'It's Never Too Late... To be What You Might Have Been' -George Elliot THIS IS A NON-PITCH EVENT Lives in San Diego Motivational speaker
involved in running Tony Robbins' Co. You can't be tired Do you know what you want?
Brain Johnson - runs Strategic Profits for Rich
Some people have been to previous seminars and still not created a product because they weren't specific
What they focus on is what they see
Lucky people are not accidental
You must build a bigger network to have more luck There are times when you'll be tired
Introductory Speaker Tom McCarthy
Remember your goal The size of people in your network will determine your success in the next 12 mo.
1. Play Full Out
Your 2 handshakes away from 2 million people
4 Keys to Getting Results
capture based on your outcome 2. Capture the Information
The Current Situation.... Use the 'Turning Point' Logic Process to Achieve Your 6-Month Objectives
3. Have Fun
4. Use What You Learn
Take Action
60,000 thoughts go through your head during the day
Everything's better if you're in a positive mood These can be the day that change your life
Rich will show you change Personally and Professionally Mavenship
Signs of Greatness Vacancy
Your Profile
Market dominance
Being different is key Who do you need to be to succeed in the marketplace you're in? 'If you do not like change, you are going to like irrelevance even less' - General Eric Shinseki 'There is going to be a fundamental change in the global economy unlike anything we've seen since cavemen started marketing'
We're In the Midst of Something Big
'The corporation as we know it... is unlikely to survive the next 25 years.' Peter Drucker There is going to be a change every decade in 2000s
'Fundamental change happening at an accelerated rate' - Ray Kurzweil If you provide guidance on change, you can rise to the top of market quickly Entrepreneurs can change on a dime
Strategic Profits started 18 months ago
You will be exposed to the top mavens on marketing and business growth that's ever been assembled Soak up every profit building nugget they provide YOU! But Remember: These are the mavens of their markets... don't just admire them, think how YOU could do your own version using them as a model
why am I struggling?
The Dream team
It started one night in Rich's journal
don't admire, emulate!
Rich has done no SEO or pay-per-click
A maven is a friend and expert combined
Strategic Profits has been built on Rich's free reports Principals
'It's never too late to be what you might have been' - George Elliot
Put a person on left-hand side of page Frank Kern
'Most people go to their graves with their music still in them.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes It feels like the truth because you've repeated it so often We're entrained to fit in
There problem is never their problem, if it was they'd have a solution Look for a deeper problem
Key elements
Make everyone else irrelevant
You fall, you learn
Expose the problem in the marketplace
Internet Business Manifesto
Rich Schefren New Beginnings Notes
The Future is Now
Core Questions
Who do you want to be?
Articulate a common problem better than it has been in the past
Pre-emptive problem solutions
You can be whoever you want to be... with practice!
What do you want to accomplish?
Gives people content which moves them closer
To succeed you must shift from being an opportunity seeker to an entrepreneur
Different is better
People aren't thinking about you, they're thinking about themselves
Market seminar to people outside of event
Put 'I've made a lot of money online' on right-hand side of page
Recover topics because people are skimming
Most people live life in a cocoon of their own making
Worst thing you can do for business is fit in
gets you through to reticular activating system
engagement is huge
be the friend and expert who leads your market
Rich had one big idea, and all other subheads backed it up
Rich has a mind map of the manifesto
go further by rereading doctrine 2 Ask how these problems can be symptoms of something bigger, deeper, more powerful?
Changing the model of the 'Pitchfest'
Where do you want to be 6 months from today?
List all of the problems you've identified in the marketplace
List everything you don't have that you need
Is there a problem that would turn all of these into symptoms? You've made other solutions a band-aid
1. I don't have a core product
You've put yourself a level above the others
2. I don't have any powerful affiliates 3. I don't know enough about marketing
Why aren't you there now?
