Table of contents EUROPEAN SMALL HYDROPOWER ASSOCIATION ........................................................................................................................... 1 EDITORIAL ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 NEWS FROM ESHA ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Félix Danos joins ESHA ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 ESHA-EWP Seminar on future challenges for the Hydropower Sector ................................................................................ 3 The Austrian based consultants Posch& Partners Consulting Engineers become sponsors of ESHA ................................ 3 ESHA meets the Interim Director General Hélène Pelosse of the new International Renewable Energy Agency in Brussels ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 ESHA launches the first call for abstracts for the upcoming Hidroenergia Congress that will take place in Lausanne, Switzerland ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Stream Map, the way forward for hydropower sector in the EU ............................................................................................ 5 ESHA active in the RuralRes Project, under the leadership of the Spanish region of Huelva .............................................. 5 Certificate in Process Control, Loop Tuning and Advanced Control Strategies - PLUS Technical Manual Offer! ................ 5 NEWS FROM EREC ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8 EREC organised a dinner debate with the European Energy Forum (EEF) in the European Parliament ............................ 8 Roundtable for the QualiCert project gathers European experience on accreditation/certificationfor installers ................... 9 EREC will participate in the final conference of the project Sustainable Mountains soon .................................................... 9 STORIES goes to Dubrovnik ................................................................................................................................................. 9 NEWS FROM THE EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 9 Water Framework Directive Update ....................................................................................................................................... 9 IN BRIEF ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 AGENDA .................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
EDITORIAL HYDRO 09 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: Hydro Strong, very Strong! From the 26 to the 28 October 2009, Hydro 09 International Conference took place in Lyon, France. With around 1600 participants and 26 sessions together with an African Ministerial Forum and over a 100 exhibitors, the event made obvious that Hydropower is stronger than ever! Far from being a mature and already exploited sector, hydropower is developing, evolving and growing. The main issues covered by the different sessions included project financing, hydraulic machinery, climate change, education and capacity building, commercial aspects, civil works safety, development in Latin America, dam engineering, upgrading and refurbishment, environment, development in Asia, electrical engineering, operation and maintenance, responsible planning, marine energy systems, pumped-storage, sedimentation problems, hydro operation in the grid and flow measurement. In addition, a Ministerial Conference organized by ADEA took place focussed on Africa and the relevance of hydropower for social and economic development. The issues discussed covered key elements such as the institutional aspects concerning dams in Africa, the regional collaboration and the capacity building for the rural communities with special focus on small hydropower. ESHA had the opportunity to co-organise a full day devoted to small hydropower with a session on policy, resources, development plans and multidimensional hydro (session 12) followed by a special small hydro poster presentation and two other sessions on small hydropower technology and rural electrification (session 17) and a training workshop with emphasis on developing countries (session 19). ESHA presented as well the association and the current work being implemented with special description of the different European Projects in which ESHA is involved. Small hydropower topics in the different sessions were covered by 24 speakers from different countries and chairmen included well known experts such as Bernhard Pelikan (ESHA president), Anne Penalba (France Hydroelectricité President), David Williams (British Hydropower Association CEO) and Guido Glania (Allianze for Rural Electrification Secretary General). ESHA had as well the opportunity to have a stand in the exhibitors area and be able to distribute the latest information which included the release of the first announcement, call for papers, guide of exhibitors and sponsors of Hidroenergia 2010 Congress to be held in Lausanne, Switzerland on the 16-18th June 2010. I would like to thanks the International Journal of Hydropower and Dams and Networks event limited team for the great organisation of the event and in particular to Alison Bartle, Margaret Bourke and Gael Bozek for making Hydro09 a high quality and professional event. Thanks as well for our traditional cooperation that we hope will remain in the future at least as good as today!
