Sister Lucille McKillop Ph.D. President
Dear Newcomers to Salve, It is my great pleasure to introduce you all to the Salve campus community through the 1985 New Student Record . We do want you to know one another in true friendship and to win friendly recognition from our faculty , staff and returning students. Your portrayal here together takes on an added signficance. Coming from varied locales and backgrounds, you now share a commitment to our Salve goals and expectations. Together you will gain the livJng experience of our intellectural and moral values -of genuine growth in mind and spirit. In a few brief years we trust to see you pictured in the Senior Yearbook -but with a difference. These intervening years spell out challenge and opportunity. They should bring you to the threshold of self -confident maturity and professional competence. Determine to make the most of these precious years. Your collective portraits further underscore that you are not alone in the intellectua l, cultural, and spir itual adventure that represents a Salve education. In a true sense you have gained a new family , our campus community. We all want to share your joy in learning, your delight in solid achievement , and even your problems and perplexities. All of us -from the administration to the faculty , staff , and students-are pledged to help , to counsel, to encourage, to inspire , and to pray for one another. Embrace wholeheartedly that family spirit , and Salve offers in return the most memorable and rewarding years of your lives.
Sister Lucille McKillop President
ACADEMIC CALENDAR 1985-1986 Fall Semester 85' Septe mber Se ptembe r Septemb er October Oct ober Novemb er Novemb er Decemb er Decemb er Decemb er
Tu esd ay Wednesday 11 Wednesday 14 Monda y 21路25 Mon-Fri 27 Wednesday 25 Monday 13 Friday 16路20 Mon.-Fri 4
Resident Students Arrive Class es Begin-Start of First Semester Last day to change pr evious registrations Columbus Day - Holiday : No Classes Mid-term Exam ination Week Thanksgiving Break Begins No Classes Class es Resume Last Day of Classes for First Semester Final Examinations, Final grades due 48 hrs . after schedul ed exa m for each course. Christm as Break Begins
Spring Semester 86' January J anu ar y J anu ar y Februar y March March March March April May May May May
20 21
29 17 10-14 15-23
24 28-31 1 9
12-16 16 18
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Monday Mon.-Fri. Sat.-Sun. Monday Fri.-Mon. Tuesday Friday Mon.-Fri. Friday Sunday
Resident Students Arrive Class es Begin - Start of Second Sem ester Last day to change previous registrations Wash ington 's Birthday - No Classes Mid-term Examination Week Spring Break - No Classes Classes Resume Easter Break - No Classes on Friday and Monday Classes Resume Last Day of Classes Final Examinations. Final grades due 48 hrs . after scheduled exams for each course. Final grades due for graduating Students . Commencement
College Activities Contributing to the total educational experience of students, the College Activities Office seeks to provide meaningful social and cultural activities for the entire community. Realizing the theoretical environment of the classroom can be complemented with practical experiences, this office affords participants the opportunity to identify , to develop and to share their individual qualities. By fostering an appreciation for diverse inter-
r (
ests and talents, the College Activities Office expects students to reach a better understanding of themselves as unique individuals and to seek the best in others. In keeping with the mission of the College , this area and its staff strive to bring the student to the realization that his skills, properly used, can and ought to be offered in service to the larger community.
