(401) 847-6650
Dear Ne wcome rs to Salve: It is my great pleasure to introduce you to the Salve campus com m unity through th e 1992 New Student Record. We do want y ou to kno w one another in tru e fri endship and to win fri endly recognition from our fa culty , staff and returning students. Yo ur portrayal here togeth er take on special signif icance. Coming from varied locales and backgrounds, you now share a com m itment to our Salve goals and expec tations. Togeth er y ou will gain th e living experience of our int ellectual and moral values-of genuine growth in mind and spirit. In a f ew brief ye ars we expec t to see y ou pictured in th e S enior yearbook- but with a difference. Th ese int ervening ye ars spell out challe nge and opportunity. Th ey should bring you to th e threshold of self -conf ident maturity and professional compe tence. Th ey are years when y ou will have time to work toward being y our own best self and toward bringing f orth th e best in oth ers. Determine to make th e mo st of th ese preciou s years. Your collec tive portraits furth er underscore that you are not alon e in int ellectual, cultural, and spiritual ad venture which represents a Salve education. We want to share your j oy in learning, y our delight in solid achievem ent, and even y our problem s and perplexities. A ll of us-administrators, fa culty, staff and students-are pledged to help, to counsel, to encourage, to inspire, and to pray for one another. E m brace wholeheartedly that family spirit, and Salve offers in return th e opportunity for y ou to make th ese some of th e mo st m emorable and rewarding ye ars of y our li ves.
Sister Lucille M cKillop President
Welcome To Salve
Regina University
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14.
15. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
Ochre Court North Hall South Hall Boathouse Marian Hall Angelus Hall McAuley Hall O'Hare Academic Center Gatehouse Wakehurst Library Resident Hall Ochre Lodge Founder's Hall Carey Mansion Cecilia Hall Breakers Apartments Watts-Sherman Residence Mercy Hall Athletic Office Greenhouse/Grounds Office Tobin Hall Miley Hall Seaview Hall Fairlawn Carriage House Carnlough Cottage Moore Hall Wetmore 206 Ruggles Narragansett Hall Narragansett I Narragansett II Conley Hall Munroe Center
The following buildings are student residences: Conley, Three Narragansetts, Miley, OchreLodge, Founders, Carey Mansion, Seaview, Breakers Apts., Watts Sherman, andResidenceHall A & B. The following buildings have classrooms and/or faculty offices: TObin Hall, South Hall, Angelus, Library, Cecilia Hall, Mercy Hall, Marian Hall, and McAuley.
The following buildings are multipurpose: Miley, Ochre Court, NorthHall, Boathouse, Gatehouse, Munroe Center, Wetmore. The foilowing buildings are faculty residences: MooreHall andCarnlough Cottage
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New Students 16
EMILY JEANNE ALLEN Middletown, RI Middlet own High Dram a , People Psychology STACEY ALLEY Bridgewat er , MA Brldqewat er-Raynharn Reg . H.S. Chee rlead ing, Horses Psychology MAGGIE AMES Hat chville , MA Falmouth H.S. Art , Craft s Fine Arts GRETCHEN ANDERSON Clinton, CT Mercy H.S. Basketb all, Photography Psychology RADLEY ANDERSON Bristol, RI Reading, T rave l ROBERT ANG ELICA Bridgewat er , NJ Bicycling, Golf DANIELLE ARDENSKI Avon, CT Art , Music MARCY ATK INS Leban on, NH Lacrosse, T ra vel MICHELLE BALDASSARI Morristown, NJ Dram a , Swimming LAURA BALDINI Concor d, MA Dram a , Hiking MEGAN BARBIERI Ches hire, CT Soccer , Swimming JESSICA BARNA North Bra nch, NJ Photograph y, Sk iing THEA BARTHA Sta te n Island , NY Art , Socce r KRISTEN BAYLIS Orlean s, MA Aerobics, Field Hockey JEANIE BENZ ENBERG Dar ien , CT Dan cing, Horses TABITHA BLACKSMITH North Smithfield, RI Langu ages, Tenn is CARRIE BONANNO Ver ona , NJ Music, Softb all SH ELAGH BOOTH West War eh am , MA Socc er , Volleyball MICHAEL BOTELHO Riverside, RI Skiing, Wat er Skiing BRANDY BROUGHAN Dixfield , ME Bicycling, Hiking ERIN BUCKL EY Glen Ellen, CA Skiing, Hiking JENNIFER BUSWEILER Bayport , NY Softb all, Surfing SHAWN BUTLER Portsmouth , RI Skiing, Tenn is ANDREA BUTOLA Scitua te, RI Volleyball, Horseb ack Riding
51. Andr ew' s School Und ecided Don Bosco Prep . Business Avon High Educati on Leban on H.S. Psychology
Morr istown H.S. Edu cat ion Th e Form a n School Psychology Chesh ire H.S. Nursing Gill 51. Bern ard 's Educ at ion
51. J oseph Hill Acad em y Educa tion Kent s Hill School Educ at ion Sa cred Heart Academ y Liber al Art s MI. St . Cha rles Academy Undecided
Verona H.S. Sociology Bishop Sta ng Scienc e E.P .h.s. Adm in. of Ju stice Dirigo H.S. Edu cati on
Ju stm -Slena H.S.
