Our Henderson Heights Community News, December 2017

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Vol 3. Issue 1

Keeping everyone informed and up to date in our neighbourhood

December 2017

HH Resident Wants $19m For His Tunnel Vision! Bill Reid of Waterstone Way is a man on a mission! 30 years ago Bill discovered that underneath most of down town Auckland there is a maize of tunnels, some 4.4m wide and 3m tall. It took 114 men just eight months to dig these tunnels. They were built during the second world war to house 22,000 people in case Auckland was bombed. Bill wants to see these tunnels not just restored, but turned into a massive tourist attraction and a vital part of Aucklands transport infrastructure. There are plans for glow worm caves, cafes, shops, cycleways, walkways, museums, and much much more. In his report to council, Bill estimated that up to 3500 a day would commute using the tunnels. Millions of dollars of extra tourism cash would pour into the city. Really, Bills vision is to create a mini city under the city!

Some of the 114 men who dug the tunnels

The cost? $19m.

entrepeneurs just need a partner with $19m to go in with them to realise the dream!

What’s intersting is that the Auckland City Council has given given Bill and his business parnter Nick Andreef the exclusive right to develop this underground mini city and cash in on the profits, after paying the council a lease to use them. These two ambitious

If you visit our Facebook page (Henderson Heights Community News) you can see a TV documentary about Bill’s vision. It’s a great watch. You can also visit Bill’s own FB page which is called Albert Park Tunnels. Go Bill! We love your vision and can’t wait to see it happen!


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Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

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How The Regrets Of Others Can Help Us Grow Community In Henderson Heights According to Bronnie Ware, a former palliative care nurse who ended up writing a book, “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying,” based on her conversations with the dying, the biggest, most commonly cited regrets at the end of life are - beginning with the most common regret of all: 1. Not having the courage to live a life true to oneself but rather doing what was expected 2. Working too much, thereby missing children’s youth and their partner’s companionship 3. Not having the courage to express one’s feelings 4. Not staying in touch with friends 5. Taking life too seriously and allowing worries to diminish happiness Ware goes a step further, however, in that she also delves into solutions for these regrets ways for you to avoid falling into the same traps. The No.1 regret is a valuable reminder to not give up too many of your dreams to please others (or conform to conventional standards). “It is very important to try and honor at least some of your dreams along the way,” Ware says. “From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realize, until they no longer have it.” I thought about this research in relation to growing community in Henderson Heights. As I walk the streets delivering papers and talk to residents, it seems that many are stuck in a bit of rut of some kind. For some it’s the rut of being a slave to work and paying off a high mortgage. Their home has become just a place to sleep – a place to escape from their gruelling work routine. Their neighbours report that they see them first thing in the morning when they leave for work, and last thing at night when they come

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home from work. There is no time to interact for the purpose of building relationships with others (e.g. neighbours) because this takes time and time which is all taken up by work. They are like mice on a treadmill which is going faster and faster. The people in this rut are in danger of dying with regret 2 which is working too much. Others are stuck on the rut of loneliness. I met people who told me outright “I am lonely.” Life has a way of pushing us into a place where we become isolated from others. Because we failed at something, or been hurt by someone, or gone through a deep personal valley of some kind, we decide to withdraw into the safety of our own space, and cut ourselves off from others. But when we do this, we lose something vital – the joy, healing power, and richness of “connection”. The people in this rut are in danger of dying with regret 4. Then there are those who are in the rut of boredom. Somewhere along the line their zeal and vigour for life, relationships, and adventure has been crushed, so they have withdrawn into their homes, drawn the curtains, and erected high fences around the perimetre. The TV has become their best friend. The people in this rut are in danger of dying with regret 1 - not having the courage to live a life true to oneself but rather doing what was expected. They have allowed life to crush their dreams and visions. And a life without these things is boring. Then there are those who are in a culture rut. They only want to mix with people of their own culture. This is because mixing with those most ourselves is safe. Safety and security is the default mode of human beings. But life is not supposed to be just safe. It’s meant to be an adventure, doing new things, trying new things, and mixing with new people who are not like us. These ruts, and other types of ruts, are community killers!

