Index To All The Stop Co-Governance Videos

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Chris Luxon

Ac0vist Prime Minister Pt 1

Jun 2024

Luxon is a closet Māori ac0vist. He is advised by Māori ac0vist Potaka. Luxon believes in Māori.


1. Who is Luxon’s adviser on Māori maIers?

2. What is the difference between Government and Private Land sovereignty?

3. What is the difference in the English meaning of ‘Tino ranga0ratanga’ in the TOW compared to the current ac0vists.

4. What does Luxon think ‘taonga’ means and how is this different to the TOW meaning.

5. Why does Potaka avoid answering the ques0on: ‘Did Māori cede sovereignty in the TOW? ’


• Tama Pataka is Luxon’s advisor on Māori maIers. Ref: John Robinson ‘Who Really Stole the treaty’ (Tross Publishing, 2024) calls Potaka a ‘Fox in the Henhouse’.

• Two types of sovereignty: Governmental sovereignty of a country; Private land Sovereignty (council laws must be observed). In the Treaty Of Waitangi (TOW) 540 chiefs ceded sovereignty to the Queen (Art 1) and were granted sovereignty over the land they owned (Art 2 S 1). ‘Tino ranga0ra-tanga’ was used to mean ‘possession’ or ‘ownership’ in 1840.

• From 1989 ac0vists say it means: ‘unqualified exercise of chieeainship’. They think the Queen gave Māori over land for ever This contradicts Art 1.


• Willi Jackson ques0ons Potaka about the fact that Māori ceded sovereignty. Potaka avoids answering four 0mes and changes the subject.

• Potaka’s thesis states that more poli0cal power needs to go to Māori; he slyly replies ‘the Crown would protect the ‘0no ranga0ra-tanga’ of our people because the TOW says so.

• Shane Jones quotes Apirana Ngata. Potaka pretends to believe what Ngata wrote. This is a lie since Ngata wrote that Māori ceded sovereignty to the Queen in Art 1.


• Luxon admits he lacks knowledge of TOW. He has an ac0vist understanding of Art 2. He thinks ‘0no ranga0ra-tanga’ means ‘partnership’ and not ‘cogovernance’, and thinks ‘taonga’ means ‘treasure’.

• Luxon is wai0ng for the Waitangi Tribunal to pon0ficate on whether Māori ‘ceded sovereignty’. He is unaware that 240 Ngapuhi chiefs signed the TOW and ceded sovereignty.

• Giving a special place to Māori is not equality. ‘Equal but’ indicates he believes Māori need a special place. He adds ‘there are many inequi0es’.

• Luxon is a closet ac0vist. The Fast Track Bill has iwi all through it. He keeps Māorifica0on going.


Chris Luxon

Ac0vist Prime Minister Pt 2

Jun 2024

Chris Luxon is a closet Māori ac0vist. He believes in Māori partnership which is not in the TOW.


1. Who was the Māori member of the Waitangi Tribunal who changed the English meanings of the original Māori words?

2. How do we know Ngapuhi chiefs thought ‘toanga’ meant property?

3. What was the ac0vist reason for changing ‘taonga’ to mean treasure?

4. What word was added to the Māori version of Art. 3 of the TOW?

5. Luxon thinks the TOW is ‘a partnership’. What did Jus0ce Cooke actually say the TOW was?



• Luxon thinks ‘Tino ranga0ra-tanga’ means ‘authority’ rather than the TOW meaning of ‘possession’ or ‘ownership’.

• He thinks ‘taonga’ means ‘treasure’ rather than the TOW meaning of ‘property’ (or chaIels). Ngapuhi chiefs used ‘taonga’ to mean ‘flax, pork potatoes’

• He thinks the TOW is a ‘partnership’ ‘ because Judge COOKE said it was ‘akin to a partnership’.


• Luxon admits he lacks knowledge of TOW.

• He has an ac0vist understanding of Art 2. He thinks ‘0no ranga0ra-tanga’ means ‘authority’

• TOW is a ‘partnership’ but not ‘cogovernance’. (Art 3 in Māori is the same as Busby’s final English drae, except the word Māori was added to the Māori version.)

• The change of ‘taonga’ to mean ‘treasure’ was done by Sir Hugh Kawharu and it opened the gates of corrup0on, as ‘treasure’ is broad and vague and even includes the air waves.

• Luxon is wai0ng for the Waitangi Tribunal to pon0ficate on whether Māori ‘ceded sovereignty’. He is unaware that 240 Ngapuhi chiefs signed the TOW and ceded sovereignty because they wanted a Bri0sh government in NZ.

• Giving a special place to Māori is not equality.

• Luxon is a closet ac0vist. The Fast Track Bill has iwi all through it. He keeps Māorifica0on going.

• NZ was misled by what Ardern kept secret; Luxon is doing the same. He is not reversing race-based legisla0on.


Chris Luxon

Ac0vist Prime Minister Pt 3

Jun 2024

• Luxon believes the myth that TOW is a partnership. However there is no legal authority for this as has been explained by judge Anthony Willy.


1. Who was the legal expert who disproved the TOW was a partnership?

2. In what year did the idea of ‘partnership’ appear in the Waitangi Tribunal?

3. What was the important case that produced the ‘partnership’ concept?

4. Name two poli0cians who also said the TOW was not a ‘partnership’.

5. Is it possible to run a democracy in which one racial/ethnic group has special status?


• Luxon believes the TOW is a partnership

• Ex-judge and lecturer Anthony Willy shows the TOW is not a ‘partnership’. The TOW does not state this. It is a myth.

• Māori ac0vists, Eric Stanford, Chris Luxon believe it. There is no legal authority for this.

• The myth is based on the report from the five judges’ 77 page report in the State Owned Enterprises Case 1987. They some0mes used the term ‘partnership’ figura0vely, but none of them believed it was in the TOW. Willy’s analysis proves this.

• Ac0vists have misread the report.

• Parliament can stop this myth. Seymour’s Bill deserves support, although Māori ac0vists will kick up a storm.

• It stands to reason that Britain would have set up a partnership with a few low ranking tribes. This idea is backed by statements from Judge Willi, David Langey and Winston Peters.

• Separa0on is the opposite of democracy. People in NZ are equal under the law, there cannot be one group with higher status than another.

• Tuki Morgan thinks the TOW is a partnership but says that Māori are superior and should have more status than other NZers.


Chris Luxon

Ac0vist Prime Minister Pt 4

Jun 2024

• Luxon believes that TOW says the rela0onship between Māori and Pākehā is a partnership or a cogovernance rela0onship. Giving Māori a special status contradicts Ar0cle 1 of the TOW.


1. Give two examples of how Luxon Māorified Air NZ.

2. What does Luxon believe will be the main advantage of co-governance?

3. Where in the TOW is co-governance men0oned?

4. Luxon supports UNDRIP. Why is giving special rights to an ‘indigenous’ group incompa0ble with democracy?

5. Why is the concept of co-governance inconsistent with Art.1 of the TOW?


• TV INTERVIEW: Moana & Chris Luxon

• Luxon has watched Moana’s show over the years. He does seem to be entranced with Māori

• When Luxon returned to NZ he Māorified Air NZ. He ‘went on a big journey, focused on Māori scholarships, allowed employees of to wear the moku and embraced Te Reo

• Obviously believes the TOW is a partnership

• Despite being asked several 0mes Chris never defines co-governance. Complains that the government never defined it and that it is essen0al to ‘bring people together’ around the TOW

• It is needed for iwi managing resources and for beIer Māori outcomes. Devolu0on allows for iwi control of local resources (beaches, DOC land etc), health, educa0on.

• Chris contradicts himself by saying we are all equal un0l the law.

• TOW does not men0on co-governance and is open to many different interpreta0ons [i.e. ac0vist spin]

• Chris seems to be pro-co-governance. If Māori ceded sovereignty then this rela0onship is impossible. He cannot give a defini0on of co-governance because he would have to deny sovereignty.

• He thinks UNDRIP was ‘a good thing’. He does not understand that giving one subgroup special rights is unlawful in a democracy

• Chris is learning Te Reo and wished he had learned it earlier. He admires Kelvin Davis and Willi Jackson.

• Chris wants to befriend everyone, even opposi0on MPs. NZ needs a true leader.


Chris Luxon

Ac0vist Prime Minister Pt 5

Jun 2024

• Luxon permits the wastage of taxpayer funds to support the Māori prac0ce called rongoā. This contravenes the Tohunga Suppression Act 1907


1. What was rongoa?

2. Who was a tohunga?

3. Who pushed the Tohunga Suppression Act of 1907?

4. Which government corpora0on is suppor0ng the reintroduc0on of rongoa?

5. What aspect of rongoa prac0ce is likely to lead to nega0ve effects?



• Pre-colonial Māori ‘medical’ prac0ces were primi0ve and not based on scien0fic rigour. Rongoā is akin to voodoo

• In the past tohungas held great power within the tribes

• The Tohunga Suppression Act 1907 was supported by Māori medical doctors and poli0cians

• In rongoā pa0ents & prac0c0oners are related

• ACC supports and funds rongoā which contravenes the Tohunga Suppression Act 1907

• Since 2000 ACC has been offering rongoā in more than 10,000 claims across 200 prac00oners. This covers 77,000 sessions

• 41% of people using rongoā are nonMāori

• Why is Luxon, who sets the standard for Na0onal MPs, not stopping the waste of public funds on the prac0ce of rongoā?


Chris Luxon

Ac0vist Prime Minister Pt 6

Jun 2024

• Luxon con0nues maintain separa0sm, apartheid and racism by allowing Māori business to pay low tax (17.5%) or no tax. This is unfair on other businesses and tax payers. Māori receive more in welfare than the provide inn tax.


1. What is the tax rate for Māori businesses compared to non-Maori businesses?

2. Is it desirable for NZ to have differen0al tax rates for different ethnic groups?

3. Why do Māori corpora0ons register as chari0es?

4. What is the difference between the cost of Māori welfare and the Māori tax take?

5. If some Māori businesses pay no tax and some pay a lower tax rate, who is covering the tax shoruall?


• Inland Revenue Website: go to Businesses & Organisa0ons > Tax rates for businesses > Most businesses 28%, Māori businesses 17.5%

• Low tax rate for Māori businesses gives them an advantage and means they are not paying their fair shar of the tax burden.

• In 2011 Māori welfare exceeded the Māori tax take

• Māori corpora0ons have bought up businesses and the government allows them to turn these businesses as chari0es to avoid paying tax.

• Thus NZ pays Māori corpora0ons to take over the country

• Example: Ngai tahu net worth was $1.27 billion in 2014. Tax free income was $157 million. $6.5 million was given to shareholders.

• Ngai tahu seIlement in 1998 was $170 million. Bought ‘Go Bus’ for $1.3 billion and ran as a charity so paid no tax. Other companies cannot complete.

• Has 30 businesses paying no tax, so these are not paying their fair share of the cost of running NZ (Ref: NZ Centre for Poli0cal Research)


Chris Luxon

Ac0vist Prime Minister Pt 7

Jun 2024

• Luxon pushes Te Reo and Māorifica0on because he has an ac0vist understanding of the TOW. He is naïve and does not realise that there is a Māori ac0vist agenda to take over NZ by 2040.


1. What is the main objec0ve of He Puapua?

2. What was the long term poli0cal goal of bilingual signage, teaching Te Reo and Māorifica0on in schools?

3. List some social sta0s0cs that indicate Māori are not succeeding as much as Pākehā.

4. What is the largest ethnic/racial group in NZ?

5. What percentage of NZers are Māori and what frac0on of the group speak Te Reo?


• He Puapua is a Māori plan to set up a dual government to take over NZ by 2040.

• According to the government Coali0on Agreement work on He Puapua was to stop; this has not happened due to Luxon

• Luxon is mo0vated by Māori ac0vist misunderstandings of the TOW, i.e.

o TOW is a partnership

o ‘Ranga0ra-tanga’ means ‘chiefly authority’ not ‘ownership’

o ‘Taonga’ means ‘treasures’, not ‘property’

o ‘Kāwanatanga’ means ‘governorship’, not ‘sovereignty’

• Luxon is naïve and does not realise Māori ac0vists (& Potaka) are pushing Te Reo as part of the grooming process towards tribal rule.

• Te Reo is used in Educa0on (via Pākehā teachers) to brainwash students into accep0ng Māorifica0on culture/religion. (Te reo has limited use in the non-tribal world.) When at vo0ng age current children will vote more Māori into parliament for the takeover.

• ‘It is about Māori iden0ty’ ‘so they stand out’. Māori already stand out in social sta0s0cs i.e. unemployment, violent crime, drug use, welfare dependency etc. It would be beIer to improve these stats.

• By promo0ng Te Reo Luxon does not realise he is pushing an idealogical agenda

• NZ has 19% Māori, but only 3% of the group speak Te Reo. There are now more Asians than Māori in NZ

• Luxon likes co-governance. Bilingual signs are idealogical. Bilingual na0ons do not have a minority trying to take over.

• Before the 2023 elec0on Na0onal promised to eliminate Māorifica0on and bilingualism. Luxon refuses to hold a referendum on Māori wards


Chris Luxon

Ac0vist Prime Minister Pt 8

Jun 2024

• Luxon and his government are funding apartheid, racism and separa0sm by giving Māori $800 million in the 2024 Budget. This contravenes the TOW.


1. What was the main objec0ve of the Three Party Coali0on Agreement of 2023?

2. What example of race-based ini0a0ves appeared in the 2024 Budget?

3. Is the pay out of $80 million over 4 years for the Māori kapa haka programme jus0fiable?

4. $800 million was allocated to Māori interests in the 2024 budget. Is any of this mandated by the TOW.

5. Why are the Māori ac0vists so concerned about the Treaty Principles Bill?


• Trea0ng Māori to special handouts is not in the TOW. People who cannot support themselves do need government help

• The Coali0on Agreement pledged: ‘to improve outcomes for all NZers & not advance policies that seek to ascribe different rights and responsibili0es to NZers on the basis of their race or ancestry’.

• Race-based ini0a0ves were funded in the 2024 Budget, breaking the Coali0on Agreement (Ref: Muriel Newman)

• Māori received $800 million which is 7547 0mes more than that received by other NZ cultures

• The Coali0on has given Te Mata0ni $34 million over two years for a regional kapa haka programme and a further $48.7 million over three years from 2025. This is not jus0fied by the TOW

• There are 169 other cultural groups in NZ. These received a total of $17.886 million or $106,000 each per year while Māori get $0.5 billion per year

• Matariki gets $3 million

• Na0onal supports bilingual signs

• From the Budget Māori received:

o $142 million for language

o $64 million for well-being

o $56 million for housing

o $48 million for assistance (????)

o $10 million to support tourism

o $182.3 for Whau ora which is exempt from the auditor general check

• Clearly Na0onal is pushing co-governance and partnership. None are mandated in the TOW

• Māori ac0vists fear the truth of the TOW being exposed by Seymour’s treaty Principles Bill

• The TOW sets up a parliamentary democracy; all NZers have the same rights


Chris Luxon

Ac0vist Prime Minister Pt 9

Jun 2024

Luxon is a closet Māori ac0vist. Māori ac0vism. He is fuelling a freight train that is headed for disaster.


1. What were the 1840 English meanings for: Kawanatanga, Ranga0ratanga & Taonga?

2. What is the Māori ac0vists’ interpreta0on of ranga0ra-tanga and why is it significant?

3. Why does Luxon not commit himself to one side of the ‘ceding sovereignty ’ discussion?

4. Why is it untrue to say that the TOW gave the Government power to rule over seIlers and not Māori?

5. What evidence does Rawiri Wai00 give to back up his asser0ons?



• ‘Kawanatanga’ means ‘sovereignty’ (lit. ‘governorship’). Modern ac0vists say the TOW only gave the government authority to rule over seIlers. [This is contradicted by speeches of chiefs on 5 Feb 1840, Hobson’s instruc0ons to pull out of NZ if sovereignty was not ceded etc.]

• ‘Ranga0ra-tanga’ was used to mean ‘possession’ or ‘ownership’ in 1840. From 1989 ac0vists say it means: ‘unqualified exercise of chieeainship’. They think the Queen gave Māori sovereignty over land for ever, even aeer it had been sold. Māori own all NZ, so can have their own government

• ‘Taonga’ originally meant ‘property’ or chaIels’ e.g. 0mber, flax, pork, potatoes in 1840, i.e. property and land they owned. Modern ac0vists say this means ‘treasure’ i.e. anything they like

• Luxon has an ac0vist knowledge of the key words in the TOW.

