Technology In An Elementary Classroom

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Using Technology in an Elementary Classroom Erin Sees

We will explore how to use technology in an elementary classroom.

E D C O C o l l a b o r a t i v e / F r a m i n g h a m S t a t e C o l l e g e

Erin Sees Using Technology in an Elementary Classroom Course Information  Spring 2011  Meeting Dates: February 8, March 1, 15, 29  Meeting Times and Location: 3:45-6:45 EDCO Waltham  Instructor: Erin Sees o Email: o Website Course Overview This project will focus on the use of online learning tools to provide quality professional development to enable teachers and administrators to integrate technology into the curriculum to meet high standards. The No Child Left Behind Act challenges school districts to improve student achievement through the use of technology, to raise student technology literacy, and to ensure that teachers integrate technology into the curriculum effectively. If you are an elementary teacher looking for new ideas for using technology to enhance your curriculum, this workshop is for you. We will explore, discuss and showcase projects that make learning the curriculum more relevant, meaningful, and exciting for the students. Among the topics and tools we will cover in the workshop are: • how to incorporate technology into your lessons • how to teach the kids to use technology • how to access and use free online tools (animoto, vimeo, blogging, glogster, Google tools, Voice Thread and more) • the use of video/ movie creation and podcasting • ways to showcase students’ work All curriculum materials created will be in alignment with the Massachusetts state standards. Statement of Need As web-based technologies infiltrate all aspect of everyday life, it is imperative that teachers are kept up-to-date, learning the most effective ways to use technology to enhance their instruction and their students’ learning. Nationally, school spending on technology and the number of computers in schools continues to grow, but districts often spend less on the professional development and training needed for teachers to implement this technology in the classroom. Many of the professional development programs that are currently offered fail to provide the kind of ongoing support teachers need to make effective use of educational technology. As a result, few teachers are in a position to integrate new technologies into their daily practices. Teachers may attend a one-day workshop only to return to school the following day not knowing how to implement what they’ve learned or simply not having time to do so. Additionally, they may lack the support from colleagues that is necessary to reach their desired goals for their attempts to -2Professional Development © 2011 by Erin Sees

Erin Sees be successful. To be successful in their endeavor to learn and implement new technologies, teachers need hands-on learning rooted in their own curricula that will enable them to translate training into practice. Course Objectives Developing technological competence among all faculty is critical in order to cultivate classrooms in which technology is used to support the curriculum and to meet the individual learning needs of all students. Through participation in this workshop, teachers will be able to bring technology-enhanced lessons to their classrooms as they integrate their newly acquired skills into their teaching practices. When teachers experience using technology as learners, they are better able to orchestrate its effective use in their classrooms for their own students. Course Expectations

 Participants are expected to participate in the discussions in class.  Participants are expected to complete the final workshop product and email their work to the instructor within two weeks of the final workshop session.  Participants are expected to complete the final workshop survey. Course Materials The Internet will also be a major resource for this course. Most tools are free and will be posted on our class website. Course Content/Outline Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

Integrating Technology Google Tools Creating Sharing

The core question we will investigate in each session:  How will I effectively integrate this new technology into teaching and learning for my students? *See lesson plan outline - below*

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Erin Sees Session 1: Integrating Technology Goals and Topics: - how to incorporate technology into your lessons - how to teach the kids to use technology - Searching with your student’s - Making students the creator - Internet safety Learning Activities: - A Vision of K-12 students – Video - Who Am I – Technology Levels - Classroom makeup & curriculum discussion - Searching Activity – Google, Custom Search, Google Squared, Wonder Wheel, Bib Me - Internet Safety & Plagiarism Discussion – “We cannot control students, we can educate them” - Final Project Overview Resources: - YouTube - - Handouts Session 2: Google Tools Goals and Topics: - How to incorperate Google Tools in your classroom - Maps, Docs, Earth, Blogger, Picasa, Gadget Learning Activities: - Creating and editing using Google Docs - Using Google Earth / Maps in your subject area - Using Picasa to store and upload pictures - Final Project Overview Resources: - YouTube - - Handouts

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Erin Sees Session 3: Creating Goals and Topics: - how to access and use free online tools - the use of video/ movie creation and podcasting Learning Activities: - Audacity / Garage band  Create a podcast and export it as a MP3. - Movie Maker / iMovie  Explore novice tools  See and discuss student directions and projects  Vimeo - Explore the following sites (there will be more added)           

Online Books Learning Planet Learning Manipulatives Building Language for Literacy RIF Talking Books Starfall Bobby Bear Magic Keys Shape Poems Toon University Word Wizard

           

Internet for the Classroom Fun Math for Kids Baseball Creator NASA Kids Club Comic Creator Math Mayhem Jamestown Adventure StoryLine Online Funology Fliker Prongo Glogster

Resources: - Handouts Session 4: Sharing Goals and Topics: - ways to showcase students’ work  Voice Thread  Blogging  Wiki  Others -

Review any questions & topics -5Professional Development © 2011 by Erin Sees

           

