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Discover The Exact Methods I Use to Earn Over $1,509 for Less Than 10 Hours Work! No List No Experience No Paid Advertising


LIMITATION OF LIABILITY/DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY The author of this ebook has done his best to ensure that the information contained herein is valid, truthful information. However, he makes no claim or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of said information. By reading this ebook, you acknowledge that you will not hold the author liable for any loss or other damages that may occur as a result of any of the information in this ebook. This document is protected under international copyright laws, and any attempt to illegally reprint or distribute it is prohibited and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. You have purchased this report for your own use, and you do not have the license to reprint or distribute it to anyone else.

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER The earnings that you actually experience will depend on the amount of labor that you put into your efforts as well as your ability, experience, education, market trends, search engine algorithms, and many more personal and external factors. We do not guarantee or otherwise promise that you will earn any particular amount of money. So with all the legal jazz out of the way, I want you to KNOW it IS possible to make money online. Thousands of people are doing it every day!


About Me Hey! My name is James Sides and I’m the hermit behind this ebook (Really, I go outside like once a week). I am a full time internet marketer who was born and raised in Southeast Missouri where I continue to live today with my wife and daughter. I got my start in online marketing in 2005 after dropping $97 on what was the probably one of the worst ebooks of all time. Needless to say armed with the vague info in that first book I went on to lose $1,000’s in Pay Per Click advertising but I’m glad I did because the important thing was it introduced me to the world of online marketing. In February 2010 I made one of the craziest decisions of my life. Even though I was earning less than $50 per month online and getting less than 100 visitors per month to my one pathetic looking website I left my job to become a full time internet marketer. Now, barely more than one year later, I am happy to say I have dozens of websites; many of which earn over $50 per month and get more than 100 visitors per DAY singlehandedly.


Just to be clear…

This is me a year ago

And this is me now

Who is This Guide Intended For? When I first came up with the idea to write this ebook I wasn’t really sure who I should target and so at first I tried to target everyone. Then, I soon realized that by targeting everyone I’d be helping no one. So, this guide is intended to help those people who are either a) not making any money online or b) making some money but unable to scale it to a full time income. It is not for the advanced marketer who has every tool and knows every trick although I’m sure there is information in here that might even be interesting to them.


For those just starting out I recommend you read the entire guide without skimming or skipping any sections. If however you are already an experienced marketer and just want to take your business to the next level you are welcome to skip over some of the more basic sections such as how to sign up for a clickbank account etc.

Intro to Online Marketing So, you want to be an internet marketer but don’t know where to start? Well, let’s fix that. The absolute best way to start earning money online is through Affiliate Marketing. Many – and I mean many – Internet marketers have gotten their start through affiliate marketing. Consider this – you can start making money without creating a product, without dealing with support nightmares and even without a website (although this is not something I advocate). And you can get started immediately. Don’t be fooled by its simplicity however. There are plenty of marketers out there pulling in 6 and 7 figure incomes via affiliate marketing. So how does it work? You get paid by bringing buyers to sellers. When they buy, you get a “piece of the action” -- called a commission. So, if a prospect buys a $50 product, and the product pays 50% commission – you will make $25.


In other words, you are like a commission-only salesperson. Except that your job as an affiliate is less about “selling” and more about recommending products to the customers searching for them. You don't have to take any orders. You don't have to meet prospects faceto-face. All you have to do is simply introduce interested people to the products they are searching for. And it can all be accomplished from the comfort of your own home while in your pj’s.

How to Get the Most Out of This Course I know that you are very excited to dive in and for that I am pumped myself! However, before you start taking any action I recommend you read through this whole course first. Just read through it and try to follow along with the steps I took to accomplish my end results. At the end of the course I am going to include a step by step action plan on everything you need to do so you don’t have to worry about taking notes or getting lost in the details of how I did something. It will ALL be laid out for you. If while reading there is something you don’t quite get don’t fret because chances are it will be better explained somewhere else in the course. It is my ultimate goal that someone who has never heard of affiliate marketing will be able to implement this course and make their first money online. It is my opinion that you cannot fail with this information unless you simply don’t do anything with it. PLEASE don’t be an info junkie who 6|Page

buys a course, reads it, and files it away. I have done my very best to create the best course I can while making it simple enough for ANYONE to put to use. So, let’s get started.

Introduction Hey, James here again, and I’m about to reveal to you the exact methods I used to make over $1,509 with just 10 hours of work! No, I haven’t been drinking today…unless Diet Coke counts. I really was able to knock down the equivalent of $150+ an hour and the best part is I’m still earning $$$ from those original 10 hours month after month. Oh, and did I mention… I was a complete newbie. I had never set up a blog, had never used Wordpress, and knew absolutely nothing about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). In fact my previous efforts had resulted in little more than outrageous Pay Per Click bills and countless hours of article writing that resulted in almost ZIPPO results. Even so, somehow I stumbled onto a simple method that turned out to be the turning point in my life. It was singlehandedly this method that showed me making money online was not only real but achievable even by someone like me.


Who’s Responsible? So, who do I have to thank for all of this? Ironically, I have to thank the company I was working for at the time. You see, they had just cut my pay by 40%. I literally went from having a few thousand dollars left over every month to not earning enough to pay my bills. I was desperate to find a way to not only cover the difference but entirely replace my income altogether. So, I know we are just getting to know each other but let me be real with you for a few minutes‌ I’m going to let you in on a secret that only the closest of my family members knows about. It was at this point that I started to lose hope for my life. I started seeing a Dr because all of a sudden I was overcome with depression. I was put on temporary disability from my job because just getting out of bed was a chore. I was just crushed because every piece of my financial security had been ripped away. My wife and little girl were looking to me to support them and I had no idea how I was going to do that. I felt like a total failure not only financially but as a husband, father, and son. I was downright embarrassed by the situation I had landed myself in.


I had bought nearly every product imaginable when it came to internet marketing but just couldn’t seem to make a go of anything. I felt like this guy…

Then it happened… I came to the realization that I only had two choices in life; give up and die or get up and try. And try I did. I went ALL IN. (poker slang from my days at the table) I left my job altogether and took a $997 class with a very well known marketer. WHOAH, hold up. You don’t have to take a $997 class to make money online. While the class was terrific it was NOT about building sites and earning affiliate commissions. It was, in fact, about buying sites from other marketers that were already making money, improving those sites, and flipping them for huge profits. 9|Page

Something happened during that class though.

While looking at sites that were making money I started to dissect what they were doing. Once I was pretty confident of what was happening I decided that I would feel a whole lot better building my own sites from scratch. **Now, as a side note I did buy a few sites and flip them and YES I did make money but I got almost no satisfaction out of it. I did not want to have to depend on being able to find a suitable site for sale all the time. I figured; why not make my own sites that made money over and over again? After all, I could always sell them if I chose too and that way I eliminated my dependency on the marketplace. Now, remember at this time I was unemployed (self employed if you call working but not making any profit self employed). I had only one option and that was to succeed no matter what so here is what I did.