BUILDING C O M M U N I T Y HENDERSON HEIGHTS In the coming year, 2018, there will be many events and activities going on in Henderson Heights. We have some great things planned. If you are in a rut of some kind, the quickest way to get out of it is to step out and join in. Pull open the blinds of your house, open your front gate, and come out. Get involved. Refuse isolation. Refuse to withdraw. Refuse to mix only with your group. Have a go. Express your true self. Rekindle your dreams and visions. Don’t take life too seriously. Take a walk on the wild side. Make it your greatest year ever for connecting with others and living out your dreams. Make 2018 the year you take some risks, doing things you’ve never done before in your community. That way, you’ll die with no regrets! See you in 2018.

Local printers, proudly supporting our community For your commercial print needs call Nina Stroeven 021 514 467


Our Henderson Heights Community News

Living Well

with counsellor Celia King

Five Tips for a Stress Free Christmas... Christmas is approaching fast. We are bombarded with advertisements to spend more than normal and invitations to end of year parties and break-ups. Then there are meals to plan, holidays arrangements, family negotiations … the list goes on and on and adds up to a whole lot of stress. Yet, it doesn’t have to be that way. Instead of getting caught up in what some people call “the Silly Season” we can make choices that will make Christmas an enjoyable and memorable time. 1. Set a budget and stick to it. Work out how much you are able to spend on each person and on food and decorations. You can download The Christmas Gift List from Google Play or iTunes or if you want to avoid ads, use a notebook to keep a record of gift ideas and spending. Remember that Christmas is only one day, but if you over-spend the effects go on for much longer. 2. Plan your time wisely.Unlike money, we all receive the same amount of time – 24 hours a day. Think of time as an investment. Is it better to attend every function or to budget time so that it is well spent. Think about the things that are important to you and divide up your day so that these get done and you also have time to rest and enjoy the significant people in your life. 3. Go “gift free”. Time is one of the greatest gifts we can give. By spending time with people, we show them how much we value them. Maybe you and your friends and family can decide to donate to a charity instead of giving gifts to each other. You can come together for meals, bbqs, picnics, outings etc

Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

and just enjoy each other without a price tag attached. 4. Simplify. Buy prepared festive food rather than spend hours in the kitchen. If people are coming for a meal, get everyone to contribute some finger food and use paper plates and disposable utensils. Send e-cards to significant people and keep in touch with others regularly throughout the year to avoid a mammoth card-writing task. Pare back the decorations to things you really love and have special meaning. 5. Reflect on the reason for the season. The very first Christmas was a simple affair focussing on showing love, building and strengthening relationships, sharing the celebration of good news, being thankful for good things and pausing to reflect on the meaning of all these. May love, joy and peace be yours this Christmas.

Celia King

Celia King Master of Counselling – M. Couns (Hons) Postgraduate Certificate Professional Supervision ACC Registered Counsellor Full member of NZAC www.specialisedcounselling.co.nz Celia is a HH resident.

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Dear Sir, Thank you for the article which you printed about me in your last issue. It meant so much to me! A journey of eleven and a half years as HH Lollipop Man, helping the children, parents and teachers of Summerland School has come to an end. I am now a resident of Flatbush, adjusting to the new environment with usual angst but relishing the memories of an era of my life at the Henderson Heights, which covers the period 2005-2017. Each suburb has a character of its own. Henderson Heights had its own culture of serenity and dignity that is now lost in the newer suburbs. It has been a privilege for me and my family to have lived in this exclusive suburb for over 12 years. Indeed, Flatbush is not Henderson Heights, I live amidst the glitter and glamour of new but lacking and missing the distinctive charm and dignity of the Henderson Heights. It calls for change and adjustment and I do so with strength, wisdom and experience I gained in the past decade and I look at this period with a sense of gratitude and thankfulness. Community service is a challenging and rewarding experience. People do not realize that they get more out of it than what they give in. I commend community service to anyone who wishes to make a difference in the lives of people. An exhilarating experience requires humility, sincerity and commitment to win the faith and trust of people, including children. I have enjoyed every moment of my interaction with the public in dispensing my duties and