Gema San Bruno ESHA Secretary General
ESHA – European Small Hydropower Association Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B - 1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32.2.546.19.45, Fax: +32.2.546.19.47, E-mail:, ESHA is founding member of EREC - European Renewable Energy Council
June 2009
NEWS FROM ESHA Félix Danos joins ESHA Since 1st September 2009, Félix Danos is working at ESHA as officer. Félix is French and has been working before at the REH doing an internship at European Ocean Energy Association. He has a MA degree in European Politics and has been studying support schemes for the development of electricity from renewable sources in Europe as part of his degree's final year dissertation. He will be working for ESHA on part-time basis and he will carry out most of the administrative work at ESHA Secretariat together with tasks related to communication and projects. ESHA-EWP Seminar on future challenges for the Hydropower Sector
On the 1st and 2nd of October 2009, ESHA organised its first in a series of seminar, fulfilling one of the associations main raison d'être, i.e., education. The two day seminar not only a theoretical one, as it included on-field visits to small hydropower plants in Wallonia, a Belgian region with important history in small hydropower. The visits went from a refurbished fifteenth century watermill of 1kW, to a state-of the art low head siphon system power plant of 500 kW, and a century-old factory converted into a sustainable hydropower production unit. The sustainability of hydropower plants, was indeed the central focus of the seminar, and with each power plant visited the question of sustainability was addressed, as two different systems of fish passes were presented. Along with this high quality and stimulating on-site visit, ESHA had invited expert speakers in the fields of environmental science, SHP engineering, as well as European Commission officials, and representatives of national associations. The participants were not only people devoted to the development of SHP, but also skeptics from the anglers community, and environmental government bodies. This stirred constructive debate, when the question of small hydro power certification was addressed. The ESHA Secretariat, who organised the meeting, were happy to witness the constructive arguments of each parties, and ensured that none of the stakeholder would be left out in the future discussions on this topic. Fortunately for those who did not have a chance to attend this first seminar, and indeed also for those who did, ESHA will be organising another one in March 2010. More information on this to come in future ESHA newsletters, and on the ESHA website ( The Austrian based consultants Posch& Partners Consulting Engineers become sponsors of ESHA
Posch & Partners Consulting Engineers (P&P) provides full-service engineering solutions, combining 3
ESHA – European Small Hydropower Association Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B - 1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32.2.546.19.45, Fax: +32.2.546.19.47, E-mail:, ESHA is founding member of EREC - European Renewable Energy Council
June 2009
technical competence with sound economics and preservation of the environment, for an international clientele. P&P has worked for more than two decades in the development and design of small hydro power plants throughout Europe, Asia and Africa. Innovative services provided cover the full project cycle, from SHP sector and potential studies, through due diligence, feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments, business plans, detail design and construction supervision to testing and commissioning. P&P fully recognizes the importance of having an organization that represents the interests of the numerous parties involved in SHP on an international level and therefore is very pleased to support ESHA in the promotion of SHP. For more info on P&P please visit ESHA meets the Interim Director General Hélène Pelosse of the new International Renewable Energy Agency in Brussels
On the 4th September 2009, the stakeholders active in the field of renewable energy met with the Interim Director General of the newly created International Renewable Energies Agency (IRENA), Mrs Hélène Pelosse. The meeting took the form of an informal debate between the stakeholders and Mrs Pelosse, who invited them to cooperate with her for the success of this challenging project. IRENA was established in Bonn (Germany) in January 2009, today 136 states have signed the statutes. The Preparatory Commission met in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt in June and after passionate debate decided to place its interim headquarters in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Mrs Pelosse was chosen at her current position at the same time. The main mission of the agency is to be the motor toward a widespread and generalised use of renewable energy at the global level, it will provide advice to countries for the development of these technologies, and to act as a centre for information on potentials, best practices, financing, and technology state of the art. IRENA's current priority is to establish its structure, get in contact with stakeholders and to get installed in Abu Dhabi before it can effectively start its activities. ESHA wishes to involve actively with IRENA and aims to formalise its cooperation with the new intergovernmental agency, which it sees as a unique opportunity for the promotion of renewable energies at the international level and a valuable ally for the development of this industry on the global scene. Sources:; ESHA ESHA launches the first call for abstracts for the upcoming Hidroenergia Congress that will take place in Lausanne, Switzerland In June 2010 ESHA will be organising an edition of its biennal congress called Hidroenergia in Lausanne, Switzerland. It will be co-organised by ESHA's Swiss member MhyLab, and will aim to bring together actors in the field of small hydropower to discuss hot topics involving the sector, present new technologies, network, and take advantage of new business opportunities. This conference has been successfully organised since 1989, and happens once every two years. The title of next year's edition will be 'Small Streams make Big Rivers', in order to illustrate that small scale hydropower could have a significant impact on the move toward reaching the 2020 objectives. Indeed, if one small
ESHA – European Small Hydropower Association Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B - 1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32.2.546.19.45, Fax: +32.2.546.19.47, E-mail:, ESHA is founding member of EREC - European Renewable Energy Council
June 2009
hydropower plant has a low installed capacity, a large number of these all over Europe could bring a significant share of the EU's electricity. In order to ensure the high quality of this event, ESHA has already issued its first call for abstracts for the papers which are to be presented during the congress. The abstract could either be from a paper that will be presented at the congress, or they could refer to a poster, to be presented during a specific session. All the abstracts have to be submitted before the 15th of December 2009. They will then be reviewed by a scientific committee, who will decide which are selected for the congress.