• Luxon is unable to say whether Māori did or did not cede sovereignty for fear of losing votes from either side. Thus he has painted himself into a corner.


• Rawiri plays the vic0m card aeer Māori got $800 million in the 2024 budget

• Art 1: Māori did not cede sovereignty in the TOW. Māori gave permission to rule over seIlers only untrue.

• Art 2: Protected Māori exis0ng rights par0ally(?) untrue. Māori say government does not have sovereignty over Māori untrue. Treason. (Kohimarama resolu0on 1860 Queen had complete sovereignty.)

• Luxon’s understanding of the TOW is consistent with that of Wai00

• Luxon’s freight train of ignorance is heading fast towards a train wreck


The 440 Church Leaders. Real Leaders Or Modern Day Pharisees? Pt 1

The Church leaders believe that Seymour’s Principles Bill will lead to racial division without giving any reasons. They seem to be ignorant of the fraud behind Māori claims.

• LeIer from 440 Church Leaders (CLs)telling MPs to vote against the Seymour Treaty Principles Bill

• Church leaders need to read the Busby’s final English Drae from which the Māori transla0on was made

• CLs say Seymour’s Bill is crea0ng racial division; to create peace the Bill should be dropped.

• However, if CLs side with the Māori ac0vists a false peace will be achieved since the Māori ac0vist claims are based on lies.

• NZ needs to expose the corrup0on behind the Māori elite and the poli0cians.

• In the CLs’ leIer no evidence is given that the BIll will create division. The Bill will create racial harmony.

• Where doe Seymour’s Principles Bill breach the Treaty?

• Bill Principle 1: The New Zealand Government has the right to govern all New Zealanders. This fits TOW Art 1 where Māori ceded sovereignty.

• Bill Principle 2: The New Zealand Government will honour all New Zealanders in the chieeainship of their land and all their property. This fits TOW Art 2 sentence 1. In 1840 ‘property’ was translated into the Māori word ‘taonga’ which means literally property procured by the spear (i.e. through warfare). Property, including slaves, was more tribal than individuals at this 0me.

• In 1898 ‘taonga’ was translated as ‘treasures’. This is a mistransla0on and a deceit and treaty fraud ramped up. E.g. Māori claimed the 5G cellphone network. Note the TOW does not agree to protect Te Reo.

• Maori want the government to pay for the preserva0on of their culture. Cultural preserva0on should be the responsibility of the cultural group. NZ’s other 169 cultures preserve their own cultures.

• The grievance industry is a racket. From 1974 the Māori ac0vists have moved the goal posts.

• Ac0vists fraudulently say the TOW promised Māori all land and resources in NZ. ‘Ranga0ratanga’ refers to tribally occupied land and possessions (i.e. chaIels) rather than ‘self-determina0on’ etc as mistranslated in 1989


The 440 Church Leaders. Real Leaders Or Modern Day Pharisees? Pt 2

The Church leaders believe that Seymour’s Principles Bill will lead to racial division without giving any reasons. They inappropriately use Psalm 15 to just their claim based on historical ignorance.

• LeIer from 440 Church Leaders (CLs) quotes Psalm 15

• Are the CLs ‘blameless’? No, they have joined in with the corrup0on of Māori ac0vists.

• Are the CLs ‘righteous’? No, making harmful accusa0ons against Seymour is morally incorrect.

• Are the CLs ‘only speaking the truth’? No, They have made a series of untruths.

• Are the CLs ‘making no slander? No, they have slandered Seymour by accusing him of spreading division without any proof.

• Are the CLs ‘doing no wrong to a neighbour? No, they have been spreading Treaty misinforma0on to the public. E.g. the Bill is inconsistent with the Treaty, which is a lie. The spread the idea that the Treaty is a partnership between Crown and Māori. Spreading misinforma0on is not loving a neighbour.

• Are the CLs ‘cas0ng no slur on others’? No, they have insulted Seymour.

• Are the CLs ‘despising vile persons but honouring those who fear the Lord’? No, they do not appear to know right from wrong.

• Are the CLs able to ‘keep an oath when it hurts and do not change their mind’? No, they have insulted Seymour. Dr John Robinson’s recent book (Who Really Broke The Treaty?, 2024) shows that it is Māori rather than the Crown have breached the treaty, making virtually all seIlements frauds. It seems the CLs are history ignorant.

• Conclusion: The CLs use the quote ‘keep an oath when it hurts’ to jus0fy con0nued handouts for supposed injus0ces. This is not borne out by history, yet they they believe the Bill should be stopped.


The 440 Church Leaders. Real Leaders Or Modern Day Pharisees? Pt 3

While Church Leaders follow the Māori ac0vists’ TOW interpreta0on, a careful study of the TOW shows the ac0vist interpreta0on to be in error


• TOW Preamble: If Māori cede sovereignty Britain would set aup a government to govern all the people of NZ

• TOW Art 1 :Māori cede sovereignty

• TOW Art 2 S1: Māori were to own their own tribal land. Māori sold 92% of their land. Ac0vists say, incorrectly, Māori were to be given all the land and resources of NZ

• TOW Art 2 S2:Only the government could purchase Māori land

• Art 3: Granted Māori Bri0sh ci0zenship. Ac0vists say that Māori received the rights and responsibili0es of Bri0sh Ci0zenship without being Bri0sh ci0zens, which is ridiculous. Māori knew what they were signing

• The three principles in Seymour’s Bill perfectly align with the Treaty.

• Ac0vists, and the church Leaders, believe Māori have superior rights, contrary to the Treaty. Both believe Māori are partners with the Crown. Britain would not have set this up

• Apirana Ngata (1922) confirms that Māori ceded sovereignty to the Queen in the Treaty

• Jus0ce Willy confirms that no partnership was involved in TOW


The 440 Church Leaders. Real Leaders Or Modern Day Pharisees? Pt 4

Church Leaders agree with ac0vist Treaty interpreta0on and Government legisla0on that favours Māori acquisi0on of land and contracts.


• Land can be reclassified (RMA) and the owner has no right to object.

• Māori can declare land wahi tapu, so the owner sells cheap to Māori.

• Government can buy large blocks of land and give to Māori as a Treaty seIlement. All such seIlements are fraud (See John Robinson, Who Broke the Treaty?, 2024.) Media do not usually report such deals

• Example: Government signed off police sta0on contracts to Māori businesses rather than receiving tenders.

• The Church Leaders support this corrup0on, apartheid, and separa0sm.

• TOW Art 2 Sentence 1: ‘possession is translated as ‘0no ranga0ra-tanga’. Ac0vists say this means ‘unqualified exercise of chieeainship’. It just means ‘possession’. All Kiwis are chiefs over their possessions.

• ‘Taonga’ means ‘possession’ , rather than the late 20th Century meaning of ‘treasure’. All Kiwis have possessions which they treasure. The Bill aims to all NZers have ownership of their land and ‘treasure’.

• Art 2 was fine un0l it was amended. By ac0vist bureaucrats.


The 440 Church Leaders. Real Leaders Or Modern Day Pharisees? Pt 5

The Church Leaders promote the falsehood that the Treaty was a partnership between Crown and Māori without giving any evidence.

• No reason is given for Syemour’s Bill not suppor0ng the Treaty

• CLs think Māori are partners with the Crown, but this is not in the Treaty

• CLs condemn the Bill without evidence. How does the Bill undermine the Treaty?

• Both courts and the Waitangi Tribunal are run by ac0vists

• CLs say Bill distorts the Treaty without giving evidence

• CLs say Bill may destabilise and reduce cohesion without evidence

• The Cls’ version of is based on lies. Full and final Treaty seIlements were made up un0l 1960.

• John Robinson says: “All Treaty seIlements are based on the Crown having broken the Treaty. Since that is not so [i.e. the Crown have not broken the Treaty], all such seIlements are a fraud. There is no jus0fica0on for the con0nued existence of either seIlements or the Waitangi Tribunal.” (Who Really Broke The Treaty? Tross Publishing. 2024, p.65.)

• Colonisa0on has brought huge benefits to Māori; brought from the guIermost to the uIermost.

• The problem arises from land seller remorse. Land bought for a penny per acre is now worth thousands due to infla0on and improvements. Māori benefit from civic improvements

• CLs say the Treaty acts as a ‘moral and equitable compass for our democracy’. If one group (Māori) have superior rights over another (which is what CLs are promo0ng then we are not living in a democracy we are living in an apartheid state. Obviously the Bri0sh did not intend to set up an apartheid state in 1840.

• The leIer is bazar. The authors say the Bri0sh set up an apartheid state. All the ac0vists believe the same thing.


The 440 Church Leaders. Real Leaders Or Modern Day Pharisees? Pt 6

Church Leaders agree with ac0vist Treaty interpreta0on. While concerned with the BIll being divisive and spreading disinforma0on, they are spreading disinforma0on in the document. They give no evidence to back up arguments.


Seymours’ original Principles: 1. The New Zealand Government has the right to govern all New Zealanders. 2. The New Zealand Government will honour all New Zealanders in the chieeainship of their land and all their property. 3. All New Zealanders are equal under the law with the same rights and du0es.

• Wellington bureaucrats changed Principle 2 so Māori have special rights–a fraudulent version of the Treaty (TOW) that maintains the corrupt status quo

• Church Leaders (CLs), ac0vists, Luxon and Potaka are history ignorant.

• CLs say the Bill will lead to division, spread disinforma0on and hinder efforts at healing and reconcilia0on. This is spin and no evidence is given

• Aotearoa, pushed by ac0vists, is an incorrect name for NZ; Nu 0rani was used in TOW.

• Disinforma0on comes from ac0vists which the CLs agree with i.e. The Treaty

o is a partnership

o mandated a 2 0er society

o mandated the forma0on of an apartheid state

o gave Māori special rights & privileges

o gave Māori the right to set up their own government

o allowed Māori to be appointed to governing roles (e.g. Māori wards)

o allowed Māori to be involved in the leadership of society, in all organisa0ons, as of right.

o Is a sacred covenant. (God is not men0oned.) It is a secular document.

o Is a living document and therefore the meaning can change

o Can only be understood by Māori language experts.

• 440 Church Leaders endorse this misinforma0on. ‘Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put biIer for sweet, and sweet for biIer.’ Isiah 5:20


The 440 Church Leaders. Real Leaders Or Modern Day Pharisees? Pt 7

Church Leaders (CLs) oppose Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill because they are ignorant of the history of TOW and align with ac0vist goals


• Ac0vist are in control of what the public knows about TOW and use it to fit their goal to take over the country by 2040

• Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill has the poten0al to completely derail the Māori ac0vist plan

• Māori ac0vists employ 18 strategies to keep the takeover on track

• CLs are complicit with Māori ac0vists in perpetua0ng the lie that TOW is a ‘sacred covenant’, when it is not. (It is clearly a secular document.)

• CLs think they are in a direct line to the missionaries who helped drae the TOW. Any resemblance is like chalk and cheese. Henry Williams said: ’That the na0ves to whom I explained the nature of the Treaty understood the same I have no doubt.’ The chiefs knew there were many advantages for to Māori if Britain took control

• CLs say the chiefs did not sign up to Bri0sh control.

• CLs are commiIed to brainwashing their congrega0ons with a false understanding of the TOW. They want: their flocks to accept the ac0vist understanding of TOW, not oppose the takeover of NZ and to join in with the Māori ac0vist takeover of NZ.

• CLs want to pursue reconcilia0on, i.e. to keep cash and assets going to Māori ac0vists and that NZ will flourish under Māori tribal rule. This will result in fake unity.

• Cl’s should know the metaphor of a ‘house built on sand’

• Cl’s, through ignorance, want MPs to oppose Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill

• Let the evidence speak for itself


Civil War is Coming Pt 1

Jul 2024

Luke Orbell is an example of a young Māori who has been radicalised will have social consequences


1. What are the posi0ve and nega0ve consequences of colonisa0on on Māori?

2. Is Luke jus0fied in blaming the government for his ancestors not passing on ‘his culture’.

3. Beside colonisa0on what else could account for of the present shortcomings of Māori culture?

4. Luke implies that Māori land was stolen. How true is this?

5. According to the TOW, is the Government responsible for ‘maintaining Māori culture and language?


• Luke Orbell, angry young person speaking in parliament, playing vic0m card, says:

o Colonisa0on is bad (This is Cri0cal Race Theory doctrine)

o Pepeha (tribal sayings, proverbs) have been stolen from me because my forefathers did not pass on my culture

o It is the government’s job to pass on my culture

o The shortcomings of Māori culture is due to colonisa0on

o In South Auckland children have to leave school to support their families

o The educa0on system should be suppor0ng Māori culture

o Seabed mining should be banned.

o Give back our land, give back our language and our culture

• Māori sold 92% of their land

• It is not the government’s job to maintain Māori culture & language. Other cultures do this themselves without government support

• Luke has been radicalised, is history ignorant and will spread toxicity

• There will be social consequences from such radicalisa0on such as anarchy and civil war


Civil War is Coming Pt 2 Jul 2024

By appoin0ng Potaka and through his lack of ac0on against Māorifica0on and cogovernance Luxon shows himself to be an ac0vist who is helping move NZ towards civil war.


1. What did Luxon do for Air NZ that shows he has a soe spot for Māori culture?

2. What evidence do we have that Luxon as PM is con0nuing with Māorifica0on?

3. Give examples of Luxon’s ac0ons that are likely to fuel civil war?

4. In what ways has Luxon breached the Coali0on Agreement.

5. Give two reasons that Luxon might use to jus0fy him blocking Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill.


• Many are angered that Luxon is taking the country further towards racism and apartheid. Radical Māori are angry; they want cash faster.

• Luxon is an ac0vist and is fuelling civil war:

1. Despite the Coali0on Agreement (CA) Na0onal is reluctant to stop co-governance and Māorifica0on

2. Only 4 items are on the 90 day plan and He Puapua is s0ll in progress

3. CA has 36 points to stop co-governance, without ACT this would be zero

4. He Māorified Air NZ

5. $800 of budget was given to Māori only

6. He is blocking Seymour’s Bill

7. He is furthering co-governance through FastTrack by involving iwi.

8. None of the items in the CA have been ac0oned.

9. He says nothing against Māorifica0on in parliamentary debates

10. He picked Potaka who is a Māori ac0vist who holds a high posi0on and refuses to answer ques0ons.

11. Na0onal has done nothing to stop 0kanga

12. He has done nothing to stop the Marine and Coastal Act

• Luxon does not want to lose Māori votes, upset Māori ac0vists, may be ignorant of Māori takeover, may be following UN UNDRIP agenda.

• Luxon has breached the CA

• Luxon is a stealth ac0vist and is moving NZ to civil war.


Civil War is Coming Pt 3

Jul 2024

Chris Luxon is ignorant of NZ history and the Treaty. He has parallel beliefs to ac0vist Rawiri Wai00 & so is an ac0vist by stealth


1. Does Luxon believe that Māori ceded sovereignty?

2. How does Wai00 think colonisa0on trauma0sed Māori?

3. How can flora and fauna be considered intellectual property since the organisms were present before Māori arrived?

4. What was the 1840 meaning of kāwatanga’?

5. Is it fair that the Waitangi Tribunal can accept claims based on stories rather than more historically reliable evidence?


