ESCO Corporation Brand Guidelines 2015

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100% O L D E R S AT I S FA C T


ESCO branding guidelines are established and administered by the Corporate Communications & Marketing (CC&M) Department.

ESCOBRANDGUIDELINES our corporate identity

table of contents Section 1: Introduction

the ESCOÂŽ brand .............................................................................................................................6

defining a brand..............................................................................................................................7

defining our purpose.......................................................................................................................8

ESCO’s vision & mission ...................................................................................................................9

help us help you.............................................................................................................................10

Section 2: Visual Assets

ESCO corporate logo history........................................................................................................12

logo specifications ........................................................................................................................13

brand architecture........................................................................................................................14

oil & gas logos & specifications ..............................................................................................15-16

approved fonts.........................................................................................................................17-18


Section 3: Stationery & Collateral

email signatures........................................................................................................................24-25

business cards ................................................................................................................................26 letterhead ......................................................................................................................................27 envelopes ......................................................................................................................................28

corporate & divisional collateral .................................................................................................29

presentation templates ................................................................................................................30

Section 4: Product Branding

ESCO product specifications .......................................................................................................32

programmatic logos .....................................................................................................................33

Section 5: Sites

exterior paint & building signage ................................................................................................36

entry door signage........................................................................................................................37

interior paint & entry signage ......................................................................................................38

supply & service ............................................................................................................................39

Section 6: Apparel & Promotional

supply & service sites ....................................................................................................................42

trade shows ...................................................................................................................................43

plant & workshop ..........................................................................................................................44

promotional items .........................................................................................................................45

Section 7: Corporate Vehicles

standard & extended cab ...........................................................................................................48

service trucks .................................................................................................................................49

Additional Information

contact page ................................................................................................................................51


introduction Brands have never been more important than they are today. Powerful brands, when nurtured and managed properly, give companies longevity and a unique position in the marketplace. Further, the route to corporate success can be found in developing brands that show more care. ESCO速 continues to be a winning brand that demonstrates a commitment to changing the world in which we live.

ESCOBRAND terminology

the ESCO brand Today, the ESCO brand is recognized worldwide for the quality and performance of our highly engineered wear products. Our brand is the representation of what ESCO offers the marketplace. It reflects how we want our customers and audiences to perceive us. All images and text representing ESCO should strive to support our guiding principles of innovation, leadership, continuous improvement, performance and sustainability. In 2010, we renewed our vision: ESCO True North: Zero Harm, Zero Waste and 100% Stakeholder Satisfaction. This vision is designed to guide our continuous improvement efforts, increase operational efficiencies, drive systematic safety improvements, strengthen relationships with our end users, and integrate innovative sustainable solutions into our family of products and services. We have established these brand guidelines to support a consistent, integrated brand across everything we produce. This guide also details our visual design system by discussing logos, typography, color and design elements. It serves as a comprehensive reference for several templates and our branded assets. Further, the requirement for strong, consistent messaging is equally as important as the visual language communicated to our customers and the public. This begins with our company overview. As we continue our daily drive for True North, I invite you to join me in this journey toward growing our meaningful and influential global brand.

Cal Collins President and CEO


BRANDGUIDE terminology

defining a brand A brand is a name with the power to influence. It is a product, service or concept that is publicly distinguished from other products, services or concepts so that it can be easily communicated and marketed. A brand name is the name of the distinctive product, service or concept. Branding is the process of creating and disseminating the brand name. Branding can be applied to the entire corporate identity as well as to individual product and service names.

company overview ESCO速 Corporation engineers, manufactures and services mission critical equipment used by companies in mining, construction, industrial, and oil and gas industries. With more than 100 years of experience in the science of metals, alloys and wear materials, ESCO products are used in a wide range of applications, including highly abrasive digging, recycling, excavation, drilling, snow plowing and many more. ESCO is recognized as an industry leader delivering innovative products and custom engineered solutions that enhance customer productivity and safety. Privately held, ESCO is headquartered in Portland, Ore. and maintains a growing global network of nearly 90 manufacturing plants, supply & service facilities and offices in 23 countries. For more information, visit


ESCOBRAND terminology

defining our purpose A company performs better with a unified voice and vision of its direction, which is the foundation for a brand. Key to growing our brand internally and externally is a clear and concise answer to the simplest questions that are asked of any employee or customer. All are rooted in our core reason for being.

our guiding principles These are intended to capture the purpose of the brand and bring it to life, and serve as foundational principles embodied in everything we do. Successful companies live their brand through their employees. Our values help articulate how we interact with each other and our customers.




We deliver innovative solutions to meet customer needs

We create an environment of engagement, collaboration and respect

CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT We relentlessly improve all that we do to deliver customer value



We are accountable for delivering exceptional results

We are responsible for a better future– economically, environmentally and socially

BRANDGUIDE corporate messaging

ESCO’s vision & mission The ESCO Vision and Mission reflect what we intend to become as a company. They unite and inspire us toward a common strategic direction.

