ESHA Newsletter December 2012

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ESHA Newsletter December 2012


IN THIS ISSUE: ESHA staff news Retrospect EU Project Briefing on Stream Map, stoRE and RESTOR Hydro Events Policy In Brief Hydro Agenda Hydro Innovation: Sponsors’ technology developments

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ESHA looks back at a very intense and successful year 2012. This newsletter will give a review of ESHA’s main achievements which were the hidroenergia 2012 Congress and Trade Fair in Wroclaw, Poland, the finalization of the EU co-sponsored project Stream Map and various publications, speeches and lobbying activities.

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Furthermore, ESHA advanced its work on both of its EU projects, StoRE and RESTOR Hydro. Read more on the following pages. The most important policy issues that ESHA is currently involved in are the Water Framework Directive and the Commission’s Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Water Resources. ESHA is closely following and attending different events on those topics at the European Institutions.

ESHA STAFF NEWS ESHA welcomes two new staff members on board. After being ESHA’s trainee in 2011, Martina Steinkusz continues supporting ESHA’s EU projects and communication activities. To support the work of ESHA’s Policy and Project Manager, a new Policy Trainee, Dory Moutran, has been hired in November 2012. He previously worked at the Hydro Equipment Association (HEA) and the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).

President Antonio Tajani. A selected group of EU industry delegates travelled together to the USA, Mexico and Columbia to meet with political and industry representatives in order to increase competitiveness of their sector and to help SME's to prosper in and between Europe and the Americas.

ESHA President during the Opening Ceremony of hidroenergia 2012 As usual, ESHA has been present during 2012 key events relevant to the small hydropower sector. Those include the 6th World Water Forum in Marseille, the European Sustainable Energy Week in Brussels, HYDRO 2012 in Bilbao, and the Envirotech & Clean Energy Investor Summit in London. In addition to these events, ESHA has been invited to speak at international conferences to represent the small hydropower sector. Some included the International Energy Congress and Fair, Ankara, the International Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Forum in Kiev, the Ukraine and the Small Hydro Latin America Conference in Panama City. ESHA President Marko Gospodjinacki participated in the Mission for Growth with the European Commision’s Vice -

Another event co-organized with new ESHA member Aravis S.A., a Swiss Investment Bank, was the workshop on investments for the Small Hydropower sector on the 30th of October in Bilbao, Spain. Several articles have been published by ESHA to present our newest results and statements. Those include for instance, a publication in the European Energy Innovation Magazine (Autumn 2012) and the New Energy Magazine (August and December 2012). Finally, ESHA would like to remind you to save the date for the upcoming Hidroenergia 2014 (late spring 2014) in Istanbul, Turkey. We thank all of you for your support and wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Dirk Hendricks ESHA Secretary General

ESHA - European Small Hydropower Association, Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B-1040, Brussels, Belgium, Tel: +32 2 546 19 45, Fax: +32 2 546 19 47, E-mail: ESHA is founding member of EREC – European Renewable Energy Council



Stream Map project successfully finalised The final meeting of the Stream Map project took place on the 22 May 2012 in Wroclaw, Poland. The key outputs of this project are the following up-to-date tools: the EU-27 SHP Roadmap (Status quo report on the current SHP situation, forecast and recommendations for each EU member state) a statistical release a hydropower database (HYDI) SHP recommendation brochures in the following languages: EN, DE, IT, FR, SI, LT, SE, PL, RO, PT

Pumped Hydro Energy Storage (PHES) but also Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES). A report has been consequently published aiming to provide policy makers, planners and developers with recommendations to further the sustainable development of bulk energy storage projects. The recommendations were presented at a breakfast briefing hosted by MEP Sir Graham Watson at the EP and organised by ESHA together with the consortium partners of the project and the Climate Parliament. The report is available on Presentations given at the breakfast meeting are available upon request to Oliver Jung.

To download, click on the item mentioned above, refer to the Stream Map website Kick-Off Meeting RESTOR Hydro or Brussels in June 2012 contact Martina Steinkusz for a hard copy. Where are the historic mills sites in the EU-27? Help RESTOR Hydro project partners to complement the MillsMap

Bulk energy storage – ESHA adresses policy makers! Recent findings from the European project stoRE – in which the European Small Hydropower Association (ESHA) participates – suggest that Bulk Energy Storage Technologies (EST) currently suffer from a lack of attention on the political agenda. The three-year project (supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme) aims to facilitate bulk energy storage to allow large scale penetration of variable renewable energy in the market. In its first half, the project focused on environmental considerations of bulk scale energy storage infrastructure, particularly

The IEE co-funded project RESTOR Hydro started in June 2012. Project partners will be mapping the potential of SHP, mills and weirs in the EU-27. The GIS coordinates, type of plant, restorable condition and power availability, amongst others, can be found on the MillsMap. The aim is to find 50.000+ sites by the end of this project in 2015. In order to reach their goal, the project partners ask you for collaboration. We are looking to acquire databases from Mills Organisations, Cultural Heritage Organisations, Authorities, etc. to receive information about single or multiple locations you might know about to link GIS coordinates to pictures of old mills, SHP plants or weirs you have visited during your last trip

If you can help us with any of those points, do not hesitate to send a short email to Martina Steinkusz or visit the new project website for more information.


