Bill Te Huia Hamilton, liar First, listen to this interview between Paul Brennan, Julian Batchelor and Bill Te Huia Hamilton, Chairman of the Iwi Chairs Forum. He is supposed to be a senior Maori leader in New Zealand. All his experience is listed below. But really it means nothing because he’s a terrible liar who has been caught out. The lies start pretty much immediately, in the first 3 minutes on the interview. Listen to what he says about Julian’s seminar slide show. First, listen to the interview HERE
Julian listened to the interview and heard the lies Mr Hamilton was telling. We made a transcript of the interview. The worst one lie is highlighted in red text below. ———————————— BH (Bill Hamilton) Well, yeah. Well, in Māori, we use a lot of metaphor. But I think the point I’m trying to make there is we’ve always avoided talking with each other about a constitution for New Zealand. We’ve either fed into a government process or we’ve been ... Māori have made loud noises about how a constitution might look at, how a constitution might look. And Geoffrey Palmer did some work around it, I think, in the 1970s or ‘80s or something like that. And basically, there wasn’t agreement about the relationship between a constitution and Te Tiriti. And so we’re one of the few countries that doesn’t have a written constitution. I think it allows us to really attack each other’s rights, really, just to get stuck into them, which is what that anti-co-governance stuff is all about. It’s about attacking. It’s a direct attack on Māori. It’s unfettered in how ... I saw one of the slides there saying that Māori are arming themselves. They’re the enemy and stuff like that. Well, both of those things are wrong. PB (Paul Brennan)
Who’s saying that, Bill? BH Julian Batchelor. It’s a slide from one of his presentations. PB I haven’t seen that. BH No, someone photo shopped it and sent it to me. That’s probably why I wrote that article, because I think there’s a lot of stuff that he’s saying on these tours, these road shows that are wrong. They’re wrong.
Below is the email communication between Julian Batchelor and RCR Radio ---------------------------
From: Julian Batchelor M.Ed (Hons) B.Th Dip T'ching Subject: Re: RCR Interview - Julian Batchelor Date: 1 October 2023 at 4:54 PM To: Breakfast Show Bcc: Jim Grenon, Mike Butler
Hi Fleur I listened to the interview between Paul and Bill Hamilton. Bill Hamilton tells some shocking lies in this interview about me and the content of my seminars. Here is the worst one. ————————————
BH Well, yeah. Well, in Māori, we use a lot of metaphor. But I think the point I'm trying to make there is we've always avoided talking with each other about a constitution for New Zealand. We've either fed into a government process or we've been ... Māori have made loud noises about how a constitution might look at, how a constitution might look. And Geoffrey Palmer did some work around it, I think, in the 1970s or '80s or something like that. And basically, there wasn't agreement about the relationship between a constitution and Te Tiriti. And so we're one of the few countries that doesn't have a written constitution. I think it allows us to really attack each other's rights, really, just to get stuck into them, which is what that anti-co-governance stuff is all about. It's about attacking. It's a direct attack on Māori. It's unfettered in how ... I saw one of the slides there saying that Māori are arming themselves. They're the enemy and stuff like that. Well, both of those things are wrong. PB Who's saying that, Bill? BH Julian Batchelor. It's a slide from one of his presentations. PB I haven't seen that. BH No, someone photoshopped it and sent it to me. That's probably why I wrote that article, because I think there's a lot of stuff that he's saying on these tours, these road shows that are wrong. They're wrong.
We want to see it. He won’t be able to, because it doesn’t exist.
From: Breakfast Show Subject: Re: RCR Interview - Julian Batchelor Date: 2 October 2023 at 10:56 AM To: Julian Batchelor M.Ed (Hons) B.Th Dip T'ching
Hi Julian, We have communicated your complaint and intentions to Bill. Can you please provide us with your roadshow slides? Thanks
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From: Breakfast Show Subject: Re: RCR Interview - Julian Batchelor Date: 4 October 2023 at 3:10 PM To: Julian Batchelor M.Ed (Hons) B.Th Dip T'ching
Hi Julian, We have not heard back from you regarding the slides, would be good to get them. Bill says he's willing to negotiate with you but not under any kind of threat. I.e withdraw the threat and you guys can talk. We don't think it's RCRs role to be a go between for you the two of you. We've asked you both to provide your evidence so we can make a correction if that is necessary. Otherwise, this is between the two of you to resolve. Regards,
From: Breakfast Show Subject: Re: RCR Interview - Julian Batchelor Date: 10 October 2023 at 10:37 AM To: Julian Batchelor M.Ed (Hons) B.Th Dip T'ching
Good Morning Julian, We apologise for the delay in coming back to you while we worked through this. Thanks for sending the slides, which we have now reviewed. Subsequently, we are happy to say we have issued a correction. Paul Brennan read it out this morning on the show. This is what was said: "RCR is issuing a correction to a claim made on our show. On 28 September we aired an interview with Treaty Educator Te Huia Bill Hamilton. "In the interview we discussed Julian Batchelor of Stop Co-Governance and it was alleged that one of his roadshow slides claimed that 'Maori were arming themselves’. "We have since asked Bill to supply the evidence for this claim, which has not been forthcoming; we’ve also had the opportunity to see the slide show Julian Bathcelor uses on his speaking tour. We can say that based on what we saw, there is no such slide claiming that Maori are arming themselves. This was incorrect." We have also edited the replay to remove that part of the of the discussion. We hope this puts the matter to rest. Kind regards,