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While a wide array of sensors provide optimal levels of situational awareness and a sound foundation for Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD), without a full compliment of advanced missile interceptors, such awareness might only add to global anxiety. However, when paired with situational awareness, powerful missile interceptors help to ensure a sound night’s sleep in a conflict-charged world.
The combat-proven Patriot Air and Missile Defense System has shown its capabilities as a turnkey solution time and again in theater, while new innovations demonstrate why Patriot was chosen as the mid-range missile defense system of choice for the U.S. Army through the year 2048. The modernized Patriot system continues to drive global demand with international customers as well.
As the world’s premier air and missile defense system, effective against low to high altitude air threats in defense of ground combat forces and critical assets, Patriot might be expected to remain comfortably static in its pole position. Instead, Raytheon has rebuilt Patriot as a complete solution from the ground up as part of a major modernization effort that will ensure its status as a formidable defender of U.S. and allied forces for generations to come. “The Patriot weapons system is combat proven, capable of engaging all known air-breathing threats, tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and UAVs, and engineered to evolve to address future threats,” said Tim Glaeser.
Based on history, technical leadership, innovation and an earned reputation, Raytheon is the clear international partner of choice when it comes to IAMD solutions, building and supporting systems that detect, track and eliminate the world’s most dangerous airborne threats.
Restoring certainty in uncertain times
(BSC/KPMG) At KPMG, our constant interaction with the public sector has shown us that the security and defense landscape is subject to unprecedented changes. As old certainties are discarded on a daily basis, the number of challenges increases continuously and forces decision-makers to face uncharted territories. Especially the asymmetric and global nature of these challenges, a growing digital dependence, new forms of extremism and organized crime demand for quick and professional responses. For governments, albeit, it becomes increasingly difficult to ensure the security of citizens at home and abroad, to protect critical infrastructure, institutions and major events, and to handle humanitarian and environmental catastrophes. To cope with these challenges, citizens expect security and defense authorities to act with professionality, prudence and precision. Effective structures, the efficient use of resources in the light of increased public expectations as well as international cooperation have become basic prerequisites for every governmental activity. At the same time, security and defense authorities are just as affected by wider social transformations as every other branch of government. Especially demographic shifts pose a latent but powerful challenge, as they create a rift between the demand for and supply of skilled personnel. In this light, the rigorous allocation of capacities and implementation of modern HR planning models more and more becomes a sine qua non for sustainable policy planning. KPMG, as an independent adviser with broad experience in the public sector and in the areas of security and defense in particular, can support governments and businesses in confronting these challenges. Our services comprise: » the development of comprehensive security strategies, accounting for the specific political, legal and operational background of your organization; » the development of IT-strategies, the realignment and reorganization of existing IT-structures, and solutions to cope with IT-security challenges; » the optimization of administrative structures, the analysis and advancement of steering mechanisms, and the implementation of controlling instruments; » the supervision of organizational development and change processes; » strategic HR development measures; » the analysis and assessment of procurement systems and the identification of potential room for improvement; » the implementation of state of the art logistics and procurement organization and processes » the analysis of compliance systems » legal and advisory services for complex tenders KPMG is a network of professional firms with more than 162,000 employees in 155 countries. In Germany, KPMG is one of the leading auditing and advisory firms and has around 9,600 employees at over 20 locations. Our goal: to render a complex world comprehensible for decision-makers in businesses and governments alike. Our standard: to deliver the world’s leading professional services. Our tools: quality, innovation and passion. Our professional and sector-specific expertise restores our clients with certainty – certainty that is needed to identify political and economic opportunities and proactively coin societal and global trends.
Our teams stand ready to support you in staying ahead of today’s challenges. Let’s get in touch!