Stream Map, the way forward for hydropower sector in the EU
The project Stream Map, partly funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe programme has started its implementation. The goal of this project is to draft a road map for the future of the small hydropower sector taking advantages of the current status of the implementation of the new EU Directive for the promotion of Renewable Energy and the bidding targets for 2020. As well, Stream Map will produce for the first time in Europe a database, HYDI where all relevant information on energy, market and policy issues will be gather together for the whole hydropower sector. A project info brochure is ready and the website will be soon fully operative. For additional information, please contact ESHA info. ESHA active in the RuralRes Project, under the leadership of the Spanish region of Huelva ESHA is partner in the RuralRes Project, which aims to identify best practices in the field of development of small hydropower in rural areas and off-grid small wind turbines. The association’s goal is mainly dissemination activities, particularly through the website that ESHA keeps up to date with relevant information and events. The website has been online for a while and has recently been updated with fresh info on both small hydropower development and off-grid small wind.
For more information, visit the RuralRes website:
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ESHA – European Small Hydropower Association Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B - 1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32.2.546.19.45, Fax: +32.2.546.19.47, E-mail:, ESHA is founding member of EREC - European Renewable Energy Council
June 2009
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ESHA – European Small Hydropower Association Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B - 1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32.2.546.19.45, Fax: +32.2.546.19.47, E-mail:, ESHA is founding member of EREC - European Renewable Energy Council
June 2009
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ESHA – European Small Hydropower Association Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B - 1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32.2.546.19.45, Fax: +32.2.546.19.47, E-mail:, ESHA is founding member of EREC - European Renewable Energy Council
June 2009
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NEWS FROM EREC EREC organised a dinner debate with the European Energy Forum (EEF) in the European Parliament
On the 29th September 2009, EREC and the EEF organised a dinner debate in the European Parliament.. EREC President Prof. Arthouros Zervos gave an overview of where Europe stands today in the field of renewable energy development. He talked about the transposition of the new renewable energies directive and stressed the importance of national renewable energy action plans to be ambitious in all countries. His presentation is available online at:
ESHA – European Small Hydropower Association Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B - 1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32.2.546.19.45, Fax: +32.2.546.19.47, E-mail:, ESHA is founding member of EREC - European Renewable Energy Council
June 2009
matters/the-renewable-energy-directive-and-its-national-implementation2014how-to-make-the-binding-20renewable-energy-by-2020-become-reality Source: EREC Roundtable for the QualiCert project gathers European experience on accreditation/certificationfor installers In the framework of the IEE project QualiCert, a roundtable was organized on 29th September 2009 in Brussels to bring together key-stakeholders outlining accreditation/certification systems in place in different EU Member States. Systems in place in France, Belgium, the UK and Austria were outlined in details. The infos provided will be fed into a comprehensive overview of accreditation/qualification schemes in place in different EU Member States together with a first analysis of their successful elements which we available by the end of 2009. For further information please contact Emanuela Giovannetti, Project Manager at Source: EREC EREC will participate in the final conference of the project Sustainable Mountains soon The Sustainable Mountains project will come to an end soon (24th November 2009), and the outcomes and findings should be reviewed and diffused to the key stakeholders and the community local players. The goal was to attract interest in order to raise awareness about sustainability. Furthermore, the goal is to demonstrate the tools developed through this project. Source: EREC STORIES goes to Dubrovnik The 4th workshop of the STORIES project was held on the 2nd of October 2009 in Dubrovnik as a side event of the “5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems”. A key note speaker of the event was Professor Maria da Gra•a Carvalho, Member of the European Parliament, who introduced the workshop and welcomed the subject covered by the project, encouraging further investigation in this direction. The workshop gave examples of existing energy storage systems and on the perspectives offered in this field as well as it offered an overview on energy solutions in island systems and on European RES legislation. The workshop’s presentations are available on the project website
Source: EREC