• Chris Luxon and Rawiri Wai00 believe the following:

• Māori did not cede sovereignty, TOW permiIed government only of seIlers, Māori have the right to retain NZ resources, Māori can have a parallel government, Māori are indigenous, government should pay legal fees for Māori to sue government, colonisa0on trauma0sed Māori, Māori should receive special government funding, Māori must be appeased, poor Māori performance is society’s fault, Māori need special treatment (undemocra0c), ‘taonga’ means ‘treasure’, Māori intellectual property includes flora and fauna, Māori land was stolen, democracy must be tweaked to fund Māori, government should fund preserva0on of Te Reo, TOW supports ‘partnership’, ‘kāwatanga’ means ‘government’ rather than ‘sovereignty’, ‘ranga0ratanga’ means ‘absolute authority’ rather than ‘ownership’ or ‘possession’, co-governance between Māori and Crown must be progressed by stealth rather than transparency, Māori do not have to use their own funds ($70 billion) for their growth and development, the Waitangi Tribunal (WT) must only hear Māori grievances against the government & not seIler grievances against Māori, WT must accept claims based on stories etc rather than facts, only WT can say what the TOW means

• Na0onal Party: can advance co-governance and Māorifica0on without campaigning for it, believes co-governance has worked well so should con0nue

• Luxon: thinks tribal rule is as good as democracy, works against equality (as per TOW Art 3) e.g. Fast Track Bill and $800 million to Māori in Budget, Te Reo is special, 0kanga is consistent with law, it is fine for media to con0nue pushing ac0vist propaganda, is Treaty and history ignorant,

• Luxon and Wai00 have similar beliefs. Luxon is an ac0vist by stealth

• Majority of NZers are angry about the transfer of funds and assets to Māori ac0vists Civil war is a possibility

• Ac0vists want more funds and power. Their appe0te is insa0able


David Seymours Treaty Principle’s Bill. Now We Know Why Luxon Is Not Suppor0ng It

Nov 2024

Luxon is a closet Ac0vist and believes in the Māori ac0vist cause, partnership, co-governance and that Māori were tricked out of their land. This is counter to the beliefs of the voters.


1. Why does Luxon believe in cogovernance and partnership?

2. What was the reason that Luxon stopped Three Waters and Māori Health?

3. Do we know why Luxon will not support the Treaty Principles Bill?

4. Luxon believes Māori land was stolen. What evidence proves this is untrue?

5. What evidence is there that Luxon is a ac0vist for Māori causes?


• 11 Nov 2024 PM Press Conference, Sean Plunket

• Luxon is a closet ‘Māori’ Ac0vist who believes in the Big Four Driving Beliefs:

1. Suppor0ng the cause of ac0vist Māori

2. There is a partnership between the Crown and Māori

3. Co-governance between Crown and Māori is a wonderful thing

4. In 1840 Māori were diddled out of their land and Luxon is on a personal crusade to put things straight.

• Luxon cannot express these beliefs openly.

• Cracks in Luxons’ façade began to show.

• Pre-elec0on Luxon said he wanted to do the best for all NZers. Once in office it was obvious he wanted to build a robust economy based on the Big Four. Stopping Three Waters and Māori Health was for economic rather than ideological reasons.

• Sean Plunket stated and approved of the three principles in the bill. He asked Luxon which principles he liked or disliked.

• Luxon dislikes all 3 principles; ‘too simple to support’. He believes the Treaty has enabled Crown and Māori to work together and that it involves ‘difficult and complex’ issues.

• Luxon would prefer to support the 2024 hikoi rather than support the Bill.

• Luxon supports the ac0vist goals: dual government, special privileges for Māori and special status for Māori (two-0er society).

• Plunket concludes that Luxon is happy with the status quo. Voters are unhappy with the status quo.

• Luxon is unable to jus0fy his reasons for opposing the BIll.


Gore – The Guinea Pig for the rest of us

Oct 2024

Gore District Council’s to underhandedly declare the area of land to contain loca0ons of cultural significance to Māori. Groundswell is developing opposi0on to the move.


1. How large was the culturally significant area around Gore?

2. What features can be designated culturally significant?

3. What happens to the land value when a site is decaled significant to Māori?

4. What legisla0on can be used to challenge iwi declaring private land culturally significant?

5. Is it fair that iwi can change the status of private land by declaring it culturally significant?


• Laurie Paterson of Groundswell, NZ

• Gore District Council for its long term plan has proclaimed 12,000 sq km of land around Gore to contains sites of cultural significance to Māori e.g. land, water features and marae.

• Groundswell has developed a pledge for locals to sign to oppose this

• Councils around NZ have been propagandised and brainwashed by Māori ac0vists.

• Na0onal’s Potaka pushes this. He believes Māori in 1840 did not cede sovereignty.

• Gore is a test patch

• The community was not consulted. This is happening by stealth and TOW misinforma0on.

• Dr Michael BasseI has wriIen an ar0cle ‘Iwi Bandits at Work’.

• Through the RMA and landscapes or features can be declared of significance to Māori. This reduces the land value and ac0vists can buy the land cheaply. It is a giant scam.

• In the context of land designa0ons, the term ‘appropriate considera0ons’ can be translated as ‘iwi will find ways to shae you’.


Luxon’s Coming Crisis Pt 1

Aug 2024

To educate the NZ public about Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill we are satura0ng the country with business cards that connect to the Stop CoGovernance YouTube site via a QR code



• NZ is at a fork in the road, whether to con0nue turning towards tribalism or take the beIer route towards improving our democracy

• This means suppor0ng Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill.

• To educate NZers a massive distribu0on of business cards is to be used.

• The QR code on the card takes the viewer to the Stop Co-governance YouTube Channel.

• Aware of the issues the viewer will likely support the Bill and wish to distribute cards.

• Cards cost 3c each plus postage i.e. about $38 for 1000

• 70,000 cards went out in the first week with 21 people delivering to many places in NZ

• Our Goal:

o 2000 people delivering

o No limit to the number of people delivering

o A card can be delivered several 0mes to a receiver

o Must cover all small towns

o Make a town or suburb ‘your patch’

o Remember you are figh0ng for your children or grandchildren


Luxon’s Coming Crisis

Pt 2

Aug 2024

Luxon has said he will not support Seymour’s Treaty Bill beyond the first reading to maintain Māori ac0vist support. If enough people support the Bill Luxon may have to change his mind.


1. What number of submissions to the Treaty Bill is significant and why?

2. What are the two poli0cal fac0ons that Luxon is trying to appease?

3. In future NZ can take one of two roads. What are the two alterna0ve routes?

4. What was the difference in the percentage votes in the 2023 elec0on between Na0onal, ACT and NZFirst and the rest?

5. If Luxon openly supported the Treaty Principles Bill, which party support would he lose?


• NZ is at a fork in the road, whether to con0nue turning towards tribalism or take the beIer route towards improving our democracy

• Luxon is terrified of Māori ac0vists and will have to be resolute.

• Possible outcomes for Seymour’s Bill:

• Outcome 1: 300,000 plus public responses in support of the Bill mean that Luxon will have to change and support the Bill.

• Outcome 2: less than 300,000 plus public responses in support of the Bill means that Luxon will go with the Māori ac0vists and tribal fraud will run rampant. However, he will have to deal with a large minority of 100,000+ angry voters.

• Calcula0on: Total votes in last elec0on =2,851,211. Na0onal, NZ First and ACT received 52%. Greens, TPM and Labour 41%. The difference is 10.49% or c.300,000 voters.

• Luxon’s crises: (1) He rejects the bill and will be subject to the wrath of its supporter OR (2) He accepts the Bill and is subject to the wrath of Māori ac0vists who will milk the crisis as an aIack on Māori.

• Strategies: support the BIll, direct public to this website and distribute cards.


Mike Hosking on Our New race Based Jus0ce System

Oct 2024

Solicitor General (SG) has released new Prosecu0on Guidelines that direct prosecutors to go soe on Māori crime.



• Solicitor General (SG) has released Prosecu0on Guidelines

• From 1975 un0l now ac0vists have released new policies, each containing a hidden agenda to mask what they are up to.

• SG directs to think carefully when Māori are being prosecuted. This suggests a soeening on dealing with Māori criminals which would result in more crime.

• This is race-based ideology proving that Na0onal is not keeping to the coali0on agreement. i.e. Luxon and Potaka are full steam ahead with Māorifica0on.

• The SG policy to make Māori crime sta0s0cs appear beIer.

• If this policy is not race-based, how can it be explained


MP Treaty

Ignorance Costs (1)

Aug 2024

MPs accept decisions and misinforma0on from courts and the TOW due to ignorance, controversy, lack of 0me and lobbying by Māori ac0vists.


1. What is the nature of the rela0onship between the media and the Waitangi Tribunal and the Courts?

2. Some have proposed that 0kanga is NZ’s first system of law. What are the possible shortcomings of following this asser0on?

3. Who said the TOW was ‘akin to a partnership’ and in what year?

4. What does Luxon think the rela0onship is between Māori and the Crown based on TOW?

5. Why have poli0cians been the weak link between the Waitangi Tribunal and legisla0on?


• Media treat Waitangi Tribunal (WT) and Courts as ‘gods’ whose judgements cannot be challenged. Both have been hijacked, oeen produce dogma rather than Truth & Jus0ce.

• Both propose 0kanga should be given the status as the first NZ law. Gary Judd disagrees.

• The courts are about to give the beaches to iwi. This is not what Parliament intended. Courts overstep their mark. Judgements are some0mes ambiguous

• Luxon believes in partnership–Māori have authority over their ‘treasure’ and their land. He has misunderstood what Jus0ce Cooke said in 1987. Cooke said the TOW was ‘akin to a partnership’. Judge Willy said Cooke never intended ‘partnership’.

• Luxon wants to Māorify NZ as he did with AirNZ. Instead of studying the TOW he has cherry-picked a court ruling and misinterpreted

• Under Luxon, Māorifica0on, separa0sm, apartheid, & racism are progressing at speed. Combining faulty & ambiguous court rulings with MP ignorance results in disaster and costly mistakes

• WT has been feeding MPs with misinforma0on e.g. ‘Māori did not cede sovereignty’. MPs should have TOW training so they can recognise when they are misled.

• In 1980s the TOW was reinterpreted. MPs: were ignorant, thought the topic too controversial so lee it to the courts, were too busy, were lobbied by Māori ac0vists to appoint ac0vist judges to courts & the WT. Parliament chooses not overrule decisions through MP ignorance.

• Judges are poli0cal appointments

• Solu0on is to vote for a strong prime minister


MP Treaty

Ignorance Costs (2)

The Na0onal Government is pushing ahead with Te Mana o te Wai (Water Policy) as set up by Labour. Luxon and Potaka are forging ahead with cogovernance and Māorifica0on for water management


1. Did voters want Na0onal to con0nue with Labour’s Māorifica0on 00policy?

2. Who are the Na0onal Party’s main drivers of Māorifica0on?

3. Why is it dangerous for iwi to have say in council decisions on water use?

4. Does TOW mandate Te Mana o te Wai?

5. What are the advantages to Māori of pushing the belief that ’water has mana’ ?


• Peter Williams LeIer

• Na0onal was voted in to eliminate cogovernance but is accelera0ng it

• For Te Mana o te Wai (TMOTW) (part of 3 Waters) the government is con0nuing down Labour’s path.

• Poli0cians can stop iwi being involved with fresh water and instruct bureaucrats to follow direc0ons with a signature

• Luxon and Potaka are pushing co-governance and Māorifica0on and telling bureaucrats to con0nue Labourer’s TMOTW policy.

• Māori think water is a spiritual being and only they understand it

• Courts have been infiltrated with ac0vist judges and their decisions must be regarded with suspicion.

• All freshwater and runoff will be subject to TMOTW. Māori are making this up to harvest money the idea that water has mana is a modern inven0on. Iwi must give consent to change the race-based high water standards, which is what Labour wanted.

• Parliament is supreme and can reverse previous government statutes. However, Luxon and Potaka are overruling everything.

• David Parker’s statement allows Māori to be involved in decision making re freshwater values. This allows iwi to make up policy council to council. A scam. Māori will get their tentacles into all councils.

• Councils do not recognise how dangerous this government is, as iwi can overrule community needs and raise costs. Money could be beIer used for community projects. Rates increase and the community gets poorer.

• Judith Collins thinks TMOTW must go ahead due to the Treaty (TOW). This is wrong. She is TOW ignorant. All land, other than privately owned land, was given to Britain to govern. TOW guaranteed private property to all NZers.

• The leIer does not use specific points in TOW to support arguments.


MP Treaty Ignorance Costs (3) Treaty misinforma0on abounds. Luxon and Potaka are forging ahead with co-governance and Māorifica0on. Luxon controls Judith Collins’ Māori involvement in water management.


• Ac0vists refer to TOW only generally and avoid specifics. Oeen this is to confuse the public

• EXAMPLES of TOW misinforma0on:

o Māori have special freshwater rights

o Crown must teach Māori culture in schools

o Crowm are in partnership with Māori

o Crown must protect land, forest and fisheries for Māori. (Art 2 says the Government will protect land, dwelling and property.)

o Māori will have full par0cipa0on in the running of the country.

• Public presumes what Māori ac0vists say is true. Mostly it is not.

• Peter Williams LeIer Prt 2

• Judith Collins is protec0ng Labour’s Mahuta’s co-governance policies. Probably due to Luxon’s direc0on as he is pro-co-governance

• Collins refuses to publicly release informa0on about water management.

• Courts also oeen make up what the TOW says, some0mes using Kawahru’s revisionist meanings for Māori words.

• Because they ceded sovereignty Māori have no right to govern water resources.


Potaka 1

Jun 2024

Potaka is a Māori ac0vist and is pushing 10,000+ seIlement claims


• Tama Potaka (Minister of Māori Devel.) interviewed ScoIy Morrison (Marae)

• Potaka’s thesis is an ac0vist manifesto

• Paul Goldsmith is Minister for Treaty Nego0a0ons

• Waitangi Tribunal (WT) is corrupt and produces corrupt reports for government that are not fact checked for history. Mike Butler: (Twis2ng the Treaty) Ac0vists undermine the TOW. Poli0cians are history ignorant or too busy to check veracity

• 10,000+ claims are s0ll unseIled

• Bureaucrats in government are working with ac0vists

• 1882: 9 claims to seIle; 2009: 2,034 to seIle; 2024: 10,000+ to seIle (each mul0million $)

• Only the WT, stacked with acivists, is allowed to say what the TOW means.


Potaka 2

Jun 2024

Potaka is a Māori ac0vist and is pushing 10,000+ seIlement claims


• Tama Potaka (Minister of Māori Devel.) interviewed ScoIy Morrison (Marae)

• Total Govt Treaty pay outs 1989-2019 = $4.3 billion. This is $30million per claimant

• For 10,000 claimants the total is $300billion. This is 75% of NZ GDP in 2023 of $405billion. Eventually this will cause bankruptcy

• The Waitangi Tribunal (WT) claims are not fact checked, it is a racket. The WT must be closed

• WT is a gigan0c racket since the T accepts stories, memories etc as facts. David Round (Canterbury University) says WT has to stop.


Potaka 3 Jun 2024 Potaka is a Māori ac0vist and is pushing 10,000+ seIlement claims


• Tama Potaka (Minister of Māori Devel.) interviewed ScoIy Morrison (Marae)

• The government is to transfer the whole of the conserva0on estate to Tribal Authori0es, so visitors will have to pay a fee

• Aeer the Tūhoe Urewera SeIlement (2014) Tūhoe burned down the huts

• Privately zoned land can be made waihi tapu and given to iwi


Potaka 4

Jun 2024

Potaka is a Māori ac0vist and is pushing 10,000+ seIlement claims


• Tama Potaka (Minister of Māori Devel.) interviewed ScoIy Morrison (Marae)

• SeIlements involve Department of Conserva0on and LINZ

• According to the Treaty SeIlements Landbank and the Māori Protec0on Mechanism the Māori Crown Rela0ons Office has to be informed of surplus land and it is land banked for Māori

• Much money is paid by government for land banking. This land belonged to New Zealanders but is used by government to give to Māori for seIlements

• There are 900 proper0es in the land bank on the LINZ websitewhich is managed by Toitū Te Whenua

• Māori can apply to the Waitangi Tribunal (WT) and this is approved by Potaka’s Crown Rela0ons Office

• In this way taxpayers pay for these proper0es to be given to Māori.


Potaka 5 Jun 2024

Potaka is a Māori ac0vist and is pushing 10,000+ seIlement claims


• Tama Potaka (Minister of Māori Devel.) interviewed ScoIy Morrison (Marae)

• Potaka is secretly supervising the movement of cash and assets to Māori

• 10,000+ SeIlements involve Department of Conserva0on and LINZ

• Generous seIlements have not stopped Māori ac0vist protests which con0nue. This is a pot of gold. Appeasement only encourages more seIlements. (Mike Butler)

• SeIlements were supposed to promote racial reconcilia0on, but racial ill feeling is now at boiling point.

• Treaty seIlements have rewriIen history as the claims are based on anecdotes and stories in place of facts.Waitangi Tribunal spins history

• Most grievances were seIled by 1960 through the Judge Sim Commission. Full and final payments were then paid out.