True North

Our ideal vision which we are constantly pursuing. Zero Harm, Zero Waste and 100% Stakeholder Satisfaction. ● Zero harm to our employees, our customers, and the environment and communities in which we live and work.

● Zero waste of our time, materials, talents and skills.

● 100% stakeholder satisfaction including our employees, customers, suppliers, investors and neighbors.

our mission (why we exist)

To be the leading independent designer, manufacturer and provider of highly engineered wear and replacement products and services essential to the performance of our customers’ equipment used in mining, oil and gas, construction and industrial applications.


● Directly partners us with our customers

● Enables us to lead the industry with solution-


● Creates a unique, consistent, remarkable

0 based products and services

0 customer experience from anywhere in 0 the world

● Capitalizes on our creativity and deep

● Provides exceptional quality, value and

0 technological expertise

0 speed to our customers

● Contributes to the prosperity of our

0 employees, partners, shareholders and 0 the community


● Delivers results through timely decision-making,

0 effective problem solving and people development

● Creates strategic alignment across the organization

● Drives individual and enterprise success

continuous improvement


● Protects and promotes the safety and 0 health of our employees and those involved 0 with our products

● Defines, manages and continuously improves

0 our processes

● Leverages our expertise, innovation and

● Challenges the current condition for the next best step

0 technology to increase our productivity 0 while reducing environmental impact

● Leverages the talents of our employees through

0 disciplined thought and action

● Establishes a local presence and partner 0 relationship with the communities where we 0 work and live


ESCOBRAND working together

help us help you At ESCO, every department has a tailored set of objectives. They may differ from team to team but they always map to broader company objectives. Branding should be viewed the same way. The brand your department presents to the rest of the company should map to the overall corporate brand. Please enlist the Corporate Communications & Marketing (CC&M) team if you have questions about how you are applying the ESCO brand.

working with outside resources Our brand must leave a consistent impression. When enlisting outside agencies for design, layout or conceptual help, ensure that the third party adheres to these brand guidelines. In order for CC&M to catalog and compile all creative ESCO projects, please send a copy of the approved project to:

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who to contact For printing and display guidance, please contact Corporate Communications & Marketing at


visual assets Visual assets consist of key branding elements, such as, but not limited to: the ESCO logo, corporate colors, approved fonts and Oil & Gas Division company logos. Together, these assets help to define the ESCO brand.

ESCOBRAND evolution

ESCO corporate logo history Our corporate logo is the most visible expression of our brand. It is the constant that represents ESCO in every communication and acts as a stamp of


approval for everything we place it upon. Proper and consistent application is essential to maintaining and building logo recognition. ESCO’s logo today symbolizes a vibrant and expanding company. It is comprised

Discontinued. Not to be used without express permission of Corporate Communications & Marketing.


of three components: company name, oval and blade. Discontinued as a corporate logo, but may be used for product branding.


Discontinued. Not to be used without express permission of Corporate Communications & Marketing.


The current logo was revised in 2010 to represent ESCO as a company: clean, sharp and precise. The blade symbolizes the company’s metal origins, cutting-edge expertise and focus on innovation. As the oval pays homage to the company’s legacy logos, the motion of the blade indicates growth and global reach.

Discontinued. Not to be used in new applications without express permission of Corporate Communications & Marketing.

2002 registered trademark

PRESENT Corporate Logo

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Each letter in ESCO is to be capitalized when referenced in headlines, subheads, body copy and other communications ESCO is an acronym: Electric Steel Company.



BRANDGUIDE usage & variations

logo specifications Clear space surrounding the logo must be equal to the height of the ESCO logo letters. This safeguards autonomy and separation between surrounding images, graphics and logos. To properly stage the logo, a minimum clearance between the logo and other elements must

Registered trademark should always appear with the logo, regardless of application. With large wall applications as an exception. For any exceptions, please contact CC&M.

be maintained. Three color variations of the ESCO logo are approved: red, white and black (when the logo appears on a colored background). See page19 for details concerning color.

sample combinations of the red, black and white versions of the corporate logo:

background: white

background: Pantone 186C

background: black

minimum size

The minimum logo sizes depicted below help to ensure that the logo reproduces with optimal legibility.

background: Pantone Cool Grey 10

background: Pantone Cool Grey 6

the blade symbol as a graphic element

The blade and oval can be used as a graphic element in branded materials.

When a logo application at a small size is required, use the above example to determine the optimal configuration-minimum width is 16 mm. Always use approved logo files. The approved logo must not be redrawn, re-typeset, re-proportioned or altered in any way.

unapproved examples

red on red

When using the blade symbol at a small size, use the above example to determine the optimal configuration-minimum width is 13 mm.

X 3 color logo

logo in an oval

unapproved color

altered proportions


ESCOBRAND brand architecture

oil & gas logos The ESCO corporate logo is the default mark and is to be used except where noted on divisional or

companies within the Oil & Gas Division

product applications. Brand architecture is an extremely complex subject where few rules apply. With ESCO’s expansion into the oil and gas market, ESCO as the “parent brand” currently takes an endorsement role of our Oil & Gas companies.


