Salve Regina
Salve Regina University
1996-1997 Welco me to Salve Regina University from the Activities Office Staff!
Important Numbers Around Campus Acade mic Advi sing 2906 Academ ic Deve lopment Cen ter2226 Activities 2915 Athletics 2269 Book store 29 3 3 Ca mpus Mi nistry 2326 Career Development 29 13 Computer Lab s 298 5 Conference Cente r 2 197 Co unseling Se rvices 29 I 9 Dean of Stude nts 2206 Fei nstei n Enr iching Ame rica 2440 Fina ncia l Aid 290 I Global Cafe 2 196
Health Center Hel p Desk Job s Hotli ne Mc Ki llop Library Mi ley Me nu Line Re gistrar
Re~i dence
Security Shutt le Student Acade mic Senate Student Life Senate Stude nt Hou sin g Se nate Th eatre Box Office
29 04
7777 JOB S 2 29 1 M ENU 29 43 2200 5500 2325 8 805 88 04 88 0 6 22 50
Stude nt Li fe at Sa lve is ve ry rich in experie nce s. With Sal ve being located rig ht in Newpo rt, stude nts will find a plethor a o f fun and exc iting ac tiv ities to parti cipate in. In add itio n, stude nts ha ve the oppor tunity to participate in activities through re sid enti al. ac tiv ities and athletic ex pe rie nce s. Annua l events are W elc ome Back Week en d, Spring W eek end, Haun ted Hou se , W int er Se mi-forma l, tri ps to New Yor k Cit y, Specia l Ol ympics, and man y differe nt vo lunteering opportunities to name j ust a few.
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Acade mics is wha t it' s reall y all abo ut, and Sa lve Regina Unive rs ity is here to help yo u make the most of yo ur education. Salve co mbines sma lle r class sizes , which allows fo r more indi viduali zed atte ntio n, with a wide variety of resources av ailab le to help ensure yo ur acade mic success . Acade mic adv ising is available fro m the mom ent eac h stude nt arri ves on ca mpus as we ll as ass istance and tut oring through the Acade mic Development Center. Th e McKill op Library which offe rs state-of-the -a rt research fac ilities and the Computer Lab s are also very va luabl e resources for yo ur Salve education.
Salve Regina University offers all students the opportunity to get involved in student activities by supporting over two dozen active student groups including Student Life, Housing, and Academic Senates, Artists ' Guild, Theatre Company, Mosaic Magazine, and Positive Role Model Program to name only a few. The Activities Fair in September is a great time to find out about all of the opportunities available to Salve students. In addition, if you don't find a group that interests you, any student is always welcome to start a new club. Stop by the Activities Office, located in Wakehurst, to find about the many involvement opportunities available to you at Salve.
Bein g soc ial isn 't the only thin g at co llege, athletics is also a big part of man y co llege stude nts ' lives. Through both Di vision III athl etic teams and intramurals at Sal ve, stude nts will have the oppo rtunity to meet man y new people whi le exercising their bodi es. Sal ve offers teams fro m Football to W om en ' s Lacrosse or Ch eerl eading to Eques tri an team s. Each se mester int ramural s are also offe red to anyone who want s to parti cipate. If bein g on a team isn 't what yo u wa nt, then chec k out the Fitness Center in the basement of Mil ey. Th ere are man y athl etic oppo rtunities at Sal ve and one of them is just fo r yo u; so co me on out and have a grea t tim e !
To assist stude nts in their everyday life at Salve Regin a Univers ity, the Resid en ce O ffice selec ts a staff of Resid ent Assistants. Thi s staff, along w ith the Hall Direct ors and Ass istant Direct ors, are live-in member s of the resid en ce hall co mmunity. Get to know yo ur Resid ence staff- they are tra ined to help yo u during yo ur stay in the resid ence hall s. Resid ent Ass istants are also res po ns ible fo r runn ing monthl y progr am s in the resid en ce hall s. Resid en ce spo nso rs ac tivities such as sho pping trip s, birthday parti es, trips to athletic events, ga me sho ws, and man y othe r co mmunity building activiti es.