NEXT ISSUE: Best letter wins a 3 month CLUB PHYSICAL membership Email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz and send your letter to the Editor

obligations. And thank you to Our Henderson Heights Community News for making it possible to express my thoughts to all my friends and family in HH. I encourage you to support this paper. It’s a vital part of ‘community’ in HH. Ramesh Chandra Flatbush, Auckland. Email: grchandra@yahoo.com Mobile: 0212593751

Don’t Miss The Next HH Cooking Extravaganza! Pakistani Culture Evening Recipe: Pakistani Style Lamb Biryani Chef: Shumaila Suhail, all the way from Pakistan now living in HH! 6:30pm – 8:00pm, Monday November 20th at Mini Miracles Early Eduction Centre, 125 Sturges Road Special Guest: Professional Classical Indian Dance On The Night! The whole evening is a free event, but a Koha (offering) will be taken up for Shumaila (right) to cover her costs. Please come prepared.

Come have a look at our newly renovated outdoor area. Open from 7:00 am until 6:00 pm Welcoming children aged 0 to 5 years Quality educational programme provided by registered teachers Nutritional chef prepared meals Free 20 HOURS ECE programme

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Our Henderson Heights Community News

Open Monday to Saturday at 9 Moselle Avenue, Henderson (off Lincoln Rd) Ph 838 3919

9 TIPS FOR SAFE DRIVING THIS CHRISTMAS Avoid alcohol. If you are planning on drinking then organise a sober driver or get a taxi. If you think you might be tempted to jump behind the wheel after a few to many it might pay to taxi to the event to remove the temptation! Be courteous to other road users. Most people understand that if you are towing a caravan or boat you are restricted 90km/h and often that speed is too fast. If you are towing or driving slow, keep an eye in your side and rear vision mirrors for traffic building up and look for opportunities to pull to the shoulder and let people pass. Don’t text and drive. Vodafone’s DriveSafe auto-replies to text messages to say you are driving. There’s also free apps like Drive Safely

Take care overtaking. Ensure you will have 100 metres of clear road ahead of you once you have finished passing. Keep a reasonable distance from the vehicle you wish to overtake so you can accelerate before overtaking. Pay attention to your high and low beam. Dip your headlights as soon as you see an oncoming vehicle. If you are on windy roads and don’t require high beam then try to avoid using it as it can be hard to dip your headlights in time.

Avoid fatigue. Get a good rest the night before, take breaks and share the driving. When driving at night avoid staring at the lights of oncoming vehicles.

that have built up. Wind gusts can make your vehicle less stable and bright sun can reduce your vision, especially when the sun is lower in the sky.

Expect the unexpected! Overseas drivers were involved in more than 400 crashes on New Zealand roads last year. Failure to keep left, poor handling and fatigue were the leading causes of deadly crashes.

Happy Christmas from Greg and the Team at Drivesure, Moselle Avenue!!!!

Drive to the conditions. It’s not always safe to drive at the speed limit. If there’s been rain after a long fine patch roads often become slippery with oil deposits

Have a story to share? Best letter for the next issue wins a $50 Auto voucher. Email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz and share your story

Your Vehicle Inspection Experts WOF, COF, Pre Purchase Inspections Compliance and Servicing Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.


Get your vehicle checked. Just because it passed it’s last WOF doesn’t mean your vehicle is safe. Go and see Greg and the team at Drivesure Vehicle Testing, Moselle Ave. Support our sponsor!



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Page 5

UNUSUAL PLANTS IN HENDERSON HEIGHTS soil and is absorbed by the roots of a plant but with Tillandsias, the roots are not in the soil. They are out in the open air. Their roots adhere to the bark of a tree through the use of fine hairs. The ball shape Tillandsia grows at high altitude in full sun in the Andes mountains. To the casual observer, it would never get water in these conditions. But what people don’t know is that very early every morning (2am to 7am) a dense fog rises from the sea up into the mountains. The plants absorb the liquid in the fog during these hours.

