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I am not a psychologist Disclaimer

I should not be listened to for any reason under any circumstances I'm not here to sell you anything

Step 1: Know what you REALLY want and who you REALLY are.

The Two Easy Steps

Step 2: Find Out W ho your Market REALLY Is Most people have two versions of themselves

I call this the shell identity (I'm a banker.)

#1 - The identity they walk around in every day Weird Science

Our true identity #2 - the identity they really W ANT (I'm a rockstar)

I call this the CORE identity and consider it to be the TRUE identity The CORE identity is held captive by circumstance and a lack of knowledge

stuff is not who we want to be

Most influence is done on the surface

What is CORE Influence?

I call this 'surface influence ' or 'head to head' influence the head-to-head level

You communicate on two levels

The CORE level

Lasting influence comes from CORE communication How CORE Influence W orks

To communicate on this level, your subconscious speaks to their subconscious

The subconscious is in real control Someone with perfect presentation who you still don't buy from illustrates a lack of congruence in CORE identity

Let me de-wierdify this for you

You can only guide it

You can't really control your subconscious

Infinite Power. Use W isely.

With proper guidance, your subconscious will create a new CORE identity for you and this identity is what will speak to your market on a CORE level When you identify core identity of your market... and communicate with it, you will have more power and influence than you ever thought possible

Example: Mother Teresa

Today you will learn how to do this Our deepest real desires give clues to our core identity Why are you here in this room in this moment? Make more money Network with your peers


Get out of the house Contribute to the community

To What End? The reasons we just talked about are what I call 'surface outcomes'. These are nice little sound bytes our brains give us, hoping we'll stop making it work so it can go back to making beer comm ercial movies in our heads. The truth is, W e all want to create and perpetuate experience. goals are meaningless

WARNING: Your Brain Will Lie to You

Ferrari, James Bond and the Big Lie

The big lie is that the Ferrari m ake you like James Bond Frank Kern has had all of the sports cards: didn't make him any cooler

This exercise will immediately give you focus, direction, and it will literally lead to replacing your shell identity with the REAL you When you communicate from this CORE place, you are Centered, Stable and Focused

Effortless Transformation

this total clarity magnetically attracts 'Matches' and causes you to be exponentially more persuasive Porsche Ferrari Private Jets

Before: It Sounded Hokey to Me Too

Frank was here

Time Freedom Big Dilemma: W hich Mansion? TOTAL MISERY Misery

Attracted 'W rong' customers Built 'Wrong' business Sabotaged money making opportunities because I didn't want to perpetuate the cycle of lameness (TM)

A Reflection of Total Misery

Made money to buy things (Goals), then worried about the things Lived in a state of constant anxiety 25 pounds overweight, insomnia, and paranoia, Yay! Late September of 2005: I Did this Exercise November, 2005: Serializer I Launch $360K in 9 minutes

9-Month Total Life Makeover

December 2005: Launch Ultra Underachievers - $100K/month recurring Feb/March 2006: Launch Serializer II Make $640K in 45 minutes. Cash millionaire for the first time

This is a joke

Frank Kern is a wonderful man and you buy his sh*t

March 2006: Move to La Jolla permanently

Tony Robbins says...

May 2006: Neil Strauss launch, buy dream home, begin surfing, begin creating dream business, become aware of increased EASE of influence

Keeping the Momentum

9 month personal income total - $1.5 million Got rid of non-fun businesses Fighting Back

got rid of non-fun customers I get paid a fortune to make fun videos for my friends and help them get rich by helping others

The End Result

CASH MULTI Millionaire Surf more Effortless influence, effortless income Goals and things are irrelevant Our brain tries to convince our subconscious that these trivial things matter This creates an internal struggle the completely inhibits your ability to really get anywhere

Before W e Begin...

The trick is to align your brain and your subconscious Fortunately, this ends the somewhat weird 'conceptual' part of today's presentation E+ I=L E = Experience. W e do not crave things. We crave the experience the things give us

Tom McCarthy Introduction

Frank made $23.8 million in a 24 hour period

Here's How it Is

Has 2 young children most of us are here because we bought an ebook or a course

Came into a community as a result of buying Cory Rudl's product in 1999 Frank Jeff Paul


Jay Abraham

I = Identity. Our experiences, beliefs and values create our identity. All communication actually comes from your identity

Step 1. Discover Your CORE Identity (W ake up)

L = Life. Our experiences and identity work together to form our life WHAT WE REALLY WANT IS A NEW LIFE

Buying an Information Product

Good News! You're Dying! If we all live an average of 40 m ore years, we've got 14,600 more days to go before we're dead

How to Create a New Life

Corey Rudl Yanik Silver

Your life is made up of individual days to design the perfect life and create your core influence identity, your start with the perfect day

'Suspended my disbelief' Good at running businesses into the ground suspended disbelief and bought course Got back into idea of Internet Marketing

Found a Jeff Paul add


'If there were no limitations or consequences, what would our perfect average day look like?'

Got letter from Tony Robbins endorsing Jay Abraham

Limitations: Financial, Geographic, Health, Limiting People, etc.

Got into Cory Rudl's teachings Mike Filsaime purchased

Instant Internet empire Sued Frank Kern

no one in Internet marketing industry believed this was possible

says you can make 6 figures in 7 days

Average: You do all this stuff Where would you live?