Clubs and Organizations Accounting Club Administration Of Justice Club Arete Society Art Club Athletics Club Band and Ensembles Cheerleaders Club Choral Groups Student Life Senate Student Academic Senate Student Housing Senate Sigma Phi Sigma Council For Exceptional Children French Club Theta Alpha Kappa Veritas - The Honor Society Of Philosphical Inquiry Pi Delta Phi Sigma Delta Pi Weight lifting Club Student Social Work Organization Spanish Club Sailing Club Skating Club Psychology Club Newport College Theatre Hockey Club Med Tech Club International Student Organizatoin
FRESHMAN TIPS - Keep your rooms neat on weekends-parents are known for surprise visits - Try to pick up a copy of the WHAT'S GOING ON? to find out whats happening on campus - Sepera te underwear and jeans in the wash - Don' t show your ignorance by not asking what you don 't know - Pizza is fattening -but fun - Bring your ID wherever you go - Go more than midway for midterms - Keep your door locked-things have a habit of walking away - Washing machines eat socks -Express yourself by voting in all campus elections - The computer doesn't hate everyone -just you -Homesickitis-a call home does wonders for the morale at both ends - Take advantage of all the free activities - If your roommate disappears remember that there are 24 hours in a day - Be friendly -your all in the same boat -At home parents treat -here you pay -It's important to GET INVOLVED -college is more than books
ALINA AGUERO Bur lington . CT Ch eerleading. Politics ALICIA ALEXANDER Rum ford . RI Choir. Debating RAFAEL ALMAGRO Glastonbury. CT Sk iing. Cr ew AMY ANDERSON South Glast onbury. CT Student Gov't .• SWimming
Lewis S. Mills Business East Providenc e Sr . High Liber al Arts
KAREN ANDRE Bridgep ort . CT Art. Tr a ve l JUDITE ARAUJO New Bedford . MA Crafts. Travel MELINDA ARCHAMBEAULT Gardne r. MA Skiing. Softba ll ANITA ARCIERI We bster . MA Art . Track CHRISTINE ARRUDA Digh ton. MA Reading. Skiing NA TALIE AUDET Bristol. CT Film. Mat h CLAUDIA AUSLANDER Narragansett . RI Art. Language CYNTHIA BACH Tolland . CT Hiking. Travel LISA BAILEY Ma nchester. ME Choir. Skiing THOMAS BALCOM Smithfield. RI Rugby. Travel JANE BANNISTER Medfield . MA Socc er. Track NICOLE BARBATO Colts Neck. NJ Basketba ll. Soccer ELIZABETH BARNWELL Oceanport. NJ Music. Peopl e GAIL BARRAVECCHIA Pawcatuc k. CT Ch oir. Music MICHAEL BEAUCHEMIN Fall River . MA Runni ng. T ra ck BRUCE BEAULIEU Magnolia . MA Fishing. Skiing MICHELE BELVAL Wat erbur y. CT Anima ls. Bowling KERRIBLAKE Ha mden. CT People . Travel JOANNE BLOOM Florham Pa rk . NJ Dan cing. People ERIC BOGDAN Hodda m, CT Music. People
Glast onbury HS History Merc y Adm in. of Justice
Lauralton Hall Education New Bedfo rd High Nur sing Ga rdner HS Nursing Bartl ett Nursing
Coy le & Cassidy Biology St. Pau l Ca tholic HS Accounting Narragan sett HS Nur sing Tolland HS Nurs ing
Ma ranacook Nursing LaSall e Academy Criminal Justice Medfie ld High Business St. J ohn Viann ey Nursing
Shore Regional English Stonington High Educati on B.M.C . Durfee Psych ology St. Johns Pr ep Business
Sacred Hea rt Nursing St . Mary 's HS Medical Tech . Ha nover Park Nursing Xav ier HS Libe ral Art s