Your business must be centered around your strengths All the answers to achieving your objectives are here
4. I don't have a front end acquisition process 5. I don't have an area of specialization
Expose a big mistake that most people in the market make when starting
Internet Business Manifesto - The Missing Chapter You need a position in your market to express your strengths
'Make today the turning point' Logic Process
Create an achievement statement for each as if it has already been accomplished 2. I have a powerful mechanism to attract the best affiliates
The Internet Business Manifesto - the Final Chapter
3. I've mastered the core marketing strategies I will use
Most people weren't starting businesses built around a core strength Should travel across different markets
Learn the business models of the most successful in our market
1. I have a core flagship product
Didn't resonate as well due to too many ideas
What are my top objectives?
Most people are still missing this information Taking the most successful and helping others apply it
4. I have a front-end product that attracts buyers like crazy!
Entrepreneurship went from being about being the biggest to having freedom
5. I have a unique position in my marketplace that leverages my strength
People in all industries feel overworked and overwhelmed
Look at every morning until they are realized
More Entrepreneurs Want Freedom Than Extreme Wealth... The 11 Steps
Schefren Documents - A Blueprint of Communications to Model
Not most money Make a lot of money and have a lot of freedom The 4 Hour Workweek is a key example
Show awareness to a new goal, or issue
ex: Tim Ferris
To get your business off the ground you must focus on momentum Are your beliefs about an entrepreneur accurate or inaccurate?
Video Series
Engaged & passive people in market
Too many options Think of a hallway with too many doors Take the 1 door and show you the path
less fear of embarrassment
Everything comes full circle
I understand where you're at and I'm gonna help you get there
Can you give passive people a way to get engaged?
1. Who You Are 4 steps to entrepreneurial success
Excuses You've Sold Yourself
Vision for the marketplace drives every single piece of content produced
Profit Prescriptions
Always the victim
The Attention Age Doctrine
A hero never complains Willing to risk it all
lost the fear of embarrassment
The Marketplace to Be Conquered by Mavens
every 3 months you get a break, called a CRISIS Being in business is being a problem solver
It just needs to be a new trend to you
lost concern for what others might think
To win in marketing today you must market where people are placing their attention already The Attention Age Doctrine 2
lost their inhibitions Tom Peters - 'Different is greater than better' if all you are is a better choice, you're not going to get the business you deserve
The most valuable commodity is attention... we're all experiencing a scarcity of it too (you, me and the market)
By sharing and exposing you can have a report
It doesn't really matter whose fault it is
They are FREE!
The only thing that stands in your way
Surface the issues problems going on in people's heads and expose it
It's about highlighting a new trend
Not willing to do the work necessary It doesn't matter what conditions have gotten you here
C. How you get that offer out
4. Copy
You won't get to the top of you're market unless you're a competitive person Never think it's their fault
B. Offer you crystallize
2. List 3. Offer
Look at the value a Maven can bring to the marketplace when fueled by a deep passion Maven
Can you find an image that represents everything you stand for and do?
A. Your beliefs - correct market for you
The Momentum Series
People don't notice what you're doing as much as you think they are
Market - Break into 2 Groups
Influence trumps persuasion If you give people results in advance, you build instant repoire
Entrepreneurs legends are built by repeating their story as much as possible
Problems fuel influences for solutions
The Maven Matrix Manifesto
'It's never too late to be what you might have been' - George Elliot
3 Ways to eliminate uncertainty
There is a network of peers you can build to take you to the very top
Massive Change = Uncertainty
The Creation Story
Seem familiar and friendly to the marketplace The reticular activating system decides what the brain should notice
Friends Mavens
Trump others in success
The Pinnacle Position to own today in business is to be 'The Maven'
see problems like body builders see dumbbells or barbells
Provide the solution to the new problem you previously exposed
Show the market the new goal they should aspire to and how to get there Accelerated Change - Look at how fast everything is changing
Example: You're at a party and hear your name in the background You want your market's RAS to notice you
Capture based on your objectives