Nur sing Ba yport -Blue Point Nurs ing Portsmouth H.S. Business Mt. 51. Charl es Accounting
PHILIP CADDEN North Providen ce , RI Bas eball , Basketb all NICOLE CAESAR Lenox Da le , MA Crafts, Running CARRIE CAMPBELL Oak hu rst , NJ Aerobics, Cra fts REBECCA CAMPBELL Lunenburg, MA Animals, Hiking
Nort h Pr ovidence H.S . Political Scienc e Lenox Memorial Psychology 51. Rose H.S. Education Sa int Bern ards Undecid ed
ELIZABETH CARROLL Westf ord, MA Bicycling, People LIANE CARTER Nashu a , NH Chee rleadi ng, Da ncing KERRY CEURVELS Hanover , MA Basketball, Softball JODI CHUSMIR Cromwell, CT Horses, Softball MEGHAN CONNOLE Auburn , MA Danc ing, Aer obics TRACY COPPA Narr ag an sett, RI Softba ll, Ba sketb all SCOTT COULOMBE Lew iston, ME Hockey, Surfing KATHLEEN COYLE Ra msey, NJ Bicycling, Tennis
Westford Aca dem y Anthropology Academy of Notre Dam e Educatio n Notre Dam e Academ y Nurs ing Cr omwell H.S. Educa tion
Auburn H.S. Edu cat ion Narr ag an sett High Educ a tion Lewisto n H.S. Business Immacula te Hea rt Academy Education
JOHN CUNEO Hack ensack, NJ Skiing, Volleyba ll NAT CUSHING Middleborough, MA Football , Surfing CHRISTINE DANNEBERG Cha tham, NJ Scu ba Diving, Skiing KELLEY DE MERCHANT Nat ick, MA Horses, Volleyba ll GINA DE VIVO Willima ntic, CT Music, All Sports KELLY DILLON Narra gansett , RI Soccer, T enn is JASON DIONNE Nashu a , NH Choir, Travel SEAN DONAHUE New York, NY Hocke y, Scuba Diving KEITH DONATH Sta te n Islan d , NY Photography, Socce r CA THERINE DOWNS Newt on, NH Anima ls, Ba llet JASON DUNN Port smouth, RI Baseba ll, Football MARY JEAN ERCOLINO Asbur y, NJ Socce r, Stu dent Gov't.
Bergen Cath olic H.S . Business Middleborough H.S. Pre-La w Chat ha m H.S. Education Nati ck H.S. Nursing
51. Be rnard H.S. Educa tion Narr agansett High Business Na shu a Sr . H.S. French & S pa nish Hillcrest H.S . Computer Scie nce
Ralph Mc Kee English 51. Thomas Aqu ina s Unde cided Portsmouth High Crim inal Justice North Hunte rdo n Undec ide d
SHANNON ESTAVILLO Honolulu, HI Horses , Swimming
La Se rria Nur sing
GINGER FEARS Milford , CT Softba ll, Community Se rvice
For an H.S . Nurs ing
CARY FISCHER Ridgefield , CT Ph otogr aphy, Aerob ics
Ridgefield H.S . Medic al Tech .