Warren Mullins of Waterstone Way Warren has been growing Tillandsia’s for 20 years. He was given his first Tillandsia all those years ago from someone who had imported some Tillandsias but didn’t know how to grow them! 25 years ago, you could import any plant. There were no restrictions. Today, as you would expect, there are very strict restrictions and masses of red tape when it comes to importing and exporting plants. Mega Mitre 10 has a small number of these plants available for sale. An expert from one of the few companies who grows these plants will be in store on Saturday December 9th, 9am to 12 noon to give tips and lessons on how to grow them successfully.


Warren Mullins, of Waterstone Way in HH, is growing some most unusual plants called Tillandsia’s. There are about 50 different types of these plants in the world, the most showy of which is Spanish moss. There are many unusual features of these plants, but the standout feature is that their roots are designed to hang onto tree branches, but not to get nutrients. They get nutrients to survive and grow through their leaves. It is rainwater that provides these nutrients. I didn’t know this but rain water contains small quantities of sulphate, phosphate, nitrate, and of course oxygen. Ordinarily, rain water passes through the

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Have a gardening story or tip to share? The best one wins a $100 Lincoln Rd MITRE 10 voucher. Email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz

Our Henderson Heights Community News

with Tui Glen – The Olderst Registered Camping Ground In New Zealand Tui Glen in Henderson, which opened in 1925, is the oldest registered Camping ground in New Zealand. Vast numbers of Tuis used feed on the Kowhai growing on the river banks, hence the name. Tui Glen quickly became famous all over New Zealand. Mr Claude Brookes ‘discovered’ the land in 1911 while on a boating excursion with his family to the upper reaches of the Waitemata. Mr Brooks and his family cleared and planted on the land and today the number and beauty of the

mature trees at Tui Glen are a tribute to their foresight. When he first opened the grounds in 1925, he only catered for people with private motor cars or motorcycles. In 1933 the advertisement pictured (below left) appeared and welcomed cyclists and pedestrians as well. The Brooke’s used a unique form of accommodation for the site using actual ship’s cabins. These were purchased, barged to the camping ground and rented out to holiday makers. One particular cabin was first on the site and was the Masters’ cabin from the Union Steam Ship Company freighter the ‘Wainui’. This cabin is still at Tui Glen today. This unique type of holiday accommodation was supposedly the origin of the term “cabin accommodation”. Over the years Tui Glen has seen many changes. In 2001 the Waitakere City Council closed the site after public concern over long-term occupants. Many of the cottages and buildings that were built between the 1920’s and the 1960’s are still there and fell into severe disrepair. A large movement to restore

A party of happy picnickers enjoy a day at Tui Glen during the Christmas Holidays


these was undertaken in 2011. Ten of the buildings have since been restored and reopened, including the original Glen Haven home. This history also has lessons for us today. People with vision make things happen. Claude Brookes had a vision to do something great with the land. He saw it finished in his mind well before it became a reality. But having a great vision and making it a reality are not enough. Visions need to be maintained. When Claude planted trees, they matured, and grew into magnificant spectacles for future generations to enjoy. No doubt he had this in mind. Thankfully too, the council wisely took up the baton to keep Claude’s vision alive. Sadly, some visions and great schemes just die. Mercifully, Tui Glen was not one of them. Well done Henderson City Council! And thank you Claude for all your hard work, sacrifice, and vision. Each of us should have a vision for something - something that will live on after we die. Some contribution to making a better world. What’s yours?

Canoeists on the Henderson Creek at Tui Glen

Based in Henderson, law firm Davenports West offers a full range of legal solutions including: Commercial Property Law • Residential Property Law • Wills and Estate Planning Powers of Attorney • Commercial and Business Law • Law for Community Groups & Charitable Trusts.

Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

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COMMUNITY Ian and Lynette Melton I first met Ian and Lynette at a Henderson Heights community evening where they put their hand up to help deliver our paper to homes around Leafield Crescent, which is where they live. They are both incredibly busy people with full time jobs, selling camera bags, and doing life! Ian also put his hand up to organise a trolley derby in HH next year along with the Lions Club. Watch this space! A big thank you Ian and Lynette for your heart and contribution to ‘community’ in HH! You are one of our community heroes this month. Do you know a ‘Community Hero’?


Josephine Waitere is a legal word processor who works in the city. She lives in Lebanon Lane in HH is one of our communitie hereoes this month! When we first started this paper, before the first issue was even printed, we started knocking on doors around HH asking people to help deliver the papers. It was about 8pm in the evening when I was driving past Josephine’s home. Her lights were on so I knew she was up and about. When I knocked on her door she greeted me with a lovely big smile and beckoned me to come in. She willingly agreed to be the delivery person in her area and has been doing it ever since! On behalf of everyone in your area who receive the paper each month, thank you Josephine!

Let us know and they might receive a $20 SuperValue Palomino voucher!

email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz

I am the owner operator of SuperValue Palomino. Being part of Henderson Heights Community News in my view was a great way of sharing messages and creating a more close knit community in Henderson Heights via this newspaper. SuperValue Palomino is your Local Convenient Grocery supermarket. We share a similar vision to support our people in the community by way of giving back to the community, $200 every month as Community Cash. This is given to people or groups who contribute to the goodwill of the community. We take pride and interest in the diverse cultural community in Western Heights and as such endeavour to fulfil our locals needs. You all visit our shop and it’s a delight to befriend you all. Being a locally owned and operated business, it is only fitting to offer our support to the HHCN. Last year SuperValue Palomino contributed more than $8,000 towards the community and schools! We will continue to help build and grow our community – this only being our payback to the community for all the patronage over the years. After all it's more about what you put in than what you get out. I see new faces every day and once every so often we end up creating a bonding. I encourage you to try and reach out to people you don’t know and see what happens. Start with your immediate neighbours. Someone has to take the first step! And as you get to know your new friends in Henderson Heights, genuinely compliment them. This will make them feel good, more comfortable, and safe. Until next time - keep the community alive. Sanjeet Kumar and the team at SuperValue Palomino.

Owned & operated

by locals Page 8

SuperValue Palomino: 4/138 Sturges Road, Auckland. Ph 837 2504. Open 6:30am – 8:30pm, 7 days.


Community Cash

Our Henderson Heights Community News

WIGHT OPTOMETRISTS On-line Sports Equipment Business Succeeding in HH! Phil and Rachel Brown and their 3 children live in Henderson Heights and absolutely love their suburb. Phil was previously a youth pastor and primary school teacher. Rachel was a nurse and worked a lot of weekends and nights in the past. Looking for a change, they launched out and started their very own online sporting equipment business in 2009, calling it Strata Sports. Says Rachel “Working in our own business gave us some freedom to be able to be a bit flexible with our work hours – especially with the needs of the kids. Strictly speaking, I was part time in the business for a couple of years or so before launching full time in 2009. It’s an online business with the target customers being schools and sports clubs (eg, soccer, rugby and netball clubs) although we sell to the public and other clubs too.” They started with importing balls from overseas – the first order was a risk but it went well. Rachel comments: “We sent our first payment overseas for our first import and were concerned we may never see the goods arrive”. They needn’t have worried! The first import of balls arrived safely and then sold quickly so they ordered more in the next shipment. It grew from there. Then they took on other NZ suppliers too so

that their product range became really large. They now supply a lot of other gear as well including uniforms and even large goal posts which are sent all over NZ (sometimes overseas too.) Their own branded balls especially are very well priced for the quality and they’ve sold thousands over the years. As said at the beginning of this article, they love Henderson Heights having lived here for 11.5 years in total. Rachel says “It’s quiet and peaceful and we love living on the edge of the city and being able to see the Waitakere Ranges, paddocks and animals in the distance. It’s got a lovely safe feel to it.”

The Brown Family


You can contact Phil and Rachel through their website www.stratasports.co.nz.

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Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.




