Paris, February 25th, 2012
Registration opens
13:30 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:00 16:00 - 17:30 17:30 - 18:00 18:00 - 19:30
Session 1 Coffee Break Session 2 Coffee Break Session 3
19:30 - 21:00
Johannes BITTEL, Founder & President of TEDXESCP Dear TEDX community, You are part of the first TEDX conference at a grande école in Paris: TEDXESCP. Our aspiration is to go beyond simply organizing a conference – we want to create a community. That’s why this is your day! Sharing ideas is more than simply enjoying today’s exceptional speakers and performers. At TEDXESCP, we want to encourage you to get inspired and share your thoughts and ideas with the people that you will meet today. Great ideas shouldn’t be limited to a privileged few. This event is broadcasted live over the internet on to the world. Your friends at home can follow this event online but like pieces in a puzzle, people and ideas can only develop their full potential when connected. We have done everything to create an atmosphere that will allow ideas to flow and people to connect. Take advantage and Make the Difference. Your TEDXESCP team!
For TEDXESCP, we wanted to create a place where creativity is encouraged and ideas are allowed to flow. Ideas and creativity are important because throughout our history, ideas and the discovery of new concepts and objects made the difference and shaped the world that we live in today. Ideas, however, don’t come from nothing. We need inspiration to generate new ideas. With the design of our stage, we tried to replicate an inspirational environment by including a number of objects that made a difference in people’s lives throughout history - small or big. In our search for recreating this emblematic space where ideas are generated and allowed to flow, we came across Isaac Newton, who in 1687, discovered gravity, presumably after an apple had fallen on his head. At TEDXESCP, our speakers will be standing on that spot, marked with an ‶̏X″, symbolising the place where Newton’s apple had landed - for that a similar aura of genius may accompany our speakers today. The BONKERS Team
TEDXESCP is the first TEDx event at a French Grande École.
The apple was the cause for Isaac Newton’s great discovery of gravity. It won’t fall on a speaker’s head today, but the symbolism is clear.
The ‶X″ represents the spot where the apple hit. Today, our speakers will share their ideas right from there.
The chandelier is made up of objects that were great innovations at the the time and made a difference in people’s lives.
S P E A K E R S ‶Make the Difference″
Our theme reflects what all of our organizing team believes in: we are hungry for giving the stage to people who either proved through their actions or inspire by their words the invaluable spirit of making a difference in other people’s lives. We are excited about the speakers and performers that you will hear today because they, indeed, do things differently. This is not limited to one particular field. We are proud to have a very interdisciplinary line up of speakers including film, fashion, medicine, inventors, entrepreneurs, professors, authors, artists and scientists. If only one of the speakers finds a connection to you and leaves an impression that lasts or inspires you, our theme, Make the Difference, will have come to life.
You can find more information on speakers on the TEDXESCP website: 8
* MAKE THE DIFFERENCE Philippe GABILLIET Prof Dr. Philippe GABILLIET has been member of the Faculty of ESCP Europe (Paris) since 1995. Professor in Leadership and Personal Development, he is specialized in political management, influence processes and mental strategies for success. His current fields for research and publication are self-leadership strategies, positive psychology applied to management, social luck dynamics and collective optimism.
Olivier BILLON Geek since the first hour, Olivier created all kinds of websites between 1999 and 2005: a web radio, a community site dedicated to music, a city guide, etc. After graduating with a Master in Law, he studied at Sciences Po and started to work for L’OrÊal. His desire to combine web and fashion, two creative worlds in perpetual motion, led him to create his own company - Ykone.
After studying ‶Marketing in the media″, Mathieu worked in international communication for Viktor & Rolfand Diesel. His interest in a certain vision of masculine elegance led him to create Today, he follows his interest in fashion at Ykone - a social fashion site.
László LAUFER László LAUFER is Senior User Experience Researcher at He is teaching Human Computer Interaction as an Assistant Lecturer at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He was a Junior Visiting Research Fellow at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He published several scientific papers on physiological interfaces, assistive technology and computersupported cooperative work and dozens of popular science articles on artificial intelligence and intelligent interfaces.
* MAKE THE DIFFERENCE RIMED What can I say about me? I started the guitar at age 22 after I got back from California where my ex girlfriend is from. At this time, I was missing something (my ex obviously), but something more than that. I had music in me but until that point, I was too ashamed and probably too lazy to start. But having lost someone I care so much about made me realize that I should let it all out! Embrace who you truly are, and express yourself not caring so much for the outside world. So I bought a guitar and it changed my life.