An ESCO Oil & Gas Company ®

Since ESCO employs an endorsed house branding strategy,* the companies within the ESCO® Oil & Gas Division feature the company’s logo with the added tagline: An ESCO® Oil & Gas Company. In this instance, ESCO as the parent company takes only an endorsed role, externally. A company logo with tagline, (i.e., “An ESCO® Oil & Gas Company”) should be used.

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what is an endorsed branded house? *

The endorsed house is an architecture based on the addition of new brands with the added credibility of the existing parent brand. The branded house is a strategy by which the corporation is the source of reputation and the federating force.

BRANDGUIDE Oil & Gas Companies—Ulterra®

logos & specifications The tagline, “An ESCO® Oil & Gas Company,” will be used in conjunction with the Ulterra logo. This mark will


An ESCO Oil & Gas Company ®

be the primary logo used. When the Ulterra “U Ball” symbol appears alone,


An ESCO Oil & Gas Company ®

the divisional tagline is unnecessary.

vertical logo


An ESCO Oil & Gas Company ®

horizontal logo

tagline placement

A tagline to a company’s logo must follow these specific guidelines.


An ESCO Oil & Gas Company

3 mm



The smallest acceptable vertical logo size is 26 mm wide.

Maintain consistent spacing (3 mm) from the bottom of the lowest letter in the company logo to the tallest ascender in the ESCO divisional tagline.

The smallest acceptable horizontal logo size is 50 mm wide.

An ESCO Oil & Gas Company ®

This tagline must be included whenever the Ulterra logo is used, except for instances when the Ulterra logo is used in conjunction with the ESCO Oil & Gas logo.


An ESCO Oil & Gas Company ®

Font: Akzidenz-Grotesk Std/Reg Color: 50% black


An ESCO Oil & Gas Company ®

Size: Must not be reduced smaller than 5 pt in order to maintain legibility. Example of 4.5 pt type.


ESCOBRAND Oil & Gas Companies—Stabiltec™

logos & specifications The tagline of “An ESCO® Oil & Gas Company” will be used in conjunction with the Stabiltec logo. This mark will be the primary logo used.

horizontal logo

vertical logo

The smallest acceptable vertical logo size is 27 mm wide.

This tagline must be included whenever the Stabiltec logo is used. Font: Akzidenz-Grotesk Std/Reg Color: 50% black Size: Must not be reduced smaller than 5 pt in order to maintain legibility. Example of 4.5 pt type.


The smallest acceptable horizontal logo size is 37 mm wide.


main corporate print font

Typography is used to reinforce a brand’s


approved fonts

Use: programmatic logos, body copy, headlines, subheads

visual identity. Multiple font families have been selected from the serif and sans serif categories to


communicate the image and messaging desired for divisional and corporate purposes.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789


Century Gothic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789

Use: headlines, body copy, subheads

Use: headlines, body copy, subheads


Use: headlines, quotes, titles, subheads

Handel Gothic ITC Std

Use: trademarked product names

Aa Aa Aa Aa ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789

trademark usage ESCO’s trademarks and brands are intellectual property and are valuable assets of the corporation. A trademark is a distinctive name, phrase, symbol, design, picture or style used by a business to identify itself and its products and services to customers. Marking is necessary to maintain exclusive rights of use. Trademark acknowledgment is the means by which some companies show that certain terms are trademarks. ® denotes a registered service mark or trademark. ™ denotes a trademark application pending or common law claim on the mark. (SM)

denotes a service mark application pending or common law claim on the mark.

Generally, demarcation is not necessary for every occurrence of a trademark or service mark in an article, press release, advertisement or on a website, etc.; however, at a minimum, this identification should occur at least once in each piece. Use the trademark symbol in the first appearance of the trademark in a headline, and/or the first prominent use and first appearance in the body of text. When in doubt, err on the side of “over-marking.” The proper use of trademark symbols with this trademark is as follows: ESCO® products (for example).



approved fonts To ensure professionalism and consistency throughout our communications, employees, when communicating internally or externally, are expected to follow the guidelines contained in the brand guidelines. Email messages, backgrounds and signatures should not deviate from the digital font requirements described on this page. Backgrounds should not be used, unless approved by CC&M.

main corporate digital font


Use: email body copy, headlines, subheads Size: 10 pt Color: black or dark blue


Use: email body copy Size: 11 pt Color: black or dark blue

Aa Aa ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789

approved example

unapproved example

RE: Digital Fonts

RE: Digital Fonts

This is an example of an approved digital font for ESCO employees. Calibri 11 pt.

unapproved background example RE: Digital Backgrounds




This is an example of an unapproved digital font.

BRANDGUIDE corporate

colors Color selection is a key element in building a strong brand. ESCO’s primary color is red and should therefore be the dominant color in any presentation, print collateral, online graphic, environmental graphic, etc. The secondary color palette was created to complement the ESCO red tone and should not play a dominant role in ESCO materials.








