LOUIS TREGLIA Wethersfield, CT Basketball, Volleyball JENNIFER TRODDEN Woburn, MA Animals, Art BONNIE TROUPE Hanson, MA Student Gov't ., Travel

Psychology Journalism Nursing Nursing

Nursing Business Education Nursing

Fine Arts Business Education Education


MEREDITH TULLER Tolland, CT Ba sketball, Computers MICHELE VAlLETTE Branford, CT Com puters, Dancing ELLEN VERDERBER Walpole, MA

Nurs ing

Business Nursing

FREDERICK VILLARI Providen ce , RI Dra ma , Guitar


PAULA WEBBER Ellington , CT Ba sketba ll, Camping MARY WERNER Ridgefield , NJ Softball, Swimming WENDY WILLETT West port, CT Poetry, Skiing KRISTIN WILSON Andover , MA So ftball, SWimming

Nurs ing Miley Nurs ing

Education Business

JADE WONG Dartmouth, MA Music, People CHRISTINE ZAPPOLA Student Gov't ., Tennis HELEN ZAVAS Squantum, MA Cheerleading, Dancing

Business Vernon, CT Business Nursing


Audobon , NJ Business

JAMES CORCORAN Bas eb a ll, Ba sketball

Middle town, RI Cri m. J ustice

TRACEY KEYES Art , Phot ography

Menands, NY Liberal Arts

Hyde Park , MA Nursing

MICHELLE KING Gymn a stics, Horses

Dight on, MA Nursing

LUCY CORREIA Dancing, Gymn astics ANN COl Guita r, Ra cq uetba ll

Grafton, MA Business

PAUL KOCZWANSKI Astrology, Lan guages

SlOB HAN CUNNINGHAM Cheerleading, Debating

Newport, RI Pre- Law

BARBARA LIBBEY Art , Ba sketba ll


Middletown, RI Psychology

TRACY DUDEVOIR Dan cing , People

Acton , MA Education


Portsmouth, RI Liberal Arts

ANGELA MANDIA Dancing, People KAREN MC CARTHY Hiking, Horses MEGAN MC LOUGHLIN Bowling, Dan cing

K. FRANCESCON Horses, Sk iing

Wallingford, CT Nursing

COLEEA MURRAY Hockey, Skiing

LISA GUARINO Bicycling, Swimming

Middletown, CT Liberal Arts

DEBRA O'CONNOR Ballet, Bicycling

KATHLEEN HARRINGTON Larchmont, NY Psychology Basket ba ll, Soccer


GERALDINE HAUGHEN Basketball, People

KIMBERLY PACE Skiing, Swimming

Framingham, MA Psychology

Coventry, RI Law Enforcement Auburn, ME Liberal Arts Atlantic High., NJ Communicat ions Stewart Manor , NY Political Scie nce Bridge port, CT Pre -La w Carteret, NJ Education W. Haven, CT Science Stratford, CT Nursing

ANTHONY PEPE Languages, People MARGARET SABETTI People, Swimming ELAINE SANTOS Music, Piano RICHARD SCHOEBEL Camping, People

Ansonia , CT Liberal Arts Greenville, RI Education Ne w Bedford, MA Nurs ing Glastonbury, CT Liberal Arts

KATHLEEN SELL Dancing, Gymnastics

Cranston, RI Nurs ing


Fa irfield , CT Pre-Law

CHRISTOPHER SHEA Basketball, Hoc key

Middletown, RI Sociology

KATHI TOWER Bowling, Fishing

Abingt on, MA Journalism

DONNA WHALEN Golf, Photography

Millbrook, NY Liberal Arts




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