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Content Transmedia Strategy Nomadic Societies Community Networks Field Evolution Interior Design



Transmedia Strategy

An exploration in transgressing mediums

Thesis This transmedia diagram is a representation of the intermixing of the various platforms of information used to convey my research and ideas. Each piece to the transmedia diagram is reective of an aspect of my research and ideas through various forms of media. In the center of the diagram is the purple figure which represents my thesis. All of the research and information incorporated into this book represents past and present work toward my thesis, thus making it the most important portion of the diagram and my research. Each colored ribbon to the diagram represents a different form of media which have been a product of my research; 3D exploration through Rhinoceros, social media, film, and portfolio.


3D Exploration

Social Media




Nomadic Cultures

Nomad: communities of people who move from one place to another, rather than settling permanently in one location. There are an estimated 30-40 million nomads in the world. Nomadic cultures are discussed in three categories according to economic specialization: hunter-gatherers, pastoral nomads, and peripatetic nomads.

Nomadism in the United States

The United States is home to more than 307,000,000 people. While the United States is an industrialized nation, there is a large population of nomadic people including; carnival people, irish travelers, military, and the homeless.

Of these individuals, the homeless make up the largest portion of the nomadic population with a staggering 750,000 men, women and children homeless on any given night. In a 12 month period between October of 2008 and September of 2009, about 1.5 million people used an emergency shelter or a transitional housing program. This number suggests that roughly 1 in every 200 persons in the US used the shelter system at some point in that period.

Homeless in Illinois In Illinois alone, an estimated 14,055 people experience homeless-

ness each night.

- 84% were living in shelters and transitional housing - 16% were unsheltered - 53% were single adults - 47% were persons living in families - 16% were chronically homeless

Homeless in Chicago

Of the total persons who are homeless at a given point in time, sheltered and unsheltered, in Illinois: 15% are veterans 42% are severally mentally ill 48% have chronic substance abuse issues 4% are living with HIV/AIDS 25% are victims of domestic violence

Mental Illness within the Homeless Community 40-45% of the homeless population are mentally ill individuals About 20% of Cook County Jail’s detainees have been diagnosed with a mental illness Almost all of Cook County Jail’s mentally ill detainees also have a substance abuse problem because they have been self-medicating with street drugs. There are about 260,000 Illinoisans who have schizophrenia or bipolar disorder








Community Networks A digital exploration of Street Networks

Fields & Networks In order to show the interconnectivity within the homeless community, I focused on the street performing community in Chicago. By tracing paths between various locations in and around the Loop, I created a digital network between street performers. Each bulbous in the diagram represents a specific location of a street performer or group of street performers. The webbing that connects the bulbs creates a network between the street performers thus creating a visual representation of the relationship between these individuals.

Fields & Networks

Fields & Networks

A perspective view of the interiority within the street performing network.



Field Development

Continuing with the exploration within the homeless community, I conducted research on the types of people that make up the homeless community.

An astounding 40-45% of the homeless community have a severe mental illness. The digital field created to the left represents the variation in brain activity in a person with a mental illness and a person with normal brain activity.

Field & Force






Dimensions & Layers

By continuing to build layers and dimensions, the model further created

a visual into the depth of the homeless community. This diagram represents the complexity that lies within the social problem of homelessness.

Dimensions & Layers

Field & Film



Fade In


Rack Focus



Center for Urban Farming

Rhizome roots are the foundation of plants and serve to provide a structure, give stability, and deliver water and nutrients necessary for the plants’ survival. These roots expand, grow and travel in a unique and organic way dependent upon the location and presence of air, nutrients and water. The larger and more abundant the network of roots are the greater the strength and foundation of the plant. Local Brooklyn residents will come together as a supportive community network that will form, run and support the farm. In turn, the farm will function as a foundation for the community by providing a source for food, education and collaboration. Both the farm and community will continue to grow and develop together.

London 2012 Olympic Information Pavilion

Symbolically, the Olympic torch is a common emblem of both enlightenment and hope and the relay unifies the competing countries. Originating from ancient Greece, the torch blazes throughout the celebration of the Olympics. The fire, as a form of energy, ignites the commencing of the ceremonies through the torch lighting ceremony. Through fuel and oxygen a fire grows in size and spreads. Similarly, the spirit of the Olympics spreads like a wildfire, igniting excitement in global athletes, spectators, campaign supporters and many more. This project explores the various aspects of fire and the spirit it ignites during the Olympics. Our information pavilion proposes the use of fiber optics and colored LED lighting to create a space that is exciting, intriguing and unifying for international guests. Through the use of transparency and illumination the pavilion will create a connection to the Olympics and will become the main attraction in the square. Trafalgar Square, London, United Kingdom

Cymatics Cymatics is the study of the visible effect of sound vibration on matter. With each increase in frequency, different patterns are formed, each more intricate than the last. Between frequencies, there is a moment of chaos when the matter loses its form before regrouping to form a new, more complex form. These patterns are commonly represented in nature. Through the simplicity, intricacy & beauty of cymatics, the interior design of the building portrays the various elements found in cymatics. The elegance and grace of the design creates a sense of curiosity which is illustrated through the sculptural pieces and ceiling structure.

70 Yorktown Shopping Center is located in Lombard, Illinois and is conveniently located between two major shopping centers and office buildings. Each program was chosen and design to bring a new element to the suburban location of Lombard. The Art Gallery & Restaurant are vertically connected to the Bar & Viewing Lounge through large sculptural pieces that project through both spaces. The hotel design exudes the more simplistic form of cymatics with the decorative wall partitions that separate spaces.


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