4. Overcoming Objections

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Offline Optimizer

Opening Clients – Overcoming Objections


Business owners are weary of other people trying to sell them things. They have to sell to their customers every day and experience the same wearyness that they are guilty of. Unfortunately, these weary customers can come up with some pretty creative excuses not to buy. More unfortunate for you, the business owners have a mental databse to regurgitate in your face. Following are just a few objections you may or may not come across. You can never predict what the client is going to say. This is why you should always be thinking. If you mold the situation correctly during the sales process you should have no problem. Never forget, objections are good. If the client has an objection for you it means that they are interested and that they have concerns about what is being talked about. Your job is to be there to help them understand by overcoming their objections. Most of all you are reassuring them that this is the right decision. Never think of an objection as a sign to give up and quit. I’ve been in sales for a pretty long time, and no matter what marketing I was selling within, I figured out that you need to overcome tons of no's to get the yes you are looking for. Go over these objections, and study them. Engrain them into your brain so they become second nature when the business owner throws one of them at you.

Offline Optimizer

Opening Clients – Overcoming Objections


Objection: I can’t afford it (it, being your services, anything you’re trying to sell them) Answer 1: I can understand how you feel, but let me ask you a question. Are you saying you can’t justify to invest money into your company? Answer 2: I understand you might feel that way. If you don't mind me asking, if price wasn't an issue or we can negotiate a price that suits your budget, do you feel this is the right solution/product/service for you? Answer 3: If we can agree on a price, is this something you could commit to today? Objection: I’ve got too many things going on right now. Answer: That’s the best part about it, I take care of all the work. I keep in contact with you via email or phone calls with detailed traffic reports. Objection: I just don’t see how search engine optimization can help my business. Answer: Here's the thing... in this day and age, picking up a newspaper and finding a service you’re looking for is LONG gone. For example, when was the last time YOU have searched for something on Google? (Should be recently) If not then: Let’s say that I’m new in town and wanted to find the best Teriyaki place in town. Who do I ask? My friends? No. I Google it.

Offline Optimizer

Opening Clients – Overcoming Objections


Objection: We already have a (“Somebody”, “ A guy”, “ABC Company”) doing that for us. Answer: With all-due respect <Owner’s Name>, I’m obviously here because I know my company can help you, and the person you have doing your work currently doesn’t seem to be succeeding. This (if you have already brought the analysis in with you) analysis is not a lie. I’m physically showing you FACTS that my services can help your website dominate these search keyword terms. (Wait for a response… if none) Better yet, let me do it for free since this won’t happen overnight anyway. I’ll work to get your website to the first page of Google for the keywords we’ve talked about and once I prove to you that I can do what I am saying, you can pay me then. Then continue paying me for my service to get it to the TOP of Google, cause 88% of visitors only click the first five results anyways. Objection: I was just looking at (Some Business Name) for this. Answer: Then why don’t you support local (city name) small business. I mean you're not my only client, but I only deal with local companies. I'm always going to be here to work person to person, so you won’t have to deal with some person over the phone or sending emails back and forth to get it right while battling with the distance between you and your SEO company. Objection: We already have a lot of money going out to advertising right now. Answer: I totally understand, but do you know how many leads you get from that advertising, and how many leads turn into sales? Do you track any of the advertising? I’m offering a weekly detailed report and traffic analysis every month, so you know WHO is coming, WHO is staying, WHERE they are going, and IF they are buying. This helps you to figure out which marketing tactic is best for your business. More importantly, the services I offer are much less expensive than other traditional advertising, and prove to be more effective per dollar

Offline Optimizer

Opening Clients – Overcoming Objections


spent. The internet is exploding and if you don’t solidify your presence now, you’ll have a huge hurdle to overcome when it starts to dominate every market in the world. Objection: We already get traffic from search engines. Answer: Oh really? That’s somewhat confusing to me, as I couldn’t find you on the search engine results for the keyword terms we’ve mentioned. Am I mistaken? You don’t happen to have tracking software installed that you can prove that statement to me with, do you? Objection: We will have to redesign our site and that will cost money. Answer: Maybe. You should think about it this way: How much is that poor design costing you in terms of lost opportunity, and lost profits? The ROI on our services is so high, that you won’t think twice when you start seeing results and you’re cutting me the check to keep watching those profits flow in. Objection: SEO is a scam, joke, doesn’t work. Answer: It sounds like you have had a bad experience with SEO in the past. (Refer back to the analysis, just one of your many closing tools) I brought this analysis with me today to show you what I'm going to do to your web site and how those changes will affect your ranking. I’m not sure how you are justifying the statement that SEO is a scam or that it doesn’t work, because I make my living helping businesses just like yours to conquer the terms in the search engines that are bringing them profits month after month. Could you clarify that for me? (They won’t have a response for you) Objection: Are your services really that important?