DAVID FOITO Tr umbull , CT Camping, Computer s
Fai rfie ld Colleg e Pr ep . Nurs ing
BRANDI FRASER Essex, MA Dancing, Tr a ve l
Ham ilton -Wenham Social Work
KEVIN GAGNE Man ch est er , MA Basketball, Music
Manch est er H.S. Business
BRENDAN GALLAGHER Merid en , CT Baseb all, Ba sketb all
Ham den Hall Country Da y Liber al Art s
LISA GALUSHKO East Hav en , CT An imals , Danc ing
Ea st Hav en High Nur sing
TANYA GALUSHKO East Hav en , CT An imals , Dan cing
Ea st Ha ven H.S . Nursin g
KELLY GANNON Portl an d , CT Ph ot ography, Te nnis
Mercy H.S . Educ at ion
BENJAMIN GARVIN Newt own , CT Ph otogr aphy, Surfing
Newtown High Und ecided
JENNIFER GERMAINE Han son, MA Softb all, Volleyba ll
Whttman-Han son Nurs ing
CHRISTINA GIAMETTE Top sfield , MA Art , Horses
Mas conom et Regional H.S . Psycholog y
MARIANNE GIGLIO Lak e Ronk onk oma , NY Choir, Dan cing
Acad em y of St. J oseph Nur sing
ARLINE GIROUX North Pr oviden ce , RI Rea ding, Soft ball
St. Mar y's Aca dem y-Ba y View Ps ychology
HEATHER GMYREK Hatf ield, MA Ch eerl ead ing, Volleyba ll
Smith Academ y Bus iness
WENDY GOCKEL Han over , MA Stu dent Gov't. , Music
Not re Dam e Aca dem y Econom ics
COLLEEN GOODALE Middl et own , CT Music, Volleyba ll
Middlet own H.S . Edu cati on
LESLEY GRAY Mar bleh ead , MA Choir , T enn is
Marbl eh ead H.S . Educ at ion
KIMBERLY GREAVES Danbury, CT Drama , Music
Woost er Sch ool Political Scienc e
ROBERT GUILBEAULT Sm ithfield , RI Fishing , So cce r
Smithfield High Crim ina l Ju stic e
CAROLYN HALEY Duxbury, MA Scuba Diving, Ten nis
Singa po re Am er ican School Educ ati on
AMY HANLEY South Att leb or o, MA Horses, Runn ing
Bishop Feeha n Biology
JESSE HARDING Qu incy, MA Foot ball, Kar at e
Bost on Colleg e H.S . Psych ology
MARY HASTIE Barrington, RI Art , Da ncing
Barr ington H.S. Educati on
AMY HASTINGS Auburn , MA Aerobics, People
Auburn H.S. Educ ati on
JULIEANNE HEALY North Qu incy, MA Dram a , Music
Fontb onne Academy Nursin g
JENNIFER HENDRYX Newp ort , RI Read ing, Gar den ing
Rogers H.S . Educa tion
THOMAS HIGGINS Enfield , CT Fishing, Hockey
Enfield H.S. Politica l Sc ience
KATHERINE HISS Auburn , ME Art , Soccer
Hebron Academ y Art Educ ati on
BETH HUTCHINSON Wall, NJ People , Photography
St. Rose Psycho logy
ERIN JOHNSON Pawtucket , RI Horses, Swimming
St. Rapha el Acad em y Psychology
GINA JOHNSON Springfield, MA Art , Pia no
Cat hedra l Fine Arts
ALEXANDRA JOHNSTON West Bay Shore , NY Dan cing, Volleyba ll
Acad em y of St. J oseph Business
KERRI KELLEY Natick , MA Skiing, Socc er
Nat ick H.S . Education
PATRICK KENNEDY Branf ord , CT Music, Skiing
Branf ord H.S. History
ERIN KERWIN Seekonk , MA Cheerleadin g, Skiing
Bishop Feehan H.S . Nurs ing
BRIAN KESL Cornwall Bridge , CT Ba seball, Wrest ling
Hous a tonic Valley Reg. H.S. Nursing
JESSICA KILIAN Hillside , NJ Art , Golf
Mt. St. Mar y Academy Educ at ion
TAMMY KONOPASKE Terr yville , CT Runn ing, Volleyball
Terryvill e High Nursing
CHRISTINA LALIBERTE Warw ick, RI Aerobics, Gymnastics
Toll Gat e H.S . Educat ion
JENITH LARKIN Sp art a , NJ Basketb all, Hiking
Spa rta H.S. Educa tion
AMY LAVALLEE North Sm ithfield , RI Peop le , Sk iing
Mt. St. Charl es Acad em y Liber al Arts
BENTLEY LAYTiN St amf ord , CT Bas eball, Bask etball
Trinity Catholic Pr e路Med
NICOLE LEARY Whitman , MA Aerobics, Peop le
Whttrnan-Han son Liberal Arts
MARISA LEMBO Scotc h Plains, NJ Softba ll, Swimming
Imma culat a Psychology
MARTHA LIBBY West Ha rtford, CT Tennis, Art
Ha ll H.S. Libera l Arts
SONIA LIMA New Bedf ord , MA Cheerl eading , Swimming
Bishop Stang Pre-Law
BETHANY LUTY Pr eston, CT People , Student Gov't.
