Our Henderson Heights Community News, March 2018

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Vol 5. Issue 1

Keeping everyone informed and up to date in our neighbourhood

March 2018

MY BRUSH WITH DEATH! HH resident Jon William has just turned 49. He never thought he’d see his 49th birthday because of his brush with death through cancer. HHHCNews: Tell us Jon, when did you first realise you had cancer? JON: It started when I had this pain in my lower stomach area. I thought it might have been an after effect of drinking alcohol. Well, it didn’t go away. In fact it got progressively worse. It was a Tuesday morning, 5:30am. I remember it well. Excruciating pain woke me. It was a struggle just to get to my car. Luckily I made it down to A and E.

they couldn’t get to it. Plan B was to cut me open and go into from the front, which they did. They got the sample they needed and when the results came back they found that the cancer had originated in my testicles. This told them that the cancer was spreading rapidly. HHHCNews: Oh my goodness! You poor man! Where was your family in all this? JON: No family. I was going through this on my own. I had a few friends who visited, but this was a battle that I fought with little support. The chemotherapy started almost immediately. I was prescribed 9 weeks worth.

HHHCNews: Then what?

HHHCNews: Tell us about that?

JON: The doctors rushed around, took a blood sample and gave me morphine. The blood sample was sent to urgent bloods. Four hours later the doctor came into my room looking all serious and said “I am sorry to say Jon. You’ve got cancer. Lymphona cancer. It’s survivable.” My whole life flashed before me and I thought “#$%@! How long have I got!” I went into shock. I was rushed to North Shore hospital where they did more tests and a scan. They found that there was a tumour around my spine. They tried to take a biopsy using a huge needle which they trust into my spine but for some reason

JON: It was #$%@. The very first dose was just soooo bad. I couldn’t stop vomiting. When I realised this was the first of many doses, I thought I would die before I got to the end! Fortunately, they gave me some pills to stop the nausia. HHHCNews: Did ACC support you? Or your employer? Nine weeks is a long time to be off work and to not have money coming in? JON: I was self employed. ACC said I was not covered. I didn’t have insurance. Friends would pop over from time to time and cook me something to eat. Cut a long story short, I recovered and the chemo

worked. I had one testicle removed. Now I know what it’s like to be at deaths door and in a hard place. HHHCNews: Jon, did going through all this change you? Teach you some things? JON: Absolutely! 1. It made me appreciate being alive more. I try to make the most of every day now and I cut out the trivial stuff like TV. 2. I became very health conscious, realising that my body was a beautifully designed machine and I needed to take good care of it. 3. I came to realise how fragile life is. I came full face with the fact they every new day is a bonus. I could be taken any day. 4. I cut out people and situations in my life which were not helping me move forwards.

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Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

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3 TIPS ON HOW TO BE MORE PRODUCTIVE IN 2018 Did you have a productive 2017?

Don’t answer that. No matter how much you got done last year, or how efficiently you did it, you can probably give your work habits a tune-up for the year ahead. Maybe it’s a change to your morning routine or a different approach to your to-do list. Or maybe it’s reducing your reliance on to-do lists altogether. Since everyone’s productivity problems differ, so should their solutions. 18 of the most productive people were interviewed to share their tips, hacks, and habits.


problem or are feeling like you aren’t getting anything done, don’t fight or resist that feeling; honor it,” says Humu founder and Work Rules! author Laszlo Bock. “Recognize that your body or mind is trying to tell you it’s overwhelmed, and go take a walk.” Psychologist Art Markman agrees, explaining that “downtime makes you more productive by giving you more emotional resilience to the inevitable ups and downs at work, while also helping you to get some perspective on the problems you are trying to solve. So unless it’s an emergency, when you leave the office, leave it. Everything will be there when you get back.”


BUILDING C O M M U N I T Y HENDERSON HEIGHTS or something on Youtube. Unless it’s directly related to getting your daily tasks completed, don’t do it. Some people are addicted to surfing the web. If that’s you, you’re in trouble already. Break the habit. Like breaking any addiction, it’s going to be painful, but you must do it if you want to be more productive. HH residents, I am using the free App called Wunderlist. It’s helped me hugely to be more productive. Let’s make 2108 our most productive year yet! Until the next issue….