• There are 10,000+ claims to go

• Meanwhile we are losing beaches and Department of Conserva0on land

• History Ignorant MPS + Corrupt Waitangi Tribunal (WT) = Disaster

• The WT should be closed down. (Michael BasseI in 2004!) This involves all New Zealanders and there should be an open public debate.


Potaka 6

Jun 2024

Potaka is a Māori ac0vist and is pushing 10,000+ seIlement claims


• Tama Potaka (Minister of Māori Devel.) interviewed ScoIy Morrison (Marae)

• Ac0vists believe that the Treaty (TOW) jus0fies going beyond seIlements over 0me. i.e. there is no end to res0tu0ons. This is a lie

• In the TOW Britain promised Māori:

o A government if sovereignty was ceded

o Ownership of their own land & property

o That the government would buy their land

o Bri0sh ci0zenship

• Aeer final seIlement a series of governments have been suck in to give ‘top ups’ or infla0on adjustments which are o in the TOW

• These are jus0fied by mistransla0on or twis0ng of words in the TOW

• E.g. ‘Possession’ or ‘ownership’ was given in the TOW as 0no ranga0ra-tanga. The term was twisted to mean ‘unqualified exercise of chieeainship’ i.e. Māori did not cede sovereignty

• 540 chiefs ceded sovereignty in TOW, yet ac0vists say ‘honour the Treaty’.

• Potama is basing his ideas on a falsehood; Māori sold 92% of their land and thus lost sovereignty of their individual land as well.


Potaka 7 Jun 2024

Potaka is a Māori ac0vist and is pushing 10,000+ seIlement claims including those for land Māori sold.


• Tama Potaka (Minister of Māori Devel.) interviewed ScoIy Morrison (Marae)

• TOW Art 2: Government protects Māori ownership of their land un0l they sold their land.

• Ac0vists say the Government promised Māori land whether they sold it or not, forever. This is a lie and ridiculous. When land is sold, ownership is transferred to the purchaser.

• Poli0cians, in ignorance, agreed with ac0vists.

• ‘Māori were as keen to sell [land] as seIlers were to buy.’ (Bain AIwood (2022))

• Māori sold 92% of their land (Mike Butler. Land sold, not ‘lost’. 19 November 2023)

• Poli0cians since 1975 have been sucked in by ac0vists. Billions of dollars have been given away based on lies.

• Judge Sim Royal Commission 1927-1960 achieved full and final seIlements by 1960.

• Nearly $5 billion in compensa0on has been paid out since 1960 for land Māori sold.


Potaka 8

Jun 2024

Potaka is a Māori ac0vist and is supports seIlement claims and eventually a complete takeover of NZ


• Tama Potaka (Minister of Māori Devel.) interviewed ScoIy Morrison (Marae)

• Potaka thinks Māori have 0no ranga0ra-tanga over all NZ and that TOW guaranteed 0no ranga0ra-tanga over NZ for ever

• Māori ac0vist propaganda campaigns have infiltrated many ins0tu0ons since 1975. People have been taught that colonists stole land and created emo0onal damage to Māori resul0ng in obesity, criminality, drug abuse, violence etc

• Māori ac0vists believe precolonial NZ was a Māori paradise. There is no historical evidence for such; the opposite was in fact true

• Māori ac0vists aim to capture parliament & therefore NZ

• Example of propaganda in NZ schools: comic Te Tiri0 O Waitangi.

• Māori ac0vists are using 18 psychological strategies. Refer book: The Psychological Takeover of NZ available at

• Māori ac0vists claim Māori are indigenous but there is evidence they were not the first seIlers

• Pre-1840 Britain acknowledged that NZ was a sovereign state and that Māori had sovereignty


Seymour’s Bill: Does It Create Division or Not?

Sep 2024

Protestors think Seymour’s Bill will create racial division. This is due to historical ignorance. Māori ac0vists aided by the Big Six have been pushing Māorifica0on and co-governance since the 1960s. Seymour’s three Principles match the three TOW ar0cles.


• Seymour at ACT mee0ng in Has0ngs

• Protestors believe Seymour is crea0ng disharmony and is against the TOW. Security removed protestors while Police are inac0ve.

• Full and final Treaty seIlements had been made by 1960

• In 1940s-1960s NZ was peaceful. Disharmony has been developed over the decades since

• 1974 Māori Purposes Act changed the legal defini0on of Māori, sowing the first seeds of resentment against Māori

• 1975 Waitangi Tribunal Act. Rogue James Freeman English version allowed ac0vists to say the TOW meant whatever they wanted. Treaty interpreta0ons were unchallengeable

• 1975 Treaty Principles were introduced allowing more freedom of interpreta0on

• 1984 TOW claims were allowed back to 1840 which on-Māori saw as very unfair

• 1986 Kawharu made fraudulent TOW transla0ons

• 2020 He Pua pua and Ma0ke Mai Aotearoa revealed Māori want to control NZ by 2040

• The gravy train con0nued and racial division increased through the decades

• Māorifica0on was driven by the Big Six: Māori Party, Māori academics, Māori MPs, the media, white woke bureaucrats and academics and history ignorant MPs. They fed NZ with misinforma0on to pit Māori against non-Māori

• Many ended up ha0ng non-Māori for what they perceive non-Māori have done to Māori in the past. Non-Māori resent the Big Six for what they perceive they are doing to NZ.

• Is Seymour’s Bill crea0ng division? No. It is the Big Six. MPs could have stopped this

• [Churchill Analogy]

• Protestors think Seymour is against the TOW, Act have no mandate and a referendum would be divisive

• Seymour’s Principles match TOW perfectly


The Madness of Te Mana O Te Wai

Aug 2024 Māori ac0vists are working on controlling as much of the organisa0ons in NZ as possible in order to taken over the country. To educate the public business cards are available for individuals to distribute to their local communi0es.


• Māori ac0vists are aIemp0ng or have taken control of:

o Water (To Man O Te Wai)

o Parliament by infiltra0ng as bureaucrats

o Beaches

o The Waitangi Tribunal

o Real Estate

o Medical Centres

o DOC estates

o Local Councils

o The RMA

o The Health System

o Immigra0on

o The Police

o The complicit and corrupt media

• This amounts to a sophis0cated Tribal Coup under the watch of an ac0vist PM and his ac0vist Māori advisor Potaka

• Our Goals:

o To reach and ac0vate NZers with the truth about the Treaty and to expose what ac0vists are up to

o To stop co-governance and the Māorifica0on ov NZ

• The Result: The restora0on of democracy and the end of apartheid, racism and separa0sm.

• Ac0on: inunda0ng your local communi0es with business cards which have a QR to link the Stop-Co-governance website. Here cards may be purchased for 3c each and may be lee on car windscreens, leIerboxes etc or given to people during casual mee0ngs.


Making A Submission For The Treaty Principles Bill Made Easy

Nov 2024

How to make a submission

• Steps in making a submission on the Principles Bill


The Treaty Principles Bill Pt 1

Jul 2024

At least half of NZers do not understand what is involved in the Treaty Principles Bill. PM Ardern exhibits ignorance of TOW although she uses it to promote her socialist agenda.


• About 50% of voters say do not understand the Treaty Principles Bill (TPB), par0cularly in Canterbury. The Green and Māori Par0es believe they understand the TPB well

• The so-called principles have been decided in secret so that the general public has remained ignorant of the maIer

• When asked PM Ardern was unable to recite the Ar0cles of the Treaty (TOW) without promp0ng.

• Ardern used the TOW as a Trojan Horse, to promote her communist ideas. For this deviousness she was known as ‘The Witch’.

• Ardern believes that school pupils are being well educated in the TOW. Evidence is that they are being brainwashed with TOW ac0vism

• Media collaborate with Māori ac0vists to spread TOW misinforma0on.


The Treaty Principles Bill Pt


Jul 2024

Māori ac0vists say that Māori deserve compensa0on for the effects of colonisa0on. They are unhappy with all New Zealanders being treated equally and think that Matarangi Māori should be part of science educa0on.

• Māori think they are special, but Art 3 of TOW affirms that all NZ ci0zens have equal status. This is what 540 chiefs wanted when they signed the TOW

• Rawiri Wai00 (Te Pā0 Māori MP) complains that Māori are not geÖng enough funding from the Government for Health and educa0on

• There has been a push to have Matarangi Māori (myths etc) taught in NZ Science classes. This is based on a misunderstanding of the nature of Science. Truths in Science are global, not local.

• Sir Apirana Ngata would have disagreed with the current ac0vist account: ‘Let me acknowledge first that, in the whole of the world I doubt whether any na0ve race has been so well treated by a European people as the Maori ’.”

• Wai00 uses all the advantages of colonisa0on but thinks Māori have been trauma0sed by the advantages they have received.

• Social indicators show Māori are not flourishing although Wai00 also thinks Māori need no help.

• Māori con0nue to complain to receive compensa0on for past perceived wrongs

• Funding Māori culture and not others leads to resentment and division

• For Māori ac0vists the end game is not partnership; it is the take of New Zealand.


The Treaty Principles Bill Pt 3

Jul 2024 Māori ac0vists are concerned about the Treaty Principles Bill (TPB) because Māori language and culture will be aIacked and the process of taking over NZ will be stalled. The general public can be educated about the takeover via brochures and fliers


• Without acceptance of the Treaty Principles Bill (TPB) NZ will be like Zimbawe

• Defea0ng corrupt informa0on from the Waitangi tribunal and Māori ac0vists counterinforma0on can be spread to the general public via brochures and fliers

• Māori ac0vists say the TPB breaches the TOW and will hurt Māori. ACT says everyone should be treated equally in a democracy as per the TOW

• There is no point in consul0ng with Māori radicals as their understanding is a long way off from what the TOW intended

• Māori today think they are superior . Sir Apirana Ngata said:; ’It was the first ar0cle of the Treaty which transferred the chiefly authority of your ancestors, affec0ng you and future genera0ons forever’. The Treaty ‘made one law for the Māori and Pākehā. I you think these things are wrong and bad then blame our ancestors who gave away their rights in the days when they were powerful.’

• Why are Māori so angry about having a clearer idea of what the TOW means? They think their culture is under aIack because they may lose funds that are not given to other cultural groups. Other groups gai liIle government support to promote their language etc.

• Thomas Sowell: ‘When people get used to preferen0al treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimina0on.’

• Ac0vists think that to review the TOW would curtail the Māori language.

• The real issue is that Māori do not want the Māorifica0on of NZ to stall as the take over of NZ would also stall.

• A corrupt interpreta0on of the TOW speads the idea that Māori are special and therefore should receive special treatment.



The Treaty Principles Bill Pt 4

Jul 2024

Jack Tame’s programme is heavily funded by the taxpayer to push TOW misinforma0on. Māori ac0vists and protestors do not understand Seymour’s Bill. Luxon aligns with the Māori ac0vists.


• Jack Tame‘s interview with David Seymour

• Tame’s programme is financed by the Public Interest Journalist Fund (i.e.a bribe). This cost the taxpayers $834,000 in the last round. To receive this money you were required to support co-governance and Māorifica0on and for example spread the lie that Māori did not cede sovereignty in the TOW. From the ques0ons he asks, it is obvious Jack ids a faithful ac0vist.

• Video of protestors & John Tamahiri: ‘We will not be erased’, ‘It will put Māori back to the dark ages’, ‘First protest is being Māori’, ‘Māori’ will not sit idly by while the TOW is meddled with’.

• These comments show Māori do not understand the Bill and ignore that the WT has been twis0ng the treaty for decades. The government has treated Māori well over the years, as Sir Apirana Ngata has said.

• It is 0me for Māori to clean up their own life style deficiencies. Alan Duff says: Māori lack the ability to self-evaluate. They cannot contemplate Pākehā success in posi0ve terms because that would force them to selfevaluate themselves.

• Winston Peters: We now have Māori overrepresenta0on in parliament. Why protest?

• Luxon says the TOW is not being changed. He aligns with the ac0vists, being in favour of cogovernance and Māorifica0on.

• Such comments are designed to give the impression that the majority, rather than a minority, is against Seymour. Opponents aim to isolate and discredit him.


The Treaty Principles Bill Pt 5

Jul 2024

Deriva0ons of Principles from the TOW are confusing those involved because there are two English versions (LiIlewood and the rogue Freeman) and Kawharu’s 1986 retransla0ons are historically uninformed.

• 9 copies of the TOW survive that were signed

• 8 Māori versions signed by 540 chiefs

• 1 English version signed by only 42 chiefs

• The English version is known as the rogue James Freeman version which was cobbled together from notes aeer Waitangi by a clerk

• The authen0c English version (kept n secret at Archives NZ) is called the LiIlewood Drae and was originally the drae that was translated into Māori by Henry and Edward Williams on the evening of 4 Feb 1840

• Principles from the TOW are:

o Māori ceded sovereignty so the Bri0sh could set up a democra0c government.

(No parallel Māori government was intended.)

o Government would protect all peoples’ land and chaIels

o Māori were granted Bri0sh ci0zenship without special rights.

• Any considera0on about the meaning of the TOW should include the Preamble and Affirma0on

• Modern transla0ons are suspect because:

o They use the rogue Freeman English version instead of the authen0c LiIlewood English version

o In 1986, WT claimant Hugh Kawharu changed the 1840 meaning of:

§ kāwanatanga from ‘sovereignty’ to ‘governorship’

§ 0no ranga0ra-tanga from ‘ownership’ to ‘unqualified exercise of chieeainship’

§ Taonga from ‘property procured by the spear’ to ‘treasures’

• Māori ac0vist claim that only Māori translators (e.g. Melanie Nelson), who have meagre historical knowledge, can understand the TOW

• Seymour’s Principles are an accurate summary of TOW, faithful to its true meaning and intent.



The Treaty Principles Bill Pt 6

Jul 2024

The final drae of the TOW and the Māori transla0on were completed on 4 Feb. Next day discussion followed and the signing on 6 Feb. By September 1840 more than 500 chiefs’ signatures had been collected from 50 NZ sites.


• Jack Tame states the fic0on of the different English and Māori versions of TOW

• 29 Jan 1840 Hobson arrived and a team had draeed the English version of the Treaty by 4pm.

• That evening Henry Williams translated the drae into Māori. He had arrived in 1823 and was accomplished in Māori and produced the first Māori dic0onary. He was helped by his son Edward who was a first rank Māori speaker.

• The Māori version was then transferred to dog skin. This was discussed with chiefs at TiTi Marae so chiefs understood clearly what they were signing. Williams said: ’There can be no doubt’.

• 6 February 52 chiefs signed TOW, 26 six had previously joined the Confedera0on. The TOW cancelled the Confedera0on document.

• 17 Fe 1840 Colenso printed 200 copies of the Māori version. There were 50 signing loca0ons around the coast of NZ. From Feb to Sep 1840 500+ signatures were collected.


The Treaty Principles Bill Pt 7

Jul 2024

The English and Māori versions of the TOW mirror each other. In signing the TOW the chiefs knew that they were ceding sovereignty and that Britain would protect them from the Franch.



• 4 Feb final English drae was completed and translated to Māori version. The difference between the versions was the date and the inser0on of the word ‘Māori’ in Ar0cle 3 before the word ‘people’.

• Rev. Samuel Warren was at Waitangi for the signing. In 1863 he wrote: ’My impression at the 0me was that the na0ves perfectly understood that, by signing the treaty, they became Bri0sh subjects … and justly thought they had done a preIy good stroke of business when they placed the Bri0sh lion between themselves and the French eagle.’

• Did Māori cede sovereignty? According to historian Bain AIwood who has studied Bri0sh parliamentary records ‘all persons [in NZ] lay within the Bri0sh Crown.’ (Lord Stanley 1843).

• Māori ac0vists are lying when they say Māori did not cede sovereignty. Britain established democracy, not apartheid.


The Treaty Principles Bill Pt 8

Aug 2024 English and Māori versions of the TOW are iden0cal. The issue is confused by the presence of the rogue James Freeman English version which was used to collect overflow signatures at one locality. Ac0vists use the JFRV for personal gain.


• English and Māori versions of the TOW on 6 Feb 1840 were mirror images

• 1 Mar Hobson had a stroke. The original English drae was lost.

• Third class clerk, James Freeman (secretary) ‘played up’ and invented his own flowery version of the TOW using discarded notes. Why this happened it not clear. His version (JFRV)did not match the original English drae.