St. Bernard H.S . Hu ma nities
KIM MALVEY Graft on, MA Bask etb all, Dancing
Graft on H.S . Undecided
BETH MANCINI Notre Da me Academy Psychology
Sutton, MA Dan cing, Peop le
Bra nford , CT
KRISTEN路MARIA MARTIN Portland , ME Bowling, Danc ing
Ca the rine Mc Auley Nurs ing
TAMMY MARTITZ Barr ington , RI Cr ew , Swimm ing
Barr ington H.S. Liber a l Art s
JENNIFER MASSO Shelton, CT Crafts, Running
St. J oseph Psychology
JOHN MCCANN Matawan , NJ Bask etball, Surf ing
Ch ristian Broth er s Academ y Business
KATIE MC DERMOTT Gard en City, NY Cheerl eadi ng, Lacrosse MOLLY MC DONO UGH Maplew ood , NJ Lacros se , Tenn is
Gar den City H.S. Undecided Villa Wa lsh Academy Education
MARY路ANN MC KENNA Warw ick, RI Peop le, Tr a ve l
Pilgrim H.S. Socia l Work
MATHEW MC LARNON QUincy, MA Football, T ra ck
Archbishop Willia ms H.S. Undecided
KELLY MC MENAMAN Bricktown , NJ Bicycling, Skiing
St. Rose Edu ca tion
MEGAN MC NICHOL Bang or , ME Choir, Stu dent Gov 't.
John Bapst Mem oria l H.S. Psychology
CHRISTINE MELLO Swansea , MA Music, People
J oseph Ca se H.S. Health Car e Mgmt.
SARAH MENINNO Avon, MA Swimm ing, Travel
Fontb onn e Aca dem y Undecid ed
LAURA MICELI Hingham , MA Danc ing, Piano
Fontb onn e Acad em y Business
DANIELLE MIGNONE Torrington, CT Runn ing, Scienc e
Torr ingt on High Pr e-Med
MARY MILANESI Morr istown , NJ Skiing, Field Hockey
Mor ristown-Bear d Libera l Art s
MELISSA MORIN S pe ncer, MA Skiing, Socce r
St. Pet er -Ma rian H.S. Liberal Arts
JANE MURPHY Locust , NJ Art , Field Hock ey
Westover School Sociology
ROBERT MURPHY Westw ood , MA Bask etb all, Footb all
Westwood High Pre-La w
SANDRA MURPHY East Haven , CT Dancing, Music
Sac red Heart Acad emy Education
BILL MYERS Island Heights , NJ Tennis , Sailing
Monsignor Donovan H.S. History
MARCIA NAHLEY Danbury, CT Peop le , Science
Danbury H.S. Nurs ing
JILL NELSON Man chest er , NH Cheer leading, Dancing
Tr inity H.S. Education
BRIAN NEVIN Hingham, MA Football, Sk iing
Boston College H.S. Liberal Arts
RENEE NICHOLS Lak e Forest , IL Sk iing, Soccer
Lak e Forest H.S. Undecided
KIMBERLY O'BRIEN Foxb oro, MA Art, Bask etball
Foxboro H.S. Nursing
JENNIFER O'CONNELL Wat erf ord , CT Tennis, Field Hockey
Wat erf ord High Education
HEATHER O'CONNOR Merrimac, MA Cheerleading, Da ncing
Pentock et Regional H.S. Ad min. of Justice
MARYCARROLL O'CONNOR Bayonne , NJ Skiing , Tennis
