Project Info
SHAPES Small Hydro Action for the
Efficient Solutions
With support from:
n recent years numerous technological innovations resulting from R&D National and European programmes, have been initiated in the SHP sector with the purpose of increasing the efficiency of the installations and to meet the environmental requirements and challenges. A whole series of new technologies from environmentally friendly turbines (making use of electricity-generating devices in freshwater channels possible) to other equipment such as fish passes, etc. have been developed which, in order to realise the sector’s full exploitation potential, need to be widely disseminated in the market. Small hydropower (up to 10 MW) is in Europe the backbone of renewable energy sources. This reliable, abundantly
available source of energy has been exploited since decades. However, in order to meet the White Paper target of additional 4.500 MW installed SHP capacity by 2010, additional efforts to implement SHP schemes need to be taken. In addition, the new RES planned Directive envisages a binding target of 20% of electricity coming from RES by 2020. Nevertheless, recent growth rates for SHPs have been disappointing, in comparison with the growth rates of other forms of renewable energy (less than 3% per year increase in capacity in Europe). One way towards taking on the different challenges the sector is facing is to streamline research & development carried out in this particular sector as well as to strengthen the educational base, ensuring that well-trained professionals are available to further develop small hydropower sites.
Small Hydro Action for the Promotion of Efficient Solutions - is partially funded by DG-TREN (European Commission) within the FP6 and it is running for two years starting December 2007. The overall objective of SHAPES is to facilitate and strengthen the co-operation between EU Small Hydropower (SHP) Research and Market actors, with the overall objective of streamlining future research & development and promote R&D results in order to enhance penetration of SHP and know-how with the EU and on new markets in developing countries. The SHAPES action is highly relevant with the aim of undertaking RD&D evaluation and coordination on the Small Hydropower sector, exploring synergies and common R&D areas of Small hydropower with other renewable energies technologies, creating a strong communication network among major European research actors for preparing the ground for a possible future Research Infrastructure within FP7 and enhancing the educational base of small hydropower specialists. Ultimately resulting in matching research actions with market needs and promoting Small Hydropower to strengthen its market penetration mainly of key small hydropower technologies with low environmental impact, and high potential in Europe and worldwide.
Action The understanding of the research and industry needs and potential market targets in Europe and outside Europe drives the initiatives undertaken by the consortium. The project is organized through two approaches: A - From Research needs to research in Action European R&D actors networking: Research Infrastructure for the SHP sector SHP Research Agenda R&D Synergies with other RES SHP Training: SHP RES Master
Fondation du Laboratoire de Mini Hydraulique de Montcherand, Switzerland - MHyLab Institute of Water Management, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering from University of Natural Resources, Vienna, Austria - IWHW Studio Frosio, Italy Studio Frosio Dulas Limited, UK - DULAS Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland - IMP PAN Water Management Faculty of Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Lithuania - WMF The Energy and Resources Institute, India- TERI Acciona Energia, Grupo Acciona, Spain- Acciona Water Tirol Services- GmbH, Austria WT
P romotion of SHP Refurbishment Investments enhancement Multipurpose SHP plants SHP sustainable solutions for developing countries
Impacts C ontribution to SHP European Research Area D eveloping European R&D Agenda C ontribution to Market Deployment in and outside Europe S trengthen the Educational Basis and Training in SHP C ontribution to R&D EC Programmes
The consortium consists of European SHP industry associations, Research Centers and Universities Consultants, and project developers. The project is based upon its trans-European identity, the added value provided by the European dimension of the European SHP industry association combined with technical knowledge of the Research Sector. The European Small Hydropower Association (ESHA), is the COORDINATOR of this project which includes the following partners:
B - From Research Results to the Market
W P1: Coordination W P2: Network of SHP Research Entities W P3: Training of SHP specialists WP4: Promotion of SHP Refurbishment WP5: New Technological Solutions for SHP in existing infrastructures WP6: SHP solutions for Sustainable Development WP7: Dissemination
Contacts details of ESHA EUROPEAN SMALL HYDROPOWER ASSOCIATION 63-65, Rue d’Arlon • B-1040 Brussels • Belgium T: +32 2 546 1945 • F: +32 2 546 1947 E: • I: ESHA is founding member of EREC, the European Renewable Energy Council
Gema San Bruno Tel : +32 2 546 19 45
Printed on Ecological friendly paper (Chlorine-free paper) Design: ACG Brussels. Photo Credits: ESHA, KÖ, SERO, IED, BOKU, GPAE
L ist of Research Bodies Inventory of SHP Research Projects Networking event in Poland 2009 SHP Research Agenda and Synergies with Wind and Ocean SHP Master Course Layman’s guide on how to develop a SHP site in Polish Checklist to Refurbish abandoned SHP sites Seminar for SHP investors in Spain in 2008 Guide on How to Refurbish low-head SHP sites Identification of Potential Sites for refurbishing in Europe Brochure on possibilities in Energy Recovery in existing infrastructures European list of Sectors and Contacts List on Specific Technical Points to be observed in the design of small hydro equipments for the use of infrastructures. European Seminar in Austria Guide on How to Develop a SHP Plant in Developing Countries Training seminar for Rural Electrification