One great key to being more productive is to eliminate distractions. We can all be tempted to have ‘a little break’ surfing web, whether it’s the Herald, Fox News,

Career strategist Adunola Adeshola kicks off her day by identifying her top one or two most pressing tasks. “Once I’ve scratched the most important thing off my to-do list, I immediately feel like I’ve conquered the day,” she says. “Sure, some days there are five to seven important things,” she admits, but starting by tackling something critical “helps me eliminate busy work and distractions so that I can end the day feeling accomplished.”

2. STOP TRYING TO “PUSH THROUGH IT” When your brain needs a break, take one. “If you’re feeling stuck on a particular

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Our Henderson Heights Community News

Some families have a ’cell phone shelf’ or place where phones go during meal times and homework times. Often phones are put there overnight to charge so that tech does not enter bedrooms. At work, it is possible to put your phone in a designated place, only checking it once every hour or so and only to respond to work related messages. Similarly, the pop up notifications on a computer to alert to in-coming emails can be disabled and emails can be responded to in the first and last half hour of the working day.

The Good Health

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Celia King

Master of Counselling – M. Couns (Hons) Postgraduate Certificate Professional Supervision ACC Registered Counsellor Full member of NZAC www.specialisedcounselling.co.nz Celia is a HH resident.

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Many primary and intermediate schools have a policy that cell phones are to be handed into the school office when a student arrives in the morning and picked up when they leave in the afternoon. The student is still able to contact parents quickly if needed during school hours, but otherwise is free from cell phone distraction while they learn.

“Tech Free” time can be used for meditation – a time of calming and reflection. This will alleviate the stress of being constantly ’connected’ and “on call’ and also provide quiet times during the day.

Contact: Ramesh

Recently I went to a lovely café in Puhoi. The sign on the gate read “No wi-fi – talk to each other”. When I entered, there were no cell phones in sight, just people well… talking to each other.

One day a week can be declared as “Tech Free Day” with all devices turned off for 24 hours. This gives opportunity for families and workmates to connect with each other in tangible ways. Have you ever been hugged by your smartphone?

A Tech Detox allows ’real person’ relationships to blossom – time spent with other people face to face; connecting to each other through body language, voice and touch. Doing things together, sharing experiences in real time, connecting, supporting, valuing each other; are things to be treasured because it is this kind of connectivity that contributes to well-being and good mental health.

* Shortening Trousers & Jeans * Waist Adjustment * Zip Replacement (Trousers/Jeans/Jackets) * And much more

Yes, being tech savvy has lots of benefits, but when it begins to take over our lives, interrupt conversations, enslave us to digital routines and create dependence – then it becomes controlling, addictive, an escape and detrimental to our well-being.

Using Mindfulness techniques, it is possible to consciously make decisions not to use tech or to limit its use. Many businesses ban smartphones from meeting rooms, families ban devices during mealtimes and ban all screens, including TVs from bedrooms.

If it is too hard initially to go completely “Tech Free” then a product called Circle helps to cut down usage by setting online time limits and blocking selected content.

Ph: 021 169 5168 09 837 5393

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier. We can see and have conversations with people all around the world. Social media allows us to keep in touch with 'friends’ and find out what’s happening in various groups and communities. There’s an app for just about anything and You Tube, Google and other search engines allow us to extend our knowledge, determine the weather, learn new skills, plan events, and diagnose medical issues and a whole host of other things.

If being without your smartphone, iPad, computer and other tech devices for a day brings feelings of panic; it could be a sign of addiction. Research has shown that dependence on technology; particularly social media is harmful to mental health and leads to depression – not to mention the harmful effects of cyber-bullying.

29 Palomino Drive Henderson, Auckland

Tech Detox


Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

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Yvonne Daji, Espalier Drive, HH.

____________________________ Why I love Living in the community of Henderson Heights. Hi my name is Carolyn and I am a proud resident who lives in Henderson Heights. I love living here in this peaceful, quiet community. When my family and I go for walks we see beautiful cared for homes, endless green fields and parks, and an abundance of New Zealand’s beautiful natural plants. Since I have lived in this community I have seen so many local events and charities take place. From Galas at the local schools, Community Centre Zumba classes, cooking classes, Yoga, Christmas parties at super value Palomino shops and businesses, people and families participating in our new and local Henderson Heights Community Newspaper. Henderson Heights is a very busy community full of wonderful committed people and families who in their own special way come together as a team to support each other. I feel safe living in this culturally rich, hard- working, loving

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community. Thank you all my neighbours for making it such a great place to live!

Carolyn Davis, Sandhurst Rise, Henderson Heights.