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So It Begins… I spent a few minutes brainstorming about possible niches I could go in. I had heard so many theories about the best niches I was all over the place but the reason I was all over the place is because I was asking the WRONG questions. What questions? I’m glad you asked. In my mind I was asking which niche would make me the most money when I should have been looking for the niche that I was most passionate about. Now, I’m not saying you can’t go into a niche you know nothing about because you most certainly can but starting out things will be a whole lot easier if you care about the niche you choose. So back to my story… Here’s what I did. I decided that the best thing I could do was start with something I knew. After all, my goal with this first site was just to make at least one sale per month. If I could do that all I had to do was rinse and repeat the process. In my case, being the big video game nerd I am I chose World of Warcraft. The one thing that I knew people in Wow (World of Warcraft) were always seeking was a way to make more gold. Everything in the game revolves around how much gold a player has. 11 | P a g e

You see, I understood that hardcore gamers were willing to pay REAL cash to get an edge over their fellow players because there is nothing gamers dread more than being called a NOOB or being left behind their fellow gamers. Having plenty of gold was a way for them to avoid PAIN and that is exactly why it was the perfect niche.

Let me say this very clearly‌ ALL PEOPLE are motivated by 2 basic principles in life. The first is GAIN. The second is PAIN. (This idea has been around a lot longer than me btw) So, which of these do you think is more powerful?

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Let me give you an example. Let’s say that I wanted to lose 30 lbs. Now, let’s say that my best friend has told me if I lose 30 lbs in 90 days he will send me on a beach vacation as a reward. Would I be motivated to lose 30 lbs? I’d say probably but whether I’d take action is anyone’s guess. Now, let’s say that same friend told me he had secretly taken pictures of me naked in the shower and if I didn’t lose 30 lbs in 90 days he was going to post a link to them on my facebook page for all my friends and family to see. Do you think I’d be motivated now?!? How much would you be willing to bet that I’d do whatever it took to drop 30 lbs? I betcha even this guy would do what it took.

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The reason is simple; people will do just about anything to avoid pain (in this case the pain of embarrassment). If you focus your efforts on solving someone’s pain you’ll do very well. Now, just a heads up. You REALLY should want to help the people you are promoting to. If you are chasing dollars you’re only going to struggle but if you decide you are going to help people they will reward you by purchasing through your links and putting commissions in your pockets.

Picking My Product Sooo, where was I? Oh yeah, so I picked the World of Warcraft niche and then broke it down even further to “how to make more gold in Wow.” Now, I had my niche so all I needed was a product to promote. I hadn’t ever bought a gold guide myself so I wasn’t really sure what I was going to find but I decided to head on over to Clickbank to check things out. **I’ll go into what Clickbank is later. For now, just know it’s a digital marketplace. Once I was at the Clickbank marketplace I sorted through the available products for Wow. I picked a couple guides that matched my niche and started looking over their sales page, affiliate page, and their gravity.

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After a few minutes it was pretty clear which one I was going to promote. The merchant put a guarantee on their affiliate page that I’d earn more per hop (a hop is simply when someone clicks your affiliate link) than any other Wow gold guide. This led me to believe they had solid conversions and low refunds. It all sounded very good so I found the merchants email address on their site and shot them a quick email explaining I wanted to promote their product but would like a chance to look it over first. Within 24 hours the merchant replied with a big thank you for becoming an affiliate and a free copy of the guide. I spent 30 minutes or so going through it all and finally decided that it was indeed a solid product.

Picking a Keyword And Setting Up My Domain So here I was with a niche picked out and a product to promote but I still didn’t have a website, domain, or any of that other important stuff. In the past I’d always relied on PPC or article marketing to try to get traffic but I felt pretty confident that I understood SEO (search engine optimization) enough to give it a go. One thing I had learned through all my years of internet marketing was that your domain name plays a crucial part in where you rank in the search engines (more specifically in the big “G” Google). I needed to decide what it was I wanted to rank for so to my handy dandy keyword tool I went. 15 | P a g e

Now, if you start talking keyword research to a lot of beginner marketers you might see them break out in a cold sweat because they’ve been told again and again this is HARD. Well, screw that. It isn’t hard. In fact, it CAN be the easiest part of the whole process. It took me less than 30 minutes to come up with a list of keywords but none of them fit the “magic” numbers I’d been taught in the past on acceptable levels of competing sites. I had been told again and again to shoot for keywords with less than 5,000-10,000 competing sites but here these keywords had MILLIONS of competing sites. It was then that I made one of the most important decisions of my financial life. I said SCREW IT. I am going to just do this my way and see what happens. I picked a keyword that got around 1,500 EXACT searches per month and had 2.5 million competing sites. Then I went to Godaddy and registered that exact keyword as my domain. So for example, if my keyword had been “wow gold guide” I would have registered If the .com wasn’t available I would have used .org or .net. These are the only three extensions I have personally tested. If none of the three were available I could have just added a word to the end of the domain such as

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So all in all up to this point I probably had around an hour or so tied up in the project but I still had no proof my method was going to work any better than my past efforts. You know what this resulted in? FEAR! And you know what FEAR does to 95% of people in life? It stops them from accomplishing their goals. Because we are not sure we will be successful we tend to retreat back to our comfort zone.

In my case it would have been much easier for me to say to myself…this might not work so I better keep looking for the “sure fire” way to make money online. You ever felt like that? Have you let fear stop you in your tracks? I know I have, but this time failure wasn’t an option so I did the only 17 | P a g e

thing I could. I put the FEAR out of my mind and focused on the matter at hand. I am a big Tony Robbins guy and one thing I remember hearing him say once was something along the lines of “with consistent focus and consistent action anything is possible.� Every time a little doubt crept in I just pushed it out and focused that much more.

Finding the Right Host And Setting Up My Website So, it was at this point that I had a product to promote, a keyword I wanted to get ranked for in the search engines, and a domain name. Now, I needed something that everyone needs; hosting. I knew that one company stood above all the rest when it came to hosting and so without hesitation I ran and signed up for Hostgator. Now, it was around this time that I had learned about Wordpress and how it was a free but easy way to build websites. I also had heard that it was one of the greatest website editors when it came to getting a site ranked highly in Google. For these reasons I spent some time looking for free information on how to build sites with Wordpress because as I mentioned earlier I had only built one site before and it was using a free website builder from a popular membership site.

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As it turned out, building a site with Wordpress was 10x easier than that silly old free builder. (Don’t worry, I’ll show you exact how to do this in the Step by Step section) Adding Content Once I had selected my niche, picked a product to promote, bought a domain, set up hosting, and set up Wordpress I still wasn’t anywhere near making money online. All I had was a great keyword and blank Wordpress blog. I needed to add content. From the get go I had decided that I was going to make an attempt at earning commissions using Search Engine Optimization for this project but the thing was… I didn’t know much about SEO at the time. I did know however that Google liked to see sites that were updated on a regular basis and one of my favorite marketers had written a blog post about a sure fire way to get sites ranked so I figured I’d follow his advice. Basically, his theory was if you build a Wordpress blog and update it daily for the first few days you can fool Google into thinking it gets regular updates. I hate to use the word FOOL there but really that’s what I was going to be doing. Armed with his knowledge I wrote three posts on my blog and scheduled them to be dripped out one a day for next three days. The content wasn’t anything terribly special.