JUDITH BORGE Tiverton , Rl Tenn is JENNI FER BOWLES Simsbury, CT Cr aft s, Swimming ELIZABETH BOXLEY Mam aroneck , NY Bicycling , Reading JEANNE BRAULT Burlingt on, VT Music, Softb all PA TRICIA BRIGGS Milford , CT Skiing, Tenni s PAM ELA BROWN Framingham , MA Animals , S wim ming KELLY BUDDENHAGEN Dartmouth , MA Music, Peop le JACQUELEINE BURGESS Newport , Rl Bask etball , So ftba ll KELLY BURK E Ch atham , NJ Art , Cra fts DAVID BUTLER Russell , MA Ba seb all , Basketball LEIGH CALVERT Waltham , MD Music, T rav el AMERICA CARCHIA Ne w Hav en , CT Bicycling, Tr av el DAVID CARLILE Port smouth, RI Golf, Hiking MICHAEL CARROLL Cranford , NJ Politics, Ru nning JOANNE CARUSONE Ne w Ha ven , CT Bicycling, Dram a MARY CASTRO Ne w Bedf ord , MA Math, Tr ack DIANA CATALDI Warwick , RI Art , Music MARIA CATANESE Milltown , NJ Ballet, Ch oir LINDA CHAMPAGNE So uth Wind sor, CT Crafts, Hiking CLAUDIA CICCONE Pr ovid ence, RI Animals, SWimm ing LUCI CIUFFO St amford, CT Dan cing , Tennis PETER COLBERT Lynnfi eld , MA Fishing , Sk iing ELISSA COLETT A Pr oviden ce , RI Art , Sk iing MAUREEN CONDON N. East on, MA Footb all , Reading
Bishop Connally Pre-Law Simsbury HS Sociology Mam a ro neck High English Rice Mem orial High Science
J oseph A. Fora n HS Sociology Framingham South Busin es s Bishop St ang Education Roge rs Busin ess
Ac ad em y of SI. Elizab eth
Gat ew a y Region al High P re-Law Arlington Ca tholic Nurs ing Notr e Dam e HS Pre -Law
Portsmouth High Computer Scienc e Cranf ord HS Liber al Arts Sacred Hea rt Aca de m y Pr e-Law Bishop Stang HS Econ om ics
P rout Mem orial HS Business SI. Pet ers Busin ess South Wind sor High Psych ology SI. Mar ys Aca de my Pr e-Law
Sac red Hear t Acad e my Business Mald e n Catholic HS Business SI. Ma ry Ba y View Liberal Arts O liver Ames Business
TRISHA CONDREN Mar co Island , FL Dram a , Film KERRY CONLON Bohemia , NY Skiing, Tr avel PATRICIA CONNOLLY East Greenw ich, RI Cheerl eading, Yearbook YVONNE CONTI Stra tford, CT Cra fts, Skiing STEPHEN CRAWFORD Providen ce , RI Ba seball, Basket ba ll KATHLEEN CREEDON Milford , MA Languag es, Running ANDREA CRETELLA T rum bull, CT Bas ketba ll, Track SUSAN CROSSON To psfield, MA Peopl e, Pian o JEFFREY CROTEAU North Kingstown, RI Anima ls, Dan cing JANET CROWLEY Scitua te , MA Art , Soccer MARY CUNNINGHAM Belmont , MA Dram a , Tenn is CAROL DALY Scarsdale, NY Skiing, T rav el BONNIE D'AMBROSCA Cranston, RI Skiing, Tr av e l MICHAEL DAMERI Fram ingha m, MA RONA LD DA SILVA Rumford , RI Deb atin g, Sk iing ALYSON D EL MONTE Fram ingham, MA Public ations, Yea rbook
SI. J ohn Neum ann Pre-Law SI. J ohn the Baptist Business East Greenw ich Education Fra nk Scoll Bunnell HS Pre-La w
Ou r Lady of Providence Computer Science Mar ian HS Psychology St. Joseph Liberal Arts Masconomet Regional HS Business
Nort h Kingstown High Edu cat ion Scitua te HS Education Belm ont High Business Good Coun sel Acad em y Nursing
SI. Xavie r Academ y Liber al Art s Framingham So uth
East Pr oviden ce HS Cr imina l Justice Fram ingham So uth High Edu ca tion
JOANNE DEMETRIADES O liver Am es HS North Ea ston,MA Sociology Animals, Peop le LAURIE DE MINICO Whltman-Han son Regional Ha nson, MA Nursing Danci ng, Horses PAM DENNEN Wa rwick Vet' s Providence , RI Psychology Dram a , Horses WILLIAM DI ANTONIO Millford High Milford, MA Admin. of Justice Hockey, T enni s SARAH DICKENSON Clevelan d Heights, OH Animals , Peopl e KELLI-ANN DILLON So. Weymouth, MA Hock ey, Skiing MARGARET DI PACE Ma mar oneck , NY Rugb y, Skiing DINA DI SANTO Provid enc e , RI Ballet , J azz
