GOLDFIELD SERIES: Also Planning issues, see Books Twelve and Thirteen, below.
1. Something Funny Happened on the Way to Gabriel’s Gully (‘Heritage’/Planning)
2. The Blue Spur Bubble, from Mining Records, papers on miners’ families, illustrated.
3. A‐3 brochure. The Chinese of Lawrence and Tuapeka, illustrated.
4. The Little Empire of Sam Chew Lain, illustrated story based on fact, being translated into Chinese and subject of a movie and TV series in the early planning stages.
5. The Legend of Gabriels Gully. Computerised by Archaeologist Ian Lawlor. Illustrated.
TREATY SERIES: Begun under authority, Richard Whitau, Chairman, Arai‐te‐Uru Marae, Dunedin.
Book One Early Noble Chiefs of New Zealand or Niu Tireni (Aotearoa is only the North Is.) Chiefs who sold up in 1840: alphabetical order; witnesses, graph, Bay of Islands sales; North Island Chiefs in the South Island; see also Book Eleven, two volumes.
Book Two The Constitutions that Ratified the Treaty and Qualified Tribal Government, Illustr.
Book Three The Treaty of Waitangi, Received with Thanks, comparisons, Indians, South Africans.
Book Four Pre‐Treaty and Pre‐Emptive Land Buyers of New Zealand or Niu Tireni, alphabetical.
Book Five Mistaken Maori Land Claims: serious concerns, Ngai Tahu etc; Magna Carta.
Book Six The Report of the Land Commissioner 1862, tribes’ peace pledges; buyers’ occup.
Book Seven Mistaken Maori Land Claims II, Volumes One and Two; North Is’; Chiefs, Waikato + Wellington, Taranaki IN Wellington, Nelson, Marlborough, West Coast, Nth Canterbury.
Book Eight The Common Law of Fisheries (by Reid Elsevier’s gracious permission, pp. of Halsbury)
Book Nine Maori Chiefs asked for Queen Victoria’s Laws, reprinted speeches, Kohimarama Conf., June 9 – July 9, 1860. Chiefs studied civil law for private courts, punishments to be Limited; Biblical sources of ‘Western’ laws. THE TREATY WAS READ AGAIN and DISCUSSED; old Te Rauparaha’s son, Tamihana, recommended the Maori to ‘ratify the Treaty’. He gave ca. 22 short speeches. Chief’s vote on issues. A northern Chief’s baby son was given to Queen Victoria, accepted, as a godson. Ratified in UK Parliament.
Book Ten Queen Victoria’s Laws – ‘Te Ture O Ingarani or The Laws of England’, requested by Chiefs, was published in English and Maori for both races; several statues reprinted.
Book Eleven Waikatos, Taranakis, Waitangi Tribunal, Wrong Law? Wrong Court? Wrong Claims?
Book Twelve A Funny Thing Happened on the way to Otago, Canterbury and Auckland (‘Heritage’ mystique; largely snips of evidence from a reporter’s hasty file)
Book Thirteen A Funny Thing Happens to the Greens: They go Red in Autumn (‘Heritage’ mystique; + ‘greenie’ timeline of un‐common law + actions, some ‘shell’ groups.)
Book Fourteen Auckland, How She is Crowned; three senior Maori Chiefs, invited in the 1840’s and 1850’s as ‘protectors’. See Auckland’s registered, lawful Coat of Arms. The ‘A’ branded uniforms + ‘accoutrements’, cost millions ‘outside the law’: no mandate. Sol‐Gen v. Dunedin City Corporation case, NZ Jurist (1875). Are Council members personally liable?
Book Fifteen Ask that Parliament, not the Mountain, about Parohaka, Tuhoe and Auckland; has copy of Fenton’s judgemen t, 1869, on Auckland claims; Indexed, chiefs, pahs, wars. Also, Statute, Tuhoe pledge to Queen Victoria and Laws, 1896.
Book Sixteen Old Man River, Dare Ngai Tahu Share the South Island with Waikato Tainui?
Book Seveteen Waikato Tainui and Old Man River.
Book Eighteen Tainui, Ngai Tahu et Tribunal at Risk, et Churches et U.N. Overlook Anthropology Crown Diplomacy led to omissions by (virtually all) of our favourite authors.
Book Nineteen ‘Something has gone wrong’ said Sir Michael Hardie Boys, formerly a Governor‐General of New Zealand.