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The first two posts were basically just helpful tips on how to make more gold in Wow while the third and final post was a review of the product I chose to promote. In the first post I didn’t put an affiliate link because I didn’t want Google to see one the very first time my site was indexed. (Indexed just means Google has discovered your site) The second and third posts had a few affiliate links scattered about but I did something special with my links. Normally when you scroll over an affiliate link you’ll see some ugly hop link in the lower left hand corner that looks something like but if you’re on a site that actually makes money chances are the webmaster has taken the time to cloak his/her links. This usually means when you scroll over an affiliate link you’ll see a hop link like Now, I’ll say that is much nicer than no cloak but it’s still got NOTHING on what I’m about to show you.

MY INVISIBLE CLOAK STRATEGY I literally went to GoDaddy and bought a whole new domain that was specific to my niche. For example, the domain I bought was After I bought this I had it forwarded to my affiliate link so when someone clicks it they are taken to the 20 | P a g e

merchant’s page my affiliate id BUT I also masked the domain so even when someone looks in their browser’s address bar they see MY domain. Let me show ya what I mean. Here is my affiliate link for the Secret Gold Guide for World of Warcraft: And here is my masked/forwarded domain: If you click on you’ll see that the address bar actually says when you get to the merchant’s page. However, if you click the affiliate link the address bar on the merchant page reads See how ugly that hop link looks both BEFORE and AFTER the person clicks on it? I’m not saying no one else has done this before but the one marketer I personally saw recommending it was using .info’s because they are much cheaper. You can get away with that in some niches but be careful because many people are skeptical of domains ending in .info. I prefer to use a .com which is the most trusted domain. 21 | P a g e

SOOOO, what’s the big FREAKIN DEAL anyway? Well, when someone scrolls over your links they can see what domain they are going to be sent to by looking in the lower left hand side of their screen. If it’s some funky looking domain they might get spooked and not click. I mean really, a domain is only like 10 bucks a year so don’t cost yourself a ton of sales being a cheap skate. Which link would you rather click on? or See what I mean? That top link is my REAL affiliate link for the product I am promoting but both links take em to the exact same place. So, how did I use this cloaked domain to my advantage? Rather than litter my site with only the standard “Click here to…” call to action type links I like to include a few non-threatening links that simply say something like “Visit for more info.” People feel safe clicking a link like that because it doesn’t appear I have anything to gain by sending them there. It helps you appear more objective instead of just someone getting a commission. 22 | P a g e

Here is an example of what I mean:

You don’t need to make every link look like this but I try and include em in at least two different places on the site normally. A perfect place for one of these is right under your review ESPECIALLY if you get fancy and do a video review. Now, with all that being said don’t forget that new FTC regulations require specific disclosures on your website if you are an affiliate. I am not a lawyer so I don’t want to get into all that but I recommend you check the FTC’s website at if you’re unsure of what you need to do. 23 | P a g e

Getting Ranked Ok, so three days have passed by and I have a complete website with all the required pages. Now it’s time to get ranked! In order to get ranked I needed to build some backlinks to my site. In the past the only way I had tried to get backlinks was through writing articles and posting links on endless forums but realistically it just wasn’t something I enjoyed or could picture myself doing so I chose a few different options this time. First thing I wanted to do was make sure my site was actually indexed in Google so I did a search for my exact domain with “” marks around it. When it popped up I knew I was good to continue. I headed over to Odesk which is where I do all my outsourcing and placed an order for 100 Angela’s Links. If you’ve never heard of Angela’s links don’t sweat it. These are just a type of high page rank profile links named after a woman who sells packets of them. There are also Paul’s links and a few others. You really don’t need to know all that much about em if you plan on outsourcing anyway. If you place a job at Odesk you’ll have plenty of people knowing exactly what you need. In my case I hired someone to do 100 of them for $25.

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While I was at Odesk I also hired someone to do social bookmarking for me. It cost me $5. And btw, you don’t have to be all nervous about hiring someone here. Let me show you the exact screenshot of this job I posted.

You’ll notice my job description was literally one sentence. You don’t gotta try to be all fancy here. Just tell em what you need and let them get it done for you. It took a few days for me to get my report back for the Angela’s links so in the meantime I didn’t touch the site. I just let it sit and watched as it magically worked its way into the top 2 pages of Google.

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For me, this was literally jaw dropping. Here I was 28 years old at the time giggling like a little school girl. I couldn’t fathom how I got to page 2 so quickly but now I know YOUR DOMAIN NAME IS EVERYTHING. Having your keyword in your domain is critical to the success of this strategy so don’t underestimate this. Ok, so after a few days I had gotten my backlink report back from my man Praveen over at Odesk. He sent me an excel document with the exact URL’s of where my 100 links were at. Make sure you tell your worker you want them to do this because you’re going to need to ping these links. Are we playing Pong or something?

First time I heard someone say ping your links I was like what the hell are you talking about? Ping my links..what? All it means when you ping your link is you go to a free site like and put in your site information. That site then sends out a “ping” to Google telling them to check that page for updated content. This helps your links get indexed faster which means you’ll get better rankings faster. 26 | P a g e

If you don’t ping your links and just wait for Google to find them on its own you could be waiting quite some time. After all, Google has billions of web pages to index. I pinged anywhere from 5-10 links per day. I tried to mix em up with a few social bookmarks and a handful of Angela’s link every day for the next week or so.

Now What? The end result of all this was about 2 weeks after I bought my domain name my site was in the top 10 spots on Google’s first page and had made my first sale! I did a little happy dance.

That was literally it for me. I had my proof that making money online was REAL. So I ran out and did what any normal person would do… I bought over 100 other domains to repeat the process on. (maybe not normal huh? Lol) In hindsight that was probably not the best option as I never got around to all 100 before they expired so I recommend only buying a few domains at a time when you’re just starting.

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That isn’t the end of the story though. Remember, I was only in the top 10 and really I knew that the money was at the top. So, I invested in the best linking software out there. Some of you might have heard of it; it’s called Linkvana. This thing is a BEAST. Created by none other than SEO genius Dave Kelly it absolutely crushes the competition. Basically, you pay for access to their huge blog network full of high page rank blogs. Then, you can write 100 word posts about your topic and with your keyword as anchor text. They post these to their blog network giving you powerful contextual backlinks to your site. I don’t wanna get all techy on ya but contextual backlinks are the BEST type of link you can get. Btw, there is no limit on the amount of sites you can add to the system. **Once you’re earning money you can outsource these posts to Linkvana’s team for $2 per post or at Odesk for much less. I spent a few hours writing some Linkvana posts before I got lazy and hired someone to finish em up for me. I chose to hire someone at Odesk where I was able to get posts for just $0.25 each. Then I set them to drip out at the rate of 1 a day. Within a few months my site was number one on Google out of 2.5 million competing sites and it has stayed there ever since even though I’ve done no additional backlinking.

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This one site has earned over $1,509 on complete autopilot. That’s an average monthly earnings of over $100 per month. All in all I had less than ten hours in this project. I’m not able to tell you exactly how long the site will continue to earn but I will tell you that last week I listed it for sale at a couple of forums. Although I ended up having a change of heart and not selling it I did get two offers of $979 and $1,000 for the site. I declined them both. Why did I decline em? If I had to guess I’d say the site will earn at least another $3,000-$4,000 before its end. Even taking the lower of those two numbers that means when it’s all said and done I will have earned over $4,500 for ten hours of my time. I dunno know about you but $450+ an hour sounds pretty dang good to me. Consider this… If you build just one of these sites per week for one year you’ll have 52 sites. If each of those sites averages just $100 per month (roughly one sale per week) you’ll be pulling down over $5k per month. Now, what if you did 2..or 3 per week? What if you really go for it and start outsourcing the process once you’ve got it down?