Annoyed! Hi there Every time we receive the Henderson Community News, someone or whoever is delivering it, drops it outside the main door, where it gets all soggy by rain & half of it gets torn, or flies away in the wind. Why are they not dropping it nicely in the letterbox? Editor: Ok thanks. Older people love it on their doorstep. They say it saves walking. We are trying to give extra service to the community. ____________________________ Annoyed! I don’t think nz post or any other mail is delivered on the doorstep. Older people still go to the mailbox to get that. Even the Western Leader goes in the mailbox. If we give them a finger they will ask for a hand. Next time older people will say, “Can u please open the door & drop it in my hands on the couch, will save us walking to the door!!” Don’t be fooled by all the old people around here. They need exercise! Come have a look at our newly renovated outdoor area. Open from 7:00 am until 6:00 pm Welcoming children aged 0 to 5 years Quality educational programme provided by registered teachers Nutritional chef prepared meals Free 20 HOURS ECE programme

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We have never had a community paper in Henderson Height until this paper came along and I am so grateful. It’s very informative and let’s me know what’s going on in the community and the different kinds of people who live here. I like the way it is laid out too. It’s so easy to read. So keep up the great work you guys and thank you!

125 Sturges Road, Western Heights Auckland 0612, New Zealand Telephone: (09) 281 2250 Email: info.wh@minimiracles.co.nz

Ph: 021 2121306 or Email me at: terri@visionboards.co.nz with the subject line: Sign Me UP! Check out : Vision Board Workshops

Our Henderson Heights Community News

Open Monday to Saturday at 9 Moselle Avenue, Henderson (off Lincoln Rd) Ph 838 3919

Muscle Car Dream Comes True For HH Resident

Long story short, I spent 20 minutes test driving it, and then another hour and a half in the Four Guys office talking about it. At the end of our discussion, I was feeling so emotional! Realising this, I didn’t buy it on the spot. I felt I needed to cool down so I could make a level headed decision. Three weeks went by and at the end of that time I went ahead and bought it! That was May 2017. It’s been such a great buy! It’s fun, exhilarating, amazing to drive, powerful (485 horse power), a real eye catcher, comfortable – and quick! (top speed 160mph). The all leather interior is peppered with speakers, and has all the mod cons.” “What have you had it up to?” I ask. Laughing Paul replies “I can’t say!” “Well” I said “have you had any tickets? I mean this car is not designed for 100kph!” Delighted with the question,

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Paul breaks out in a big grin - “Not one!” “But” says Paul “It does do 0-60mph in 3.9 seconds”. And that about says it all. Paul took me for a spin. Booting the gas pedal at anything less than triple-digit speeds goes something like this: The big coupe squats back, the transmission quickly kicks down to a lower gear, and the car rockets forward, its rear tires slipping and fighting to maintain contact with the road. Yes, it’s a beast! Paul wants to start a Muscle Car club in HH. If you own a muscle car, give Paul a call on 027 277 6149


HH Electrician Paul Dawson, now 50, has had his dream to become a muscle car owner come true. Says Paul, “My partner (Carolyn) and I were on holiday at the Mount with the kids with absolutely no intention of buying a car. However, enroute back to Auckland we passed by a Hamilton muscle car dealer called ‘Four Guys’. I’d seen the Dodge Challenger on the internet, but hadn’t seen one in the flesh. I was curious to see one. Actually, on that particular day, we didn’t see one. We browsed all the other cars they had and left. There were no Dodge Challengers in stock. Five months went by. Once again, we found ourselves in the area of ‘Four Guys’ and decided to pay them another visit. This time a Dodge Challenger was parked in all it’s glory right in front of the office! Wow! It looked like such a beast! As soon as I saw it, I fell in love with it!



Have a story to share? Best letter for the next issue wins a $50 Auto voucher. Email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz and share your story

Senior & Student Discounts

Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

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New Lincoln Road Mitre 10 MEGA Owners “We Love People!” and 2017! “These results please Dave and even more than making sales” exclaims Elaine. The key to staff satisfaction? Communication. “We have what we call ‘huddles’ two or three times a week. A huddle is when the staff meet in the store. We report back to them our customer feedback. We give out prizes and vouchers to staff who are excelling. The staff love these meetings” says Elaine. “If our staff provide excellent customer service it is reflected in our results” says Dave. For example, we know people who used to live out West and have moved