Gilmour Aca demy Social Work Archbishop Williams Adm in. of Ju stice Mamar oneck HS Liber al Arts Class ical HS Pre-Med
KA THLEEN DO LAN Pet erb orough. NH Art , People CHRISTOP H ER DOUBEK Hampton , NH Art, Dra ma JODEL DZIALO Middletown, CT Politics, Tr a ve l J EANNETT E FABER Bay Sh ore , NY Tennis, Sai ling S US AN FAP P IANO Ma dison, CT Skiing, T en nis MICHELE FARKAS Man chester Ctr., VT Cra fts , Math SHERRIFAUCETT Bloomsbur y, NJ Math , Peopl e PAUL FEDAK Shelton, CT Skiing, Tennis
. _
Conval Psych ology Winna cun net Mer cy Pr e-Med SI. J ohn the Baptist Nursing
Mer cy HS Science Burr & Burt on Semina ry Edu cat ion North Hunt ert on HS Business Sh elton High Crimina l Ju sticce
MAUREEN FITZGERALD Ansonia , CT O ur La dy of Mer cy Acad em y Horses, Skiing Nur sing RITA FITZGERALD Bishop Feeh an Attl eb oro, MA Busines s Cra fts, People KELLY FITZPATRICK Pembroke , MA Notre Da me Aca demy Art , Sk iing Nursing ERIN FLAHERTY Bishop Stang Ma tta poisett , MA Nur sing Running , Tr ack ELIZABETH FORRESTER Marshfield. MA Dancing, People MICHELE FORTIN West Boylston , MA Art, Pe ople ANN FOURNIER Pa wtuc ket, RI Skiing. Trav el BARBARA FRANCIS South Windsor, CT Tenn is, Tr av el
Ma rshfield HS We st Boylston HS Nur sing SI. Raph ael Aca dem y Educa tion South Windsor HS Nur sing
CHRISTOPHER FRANCIS Bristol, RI Bristol HS Guitar, Math Mathem atic s CYNTHIA FREEMAN Trumbull , CT Trumbull High Nur sing Piano, Skiing MICHELE FRIEL Invern ess, IL Wood lands Academ y of Sacred Heart T ennis, Tr ack Liberal Art s MARK GACCIONE Westerl y, RI West erl y High Football, Sk iing Business DEBORAH GAGNON Lynnfie ld, MA Tennis, T ra vel BETH GANGLOFF Har winton, CT Track , Tr avel NO ELLE GEARY No. Scitua te, MA Golf, Horses GREGORY GEER Middlet own , RI Dra ma , Music
...... 14
Lynnfield HS Nursing Lewis S. Mills HS Social Work Notr e Da me Acad em y Business Middl et own HS Comp ute r Science -... _~
·_ c . ~,
"'_ _ __ , ~
KAR EN GENT Bra intr ee , MA Peop le , Swimming PATRICE GEORGEN Elkhorn , WI Skiing, Swimm ing KRISTINE GIBBONS Brookfield , CT Soft ball, Track LYNN GIGUERE Roch est er, MA Horses, Tenni s DONALD GIUSTINIANI Wolcott , CT Dram a , Peopl e MELANIE GLEIMAN Port smouth , RI Running , Soccer MARTHA GOTHEES West Hartford , CT Art, Soccer CARRIE GRIFFIN Milford, CT Dancing, Drama JOSEPHINE GULINO Wallingford , CT Peopl e , Ten nis JENNIFER HAUSER Harrisville , RI Runn ing, Tenn is LISA HAZNER War e , MA Skiing , Tr avel HOLLIS HERSEY MA Ch eerl eading, Tennis ELIZABETH HOGAN Torr ington , CT Golf, Sk iing VIRGINIA HOLDREDGE West erl y, RI Skiing, Tr avel SUSAN HOULLAHAN Belm ont, MA Sk iing, Soccer DARLENE HOZALSKI Pennsauken, NJ Skiing, Sp orts PAMELA JOHNSEN N. Dartmouth, MA Dancing , Music BETH JUDGE Sc ituat e , MA Sk iing, Tenn is JACQUELINE KAR Hartsdal e, NY Animals , Art KRISTIN KEATING Peterborough , NH Art , Skiing SUE KENT Springfield, MA Peopl e , Politics SHARON KOTT Una dilla , NY Danc ing, T enn is MARCELLE LACHANCE Brunswick, ME Drama , Tenn is MELISSA LAMETTA Norwalk , CT Dram a , Wat er Skiing
Notre Da me Acade my Nursi ng Woodlan ds Academy Liberal Art s Imma culat e High Adm . of Ju st . Old Roch est er HS Pre-Med
Wolcutt HS Nur sing Port smout h High Northwest Catholic HS Pr e-Law Lauralt on Hall Scienc e