CMYK 0/0/0/0

CMYK 35/60/60/100

CMYK 0/0/0/70

CMYK 0/0/0/25

RGB 255/255/255

RGB 0/0/0

RGB 99/100/102

RGB 199/200/202


WEB #000000

WEB #636466







ESCOBRAND Oil & Gas Companies—Ulterra®


Ulterra colors revolve around the primary tone: teal. Ulterra is synonymous with this bright, vibrant color that has come to represent speed and efficiency within the oil and gas industry. The secondary colors provide a balance that does not stray from the professional, cool color palette established by the primary color.


PANTONE 7474C CMYK 90/0/28/22 RGB 0/146/159 WEB #00929F






CMYK 0/0/0/0

CMYK 35/60/60/100

CMYK 0/0/0/25

RGB 255/255/255

RGB 0/0/0

RGB 199/200/202


WEB #000000





BRANDGUIDE Oil & Gas Companies—Stabiltec™


Stabiltec colors were chosen to reinforce the strength and power of its drilling products. The secondary colors help to compliment the warm, red primary color with a warm grey, black & white options.


PANTONE 202C CMYK 15/100/90/25 RGB 138/0/26 WEB #890019





CMYK 0/0/0/0

CMYK 35/60/60/100

CMYK 41/33/43/2

RGB 255/255/255

RGB 0/0/0

RGB 139/138/123


WEB #000000







stationery & collateral Corporate stationery and collateral pieces are essential communication tools. Each should be relevant to our audience and reflective of ESCO’s global brand. Stationery and collateral templates follow for ESCO and companies within the ESCO Oil & Gas Division.

ESCOBRAND digital templates

email signatures The following examples are the currently approved email signature guidelines for ESCO employees. All existing employees are required to update or Font: Arial/Bold Color: black Size: 10 pt

create new signatures to be in compliance with these guidelines.

Font: Arial/Reg Color: 50% black Size: 10 pt ESCO corporate version

Font: Arial/Bold Color: dark red Size: 9 pt

Name | Title Department (optional) Division (optional)

Font: Arial/Reg Color: black Size: 9 pt

ESCO Location office: 503.555.1212 | mobile: 503.555.1213 |

Font: Arial/Reg (hyperlink) Color: 50% black Size: 9 pt Font: Arial/Reg Color: dark red Size: 9 pt Font: Arial/Bold (letters and colon) Color: black Size: 9 pt

ESCO division version (no department)

ESCO employee extended title version with division & department version

John Smith | Marketing Coordinator Mining Division

John Smith | Vice President Investor & Gov. Relations and Comm. Corporate Comm. & Marketing - Mining Division

ESCO Portland | World Headquarters office: 503.555.1212 | mobile: 503.555.1213 |

optional Font: Arial/Bold Color: 50% black Size: 9 pt

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how to access To access a template for corporate email signatures, go to the Employee Brand Center on SPARK. Contact CC&M with questions.

ESCO Betim office: 503.555.1212 | mobile: 503.555.1213 | Skype: jsmith (optional) |


A maximum of three lines is allowed for name, title, department and division. In the case of long titles that extend to a second line, combine department & division on line three-separated by a hyphen. Abbreviations may be used to shorten titles, departments & divisions. Please see page 25 for approved abbreviations.



Ulterra version

digital templates

Jay Smith | Account Representative

email signatures

ULTERRA Fort Worth An ESCO® Oil & Gas Company office: 405.555.1212 | mobile: 405.555.1213 |

Email signatures are the digital world’s answer to a business card: all of a company’s pertinent

Font: Arial/Reg Color: 50% black Size: 9 pt

information readily available. Your email signature is your way of efficiently conveying all necessary contact information to each person you email.

Stabiltec version

They affect the tone of every email you write. All

Jane Smith | Marketing Coordinator

STABILTEC Parks An ESCO® Oil & Gas Company office: 337.555.1212 | mobile: 337.555.1213 |

ESCO employees represent the brand. By using a consistent look and feel in our communications, we avoid sending mixed messages that can confuse the marketplace and compromise our

ESCO employee trade show tagline version

collective efforts.

Jessica Smith | Plant Manager

ESCO Covington office: 601.555.1212 | mobile: 601.555.1213 |

Unless an exception is granted, images are not permissible in ESCO email signatures.

Join us at ConExpo–booth #2311 Font: Arial/Bold Color: dark red Size: 10 pt EXTRA RETURN

approved abbreviations

ESCO employee trade show graphic version

When titles exceed three lines (email signatures & business cards), an abbreviation is acceptable. Additional abbreviations need approval by CC&M. Below are some examples:

Administration/Administrator: Admin. Assistant: Asst. Associate: Assoc. Communications: Comm. Construction & Industrial: C&I Corporate: Corp. Development: Dev. Division: Div. Engineer/Engineering: Eng. Government: Gov. Limited: Ltd. Manager: Mgr. Oil & Gas: O&G Operations: Ops. Organizational: Org. Regional: Reg. Representative: Rep. Senior: Sr. Vice President: VP

Jessica Smith | Plant Manager

ESCO Shanghai | China Headquarters office: 601.555.1212 | mobile: 601.555.1213 |

17 mm

81 mm

ESCO employee product promotion version

Jessica Smith | Plant Manager

ESCO Newton office: 601.555.1212 | mobile: 601.555.1213 |

The above graphic dimensions are not to be adjusted. Creative Services can help with the creation of any email signature graphic. All email signature graphics must be approved by CC&M.