New Owners of Mitre 10 Mega Lincoln Drive Dave and Elaine Hargraves

into the city. They still drive all the way out here to buy from us rather than their local DIY store. Even though we are a big store, we really focus on making each customer feel special, and giving people that personal touch.” Dave and Elaine emigrated to New Zealand from Britain 16 years ago. They were recruited by Woolworths (now Countdown), where Dave became the National Operations Manager. He was then appointed General Manager for the Noel Leeming group and then CEO of Liquorland. An impressive pedigree. Dave’s first association with Mitre 10 was as the National Operations manager in 2012. In 2014 he and Elaine opened the Mitre 10 MEGA Westgate store. Elaine manages the administration side of things in both branches, and adores her work. 28 years married with two children, Dave and Elaine make an incredible team. We wish you well in your new venture and thank you for supporting OHHCnews. Come down and see Dave and Elaine at the Henderson store when they take over on 1st March.


Winning team Dave and Elaine Hargraves, who already own Mitre 10 MEGA Westgate, have just purchased Lincoln Road Mitre 10 MEGA. They are on a roll! The secret to their business success? “That’s easy” says Dave with a big smile “we love people!” Just words? Not at all. There are 41 Mitre 10 MEGA’s stores in New Zealand and each year the group conducts a survey of all its employees in all stores, to find out which stores have the happiest and most satisfied employees. The result? Mitre 10 MEGA Westgate was the top store two years in a row, 2016

Have a gardening story or tip to share? The best one wins a $100 Mitre 10 MEGA Westgare voucher. Email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz

Mitre 10 MEGA Westgate Northside Drive, Westgate / Ph: 09 416 2400 Monday to Friday: 7am to 7pm / Weekends: 8am to 6pm megawestgate

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Our Henderson Heights Community News

Mitre 10 MEGA Westgate Northside Drive, Westgate / Ph: 09 416 2400 Monday to Friday: 7am to 7pm / Weekends: 8am to 6pm megawestgate

Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

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DESIGNALINE CONSTRUCTION LTD Paul Dawson Paul is an electrician who lives with his lovely partner Carolyn in Sandhurst Rise with their son Sheldon. Paul is featured in the motoring section of this edition of this paper with his Dodge Challenger. Paul and talked about starting a Muscle Car Club in Henderson Heights and how we needed someone to head that up and Paul put up his hand and said “Yes, I can do that!” For this reason, Paul is one of our community heroes this month. Thank you Paul!

Do you know a ‘Community Hero’?



Grace Lim is from Malaysia and has been in HH for three years. In Malaysia she was a maths teacher but here in NZ she is a counsellor in training. Grace is a very busy person but in spite of she put her hand up to deliver the paper in her area. “What I love about HH” says Grace smiling, “is its cosmopolitan make up. There are just so many cultures here. Our immediate neighbours are Fijian Indian, India Indian, Portuguese, and Filipino. When new people arrive we try and reach out to them by taking them food and talking with them. We felt that we have to take the initiative since we are more established and they are new. It’s only right to do this”. Grace is one of our community heroes this month! Thank you Grace.

Let us know and they will feature in next months HHCN!!!.

email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz


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Our Henderson Heights Community News

with Haley Josib Babich – Hero! Josip Babach was brought up in a large loving family in Croatia. In spite of economic hard times, and the threat of military conscription looming for boys his age, he had safety and love in copious quantities. Yet when he was only 14, which was oh so young, he made a decision to leave everything familiar in Croatia and travel with his brother Stipan to New Zealand where everything would be completely foreign and unfamiliar. They spoke no English. They had little money. Can you image how scary that must have

selling two bottles of wine to a customer, when the law required a minimum sale of two gallons. When the police witness’s evidence proved inconsistent, the case was dismissed, but Babich’s lawyer, H. H. Ostler, urged his client to ‘get away from this place. There’s no future for a winemaker up here’. What persistence Josip showed to overcome negative people and their negative talk! It was Josip who trod grapes with his feet, fermented wine and opened a wine-shop. What business acumen for one so young! In 1919 Josip would have been just 23. He and his brothers shifted from land in Northland to the 72 acres they had bought earlier at Henderson Heights. It was Josip who established another vineyard there. I don’t think we realise today how tough that would have been back then – no roads, no machinery like we have today to clear the land, no sunscreen, no insect spray for the young vines, no town supply water for irrigation, no going up the road to buy fertilisers and sprays from Mega Mitre 10. No netting to stop the birds eating the grapes. The list of what they didn’t have that we take for granted today was endless. One of the grand old men of New Zealand wine, Josip Babich died at Henderson on 22 August 1983, but his legacy lives on. He achieved in his life time more than 100 good men combined. Truly, he was a HH hero.


been? Really, they were just children. What parent would let their 14 year old son do such a thing? Surely, Josip must have begged and pleaded so long and hard that his parents finally relented. What motivated Josip to do such a thing? To want such a thing? Was it the natural thirst for adventure which every young boy feels?