Offline Optimizer

Opening Clients – Overcoming Objections


Answer 1: Is it important to you to expand your marketing to the new standard for small businesses? The internet is going to be responsible for the majority of ALL sales and profit within a few years, is it that important to you to have a business that is market proof? Objection: Well I’m thinking of signing up next week. Answer: I can understand that, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s going to change in the next week? I could have a new client by this time next week in your industry, which would exclude you from my potential clients list because of conflict of interest. Do you think your competitors want to wait until next week? Objection: Well I need to talk to (my husband, my co-owner, my finance department, partner, etc.) Answer: Oh, it’s unfortunate to hear that. Do you not have the authority to make this decision? (If they say they do…) Well no offense, but doesn’t this seem like a pretty clear cut decision? (Yes means money, if they say no…) What about it are you struggling to understand? Perhaps I can clear it up for you. At this point if you experience more resistance you might be talking to the wrong person, or maybe they make decisions and someone else has the money, whatever it may be, don’t give up. Ask questions like... What’s their name? When is that person going to be available? Figure out if you need to be talking to someone else.

Offline Optimizer

Opening Clients – Overcoming Objections


Objection: I’m just not ready to do anything today. Answer: Well <Owner’s name>, there are usually three reasons why someone can't make a decision when we first contact them. The first is that they don't quite understand how it works and how it can benefit them. The second reason is that I might not have built enough credibility in my company. The third reason is that they simply cannot afford us. Which of these three categories describes your position right now? Objection: I’m just not interested.

Offline Optimizer

Opening Clients – Overcoming Objections


Answer: Well I can understand that, but just one question before I go. Which part are you not interested in? Increasing your profits or getting more visitors to your website? Is there anything I can explain better to help you understand? Objection: We work internally with our own people. Answer: That’s great! Can I speak candidly though? (wait for the O.K.) With all due respect, I've brought this analysis with me showing you that I’ve personally found things that can benefit your online presence which your own people aren’t currently doing correctly. Wouldn’t you be interested to at least see what I have to offer your business? Objection: I don’t have time to discuss this right now. Answer: Perfect, does tomorrow at 12:45 work? (Pick any time and date, it doesn’t matter, but make it specific. You will get a lot more people agreeing to meet with you this way.) Objection: We have never done something like this before. Answer: That’s why I'm here. You’re in the perfect position to grow your business and dominate your competition. There’s a first time for everything. (SMILE) Objection: We have no money budgeted for this. Answer: I can understand what you are saying, times are tough right now. Let me ask you this, if you were to drop one of the over-priced newspaper, or Yellow Pages ads that are not helping you receive traffic but only eating your profits, then could you consider my services?

Offline Optimizer

Opening Clients – Overcoming Objections


Objection: This is not a priority for us right now. Answer: Well to be honest, and fair, I'm also doing the same competitive analysis with (ABC Competitor). Not to be pushy or anything, just thought I would be fair to let you know, someone else WILL take this service soon, and only one person can have it. Objection: I need to think this over. Answer: I completely agree, I never just buy out of impulse. I research it, but to be fair with me, which part do you need to think over? Can I explain something better to help you make a more informed decision? Objection: I don’t think this will work for us. Answer: The great thing is, it works for everyone. It’s the internet. It’s everywhere. It is completely impartial; there is no way it cannot work. (If this person becomes hard to sell, consider giving them free services up front with a payment once the website hits the top page above their competition) Objection: I’ve done this before and I didn’t have good results. Answer 1: I’m sorry, it sounds like you have had bad experiences in the past with other internet marketing companies, is that correct? I'm here for one on one consulting, at normal hours of the day, and locally - so I can meet in person, and establish great communication lines to keep you updated on what is going on. I'm not here to just earn your business and move on. (Laugh!) We can set up a month to month payment plan so you can cancel at any time and if you don’t like what you see from my company, you can back out, and we will part ways as friends. That’s fair isn’t it? Answer 2: I’m sorry, and I can understand your hesitance after a poor experience in the past. Let me draw a parallel for you if you’d allow