ESCOBRAND approved stationery templates

business cards

LINE: .25 stroke COLOR: 50% Black 31 mm

FONT: Akzidenz-Grotesk Std/Bold COLOR: ESCO red SIZE: 9.2 pt

4 mm


With the exception of home offices, personal addresses may not be included on company business cards.

FONT: Akzidenz-Grotesk Std/Bold COLOR: Black SIZE: 7.5 pt

Robert Anderson

Account Representative 2141 NW 25th Avenue Portland, OR 97210-2578

51 mm (2”) For lengthy titles, 10 mm please refer to the approved abbreviations on page 25.

FONT: Akzidenz-Grotesk Std/Reg COLOR: 50% Black SIZE: 7.5 pt

office: 503.555.1212 mobile: 503.555.1212 fax: 503.555.1212

Option at right is actual size.

FONT: Akzidenz-Grotesk Std/Reg COLOR: Black SIZE: 7.5 pt FONT: Akzidenz-Grotesk Std/Reg COLOR: 50% Black SIZE: 7.5 pt center logo

4 mm 89 mm (3.5”)

Jane Anderson

John Anderson

Vice President Oil & Gas Division

Marketing Director Mining Division Australia

420 Throckmorton St., Suite 1110 Fort Worth, TX 76102

48 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont, NSW 2009 Australia

office: 405.555.1212 mobile: 405.555.1212 fax: 405.555.1212

office: 405.555.1212 mobile: 405.555.1212 fax: 405.555.1212

Joe Anderson

Mary Anderson



An ESCO Oil & Gas Company ®

5308 Main Highway Parks, LA 70582

office: 405.555.1212 mobile: 405.555.1212 fax: 405.555.1212

office: 337.555.1212 mobile: 337.555.1212 fax: 337.555.1212

Color: Ulterra teal For details see page 20.

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Marketing Director

420 Throckmorton St., Suite 1110 Fort Worth, TX 76102

how to order To access a template for corporate business cards and letterhead, go to the Employee Brand Center on SPARK. Contact CC&M with questions.

Color: Stabiltec red For details see page 21.

BRANDGUIDE approved stationery templates


2141 NW 25th Avenue Portland, OR 97210-2578

420 Throckmorton St., Suite 1110 Fort Worth, TX 76102

5308 Main Highway Parks, LA 70582

An ESCO Oil & Gas Company 速


ESCOBRAND approved stationery templates


2141 NW 25th Avenue Portland, OR 97210-2578

420 Throckmorton St., Suite 1110 Fort Worth, TX 76102

An ESCO Oil & Gas Company 速

{ 28

how to order To access a template for corporate envelopes, go to the Employee Brand Center on SPARK. Contact CC&M with questions.

5308 Main Highway Parks, LA 70582

BRANDGUIDE collateral examples

corporate & divisional Collateral materials describe a business and/or its products and services. They include brochures, newsletters, fact sheets, press releases and other printed or electronic materials.


Ulterra Oman Team received a two star "Shokran Award" for drilling the fastest well to date in Rima field with two benchmarks in both the 12.25" & 8.5" whole sections.

Congratulations Oman Team!

--------------- PERFORMANCE UPDATES -------------• •

Our 8.75" U516M drilled a 12,600 ft VCL run all the way to TD from under surface. The bit averaged 101 ft/hr throughout the interval. This was the first bit to successfully make it on one BHA for the operator! Ulterra's 8.5' U616M drilled an 8,838 ft vertical section and the operator continued on with it into the curve. Offsetting competitor runs have been tripped short of reaching the planned kick off point. H&P 481 set back to back surface records for the rig with the 12.25” U616S out drilling the next best competitor offset by 30 ft/hr and then 38 ft/hr. Ulterra's 8.5" U516M set a performance standard in one of EOG's most densely drilled areas of the Eagle Ford. We drilled the 4,700 ft vertical section at 278 ft/hr out drilling all other runs in the area by 40 ft/hr.

South TX


The 12.25" U716M CounterForce™ drilled the fastest drill-out run in the University Lease.

• • • •

Our 8.5" U516M recently completed a curve + lateral run in Upton Co. This was one of their best runs in the area! The Apache 7.875" U716M was a one bit to TD lateral run, drilling 5,016 ft in 94.5 hrs with an ROP of 53 ft/hr. Ulterra’s 7.875" U516M drilled 1,615 ft vertical in 13 hrs with an ROP of 124 ft/hr. Our newest Canadian CounterForce™ bit, the 200mm U516M had an extremely successful first run. The bit drilled a 1,440m Montney lateral with an ROP of 31m/hr…. this is more than 30% faster than the current benchmark in the area. The bit also came out an impressive 0-0 dull!