Or was it that he just wanted to be with his three brothers Jakov, Mate and Ivan, who were already toiling in the gum fields of Northland? Or was he just escaping tough times in Croatia? Or were his motives mixed? We’ll never know. Whatever his motives, he must have been thinking like Mark Twain who said “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Oh how his parents must have wept as they waived good bye to little boy Josip as the ship sailed out of the harbour. Doubtless, they must have thought that they would never him again. Mothers especially imagine the worst. I feel for her. Of the five Babich boys who emigrated to NZ, young Josip stood out. Really, he is the founder of Babich Wines. It was Josip who in 1912 planted the first vineyard on a terrace above the Kaikino Swamp gum field in Northland when he was just 17. What initiative for one so young! It was Josip who for a £1 sale, would sometimes make an 80-mile delivery trip on horseback, a dozen bottles of port slung over his saddle. What determination for one so young! It was Josip who was once prosecuted for



Have a history story or photo to share? The best one wins a $50 Countdown voucher. Email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz

Based in Henderson, law firm Davenports West offers a full range of legal solutions including: Commercial Property Law • Residential Property Law • Wills and Estate Planning Powers of Attorney • Commercial and Business Law • Law for Community Groups & Charitable Trusts. Contact Lucas Burn • Phone 09 836 4099 • 195 Universal Drive, Henderson, Auckland 0610

Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

Page 9

A BIG OE FOR CLIVE LIGHTBOURNE In 1966 (when he was only 22) HH resident Clive Lightbourne set off on his big OE! “I’d just completed my two years teacher training, and my two years practical, so I was free!” In downtown Auckland, he hopped on the ship the P&O, Oriana. “There were Canadians in my cabin” said Clive. “ They were great fun and we quickly made friends.” After sailing around the southern coast of Australia, picking up Aussies as they went, they headed for Ceylon, stopped in Aden, travelled on through the Suez Canal, rode a camel at the Pyramids, then Naples, and Pompeii, then Gibraltar, and finally arrived in Southhampton, England. Wow! What a fun time, for 4 1/2 weeks. “I decided to teach, on and off for 3-4 months in London, and in between relief teaching, travelled on my motor scooter to Scotland, Wales and Ireland and while I was doing this, I met 3 Australian girls, who were also passengers on the ship, who asked me to chaperone them on their travels through all the countries in Europe, in their VW Combi. Amazing memories, especially visiting Berlin and passing through the Wall, at Checkpoint Charlie. That went well, but in Norway, I decided to do my own thing hitchhiking, and travelling by bus and train, through Germany, Belgium and Holland.” “One night in Copenhagen, Denmark, I struggled to find anywhere to sleep. Every back packer’s place was full. No vacancy signs littered the streets. Feeling exhausted and weary I found myself next to a grave yard. ‘This will do me’ I said to myself. It was a beautifully clear warm night. After finding a suitable flat spot of

ground, I lay my ground sheet down and slept. Next morning when I woke, my eyes fixed on the tomb stone right next to my head – it was the grave of the famous Danish writer, Hans Christian Anderson, who wrote The Emperor’s New Clothes, and others.” Well, that was Copenhagen. “I ended up in Canada where I met my future wife, while teaching at the same school. Before we married we decided to do a trip to Alaska together to ‘test the waters’ and see how we would get on. Oh, we had such fun! We scored a job delivering a Cadillac de Ville, for an owner who wanted it taken to Seattle, from Detroit. We then took the Alaska State Ferry, which stops at all the Inside Passage ports. One night we ended up in a pub in Ketchikan. Because I played the guitar and my wife to be, the piano, we never had to buy drinks! It was in that pub, where we saw Neil Armstrong walk

We later followed the route of the gold miners of 1898, to Dawson Creek, in the Klondike, and on to Fairbanks. We lost almost all our gear in a camping ground robbery there, so headed back to Toronto, hitching first to Calgary, on the dusty, gravelled , Alaska Highway.(approx the same distance, as twice the length of NZ.) Quite a ride ! “ Cut a long story short, we married in 1970, in Kingston, Ontario and today we are still happily married (48 years later). ” When asked the secret to a long successful marriage, Clive is quick to reply. “That’s easy. Love. Second, respect each other. Third, learn to be patient. Try not to be grumpy. Fourth, try to care for the other person. These four keys have worked for us. Try them! They will work for you!”