NEWS FROM THE EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS Water Framework Directive Update A Guidance Document on how climate change could be integrated into the implementation of EU water policy and river basin management planning has been prepared in the in the context of the Water Framework Directive Common Implementation Strategy. ‘Climate change is projected to lead to major changes in yearly and seasonal water resources, flooding and coastal erosion risks, water quality, and the distribution of species and ecosystems. Models indicate that at a general level the south of Europe will show a significant drying trend and the north of Europe one of wetting. These changes will most likely become significant in the second half of this century. The purpose of the Guidance Document is to illustrate ways in which preparations can be made for climate change within the second and third River Basin Management Planning (RBMP) cycles, including provision for floods and droughts. As a minimum, this will require Member States to clearly demonstrate how climate change projections have been considered in the assessment of pressures and impacts, monitoring programmes and appraisal of measures’. The following considerations linked to the guidance document were made at the Climate Change and Water working group meeting on 7 October 2009:
ESHA – European Small Hydropower Association Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B - 1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32.2.546.19.45, Fax: +32.2.546.19.47, E-mail:, ESHA is founding member of EREC - European Renewable Energy Council
June 2009
Climate Change might have an impact on reaching the good status but should not be used as an excuse for not reaching it It is difficult to analyze if a pressure is caused by climate change, natural climate variation or human activity Some adaptation measures (reservoir) might need to be put in place as a cause of climate change even if it is not in line with the WFD aim to reach good status Article 4.7 (exemption) of the WFD can be applied to adaptation measures that are modifying the physical characteristics of water bodies (e.g. reservoirs, water abstractions) and deteriorate water status. The guidance document also addresses specific challenges of managing future flood risk and water scarcity. The role of hydropower in flood risk management is outlined in a following way: ‘Dams throughout the EU can be considered as an important part of integrated water management schemes under climate change conditions. Multifunctional dams may contribute to water storage (for drinking water supply), flood protection, hydropower, stabilisation of discharge downstream in times of drought for ecological purposes, maintenance of water abstraction and discharge for power plants, navigation, recreation, fishery and nature protection. Multifunctionality as a strategic principle requires new tools such as adaptive management in space and time in order to optimise and to balance legal and technical requirements’. Moreover, it is mentioned how run-offriver power plants can have a positive effect, especially on smaller and medium flood events. The next ESHA-WFD Working Group meeting will take place on 16 December 2009 at the Renewable Energy House. For further information, please contact Lauha Fried
IN BRIEF SHP Cascade Imst, Tyrol, Austria – back on grid The quadruple SHP cascade Imst was originally built in 1895 as one of the first SHPs in Western Europe to supply local industries with electric power. In 2006 WEB Windenergie AG purchased the outdated facilities and contracted Posch & Partners to develop a new concept based on state of the art technology and complying with the latest environmental and ecological standards. The result is a double cascade with rehabilitation of civil works, a comprehensive overhaul of the upstream unit and a new, architecturally pleasing downstream unit. New controls and SCADA permit remote operation and data acquisition of the cascade. The on-line arrangement of the two units with a siphon and a tunnel section in between and direct discharge into an existing tunnel of limited capacity was a special challenge for the P&P Engineers and the E&M supplier. Test operation started in September with results exceeding projections. Source: Posch & Partners Consulting Engineers ( Micro hydroplant brings cheaper electricty to an Indian village. On the 2nd of September 2009, the Indian Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy inaugurated a 30kW hydropower plant in the Leh district of India. This gives the 90 villagers consistent benefits compared to the costly diesel generator that was used until now. Indeed, it enables them to have access to electricity in the evenings, as well as to have access to a flourmill and a multi-purpose carpentry machine,amongst others. Moreover the installation and operation of the power plant generates job opportunities for the villagers. Having inaugurated the plant, the Minister discussed with other guests the possibility to generalise the use of renewable technologies such as solar or small hydropower to replace diesel or kerosene in civil, paramilitary and military facilities. Source:
ESHA – European Small Hydropower Association Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B - 1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32.2.546.19.45, Fax: +32.2.546.19.47, E-mail:, ESHA is founding member of EREC - European Renewable Energy Council
June 2009
The United Nations Global Environment Facility (GEF) promotes small hydropower development in Pakistan. A project document was signed between the GEF , Alternative Energies Development Board (AEDB) and the Economic Affairs Division (EAD) to develop rural access to electricity through the development of micro and mini hydropower. This is a first step toward harnessing the country's vast hydroelectric potential of 1000 MW, of which only 1% is exploited, with a view to develop rural electrification in the country. More than just financial contribution, the GEF will develop sustainable business models around the management of the installations, set up local regulatory entities for off grid electrical options and train members of the communities. Source:
GDF Suez and E.ON swap assets which include small hydro. The two electricity utilities finalised a swap which included small hydro assets, namely a 1.8 MW and a 3.3 MW plants in Germany. These became property of the GDF Suez subsidiary Electrabel. This will also give E.ON an exposure to the Benelux market, and will enable the utility to comply with EC competition rules. Source: Plans for Mini-Hydro Projects in Yorkshire (UK). A feasibility study commissioned by the Yorkshire Dale National Park Authority has led to about 50 mini-hydro projects to be proposed in this English region. The landowners and communities will now be informed about these potential projects. This should lead to more detailed studies, which are still required for the sites. Source: Czech manufacturer to provide replacement for an obsolete micro-hydro power plant in Massachusetts (USA). The Czech manufacturer Mavel has been chosen to supply a Kaplan turbine, amongst other components, to replace a 0.5MW hydropower plant at Boatlock, Massachusetts (USA). The replacement installation will have a capacity of 0.74MW, and will replace a unit that had been installed in 1920. Mavel will also supervise installation of the new power plant. As a public project in energy produced from renewable sources, it will be funded through a US Clean Renewable Energy Bond (CREB). Works at this power plant should be finished by mid-2010. Source: A small hydro-power plant comes back to life in New Zealand. The example of the Onekaka power plant in New Zealand is an inspiring one for the small-hydro community. Six years ago, the residents of the nearby town of Golden Bay launched a plan to revitalise the installation, which had not been used for almost 50 years. The structure of the station, built in the 1920s and decommissioned in the late 1950s, was kept and components were replaced. One of the main technological advancements of the new plant is that it is managed automatically and could be controlled through a mobile phone! The plant originally had a capacity of 250kW, which has been increased to 940kW. This shows how old projects could be brought back to life and upgraded to state of the art installations, which is obviously less costly than starting from scratch. Source: HRW September 2009 11
ESHA â&#x20AC;&#x201C; European Small Hydropower Association Renewable Energy House, Rue dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Arlon 63-67 B - 1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32.2.546.19.45, Fax: +32.2.546.19.47, E-mail:, ESHA is founding member of EREC - European Renewable Energy Council
June 2009
Macedonian President Vladimir Pesevski opens his country's small hydro resource. The Austrian firm Energie Zotter Bau was awarded a contract to build 16 hydro plants to be built by June 2012 in Macedonia for a total capacity of 6.62 MW and a total investment of 15 million euros. This results from three public solicitations in the country which the Austrian company won. The Ministry of Economy of the country also announced that there would be yet another concession auction to offer up to 40 small projects. Source: HRW September 2009 The Czech firm Mavel s.a chosen to provide components to a number of projects in Europe. The Czech firm has been chosen to work on a number of projects throughout Europe. It will for example provide two turbines for the commissioning of a plant in Finland, at the Kuokkastenkoski site, a plant that will have a capacity of 1.76 MW. Another Finnish project which ordered components from the Czech manufacturer is for the refurbishment of the Finnholm power plant on the Ahtavanojoki river (862kW). Another example is the Lovosice –Pistany 1 project in the Czech Republic, where the company will provide four 662 kW turbines and other equipment for building a new powerplant. Source: HRW September 2009 Refurbishment of an Irish 1940s powerplant. ESB Power Generation, the Irish power utility, has awarded a contract to Quartzelec Ltd. to refurbish a powerplant from 1948 on the Erne River in Donegal County. The installed capacity at this site is of 330 kW. Source: HRW October 2009 Norwegian firm signs contract for a new small hydropower installation. The Norwegian hydropower company Tryggestad Kraft AS has named Rainpower ASA to supply it with material for commissioning a new hydropower plant. This new installation, called Litelbo, will be located in the municipality of Stranda, on the Langedalen river in Norway and will have 6.5 MW of installed capacity. The contract between the two companies will run untill October 2010. Source: HRW October 2009 A half-century old Aberdeenshire power plant to be brought back to life. A spokeswoman from the Aberdeenshire Council confirmed that the institution had commissioned an expert firm (Inspectahire, based in Aberdeen) to survey the Garlogie former power station, which has been a museum since the 1960s. The surveying, carried out using high tech remote-control camera units which inspected the ducts and tunnels of the installation, showed that the renovation of the facility would be feasible. It was suggested that this installation, once complete, would produce a potential of between 50-100kW of green electricity. This project would be part of a plan to refurbish small hydropower plants in Aberdeenshire. Source
ESHA – European Small Hydropower Association Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B - 1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32.2.546.19.45, Fax: +32.2.546.19.47, E-mail:, ESHA is founding member of EREC - European Renewable Energy Council
June 2009
AGENDA November 2009 -
9-21 November: Hydropower and the Environment in Africa will take place at Kafue Gorge Regional Training Centre, Zambia, and is organised by the International Centre for Hydropower. Deadline for applications is 1 September 2009. For further information, please download the brochure or contact
16-17 November: 3rd European Renewable Energy Policy Conference organised by EREC will take place in Brussels. For further information, please visit
25-28 November: Hydro Energy 2009 – International Exhibition on Micro and Mini Hydro-Electric Power will take place at the Milan Fair Centre in Italy. For further information on the programme and registration, please download the brochure.