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I hope you see just how powerful this really is because now it’s time I take you by the hand and show you exactly how YOU can replicate the process. Starting Your Campaign There is really no perfect way to start your project. Some people will start with keyword research while others will start with niche research. I will tell you I’ve done it both ways but I have much more success when I start with keyword research. Please don’t misinterpret that. You obviously need a niche before you go looking for keywords but you don’t have to have it widdled down to the exact sub niche.

What Makes a Good Niche Regardless of the way you choose to start there is one thing that you simply can’t do without; buyers. The old line “if you build it they will come” doesn’t exactly apply to online marketing. After all, if it was that easy there would be no use for affiliate marketers. A merchant would simply build a site and wait for the money to pour in. Fortunately for us, merchants NEED affiliates to promote their products. This means that they are willing to pay us huge commissions, sometimes as much as 75% of their sale price. So, this brings me to my next point.

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Who Are Your Buyers? Finding products to sell is a small fraction of the Affiliate Marketing Plan. Your main focus will be finding buyers to match to those products. Trust me, if there are buyers, there will be products to sell. Remember earlier I said people, in general, are motivated by only two things in life. No matter what you may think or say this is true for every person on earth. People make decisions to either a) escape pain or b) accomplish gain and they make that decision based on whatever is the most real for them at that very moment. For example, an obese person who can’t stop eating continues to eat because the pleasure they GAIN from eating is much more real to them at that very moment than the PAIN of gaining weight.

Desperate Buyers Vs Rapid Buyers In general, there are two really great types of buyers. The first group is called “desperate buyers” -- they have a problem and they need a solution – now. These are your people who are in pain. Now, when I say pain I don’t necessarily mean physical pain although that is a good market. It could be something like emotional pain stemming from a fail relationship or perhaps they are facing a financial crisis (like an impending foreclosure). They are looking for a solution as quickly as possible – and these folks have a credit card hot in their hands searching earnestly for a solution. 31 | P a g e

The second group is passionate (or rabid) buyers. You know these people. Maybe you are one yourself. They are the people who buy everything on a particular topic. Maybe its golf, or baseball, or Harry Potter, who knows…it could be practically anything. These can also be people who buy anything put out by a particular manufacturer (Coca Cola collectors come to mind). These are your people looking for a “gain.” Groups of folks with a common interest we call “niches.” Now, not all niches have buyers. We call niches with buyers “niche markets.” But we don't want just a niche market – we want a niche market full of redhot buyers. In fact, as one of my favorite marketers put it; we want a STARVING CROWD. These are the people who are literally starving for information and are ready to do practically anything to get it. So where do we find these starving crowds? Well, there are a number of places to look but the best research tool of all is that thing between your ears; your brain. What are those things that your friends and relatives simply can't live without? What's Oprah talking about? What experiences have you had that caused you pain? Spend some time considering these things and pick a niche where you know there will be people in pain you can help.

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If you’re struggling just remember that anything to do with health, wealth, or relationships has a strong possibility of being a winner.

Where Do You Find Products To Promote? Once you’ve picked your niche you’re going to need to find a product to promote. The best place to do this for new marketers is Clickbank. So, what is Clickbank? Clickbank is the #1 digital marketplace on the internet and the best part, it’s free to sign up as an affiliate! Most marketers will get their start here because, unlike some marketplaces, when you apply to be an affiliate you are instantly approved. Clickbank is very, very popular with Internet Marketers. One of the appeals of Clickbank products is that they have digital products – meaning they are great for impulse buys. Buyers can get immediate satisfaction from their purchase because they can immediately download and start using their product. Since this course is specifically about how I’m able to earn over $1,509 with just 10 hours work I’m going to keep it limited to Clickbank which is the affiliate program I used but just know the same principles can be applied to other affiliate networks as well.

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First things first, you’ll need to sign up for a free affiliate account at Clickbank. You can do that using the link below. = Click Here to Sign Up For Your Free Clickbank Account = Once you are an affiliate with Clickbank you can promote any of the offers in their marketplace. To do this you’ll want to go to their marketplace and take a look around. You can access their marketplace via the link at the top of their page. Products in the Marketplace can be sorted by several factors including average commission per sale or gravity. There are many theories online about how gravity is figured but don’t let it confuse you. Just understand that it is a way of comparing products to one another to see which is selling better. In other words, products with high gravity could be considered “hot” products. Realistically though gravity has almost no bearing on the success of an offer. Many internet marketing products will have huge gravities but that is simply because the niche is saturated with buyers. Unfortunately, it can also be one of the most difficult markets to break into.

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HOW TO CHOOSE A KICKASS OFFER There are several different approaches to picking your first product to promote. I personally like to gather a list of possible products and then review each of their sales pages, affiliate pages, gravity, and commissions. A good rule of thumb for your first product is something with a gravity of at least 10 and an average commission of at least $15 per sale. Now, I know earlier I said gravity wasn’t super important and it isn’t but if a product has a gravity of less than 10 that is probably a sign there isn’t a large demand for that particular niche. What you’re really looking for is just a professional looking site and one with a good headline. Try to look at it from your customers’ point of view. If you were trying to solve their specific problem, would you buy what they were selling?

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Once you’ve decided on a product to promote you’ll simply click the “promote” button next to the product. This will bring up the following screen:

You will enter your account name (given to you when you signed up for Clickbank) in the “Account Nickname” section. In the second box you are asked for your Tracking Id. Tracking ID’s are used for analyzing where your clicks are coming from. At this time I’m not going to get into great detail on tracking id’s because they are not required to start earning money. Once you have the basics down it’s a good id to start adding tracking codes to your links so you can better assess which links are most effective on your site(s).

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Once you’ve entered the required information click “create” and you will be given a link to enter into your website. The screen will look like this:

**Save this link as you will need it later. (Save the top link NOT the bottom)

Keyword Selection So, regardless of what you’ve been told in the past Keyword selection doesn’t need to be hard. You just need to be thinking through your target customers’ eyes. I went over and over in my head how I could explain this so I could maximize your chances of success but in the end I think the best thing I can do for you is to reveal my secret weapon when it comes to keyword research. It’s called Market Samurai. 37 | P a g e

Why Do You Need It? Let me just be blunt here. Time is money. I’ve been around internet marketing for quite some time now and it never ceases to amaze me how many people are only willing to use free methods to try to make money. You’ve got to get away from this mindset. This is a BUSINESS. Do you think the guy starting a new franchise would last if he cringed every time he had to drop a few bucks on a much needed piece of equipment? Probably not and neither will you; or at least you’re going to drastically slow yourself down. DO NOT UNDERVALUATE YOUR TIME You don’t wanna be looking like this guy by the time you get around to enjoying life…

You CAN do keyword research using free methods and I’ll even tell you how but I’m begging you not to do it. You’re going to waste hours of 38 | P a g e

your precious time. I wanna say I dropped around $150 on Market Samurai but it has saved me at least that many hours in research time. So basically me not buying it would be like saying my time isn’t worth $1 per hour. See what I mean? It just doesn’t make sense. **Right now Market Samurai offers a free 30 day trial. If you buy the full version during the first 7 days of the trial you can get it for around $97. The price is ONLY available during the free trial. BUT….. Having a keyword tool isn’t a magic bullet solution. You still need to use your brain when picking keywords. What you’re really looking for are BUYER keywords. Forget all you’ve been taught about picking keywords with high traffic volumes because it just isn’t needed. Let me give you a real life example. I have one site that makes around $100-$125 per month and gets 500 or so unique visitors per month. Now, I have another site that gets 3,000+ unique visitors per month and averages around $20 a month. Know what the difference is? You might have said the niche but guess what…they are in the SAME niche. It’s the keywords that matter.