Ulterra had a good performance with the ‘torpedo’ 8.5" U516M. We drilled 456m in 24 hrs. Overall, we drilled 1,900m total in 45.47 hrs at an ROP of 41.8 m/hr.

West TX Canada Mexico

-------------------------- #ULTERRA ------------------------@UlterraBits Canada’s new Ulterra BBQ trailer!

Team Ulterra having a blast at the ESCO financial accounting conference in Portland!

ULTERRA……. When Every Run Count ™

product literature


newsletter template

need literature? To access current marketing literature for Mining and Construction & Industrial Divisions, visit the literature library at To create new divisional collateral, please contact your divisional marketing representative. For new corporate collateral, contact CC&M.

employee O&G Division newsletter

external magazine


ESCOBRAND presentations

presentation templates

corporate presentation template-title slide

corporate presentation template-interior slides note:

Concluding slide should contain the approved ESCO copyright language.

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how to access To access a presentation template, go to the Employee Brand Center on SPARK. Contact CC&M with questions.


product branding The ESCO family of products is recognized around the world for innovation, quality, durability and safety. With hundreds of patents and leading-edge inventions, branding our products and services properly protects the integrity of our work and helps to distinguish us from the competition.


product colors

ESCO product specifications Divisional marketing teams have identified product names and fonts to ensure customers recognize ESCO products. Upon delivery, ESCO’s products are also easily identifiable by their distinct colors. To ensure our names are protected, the company registers and maintains trademarks. These marks must be affixed (shown below) whenever product names are displayed. When writing copy, marks are affixed to product names but are only necessary the first time the name is used in a given document (see page 17).

The following are ESCO product colors and a sample of the product types they represent.

As a general rule, product names should be written with the first letter capitalized and the remaining letters in lowercase, followed by the appropriate ® or TM symbol (in superscript). For example: Ultralok®. When a product name is a combination of two words (with no space between) the first letter of the second word should also be capitalized to denote meaning. For example: ProFill® dragline bucket.

color matching product paint

product names & trademark placement

used by Mining and Construction & Industrial Divisions for printed materials

buckets tooth sys. draglines blades lips shrouds crushing runners chain/rigging truck bodies


drill bits

For product paint specifications, please go to the Employee Brand Center on SPARK.

product names & trademark placement used by Oil & Gas Division for printed materials

text baseline x-height



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who to contact For more information about trademark usage and implementation, please contact your divisional marketing representative. Alternatively, you may contact Corporate Facilities: with related questions.


programmatic logos








Generally, an internal logo is any kind of graphic element (photographs or illustrations) consistently linked with the name of your division, department, brand, products or services, or with a program or theme. Any internal logo must be approved by Corporate Communications & Marketing if used outside of a single event. The additional use of unique or internal logos for departments and products potentially dilute the power of the ESCO brand, confuses customers and audiences, increases legal risk and impacts ESCO resources.






ESCO Corporation has a single parent logo:




100% O L D E R S AT I S FA C T


There is a distinction between the development of new logos and the creation of a theme. Key messages and images may be combined to create a themed ESCO montage for a specific program, event or product. Themes may be carried over with minimal changes and do not need to be approved outside of your manager.

100-Yr. Anniversary logos note: Not to be used-discontinued


All divisional & corporate programmatic logos must be approved by CC&M.

who to contact

logo creation

For more information about corporate logo specifications, please contact CC&M.

Logos created for any ESCO division or department may not include the ESCO logo. They may, however, include the name of the company (ESCO). See the ESCO update logo above as an example.



sites Customers around the world associate ESCO products with quality and innovation. As ESCO adds or acquires sites globally—from manufacturing to supply & service facilities to sales offices—consistent branding must convey that same reliability and commitment to excellence. This section provides guidelines for current, new and acquired sites.


exterior paint & building signage External and internal paint and signage should be uniform so that customers, employees and vendors have a consistent brand experience. ESCO has identified signage standards and paint colors that showcase the performance and quality of our products and services. Please refer to the following specifications for all logo placement and use of the paint applications. For lobby and main customer spaces, please contact CC&M for guidance. For a list of regional marketing representatives, refer to the Employee Brand Center.

Prior to scheduling painting and signage contractors, please supply global and regional marketing with a collection of photos that give a 360 degree “walkaround” of your facility. They will then provide branding direction. Buildings should not be painted or branded prior to receiving official approval from your global or regional marketing team.

note: Other than the ESCO logo, no other promotional signage/logos will be installed on any building.

Exterior paint specifications below

If your cutout/detached logo cannot be installed on the exterior of a building, the alternative is a red rectangle with a white ESCO logo.


