In 1978 family emigrated from Belarus Father built up a store Lived with 10 family members
Lived a solid middle-class life in New Jersey Ripped flowers off of people's yards and sell it back to them
Bio Gary is host of WineTV
Was the most hated baseball card dealer on Earth - was making $1800 a weekend
Tom McCarthy Introduction
Bagged ice 10 hours a day for $2 an hour
At 15 Dad put Gary to work in store
Got involved full-time in 1998 Changed name from 'Shopper's Discount' to 'Wine Library'
Shopper's Discount Liquors
Launched in 1997
Using Gary Vaynerchuk's Web 2.0 Wisdom to Become the Maven in Marketplace
Jay said something awesome: He loves people
There is no difference between online and offline unlike beliefs of some other members of panel
Disagrees with Jay's advice about being the different maven Legacy is greater than currency
Take Action
Had built successful business 30th birthday freaked out
Wasn't doing something life changing Following Web 2.0 space
the Wordpress of social networks
Be what you're about
Follow what you're about
Site Dev
Outsourced programming
Don't try to be the guy onstage Sitepoint WineLibrary TV
You can make a fortune even if you're the world's biggest fan of Green socks It doesn't take a lot to do this, you've got to be passionate about who you are The understanding if you're about who and what your niche is, you're going to dominate
Gary Vaynerchuk
TechCrunch Jason Calcanis Warrior Forum
Web 2.0 is Here...
Web 2.0
Internet Marketing
Google Adwords Google Adsense
Recommended Resources
Digg Gary has 5,000 Facebook friends
Google Video YouTube
Affiliate Summit Video Marketing
Web 2.0 Sites
don't host your own videos
Twitter is critical E-mail Gary
Gary knows how to brand
Can dominate any space he goes into Must understand the space before you jump in 1 year ago, went to London, FOWA (Future of Web Applications)
Contact Gary
People at Gary's co. wanted to quit when he switched from being CEO to video blogging on WineLibraryTV
Gary understands e-mail marketing
Gary is married
Gary has a 400,000 newsletter list he directly sends to
'When you're a cow, you can't be a pig'
able to execute
Markets are based on
Gary wants to become Oprah
getting people excited
Gary at Light Speed
Hollywood understands its next court of celebrities comes from the Internet and you can take advantage of that
Gary is represented by CAA (Creative Artists Agency)
Gary could destroy Warrior Forum by creating a Facebook type of place
New World Marketing
Gary doesn't take any ads on WinelibraryTV Wine Social Networking Site
Now Gary is keynoting the event in Miami
Gary has people running his company
Gary wants to buy the New York Jets
Gary can always go and become a marketing guru to corporations
Gary was hoping for a mention on Digg Nation
Gary finds list buying stuff freaky
Direct Answer for Formula
Gary is speaking to Google next month
Gary is PASSIONATE about New York Jets
Every single VC reads techcrunch
Gary bought
dissed affiliates as snake oil salesman people who get $300,000 check Jason Calcanis
Gary would take the check Gary doesn't understand the check
If you hate people, blog that
Fundamentally in a goldrush right now being courted for a Cramer type of show
The camera on your computer is good enough to start a video blog
Google Video YouTube
Gary does open his laptop and use it everyday
Gary Vaynerchuk
don't host your own videos
People get their pictures taken with others because of branding
Mavenship in Web 2.0 Notes
Use for video blog
You need to be the brand
Just hired PR person in January
Share the wealth, be part of the community
Don't be anybody but yourself and you're going to win
You need to do a video blog period there is no privacy
Marketing Through the Jungle
How do you leverage? People want access to your eyeballs when you're becoming popular
Lists are awesome, but you don't know enough about people
Video Blog When you give content away
Build a social network to know what people are doing with themselves
the place where everything is
Bid on Google Adwords
List Marketing
Warrior Forum
Gary gets 3 or 400 comments per episode get the information out of people who approach you
Create the place everyone goes
How do you set value of members for advertisers?
People want to do product placement
don't buy lists, make lists Build the next Google or eBay!!!
everybody knows everything about everything the only thing you'll be able to keep is your Social Security number... maybe
differentiate from them and establish yourself
A lot of you are building the brand of people that are ahead of you in the world
People approached Gary about him being on their show the good stuff wins
don't sell the video program for $2 or 3 grand
Marketing and PR are the Queen
Give the whole damn thing away for free forever
Content is King Give everything, EVERYTHING away for free
We all know who runs the household Twitter is critical TrafficGeyser
Get as much info. as you can and make them create a profile
Hustle for 10 hours after you put video up
Now you can sell advertising against your forum i. to get the stuff, you need data ii. Bill yourself as the single most important person in space iii. We think stuff is so great, we'll give you stuff for free
1. Don't be afraid to brand yourself
Don't be a dick
Strategy & Tactics
iv. You have to create a profile in return for free stuff
Every e-mail Gary gets to this day he responds to If you want to build for the long-term, so many angles to leverage your brand once you are a brand
If you go to every blog that's out there and leave good shit and make sure your name is linked, you'll dominate in 6 months Work hard
Google Adsense
2. Work your damn ass off
vi. Google is free money, you want traffic
Don't provide the content, provide the framework
3. Become part of the conversation
Everything you do, give away for free
Every time someone creates an account, you
When you sell product, you lose in 2008, 2009, 2010
i. thank them for giving an account ii. answer their questions for free iii. You'll start to destroy the sites charging
You've got to work it
Gary spent 4-5 hours a night on MySpace
Work smart
People talk to eachother in fancy text If people like you, you win
make a Goddamn sentence if you want to in business mode
Google Adwords
v. Ads
Spent 9 hours a day emailing other wine bloggers He responds to 1000-2000 e-mails a day
if you search something on Google and you don't see an ad, buy it
4. Social currency is huge
Spammed Justin Timberlake's site with linkbacks
MySpace was cool in 2004
Checked who the top artists were on MySpace
5. Long-tail adwords
6. Leverage things that have nothing to do with your business Reward people with contests
8 Steps of Branding
Made $140,000, or $180,000 Resources If you want to kill it, content is free
the Wordpress of social networks
outsourced programming
'I'm a wine video blogger and look where I am'
7. Empower your readers to do things for you
One person loves the show so much they put 50,000 flyers in station
When find out you're making a living doing something crazy based on video blogging, you'll be on cover of magazines
8. When you're doing what you love, you don't need horseshit lists
If Kanye wants to make money
Music is now free Examples
sell the opportunity to be on his music
You sell the add-ons
Content is now free
Why did Microsoft pay Digg $100 million to advertise on Digg?
That's where everyone is
Social media is more vibrant than e-mails List building
Doesn't want to buy lists, wants to make lists Become a part of community for free and give your great stuff Transition
Fortune 500 Companies will call
sell T-shirts
Charge for content for awhile and then give it all away for free