• Rev. Maunsell used both Colenso’s printed version of the Māori Treaty to read to the chiefs when he was collec0ng signatures at Waikato Head. Maunsell had to use the JFRV for the overflow of chief signatures. Chiefs believed they were signing the Māori version.

• The two versions were pinned together. The JFRV from Waikato Head was signed by Hobson who was very sick at the 0me.

• The JFRV should have been destroyed and only the Māori version used.

• Hobson said that the TOW was the Māori document signed on 6 Feb 1840 which was what all chief agreed to. Therefore the JFRV is irrelevant.

• The Māori ac0vists pounced on the JFRV as the English version because it men0ons forests and fisheries, so there is more for Māori claimants to gain.

• The Waitangi Tribunal uses the JFRV to prove that henry and Edward Williams were incompetent translators which is fraud.


The Treaty Principles Bill Pt 9

Aug 2024

The evidence shows that the LiIlewood English Drae of the TOW is genuine. It should replace the rogue James Freeman version which makes the current Waitangi Tribunal Act 1975 illegi0mate.


• LiIlewood drae (Pt 1)

• Went missing for 148 years

• In 1989 the LiIlewoods (Pukekoe) found an old envelop in a sideboard. It contained a handwriIen copy of the TOW in English.

• It was in James Busby’s wri0ng. Busby had said he wrote the final drae of the TOW.

• The connec0on is that in 1840 Henry LiIlewood, lawyer, was doing conveyancing work for US diplomat James Clendon who was based in Waitangi.

• The discovery of the document caused panic among Māori ac0vists and alarm among poli0cians who did their best to play down the discovery.

• However, aeer the signing of the TOW copies of Busby’s English drae were sent by Clendon back to the USA. So other copies exist.

• The LiIlewood Treaty is genuine because:

o It is in Busby’s handwri0ng

o It mirrors the Māori version

o It is dated 4 February 1840 which is too early for a back transla0on from the Māori version.

o The paper is watermarked W. Tucker 1833. This is a USA manufacturer, so the paper was probably supplied by diplomat James Clendon


The Treaty Principles Bill Pt


Also incorrectly labelled as

The Treaty

Principles Bill Pt


Aug 2024

The Treaty was carefully constructed following instruc0ons from the Bri0sh Government. The rogue English version the TOW have spread confusion and enabled ac0vists to manipulate poli0cians. The discovery of the true final English drae in 1989 was ignored by the WT and Māori ac0vists.


• LiIlewood drae (Pt 2): Timeliine

• Wed 29 Jan 1840 Hobson arrived

• Thu 30 Jan –1 Feb. Treaty Draeing Team: Hobson, Busby, Clendon, Freeman and missionaries who followed Lord Normanby’s brief

• Mon 3 Feb: Hobson wants ‘land, estates, forests, fisheries’ excluded from Art 2 and ‘all people of NZ ‘ included in Art 2.

• Tue 4 Feb: Busby writes the final English drae. At night Henry & Edward Williams translate the English drae into Māori.

• Wed 5 Feb: treaty was read in English and Māori to chiefs and discussed all night.

• Thu 6 Feb: Chiefs signed TOW

• There are two English versions of the TOW

o 4 Feb (Hobson’s Choice) went missing in NZ

o 3 Feb James Freeman Rogue Version (JFRV) was invented from 12 pages of notes

• Māori ac0vists (and Bill Rowling) grabbed JFRV so they could say 1840 translators were poor and ac0vists would receive more benefits

• Māori ac0vists ignored the T.E. Young Government back transla0on of 1869 because it was so close to the Māori version and they would receive no real benefits

• 1989 the 4 Feb (Hobson’s Choice) was rediscovered (LiIlewood Treaty). This has been kept out of sight in Archives NZ

• Ac0vists have distorted the TOW. Vague TOW principles give ac0vists more wriggle room.


The Treaty Principles Bill Pt


Also incorrectly labelled as

The Treaty

Principles Bill Pt


Aug 2024

The Treaty was carefully constructed following instruc0ons from the Bri0sh Government. The rogue English version the TOW have spread confusion and enabled ac0vists to manipulate poli0cians. The discovery of the true final English drae in 1989 was ignored by the WT and Māori ac0vists.


• LiIlewood drae (Pt 2): Timeliine

• Wed 29 Jan 1840 Hobson arrived

• Thu 30 Jan –1 Feb. Treaty Draeing Team: Hobson, Busby, Clendon, Freeman and missionaries who followed Lord Normanby’s brief

• Mon 3 Feb: Hobson wants ‘land, estates, forests, fisheries’ excluded from Art 2 and ‘all people of NZ ‘ included in Art 2.

• Tue 4 Feb: Busby writes the final English drae. At night Henry & Edward Williams translate the English drae into Māori.

• Wed 5 Feb: treaty was read in English and Māori to chiefs and discussed all night.

• Thu 6 Feb: Chiefs signed TOW

• There are two English versions of the TOW

o 4 Feb (Hobson’s Choice) went missing in NZ

o 3 Feb James Freeman Rogue Version (JFRV) was invented from 12 pages of notes

• Māori ac0vists (and Bill Rowling) grabbed JFRV so they could say 1840 translators were poor and ac0vists would receive more benefits

• Māori ac0vists ignored the T.E. Young Government back transla0on of 1869 because it was so close to the Māori version and they would receive no real benefits

• 1989 the 4 Feb (Hobson’s Choice) was rediscovered (LiIlewood Treaty). This has been kept out of sight in Archives NZ

• Ac0vists have distorted the TOW. Vague TOW principles give ac0vists more wriggle room.


The Treaty Principles Bill Pt 11? What Luxon Must Do Before Its Too Late Nov 2024

Luxon is a closet Māori Ac0vist and believes in the Big Four Driving Beliefs. For the first reading of the Treaty Principles Bill Luxon was absent and paul Goldsmith stated Na0onal’s erroneous TOW beliefs,


• Luxon is a closet ‘Māori’ Ac0vist who believes in the Big Four Driving Beliefs:

5. Suppor0ng the cause of ac0vist Māori

6. There is a partnership between the Crown and Māori

7. Co-governance between Crown and Māori is a wonderful thing

8. In 1840 Māori were diddled out of their land and Luxon is on a personal crusade to put things straight.

• Luxon’s TOW silence before the elec0on was a red flag. He met with a Māori advisor weekly. On Monday he let out his true beliefs.

• For the first reading of the Bill, Paul Goldsmith had to smooth the waters.

• Parro0ng Luxon, he said since the 1970s the principles have not been defined. Partnership has gained acceptance with 0me.

• Both John Key and Luxon believe that the TOW is a partnership. The TOW is an agreement, not a contract and the word ‘partnership’ does not appear in TOW. To say that TOW is a partnership is a lie and as such will not stand.

• Goldsmith said it was appropriate to discuss the TOW’s meaning today and in the future.

• The TOW must be read using the 1840 meanings of the words, not the meanings given by the ac0vists in the late 20th Century.

• Did Great Britain intend to set up a dual system of government in NZ in 1840? Definitely not.

• The Na0onal Party need to say strongly what the TOW meant in 1840.

• The 3 TOW ar0cles become Seymour’s 3 Treaty Principles:

o The New Zealand Government has the right to govern all New Zealanders.

o The New Zealand Government will honour all New Zealanders in the chie8ainship of their land and all their property.

o All New Zealanders are equal under the law with the same rights and du>es.

• If ignored, the situa0on will deteriorate and the problem will be harder to fix in future.

• By suppor0ng Seymour’s Bill Luxon would be honouring the TOW.


The Treaty Principles Bill Pt 12? Luxon, We Demand a Referendum

Nov 2024

Paul Goldsmith’s Speech re the Treaty Principles Bill. He says the meanings should be debated although he is concerned that the process is unsuited to the delicate nature of the issues.


• Paul Goldsmith’s Speech 14 Nov 2024

• Said: Waitangi Tribunal (WT) TOW defini0ons for principles are not gospel i.e. can be debated. This conflicts with Luxon not wan0ng a discussion.

• Luxon is hypocri0cal in not giving the NZ people a say. He was put in power by NZers to act on the TOW principles

• Luxon believes in the Big Four Driving Beliefs: 9. Suppor(ng the cause of ac(vist Māori

10. There is a partnership between the Crown and Māori

11. Co-governance between Crown and Māori is a wonderful thing

12. In 1840 Māori were diddled out of their land and Luxon is on a personal crusade to put things straight.

• Luxon is afraid of Māori ac0vists (‘Hikois from Hell), just like John Keys (who mentors him). Key fuelled the Māori ac0vist cause by saying this. Luxon is similarly afraid of Māori extremist ac0vists.

• Luxon supports Māori partnership and so dislikes the Bill

• Goldsmith has concerns about the process of determining the principles of the TOW and the holding of a referendum. ‘Issues are too delicate.’

• In contrast to Goldsmith most people want an open discussion, submissions and a referendum. Hopefully NZers will make hundreds of thousands of submissions.

• MPs should do the will of the people; Luxon is not. The Na0onal Party may be unravelling. Luxon is unable to explain the Bill is divisive.

• Plauorm Interview with Ewen McQueen, author of ‘One Sun in the Sky’. Supporters of the Māori ac0vists do not use historical facts, just bare asser0ons.

• It is the role of Parliament to decide the defini0ons of the principles of the TOW, not the WT or the courts.


The Treaty Principles Bill Pt 13? What The Hikoi is Really All about (Part 1) Nov 2024

Reasons driving the Hikoi of Tue 19 Nov 2024. Much taxpayer money is helping to drive the hikoi.


• The ac0vist Hikoi 19 Nov 2024 demonstrates: 1. Purpose is to bully and in0midate poli0cians.

2. It is a recruitment drive to get non-Māori to join the cult.

3. A move towards complete Māori takeover of NZ

4. TVNZ is a Māori Ac0vist organisa0on

5. TVNZ has received millions to fund Māori takeover of NZ.

6. How NZ Police are joining with the ac0vist movement.

7. That Na0onal & NZFirst are doing nothing to stop 1 to 6.

8. NZ First has not come up with any alterna0ves to Seymour’s Bill, so they must have an ulterior mo0ve.

9. How weak poli0cians are leÖng bureaucrats rule the roost.

10. That Na0onal & NZFirst are encouraging the take over of NZ by not suppor0ng Seymour’s Bill.

• TVNZ Coverage of the Hikoi is biased 7 emo0onal blackmail. Māori are poor due to colonisa0on (CRT) so non-Māori will join the cause.

• Tax Payer Union has exposed that Era KapaKingi, Hikoi Leader is on the Parliamentary Pay Roll. His comment ‘Beyond Parliament’ refers to2040 goal to have a Māori Parliament with final veto. (Ref: Jphn Robinson, ‘He Puapua’)

• Hikoi at Masterton. A Māori assault a nonMāori with a NZ flag & dmadged the flag. A nearby policeman did nothing. (Two-0er policing.)

• TVNZ Coverage: ‘We will keep marching un0l we get ‘our sovereignty’.’ Woman crying = emo0onal blackmail. Māori have been radicalised by ac0vists to become sad vic0ms. These ac0vists are unaccountable.

• Song: ‘Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places’.


The Treaty Principles Bill Pt 14? Will Winston Do BeIer? Pt1

Nov 2024

NZ First have been quiet on the Treaty Bill. They plan to remove all references to TOW from legisla0on.


• Winston Peters & Shane Jones have been ‘missing in ac0on’ re Treaty Principles Bill

• NZFirst Plan: ‘All references to TOW will be removed from legisla0on.’

• ‘NZFirst will conduct a comprehensive review of all legisla(on (except when it is related to or substan(ve to exis(ng and final Treaty seNlements and includes “The principles of the TOW” and replace all such references with specific words rela(ng to the relevance and applica(on of the Treaty or repeal such references.’

• i.e. This will clarify what was meant or just dump the Treaty reference. Examples:

• Treaty Principle 1: Partnership: NZF has not said the TOW is not a partnership. This principle would have to be dumped. NZF lack historical knowledge.

• Treaty Principle 2: Protec(on: Whatever Māori were interested in, the Government had to protect. Rewrite: the Crown has a duty to protect Māori interests in the same way as all ci(zens, since Māori were given ownership of their land, dwellings and property (taonga).

• Treaty Principle 3: Redress: ‘All Treaty seNlements are based on the Crown having broken the Treaty. Since the Crown did not break the Treaty, all such seNlements are a fraud. There is no jus(fica(on for the seNlements or the Waitangi Tribunal.’ (Ref: John Robinson, Who Really Broke The Treaty?, 2024.)

• Seymour hoped his Bill would end in a binding referendum, which can only be undone if 75% of Parliament agrees.

• Syemour’s Bill has begun a discussion and exposed Luxon, Te Pa0 Māori, 2 0er policing and Brownlie’s lack of Parliamentary control.

• NZF changes can be reversed by the next Government.

• Na0onal will be stuck with the NZF Bill which Na0onal signed up for.

• Ques0ons remain:

1. Do poli(cians have enough historical knowledge?

2. Does NZF understand what ac(vists have been up to?

3. Can another Government undo NZF’s changes?

4. Why no men(on of NZF’s Bill in the media?


The Treaty Principles Bill Pt 15? Will Winston Do BeIer? Pt 2

Nov 2024

NZ First have been quiet on the Treaty Bill. They plan to remove all references to TOW from legisla0on or do they?


• NZ First Plan: ‘All references to TOW will be removed from legisla0on.’

• ‘NZFirst will conduct a comprehensive review of all legisla(on (except when it is related to or substan(ve to exis(ng and final Treaty seNlements and includes “The principles of the TOW” and replace all such references with specific words rela(ng to the relevance and applica(on of the Treaty or repeal such references.’

• This sounds like a great purge but is not. Na0onal is con0nuing what Jacinda started.

• Ministry of Jus0ce lead by Paul Goldsmith and Tama Potaka (Māori ac0vist, so there is a conflict of interest).

• Goldsmith believes there is a wide variety of views on the Treaty. It may be beIer to follow the interests of the minority (Māori Aci0vists ) to avoid conflict than going with what the majority of NZers want. Paul is terrified of Māori. He should be reminded that the present crisis is due to similar poor poli0cian decision making in the past.

• PuÖng Goldsmith & Potama in charge will result in disaster.

• Some legisla0on will be excluded from the process: TOW Act, Public Finance Act, State owned Enterprises Act.

• Ques0ons for Winston to answer:

5. Why did you allow this?

6. We understood all legisla0on was going to be purged except where Treaty seIlements were already in place. Why are three Acts so special?

7. What is being protected by excluding three Acts?

8. Why did you not support David’s Bill as it was more comprehensive? (This will result in a half-done job .)


Tikanga Pt 1

Jun 2024 Prior to 1840 Māori culture was lawless and disagreements were seIled violently. Māori lore is called 0kanga. Aeer seeing how Bri0sh culture was more peaceful, some Māori leaders asked the Bri0sh to introduce a system of law.


• MYTH: Prior to 1840 Māori had a system of law. When the Bri0sh introduced their system of law it clashed with the Māori system


• Captain Cook: Māori are ‘without any seIled from of government’

• Samuel Marsden: Māori had a ‘total lack of laws or system of law’,. ‘Supers00ons served them’, which was regarded with ‘awful sacredness’.

• Wirimu Hau asked Marsden: ‘Sir will you give us a law?’ Wirimu gave a series of situa0ons and asks what should a person do lawfully in each situa0on

• Rev James Buller: Re Māori: ‘Their own rude law had been one of brute force’. Great value was aIached to possessions. Without law there was a tempta0on to plunder. ‘Every man as a natural consequence became a soldier

• Māori could see the benefits of laws that the Bri0sh had, ‘but their hatred of restraint causes them prac0cally to abhor and resist its full enforcement amongst themselves. F.E. Maning

• Māori needed a system of law


Tikanga Pt 2

Jun 2024 Tikanga is the Māori system of lore (not law). It was unsystema0c and unwriIen method for handling grievances based on emo0on rather than historical precedent.


• Today Māori radicals are trying to inveigle aspects of 0kanga in the NZ legal system.

• Since there is no system of 0kanga common to all iwi this will be defined as it goes along. It will only be interpreted by Māori. It is a ruse.

• Captain Hobson (1837): It was ‘impossible to enact laws because the tribes were disunited’. They were out of control.

• Pre 1840 NZ was in a state of anarchy. Reintroducing 0kanga will result in anarchy.