27th November 2009, Kongresszentrum BEA bern expo, room 7, in Bern (Switzerland), 11h00 – 12h30: event with presentation called 'Decentralised electricity production'.Details on
30 November – 5 December: Hydropower, the Environment and Social Issues in Latin America will take place in La Antigua, Guatemala. Deadline for applications is 1 September 2009. For further information, please contact
December 2009 -
15 December 2009, Nominations due for the 'International Training Course on Small Hydropower Development'. Sponsored by Alternate Hydro Energy Centre, (91) 1332- 274254. E-mail:; Internet:
February 2010 -
1-3 February: Invitation to submit abstracts for Hydropower’ 10. 6th International Conference on Hydropower to be held in Tromsø, Norway. Abstracts, not exceeding 300 words, are invited on the conference topics. The abstracts should include the following information: Title, name, postal and email addresses of author(s) for correspondence and communication. Deadline: 1 April 2009. Abstracts should be submitted by email to: For further information, please visit 2-13 February 2010, 'International Training Course on Small Hydropower Development' Sponsored by Alternate Hydro Energy Centre, Location: Roorkee, Inde (91) 1332- 274254. E-mail:; Internet:
March 2010 -
24-25 March 2010, Hydro Vision Russia by PennWell Corporation. Location: Moscow, Russia. Contact: (44) 1992- 656623. Email:; Internet:
May 2010 13
ESHA – European Small Hydropower Association Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B - 1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32.2.546.19.45, Fax: +32.2.546.19.47, E-mail:, ESHA is founding member of EREC - European Renewable Energy Council
June 2009
20 May 2010, Burgdorf: small hydro power plants and hydro power plants in all municipalities? One-day event dedicated to management of small hydro power plants when it comes to the infrastructures and water resources. More details to come. 25-29 May : Fourth International Scientific Conference Balwois 2010 will take place in Ohrid, in the Republic of Macedonia. The main topics covered will be Climate & Hydrology, Environment & Human Activities, Water-related risks, Integrated Water Resources Management, Ecohydrology, computing & Technology. Please download the 1st Announcement. Deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 November 2009. For further information, please email or visit
June 2010 -
16 -18 June 2010, Lausanne: Hidroenergia 2010, Congress and exhibition dedicated to small hydropower installations, organised by ESHA,more details on
ESHA is sponsored by:
DISCLAIMER: ESHA prepares this Newsletter to enhance access to information about news, policies and events concerning the small hydropower sector and renewable energy in general. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate and therefore, ESHA compiles this information from different available and reliable sources and selects Newsletter content in the best efficient way it knows. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. However, ESHA accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on this paper. This information is of a general nature, not necessarily complete or accurate and sometimes linked to external sites over which ESHA has no control and for which the ESHA assumes no responsibility.
ESHA â&#x20AC;&#x201C; European Small Hydropower Association Renewable Energy House, Rue dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Arlon 63-67 B - 1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32.2.546.19.45, Fax: +32.2.546.19.47, E-mail:, ESHA is founding member of EREC - European Renewable Energy Council
June 2009