Mercy Burrillville High Educati on War e HS Political Scienc e Newburyp ort HS Nur sing
Torrington HS Educ ati on Westerl y Business Belm ont HS Liber al Art s Camd en Cath olic HS Nur sing
Bishop Sta ng Edu cati on Notr e Dam e Aca demy Nurs ing Good Couns el Acad e my Nurs ing High Cr oft Sc hoo l Liberal Art s
Cathedral High Political Scienc e Sid ney Central HS Business Bru nswick HS Nur sing Norwa lk High Nurs ing
ANITA LARSON Brist ol, CT Animals, Tr a vel
SI. Pa uls Business
SUZANNE LEARY Fitzwilliam , NH Art , Hiking
Monad na ck Regional Educati on
RAE路ANN LE BLANC Baldwinville , MA Skiing, Tennis
Notr e Dam e Pr ep Scie nce
NICOLE LESCARBEAU Needh am , MA Anima ls, Skiing
Need ha m HS Business
CHRISTINE LEZAOLA Riverside, Rl Art , Skiing
O ur Lad y of Fatim a
JOANNE LIMA Tivert on , RI Computer s, Tr ack
Bishop Co nnolly HS Computer Scie nce
BARBARA LINDON Gard en City, NY Golf, Ski ing
Sacr ed Hea rt Acad em y Business
PAUL LOPES Fa irhaven , MA Art, Music
Fa irhav en HS Fine Arts
MARK LUSSIER Portl and , CT Basketball, Music
Xavi er HS Cr iminal J ustice
ELIZABETH LUTZ Milford , CT Peop le , Ten nis
Academ y of Our Lad y of Mer cy Ps ych olog y
MAUREEN LYNCH Fal mouth, MA Dan cing, Lang uag es
Ta bor Academy Liberal Arts
KIMBERLY MAGGIO Enfield, CT Dan cing, T ennis
Enfield HS Business
LORI MAGGIO Enfield , CT Dan cing, Peopl e
Enfield HS Nur sing
KERRY MAHONEY Duxb ury, MA Bicycling , Rea ding
Sa cre d Hea rt HS Pre-La w
SALLY MAHONEY Mad ison , CT Running , Softball MICHELLE MAN CARELLA Rockfall, CT Bowling, Volleyball
Dani el Hand HS Nursing Mercy High Business
HEATHER MANHARDT Scotch Pla ins, NJ Art , T ra vel
Union Ca th olic Educ a tion
MICHELLE MANNA Ma dison, CT Art , Horses
Da niel Ha nd HS Co mpute r Scienc e
JULIANNE MARCYANIAK Westfield, MA People , Socc er
SI. Ma rys Nur sing
PAMELA MARESCALCHI Sa lem, MA Art , Soc ce r
Sal e m HS Ps ychology
MICHELLE MARGO Southp ort, CT Cheerlea ding, Music
Roger Ludlowe Liber al Arts
MARY MARKESE West Ha rtford , CT Choir, Dra ma
Conard HS Edu cat ion
JENNIFER MARTEL Wak efield , RI Hors es , Skiing
South Kingst own HS Accou nting
ROBERT MARTIN Narragan sett , RI Footb all, Track
Nar raga nsett High Bus ines s
VITO MAR TINELLI North Providence. RI Drama. Football FRANCES MASELLI New Ha ven . CT Anima ls. Te nnis LISA MASIELLO Boston. MA Politics. Reading ELIZABETH MASON East Providence. RI Bicycling. T ravel DINA MATERAZO Morr istown. NJ Choir. Dram a JUDITH MAUNSELL Wat er bur y. CT Dan cing. Horses KAREN MC GEEVER Sh rub Oak . NY Music. Travel MARTHA MC GOWAN Abington . MA Peopl e . Skiing JANET MCKEE Ham den. CT So ftball . Volleyba ll KAREN MC KENNA Framingham. MA People . Skiing GERRI MC MICHAEL Narrag ans ett. RI Tenn is, Tr ack PETER MEAD E Needh am . MA Golf. Soccer DOMINIQUE MELON E Stow. MA Runnin g, T rack ELIZABETH MENEGUS Upp er Sadd le River , NJ Skiing, Yearbook KIMBERLEY MERWIN Wat erf ord . CT Dan cing, Peop le GIS ELLE MICHAEL Fall River . MA Music, T enni s JAMIE MINACCI West St ockbridge . MA Runn ing. Sk iing REGINA MINER Da rien . CT Art , Music ANN MONT EVERDI Livingston . NJ Bas eb all, Phot ogra phy JEAN MORGAN Clifton , NJ Horses. Politics
La Salle Political Scienc e Hamden High Med ical Tech . 51. Clare HS Politica l Scien ce E Providence Med. Tech.
