WSO Why Pay For Articles

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No work, passive money By Mark Owens

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Introduction Congratulations on making one of the best financial decisions in 2010 by purchasing this eBook. What this eBook outlines is a method that allows you to get blogs and websites for free and is 100% ethical. A quick overview of this method is basically finding individuals enthusiastic about a certain topic and then giving them an incentive to write for your blog/website. You can then either leave the website and make money every day off it or flip it for a couple thousand dollars in a few days. If implemented correctly, making $3000 a month is very easy due to the fact that this method is very easy to get started and can be scaled up infinitely.

Finding people to write for you Before we start, I would just like to point out that when using the above methods to find people to write for you, broaden your minds and don’t bother with the Internet Marketing niche. Try things like weight loss and dog training where people aren’t that tech-savvy. Remember that we’re trying to find people passionate about a specific topic, and so some of the most obscure niches may turn out to be the most profitable. The solution Apart from the usual internet marketers out there, there are millions of people who use Wordpress and similar blogging platforms legitimately. These free blogging platforms get millions of visitors every month, let’s just check the traffic stats for

It has an Alexa rank of 20, meaning that it’s the 20th most popular website in the world. To put that in perspective, Wordpress gets more traffic than eBay (Alexa rank of 23). And by looking at the graph, traffic is pretty steady and constantly growing.

Here are the demographics of the site

So what does all this mean? Well from the Alexa screenshot, we can see that there are millions of bloggers out there that make blogs about their life or a hobby and update it out of passion. From the Quantcast demographics, we can then see that 51% of the users make less than $60k a year. So how can we approach this? Well one thing about having a blog on is that you are not allowed Adsense ads (or any other type of ads for that matter) on your blogs. This is absolutely fantastic for us because it means that we have found a goldmine where millions of people are happily writing without any monetary compensation at all. In fact, I would be surprised if most of them knew that they can even make money off their blog! Another thing is that once you register a Wordpress blog, you get a very unprofessional subdomain ( Most of these people know very little about the internet and would imagine that it would cost hundreds or even thousands a year for a .com domain‌ Now what if you gave them one for free?

As you can see, these are going to be incentives to make people blogging on free platforms such as Wordpress to change and start blogging on your professional blog where they can get paid too! What I have been doing is simply giving them 70% of what is made from Adsense ads but I also sell links and promote affiliate programs on the site to bring in extra money (which you can choose to share with them or not). Finding blogs Finding these blogs may seem hard at first, but it is actually very easy with the help of Google. Simple type this in Google: 2010 “your niche” Now what does this search do? It searches all the blogs on Wordpress that was last updated in 2010 related to your niche.

As you can see, there are nearly 5000 active bloggers blogging about dog training. And since I highly doubt you have or need any more than 20 sites in that niche, 5000 is more than enough to find free writers for. Contacting the owners This is usually the hardest part; I have a virtual assistant who does this for me part time along with other things. Many blogs have an “About me” or “Contact” page with an email address. If not, a simple comment complimenting the blog and then leaving your details is enough (as long as you don’t make it look like spam). A simple template would be:

Hey [name], Loving your blog, awesome tips on [niche here] you have here. I would just like to ask you some questions privately, mind contacting me at [email address] Thanks, Mark

Be sure to personalize the comment with their name and what the blog is about. This may not always work if they don’t show their name but try your best to make every message unique so it doesn’t come out as spam. Along with that, be sure to compliment their blog since everyone loves to be complimented! Other sources Wordpress isn’t the only place you can find these people. I will briefly touch on other places where you can find people to write for you. Forums are also a very popular place. I often see people with thousands of posts on a hobby for free… That’s a lot of articles. Simple use Google and search for “powered by Vbulletin” your niche This will search for all the Vbulletin blogs related to your niche. Then simply create an account yourself and PM them asking if they want to write for you.

As you can see, finding people is only limited to your own imagination. You can then try IRC chatrooms, Yahoo/Google groups etc. There is an endless amount of people who write a lot about a subject they are passionate about for free.

Setting up the site After finding people who are willing to write for you in return for a domain name and a share of Adsense revenue, it’s time to make their site. Due to the fact that the main method revolved around, we will be installing Wordpress onto their new site for them to feel comfortable and for the ease of use (remember – not everyone is tech-savvy). Hosting and domain If you don’t already have hosting, I highly recommend you to go with a Hostgator account. This is because their Baby Plan is perfect for this method (or for anything, really). You get unlimited domains, unlimited space, and unlimited bandwidth for $7.95 a month. This means that you can host as many of these sites as you want as long as any other sites you want to host. Along with my dedicated server (which gives me more control), I still have a plan at Hostgator because they were so good to me; I was using probably 20+ Gigabytes of data everyday with no complaints whatsoever. Their support is also top-notch for the price paid and so I highly recommend it whether you’re just starting out or making $1000 a day. I will also be using my Hostgator account for this part of the tutorial so it will be easier to follow along if you do the same.