Newport's sights, sounds and activities are a major part of life at Salve Regina University, from the natural beauty of the Atlantic coastline to the opulent splendor of the mansions. Salve students will find a wide variety of activities in the Newport area including shopping on Thames Street and in the Brick Marketplace, dancing up a storm at one of the many Providence dance clubs, taking a long walk along the Cliffwalk, catching a flick at one of the three local movie theatres, or working out at the Y. Newport also offers a wide variety of dining options ranging from fine dining at the Clarke Cooke House to a more casual fare at the Brick Alley Pub or Chili's.
Pizza Ioints Checkers Nikolas Pizza Pepperoni Express Domin o's
Sa lon s/Barber Shops 849-8892 849-66 11 849- 606 0 849-6940
Sa ndwich Shops Subway Blimpi e
842-0843 842-07 10
Jud y' s Day Spa Wave Length s Salon Design Co mmittee Fine Line Baccari's Barber Shop Pint o' s Barb er Shop Ryan' s Roffler Barber
846-4444 849- 4427 848- 0080 848- 0033 846-3 129 846-0250 846-4 111
Ban ks Favorite Restaurants Yesterday's Ch ili' s East Side Mario' s Brick Alley Pub Annie's
847-01 16 848-9 380 84 1-0700 849-6634 849 -673 1
Chineese Food China Star Ching Tao
848-93 70 849 -2 112
846-2500 849- 1333 846- 1500
Movie Theatres Jane Pickens Holiday, Opera House Starcase
849-2 088 846-7400 456- 7000
Dry Cleane rs Metropolit an Cleaners O' Donnells Plaza Cleaners
847-4 100 849-9635 849-4280
Tran sportation Gateway Bus Term inal 849-8048 Tra in Stat ion (Amtrak) 800-872 -724 5
Taxi Se rvic es Cozy Ca b Rainb ow Ca h Yellow Ca b
Bank of Newport Fleet Bank Citize n's Bank
846-5252 847-3456
Other N umbers YM CA 847-9200 New port Ac tivity Line 848-2000 Ne wport Library 847-8720 Provid ence Civic Or. (40 1)33 1-0700
LESLEY ABDULlA Salisbury , MA Present atio n o f Mary Academy Music, Piano Business MARGARET ARTS Fenwick H .S . Western Sp rings , IL Poet ry, Soccer Educat ion MARISSA ASSANTE Nor th Providen ce , RI Lasalle Academy Art. Swimm ing Fine Arts MICHELLE BAILEY New Haven , CT Sacred Hear t Academy Cheerleading, Track Com municatio ns KENDRA BARATZ Farmington, CT Hockey, Sailing LINDSAY BATES Andover. MA Dancing. Peo ple MARCIE BEARCE Water town , CT Dancing , J azz lAUREN BECKWITH Woburn , MA Swimming, Tenn is ALLISON BEHRMAN Poughk eep sie, NY Dancing, SADD ALLISON BELISLE J efferson . MA Aerobics, Volunteerism SHELLY BINEAU Deep River , CT Pian o , Running JESSICA BlAKE Amesbury, MA Basketball. Skiing TARA BOUCHER Pocasset. MA Astrology, Basket ball JANET BOURGUE Manchester , NH Film, Swimm ing KRISTIN BRADY Andover , MA Gymn astics, Travel JODI BRUNELLE Westerly, RI Piano, Yearbook COLIN BURR Cromwell. CT Hunting, Soccer DAVID BURTON Garrison , NY Football, Rugby ROBERT BURTON Ga rrison , NY Basketball, Football HEATHER BYRNE Gle nolden , PA Bicycling, Soccer
Far mington H .S . Pre-Law Andover H .s. Undecided Wate rtown H .s. Education Woburn H .S . Pre-Law