• Without common law there could not be property rights

• In tradi0onal 0kanga the response to a wrong was: revenge or a warlike challenge or con0nuing an argumenta0ve dispute.

• Te Whero Whero: ‘New law will save us from killing and robbing (0kanga).

• Chiefs at the Kohimarama Conference (1860) said that Chris0anity had put an end to cannibalism. ‘The Law put an end to our evils.’ ‘The Governor came with him bringing laws.’

• Sir Apirana Ngata: There was no law pre-1840 to decide who was right. Māori did not have a system of government.

• Today we need to resist 0kanga being forced onto all NZers. It is a trick. A ruse.


Tikanga Pt 3

Jun 2024

Tikanga is the Māori system of lore (not law) involving extreme acts of violence e.g. cannibalism. Māori ac0vists have revised tradi0onal 0kanga into something harmless so it can enter the NZ legal system


• Early visitors commented on the lack of lawfulness among Māori

• Charles Darwin (1835): ‘Proper laws are, of course, quite unknown’.

• Augustus Earle (1827): no ‘universal form of law’.

• Edward Jerningham Wakefield: The Māori ‘ regarded with admira0on the peacefulness established by our habits of law and order, and displayed an almost unhoped for degree of good temper in yielding their assent to the new order of things, which forbade the inflic0on of summary punishment as vengeance by the offended party according to their former customs’.

• Quote from F.E. Maning [who has a tendency to exaggerate]

• It is uIerly false to say that Māori had a legal system prior to 1840

• Currently ac0vist Māori propaganda lies that 0kanga is harmless and wonderful e.g. It is about: integrity, care & respect, family & rela0onships, excellence (Ref: Downer website). This is a lie compared to pre-1840 prac0ce e.g. utu & cannibalism

• Bolger says that what was passed in parliament years ago has been changed by ac0vists.

• Decep0on and trickery has been used in this transforma0on.

• Violent pre-1840 0kanga has been revised into something harmless for inser0on into NZ law courts

• Today Māori radicals are trying to inveigle 0kanga in the NZ legal system.


Tikanga Pt 4

Jun 2024

Tikanga is the Māori system of lore(not law. Māori ac0vists have revised tradi0onal 0kanga into something harmless so it can enter the NZ Law through Parliament


• Tikanga = Māori lore, customs, religion, philosophy

• It is an error to try to introduce it into NZ Law

• Māori radicals, eli0sts &and retribalists try to make out it is innocent & innocuous and want to introduce it into Acts of Parliament which in 0me expand beyond the inten0on

• TOW Act 1975 was introduced for a few outstanding claims; The amended TOW Act 1986 allowed claims back to 1840 & claims grew to over 2000.

• Tikanga will probably be the same

• The Dormer company has been sucked in to believe 0kanga is something it is not and never was [i.e. Revisionism]

• Duplicity and trickery will be used in this transforma0on into NZ Law


Tikanga Pt 5

Jun 2024

Tikanga is the Māori system of lore (not law). Māori ac0vists have revised tradi0onal 0kanga into something harmless so it can be sneaked into NZ Law. They believe 0kanga was NZ’s first law despite it involving many illegal ac0vi0es e.g. cannibalism


• Tikanga = Māori lore, customs, religion, philosophy

• NZ Courts: District, High, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court (which, unfortunately, replaced the more independent Privy Council in London)

• Judges are appointed by the Governor General on the recommenda0on of the AIorney General. An ac0vist at any stage can ensure Māori ac0vist judges are appointed.

• Māori ac0vist judge Susan Glazebrook says ‘0kanga was the first law of NZ.’ This is a silly lie as there was no legal system in NZ un0l aeer the TOW.

• Māori ac0vist judge Joe Williams who served on the WT pushed the WAI 262 Report that insisted that NZ’s fauna & flora were the property of Māori which is racist. Williams also stated ‘0kanga was the first law of NZ.’

• Pre-TOW 0kanga was dominated by utu (revenge), muru (plunder) & tapu (supers00on). TOW pushed aside 0kanga because it involved illegal ac0vi0es

• TOW did not amalgamate 0kanga with Bri0sh Law; such was impossible because they were mutually exclusive. Tikanga had no courts, cases, precedents, clarity, consistency, wriIen recording

• Tikanga differed between tribes and through 0me.

• Hongi Hika (1825) said 0kanga stopped Māori giving up warfare.


Tikanga Pt 6

Jun 2024 Māori claim to have access to whalebone from stranded whales because of their religious beliefs about the role of whales in the sea. They share this access with DOC , unlike any other ethnic group.



• What has a whole got to do with iwi? We seem to have a dual government, one half being iwi.

• DOC maintains removing parts of mammals contravenes Mammals Protec0on Act 1978

• According to Māori religion whales are the ‘chiefs of the sea’ and interac0ng with them requires religious protocols: Prayers, karakia and a farewell address.

• Iwi carve whale bone and sell carvings on the internet.

• Māori interest in whalebone seems to be more commercial than sacred or religious.

• Whalebone can be referred to as a ‘taonga’ (‘property acquired by the spear’) which is is/was not. In 1989 Hugh Kawharu changed the meaning of ‘taonga’ to mean ‘treasure’ which is misleading.

• Māori, along with DOC, are given special dispensa0on to have access to stranded or deceased whales which is racist and divisive.


Tikanga Pt 7

Jul 2024

Radical Māori Ac0vist

Senior Judges are trying to incorporate 0kanga into NZ Law


• Radical Judges Joe Williams and Susan Glazebrook have made the false asser0on that 0kanga was a system of law and introduced it into the Peter Ellis case.

• Robert Jones observed that this move was ‘the greatest disgrace in NZ’s legal history’.

• Waitangi tribunal has also aIempted to introduce 0kanga into grievance claims.

• ACT lawyer Stephen Franks stated without mandate from people judges now intend to rule and assume the right to make law.

• This is really a coup, challenging the government.

• Tikanga was not a pre-1840 system of law.

• In the Edwards Case on the foreshore (Marine And Coastal Act), Judge Peter Churchman ignored and overruled Parliament by introducing 0kanga resul0ng in 600 more claims being lodged.

• Māori are given $485,000 from the taxpayers to pursue each claim. Media ignore this.

• Brochures are available to hand out from


Tikanga Pt 8

Jul 2024

Ac0vist Senior Judges try to incorporate 0kanga into NZ Law by going against the laws set up by parliament.


• Edwards claim for the foreshore (Marine And Coastal Act) under Judge Peter Churchman.

• Claimants had to prove they had previously fished a site con0nuously since 1840 to be able to claim.

• Edwards falsely asserted that 0kanga was ‘a system of law’, which it is not.

• Tribes were unable to prove they used a fishing site con0nuously. Edwards overruled Parliament by ignoring Western Llaw and using 0kanga.

• Churchman had been advised by two Māori whether he should award the claim according to 0kanga. Māori ‘experts’ invariably have an interest in the outcomes of such cases.

• Adding 0kanga to common law opens up the legal system to corrup0on since 0kanga has no wriIen record and is inconsistent between iwi.


Tikanga Pt 9

Jul 2024

Ac0vist Senior Judges try to incorporate 0kanga into NZ Law by going against the laws set up by parliament.


• Ac0vist judges sympathe0c to Māori sit on the NZ Supreme Court: Joe Williams, Chief Jus0ce Helen Winkle man, Susan Glazebrook.

• Biased Judge Grant Powell is an ex-lawyer for the Waitangi Tribunal. He ignored the MACA law and applied 0kanga, allowing a lower threshold than the common law. He believes he should favour indigenous people, contrary to the Act.

• The introduc0on of 0kanga into NZ Law moves the country closer to what is proposed by He Puapua.

• Why are NZers so keen to hand over the government of the country to Māori ac0vists?


Tikanga Pt 10 v2

Jul 2024

Ac0vist Senior Judges have incorporate 0kanga into NZ Law. The Law Commission and Gary Judd have spoken out against this unlawful move.


• Roger Partridge: The Tikanga Challenge for Law Schools, the rule of law and Parliament.

• Bringing 0kanga (Māori tribal lore) into NZ law is similar to incorpora0ng voodoo. This threatens to turn NZ into a malfunc0onal state like Zimbabwe.

• Gary Judd opposes 0kanga being taught in Law Schools.

• Winston Peters says that 0kanga is ‘woke’/

• Tikanga is a belief system, not a system of rule [law].

• Tikanga was used in the Peter Ellis case where 0kanga was declared as the first law of NZ.

• This is a massive shie in our legal system.

• NZ is racing toward third world status.

• Gary Judd says: ‘A fluid system should not be treated as law.’

• The Law Commission warns against using 0kanga.


Treaty of Waitangi For

Newbies Ar0cle 1 Part1

Aug 2024

Significance of the Confedera0on of Tribes and He Whakaputanga (1835)


• Seymour’s Bill is at a fork in the road: NZ must choose Tribal Rule or Democracy

• Which road is mandated by the Treaty and which honours the Treaty?

• The English Ar0cle 1 mirrors the Māori version

• Busby invented the Confedera0on of Tribes & the Declara0on of Independence (DI) in 1835 to stave off French interests in NZ

• Busby had 39 Northland chiefs sign the DI or He Whakaputanga (HW)

• Busby hoped this very local HW made NZ a sovereign na0on under Britain

• Historians B. AIwood and M. King conclude HW was insignificant

• Edward Gibbon Wakefield noted ‘no further mee0ng [of the Confedera0on] took place’

• Chiefs who signed HW also later signed the Treaty

• Thus the Treaty supersedes HW which is therefore redundant

• Some Māori ac0vists think HW is valid

• Promo0ng HW dishonours the TOW


The Treaty of Waitangi for Newbies Art1 Pt 2

Aug 2024

Evidence that Māori ceded sovereignty to the Bri0sh as per Ar0cle one of the Treaty


• Fork in the road: Tribal Rule or Democracy

• Which road is mandated in the Treaty, which honours the Treaty, does Seymour’s Bill honour the Treaty?

• Chiefs ceded sovereignty to the Bri0sh.

• Cede means to give up or give someone absolute control

• Sovereignty means supreme authority

• Sovereignty and partnership are mutually exclusive

• Art 1 does not say: Māori can have their own government, or the Queen was in partnership with Māori or Māori can control resources other than what they owned or Māori only gave the Bri0sh permission to rule over seIlers

• Humanitarian colonisa0on: the Queen did not want to seize NZ

• Normanby instructed Hobson to obtain free and intelligent consent from Māori, else Bri0sh would leave NZ to the French

• 3 Proofs that Māori ceded sovereignty: (1) Britain con0nued colonising NZ aeer 1840, (2) Speeches of Chiefs on 5 Feb 1840 show they understood, (3) D. Lange, W. Peters, Judge A. Willi all confirm sovereignty was ceded

• Seymour’s 3 Principles honour TOW Art 1.


Treaty of Waitangi for

Newbies Art 1 Pt 3

Sep 2024

Proof 3 that Māori ceded sovereignty: the Kohimarama Conference


• Kohimarama Conference was held over a month in 1860

• 112 chiefs aIended, most of whom had signed the TOW 20 years earlier

• The Conference unanimously moved that: Māori had ceded sovereignty, the two races were united and that Māori would not break the TOW

• Ac0vists (e.g. Margaret Mutu, Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, Wai00 & Willi Jackson) say that the TOW only gave the Bri0sh sovereignty over the seIlers and not Māori.

• NZ media collaborate with Māori ac0vists to say sovereignty was not ceded, while ignoring those who disagree such as Don Brash and 1Law4All.

• Ac0vist Myth 1: NZ resources belong to Māori. In fact all NZers own NZ’s resources. Māori sold 92% of their land. Apirana Ngata: land was confiscated to punish some Māori for breaking laws. The Crown never broke the TOW, rebellious Māori did. (John Robinson, ‘Who Really Broke the Treaty’, 2024).

• Ac0vist Myth 2: Māori have a right to self-determina0on and their own Government. However, Apirana Ngata: explains that Ar0cle 1 records ‘the transfer by the Māori Chiefs to the Queen of England for ever the Government of all their lands.’ (1922, p3).


Treaty of Waitangi for

Newbies Art 1 Pt 4

Sep 2024

What if Māori did not cede sovereignty? Proof 4 that they did.


• Māori radicals say Māori did not cede sovereignty in 1840.

• If Māori did not cede sovereignty:

• NZ resources (fisheries, forests etc) belong to Māori

• Māori the right to rule and reign NZ

• All non-Māori are guests and overstayers

• Tribal rule replaces democracy

• Māori are superior to the rest

• Māori have special rights and privileges

• Bri(sh stole NZ from Māori

• Te Reo should be the main language

• If Māori ceded sovereignty:

1. NZ resources belong to all

2. Māori have no right to be in control

3. Māori have no right to set up a parallel government

4. Māori are equal before the law

5. Māori must abide by democra(c principles

6. Māori are not en(tled to special rights and privileges

7. Māori legally handed over NZ to be managed by Britain

8. English will be the main language of NZ

9. Māori wards, partnership, customary rights etc are breaches of the Treaty

• Sovereignty is of crucial importance but is being eroded by MPs

• We must oppose the ‘reversalists’ because its honours the TOW and the ancestors who signed it

• Proofs of ceding sovereignty:

1. Normanby’s instruc0ons to Hobson

2. Speeches of chiefs on 4 Feb 1840

3. 540 chiefs signed TOW

4. Kohimarama Conference 1860

5. Records held by the Bri0sh Parliament (See: Bain AIwood)

• Seymour’s 3 Principles honour TOW Art 1.


Treaty of Waitangi for Newbies Art 1

Pt 5

Sep 2024

Reversalists deny that Māori ceded sovereignty and Proofs 5 and 6 (of 9) that they did.

• Reversalists want to reverse the fact that Māori ceded sovereignty. They are not interested in truth but taking over NZ.

• Chris Luxon is not a reversalist but believes in Māorifca0on and co-governance

• Chris Hipkins is a denialist

• Prof. Margaret Mutu believes Māori did not cede sovereignty because they outnumbered Pākehā. (‘Māori were in complete control of every corner of the country.’)

• Māori ceded sovereignty because they: were afraid of the French, were self-annihila0ng through intertribal warfare and wanted Bri0sh goods and trade to improve their lives.

• The TOW is the Māori text

• The TOW Tribunal Act 1975 uses the illegi0mate rogue James Freeman English version. The final English version of TOW of 4 Feb 1840, known as the LiIlewood Drae, is kept in Archives NZ.

• Ac0vists in 1975 used the Freeman version so they could say it did not match the Māori version so that only Māori could back translate the TOW to say what it meant.

• Henry Williams ensured that on 5th Feb, 1840 the chiefs understood what kāwanatanga etc meant. The Treaty was read in both English and Māori.

• PROOF 5: High chief Tama0 Waka Nene’s 1871 headstone records he was ‘The first to welcome the Queen’s sovereignty in New Zealand’.

• PROOF 6: Apirana Ngata wrote: Ar0cle 1 records ‘the transfer by the Māori Chiefs to the Queen of England for ever the Government of all their lands.’ (1922, p3).

• Previously men0oned PROOFS of Māori ceding sovereignty:

6. Normanby’s instruc(ons to Hobson

7. Speeches of chiefs on 4 Feb 1840

8. 540 chiefs signed TOW

9. Kohimarama Conference 1860

10. Records held by the Bri(sh Parliament (See: Bain ANwood)

• Seymour’s 3 Principles honour TOW Art 1.


Treaty of Waitangi for Dummies Art 1 Pt 6

Sep 2024

Māori ceded sovereignty: Proof 7

Rev Samuel Warren


• PROOF 7: Rev. Samuel Warren 1863 Diary

• Present at Waitangi and later at Hokianga

• ‘Great deal of talk by the na0ves, principally on the subject of securing their proprietary right to the land, and their personal liberty ’… ‘Everything else they were only too happy to yield to the Queen’

• ‘They knew they could only be saved from the rule of other na0ons by siÖng under the shadow of the Queen of England. In my hearing they frequently remarked, “Let us be one people. We had the gospel from England, let us have the law from England.”‘

• ‘The ‘na0ves perfectly understood that, by signing the treaty, they became Bri0sh subjects.’ … ‘ The na0ves were at the 0me in mortal fear of the French, and justly thought they had done a preIy good stroke of business when they placed the Bri0sh lion between themselves and the French eagle.’

• Prof. Parsonson ex. OU: Māori were hunter-gatherers in the early contact period. They owned no land.