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The Buying Cycle (Screw This Up and You’re Toast) Every person looking for a product online has a buying cycle. It normally starts out with a broad search. Using World of Warcraft as an example someone might type in “make more gold in Wow.” Now, if I made a site based on that keyword I’d probably do very poorly because that person is just looking for free information. But now, let’s say that person clicked on one of the search results for that keyword and it took him to a site that promoted wow gold guides. Hmm, now all of a sudden he is interested in wow gold guides so he goes back to Google. This time he types in “wow gold guides.” Do you think he’s ready to buy yet? The answer is not really. You could build a site around that keyword and with good copywriting skills you’d probably manage to convert a few visitors but imagine this… After visiting one of the sites that came up in Google when he searched for Wow gold guides this person now has read about a few of the guides. He likes one of them called Wow Gold Blueprint. So guess what he does…does he buy it? No, he goes back to Google and searches for Wow Gold Blueprint or maybe Wow Gold Blueprint review. These are BUYER keywords and if you build your site around them you’ll convert like crazy. In reality, this person has already made up his mind to buy but he needs someone to tell him it’s ok. What he is really looking for is 40 | P a g e

someone to confirm he is making the right decision so you swoop in with a review site on the product and bingo you get the commission. So, just in case you missed it; the best keywords are product names. If you can get the exact match domain for a product name you are so far ahead your competition it’s insane. If you can’t get the exact match domain but still want to target the product name add something to the end like review, results, scam, bonus, etc. You get the idea. Don’t misunderstand here and think you can only go after product names because that isn’t what I’m saying. I just want you to know that the earlier in the buying cycle you go the more searches you need in order to make the same amount of sales. If you really struggle with keyword research or just don’t feel up to it you can always pay someone else to do it for you. One of the best in the business is named Travis Sago. Right now he and fellow super affiliate Matt Davis have a program called Instacash Keywords where they actually give you a list of profitable keywords you can build mini sites around each and every month. Last I checked you could do a 1 week trial for around five bucks. Even if you’re not interested in his product I’d recommend you at least go watch the video that talks about picking the right keywords for your niche.

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Analyzing The Competition Picking the right keyword is about more than just your target audience. For example, if I went after the keyword “how to lose weight” chances are I’d never rank for it because the competition is just too fierce. (That isn’t a buying keyword anyway btw)

I’m Getting Ready to Break The Rules!!! Every time I’ve read about keyword research I see someone telling me I should care about how many sites are competing for a keyword. Some gurus tell you 10,000 is ok. Others say 30,000 and I’ve even seen some say 100,000. You know what though, FORGET THAT GARBAGE. You are only going to make good money if you are on page one so no matter if there are 5,000 sites or 1 billion sites competing you should only care about the 10 sites on page one because THEY are who you’re competing with. So what should you look for when analyzing your competition? What you really want to look at is the types of sites on page one. Are they authority sites? Are there any forums on page one? What about other mini sites? Whoah whoah, what the heck is an authority site.. or a mini site?

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An authority site is a site with tons of pages, often over 100, targeting many different keywords. An example of an authority site would be Wikipedia. Seeing one of these monsters on page one doesn’t mean you can’t beat it but you want to make sure there are only one or two. Finding a mini site on page one is good news for you. A mini site is a site that is built around one specific keyword. This course is teaching you how to build mini sites. Now, the next thing you need to analyze is the Page Rank of the sites on page one. The higher the page rank the harder it’s going to be to outrank that site in most cases. Page Rank is just a measure of how much Google trusts that web site. Generally I am looking to make sure that the majority of sites are Pr2 or less. A site with higher PR isn’t an instant no go however. If the other factors look good I’ll go up against sites as high as PR5. And the last two things I analyze is how many backlinks the sites on page one have to them and what the anchor text of those backlinks is. The more backlinks a site has the tougher it is to out rank but I only worry if the majority of its backlinks are using the keyword I am targeting as anchor text. Let me explain. Let’s say that we are analyzing two web sites, site A and site B. Site A has 10,000 total backlinks but only 5 of them are targeting Wow Gold Guide. Site B has 1,000 backlinks but 50 of them 43 | P a g e

are targeting Wow Gold Guide. Even though site A has more backlinks there is a good possibility site B will out rank it simply because it has more backlinks targeting that specific keyword. **Technically websites are not ranked in Google; its web pages are.

How to Use Free Tools Ok, so as I said this is in my opinion the WORST way to do keyword research but it’s not fair for me not to show you so here goes. Before you get started you’ll need to go download SEO Quake. This is a free tool for download at This will allow you to check the Page Rank of your competition as well as give you a general idea of how many backlinks those sites have. For help setting up SEO Quake please refer to . Now that you’ve downloaded SEO Quake you want to go to the Google Keyword Tool. Near the top of the page just to the left of center page you’ll see a box that sais “Word or Phrase (one per line).” Go ahead and type your niche in the box. This will be your “root” keyword. So for example if you wanted to target Wow gold guides go ahead and type in Wow gold guides and click search.

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This will return a list of possible keywords in that niche but don’t even bother looking at them yet. First go the left hand side of the screen and check the [Exact] Match Type. This will return new results with the exact match search results. Now go down the list until you see a buyer keyword. Make sure that it gets a minimum of 1,500 exact searches per month. You may have to try a few different root keywords before you get a usable keyword. Unfortunately, no tool can do this for you. You gotta use your noggin to come up with the root keywords. If you’re not targeting a buying keyword make sure you bump the search volume up to at least 3,000 exact searches per month. Once you have a keyword you think you want to target you’re going to want to analyze your competition on page one. Go back to and type in your keyword. (Make sure SEO Quake is turned on)

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You’ll get the normal Google results but you’ll see a small bar beneath them. This is SEO Quake. Let me show ya…

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You can actually click on the links which will bring up a new page where you can view all the links. However, to go through every link trying to figure out what anchor text they used would take you dozens of hours per keyword so without a paid tool you’re just going to have to go by the number of links and hope for the best. This is probably not a keyword I’d go after just because the #1 slot is taken by an exact match domain which has PR2, plenty of links, and over 100 pages indexed but I just wanted to show you a real live example of how SEO Quake works. You’ll want to repeat this process until you find a keyword with acceptable levels of competition.