Arlington H .s. Th eatre, Biology Wachuse lt Regional H .s. Nursing Mer cy H .s. Crimina l Ju stice SI. Thomas Aquinas H.S . Liberal Arts
Bisho p Stan g H .S . Educatio n Memorial H .S . Psycho logy Andover H .S . Co mmunications Transfer Student Microbio logy
Cro mwe ll H .s. Psychology Loo mis Cha ffee H.S . Crimina l J ustice Haldane H .S . Adm inistration of Ju stice Academ y o f Not re Dame Education
MElANIE CAHOON Mo ulton borough, NH Moulto nborough Academy Education Softball. Vo lleyba ll lAURA CAPPELLUCCI Man chester , CT East Ca tho lic H.S . Psychology Chee rlead ing , Hiking KENDRA CEASARINE Wingdale, NY Dover I-I .S . Art, Photogra phy Fine Arts JUDITH CHEREPON Clifton-Fine Ce ntral School Oswegatchie, NY Art. Photogra phy Liber al Arts
ALISON CHVATAL Cat hed ral H.S . Broad Broo k. CT Basket ba ll. Skiing Nursing ALISON CLARK Enfield. NH Mascom a Valley Regiona l H .s. Psychology Hiking. Pho tograph y DANIEL CLARKE Lexington l-l.S . Lexington. MA Undecided CHRISTINA CLAXTON Wa llingfo rd. CT Sacred Hear t Academy Education Drama . So ftba ll MATTHEW CLOUTIER St. J o hn' s Pre p . School Lowell. MA Pre-Med Music. Skiing SHILOH COMES Bisho p Feeh an H.s. Plainville . MA Basketba ll. Running History GEORGE CONWAY Ch ristian Bro the rs Academy Atlantic Highlands. N,J Business Hockey. Su rfing KRISTINA COOPER Gilford. NH Gilford Middle H .S . Sp or ts Medicine Skiing. Tennis
KELLY COX Shelton l-l.S, Sh elton . CT Educatio n Yearbook . Dance Tea m LINDSAY COYNE Lauralton Hall n.s. Trumbull. CT Nursing Skiing. Socce r ANGELA CRAIG Sou th High Commun ity School Worcester . MA Th eat re Arts Cho ir. Dra ma KYLE D 'AGOSTINO Morristown-Bea rd H .s. Livingston. NJ Golf. Hockey Business EMILY DAILEY Wilmington. DE Crew . Vo lleyba ll RUTH DARDEN J ohnson City. T N Baske tball. Swimmin g SARAH DE BLASIO Littleton. MA Horses. Pho togra phy MARIA DELICATA Portland. ME Hor ses. Phot ogra phy ALICIA DE MATOS Bristol. RI SA DD. Year book MICHAEL DEROUIN Wate rbury. CT Environme nt. Student Gov't. MICHAEL DOLAN Pater son. NJ Fo ren sics. Politics SAM DUFF Lexington. MO Hockey. Skiing KATHERINE DUGAN Newpor t. RI Dancing. Skiing JENNIFER DYER West Haven. CT Business. People STEPHANIE FERREIRA Westport. MA Anima ls. Field Hockey CRAIG FOX Ce nterville. MA Bicycling. Soccer
Thomas Mc Kea n H .s. Educatio n Un iver sity School Com puter Scien ce Little ton H.S . Liberal Arts Por tland H .s. Educa tion
SI. Mary Academy Nursing Sacred Hear t H .S . Business De Paul n.s. Educat ion Lexingto n H. S . Business
Rogers H .s. Education Sacred Heart Academ y Business Westport H .s. Nursing Barnstable l-l.S, Business
DINA GALLO Glen Ridge. NJ Year book. Field Hockey TORY GARRITY Hingham . MA Hockey. Running KRISTI GILL Mar shfield. MA Field Hockey. Snowb oardin g LYNORA GILLIGAN Millbury. MA People . Socializing LISA GRANDE Seekon k. MA Horses. Skiing KEITH HENRIQUES Fall River. MA Baseball. Footb all AMY HORRIGAN Sout h Hadley. MA Honor Socict v, Yearboo k GREGORY HOWARD West Roxbury. MA Boxing . Hockey