• Māori became interested in land when they were able to sell it. They sold 92%. (Mike Butler. Land sold, not ‘lost 2024’ )

• Tino ranga0ra-tanga means that Māori have authority over their property and land, not all NZ resources.

• Māori were given vo0ng in 1867, 11 years before Pākehā.

• Māori ac0vist spin today tells us:

o What they imagine happened

o Māori did not sign sovereignty

o Māori were peaceful and united and could easily have protected themselves from the Bri(sh

o NZ in 1840 was the Shangri-La of the South Pacific

o Land was stolen


Treaty of Waitangi for Newbies Art 1

Pt 7

Oct 2024

Potaka (Minister of Māori Development) wants to say that Māori did not cede sovereignty but knows that this will conflict with Luxon. Ten proofs show Māori ceded sovereignty in the TOW.


• Interview of Tama Potaka Minister of Māori Development

• Tama avoids answering the ques0ons: Did Māori cede sovereignty? When did Māori cede sovereignty?

• Potaka is living in a paradoxical world: If he says Māori ceded sovereignty he is agreeing with Luxon and will upset his ac0vist friends. If he says Māori did not cede sovereignty he is disagreeing with Luxon and but appeasing his ac0vist friends.

• To avoid answering the ques0ons Potaka uses a range of ploys:

o ‘It’s a debate that’s been going on for several decades.’

o ‘I’m not engaging in that debate the Crown is sovereign.’

o ‘I will support the PM.’

o ‘Tino Ranga(ratanga will be upheld.’

o ‘There are a number of different views on that. A number of discussions on that.’

o ‘That’s a long conversa(on.’

o Men(ons He Whakaputanga but this was superceded by TOW

o Changes the subject to Māori Housing.

• Summary: 10 proofs that Māori ceded sovereignty at Waitangi on 6 Feb 1840

1. Existence of the Treaty

2. Speeches of chiefs on 4 Feb 1840

3. Kohimarama Conference 1860

4. Records held by the Bri(sh Parliament (See: Bain ANwood)

5. Headstone of Tama( Waka Nene

6. The opinion of Sir Apirana Ngata

7. Eye witness accounts of seNlers living with Māori

8. Plaque at Waitangi: ‘On this spot … The Treaty of Waitangi under which New Zealand became part of the Bri(sh Empire.

9. 16 Nov 1840 NZ became a Crown Colony separate from NSW

10. 1852 NZ Cons(tu(on Act passed by Bri(sh Government.



Treaty of Waitangi for Newbies Art 2

Pt 1

Oct 2024

Art 2 begins by guaranteeing protec0on of land and possessions. To make the system work land had to be surveyed and land 0tles issued.


• The Māori version fo the TOW was translated from the LiIlewood Drae

• There are two differences between them:

1. English Drae dated 4 Feb 1840 was translated by H. Williams to Māori and was dated 6 Feb 1840

2. The word māori was added to the Māorio version on 5 Feb into Art 3.

Art 2, First Sentence: ‘ The Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the chiefs and tribes and to all the people of New Zealand the possession of their lands, dwellings and all their property.’

• Hobson acted on the full authority of the Queen

• Bri0sh thought Māori owned all the land, except that which they had sold prior to the TOW

• Britain promised to protect the ownership of their land and anything on it. The proviso was that if the chiefs sold their land the guarantee would pass on to the new owner.

• With say 540 chiefs, without surveying the land, establishing boundaries and issuing 0tles Britain could not protect each chief’s land.

• Surveying land was a high Bri0sh priority. The prac0ce of surveying land and issuing 0tles was described by Hobson’s superior, Lord Normanby, as ‘that system of sale in the an0cipa0on of buying land from Māori, which experience has proven the wisdom, and the disregard of which has been so fatal to the prosperity of other Bri0sh SeIlements’.

• So important was surveying the land and issuing 0tles that Hobson took the Surveyor General, Mathew Fulton to NZ, to set up the new colony.


Treaty of Waitangi for Newbies Art 2

Pt 2

Oct 2024

Art 2 is confused because of the differences between RJFV the Māori version. The Busby final drae, which matches the Māori transla0on has been ignored. Ac0vists deny sovereignty was ceded, but evidence proves the opposite


• A major problem with any Treaty discussion is that the Rogue James Freeman Version (RJFV) is being used by the Māori ac0vists since 1975. This allows ac0vists to spread the ‘bad transla0on’ lie.

• In 1989 The TOW final English drae by Busby (called ‘LiIlewood’) was found but ignored by Treatyists as it did not match their agenda.

• 1840 Māori sovereignty of NZ was undisputed by Lord Normanby. However, Māori did not run NZ as a coordinated state.

• By 1840 Māori had sold about one third of their land. (See Turton Land Records.) Eventually 92% of NZ was sold by Māori.

• Māori relinquished sovereignty

o By the TOW

o By selling land

• Māori ac0vists make use of the fake sovereignty claims of ‘0no ranga0ra-tanga’ and ‘mana motuhake’

• PM Luxon reluctantly states: ‘Māori ceded sovereignty in 1840’.

• Chiefs were anxious not to lose more land.

• Art 2, first sentence: ‘… all the people of New Zealand the possession of their lands, dwellings and all their property ’. This meant everyone, both Māori and seIlers. Bri0sh seIlers already had Bri0sh ci0zenship.

• The Government offered to guarantee Māori protec0on of their land, dwellings and property.


Treaty of Waitangi for

Newbies Art 2

Pt 3

Oct 2024

The TOW promised all NZers the possession of their lands, dwellings and property. In Bri0sh Common Law beaches and waterways are for the use of all ci0zens. The WT uses the illegal RJFV to jus0fy giving Māori special rights to NZ’s water resources.


• Review: LiIlewood English Drae is crucial. Māori ac0vists use the RJFV so they can say Henry Williams was a poor translator.

• Art 2 Sentence 1: ‘ The Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the chiefs and tribes and to all the people of New Zealand the possession of their lands, dwellings and all their property.’

• The Bri0sh surveyed the land each of 540 chiefs owned - their 1 cm2 squares on a map of NZ.

• If a chiefs land had a coastal element, Māori could s0ll fish those waters and gather their seafood. (Prof Gordon S. Parsonson)

• Each tribe had carefully marked out fishing spots that were 'no go' areas for other tribes.

• However, Maori did not 'own' the beach or coastline on the boarder of their land.

• No men0on of fishing areas extending kilometres out to seas in Art 2. The rogue James Freeman version promises ‘full exclusive and undisturbed possession of their Lands and Estates Forests Fisheries’ which is what the WT uses.

• According to The Bri0sh law of The Law Of Commons, the beaches belonged to all the ci0zens of the country.

• And since Maori had ceded sovereignty (Ar0cle 1) and become Bri0sh ci0zens (Ar0cle 3), this law applied to them as well.


Treaty of Waitangi for Newbies Art 2 Pt 5

Oct 2024

Māori were keen to sell their land. From 1840-3 Māori could only sell to the Government. Legal confisca0ons of Māori land occurred in response to Māori viola0ng Government authority.

• Art 2 Sentence 2: ‘ The chiefs of the Confedera0on and the other chiefs grant to the Queen the exclusive right of purchasing such land as the proprietors thereof may be disposed to sell at such prices as shall be agreed upon between them and the persons appointed by the Queen to purchase from them.’

• 3 Ac0vist Myths:

o Māori were tricked out of their land

o Māori were forced to sell their land

o Land was unlawfully confiscated

• Prior to 1840 Māori vigorously sold their land. Records show Māori sold at least one third of their land (H.H.Turton). Māori sold land several 0mes on the same day.

• Māori could only sell land to the government; they had to want to sell land and could not be bullied.

(Normanby’s instruc0ons to Hobson.) George Clarke was appointed Protector of Aborigines to supervise land sales. Government made money from reselling land to seIlers.

• Māori complained the Government was too slow to buy land. Due to pressure by 1843 Māori could sell to anyone. Communal ownership slowed sales. Conquered land had to be held for 10 years before selling.

• Māori were keen to sell so they buy European goods & stock etc as status symbols. They produced flax and potatoes for trade.

• Land confisca0ons. ‘ The Government placed in the hands of the Queen of England, the sovereignty and the authority to make laws. Some sec0ons of the Maori people violated that authority. War arose from this and blood was spilled. The law came into opera0on and land was taken in payment. This itself is a Maori custom revenge, plunder to avenge a wrong. It was their own chiefs who ceded that right to the Queen. The confisca0ons cannot therefore be objected to in the light of the Treaty. (Sir Apirana Ngata, p.15-16)

• Ref. J. Robinson, ’Who Really Broke The Treaty?


Treaty of Waitangi for Newbies Art 2

Pt 4

Oct 2024

In 1989 Hugh Kawharu changed the meaning of the original Māori words in the TOW. This resulted in confusion e.g. partnership and an explosion in TOW fraud.


• Review: see previous video

• Art 2 Sentence 1

• The Declara0on of Independence 1835 was superceded by TOW because the 39 chiefs involved signed both (Dr MaIhew Wright

• Williams translated ‘property’ in TOW as ‘taonga’. 1820 Maori dic0onary gives ‘taonga’ as ‘property procured by the spear – tao’. In 1831 ‘taonga’ meant ‘possessions’. i.e. chaIles

• Simple version of sentence 1: ‘The Queen guarantees to protect … Māori land, houses, and contents.’

• Kawharu 1989: TOW guaranteed Māori the right to be chiefs over all New Zealand forever However, Māori sold 92% of their land. Also, ‘Property meant ‘treasures’ and included material and non-material aspects of a tribe’s estate e.g. customs and folklore.

• Treaty fraud exploded and ac0vists pushed non-TOW concepts: Māori did not cede sovereignty, business partnership between Māori & Crown. Result: confusion

• Partnership & democracy are mutually exclusive

• Tuku Morgan believes TOW is a partnership. All NZers are not equal which is based on racism

• Māori received part of 5G spectrum band and $57million. TOW does not promise to promote Māori language. Seabed and Foreshore under Bri0sh Law of Commons belong to all NZ ci0zens

• Māori can preserve their language and customs (as 159 NZ cultures do) with the excep0on of: human sacrifice, cannibalism infan0cide and slavery.

• Art 2 Sentence 1: means: ‘We’ll protect your ownership of your land, dwellings, and property, but the beaches belong to everyone.’

• David Seymour’s original drae of TOW Principles Bill is a perfect match for Ar0cle 2


Treaty of Waitangi For Newbies


Aug 2024

A discussion of the TOW Preamble and the reasons Māori wanted Britain to set up a government.

• Seymour’s Bill is at a fork in the road: NZ must choose Tribal Rule or Democracy

• Which road is mandated by the Treaty and which honours the Treaty?

• The Treaty consists of five parts: Preamble, Ar0cles 1,2 and 3 and Affirma0on


o Hobson has been sent by the Queen and is wri0ng on her behalf as the governor of NZ

o Three groups have interest in the Treaty: nonMāori seIlers, Māori chiefs and tribes and the Queen (represen0ng the Bri0sh Government)

o What applies to Māori applies to all people in NZ

o The Queen acknowledged that Māori own land in NZ and that the Bri0sh will not forcibly take their land

• Māori needed the Bri0sh to set up a lawful government because Māori

o were drunk with warfare and their popula0on was falling

o lore of 0kanga was inadequate to serve the changing and diverse culture

o were in mortal fear of the French returning

o wanted the benefits of trade to move from poverty to prosperity

• Ques0on asked by ac0vists and some academics: Why would thousands of Māori given away their country to a small group of recent arrivals? This is deliberate spin, lies or possibly the result of historical ignorance

• Māori told the Bri0sh they wanted peace and order in NZ. They wanted protec0on from bad European elements e.g. convicts, as well as from tribes. Some Māori aIacked seIlers

• Many Bri0sh seIlers had arrived and they needed a democra0c government

• Democracy means: 1 vote per person, all votes are equal, vo0ng gives MPs right to govern

• Hobson was appointed to NZ, to install a democracy and to install a government with infrastructure. To do this The Bri0sh needed the permission of the Māori, otherwise they would leave.

• Which road is mandated by the Treaty and which honours the Treaty? Both do.


Treason Pt 1

Jul 2024

Rawiri Wai00 makes exorbitant claims for more money to be paid to Māōri and Māori self-government


• Rawiri Wai00 in parliament says:

o There’s no men0on of Māori [in the Budget]

o One in five are Māori (exaggera0on)

o Wants $80 billion per year for Māori

o 52% of the prison popula0on is Māori, thus Māoru should get that % of the Budget

o Our land was stolen (lie)

• Māori are going to act independently

• NZ Asian popula0on is greater than Māori popula0on

• 1974 Act: Any descendant of a Māori can be self-designated Māori to increase numbers. Iwi leaders should not be involved in cEnsus sta0s0cs

• Democracy and indigenous sovereignty cannot co-exist David Lange

• Māori have not offered solu0ons for the high prison numbers and for the hugh number of Māori children in state care, except more cash

• Welfare paid to Māori exceeds tax paid by Māori

• Māori pay 17% corporate tax, only some Māōri pay rates

• Māori sold 92% of their land

• The call for a separate government is treason


Treason Pt 2

Jul 2024

Rawiri Wai00 makes exorbitant claims for more money to be paid to Māōri and that Māori were trauma0sed by colonisa0on without evidence


• Rawiri Wai00 in parliament says:

o There’s no men0on of Māori [in the Budget]

o No men0on of Māori in Healthy and Educa0on [in the Budget]

o $15million is not enough for Mata0ni (Māori dance fes0val)

o Māori have been trauma0sed by colonisa0on

• Mataurangi Māori is being pushed for NZ Science programmes rather than Religious Studies. Richard Dawkins says disagrees as Science is universal.

• Colonisa0on brought many advances (listed) to Māori e.g. life expectancy increased from mid-twen0es in 1840 to mid-seven0es in late 20th century

• Colonial trauma of Māori is a myth; no evidence. [This concept is derived from dubious USA Cri0cal Race ‘Theory’])

• Social indica0ons show that despite huge handouts Māori are not flourishing.

• Māori ac0vist use complaining as a weapon

• Māori show no gra0tude for handouts

• Endgame is complete dominance


Tribal Rule Is Closer Than You Think Pt 1

Oct 2024

How NZ is inching towards tribal rule evidenced by numerous examples of Māori privilege

• NZ is a two 0er na0ons due to the extent of Māori privilege that started in the 1970 to atone for supposed injus0ces

• The injus0ces are not supported by historical evidence. (Ref: John Robinson “Who Really Stole The Treaty’, 2024, Tross Publishing)

• 2040 is the target for Māori tribal control of NZ

• Māori privileges result in reverse apartheid/racism so many want Māori privileges to be eradicated. Tthus David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill

• Ref: NZCPR Blog, Geoff Parker, 11 April 2024

• Lists of Māori privileges follow:


o Māori Schools, propaganda enters home

o Promo0on of Māorifica0on in the school curriculum (Te Ao Vision) e.g. Te Tiri0 comic

o Compulsory Treaty/Language courses for all first year students at A.U. from 2025

o Special travel grants for Māori & Pasifika researchers

o Special Māori & Pasifika study areas at uni.


o Māori only health ini0a0ves & expenditure

o Percentage of medical uni places reserved for Māori

o Priority access to care based on race (2024 Coali0on changed this to ‘based on need’.