How to Use Pro Tools Ok, so let’s say you’ve decided to try Market Samurai free for 30 days and now you wanna know how to use this software. No problem, I’ve been using it for over a year and never regretted purchasing it. Open your copy of Market Samurai. Click New Project. You’ll be asked to enter a keyword and a title. The keyword is your root keyword (in the example’s case Wow Gold Guides). The title can be anything you want. This is just to help you remember what your project is about. 47 | P a g e

I normally just leave it the same as my keyword. Now click Create. This will bring you to a new screen with several options. You will want to click the “Keyword Research” button. Set your phrase length to at least three words and not more than five. Next click “generate keywords.” This will return a list of keywords but we’re not done yet. Go ahead and click the button in the bottom right “keyword analysis.” Near the top of the page you’ll see several options with check boxes out to the side. Most of these we don’t need to worry about. In fact, the only boxes we want checked are Total Searches and SEOC. Next to the total searches box you’ll see a + sign. Clicking this will allow you to set a filter. Since we know we only want keywords with 1,500 exact searches per month go ahead and punch in 1500. You’ll also want to change the match type to Exact and period to Monthly. Now click “Analyze Keywords.” In this case Market Samurai returned two results; “cheap wow gold” and “wow gold guides”. It may have returned more for your keyword. Of the two results I don’t see any that hit me as a buying keyword so I’d normally do a new search using a different root keyword. (gotta come up with these using your BRAIN)

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For the sake of our example though let’s say I wanted to build a site that specifically targeted “cheap wow gold.” Out to the side of the keyword you’ll see an icon that looks like a small key. Clicking that icon will open your keyword in a new tab. Once you’ve done that you’ll be back at the screen that looks like this:

Go ahead and click “Seo Competition.” Now click “Generate Results.” What this is essentially doing is analyzing the entire front page of your competition. It will take it a few minutes to return results. Be patient while it works its magic. =P 49 | P a g e

Once Market Samurai has analyzed the results you’ll see several columns. For a detailed explanation of each column simply mouse over it. Market Samurai actually color codes the results. Green means easy, yellow medium, and red hard. So if you see a ton of green you’re money but if you see lots of red might wanna try another keyword. Some categories obviously hold more weight than others. Remember, I said I analyze the PR of a site and the # of backlinks. Market Samurai tells ya both of these AND you can actually find out what anchor text backlinks use. To do this simply click the little upside down triangle beside the site you’re analyzing. This will bring up two more options; “PR Analysis” and “Anchor Text Analysis.” Go ahead and click the second. It normally takes a few minutes but once Market Samurai returns the results you’ll see an actual list of the different anchor text linking back to a site. Simply scroll through the list and you can check to see how many links the site has using your keyword as its anchor text. You can do this for each of the sites on page one to get a complete view of what your competition would be. Now, here is a sneaky little tip for getting some high PR backlinks. Once you’ve analyzed a site’s anchor text look near the top of the screen and you’ll see a PR analysis option. Go ahead and click that button.

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This will return a list of the site’s backlinks. To the right hand side it will literally list them out with their exact PR. Make a note of the sites where your competitors are getting their high PR backlinks and later you can try to add your own backlinks to the same sites.

Keyword Research – Conclusion So that pretty much sums up how I do my keyword research. Really, the tools are nice to use but again the best tool you have is your brain. Try to really get inside your buyers’ minds so you know what it is they are looking for. If you are clueless then try going to Google and typing in your niche + forum. (such as World of Warcraft Forums) Spend some time reading through posts to see what it is people are looking for and you’ll have some great ideas to start with for your keyword research. Buying Your Main Domain If you’ve never bought a domain don’t sweat it. There isn’t anything to it. Head over to Godaddy. **The above link qualifies your $7.49 .coms.

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Once at Godaddy click the Create Account link at the top of the page.

You’ll be asked to enter some information about yourself. Once you’ve done this scroll down and click the “Create a New Account” button.

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You’ll be brought to your home page. Near the upper right you’ll see a search box that says “start domain search.” Go ahead and type your keyword in that box and click the search icon (looks like a magnifying glass).

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This will bring back possible domains with your keyword. If your domain is available go ahead and register it. If the .com, .net, and .org is already taken don’t panic. Go ahead and add a suffix to your domain such as review, results, scam, etc.

You can also add what is known as a “stop” word to the end. The only stop word I use is the letter “x.” So for example, if I wanted but it was taken I could do Google pays no attention to the x so you don’t need to worry about it hampering your ranking efforts.

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Buying Your Domain for Forwarding You’ll remember earlier I said that I cloaked by links by buying a whole other domain to forward to my affiliate link. So how does this work? Go ahead and think up a domain related to your product. I usually try to come up with something that could pass as a merchant’s link. For example, if I was promoting a guide called “Wow Gold Blueprint” I’d buy a domain like This way I could actually tell people on my site to go visit instead of littering my entire page with “CLICK HERE to…..” type of links.

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Once you’ve purchased the domain you’ll want to go to your “domain manager.” The link can be found on the left hand side of the Godaddy site. If you’re having trouble check out the screenshot below:

This will bring you to a screen with all of your domains listed. If you’re just starting you’ll of course only have the two you just purchased. You need to place a check in the box next to the domain you want to set up for forwarding and then click the “forward” option. The forward button is circled in the pic below.

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When you click the Forward option it will ask whether you want to forward the domain or subdomain. I always forward the domain. Now, you’ll come to a screen like this:

Did you save the clickbank affiliate id like I told you to earlier? If so all you have to do is enter in the box. If not, you’ll need to go back to Clickbank and get another affiliate link just like I showed you earlier. Once you’ve entered your affiliate link go ahead and hit preview to make sure it is working properly. After all you don’t want to be sending traffic to the merchant’s page for free!

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You can check to make sure it is working properly by going to the order page of the offer you are promoting. You should see your affiliate id at the bottom of the screen. Before you hit ok you need to click the Advanced Options link. Doing so will bring up an option to MASK the domain. You need to do this in order to make your domain show up in the address bar when people visit a merchant’s site through your link.

You don’t need to worry with the Title, Description, or Keywords section because we are not going to be attempting to rank our forwarded domain in the search engines. 59 | P a g e

Once you’ve checked the “Forward with Masking” option click ok and you’re all finished.

How to Set Up Hosting So you have a domain but no way for people to get to it. First, you’ll need to host it somewhere. This all sounds way more complicated than it really is. Don’t let it intimidate you because few things are simpler. Head over to Hostgator and sign up for the Baby Plan. Stay away from the Hatchling plan as it limits you to one domain. The baby plan supports unlimited domains and is still only a few bucks on monthly billing. You can get it a bit cheaper if you do yearly. Click Here to Get Your First Month FREE With Hostgator When you click “Order Now” you’ll be brought to a new page. You’ll see a little box that says “coupon code.” By default it will say SPRING. It says that is the most valuable coupon but it isn’t. SPRING will give you 20% off your first month. Instead, go ahead and type “warriorsonly” to receive the first month free. (This only applies to the baby plan. If you go with business you’ll receive $9.94 off the first month)

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You’ll be asked whether you want to register a new domain or whether you want to use an existing domain. You will want to use the domain you bought from Godaddy that includes your main keyword. Here’s a screenshot below:

Once you’ve entered the correct information click “Continue to step 2” to enter your personal/billing information. Once you’ve entered your info you’ll scroll down and click the button that says “Create Account.”