Have a sports story to share? Best story wins a $50 voucher from Visique Wight Optmetrists Henderson. Email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz and share your story


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KIDS! Colour the picture in, cut it out and



Come and CheCk out what we’ve done with the plaCe. there’s even a new playland for the kids!

Our Henderson Heights Community News

Lesson from famous explorer Earnest Shakleton on how to make travel a real adventure! it ake ‘play do you t nd ‘up’ the l, e v a r t a u When yo you take risks est Henry o n d r r E o ir ’, e S saf or? itish born Br re fact adventu on was an Irish- as a principal t w e Shackle 74-1922) who wn as th n. 8 o (1 n r k e d io io r t e a p explor r xplo f the figure o of Antarctic E ge im about Heroic A h from h ut risk c u m o s learn o, abo We can ut and having g he elements o t ll g a in stepp venture o be crucial to d a d n a t en as taking also happ cked w that are ommunity. So pa died of a building c n’s life that he say to e might Shackle ck at 52. Som arly death!’ e ta heart at estyle led to an ed as much k lif c a is p h , le e Few ‘Se eop ut few p s as Shacklton. t’s b , e b y a M r Le ir 52 yea great a mark. we into the o e s r t e f h w le s H explorer 8 the year in H and up the 1 , make 20 ake some risks ! r t , o t timate goal, and t u re fac step o e sight of the ul objectives. u os t lo n er e ev N v 1. d a short-term morable focus energy on with visible, me

example 2. Set a personal haviors. be d an s symbol ence, but stay sm and self-confid 3. Instill optimi ality. ur stamina and grounded in re self; Maintain yo ur yo of re ca e 4. Tak let go of guilt. am message constantly: “we are te 5. Reinforce the or die together”. one - we live d insist on us differences an 6. Minimise stat mutual respect. s, courtesy and ger in small dose t - deal with an 7. Master conflic ents and avoid needless power engage dissid struggles. d something to g to celebrate an 8. Find somethin laugh about. . take the BIG RISK B 9. e willing to - there’s always another move. Never give up 10.

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Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

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Page 11

Community builders photo board of HH Chevin Eleanor voucher 0 r $10 e h s e incoln iv e rec itre 10 L ma M a g e h from M ber Aris aff mem Road st

e (Elena on th tal Staff en e D z n ri P so t an Sw presen n the right) $50 left, Ana o y with her it ar er v In y d en winner W her Food Vouc Countdown

for children Making chicken roles ) Ian and ft (le at Ranui Primary afield Le of Lynette Melton Syeda jum An t) Crescent. (righ iracles Education owner of Mini M Road, and her Centre on Sturgess nan Bulaila. staff member Ha

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Our Henderson Heights Community News

the fields with sheep and livestock is amazing! My husband and I work in the city and the drive to and from work with the sea on one side of the motorway is very special. I think Kiwis take it for granted that this country is so beautiful!” Keziah loves singing and travel. As committed Christians, they want to use their home to house, feed, and love people who have a need. “We have great neighbours who are Middle Eastern, British, and Indian. Only one is a Kiwi!” says Marjorie. “We are so thankful to the NZ government for letting us settle and work here.”

Filipinos Elvin and Margorie Alcala

Filipinos Elvin and Marjorie Alcala, along with their daughter Keziah (17), love living in Virginia Street in HH! Elvin is an architect, Marjorieworks in Operations and logistics for a shipping company, and Keziah is still at school. Elvin and Marjorie met and married in Singapore 20 years ago, then migrated to New Zealand 10 years ago. “We love living in West Auckland” exclaims Marjorie, “just to look out of our windows at home and see the Waitakere Ranges and Naveen and Swastika Singh, who live on San Valentino Drive, first came to NZ in 2001 from Fiji on a visitors visa. Says Naveen: “My father came to NZ before me on a work permit, and when he returned to Fiji he told me all about it. So I decided to visit. NZ was the most beautiful place. I could see that there were also great opportunities for business here. I was a cabinet maker, joiner, and carpenter.