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Our Henderson Heights Community News



The late Mrs. Vaine Maoate-Hooper

Waitakere BMX in action

NETBALL WAITAKERE STEP UP & REPRESENTATIVE ACADEMY Netball Waitakere are now taking registrations for the Year 7 & 8 Step up Programme & Representative Academy. The programmes run February-March and are aimed to further develop skills and prepare players for the 2018 season. For more information visit www.netballwaitakere.co.nz or email development@netballwaitakere.co.nz

Vaine Maoate-Hooper was a stalwart of sport, serving the local and wider community through softball. The Hooper family are well known for the legacy they have created at Waitakere Bears, one of New Zealand’s oldest, largest and most successful softball clubs. Together with husband Brian (current Club President) Vaine had served as a player, manager, coach and volunteer at both local club and Auckland Representative Level. The number of people that Vaine had touched through her 40+ years’ service was evident by the hundreds of people that came from near and far to pay their final respects. Our community is grateful for Vaine’s contribution. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU Let us celebrate your sporting achievements, personal bests and milestones. Please send us a quick email detailing the name, sport, age and achievement so we can share it proudly with the community. Email: hhcnsports@gmail.com


Waitakere BMX Club, situated at 103 Glen Road, Ranui will be hosting the last of the Super 6 Race Series on Saturday 17th March from 11am-5pm. What a fantastic opportunity to see our local BMX riders in action. This is the last event ahead of Nationals being held in New Plymouth during Easter Weekend. We wish the club a successful national’s campaign and look forward to sharing further BMX news in a future edition. For those interested in getting involved in BMX, club nights are held every Friday. Registrations are taken on the night between 5.30pm-6.15pm. Registration cost is $3 per rider, with the club having a limited number of bikes and gear for hire. For more information visit www.waitakere-bmx.com

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Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.




Have a sports story to share? Best story wins a $50 voucher from Visique Wight Optometrists Henderson. Email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz and share your story


Did you KNOW ?

Early Settlers Give Proof Of How To Live Longer. Did you know that British settlers who came to New Zealand lived in the eighteenth century lived longer than their peers who stayed in England? One of the reasons given was that they had a better diet than their British peers. A temperate climate allowed people to grow their own fresh fruit and vegetables year round in most parts of the country. Here Thomas Lister and his wife and three children family pose for a photograph in the well-tended vegetable garden in front of their cottage, about 1874. West Auckland had a perfect climate for growing fruit and veges. By the way, how can you tell if a plane load of Brits have just arrived at the airport? Answer: because when the engines are turned off, the whining continues. CAPTION COMPETITION: Guess what the wife is thinking in the photo and win a $20 McDonalds voucher for the best caption!

“Early settler in Cottage with Four Children”

More advice from Centurions. 1. “Don’t look at the calendar. Just keep celebrating every day.” 2. “Invest in quality pieces, they never go out of style.” 3. “I make myself go out every day, even if it’s only to walk around the block. The key to staying young is to keep moving.” 4. “Fall in love, get married. Sex is to be encouraged.”

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Our diverse


left to right Nimesh, Krishika, Vanshika, Radhika, Bhagwatiben, Pranjwan, Santilal, Mistry, Santaben

The Kumar Family The Kumars came to New Zealand from the Fiji Islands 12 years ago and have been living in Henderson Heights for four of those years. They chose Henderson Heights because of “the good schools in the area, the nice neighbourhood and easy access to all amenities”. Three generations live in the Kumar household – the grandparents Pranjiwan and Bhagwati; Nimesh and Rita; and their daughters Krishika(6) and Vanshika (4). This benefits them all as the grandparents look after the girls before and after school and kindergarten while Nimesh and Rita go to work. Nimesh says that it is an opportunity for the girls to get to know their grandparents really well as they see them every day and they learn respect. Respect for each other is a key ingredient of this Hindu family’s success in being able to live harmoniously together. Differences in opinion are talked through calmly so that people can understand each other’s perspectives and agree on ways of doing things. Although respect for elders is expected, the older people

and parents also respect the children. Respect is continually modeled in conversations and actions. Religious practices are an integral part of daily life and many religious festivals are celebrated such as Navratri, Janmashtmi, Diwali, Mahashirrati, Ganesh Chaturi, Holi, Rakahshabandh and Makar San Kranti. The combination of respect and religious practices form family values which are “fundamental in our daily life,” states Rita. Nimesh adds that having his parents live with them “is an opportunity to show them respect and to care for them” – to pay them back for caring him as he was growing up, and to teach his girls that this is how we respect and care for people. Intergenerational living is common in Fijian Indian families and with their respectful, quiet manner; the Kumars have not only found a “nice neighbourhood” in Henderson Heights, they are also very nice neighbours. By Celia King Our Henderson Heights Community News

