Socotra Project Profile

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A Campaign for Promoting Sustainable Ecotourism in the Archipelago of Socotra

eshraq © 2010


Special Thanks 4

to the giant experts that have humbly pushed me toward the world of graphic design.

My Aim The Archipelago of Socotra becomes a spectacular visitable Arabic region that puts Yemen on the top of the most developed growing countries, by mixing between the nature preservation and the civil development and investment, following the successful examples in this field, such as Malaysia, Turkey, etc...



©2010 eshraq


Socotra Archipelago, in the northwest Indian Ocean near the Gulf of Aden, is 250 km long and comprises four islands and two rocky islets which appear as a prolongation of the Horn of Africa.



S ocotra

A r chipelago consists of 5 islands, is the largest and

m o s t b e a u t i ful islands of Yemen. It’s named internationally By I UC N a s “ t he Ga lá p a go s o f t he I ndia n Oc ea n”.

O n 8 J u l y 2 0 08, it was announced by UNESCO as one of the W o r l d H e r i t age sites, in terms of the enormous biodiversity, it is c o n s i d e r e d as a natural wealth, which must be given a global a t t e nt ion a nd t he b est inv est ment o p p o rt u nit ies.

While t he wo rld su ffers fro m glo b a l w a rming a nd t he a c c elera t i n g c h a n g ing of the global climate, I think that saving and r e f o r m i n g t h e natural climate into its original state must be the m o s t i m p o r t ant priorities to live on this beautiful planet, and he r e la ys t he imp o rt a nc e o f t his issu e.

E x p e r t s s a y that it can re the global climate into its natural s t a t e b y s t u dying a nd p ro t ec t ing t he life c yc le t he Arc hip elag o o f S o c o t ra.



I ndepth Main references: UNESCO, IUNC and WWf


Description The site is of universal importance because of its biodiversity with rich and distinct flora and fauna: 37% of Socotra’s 825 plant species, 90% of its reptile species and 95% of its land snail species do not occur anywhere else in the world. The site also supports globally significant populations of land and sea birds (192 bird species, 44 of which breed on the islands while 85 are regular migrants), including a number of threatened species. The marine life of Socotra is also very diverse, with 253 species of reef-building corals, 730 species of coastal fish and 300 species of crab, lobster and shrimp.



I ndepth 2

Value Socotra is particularly important for its diversity of plants and has 825 plant species of which 307 (37%) are endemic. Socotra has high importance for bird species as underlined by the identification by Birdlife International of 22 Important Bird Areas on Socotra. Socotra also supports globally significant populations of other land and sea birds, including a number of threatened species. Extremely high levels of endemism occur in Socotra’s reptiles (34 species, 90% endemism) and land snails (96 species, 95% endemism). The marine life of Socotra is also very diverse, with 253 species of reef-building corals, 730 species of coastal fish and 300 species of crab, lobster and shrimp, and well represented in the property’s marine areas.


37% of Socotra’s plant species, 90% of its reptile species and 95% of its land snail species do not occur anywhere else in the world. Socotra is of particular importance to the Horn of Africa’s biodiversity hotspot and, as one of the most biodiversity rich and distinct islands in the world, has been termed the “Galápagos of the Indian Ocean”. Biological diversity and threatened species: Socotra is globally important for biodiversity conservation because of its exceptional level of biodiversity and endemism in many terrestrial and marine groups of organisms.

Universal Environmental Values This Important site contains outstanding examples representing significant on-going ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, fresh water, coastal and marine ecosystems and communities of plants and animals. Also Socotra Archipelago is considered as one of the most important and significant natural habitats for in-situ conservation of biological diversity, including those containing threatened species of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science or conservation.

Requirements for Protection and Management All component areas of the property have legal protection; however there is a need to strengthen the legislative framework, and management and enforcement capacity. Whilst the property’s terrestrial and marine habitats are generally still in good condition, management planning needs to deal more effectively with current threats including roading, overgrazing and overharvesting of terrestrial and marine natural resources. Potential future threats include unsustainable tourism and invasive species. Impacts of these threats on Socotra’s biodiversity need to be closely monitored and minimized. A sustainable financing strategy is required to ensure the necessary human and financial resources for the long term management of the property. Appropriate linkages need to be developed between the management of the property, its buffer zones and the Socotra Biosphere Reserve.