Use premium-quality, UV/fade resistant paint in satin or semigloss finish only and prepare surface with custom-tinted primer prior to applying at least two coats of red. Contact your divisional marketing team with questions or concerns.

If off-white is selected, use the below options: Australia: Taubmans, surf mist North America: Behr, premium plus ultra, irish mist

The ESCO logo (in all red) should be installed using cut lettering on the sides of the building that have the greatest visibility and most traffic. If your building’s lease does not allow installation of signage on the building exterior, elevated signage should be installed near the perimeter of the building.

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how to find For additional information, visit the Employee Brand Center on SPARK. Contact CC&M with questions related to exterior paint and building signage. Alternatively, you may contact Corporate Facilities: with related questions.

accent ESCO RED (roof line flashing, entrance, etc.) Australia ESCO RED: Taubmans, ESCO red North America ESCO red: Behr, premium plus ultra, fire cracker UL100-5 (Home Depot—Behr paint)


entry door signage

option 1

Entry door signage provides an opportunity to keep branding consistent and clearly indicates important information to employees, customers and vendors. Below are two examples of approved entry door signage options.

2541 Main St. RECEPTION Monday—Friday 6 AM—5 PM

option 1 • Red stripe width: width of door or glass panel (if applicable) • Red stripe height: 8” or 200 mm • White logo height: 4.5” or 115 mm • Door glass must be clear or tinted • Area to list hours of operation, street address This information should be produced in Arial (bold) as a vinyl decal.

red vinyl decal material 3M Gerber 220 series “Cardinal Red” #225-53 Avery “Cardinal Red” #955

option 2

option 2

• White main text height: 3.5” or 89 mm • All letters that accompany the word ESCO must be capitalized

This information should be produced in Arial (bold) as a vinyl decal.



interior paint & signage External and internal paint and signage should be uniform so that customers, employees and vendors have a consistent brand experience. If requested, Corporate Communications & Marketing can provide a mock-up, basic specifications or actual signage for lobby and main customer spaces. Detached signs should consist of a white ESCO logo placed on a red background. No yellows, blues or tans. No bright white due to excessive cleaning and maintenance requirements.

Details concerning the below paint colors are available on the Employee Brand Center. walls accent accent doors/trim Luminous White Heritage Red Outerspace Mindful Gray

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how to find For additional information, visit the Employee Brand Center on SPARK. Contact CC&M with questions related to exterior paint and building signage. Alternatively, you may contact Corporate Facilities: with related questions.


supply & service The ESCO brand includes our corporate offices, sales offices, manufacturing facilities, and now, our supply & service facilities. In all instances the brand should be presented to customers as ESCO. ESCO’s supply & service facilities are a direct connection for customers to ESCO’s delivery system of products and services. Our goal is to provide a unique, consistent and remarkable customer experience on a local level, including a consistent brand experience. ESCO is the brand, and the term “supply & service” is a description we use to describe the function of a particular ESCO location, rather than creating a sub-brand. All employees are ESCO employees, and our supply & service facilities are part of the many offerings the ESCO brand brings to the global marketplace. ESCO is now also a goods and services brand-focused on improving the safety and efficiency of our customers’ operations. Toward this end, all references to ESCO supply & service facilities should read:

ESCO supply & service • Do not capitalize supply & service, unless it is being used as a topic header. A customer brochure is an example, where if in the headline, it would read: ESCO Supply & Service Facilities

ESCO supply & service

• Do not capitalize supply & service, unless beginning a sentence with “Supply & service” • Do not use ESCO supply & service as an acronym (ESS or ES&S, for instance)

supply & service vehicle branding example ESCO supply & service vehicle application example: supply & service does not appear adjacent to the parent brand logo in any instance.



apparel & promotional Employees’ appearance is a direct reflection of ESCO, its family of companies and all employees. When representing the organization, it is imperative for employees to portray a professional and consistent look. The following are guidelines for presenting our brand through apparel and promotional items.

ESCOBRAND corporate apparel

supply & service sites ESCO has identified a standard for all representatives of ESCO supply and service locations which represent the company and our products in the field.* Employee shirts should only feature the ESCO logo and (if desired) the employee’s first name. No additional text or graphics are acceptable, including tag lines, slogans and graphics.

Optional: employee’s name on right side Color: light grey or white Type: embroidered/all caps Logo: left side—2.5” or 65 mm wide Color: red (on white/grey) white (on red) Type: embroidered

ESCO apparel colors Employee shirt color options to be used in conjunction with the ESCO logo: red, white or light grey. Black or charcoal pants/skirt and black shoes are recommended. Final decisions, based on guidelines, will be determined by the local site manager. *

approved examples

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how to order Corporate apparel options are available globally through Staples Promotional Products at

unapproved examples

BRANDGUIDE corporate apparel

trade shows Employees representing ESCO at trade shows must present a professional and consistent look. For this reason, shirts will only feature the ESCO logo and, unlike work uniforms, they should not include names or additional graphics.