Henderson Heights… a great place to call home! Principal of Henderson Intermediate, Mrs Wendy Esera, loves living in Henderson Heights. Wendy and her husband Iosua moved to Henderson Heights 3 years ago having spent the previous 24 years living in Wellington. Both Wendy and her husband, are School Principals. In Wellington she was Principal in two other Intermediate Schools before taking up the role of Principal at Henderson Intermediate. “ We decided that one of us needed to be working close to home and not both of us hitting the motorway each day. The move to Henderson has been the right one for us. The amazing walkways for our daily stroll that we discovered shortly after moving in, are fantastic. The Palamino Shopping Centre with it’s nice café, Friday Fish and Chips, not to mention the hairdresser and the superette, simply ticks all the boxes! Our neighbours are Indian, Cambodian and Irish. The ethnic diversity here, is just lovely. This is real New Zealand.” Wendy said. Wendy is thoroughly enjoying being Principal at HIS. She considers her daily job to be a privileged one. Wendy loves the multicultural mix in the School and she finds students and parents, really great to work with.

Wendy Asera, husband Iosua and granddaughter Emilia

Iosua and Wendy have two grown up children. Son Mario is a Commercial lawyer in Brisbane and daughter Ata, is a Family Lawyer in Wellington. “ Henderson Heights, is a great place to call home!.” Wendy said.

prize winners board er 3 ies receives h Carolyn Dav r fo ip h members month gym om fr or it the ed her letter to r be em m staff club physical b ank you Clu h T . yn Bronw Physical

Dave and Elaine Hargreaves, new owners of Mega Mitre 10 Lincoln Roa d. Thank you for suppor ting our HH community Dav e and Elaine!

Mayah Sangil w ith her Dad Ronnie receiving $20 vouchers from McDonald s for the colouring compe tition.. Thank you McDonalds!


Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

Page 13

Why this paper started... I live and work in Henderson. The concept of ‘connection’ motivated me to start this paper. By ‘connection’ I mean two things. First, ‘connection’ means developing deep, ‘real’, honest, and meaningful relationships with other people, whether they are family, friends, or neighbours. When we connect, we thrive. Creating a network of friendly relationships in a local neighborhood can give those who belong to the network a greater feeling of belonging and wellbeing. Working together to create a tighterknit, ‘connected’ community makes you feel like you are part of something bigger than yourself. It just makes life better and richer. Sadly, today, many people have not really ‘connected’ with their immediate neighbours, even though they and their neighbours have lived next door to each other for years. Second, to make ‘connection’ we have to give of ourselves, whether it’s our time, our money, our talents, or our abilities or skills. For example, when you bake something for your neighbour you have to give of your time and money. When we give, we usually receive much more than we gave. Anyone who has lived a little knows this to be true. With all this in mind, I thought about how I could play a small part to enhance and add to ‘the connection factor’ in Henderson Heights. As a real estate agent, I wanted to be much more than just the guy who helped people buy and sell homes. I wanted to ‘connect’ and ‘give’ and help build the Henderson Heights community. Thus, the idea of a newspaper was birthed. One day, I sat with a local and our conversation drifted onto the cost of school camps. He told me how some kids just wouldn’t make it to camp because their parents just couldn’t afford to send them. I thought “This is so tragic.” The idea came to channel the profits from advertising in

this newspaper into local schools (and other worthy causes in the community) so that less financially able parents could send their kids to camp. My goal is to see that no child at any of the local schools misses out on camp for financial reasons. If you are parent who needs a hand in this way, just contact me on 0274764430. We’ll do our best to help. How can you help build the sense of community / connection at Henderson Heights? In every issue there will be ideas and stories about how you personally can help do this. This paper is not paid for by Barfoot and Thompson or any other single business or individual. Rather, it’s paid for by advertisers and sponsors. Virtually everyone associated with this paper is a volunteer. Volunteers in HH write many of the stories and I edit them. I source the advertisers. Sarah Moon, our graphic designer has given her services for free to get the paper up and running.