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Setting Up Your DNS (Domain Name Servers) When you signed up for your hosting account you should have been given your DNS settings. Normally they also send a copy to the email address you used when you registered your new account. Your domain name servers will look something like You should see two of them. Once you’ve located your DNS you’ll need to head back over to Godaddy’s domain manager.

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Once your there go ahead scroll over the Nameservers button. A small drop down menu will appear with “Set Nameservers” and “Manage DS Records” as options. Click on “Set Nameservers.” You can see an example below:

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You’ll be brought to the following screen:

Enter your DNS info you got from Hostgator in the Nameserver 1 and Nameserver 2 slots. Then click ok. Within a few hours your domains will be pointed at your hosting which means you’re almost ready to set up your site! (This can take up to 24 hours)

Building Your Site One of the things that held me back when I first got into online marketing was the inability to build a decent looking website. I literally went out and bought books about HTML and then spent time trying to learn how to build sites that way.

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In the meantime I had been using a free website editor from Wealthy Affiliate but honestly it was not very good at all. I couldn’t do half the things I imagined for my site. So what’s a person to do? Perhaps the greatest gift I’ve ever come across online is Wordpress. This is a free to use website editor that makes building websites so easy my five year old daughter could do it.

How to Install Wordpress Wordpress has always been extremely easy to install but the great thing about Hostgator is they actually have a system that makes it a point and click process. So log into your Hostgator Cpanel. You should have been given your log in details when you signed up. You’ll be brought to your Cpanel home page. If you scroll down just a little you’ll see an option to quick install Wordpress. It looks like this:

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Click the “Quickinstall Wordpress for your Site” link. On the next screen click continue.

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This will cause the following box to appear:

Select your domain using the drop down arrow. Then enter your email address you want your details to be mailed to, your blog title (your keyword), and your first/last name. Now click “install now.” It will take it a few minutes to set everything up before it comes back to let you know you’re good to go. Your log in details will be emailed to the address you used as an admin email.

Setting Up Wordpress In order to make changes to your site you’ll need to log in to the admin section of your site. To do this simply type your site’s URL with /wpadmin on the end. For example, if your site was you’d type

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You’ll be asked for your username and password. These are the details that were emailed to your admin email address. Once you log in you’ll be brought to your wordpress dashboard. This is where you’ll make all changes to your site. In order to help you as best I can I’ve decided to walk you through this process with one of my actual domains. Here is a screenshot of my wordpress dashboard.

On the left hand side you’ll notice several options. This is where we are going to be making changes to our site.

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Installing Plugins If you talk to five different marketers who use Wordpress you’ll likely get five different answers on which plugins you should use. I think the reason for this is because they don’t matter all that much. However, with that being said there are three plugins I use on all of my sites. These are: • All in One SEO Pack by Michael Torbert • Google XML Sitemaps by Arne Brachhold • Akismet by Matt Mullenweg Akisment comes preinstalled with Wordpress. You’ll need to sign up for a free key before you’ll be able to use it. In order to install the other plugins simply click the “Plugins” option on the left hand side of your dashboard. Near the top of the screen you’ll see an “Add New” option. Click it now. This should bring you to a new page with a search bar. In the search bar type the name of the plugin you’re searching for and click “search plugins.” This will return a list of results. Simply pick the desired plugin from the list. 69 | P a g e

Google XML sitemaps doesn’t require any special set up on your part however All in One SEO does. How to Set Up All In One SEO After installing All in One SEO you’ll need to click the “activate plugin” option. Now, go back to the plugins screen and you’ll see an “Options configuration panel” link. Click this link.

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You only need to change four things on this next screen. 1. Enable the plugin 2. Enter a Title for your site (this should include your keyword) 3. Enter a description about your site (include your keyword) 4. Include a few keywords in the Home Keywords box Once you’ve done those four things scroll to the bottom and click “Update Options.” That’s all I do to All in One Seo.

Adding Pages to Your Site Adding pages to your site is a snap. Go ahead and look to the left hand side of your Wordpress dashboard again. You’ll see a “pages” option. Go ahead and click it. You’ll be taken to a new page where you can add, delete, or edit your existing pages. Now, the first time you come here you’ll see a sample page already exists. Go ahead and delete this page by scrolling over it and selecting the “trash” link that pops up. You only need to add a few pages to your site. Remember, this is not an authority site we are building. It’s a micro site targeting just one main keyword. The pages you need to add are • About Me – Short paragraph about who you are • Contact – sentence or two about how you can be contacted • Privacy Policy – I use 71 | P a g e

In order to add a new page you’ll look to the top of your screen for the “Add new” button. Go ahead and click that button. You’ll be brought to a screen similar to this:

Go ahead and enter the desired information in the areas the picture indicates. When you’re finished, click the “publish” button to the right hand side. Do this for each of the required pages.

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Adding Content You’re getting very close to having your first site ready to start making you monthly commissions but you still need to add content to your site. Keep in mind before you start writing your content that you are chasing a single goal and that is to rank for the keyword you have chosen. This means that your posts should include that keyword roughly one time for every 100 words. Now, that’s not an exact number. You might see it 2x every 100 words in one post and 1x every 150 words in another. You just want to make sure that Google understands what your site is all about. Also, I make it a point to include my keyword at least once in the first 50 words of my posts and the last 50 words when possible. In addition, I recommend bolding the keyword at least once in your final post. There are different theories on whether this has any effect but I always try to error on the side of caution. What Should Your Posts Be About? There really isn’t any right or wrong answer here as long as your post are related to your keyword but generally I’ll make all of my posts include free advice/tips for my visitor and the last post a review of the product I’m promoting.

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If you followed my advice from earlier you should have emailed the product owner and gotten a review copy. So, instead of trying to write a sales ad actually concentrate on writing an honest review. Include the good points but also include one or two bad points. This helps you appear unbiased in your review. Just make sure the bad points are things that won’t stop someone from purchasing. If you don’t feel comfortable doing a review post you can tell a story of how the product helped you but I personally don’t do this because let’s just face it; unless you really used the product you’re being dishonest. I’m not a good liar so I’ll stick to the truth. ** If the product owner declined to give you a review copy (very unusual) you can always buy a copy, review it, and refund it. I see nothing wrong with this as long you’re purchasing it for the sole purpose of promoting it. Adding Posts The way to add content to your site in Wordpress is by adding “posts” to your blog. In order to achieve the best results however we need to add this content in a certain fashion. Google likes sites that receive regular updates so the worst thing we can do is add all of our content day one and then never touch the site again. Instead, you should write three to five posts (I normally only add 74 | P a g e

more than three if a few weeks go by and the site isn’t ranking as well as I had hoped) and schedule them to be dripped out one a day. Head over to the left hand side of your Wordpress dashboard and click on the “posts” link. If this is your first time accessing your dashboard you’ll have a default “Hello World” post already there. Go ahead and delete that post. Now, click “Add New” at the top just like you did when you added pages to your site. You’ll add posts almost identical to the way you add pages except for we are going to be telling wordpress when to publish our posts. Your first post you’ll want to publish immediately so go ahead to the right hand side and click the “Publish” link.

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For your additional posts you want to schedule them one a day so once you’ve written them instead of clicking publish you’ll need to scroll to the right hand side and click the “edit” link next to where it sais Publish Immediately. (See the pic below)

Set the date you wish the post to be published and click ok. Do this for each of your additional posts.

