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How can school safety be improved at Groveport-Madison High School?
How to improve school safety at Groveport-Madison High School.
86.2 percent of our school said that they see dangerous behavior all the time throughout the school. Is that really something we should be proud of? No, no it’s not. Groveport should be a safe place for students to come to school and learn, not to stress out if they are going to see fights or weapons, or any sort of violence. I would say that there are on average 2-3 fights a day spread out amongst the school hours. Sometimes they are after school in the parking lots, or even at bus stops. We are trying to prevent the violence because it is going to continue until somebody gets really injured or worse. One thing that you have to know about Groveport is that there is a lot of uneven discipline depending on who the students are. Most of the uneven discipline is with the sports teams because a lot of the teams don’t get in trouble even if they do something wrong.