Villa Walsh Acad em y Nurs ing Sacred Heart High Education Joh n F. Ke nned y HS Education Abington High Nur sing
Ha mden HS Account ing Mar ian HS Nursing Narr agansett Pre-Law Need ham HS Business
Nashoba Regiona l HS Pre-Med
Acad em y of Holy Angels Wat erford HS Educati on B.M.C. Durfee High Nur sing
Monum ent Mounta in Libe ra l Arts Da rien HS Business Mar y La wn of O ra nges Libe ra l Arts Paul VI Regional HS Political Scien ce
CHRISTOPHER MORIARTY Che shire Aca de my Chesh ire. CT Th ea tr e Dram a . T ravel MICH ELLE MORIN Holy Nam e HS O xford , MA Educ ati on Dram a . Pian o MARIANNE MULLANEY 5 1. J ohn Viann ey Mataw an , NJ Business Craft s, T ravel SARA MULLAN EY Sacred Heart Academy Ham den . CT Nur sing Skiing, Tennis
LEAH MURPHY Wat ert own , CT Dram a , Film MAUREEN MURPHY Malv ern , PA Art , Tr av el ROSEMARY MURPHY Millis, MA Tenn is, Tr av el DAWN NELSON Seeko nk, MA Horses . Swimming MARY NIELSEN Woodbridge. NJ Music. People JACQUELINE O'DONNELL Westport, MA Music. Skiing KRISTEN O'DONNELL Provid enc e , RI Hors es, Swimming MARYLEE ORCUTT Na mden, CT Ar t. Ba seb a ll PATRICIA O'SULLIVAN Hun ting ton , L1. NY Ch oir, Travel JAMES O'TOOLE Brockt on . MA Hockey. Read ing TARA OWENS Guilford . CT Art , Tennis KRISTEN PALAZZO Warwi ck , RI Art. Music
Notre Dam e Acad em y Liber al Arts Cone stoga HS Nu rsing Millis HS Nu rsing Seeko nk HS Nur sing
Woodbridge High Biolog y Bishop Co nnolly Ad . of Ju st. St. Mary Bay View Edu cati on Sacred Hear t Academy Nursing
Sa int Anthonys Business Coyle & Ca ssidy Psych olog y GUilford HS Nur sing Pilgrim HS Business
ELAYNE PALUMBO St. Mar y Aca dem y Ba y View Cranston. RI Pr e-Law Art , Peop le KIM PARYLOVICH St. Paul Catholic HS Te rryvi lle. CT Nur sing Pian o, Swimm ing KATHLEEN PASCUZZI St. Bernard HS Norw ich . CT Th eater Art s Dram a , Film RENEE PAUAO Our Lad y of Fatim a HS Swansea , MA Scie nce Bowling, Tr a vel NANCY PEACH North Ha ve n, CT Gym nastics, Horses CARNOT PEASE Rockford , IL Dram a . Poetry CAROLYN PEADLETON Wyom issing. PA Art . Dram a JOANNE PERRY Att le boro. MA Art . Craft s CHRISTINE PIEZZO West erl y. RI Languag es, Tra vel CARRIE PILON Southington . CT Anim als , Skiing MICHELE PIRICH Westfield. NJ Skiing, Tennis JENNIFER PLUMLEY East Berl in. CT Hiking , Sk iing
North Hav en High Business Keith Country Da y Liber al Ar ts Wyomissing HS Histor y Attl e boro HS Business
We sterl y HS Edu cat ion Conar d HS Adm in. of Justic e Union Ca tholic HS Nurs ing Mercy HS Business
DOROTH Y PLUT Sa n Brun o, CA Art, Softba ll LAWRENCE POIRIER Braintr ee , MA Politics, Tr a ck TIMOTHY PO ULIN West Wa rwick, RI Ba sketb a ll, Rugby MICHELE POWERS Shr ewsbury, MA Soccer , Tr a ck TRACEY PRIN CE Eas t Islip, NY Softba ll, Year book LESLIE QUINN Hamd en , CT Sk iing, Softba ll NELLA RAFALA Middlet own, CT Poet ry, Year book PATRICIA REALL Providen ce , RI Dram a , So ftba ll MICHAEL REGO Portsmout h, RI Ba seba ll, Soccer SUSAN REV ERE Stratf ord , CT Camping, Photogr aphy MARTHA RIDG E Tivert on , RI Animals, Tr ack RONI RIGGIN S Dougla s, MA Choir, Dram a MEAGHAN ROA CH Black Rock, CT Skiing, T enni s LYNDA ROA CH E E. Fa lmouth , MA Art , Peopl e LINDA ROBINSON Belchert own , MA Skiing, Swimm ing LAURALEE ROMANO Stra tford , CT Peop le , T ra ve l CHRISTINE ROON EY Windsor , CT Gymna stics, Skiing JON ROTH Men dh a m, NJ Ch oir, Peopl e LORI ROZZERO Wa rwick, RI Art , Yearb ook ROBIN RUGGI ERI Cranston, RI Sk iing, T enn is JULIE SADDOW Ashaw ay, RI Bask et ball, Dan cing ROBIN SALIERNO Tu xedo, NY Socc er, Ten nis MARK SARISEL South Windsor , CT Ba seb all, Sk iing ROBERT SARGENTI Clifton, NJ Ba seball, Basket ba ll