I thought that if I came to NZ to live, I would get exposure to new and modern woodworking machines. This excited me! The first business I started here was cabinet making. That was 2006. Since then I have expanded to include trucking, construction, and renovation companies, both in Auckland and Hamilton. I love living in HH. The beautiful Waitakere hills remind me

Keziah and Marjorie

of Fiji. We live on a high point in HH, so we get a nice cool breeze. I like that! My father and mother live with my wife and I now, along with our daughter Nishma. My father, in his 70’s is still working. He is a heavy machine operator, sawmilling, and logging. We are a really hard working family and make a great team!”

Are you enjoying Our Henderson Heights Community News? If you would like to help keep this paper running and contribute to this Community paper you can donate here. Call Davenports on 09 836 4099 and give your credit card details to Linda McGilvray or via internet banking; Davenports West Lawyers Ltd Trust Account a/c no: 12-3109-0077654-02.

Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

Page 13

Did you KNOW ?

In 1948 the Opanuku stream bridge replaced the original Coronation Bridge. The bridge was opened on the same day George V was crowned in 1911. The bridge was primarily established to provide better access for transport, mainly the logging industry, which was becoming increasingly profitable during this time.

Why this paper started... I live and work in Henderson. The concept of ‘connection’ motivated me t o start this paper. By ‘connection’I mean two things. First, ‘connection’ means developing deep, ‘real’, honest, and meaningful relationships with other people, whether they are family, friends, or neighbours. When we connect, we thrive. Creating a network of friendly relationships in a local neighborhood can give those who belong to the network a greater feeling of belonging and wellbeing. Working together to create a tighter-knit, ‘connected’ community makes you feel like you are part of something bigger than yourself. It just makes life better and richer. Sadly, today, many people have not really ‘connected’ with their immediate neighbours, even though they and their neighbours have lived next door to each other for years. Second, to make ‘connection’ we have to give of ourselves, whether it’s our time, our money, our talents, or our abilities or skills. For example, when you bake some for your neighbour you have to give of your time and money. When we give, we usually receive much more than we gave. Anyone who has lived a little knows this to be true.

Slightly hidden by our modern-day progression of roads, walkways, and landscapes, the original structure which is now a pedestrian bridge, still stands alongside our current road today. It’s interesting how something as “small” as a bridge was so important to economic growth. Reflection on stepping stones of past generations gives an insight into the challenges that people had to face to live a day to day life and create the community we live in today. Fascinating stuff!

With all this I mind, I thought about how I could play a small part to enhance and add to the ‘the connection factor’ in Henderson Heights. As a real estate agent, I wanted to be much more than just the guy who helped people buy and sell homes. I wanted to ‘connect’ and ‘give’ and help build the Henderson Heights community. Thus, the idea of a newpaper was birthed. One day, I sat down with Ash MainDonald, the principal of Western Heights Primary school. Our conversation drifted onto the cost of school camps and Ash told me how some kids just wouldn’t make it to camp because their parents just couldn’t afford to send them. I thought “This is so tragic.”

The idea came to channel the profits from advertising in this newspaper into local schools (and other worthy causes in the community) so that less financially able parents could send their kids to camp. My goal is to see that no child at any of the local schools misses out on camp for financial reasons. If you are parent who needs a hand in this way, just contact me on 0274764430. We’ll do our best to help. How can you help build the sense of community / connection at Henderson Heights? In every issue there will be ideas and stories about how you personally can help do this. This paper is not paid for by Barfoot and Thompson or any other single business or individual. Rather, it’s paid for by advertisers and sponsors. Literally everyone associated with this paper is a volunteer. Volunteers in HH write the stories and I edit them. I source the advertisers. Sarah Moon, our graphic designer has given her services for free to get the paper up and running. Nicholsons Print are sponsoring a big chunk of the printing costs. The paper is delivered by locals to 5000 locals. So when you receive a paper and enjoy it, know that a lot of people in your community have paid for it with their blood, swet, and tears! All the money generated from advertising in this paper is deposited in a public trust account governed by local legal firm Daveports West. The accounts associated with this paper can be viewed by anyone anytime so there is complete financial transparency. I lead a small team of people who oversee the direction and delivery of the paper. Everyone who is involved is passionate and dedicated to seeing ‘community’ in Henderson Heights flourish and grow. We’d love you to join in. Have a fantastic Christmas!