Sketch-Up Classroom tools Pixton Xtranormal Build Your Wild Self Do It Yourself Chart Science Net Thinkfinity Animoto Reading Rockets Good Conversations Monster Exchange

Erin Sees -

Project Overview

Learning Activities: - Jing / Screen Casting / QuickTime • What is screen casting? • Create a screen cast - Voice Thread • Create a Voice Thread using previous podcast / video cast and have peers respond using the comment option - Blogger/Wiki • Create a blog/wiki and learn how to post - Final Project Overview – Due in 2 weeks. Resources: - Handouts Course Requirements  

Participants will be required to participate in class discussions and activities. Participants will be required to create an end project that is combining at least 5 items that they have learning in this course into a unit that they teach.  Participants will email at least 5 lesson plans, all having to do with the same subject, to the instructor by April 12th

Grading Criteria  

Participation in Discussions and Ideas during class time – 25% Final Project – 75%

Criteria for grading final projects Goals Goals are clear, concise and aligned with the content of the lesson Connection to state and/or The lesson clearly addresses one or more state national standards and/or national standards. Connection to course Lesson clearly incorporates ideas and materials material covered in the course.

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Erin Sees Technology

Makes creative use of appropriate technologies that clearly support specific project activities and goals.

ISTE Standards Standard 1 – Technology Operations and Concepts Developing Technology  B1.30 - Use editing and formatting features (margins, cut and paste, spelling, and page numbers). Insert images (e.g., graphics, clip art) from other files into word-processed documents.  B1.31 - Create a report or newsletter using word-processing or desktop publishing software.  B1.40 - Describe the structure and function of spreadsheet (e.g., cells, rows, columns, and formulas) and apply formatting features, reposition columns and rows.  B1.41 - Create an original spreadsheet, entering simple formulas (various number formats, equations, percentages, exponents).  B1.42 - Interpret spreadsheet information, and produce simple charts from data.  B1.70 - Create a simple multimedia presentation (using PowerPoint, KidPix, etc.) and explain the terminology (slide, transition, etc.)  B1.83 - Identify and use basic search strategies on the Internet. Proficient  C1.14 - Save (also retrieve, load, and import) documents in different file formats (e.g., RTF, HTML) to facilitate file sharing.  C1.15 - Use a variety of external peripherals (e.g., digital camera, camcorder, CD-RW, scanner) and connect them to a computer.  C1.42 - Customize formatting of charts or graphs created in spreadsheet. Define and use built- in data functions of a spreadsheet such as sort, filter, find.  C1.50 - Perform simple operations in a database (e.g., browse, sort, search, delete, add data, define field formats, etc.).  C1.70 - Create a multimedia presentation that includes imported sound and graphic files, tables and a design template.  C1.85 - Create a basic Web page. Advanced  D1.18 - Import/export and link data between spreadsheet, databases and other applications, including presentation applications.  D1.50 - Design, create and manipulate an original database.  D1.85 - Create and post a Web page per district policy. Standard 2 – Ethics and Safety

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Erin Sees Developing Technology  B2.20 - Ensure equitable access to technology resources for all students in the class.  B2.50 - Validate a Web site for authenticity (e.g., find site sponsor, author, date the site was last updated, etc.)

Standard 3 – Teaching & Learning with Technology Developing Technology  B3.10 - Design and develop lessons and activities that integrate technology in a variety of instructional settings for all students.  B3.11 - Identify and locate technology resources including online curriculum resources (Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and/or district curriculum guides) for planning.  B3.20 - Facilitate technology-enhanced lessons that address content standards and student technology standards.  B3.23 - Use appropriate technology to differentiate instruction (multimedia presentations, concept maps, etc.) for all learners.  B3. 41 - Use application programs to organize curriculum-specific information/data into charts, tables and diagrams (spreadsheets, databases, etc.).  B3.42 - Create multimedia presentations to communicate curriculum content. Proficient  C2.30 - Use specific assistive technology software (e.g., programs that use pictures/symbols with words, talking word processing, or word prediction).  C3.22 - Use the Internet for curriculum development and instruction (e.g. Web Quests, classroom web pages)  C3.44 - Apply technology professional development activities such as multimedia presentations, Web Quests, lessons in the classroom. Advanced  D3.20 - Use technology to challenge students to use higher order thinking skills and creativity (e.g., applets and programs that require the application of logic to solve problems).  D3.22 - Develop web pages for instruction and communication.  D3.41 - Combine information from different applications (e.g., a chart imported from a spreadsheet into a word-processed report can be linked to update automatically when the data is changed in the spreadsheet) to enhance/clarify communication of information.  D3.42 - Present information, ideas, and results of work using the most appropriate communications technologies (e.g., multimedia presentations, Web pages, digital videotapes, desktop-published documents).  D3.44 - Design and deliver effective staff development in technology and its integration in curriculum. -8Professional Development © 2011 by Erin Sees

Erin Sees LESSON PLAN OUTLINE Instructor: Course / Level: Unit: Topic: ISTE Standards: Goals: Materials:

Anticipatory Set: (How are you going to get the kids engaged) Direct Instruction: Guided Practice: Closure: Assessment: (How will you assess your students?) Extensions: (if any)

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