The ASSOCIATION OF PRODUCERS OF ECOLOGICAL ENERGY (APEE) was established in August 2004 by 16 companies willing to invest in ecological power plants in Bulgaria. The Association took the challenge to help and protect the private initiative of the Bulgarian and international investors, representing their economic and branch interests to the state authorities and other organizations. Currently APEE is recognized as the most-trustworthy organization working in the renewable energy field in Bulgaria. Our analyses, insights and statements are highly valued for the creation of European and national policies for RES.

With over 40 years experience in the compact hydropower sector, Tamanini Hydro is specialized in the design, production and installation of Pelton, Francis and Kaplan hydraulic turbines and of hydropower plants. Our company manufactures turnkey electro-mechanical equipment, designed on the plant's hydraulic features they are destined to. Efficiency and reliability are our keywords.



Hutchinson Transmission develops, produces and distributes power transmission belt drive systems. To meet the market requirements, Hutchinson has launched the HPP™, a new belt specially designed for micro hydro power plants. The HPP™ belt (Hydro Power Plant) is a power transmission belt featuring multi-purpose longitudinal ribs. Specially designed for the small hydro power station market, it combines ease of use with high performance.   

Power transmission capacity increased by 15% Gear ratios of up to 1/35 Reduced Costs

The technical characteristics of this new belt allow cost savings through downsizing of pulleys as well as maintenance reduction. Take advantage of an application with no maintenance of replacement parts for 15 years. If you are looking for a reliable and economic drive solution for your small hydro powerplant do not hesitate to visit our website and ask for our leaflets.


SAVE THE DATE: 26.03.2013


SHP Campaing Launch at the European Parliament

The small hydropower sector gathered at the international Congress and Trade Fair hidroenergia 2012 in Wroclaw in Poland between the 23-26 May 2012. Together with the association of the hosting country, TRMEW, ESHA organises this event every two years, already since 1989. More than 480 participants from 44 countries attended hidroenergia 2012. With about 300 participants at hidroenergia 2010 in Lausanne, the number of participants has significantly increased. Not only the organisers, but the 52 exhibitors as well were satisfied with this positive development. The exhibitors and sponsors profited from the Open Day, a new feature of this year’s hidroenergia, which allowed access to the regulars and in addition to new clients to discuss business ideas. The sessions’s key messages and photos are available on the website. ESHA is now looking forward to hidroenergia 2014. In the Closing Ceremony, ESHA president Marko Gospodjinacki presented where hidroenergia 2014 will take place: Istanbul, Turkey. Have a look at the promotion video! Whether you are just interested, you want to secure a booth or become a sponsor for hidronergia 2014, write an email to Martina who will give you more inside information. NEW: If you did not attend hidroenrgia 2012, but would like to receive the presentations, you can order them from us for a fee of 50€. This service is free for ESHA Members.

On 26 March 2013, ESHA will launch a large awareness-raising campaign on small hydropower (SHP) that will be hosted by Sir Graham Watson MEP. The first event will be an interactive dinner on the theme Getting to know SHP and will provide general information on the technology to a large audience. If you are interested to know more, send Oliver an email.

Policy Hydropower and water: ESHA up for post Water Blueprint phase! In November 2012 the European Commission (EC) adopted the Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Water resources. This document suggests a series of measures that Member States can take to fulfill the objective of the European Water framework Directive (WFD) and reach the required good water status (Strategic Impact Assessments, green infrastructure, cross-policy integration, etc.). ESHA welcomes the EC’s choice to propose a toolbox with non-binding measures and to refrain from a “one– size-fits-all” approach. ESHA will therefore actively participate in the European working groups in charge of the Common Implementation Strategy (CIS), voice the concerns of the small hydropower sector and work towards viable solutions for the industry. In May 2013, ESHA will also organize a specific event to promote the environmental assets of small hydropower. For more information, contact Oliver. 3

A WARM WELCOME TO OUR NEW ESHA MEMBERS IN 2012! o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Aravis S.A., Switzerland APEE, Bulgaria APEU, Ukraine Bojan Milovanovic, Serbia DTec Minihydropower, Ireland ENEL Green Power, Italy Hutchinson, France Leonidas Maniatakis, Greece Petr Kretzschmar, Czech Republic Raghavendra MS, India S.C. 4C Project Consulting, Romania Tamanini Hydro s.r.l., Italy Valley Nemunas, Lithuania Vez Slovghe AD, Bulgaria