Mercy HS Fine Art s Arch bishop Willia ms Business Bishop Hendr icken St. Pet er Mar ian CC HS Sc ience
Per kiomen Pr ep Pr e -Law Hamd en High Nur sing Mercy HS Pr e-Law St. Mar ys Academ y Computer Science
Portsmou th High Business Stra tford High Bishop Conn olly Psychology Douglas Memorial High Anth rop ology
La ural ton Hall Edu cati on Fa lmou th HS Comme rcia l Art Belcher town Jr-Sr High Scien ce Lauralt on Ha ll Educa tion
Windsor HS Nur sing West Morr is Mend ha m HS Criminology Pilgr im Man agement Cra nsto n West Socio logy
Char iho Regional Ps ychology Tu xedo HS Educat ion South Windsor High Business Essex Ca th olic Business
ROBERT SAUNDERS Wat erf ord, CT Wat e rford HS Bas eb a ll, Basket ball Cr imina l J ustice JENNIFER SCHNEIDER Hillsdale , NJ Imma culat e Hear t Aca dem y Skiing, Tennis Liberal Arts LISA SCHNEIDER Bristol, CT SI. Paul s HS Dan cing, Te nnis Nursing MARTY SCOTTI Wa rwick , RI Bishop Hendricken Baseb all, Music Adm . of Ju stice AMY SCRANTON Nau gatuck , CT Gymn a stics, Te nnis ANNE SCRICCA Farmington, CT Dra ma , Skiing CHRI STINE SHARP New Can aan , CT Art , Skiing RAYA SHEDLIN Weston , CT Choir, Yearbook CHRIS TINE SILVA Fram ingham , MA ROSANNE SIRACUSA Braintr ee , MA Cra fts , Science KATHRYN SIRIC A Wat erbury, CT Choir, Tr avel MICHELLE SMITH Nat ick , MA Peopl e, Soccer SH EILA SMITH Lynbro ok, NV Skiing, Tenn is P EGGY SONGIN Arlington , MA Art, Horses DAWN SORRENTO Scitua te, MA Skiing, Swimming SPIRO SPIRAKIS Gar den City, NY
REBECCA STARKEY Foster , RI Peop le , Volleyball KYLA STONE Barrington , RI Horses , Swimm ing ELIZABETH SULLIVAN Fra mingham, MA Chee rlea ding, So ftball KIMBERLY SULLIVAN West Roxbur y, MA Dram a , Tenn is JOHN SURPRENANT Cen tral Villag e , CT Ballet , Ch ess FAUSTINA SUTHOWSKI Torrin gton , CT Dram a , Music WILLIAM SWIECK Wa rwick, RI Skiing, Tr ack KATHLEEN TAMMARO Wickford , RI Bicycling, Hiking
Nau gatuck High Liber al Art s Far mington HS Liberal Art s Sacred Hear t Libe ra l Art s Purn ell Sc hool Educ ati on
Morian HS Libe ra l Art s Not re Dam e Academ y Nur sing Holy Cross Edu cat ion Nat ick High Nursing
Sacred Heart Academ y Libe ral Art s Mat ignon HS Fine Art s Notr e Dam e Aca demy Psychology Ga rden City HS
Ponag an set Adm . of Ju stice Barrington HS Liber al Art s Marian HS Business Ursu line Acad em y Liber al Arts
Plainfield High Mark eting Torrington HS Pre-Med Bishop Hendr icken Adm . of J ustice Pourt Mem orial HS Criminal Justice
DEBORAH TA MULIS Eas t Ha ven, CT Swimming , Sa iling DAWN TAY LOR Seym our , CT Swimming, Volleyball KENNETH THIBEAULT Pla infield , CT Ba se ball, Golf ELISA THOMA S Ea st Ha ven , CT Swimming, Boa ting DONJA THUMLERT Gla stonbury, CT Horses, Music LISA TOMEO Gla ston bury.. CT Peopl e, Yearbook MELISSA TWISS Stoning ton, CT Scienc e , T rav el JUDITH TYNAN Garden City, NY Skiing , Tenni s TAMMY VAZ Ea st Ha rtford , CT Art , Tr av el SHANNAN VERGILIO Ba sking Ridge , NJ Art , Tenn is CHRISTINE VIGLIOTTI East Hav en , CT Cheerleadi ng, Tenn is JANICE VOISINE Bristol, CT Horses, Volleyball
Mer cy HS Pr e-Law Holy Cr oss HS Med. Tech . Plainfield HS Crimi nal Ju st ice Sa cre d Heart Aca de my Business
Glastonb ury HS Educa tion Gla stonbury HS Liber a l Art s Ston ington High Scie nce Ga rden Cit y HS Liber al Art s
Eas t Cath olic High Fine Arts Ridge High
Sacred Heart Aca de my Business SI. Pa ul Ca tholic Med. Tech .