Holy Famil y Academy Liberal Arts
CAROLYN ODELL Scituate , MA Sk iing, Swimm ing
Scituate H.S. Sc ienc e
NICOLE O'HAGEN Bishop George Ahr Pr e -Law
South Plainfield , NJ Deb ating, T enn is
KIMBERLY OLLERHEAD Needham , MA Dan cing, Lacrosse
Needham H.S. Nurs ing
THOMAS O'sHAUGHNESSEY Somerset , MA Bask etba ll, Hock ey
So me rse t H.S. Business
HEIDI OUSLER North And over , MA Sk iing, Volleyball
La wr enc e Academy Pre-Med
JENNIFER PACHECO O ak Bluffs, MA Horses, Tennis
Martha 's Vineyard Reg . H.S. Bus iness
AMELIA PASQUARELLO Arlington, MA Art , Dancing
Arlington H.S. Pr e-Law
SARAH PEARSON Simpellveld, Netherlands Aerobics, Art
AFCENT IntI. School Psychology
SAMANTHA PECK Woodbridge , VA Bicycling , Volleyball
Paul VI Fine Arts
HEIDI PELLETIER Auburn , NH Socc er , Track
Pinkerton Academy Social Work
KELLY PETERSON C lark , NJ Tr a ve l, Volleyba ll
Arthur L. J ohns on Reg ional Social Work
PATRICIA PEZZA Cr anston, RI Aerob ics , Sk iing
Ba y View Acad em y Education
MARIE PINETTE Lew iston , MA Art , Music
51. Dom inic Reg iona l H.S. Education
STEPHANIE PLONA Ch epachet , RI Sk iing, Volleyball
Ponaganset H.S. Bus iness
JOSH PLUE Danbury, CT Soccer
Danbury H.S. Bus iness
DENISE PORZIO Huntington , NY Crafts, Drama
Huntington H.S. Education
COURTNEY PRIAL Greenwich. CT Hockey. Lacrosse
Canterbury Sch ool Undecided
BETH ANNE RAFANELLI War wick. RI Softball , Tennis
Toll Gate H.S. Undec ided
AMY REDDING Grand Isla nd , NY Piano
Buffalo Academy Educati on
ALISON RENO Farm ington, CT Music, Swimming
Farm ington H.S. Education
KARYN RIALE Stamfor d , CT Animals. Crafts
Trinity Catholic H.S. Liberal Arts
ERIN RILEY Mar shfield, MA Running, Soccer
Notre Dame Academy Nursing
TIMOTHY ROCHELLE Groton, CT Baseball , Footb all
JENNIFER RODRIGUES Fall River , MA Aerobics, Animals
St. Bernar d H.S. Business BMC Durfee High Nursing
STEPHANIE ROY Westminster, MA Dra ma, Poetry
Oakmont Regiona l English
AMY RUGGIERO Glastonbury, CT Aerobics, Volleyball
Glastonbury H.S. Business
WARREN RUSH New Haven, CT Skiing, Track
Notre Dame Business
MAUREEN RYAN Sterling , MA Art , Debating
Wachusett Regional H.S. Anthropology
RENEE SAEDLO Simsbury, CT Aerobics, People
Simsbur y H.S. Education
VIOLA SANCHEZ Laredo, TX Rea ding, Travel
Ma rtin Management
DEBORAH SAUSER Wilton, CT Animals, Da ncing
Wilton H.S. Psychology
DAWN SCALISE Oak Beach , NY Socce r, Stu dent Gov't.