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Getting Ranked So, if you’ve been around internet marketing any time at all you know that just having a site doesn’t do you much good UNLESS you are able to get traffic to that site. My favorite way to get traffic is SEO and the reason it’s my favorite is because it’s FREE and if done right it keeps working for you long after the work is done! But what’s SEO anyway? SEO just stands for Search Engine Optimization. Basically in normal people terms it means we are going to try to optimize our site to rank highly in the search engines. The way we do this is with On Page Seo and Off Page Seo. Now, don’t panic because you’ve already done your on page seo without even realizing it. When you were setting up your titles, descriptions, and making sure to use your keyword in your posts you were doing on page seo. Believe it or not that’s half the battle already won. So then, if you’re done with the on page seo all you have left is off page seo, right? RIGHT! So what is off page seo? Off page seo is really all about one thing; getting backlinks to your site. O great, what the heck is a backlink?

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A backlink is simply when another site links back to your site using a specific anchor text. What’s anchor text? The easiest way to explain it is to give you an example. If Site A had a link linking back to site B and that link sais “click here to visit site B” then “click here to visit site B” is the anchor text. What you want to do is get links back to your site using your keyword and variations of your keyword as the anchor text. It’s important that you mix up your anchor text because having links with all of the exact same anchor text doesn’t appear natural to Google. Example Time: If I am attempting to rank for “wow gold guides” and I hire someone to build 100 links to my site then I’m going to have them do 75 using “wow gold guides” as the anchor text, 15 using “best wow gold guides,” and maybe 10 using “gold guides for wow.” What do all of these variations have in common? They ALL include my keyword. Variation is good but make sure you mix it up just enough to appear natural. You still want the majority of your links to use your main keyword as the anchor text.

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Am I confusing you yet? If not, you probably already know the basic idea of off page seo but if you’re brand spanking new I’m probably giving you a headache. Don’t worry, this course isn’t about teaching you the ins and outs of SEO. That would take an entire course all by itself. Instead this is just about making you money so I’m going to tell you what to do. Outsource It!!! Now, I know you might be saying ahh heck I can’t afford that but if you could afford to drop a few bucks on this ebook you can afford outsourcing. Your return on investment will be so great if you follow the steps properly you’ll be kicking yourself for not doing it earlier. Go to Odesk and sign up for a free account. Click Here to Sign up for Your FREE Odesk Account

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This literally involves 2 steps and there is never a monthly fee. First you’ll need to click “Create an Account” as seen below:

Now, fill in your personal info and click “Get Started” as seen below:

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Once you have your free account you’ll need to add a payment method on file before you can post any jobs. Don’t worry, its only there to make sure you’re for real. Now, if you scroll over the “My Jobs” tab at the top of the page you’ll notice a little drop down box appears. Go ahead and click “post a job.” Fill out the required sections and click “post a job.” Don’t get too hung up on the description. Here is the exact description I posted for my World of Warcraft site on Odesk. “I need 100 PR5 or better backlinks built to my site using either Angela's List or Paul's list. Once the job is completed I will need a list of the links including my link with anchor text to verify.”

If you want you can even copy that word for word. Trust me, people at Odesk know all about these types of links and you’ll be swamped with applicants. Generally I don’t pay more than $25 per 100 links. MAKE SURE you tell them you need a report of where your links are posted at. While you’re at Odesk go ahead and post a second job for a social bookmarker. I normally pay $5 for this type of job. Here is the exact description from my first social bookmarking job. “Need one site social bookmarked using”

That was literally all it took to get the job done properly. If you’re wondering what is it’s simply a free 81 | P a g e

bookmarking site. If you want to do this task yourself you can but it’s probably going to take you an hour at least. Don’t know about you but my time is worth more than $5 an hour.

Now What? Chances are it’s going to take a day or two before you get a report back with all of your backlinks so in the mean time just sit tight. You don’t need to do any kind of promotion while you wait. When you do finally get your report back, check it over to make sure you links were posted properly and if so make payment to your worker. For now, you’re done with Odesk. (for this site) Now, it’s time to PING your sites. Go to In the blog title box enter your keyword. In the URL box enter the URL of where one of your links is at NOT your site’s URL. (You’ll get these from the report given to you by your backlinker from Odesk) Now, check all of the boxes under the General section and the click the button at the bottom that says “Go Pingoat.”

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You need to ping 5-10 of your backlinks every day until you’ve pinged them all. This helps Google find them faster meaning you get faster results.

Analyzing Your Results After a few weeks have gone by you’ll want to check your rankings. You should be seeing some results by now. Typically at this point I’m hoping to be at least in the top five of Google. So what about you? What should you do now?

• If you’re happy with your results start over with a new site • If you’re not happy with your results you need to analyze your results. If you are anywhere close to page one or if you’re on page one but not to the top yet chances are you’ve picked a great keyword and its worth putting some more effort into.

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The only way you’re going to increase your rankings is by continuing to build backlinks. You can do this the hard way which means hours of your time looking for forums to post backlinks to, writing articles for backlinks, begging other webmasters for backlinks, etc (which I didn’t cover in this guide) or you can do it the way I do it.

I use a piece of software called Linkvana.  CLICK HERE to Try Linkvana for 14 Days or  CLICK HERE for 50 Free Linkvana Credits

This is only for SERIOUS marketers. If you’re just playing around or don’t plan on taking real action don’t waste your money but if you’re truly serious about getting to #1 this is the tool I use. Rather than tell you all about it I highly recommend you check out the 14 day trial for yourself. There are plenty of instructional videos there that will walk you through every aspect of how it works and also give you some great information on SEO.

What If You’re No Where to Be Found? If you’re way off the grid (like 500th) then it’s probably a good bet you picked a keyword with a little too much competition. Don’t freak out though. This was still a success. You’ve got solid practice and can try again with a new keyword. Not every site is going to rank. You just have to accept that. 84 | P a g e

Required Tools Domain Registration: Godaddy Hosting: Hostgator Outsourcing: Odesk

Recommended Tools Keyword Research: Market Samurai Backlinking Software: Linkvana Keyword Packages: InstaCash Keywords from Travis Sago & Matt Davis

One on One Coaching I know that no matter how detailed I make this course there are going to be those people who still feel left out in the cold. Some people just don’t learn well by reading. They need someone to take them by the hand and show them not tell them how to make this work. I know because that’s how I was. I had read dozens if not hundreds of courses before it all finally clicked for me so you got no reason to be ashamed or worried. With this in mind I do offer one on one coaching for those individuals who feel it would make a difference in their businesses and lives.

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The coaching consists of one hour telephone calls via Skype on a weekly basis for eight weeks as well as email support. I’ll work with you personally to help get your site up and running and crushing it. During our calls I’ll walk ya step by step through the process and answer any questions you have along the way. I will also reveal one of my actual sites so you can learn from a real life working example. Obviously since this will be one on one coaching there is a limited amount of spots available. My schedule is filling up so if you want to get in on it… act fast! Claim Your Spot Right Now by Clicking Here Once you’ve signed up make sure to shoot me an email at or hit me up on skype at jamessides.

Still Not Sure If Coaching Is Right For You? Check Out the Video On the Page Below!

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