Logo: left side—2.5� or 65 mm wide Color: red (on white/grey) white (on red) Type: embroidered

ESCO apparel colors Employee shirt color options to be used in conjunction with the ESCO logo: red, white or light grey. Black or charcoal pants/skirt and black shoes are recommended.

Due to text size limitations, the ESCO Oil & Gas Division tagline may be difficult to reproduce. In these cases, print the Oil & Gas company logo on the left breast and the ESCO logo on the left sleeve. The ESCO logo should not include the Oil & Gas divisional tagline. Oil & Gas Division employees should contact their marketing representative with questions. Examples above are for reference only.

long sleeve shirts white light grey red

red logo red logo white logo

short sleeve shirts red polo/blouse white

white logo red logo

approved examples



No additional text or graphics should appear on any ESCO branded shirts. As a trade show standard, no shirts should feature location names, taglines, slogans or any other information. Exceptions may be made for special events. Contact CC&M for approval.

how to order Corporate apparel options are available globally through Staples Promotional Products at


ESCOBRAND corporate apparel

plant & workshop Work and plant uniforms and safety gear must meet all customer requirements and local work, health and safety laws. For more information, please contact your site manager, site safety leader and/or the ESCO Environmental Health & Safety team. Local site regulations may vary. Please consult your local safety manager.

work shirts

• Long sleeves are preferred (for safety reasons) • High visibility safety yellow and reflective stripes

are preferred

• Red logo appears above left pocket. • First name can appear above the right pocket

(all caps, light grey)

• Orange is a secondary option if a customer does

not permit yellow uniforms on their job site

work pants

Determined by site manager (preferred colors are black or blue)

hard hats

• Red hard hat w/white logo • White hard hat w/red logo • Determined by site manager


Determined by site manager

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how to order To order uniforms, please contact your site manager or local safety leader. To add branding to new safety gear, please contact CC&M.

BRANDGUIDE corporate

promotional items StaplesŽ Promotional Products supports our branded promotional items through an online store. It is ESCO’s only approved vendor. A global, singlesource supplier allows ESCO to regulate the quality of branded items and logo integrity. If desired, Staples will provide quotes for any item with an ESCO logo. If unable to locate desired items on the e-store (see below), contact your regional Staples representative, found on the regional merchandise page below.


how to order Promotional items are available globally through Staples at Please contact your local Marketing representative or CC&M with questions.



corporate vehicles ESCO and affiliated vehicles in the field should present the company and our brand with the utmost professionalism.


corporate vehicles

standard & extended cab Vehicle branding is a powerful and highly visible communication tool. Reaching potentially thousands of people every day, it offers a high-impact and costeffective way of promoting our brand. Even more powerful is the fact that ESCO branded vehicles are driven by people our customers call associates and friends.


Vehicles branded with old ESCO logos are not required to be replaced. Only update logos with new vehicle acquisition.


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789

standard cab examples The address or location name of an ESCO facility should not appear on a vehicle. If contact information is necessary, the website address and/or phone number may be featured on the rear window (without obstructing the driver’s view), tailgate or the side of the pickup bed using Arial font (bold).

tailgate & bumper

vehicle color

To promote the ESCO brand in our targeted markets, the vehicle color preference is red. If red is not an option, white is acceptable. A white ESCO logo on a red vehicle or red ESCO logo on a white truck is required. Contact your divisional marketing representative with questions or concerns. Vehicle branding within the Oil & Gas Division will vary. Oil & Gas Division employees should contact their marketing representative.

• The ESCO logo should not be placed on a tailgate. If space allows, the ESCO website address and/or local phone number may be featured on the top or bottom edge of a tailgate 1-800-523-3795

• No branding or contact information should appear anywhere on the bumper If contact information is necessary, the website address and/or phone number may be featured on the rear window (without obstructing the driver’s view), tailgate or the side of the pickup bed using Arial font (bold). For supply & service sites, printing “supply & service” on side of the pickup is acceptable. See page 39 for details.

supply & service

extended cab approved examples

unapproved examples

X oversized



X undersized

undersized + incorrectly positioned

BRANDGUIDE corporate vehicles

service trucks ESCO’s mobile service trucks are generally 5-ton trucks outfitted with a variety of tools for jobs including welding, stick and boom repair, and truck body repair. The service area and customer needs will determine specific outfitting characteristics of each mobile truck. Logo, website address and/or phone number guidelines as described on page 48 should be followed. The one constant branding element for each truck will be the proper painting, using approved ESCO colors, and correct use of the ESCO logo to ensure a consistent look and feel. Please contact your regional marketing representative before branding any vehicles.


who to contact If questions arise, please contact your site manager or regional marketing representative.




Please contact the appropriate department using the email addresses on the following page.



contact page

Corporate Communications & Marketing

Marketing—Mining Division

Marketing—Construction & Industrial Division

Marketing—Oil & Gas Division

Corporate Facilities

Championing, supporting and protecting the ESCO brand is everyone’s job. –Cal Collins President and CEO


©2015 ESCO® Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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