Nicholsons Print are sponsoring a big chunk of the printing costs. The paper is delivered by locals to 5000 homes. So when you receive a paper and enjoy it, know that a lot of people in your community have paid for it with their blood, sweat, and tears! All the money generated from advertising in this paper is deposited in a public trust account governed by local legal firm Daveports West. The accounts associated with this paper can be viewed by anyone, anytime so there is complete financial transparency. I lead a small team of people who oversee the direction and delivery of the paper. Everyone who is involved is passionate and dedicated to seeing ‘community’ in Henderson Heights flourish and grow. We’d love you to join in. Until the next issue, have a fantastic month!

Independent • Financial planning Investments • KiwiSaver Ph: 021 631 327 www.cliffeconsulting.co.nz

“Proud Western Heights School mum since 2012” Page 14

Our Henderson Heights Community News

for real estate in HH! Interest from buyers who want to live in HH remains strong. Every time a property is sold near where you live, it directly effects the value of your home, either for good or bad. Check out the list of some of the recent sales in our great suburb. If you want regular up dates of sale prices achieved in HH, please email me: j.batchelor@ barfoot.co.nz. The properties below were sold by a variety of companies, including Barfoot and Thompson which sells over half of all the properties sold in Henderson. I urge you to come and see 30 Chadlington Avenue, even if you are not buying. It’s a unique property and one of the best I have seen in HH. Address




* Granite Headstones * Bronze & Granite Plaques * Design & Installation * Shipping to the Islands


Sale Date

Sale Price


30 Chadlington Avenue





1 Xena Way





6 Stroud Place





37 Basra Drive





15 San Carlo Court





11 Roy Maloney Drive





127 Sturges Road









33 San Domingo Rise





11 Brookwood Drive





3 Hercules Drive





2 Tirohunga Drive





1 Chardonnay Rise


Ph: 09 838 3800 HELP - If you can help deliver OUR HENDERSON HEIGHTS COMMUNITY NEWS in your street, phone Elaine our delivery co-ordinator 09 836 3797


see and e m ve co u to on A

e yo ngt I urg Chadli 30

Julian Batchelor Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

Page 15

Henderson Westfield Coming up in 2018 ! • Trolley Derby! Street versus street, family verses family, school verses school and much more! Start building your trollies folks! • Multi cultural festival! There a many diverse cultural groups in HH. We are planning an event where all the cultures get together in one place and one time! This is going to be awesome! Watch this space. • Te Atatu Ladies Probus Club Probus is a Club for Retirees. Enjoy Friendship and Fun. Come and join our

PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS: Julian Batchelor Real Estate, Rachelle Bland Financial Planner, Helloworld Travel Henderson, Freedom Companion Driving, Swanson Dental, Mitre 10 Mega Lincoln Road, Countdown Westfield, McDonalds Henderson Westfield, Visique Wight Optometrists, Designaline Construction, Good Health Pet Food, Davenports West Lawyers, Babich Vineyard, Club Physical Gym, Top Shelf Electrical, Champers Party Shop, Mini Miracles Childcare, Moon Graphics, Nicolson Print Solutions, Drivesure Vehicle Testing Moselle Ave, Vision Board Workshops, North Memorials Henderson, Ramesh Clothing Alterations, UYH Haines Norton Accountants.

Page 16

club for morning tea, guest speakers and monthly outings. We meet at St Johns Hall, Edmonton Road, Te Atatu South on the second Friday of the Month at 9.45am till midday. For further Details please phone Olwyn on 09 834 5276


• Waitakere Combined Rebus Club. Retired men and women wanted for friendship and fellowship. Come and join our club for morning tea, guest speakers and monthly outings. We meet at St Johns Hall, Edmonton Road, TeAtatu on the third Wednesday of the month at 10.00am. For further details please telephone Lynn on 0210704606. • The Henderson and Districts Garden Club meets at the historic Methodist Church on the corner of Swanson and Lincoln Road on the third Monday of every month, 7:30pm. All are most welcome. For more details, contact Betty on 09 832 0484



Know of something happening in the community? Winning submission in the next issue wins a $20 food voucher

Email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz

This publication is distributed to about 5000 Henderson Heights households. Get yourself noticed! If you would like to advertise with us please contact: 027 476 4430

Our Henderson Heights Community News

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