TERRI VUOLO Westbrook HS West brook, CT Nurs ing Choir, Tenn is ROBERT WALSH Holy Cross HS Wolcott, CT Pr e-La w Choir, Skiing DANIEL WAMBACK SI. Pe ter -Mar ian HS Pa xton , MA Adm . of Just ice Footb all, Golf GERALDINE WINT ERHALTER No. Da rtm ou th , MA Dartmou th High Business Animals. Horses
DEBRA ZAMPANO New Ha ven , CT Dan cing, Ten nis
Hamden Hall Country Da y Psychology
Sea Cliff, NY Nursing
PAULA ALEXANDER Animals , Travel
Lexingt on, MA Nur sing
RICHARD AMEEN Bas eball, Golf
Nort h Adam s, MA Cr iminal Ju stice
DIANE ANDREWS Dram a , Skiing
RI Educ ati on
JOHN BARKER Bask etball , Computer s CONSTANCE CARLIN Art, People
St amf ord , CT Fine Art s
ANITA GATTINE Debating, Publicati ons HENRY GIBSON Bas eball , Wrestling
Wyckoff, NJ Psych ology Simsbury, CT Political Scienc e North Adam s, MA Adm . of Justice
Narr agansett , RI Crim inal Justice
Norwalk , CT
SUSAN MICENA Cheerl eading, Peopl e
Seaford , NY Nursing
FELICIA GLENNON Animals , Skiing
Pr ovidenc e , RI Education
Wat erbury, CT Educ a tion
BETH GOUDREAU Tenn is, Travel
Smithfi e ld, RI Liberal Arts
CHRISTINE O'BRIEN Bicycling, Tenn is
Plym outh , MA Manag em en t
SU E GRIEVE Skiing, Track
Barrington, RI Nursing
DARCI O'CONNELL Dancing , Swimming
Cumbe rla nd, RI Libe ra l Arts
KAT E CARTER Art , Danc ing
Newport, RI English
CYNTHIA GUCK Animals , Tr av el
St ony Brook, NY Philosophy
JOHN O'CONNOR Baseball, Dancing
DANI EL CASEY Baseball, Softball
Warwick, RI Pre-Law
BANU GUNDUZ Phot ography, Skiing
Ista nbull, T urkey Fine Arts
Portsmouth , RI Business
Norwell, MA Business
Wat erbury, CT Business
DEBORAH CAZZETTO Art , Peop le REBECCA CLARK Horses , Skiing CLAUDIA DE MARINI Music, Peop le CAROLINE DI ANO Softb all, Yearb ook LOREN DI MECO Ba llet, Music CARA EGAN Photography, Publicati ons CHRISTINE ELLIOTT Bask etball , Tenn is
Hempstead , NY Educ ati on
MARTHA HARTIGAN Runn ing, Swimming
Sta mford , CT Pr e-Law
Wolcott , CT Business
South ington, CT Business
LINDA PRACKUP Pian o, Tr a vel
Westp ort , CT Psychology
North Hav en , CT Pr e-Law
STACY HOLDEN Poetr y, T rav el
Trumbull , CT History
Boston, MA Computer Science
Bernardsville, NJ Education
Pawtucket , RI Fine Arts
Ea st Greenwich, RI Nursing Hingha m, MA Business
Clar ence , NY Educ ati on
KENNETH ROTH Bas eball , Fishing
Silver Spring, MD Liber al Art s
SUZY LARKIN Ba sketb all, Volleyball
Newport , RI Political Scienc e
ANNE SLINEY Art , Dram a
Newport, RI J ourn alism
INGRID LEPSCKY People , T ra vel
McLean , VA Political Science
DAWN VAN WORMER Hors es, Softball KA THLEEN WILSON Camping, Comp uters
MARK EPRIGHT Math , Skiing
Higganum , CT Pr e-Law
NELLA LO GIUDICE Poetr y, Reading
Middlet own , CT Account ing
New York, NY Psychology
MARY MC DONALD Horses, Sk iing
Elizab eth , NJ Nurs ing
KATHL EEN FOLEY People, Running
Peac e Dale, RI Criminal Ju stice
KAREN GALLUCCIO Danci ng, Peop le
West Roxbury, MA Medic al Tech .
N. Scituate, RI Nursing
CARLA ZARRELLA People , Tenn is
Ma rshfield, MA Psych ology N. Massapequ a , NY English Narrag a nsett , Rl Nur sing Dan sville , NY Computer Scie nce Wat erbury, CT Liber al Art s
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