Alexandre MARCHAC Dr Alexandre MARCHAC is the ‶Chef de Clinique in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery″ at the Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris, where he specializes in microsurgery and craniofacial surgery. Following a post-doctoral Research Fellowship in tissue engineering at NYU Medical School and a Masters Degree in surgical science, he returned to Paris to join Pr Laurent Lantieri’s pioneering face transplantation team.
S P E A K E R S Dominique RESTINO
Dominique RESTINO is the father of Mentoring in France. He was 24 years old when he created his first company: a specialized job recruitment agency. He led it to 35 million euro turnover, more than a hundred employees and placed over a thousand people. Serial entrepreneur and more recently Business Angel, he is passionate for entrepreneurship. He is the Founder and Chairman of the MoovJee (Mouvement pour les Jeunes Etudiants Entrepreneurs) one of the leading French networks dedicated to support and promote the students-entrepreneurs. Bob DAVIDS Bob DAVIDS (California) is a serial entrepreneur and regarded as one of the most original and provocative minds in the current business world. He started his first business at the age of 12 in Venice Beach, since then, he headed 6 successful companies. Bob Davids worked as a designer for General Motors and as Chief Designer at Lear Motors. He was also part of Craig Breedlove’s Spirit of America team that broke world land speed record in the 60s. Today, he is the owner of the award winning Sea Smoke Cellars vineyard in California. 12
* MAKE THE DIFFERENCE Anne AGHION As a filmmaker, Anne Aghion has been drawn to places as farranging as rural Rwanda, the ice fields of Antarctica and the slums of Managua. Her work has earned her, among other honors, a MacDowell Colony Fellowship, a UNESCO Fellini Prize, a Guggenheim fellowship, an Emmy, and the Human Rights Watch International Film Festival’s Nestor Almendros Award for courage in Filmmaking.
Daniel ROUACH Daniel ROUACH is Associated Professor in the Strategy, Organizational Behavior and Human Resources department at ESCP Europe; Scientific director of the Executive Education Intensive Module ‶Competitive Intelligence and International Strategy″. He is also Scientific Co-Director of the Specialized Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
S P E A K E R S Jean Louis HECHT
As inventor and entrepreneur in Paris, he came up with the original concept of the Baguette Machine.
Jean François BIR JeanFrançois is a founding partner in SAS PANI VENDING, the company behind the 24h baguette machine. In February 2001, the first prototype was designed, in November of the same year, it the prototype was assembled and shortly after the first baguette was baked.
* MAKE THE DIFFERENCE TEZ Whether you met him on stage with the Cocorosie or performing in a detonating beatbox, TEZ marks people spirits. TEZ stands at the frontier of many universes, musical sponge of a generation that has absorbed the new music and pop, electro and hip pop, he definitely belongs to no genre. After participating in a world tour with ‶Les 2 Soeurs″, TEZ embarks in an ambitious solo project; a perturbed electronic pop, singing and beatboxing.
Rahaf HARFOUSH Rahaf Harfoush is a Strategist, Author, and Speaker who has a deep passion for exploring how technology is affecting the way we communicate, work and play. She is specialized in helping organizations align their Digital Media initiatives with their strategic vision to build authentic relationships with consumers, employees and other stakeholders. She is currently working on her second book (tentatively) titled: ‶ArchiTechs: How to Work, Govern & Learn in a Hyper-Connected World.″
Olivier OULLIER Olivier Oullier, Ph.D, is an international expert on the behavioral and brain dynamics of decision making and the use of this newly found knowledge in improving policy-making, strategy, risk management and crisis communication. Author of more than 80 peer-reviewed publications and a regular contributor to media (e.g. recent Op-Eds in the New York Times and the Huffington Post), Olivier advises governments, NGO’s and international institutions.
Martin KUPP Martin KUPP is an associate professor for entrepreneurship at ESCP Europe, Paris as well as a visiting professor at EGP Business School in Portugal and the European School of Management and Technology, Berlin. Martin’s area of expertise lies in strategic innovation, competitive strategy and organizational creativity. His recent book ‶The fine art of success″ was published 2011 at Wiley and looks at contemporary artists and what managers can learn from them. 16
* MAKE THE DIFFERENCE Juste Debout School Juste-Debout school a été créée en 2009 par Messieurs Guy WELADJI & Bruce SONE. En effet, la transmission est un enjeu majeur pour l’avenir de toutes les pratiques culturelles ; elle crée des passions, déclenche des vocations et permet ainsi l’éclosion de nouveaux talents. Mais il se pose aujourd’hui le problème de la professionnalisation, d’où la création de JUSTE-BOUT SCHOOL, qui propose notamment la formation longue diplômante de danseur hip-hop.