Offline Optimizer

Opening Clients – Overcoming Objections

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me to though. If you purchase a vehicle and have a bad buying experience, would that stop you from buying another vehicle some day? Probably not, you might just need to find a different dealer. Objection: How do you know it will work? How do you know you can get our website on top of Google for those search terms? Answer 1: I am an expert in this field. (SAY IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT CAUSE YOU ARE AFTER READING THIS GUIDE) I'm not showing you how I came up with this analysis only because it entails my trade secrets, and in all fairness, it’s not as easy as it sounds. I have MANY methods and tactics I can employ to get your website visitors. If I can prove results for free first, would you consider signing on for an extended contract? Answer 2: I do this day in and day out for a lot of businesses. I am an expert, and I’ve done the proper research to prepare myself to offer you these services. I wouldn’t be here wasting your time, or my time, if I didn’t think it would be mutually beneficial. I have a business to run too. Objection: I’ve never heard of you. Answer 1: (Only use this one if the frame feels right) In all fairness, and with all due respect sir, I’m sure a lot of the people searching for your business haven’t heard for you, either. Answer 2: I’m a select marketing firm. My services aren’t open to everybody. If I analyze a client that wants work done and it doesn’t seem worth my time, I turn them down. I only work with local companies, and I choose those companies carefully to provide the best product and service. More importantly, think of all the people that search for your business and probably haven’t heard of you either, but instead are going to your competition.

Offline Optimizer

Opening Clients – Overcoming Objections

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Objection: You are not a large enough company to handle the job. Answer: This is why I have programs to help automate my work. Like any other large or small business, a big part of my company’s success depends on leveraging my time. More importantly, I have connections within the SEO industry and may very well outsource some of the tedious tasks to my trusted sources. Objection: You do not understand our problems. Answer: Well I'm here to talk about them with you right now. If we do business together and we start this relationship, I will be here to help you understand how to solve your problems and fulfill your needs. I’m here for you. This should be a friendship, not a business transaction, and I’ll treat you like one of my friends and do the best possible job when trying to understand what your problems are. Objection: I don't believe it. Answer: To be fair, all these facts I've compiled today are with free programs. You could even do this if I told you where to go and how to do it – in fact I can show you some concrete proof if you have a computer I can use. Google doesn’t lie. (Laugh and Smile) Would you like me to go over things in more detail that you don’t fully understand so we can get on the same page? Objection: Why should I choose to work with you? Answer: Just by how your internet presence, I will tell you with confidence that you CAN use my help. I may or may not be the first company to come here and present this information to you, but I can tell you that if they haven’t come to you to yet, they are probably not going to. Do you know the reason? I’m a local company who works with local companies. I do my research and choose the best clients to work with, since I can’t help them all. No SEO company can.

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Opening Clients – Overcoming Objections

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Objection: I’m interested, but your prices are too high. Answer: Sounds great. What you’re saying is that if the numbers were not an issue then you would sign up with us today then right? (Should be a yes…) Fair enough, what am I going to have to do to earn your business today? Objection: I can’t justify spending that much money. Answer: Think of it as how much will you earn, not how much you will be spending. If you can calculate how much a client is worth to you, I will tell you what kind of ROI you could potentially expect. I will tell you how many clients a month I could potentially garnish for you. Would that help you make your decision to do business with me? Objection: I’m not comfortable with the idea yet. Answer 1: I completely understand, as this is something completely new to you. The great thing is that I'm willing to go over it as much as necessary to make sure you have a full understanding of my services and ensure that you are comfortable with the process. Does that sound good? Answer 2: That’s completely understandable. The reason most businesses haven’t signed up with a company like mine is because they simply don’t understand the services. What can I explain to you to help you understand better and make a more informed decision about the proposal we are talking about?

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Opening Clients – Overcoming Objections

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When dealing with these objections and the sales process continue to use their first name unless they ask otherwise. Make them know that they have your undivided attention, and that you are there for them. Love the one your with. Like I said earlier, objections are not bad. If you listen they will tell you what’s wrong, but you have to ask the questions. They will not just “lay down” for you every time. It’s not to say that this doesn’t happen, but it’s not common when dealing with something that they have never dealt with before. You don’t always have to have an answer right away. Take a breath, think about it, and answer. Call it the brain-mouth filter. If you just be patient and build rapport with them, there is no way they can say no, if you show them all the facts and present your case correctly. Make it so they almost seem stupid if they say no, business owners HATE to sound stupid. Think about it this way: If you have nothing right now, then what do you have to lose by overcoming their objections? If you have competition in your local area that does SEO or offers the same products or services, then you now have the sales edge over them. You should look at this as something they don’t have, so use it! Keep calm, and carry on.

Offline Optimizer

Opening Clients – Overcoming Objections

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