ALYSSA HOWE West Hart ford. CT Photography. Soccer KAREN HUDSON Cranston . RI Horses. Voluntecrism KELLEY JOHNSON Mystic. CT Hor ses. Tennis MICHAEL JOHNSON Sh rewsbur y. MA Volleyball. Boating
Not re Dame Academy Liber al Arts Ma rsh field H.s. Psycho logy Holy Nam e H .S . Liber al Arts
Seeko nk H .S. Educa tion B.M.C. Durfee H .S . Business Sou th Hadley H .s. Libera l Arts Xaver ian H .s. Educa tion
Con ard H .S . Business S t. Mary Academy Business Robert E. Fitch Sr. n.s. Pre-Law St. John 's u.s. Business
STEPHEN KIELY Selden . NY Drama. Footba ll KELLY KINCAID Cumberland . RI Basket ball. Volleyball JOHANNA KINGKADE Milford. MA Bicycling. Vo lleyball CATHERINE KINSELLA Millburn . NJ Dan cing . Vo luntcc rism KEITH KOELLING Bayside. NY Football. Moto rcycling KELLY KRYSZAK Bristo l. CT Aerobics. Yearboo k HEATHER LECLAIR Matt apoisett. MA Ch cc rlcad inq. Da ncing CHRISTINE LEIT AO Seekonk. MA Track. Field Hockey
Glen Ridge H .S . Business
Newfie ld H .s. Crimina l J ustice Admin. Cumberland H .s . Und ecided Milfor d H .S . Education Millburn H .S . Education Holy Cross n.s. Histo ry Bristol Eastern ll .S. Liber al Art s
O ld Rochester Regional Il .S . Educa tion Seekonk H .S . Nursing
MARY LEWIS Burlington . MA Burlington H .s. Da ncing. SADD Education CHRISTINA L1PE Tiverton . RI Tivert on ll .S. Tr avel. Yearbook Education FRANK LOMBARDI East Haven. CT Notr e Dam e of West Have n Adm inistrat ion o f J ustice Go lf. Soc cer SHAUNA LUCIBELLO North Bra nford l l.S . No rth Branford . CT Dancing. Fore nsics Cr imina l J ustice
KRISTIN LUND Windso r. CT KARAMACK Needh am . MA Swimmi ng. Vo lunteer ism LISAMACUCH Easton. MA Basketball. Track KIMBERLY MADDEN Wrent ham . MA Cheerleading. Da ncing
Windso r H.5 . Undecided Ursuline Academy Philosophy Oliver Ames H .5 . Nursing King Ph ilip Regio nal H .S . Educat ion
AMANDA MAGNANO Norw ich . CT LaCro sse. Te nnis STACEY MALO Me ndon. MA Basket ball. Wa ter Skiing LEE MAYS Glen Rock. NJ Baseball. Camping KRISTY MC LAUGHLIN Yo nkers. NY Art. Peo ple
Norwich Free Acade my Educa tion Nipmuc Regio nal H .5 . Communication s Gle n Rock H .5. Accounting Th e Ursuline Schoo l Educa tion
MEGAN MC LEAN Fa lmouth . ME Hiking. Sa iling AMY MC MASTER Wo rcester. MA Basketball. Yea rbook SHAUN MEDEIROS Fall River. MA Football. Hockey JESSICA MERRILL Ma rshfield. MA Skiing. Vo lleyba ll
Falmo uth H .5 . Liberal Arts Do he rty H.S . Market ing Durfee H .5 . Pre-Med Marshfield H .5 . Psycholog y
SALVATORE MESSINA Da llas. PA Travel. Video Gam es MICHAEL MIOLINE Bra nfor d. CT Basketb all. Soccer MICHELLE MONTALBANO Melrose . MA Dancing. Travel RACHEL MULVEY Wa rwick. RI Creat ive Writing. Drama MARYELLEN MURRAY Burlingto n. MA Drama . Music JOHN OLSEN Bedminster. NJ Golf. Skiing PAUL OTTOSON East Lo ngmeadow. MA Soccer. Vo lleyball LAUREN PAQUIN Sturbridge. MA Aerobics. Te nnis NICOLE-LEE PARD C rans to n. HI C hoir. Dra ma LORI PASIEKA Ivoryto n. CT Ch eerlcadmq, Soccer RANDlE PEPIN Berw ick. ME Anim als. Phot ogra phy MELISSA PERRY Riverside . HI Camping. Dancing