Trends of the Project and the Research 1. Create a visual identity for the site, inspired by the most distinguishing landmarks in the site. 2. Promote the most important prominent aspects the islands and those which are worth to attract global attention and best investments' opportunities. 3. Esthetically promote a general overview about region, people, history, natural biodiversity and the universal value.

The Visual Identity Incloudes: 1.Logo 2. Stationary 3. Ads and Brochoures 4. Accessories 5. Posters




Logo The Idea At first I thought to work on the islands geographical shapes, following the logo of famous islands like Bahamas. I enjoyed working with the natural material that gives just the special effect and texture like a peel of a lemon. Later I noticed that the drops of ink when they were splashed on the floor give as the same shape as the island when you look at them by satellites, upper view. Then I was inspired by Matisse’s works to draw my own vectors of the creatures of Socotra. I added some new characters to the vectors which were the letters of the old languages that are found scripted on stones in Socotra caves, some of the old languages still used till now. Finally, then I chose the Dragon Blood tree to be the branding identity, the first thing you see as you put your leg on Socotra island.


Since the Dragon Blood tree is the most distinguishing landmark in the archipelago, it had to be the most appropriate visual identity for Socotra Islands. Color C 35.99 M 35.11 Y 70.99 K 3.74

The color is taken from the colors of the trees, the sand and the houses. After a long observation of the shapes of lives in Socotra, the color has been chosen unconsciously.

Texture I was Inspired by the scratches that are found on the tree branches or those which found on the hard stones of the hills and mountains. The texture can simply breif the rich esthitic values that are found in evey single creature in Socotra.




Galápagos of the Indian Ocean 18


Stationary Letterhead A4 Envelope 2*1 Proportion Bussiness card 2*4.9 CM







Calendar The calendar shapes were taken from the letters of the old languages that have been seen scripted on the stones inside Socotra caves. I have chosen 12 color for to 12 months, depending on the rules of the compliments colors.






CD Cover















Brochures Oprion 1



Brochures Oprion 2


Colored and B&W Brochures. This can be also an invitation, A4 Printed on tracing paper


Ads A4 and smaller ads, colored and B&W.












An idea about the posters 1 . T he “ D r a g o n Blo o d” t ree. Ex c lu siv e endemi c t r e e , b l e eds when its scratched, its blood is a m a t e r ia l u sed in c u res a nd else. 2 . E g y p t i a n Vulture “Neophron percnopterus”. E x c l u s i v e e ndemic bird. 3 . S oc ot r a n p eo p le, Greet ings. 4 . S oc ot r a n mu d ho u ses. 5 . “ H oq ” c a ve, t he lo ngest c a v e in t he w o rld. 6 . S o c o t r a marine life. Considered as a main h a b i t a t f o r many endemic creatures in the I nd ia n O c e an a nd else. 7 . T h e “ B o t t le” tree. Exclusive endemic tree, s t o r e s w a t e r in it in the winters to be used in t he s u m m e r .



Posters Option 1

SIZE 40*10 0 CM


Socotran Fig Dorstenia gigas, usually grows on cliffs, the swollen stems can reach up to 2 metres tall and 2 metres across.

The “Dragon Blood” tree. Exclusive endemic tree, bleeds when its scratched, its blood is a material used in cures and else.


Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus , Known as the ‘Municipal bird’ as it feeds on the island’s rubbish and especially dead animals.


“Hoq” cave, the longest cave in the world, very old tools found due to the first ancient man were found in the cave.


Socotra marine life. Considered as a main habitat for many endemic creatures in the Indian Ocean and else.


Socotran Greetings, which is one of many destinguishing tdaditional castumes of Socotra people.


Socotran mud houses, beside the caves, are the places in where the Socotran people stay, learn and live.


Billboard SIZE 2.00*1.00 Proportion




SIZE 60*85 CM



Postage Stamp SIZE 1.60*2.40 CM


Thanks eshraq© 2010



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