West Islip H.S . Liberal Arts
REBECCA SERIO Westerly, RI Dan cing, Art
St. Be rna rd H.S . Undecided
ERIN SHEEHAN Marshfield, MA Swimming. Wat e r Skiing
Notre Dame Academy Business
KRISTINA SIMONE Chepachet, RI Dancing , Skiing
La Salle Academy Education
BRADEN SMITH Morristown, NJ Baseball , Soccer
Gill St . Berna rd 's Business
JODI SMITH Natick , MA Hockey, People
Natick H.S. Education
KERI SMITH Needham, MA Skiing, Yearbook
Needham H.S. Science
ELIZABETH SMITHER Essex, MA Skiing, Field Hockey
Ha milton-Wenha m Regional Undecided
MELISSA SOLTESZ Redd ing, CT Skiing, Swimming
Joel Ba rlow H.S. Huma nities
LEE SOTO Hartford , CT Baseball, Football RUSSELL SPATARO Norwell , MA Skiing , Karate MARINA SPRY Medford , MA Art , Drama DEBORAH ST JOHN Trumbull, CT Socc er , Student Gov't . DANIELLE STORELLA Wakefield , MA Cheerleading, Yearbook EILEEN SWEENEY Rye, NY Horses, Surf ing MARINA TAJUELO Ridgefield, CT Softball, Martial Arts NATALIA TAVARES Azores , Portugal Languages, Swimming NICOLE THEIS Bernardsville, NJ Animals , Art CLARE THOMAS Old Greenwich , CT Drama, Softball KIMBERLY THOMPSON Brockton, MA Dancing , Drama JENNIFER TINNELL Y Malverne , NY Skiing, Yearbook MELINDA TRAINOR Haverhill, MA Student Gov't ., Travel WENDY TRAINOR Oakland, NJ Skiing, Tennis LISA TRASATTl Dalton, MA Softball , Volleyball ROBERT TWARDOWSKI Redding, CT Golf, Tennis
Nort hwest Catholic Psychology Boston College H.S. Liberal Art s Arlington Cath olic Liber a l Arts 51. Jos eph H.S . Education
Wak efield High Business Rye H.S . Liberal Arts Ridgefield H.S. lntl . Finance & Trade
Political Scienc e
Gill 51. Bernard's Fine Arts Miss Hall's Sch ool Education Brockt on H.S . Nursing Valley Str eam North Education
Haverhill High Nursing Indian Hills H.S . Business 51. J oseph's Psychology Jo el Barlow Undecided
KATHLEEN URDANICK East Catholic H.S . South Windsor, CT Nursing Cheerleading, Student Gov't , HEATHER VAITUKAITIS West Hartford, CT Hall H.S. Swimming , Water Skiing Education AMY VAVRINEC Allendale, NJ Northern Highland Reg. H.S. Anima ls, Choir Nursing MARIE VIGNATI Wethersfield , CT Wethersfield H.S. Dancing, Cheerleading Business TARLYNNE VINSON Pennington, NJ Horses, Lacrosse ANNE WALSH River Forest, IL Golf, Politics GLENN WETHERBEE Avon, CT Fishing, Hockey TYLER WOOD Newburyport, MA Basketball, Surfing
The Hun School Liberal Arts Oak Park & River Forest Pr e-Law Avon Old Farms School Business Holderness School Business
STACY ZACZYNSKI Enfield, CT Dancing, Hockey
Enfield Erm i H.S. Educ a tion
SOME OTHER NEW STUDENTS JEFFREY ANGELICO Bask etball, Skiing ALBERT ANTONUCCI Golf, Sk iing BRAD BAIER Anima ls, Fishing JASON BASTILLE Ba seba ll, Bask etb a ll DONALDSON BOORD Surfing. Weightlifting JILL BUZZANCA Art, Skiing
Middle Hadda m, CT Business Cedar Grove , NJ Scienc e Roseland , NJ Business Brighton, MA Political Scie nce Marion, MA Adm in. of Justice Warm inst er , PA Fine Arts
DAVID DI PIERO Footb all, Weightlifting
Red Bank , NJ Business
PEGGY FRANK Drama , Music
Simsbury, CT Fine Art s
KATHLEEN O'BRIEN Lacr osse , Skiing
Nashua , NH Nursing
THOMAS GALLAGHER Hockey , Wat er Skiing
Stamford, CT Business
JAMES STANTON Footb all, Weightlifting
Cr esskill, NJ Business
KELLY GATELY Lacrosse, Volleyball NICOLE HOEKENGA Horses , Skiing LAN KWIT Softba ll, Playing Pool
Plan dome , NY Undecided Hu ntington, CT Business New York City, NY Undecided
MEGHAN SULLIVAN Bask etb all, Read ing
Bronx, NY Th eatre
Springfi eld, MA Political Science
C.TAYLOR T enn is
North Kingstown , RI Adm in. of Justice
VANESSA VANNA Cheer lead ing, Skiing
New Providenc e , NJ Edu cat ion