IN BRIEF Find and/or become ESHA member and secure massive rewards! Between January and the end the end of March 2013 everyone who brings in a new member and/or sponsor to ESHA, will be rewarded with a 20% commission from the membership/sponsorship fee. Entities who will join ESHA as a member or sponsor themselves will benefit from a 20% reduction of the annual fees. Being an ESHA member provides you with opportunities for massive savings, for marketing your activities and for direct access to influence EU and law developments which will determine your business environment for the future. For more details, please consult our member and sponsor leaflet or our website. We look forward to welcoming you soon. ESHA Mugs – Call for sponsors ESHA has produced prototypes of mugs to be used for the association’s advocacy work. The mugs follow the thematic graphical identity of the policy sheets (general, energy, information, economy) and provide keys facts on small hydropower.

If you would like to sponsor ESHA mugs and ensure a sustainable visibility to your organisation, please contact Dirk. Small hydropower now in brief and in colour! Do you want to receive or disseminate information on small hydropower? Discover the new ESHA policy sheets! Four colours representing four different topics: general, energy, environment and economy. Each fact sheet entails facts, challenges and recommendations. The sheets are available for download now!

Certified Professional for Sustainable Hydropower The Life Long Learning Academy Technikum Wien in Vienna, Austria, together with ESHA is organising the course ‘Sustainable Hydropower’ to become a Certified Professional for Sustainable Hydropower. Course modules will take place between March 12th 2013 – June 28th 2013 . Among from the popular study tours, renown professors and experienced professionals from the hydropower sector are going to lecture from topics that range from HP basics to innovative best-and-worst practice over to current policy issues. NEW: The upcoming year’s course allows interested persons to take the different modules seperately. Please find more information on the following link. If you are an ESHA member and interested to follow this course, send us an email and ask for the ESHA member discount.

Book Recommendation ‘Steel Penstocks’ The American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) has recently published the book Steel Penstocks. It stands as a complete guide to the design, installation, and maintenance of the closed conduits between a free water surface and hydroelectric power stations. This new, thoroughly updated edition provides recommendations and technical guidance for all aspects of steel penstocks, including tunnel liners, wyes, and branch outlets. It also provides practical, comprehensive information regarding the economic, safety, and environmental aspects of designing and implementing steel penstocks at hydropower stations. Hydroelectric engineers, designers, and facility managers use MOP 79 as the go-to reference for steel penstocks. Read more at source Siemens focuses its renewable energy activities on wind and hydr power. A recent press release from Siemens shows a reorientation of the company’s future business strategy and organizational setup with respect to renewable energy. The company plans to divest its solar business activities and instead intends to focus its renewable energy activities on wind and hydropower. Read more at source

HYDRO AGENDA 21 - 22 Jan

Powering Africa (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)

07 Feb

ESHA Training Seminar on IEE Projects (Brussels, Belgium)

5 - 16 Feb

International Training Course on SHP Development (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (Uttarakhand), India)

26 March

SHP Campaign Launch at the European Parliament (Brussels, Belgium)

16 - 18 Apr

Water Storage and Hydropower Development for Africa (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)

For more information please see the ESHA Events Calendar. To have your event featured in our newsletter please contact ESHA.


The European Small Hydropower Association


HANSEN INDUSTRIAL TRANSMISSIONS NV (HIT) is an established global industrial gearbox designer, manufacturer and supplier. The company provides durable gear drives for a wide range of industrial applications throughout the world and has established a dedicated international service network. In addition to its principal state-of-the-art manufacturing facilitiy located in Flanders, Belgium, HIT has assembly, sales and service centres in the US, the UK, Brazil, China, South Africa and Australia. Strong in-house R&D operations maintain HIT’s technological leadership. Since 4 March 2011 HIT is a 100% subsidiary of Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. and HIT employs over 600 people worldwide.


Ecowatt Hydro Micro-Hydroelectric Power Plants are designed to ensure simple and effective operation in order to reduce the corrective steps during installation, startup and routine maintenance to a minimum. Its range include BANKI and PELTON turbines. Banki : suitable for head from 7 up to 70 meters and water flows form 20 up to 1000 liters per second. Pelton: suitable for head from 20 up to 350 meters and water flows from 0,5 up to 100 liters per second. For more information on the products contact IREM

For more information contact Hansen


Disclaimer ESHA prepares this Newsletter to enhance access to information about news, policies and events concerning the small hydropower sector and renewable energy in general. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate and therefore, ESHA compiles this information from different available and reliable sources and selects Newsletter content in the best efficient way it knows. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. However, ESHA accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regards to the information contained in the Newsletter. This information is of a general nature, not necessarily complete or accurate and sometimes linked to external sites over which ESHA has no control and for which ESHA assumes no responsibility.


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