Wyoming Sem inary Business Bra nfo rd H.5 . Business Melrose H .S . Business
La Sa lle Academy Liber al Arts
Burlington H .S . Education Bern ard s H.S . Psycho log y East Longmeadow H .5 . Business Tantasqua Sr. H .5 . Fine Arts
St. Mary Academy Psychology Me rcy H .S . Nursing St. Tho mas Aquinas H .S . D.J . St. Mary's-Bay View H.S . Education
NICOLE PHEENY Medway. MA Music. Volunteerisrn CARlA PIAZZAROLI Oa kville . CT Art. Dancing ANDREA PLOWMAN Sca rboro ugh. ME Aerobics. Vo luntcerism MELISSA PUCCI Ansonia . CT Reading. Tennis
Medway H .5 . Psycholog y Water town H .5 . Education Sca rborough H .S . Nursing Ansoni a H .S . Human ities
GLORIA RAKACZKI Bridgeport. CT No tre Dame Ca tholic H .S . Cheerlead ing. Stu dent Gov't . Marketing DEANA REILLY Ogdensburg. NJ Pope J o hn XXIII H .5 . Hiking. Volleyball Education TARA REMLEY Sarasot a. FL Ca rdinal Mooney H .S . Psychology Golf. Scuba Diving ANDREA RIZZO East Hampton. CT Mercy H .5 . Dancing. Languages Education KEVIN ROURKE Locust Valley. NY So cce r. Ten nis LISA ROWE Cra nbury. NJ Peopl e. Volunt eerism REBECCA RUGE Chepachet. RI Music. Volleyba ll MARISSA RUGGIERI Nor th Potomac. MD Ho rses. Skiing JENNIFER RUMORE Lawren ce . MA So ftball. Vo lleyball RUSSELL SAlAMONE Maynard. MA Hockey. Skiing RAEGAN SANTOS North Dartmo uth. MA Music. O rchestra JENNIFER SARGEANT Mancheste r. NH Music. Peo ple CARLIN SAUNDERS Ches ter. NJ Poetry. Travel LYNN SCHMEICHEL Westford. MA Lan guages. People ROBERT SCULLY Coven try. RI Basketb all. Mtn. Biking HEATHER SENN Up pe r Saddle River. J Music. Scuba Diving
St. Domini c H .5 . Management No tre Dame H .S . Liber al Arts Po naganset H .S . Bio -Medical Tech no logy Acade my o f the Ho ly Cross Educatio n
St. Mary H .5 . Liber al Arts St. J ohn's H .S . Business Dar tmouth H .5 . Psycho logy Manchester Central I-I .S . Humanities
West Morris Mendham I-I .S. Psychology Westford Acade my IntI. Relatio ns Cove ntry H .5. Administratio n of J ustice Academy of the Holy Angels Liber al Arts
LISA SHARlAND Bridgewater . MA Bridgewa ter -Raynham H.S. Environ ment. Music Biolog y AMY路BETH SIGNORIELLO North Providence . RI Nor th Providen ce H.S . Ballet. Dancing Psycho logy CHRISTINA SIMONS White Plains. NY White Plain s H .S . Band. Running Educa tion MATTHEW SIMPSON Whitma n. MA Ca rdina l S pellma n H .5 . Hockey. Music Liber al Arts
SANDRA SIPIC College Point . NY St. Francis Prep . School Honor Society. Student Gov't . Pre-Med LINDSAY SMELSTOR Hanover . MA Hanover n.s. Undec ided Aerobics. Business NIKKI SMITH Ho lliston H .S . Hollisto n. MA Sp ecial Education Chee rleading. Childre n RANDISMITH Po pe J ohn XXJII H .S . Flan ders. NJ Softball. Travel Accounting RYAN SORNBERGER Warwi ck. RI Foot ball. Go lf RITA SPYROPOULOS Peabody. MA Drama . Travel ALANNA STARK Nor thbo ro . MA Creative Writing. Hiking CHRISTINA STEARNS Northp ort. NY LaCrosse. Soccer