For a domain, there are many places you can go for. I would recommend Namecheap not only because the price is very affordable, you also get free WhoisGuard and an SSL certificate along with every domain name. WhoisGuard allows your details to be private from public whois records and SSL certificates are very useful if you ever own a few ecommerce sites or for anything to do with authentication (not needed for this method but they’re always useful and it’s free). When buying a domain name, I would advise you to get a .com or .net instead of a .info no matter how tempting it may be. We are trying to create quality sites and a .info isn’t exactly quality.

Adding the domain name onto Hostgator Now that you’ve bought your domain name, it’s time to add it onto your Hostgator account. Simply click on your domain on Namecheap and then click “Transfer DNS to Webhost” on the left

After getting to that screen, simply copy/paste the nameservers given to you in the Hostgator email you received after purchasing an account. You will now have to do a similar process on your Hostgator account. In the email from Hostgator, you should have also gotten a link to your CPanel account. CPanel is one of the most popular control panels for Webhosts and is very powerful. Once logged in, scroll down to the “Domains” section and find Addon Domains

Once on the screen, all you have to do is enter the domain name you purchased just before (without http://www.) and press “Add Domain!” The DNS will take at maximum 48 hours (usually instant) to fully propagate and be visible to the entire world.

Installing Wordpress Because we’re finding most of our new writers from Wordpress, due to the fact that they aren’t exactly tech-savvy, it’s best to install Wordpress since they have already grown comfortable to its ease of use. This is very easy to do in Hostgator as it comes with Fantastico allowing you to install Wordpress in just a few clicks. Get back on CPanel, then scroll down to the “Software / Services” area and click on Fantastico De Luxe

Now find “Wordpress” from the navigation bar on the left and click on it.

Press the “New Installation” link and follow fill in the information as needed. It’s pretty self-explanatory and means that you don’t have to do the tedious stuff like setting up a database yourself saving you a lot of time and making it very easy to outsource.

Installing themes and plugins onto Wordpress To be honest, I’m still used to the old method of login into FTP and uploading the theme manually even though Wordpress has made it a lot easier to do nowadays. The way I still do it is download the theme/plugin and then upload it into the wp-content/themes or wp-content/plugins directory via FTP. For a theme, generally something clean and simple will do unless you have money to get a custom theme done. Themes aren’t very important but always try to find something that is appealing to the eyes and is simple. Why simple themes? Because it gives the readers fewer options making the CTR for your Adsense ads go crazy. Plugins on the other hand, are pretty important. There are a couple plugins you should always install for the SEO factor. Here’s a list of plugins I always use on my blogs: Adsense Deluxe – For your Adsense ads Akismet – Filters out spam comments Google Sitemap Generator – Creates sitemaps of the site Platinum SEO – Best SEO plugin around WP Database Backup – Backs up your database for the inevitable Yet Another Related Posts Plugin – Interlink posts for more SEO juice

Monetization Apart from using just Adsense on your blogs, there are a lot more ways to monetize your site. Information products Always check if there’s an information product (eBook) on the specific niche of your site on marketplaces such as Clickbank. If no such eBook currently exists and you’re getting a lot of traffic, make your own! I cannot stress this enough. By having a highvolume niche with little to no competitors, you can make a lot of money very easily. CPA CPA stands for Cost Per Action. There are a lot of CPA offers out there for a multitude of verticals. Use a tool such as OfferMate which is free and very powerful. Simply type in your niche and it will spit out offers from literally hundreds of CPA networks out there. Text links A few months after the site has ranked and is doing nicely, you would see a nice rise in PageRank (PR). You can then sell text links on the website and make money depending on many factors such as PR, Alexa rank and traffic. Flipping the site Ever need any quick cash for an emergency? Simply sell the site once it’s made some profit on sites such as Flippa. Sites usually go for 10x its revenue. So if you’re making $1000 a month with a

site, you can easily get it for $10,000. The fact that there’s a writer included that writing for free can easily double the price.

Conclusion As you can see, this is a very powerful method that can bring you thousands of passive income every single month. Instead of paying for a writer, this method allows you to morally “hire” someone for no cost at all and get unique, quality content for your blogs/website. Remember, content is king. To your success, Mark Owens

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