Dani Folch Alex Valenzuela Joanna Lenart Marta Pladevall 22nd November of 2013 Terrassa
BARCELONA Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia. It is popular for its famous monuments and for its beautiful places, that’s why it has a lot of tourists. Barcelona is an Olympic City and has one of the best football clubs FC Barcelona.
INDEPENDENCE Independence, is a good word to represent Catalonia nowadays. But why is it so representative? We think that it’s because one or two years ago we created a revolution for the research of the independence from Spain. Not all people wants it, but a lot of people does, and if they fight all together they can do it.
PA AMB TOMÀQUET Pa amb tomàquet, or bread with tomato is one of the most popular meals in Catalonia. It consists on the dipping of tomatoes on a slice of bread. It’s very curious because Catalonia is the only country that does that. If you go to a restaurant on any other country and you ask for bread with tomato they will probably bring you a loaf of bread and a tomato.
EL TIÓ El Tió is a trunk with a painted face, and it usually has a catalan beret and a blanket covering it. From the Immaculate Conception’s day until Christmas, we feed “el Tió” every day, and the last day, children beat it with sticks, while they sing el Tió’s song, and it gives presents to all people.