Pilgrim H .S . Administrat ion of J ustice Bisho p Fenwick H.s. Education Algonquin H .S . Nursing St. Do minic H.S . Liberal Arts
ALEXIS ST. JOHN-RHEAULT Owl' s Head. ME Kents Hill School Art. Photogr aph y Fine Arts ABBY STRASKULIC Duchesne Acade my Wellesley. MA Political Science Softball. Vo lleyball JONATHAN SWEENEY Stoneham H .S . Stoneh am . MA History Foot ball. Track MARY TEMPONE East Windsor. NJ Not re Dame H.S . Crea tive Writing. Vo luntee rism Criminal Ju stice AMY TOMKINS Lunenburg. MA Vo lunteerism. Field Hockey LENGE TSUCHIMOCHI Yo kohama . J apan Dancing..Music KAREN VARHOLY Mystic. CT Drama . Skiing NETMARI VAZQUEZ Plainville . CT Cheerleadi ng. Politics DAVID VOLPE West Hartford. CT Baseball. Footb all JILL WARCHALOWSKI Westbrook. ME Chee rleading. Skiing HEATHER WELLMAN Nort hboro . MA Animals. Peopl e MELISSA WILLIAMS Swans ea . MA Animals. Softball MATT WILSON Ramsey. NJ Baseball. Soccer JESSICA WRIGHT Yarm o uth . ME Photogra ph y. Skiing ALDEA YANSKI Woo nsocket. RI Hon or Socie ty. Volleyball DANIELLE ZITO East Haven. CT Ch eerlead ing. Travel
Lune nburg H.S. Nursing Miss Hall's School Nursing St. Be rnard u.s. Communica tions Plainville H.s. Political Science
Co na rd H.S . Educatio n Westbroo k H.s. Nursing Algo nquin Regional H.s. Liberal Arts Bisho p Sta ng H.S. Liberal Arts
Ramsey H.s. History Ya rmouth H.s. Nursing Woon socket Sr. n.s. Nursing Sacred Hea rt Academ y Psychology
ALISON ZMIJEWSKI Beverly. MA Chee rleading. Sculp ture
Beverly H .S . Business
To psfie ld. MA Liberal Arts Arlington Heights. IL Libe ral Arts
MICHAEL JOHNSON Baseball. Hockey ERIN KEENAN Track. Volunteer ism MICHAEL KNUDSEN Bicycling. Trave l
Lakeville . CT Pre-Law Worcester. MA Business Clinton. CT Business
MARIA SAN MARTINO N. Provide nce. RI Admin. o f J ustice Chee rlead ing. Hor ses KIMBERLY SIMMONS Softball. Volleyball LINDA SOUSA Animals. Ballet
MARC CIVITILLO Soccer. Student Govt .
Hillsdale. NJ Pre -Med
BROOKE CMIEL Bicycling. Swimm ing
Cos Cob. CT Education
CARRIE MOURO Music. Trave l
JENNIFER CRAIG People. Vo lunteerism
Danvers. MA Psycho log y
KIMBERLY O'CONNELL E. Walpole. MA Education Soccer . Softball
NANCIE TARTER Ballet. Dancing
HEATH ELDREDGE Harwich. MA Foo tball. Travel Administrat ion o f Ju stice
DEREK GOSSELIN Basketba ll. Foot ball
Litchfield. NH Psycho logy
KATHERINE ROSS laCrosse . Surfing
Con cord. NH Nursing
JANICEJARY Photogra phy
Tiverto n. RI Educatio n Windso r. CT Libe ral Arts
Pom on a. CA Undecided
Norwell. MA Psycho logy
RANOI STARNES Stud ent Gov't.. Sa iling
Medford. MA Anth rop ology Tiver ton. RI Bio logy Fairfax Station. VA Psychology
Vineyar d Haven. MA Education
Baseball. Basketball
Whitestone . WY J ournalism
VANESSA VITO Bicycling. Dancing
Cedar Knolls. NJ Education