Isaac GETZ Isaac GETZ is professor at ESCP Europe, and was Visiting Professor at Cornell and Stanford Universities as well as at the University of Massachusetts. His book, Freedom, Inc. (Crown Business) co-authored with Brian Carney, has been acclaimed by Forbes, WSJ, New York Times, Fox, CNBC, and other media and has been published in 6 countries.
Robert PIRET Associate Professor (with tenure) at ESCP Europe, Dr. Piret has lectured extensively on both continents in the areas of Strategy, Organization, International Management, Corporate Development and Entrepreneurship, Finance and Venture Capital, New Product Development, Cognitive Neuroscience and Leadership, as well as Motion Picture and TV Production and Management. He was previously a professor at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po).
* MAKE THE DIFFERENCE If you like to find more about TED, TEDX and TEDXESCP, please visit: Please find and follow us in social media: You can contact our team: Johannes BITTEL, Founder & President Gianluca UBERTI, Co-Founder & Event Manager
ESCP Europe Established in 1819, ESCP Europe is the world’s oldest business school. With its five urban campuses in Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, and Torino, ESCP Europe contributes actively to the development of a European management culture. The distinctive model of a multicampus business school embodies the heart of the school’s deep European identity. The credo of ESCP Europe is to remain faithful to its humanistic principles while, at the same time, anticipating the new ways of the world.
Ideas on Stage Ideas on Stage is a leading European specialist in fantastic presentations, helping personalities, executives and entrepreneurs to communicate their ideas effectively. Ideas on Stage offers presentation design services, personalised coaching and state-of-the-art training courses in presentation skills, and supports major events such as TEDxParis, Centifolia and Le Camping. 20
* MAKE THE DIFFERENCE AccesSimple Since 2004, AccesSimple - The Livecaster - brings to every organisation affordable and Highquality live webcasting.
BONKERS Bonkers was created after the meeting of three Designers that had the will to place people at the center of their approach. This global design agency by linking Products, Graphics, Packaging and Environment has the ambition to bring an innovative vision, with the madness and the modernity of the ÂŤgeneration YÂť. 21
ESCP Europe/Ernst & Young Chair of Entrepreneurship Since 2007, 277 students specialized in business, design, engineering. Over 120 start-ups created (the French business school record). 39 events with over 6000 people. 250 entrepreneurs have benefited from student-led consulting missions. Long term sponsorships and partnerships with companies e.g Ernst & Young, Alcatel- Lucent, BNP Parisbas, Accenture, Google. Support from alumni network with people like Jean-Pierre Raffarin (former French Prime Minister), Patrick Gounelle (former CEO of Ersnt & Young). First class speakers like Guy Kawasaki (former Chief Marketing Evangelist at Apple), Yves Guillemot (CEO of Ubisoft). CAPDIGITAL CAPDIGITAL is a business cluster regrouping more than 700 members. To know more about the events organised by Capdigital and its members please visit their website:
* MAKE THE DIFFERENCE ALTERNATIVE FOOD & BEVERAGE Bonjour ! Les 2 bonshommes toqués, c’est nous ! Michel a deux plantes vertes, 1 vélo et plus grandchose sur la tête. Augustin a une kangoo bleue*, 5 sièges bébé et
une houppette ! *vendue ;( En 2004, dans le four d’Augustin, rue Hermel - Paris 18e, Augustin et Michel lancent Michel et Augustin ! Aujourd’hui, dans le four de la Bananeraie, nous concoctons des recettes de petits sablés ronds et bons, petits carrés pas tout à fait carrés, vaches à boire et en pot, biscuits apéritifs et gourdes de fruits. Qui sont vendues dans les supermarchés, sandwicheries, cafétérias, à bord des trains, dans les gares et aéroports ! ATENDY Atendy provides social tools to create, manage and promote events. People are social. By leveraging social network effects, event hosts can fill more seats, offer more value to participants and change the way people meet offline. Feel free to live chat with the team on their website: 23
Be MINT Be MINT is a start-up that focuses on digital marketing, ensuring that the online and the traditional brand communications are aligned. Creating websites like the one for TEDxESCP is just one of their ways to optimise the marketing efforts of a company. ALTERNATIVE FOOD & BEVERAGE Alternative Food & Beverage est une société de distribution et de développement de marques de boissons naturelles et respectueuses de l’environnement. Notre mission : proposer des produits de rupture de marché, avant gardistes et indépendants tout en mettant en avant des lieux de ventes innovants et en créant des liens sociaux autour de produits de consommations courantes. Alternative Food & Beverage est la première société de distribution de produits alimentaires à livrer 100% de ses clients Paris intramuros et proche banlieue par le biais de camions électriques. Cette démarche éco-responsable vise à proposer des produits toujours plus soucieux du respect de notre environnement et à répondre aux préoccupations environnementales de nos clients. 24
* MAKE THE DIFFERENCE GALLIA La bière historique des parisiens depuis 1890!