Independent • Financial planning Investments • KiwiSaver Ph: 021 631 327 www.cliffeconsulting.co.nz

“Proud Western Heights School mum since 2012” Page 14

Our Henderson Heights Community News

for real estate in HH! Interest from buyers who want to live in HH remains strong. Every time a property is sold near where you live, it directly effects the value of your home, either for good or bad. Check out the list of some of the recent sales in our great suburb. If you want regular up dates of sale prices achieved in HH, please email me: j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz. The properties below were sold by a variety of companies, including Barfoot and Thompson which sells over half of all the properties sold in Henderson.



VACANT HH Business Hub Co-ordinator! We want to build and support local HH business. I am looking for someone who has a passion to network and support local. We’ll help you. If that’s you, please give Julian a call on 0274764430.


Sale Date

Sale Price


Land area









































































Wishing you a very merry Christmas from us here at Our Henderson Heights Community News

Administrator Wanted! Do you like administration? Keeping records? Want to help build the community? Have computer skills? If so, please call me! Work from home. This position is voluntary (like the rest of us!). Call Julian on 0274764430 HELP - If you can help deliver OUR HENDERSON HEIGHTS COMMUNITY NEWS in your street, phone Elaine our delivery co-ordinator 09 836 3797 HAVE A VACANCY? Email Julian on j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz

HENDERSON HEIGHTS COMMUNITY NEWS 6 pieces of advice from centurions What’s the secret to a long and healthy life? All centenarians have their own habits and morning routines by which they swear. 1. “Don’t look at the calendar. Just keep celebrating every day.” 2. “I make myself go out every day, even if it’s only to walk around the block. The key to staying young is to keep moving.” 3. “Even if you feel hatred, keep it to yourself. Don’t hurt other people for any reason.” 4. “Don’t ever give up on love.” 5. “Make time to cry.” 6. “Travel while you’re young and able. Don’t worry about the money, just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be.”

Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

Page 15

Henderson Westfield

• Waitakere Combined Rebus Club Retired men and women wanted for friendship and fellowship. Come and join our club for morning tea, guest speakers and monthly outings. We meet at St Johns Hall,

Edmonton Road, TeAtatu on the third Wednesday of the month at 10.00am. For further details please telephone Lynn on 0210704606.

are planning an event where all the cultures get together in one place and one time! This is going to be awesome! Watch this space.

Coming up in 2018 ! • Trolley Derby! Street versus street, family verses family, school verses school and much more! Start building your trollies folks! • Multi cultural festival! There a many diverse cultural groups in HH. We


• The Henderson and Districts Garden Club meets at the historic Methodist Church on the corner of Swanson and Lincoln Road on the third Monday of every month, 7:30pm. All are most welcome. For more details, contact Betty on 09 832 0484



Know of something happening in the community? Winning submission in the next issue wins a $20 food voucher

Email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz


(I’ll handle the other 9)

Julian Batchelor Henderson Branch 027 476 4430 09 838 6059 email: j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz www.julianwillsellit.today

PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS: Julian Batchelor Real Estate, Countdown Westfield, Rachelle Bland Financial Planner, To the T Styling, Event Photography, The Good Health Pet Food, Swanson Dental, McDonalds Henderson Westfield, Visique Wight Optometrists, Super Value Palomino, Davenports West Lawyers, Mitre 10 Mega Lincoln Road, Drivesure Vehicle Testing, Top Shelf Electrical, Champers Party Shop, Mini Miracles Childcare Vision Board Workshops, , Freedom Companion driving, Moon Graphics, Nicolson Print Solutions, UHY Haines Norton Chartered Accountants.

Page 16

This publication is distributed to about 5000 Henderson Heights households. Get yourself noticed! If you would like to advertise with us please contact: 027 476 4430

Our Henderson Heights Community News

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