Federal Trade Commission

What would your house look like?


the One Question that W ill Change You Forever

John had a million dollar day

Became Traffic Secrets


Frank convinced John to do workshop

Mining For Gold

What would you have for breakfast?

CORE Influence: How to Make Lots of People Do Almost Anything.. But in a Cool Way John Reese was there

What time would you wake up? What would you do in the morning?

Path to Power

Jeff W alker was there

Frank though was BS wildly successful

Consequences: Stuff that you could get 'into trouble' for

What This Means Then found Yanik Silver

What does the mundane stuff look like (Taking kids to school) What would you spend the first half of your day doing?

Today You Will Change Your Life* (Remind Me to Give Disclaimers)

Went to first big seminar

Your Perfect Day Continued Successful launches

Butterfly Marketing

What would you have for lunch? Who would you eat with? What would your friends be like?

Jeff W alker created product launch formula

Schefren Coaching Launch $1 million launch

What would you do for personal fulfillment?

Frank Kern

Frank creates the Underachiever Method $1 million days are common

What life purpose would you strive toward?

CORE Influence Notes


What would your business be?

Bigger Stuff?

What time would you start work? What would you actually 'DO' at work?

If there wasn't a moment when someone suspended disbelief, we wouldn't be here right now

What are your clients like? What is your relationship like? What would you do for family time? What would you have for dinner?

The REALLY Big Stuff

Where would you eat? Who would you eat with? What would you talk about? What would you do at night?

Using Frank Kern's Core Influence to Dominate Personal & Marketing Efforts

Who would you do it with?

Winding Down?


Take Action

What would your thoughts be as you went to sleep? These questions are all based on desired experience... not goals 'India and I wake up with the sun and laugh about funny things our children did as we watch the day break over the ocean.' Mass Control Blog

'In the morning we are excited to get outdoors and exercise. I look forward to this and view it as fun. It is not a chore or mundane task, but a source for continued fulfillment

Yes, I thought This W as Bullshit Too, But...

Recommended Resources

came true

Motivated by things, goal driven, status driven, get the money get the money GET THE MONEY!

My shell identity

Shell vs. Core

came true

came true

After exercise, I take a shower. Our shower is huge and made of marble and glass. It has a bench to sit on and lost of jets so we can both get in there

Leave 'normal' society, live a the beach and cultivate ideal

My CORE identity

'My business is fun and easy. My main function is to simply come up with cool ideas that help me and my clients make tons of money without being obnoxious' Frank attracts people he'd like to work with Almost $31 million in revenues for myself and my clients

Making Money

$1.995 million per year in passive income Mauler, fizzle, Butter, Gypsy, Magic Ryan, rabblebowski, and the other day at the beach

Hot Diggity!

Since I arrived in Orlando, I've received tow random e-mails form clients

1 brought in $25,000 in 4 hours

You must GENUINELY identify their CORE identity, know what their REAL desired outcome is, and know what life they REALLY want You Must ACTUALLY GIVE A DAMN, AND YOU MUST ACTUALLY HELP THEM MOVE TOWARD IT

The key word here is EMPATHY... sort of

I am not a good copywriter I am not a good salesman My Secret 'W eapon'

I am not a marketing Jenius (TM) I simply do a really good job of selling to the Internet Marketing crowd specifically. Perhaps better than anyone. I'm at least better looking than the other guys. Especially Rich. I mean, C'mon Person - to - Person communication is the most effective way to sell, in terms of a closing ratio When marketers design campaigns, they usually market to a 'group'

The Instant Bond Method

to be REALLY effective, you m ust design EVERYTHING so that you're communicating with ONE person I call this person you CORE CUSTOMER If you could manifest a single person who would be the typical embodiment of a 'classic' customer or prospect in your market, what would they be like? Gender? Age? Married?

Creating Your CORE Customer

Kids? What's spouse like? What does spouse think of foolishness? What's relationship with children like? What do the do for a living? What is their biggest frustration? What is their biggest SURFACE desire? Bob is 45 sells insurance

Step 2: Find Out W ho your Market REALLY Is

kids drive him crazy Meet Bob wife thinks he is stupid for Internet stuff his biggest desire is to make enough money to quit his job, which pays him $45,000 a year Bob wears glasses Bob wears brown shoes Now that you know W HO you're writing to specifically, you can influence them on the surface level because you have EMPATHY 99.999% of everyone else ONLY Communicates on the

You're Halfway There, But 100% Ahead of Everyone Else

Not Bad

Instant Internet Empires - $640,000 or so Info Millionaires

The real money, contribution, and significance comes from CORE influence Now that you know who Bob is, step into his shoes and run the effortless transformation exercise as if YOU W ERE BOB

Grand Slam: BECOME BOB

This allows you to uncover who he REALLY is You're communicating from your CORE to Bob's CORE Afraid of loss and embarrassm ent The REAL Bob

Wants A LIFESTYLE more than things Wants SIGNIFICANCE and CONTRIBUTION more than bling Wants RESPECT and CREDIBILITY Wants to be young again $1,000,000



Neil Stompernet Much Better Pipeline

Mass Control

$18,300,000 $3,100,000 (A bunch)

Almost $31 million since experiment began in September, 2005 Everything single thing you do, say, think or write to your market matters

How To Do This

Every piece of marketing validates their core identity and moves them closer to stepping into it Results in advance: List, 'Favor' Technique, Beach Video, Borrowed Voice (Gauher)

Everything you do needs to help people Do a big favor and ask for a favor in return No one wants to be told what they're probably thinking

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