TRIP ATTITUDE Première plateforme d’achats groupés de voyages thématiques, TripAttitude permet aux personnes partageant les mêmes centres d’intérêt et les mêmes envies de se regrouper autour de voyages uniques, créés par des tour-opérateurs locaux spécialisés du réseau TripAttitude et de bénéficier ainsi de prix dégressifs. Pêche à la mouche en Argentine, héliski en Turquie, circuit culinaire en Toscane, trekking au Maroc, circuit photo en Inde...TripAttitude déniche pour vous des voyages thématiques inédits! Trouver le circuit rêvé ainsi que des co-voyageurs qui partagent les mêmes centres d’intérêt, les mêmes envies, les mêmes disponibilités et le même budget, aujourd’hui c’est facile! 25
SHOETTE Shoette is a a flat, comfortable, cute ballerina that women can roll and keep in their hand bag. Very usefull as a back-up shoe when high heels hurt! Website: Twitter:!/ShoetteFrance DIATEINO Diateino is the French Publisher of renowned authors such as Nancy Duarte, Guy Kawasaki and Seth Godin (also great TED speakers). We publish books on entrepreneurship,
social medias for business, communication, business self-help.
Entrepreneuriat, médias sociaux, communication, développement professionnel et personnel : Diateino publie des livres porteurs d’inspiration et d’enthousiasme, qui vous feront avancer, avec des auteurs experts dont les conférenciers TED Nancy Duarte, Guy Kawasaki et Seth Godin.
* MAKE THE DIFFERENCE EVENTPIXR Eventpixr is a website to manage the pictures of private or public events and a way to connect people who are on the photos. KUSMI TEA Depuis 1867, Kusmi Tea régale les amateurs par le goût recherché et la finesse de ses thés. La marque de thé propose des mélanges exclusifs uniques tels que le thé Prince Wladimir, Anastasia ou
lethé Saint Pétersbourg , dont les recettes sont gardées secrètes depuis plus d’un siècle, mais aussi de nombreux thés classiques et aromatisés. Plus récemment, Kusmi Tea a lancé une ligne de thés bien-être tels que l’incontournable thé Detox , l’apaisant Be Cool ou le stimulant Boost. Distribués dans le monde entier, les thés Kusmi Tea sont une référence d’émerveillement gustatif pour tous les amateurs de thé.
STRATE COLLEGE Situated in a wooded campus that contains a student residence and sport facilities in the affluent Parisian suburb of Sèvres, France, Strate Collège offers a 5-year education in Industrial Design recognized at the French Level 1* (equivalent to a European Master’s degree). There are four major programs within this curriculum: Innovative Usages & Products Design, Mobility & Transportation Design, Packaging Branding & Retail Design, and Interactive Systems & Objects Design. Additionally, Strate Collège awards a Model-maker & Digital Sulptor Bachelor’s degree (a shorter, 3-year program), a Post-graduate Master’s degree in Industrial Design and Innovation Management. Strate has developped a teaching program in collaboration with numerous industrial partners such as Dassault Systèmes, Renault, PSA Group, L’Oréal, Estée Lauder, Lapeyre, Orange, Microsoft, Accenture... Recently, the school has created Strate Research, in order to initiate and participate in research projects in collaboration with both university and industrial partners.
* MAKE THE DIFFERENCE FUGU Within the FUGU team, we believe in smart objects and, above all, ‶in air we trust″! FUGU pronounced ‶ foo-goo″ designs and manufactures the lightest furniture in the world combining simplicity, quality and design! FUGU's innnovative concept provides versatility and simplicity without compromising on comfort. Coming from a basic trend – mobility – we build easy to carry, set-up and designed solutions! French Web, le magazine des professionnels du net francophone, a pour mission de présenter les initiatives des acteurs français d’internet. Il regroupe une communauté de plus de 15 000 professionnels, entrepreneurs, experts. L’information multimédia en continu, les interviews des experts, les fiches pratiques : rejoignez vite le CLUB Frenchweb pour tout savoir sur l’internet B2B ! 29