• HOUSING/WELFARE (159 cultures miss out)

o Māori-only housing projects

o Māori-only welfare programmes


o Supreme court approval for wider use of Tikanga (Māori tribal lore) as Law and equal in status to the Common Law

o Tikanga compulsory subject in Law Schools

o Waitangi Tribunal (advisory status) must have a Māori majority

o Māori Law Society (restricted membership)

o Treaty seIlements to extend to Hapu as well as Iwi (e.g. 2024 Nga Puhi nego0a0ons)

o Māori-only prisoner programmes

o AIempt by Solicitor-General to give special treatment to Māori offenders in public prosecu0on guideline (withdrawal ordered by AIorney General Collins)

o Lenient policing & sentencing for Māori offenders


o Māori-only employment/consultants in government agencies

o Con0nued priority of Māori names for ministries despite coali0on law to use English


o Māori-only consulta0on under the RMA & Fast Track Approvals Bill currently progressing through parliament

o Māori-only judges appointed to the Māori Land Court

o Māori-only co-management/control of Na0onal Parks, rivers, lakes, coastline

o Māori-only claims to the country’s harbours, estuaries, foreshore, seabed and territorial waters (& the air above) with obligatory taxpayer funding for associated legal & research costs

o Māori-only fishing areas in the Hauraki Gulf


o A special Māori Authority tax code of 17.5%

o A special Māori-only exemp0on to allow blood rela0ons to benefit from a business’s tax-free charitable status

o Diversity appointment policy for the Reserve Bank Board


o Māori-only seats on local councils

o Māori-only appointments to powerful local government commiIees

o Māori-only regional Statuary Boards

o Māori-only seats in parliament

o Local council designa0on of all land as Māori cultural sites without ratepayer approval (e.g. Gore District Council 2024)

o A percentage of Government & Council suppliers to be Māori only


o Māori language funding

o Public funding for Māori radio/TV & Māori journalist training

o Extensive funding for Māori ar0sts/writers in the performing arts


Tribal Rule Is Closer Than You Think Pt 2

Oct 2024 NZ came closer to a 2 0er na0on through the 1974 Māori Affairs

Amendment Bill

• Ma0u Rata ws responsible for the 1974 Māori Affairs Amendment Bill

• This provided new principles and benefits for Māori

• Māori status was changed legally from 50% or more Māori blood to ‘a person of the Māori race or a descendant of the race

• This increased the number of people who iden0fied themselves as Māori resul0ng in:

o More Māori seats in parliament

o More funds for Māori

o Target educa0on etc for Māori

• This Māori recruitment was very successful and draws NZ closer to a Māori takeover.


Tribal Rule Is Closer Than You Think Pt 3

Oct 2024 NZ came closer to a 2 0er na0on through the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act which opened the way for a cascade of Māori privileges.

• TOW records that the Chiefs ceded sovereignty to the Queen. In return the new government would protect Māori possessions. They could only sell their land to the government. All people would have the rights and responsibili0es of Bri0sh ci0zens. Chiefs understood this

• Early in the 20th century some Māori complained about their land loss. Apirana Ngata said: The chiefs place in the hands of the Queen of England the sovereignty and authority to make laws. Some sec<ons of the Māori people violated that authority. War arose from this and blood was spilled. The law came into opera<on and land was taken in payment. This itself is a Māori custom revenge, plunder to avenge a wrong. It was their own chiefs who ceded that right to the Queen. The confisca<ons cannot therefore be objected to in the light of the treaty.1

• Māori ac0vists looked for ways to cancel the decisions of their ancestors including the sale of 92% of their land. They ploIed & planned to exploit MP weaknesses.

• Ma0u Rata was responsible for the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act (TOW Act) which was set up to invite corrup0on and fraud:

1. The legisla(on men(on ‘principles’ but these are undefined leading to corrup(on

2. The Act used the Freeman English version. It was imputed that the transla(on was faulty and only Māori could say what the true meaning was.

3. Claims took the form of old stories, memories & verbal accounts, the veracity of which was not allowed to be challenged. In 2014 the WT said the chiefs did not cede sovereignty

4. Meanings of words could be given 20th century transla(ons to suit claimants.

• Waitangi Tribunal cost NZ taxpayers $21 million per year. Many people were involved in producing huge reports that used Māori words to confuse history-ignorant poli0cians.

• The TOW Act caused Māori privileges to bloom.

• Lack of opposi0on from Non-Māori allows Māori to con0nue asking for TOW Act handouts.

1 A.T. Ngata, Te Tiriti o Waitangi: an Explanation, 1922, p.12.


Tribal Rule Is Closer Than You Think Pt 4

Nov 2024 TOW Amendment Act (1975) 1984 allowed claims back to 1840 and over 2000 claims were made. In 2024 the number of claims had risen to 10,000.

• NZ is a 2 0er apartheid state

• The Government sanc0ons this by paying Māori ac0vists to sue the Government. Government leglisa0on is pushed by Māori ac0vists.

• Earlier videos covered: Māori Affairs Amendment Act 1974 (Video 2), Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 (Video 3)

• TOW AMENDMENT ACT (1975) 1984 allowed claims back to 1840

• About control

• Camel in the Tenet Classic Fable small harmless acts can result in huge repercussions i.e. takeover by stealth or gradualism

o TOW Act 1975 = nose in the tent, 5 Treaty claims

o TOW Amendment Act 1984 = head & neck in the tent, 2034 Treaty claims

o 2024 = body in the tent, 10,000 Treaty claims registered according to Potaka

• TOW does not support any of these claims. These late 20th century claims should not have been passed.

• If this claiming process con0nues all NZ will belong top Māori ac0vists according to He Puapua.

• 60 people work at the Waitangi Tribunal, cos0ng the taxpayer $21 million per year. Their c0oon is to transfer cash/assests/land from public to Māori ownership.

• When complete the camel will be in the tent, i.e. Māori will have taken over and the rest will be outside the tent.

• Māori ac0vists put pressure on poli0cians who appease Māori and the process con0nues.


Tribal Rule Is Closer Than You Think Pt 5

Nov 2024

State Owned Enterprises Case of 1987 invented the concept that the TOW was a partnership between Queen Victoria and Māori. Local Councils believing themselves to be partners are giving funds to iwi without making the transac0ons visible.


• Between the Na0onal Māori Council and the NZ Government.

• The 5 judges had to decide what principles can be drawn from the TOW that are relevant to race rela0ons today.

• They produced a 77 page report. Chief Judge Robin Cook said that ‘ the treaty is an enduring rela0onship of a fiduciary nature akin to a partnership, each party accep0ng a posi0ve duty to act in good faith, fairly and reasonably, and honourably towards the other.’ Each judge gave an opinion on what the principles should be.

• Jus0ce Anthony Willy observed that none of the judges said the TOW was a partnership between Queen Victoria and the Māori inhabitants of NZ. There is no legal basis for the idea; it is nonsense.

• Māori ac0vists are delusional to believe the partnership concept, but it explains why they and poli0cians (Erica Stanford, Chris Luxon) think that NZ’s resources need to be shared out 50:50. MPs feel obliged to appease Māori ac0vists.

• Note: In a partnership both partners are obliged to pay the costs of running the enterprise. Māori, if they were true partners , would pay half.


• Councils give funds to local iwi because they believe the TOW mandates they are in a partnership. This is incorrect. These funds are not recorded in budgets or plans.

• Otago Regional Council gives funds to Ngai Tahu (a commercial en0ty). This council has paid $3.5. million for contracts plus $1.8 million for the last financial year. Exorbitant koha. No records exist.

• Michael is finding out what is happening in other councils.


What’s So Very Wrong With

Tuku Morgan

Sep 2024

Tuku Morgan misunderstands Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill and considers what the Government has already given to Māori to be Māori achievements

• Tuku (T) shouts that Seymour wants to remove TOW and take away ‘our’ rights

• Apirana Ngata: Art 1 Māori ceded sovereignty

• 1840 Māori celebrated TOW

• T: Seymour is taking away our rights, language, iden0ty and right to self-determina0on. Refers to Don Brash as a dog as he is aler0ng the public. Jim Bolger lit the fires of appeasement, Helen Clarke did not.

• T: ‘We can celebrate an ‘enduring partnership’ (which the TOW is not). Judge Cooke said TOW was ‘akin to a partnership’. It is oxymoronic to say the TOW is a partnership.

• T: TOW should be honoured. Chiefs know ‘Hobson’s’ word was his bond. Māori, not government, broke the TOW. (See Robinson, ‘Who Really Broke The Treaty?’, 2024.)

• T: Government is a wrecking ball as it has dismantled everything meaningful to Māori such as Tamariki Sec0on 7AA, Māori health Authority, Te Reo signage, Three Waters, (MACA) Seabed and Foreshore. [None of these changes exclude Māori par0cipa0on.]

• T: ‘We thought there was honour in the Crown.’ ‘ACT policy will homogenise us all into one culture.’

• Fact: Seymour wants to: honour TOW, make people equal, have one standard of ci0zenship, treat all cultures equally and preserve democracy.

• T believes there are 1 million with Māori ancestry.

• Fact: Brainwashing in schools; e.g. history syllabus, comic Te Tiri0 o Waitangi.

• T: ‘Government have thrown Māori under the bus, then run over them.

• T: ‘you’ve got to consult Māori. Iwi have to unite. Have to get more people on Māori Roll, so we can determine the nature of the next government. We want less government and more Māori control. We must seIle grievances and move on. Ministries have done a poor job.’ T liked the Labour Government.

• T blames government for Māori underachievement, poor health and poor prison

sta0s0cs. Support and help has been rare and infrequent.’

• ‘When people get used to preferen0al treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimina0on.’ Thomas Sowell

• T: ‘This is a watershed moment for us. The government has a long way to go to restore faith and honour between the Crown and iwi. Twenty nine years ago we started the journey of recovery, 23% of the total land that was taken from Waikato, 1.2 million acres at the hand of a gun. [Lie] We’re a billion dollar corpora0on. We don’t need your money. We need you to listen to us because figh0ng for our people is serious business.’

• Summary: In his rant Tuku: catastrophises, pplays the vic0m card (blames others), lied, spun, misinformed, uses guilt and shame, shouted, in0midated, asks for more funds, wants Māori to control parliament, wants more Māori on the electoral roll, believes Māori achievement will be controlling the country. In this speech T dishonours the TOW and the elders who signed, reinforces that Māori are vic0ms and dependant on others which reinforces a culture of grievance.


Whats right and whats wrong with the Treaty

Principle’s Bill

Nov 2024

Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill originally reflected the Treaty closely. Luxon’s modifica0ons reflect the WT approach to preserve the status quo.


• David Seymour is calling the country back to the original inten0on and meaning of the Treaty. His original 3 principles:

o NZ Government has the right to govern all NZers;

o NZ Government will honour all New Zealanders in the chie8ainship of their land and all their property;

o NZers are equal under the law with the same rights and du>es.

• Seymour was forced by Luxon to change these. These are the Revised Principles:

• Principle 1: acknowledges that in 1840 the Maori chiefs ceded sovereignty to the Bri0sh. All land, rivers, lakes, mountains etc i.e. common land was to be managed by the Government. (Ref: Hugh Barr) Māori owned land was protected un0l they sold it, as were pegged fishing sites. Māori sold 92% of their land

• Principle 2: The Crown respects and protects the rights that hapū and iwi had when they signed the Treaty.

• Principle 2, sentence 2 says “However; if those rights differ from the rights of everyone, sub-clause (1) applies only if those rights are agreed in the seNlement of a historical treaty claim under the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975."

• This does this mean that if the Waitangi Tribunal advises the government to grant Maori some special privilege the government can reject or accept it.

• Up un0l now, Maori have been able to claim many rights, "as of right”, via the Treaty. This Bill would end special Maori rights "as of right.”

• However, Māori can s0ll be given special privileges and rights.

• Principle 3: "Everyone is equal before the law. Everyone is en<tled, without discrimina<on, to (a) the equal protec<on and equal benefit of the law; and (b) the equal enjoyment of the same fundamental human rights."

• This contradicts Principle 2 because Luxon wants to please everyone.

• The Bill contains contradic0ons and con0nues the status quo.

• Responses: make submissions; trigger a ci0zens’ ini0ated referendum.


David Seymours

Treaty Principle’s Bill. What the Hikoi Has to Tell Us.

29 Nov 2024

A hikoi against the Treaty Principles Bill ended outside parliament. The reasons for the event are discussed.


• Hikoi was organised as a Tte Pa0 Māori fundraiser, by a man on the Parliamentary payroll who workd for Te Pa0 Māori.

• The hikoi purpose was to harvest more Māori onto the Māori Electoral Roll to increase Māori representa0on in Parliamenrt. Currently most Māori are on the General Electoral Roll.

• MP Winston Peters said: It was more of a carkpoi to make profits for an incorporated company. The organisers did not ask any MPs to speak at it. It was a stunt. Par0cipants had various reasons to aIend the hikoi.

• Independent reporter Sean Plunket of The Plauorm said: About 40,000 to 50,000 marchers aIended. Most people were there under false pretences as they had been lied to about the Bill. Te Pa0 Māori had carefully craeed poli0cal theatre.

• NZ has been subject to serious radicalisa0on, including young school children.

• Labour is collabora0ng with Te Pa0 Māori.


David Seymours

Treaty Principle’s Bill. What’s So Very Wrong With Jack Tame and Jim Bolger?

2 Dec 2024

Jim Bolger gave away 90% of the South Island in 1998. Records show Māori sold most of the Island by 1864.


• TVNZ Interview: Jack Tame & David Seymour

• Revealed that in the Ngai Tahu Claims SeIlement Act 1998 Jim Bolger gave Ngai Tahu ‘chiefly authority’ [ranga0ratanga] 90% of the South Island to Ngai Tahu.

• David Seymour said his Bill would not interfere with the seIlement.

• Historical records show Ngai Tahu virtually all the South Island by 1864:

o Ōtākou Block sold for £2,400, 1844-64.

o Kemp Purchase (Otago, Canterbury, Westland) sold for £2,000.

o Port Cooper & Port Levi: £200 & £300.

o Murihiku (Southland): £2,600.

o Disputed Claim in Nelson area 1856: Sorted by Jus0ce Sim in Breaches of the Treaty Royal Commission, Jus0ce Sim.

o North Canterbury: £500.

o Kaikoura Coast: £300.

o West Coast: £300.

o Rakiura (Stewart Is): £6,000.

• Why did Jim Bolger give away 90% of the South Island in 1998 when it had been sold by 1864?


David Seymour’s Treaty Principle’s Bill. What’s So Very Wrong With Jack Tame?

5 Dec 2024

Jack Tame holds an ac0vist understanding of the TOW and has been misleading New Zealanders.


• TVNZ Interview: Jack Tame & David Seymour

• Is Jack Tame deceiving or is he history ignorant?

• David says his Bill does not interfere with any previous claims.

• Tame thinks 0no-ranga0ratanga means ‘sovereignty’.

• The Final English Drae of the Treaty (4 Feb 1940) also known as the LiIlewood drae tells us what the Bri0sh intended 0noranga0ratanga to mean.

• Ac0vists use the rogue James Freeman Version which is very different to the Māori version. This allowed ac0vists to say that Rev. William Williams was an incompetent translator, so ac0vists use their ‘improved’ back transla0on.

• The LiIlewood Drae Art 2 S1 says: ‘ The Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the chiefs and tribes and to all the people of New Zealand the possession of their lands, dwellings and all their property.’ So 0no-ranga0ratanga means ‘possession’. i.e. The Bri0sh promised to protect Māori land with their house and chaIels. This did not include all the land in NZ.

• Following 1840, Māori went on to sell 92% of their land (Ref: Mike Butler).

• Prior to the Treaty Māori had sold about 33% of the land to seIlers. (Ref: H.H. Turton).

• Following the TOW William Spain was appointed Land Commissioner to inves0gate pre-1840 land sales. Some sales were disqualified. Some seIlers lost money. Māori could sell a piece of land more than once.

• When land is sold sovereignty is transferred from the seller to the buyer.

• How could Bolger give sovereignty of 90% of the south Island to Ngai Tahu? Is Tame being ignorant or deceiuul?

• Why did Seymour not pick Tame up? Seymour is history ignorant as are all MPs. Tame holds an ac0vist understanding of the TOW so has been misleading New Zealanders.


David Seymour’s Treaty Principle’s Bill. What’s So Very Wrong With Jack Tame? (Part Two)

10 Dec 2024

David Seymour is Treaty ignorant. Jack Tame is an ac0vist and has been misleading New Zealanders re the TWO. Māori reversalists have visited Cuban communists and ac0vists overseas. Luxon goes with the Māori flow.


1. Why is the TOW an agreement and not a contract?

2. Name two proofs that Māori ceded sovereignty in the TOW.

3. Which Ar0cle of the TOW makes Māori Bri0sh Ci0zens?

4. What is a Māori reversalist?

5. What strategies have Māori reversalists used to accomplish the takeover of NZ?


• TVNZ Interview Sat 23 Nov: Jack Tame & David Seymour

• David confuses the Treaty with a contract.

• Jack thinks TOW was a binding agreement between the Crown and iwi. [It was an agreement between ‘Queen Victoria’ (not a Crown corpora0on) and the chiefs and tribes and ‘all the people of New Zealand’.]

• Māori ceded sovereignty i.e. gave up complete power to govern to the Bri0sh, so Jack’s premise is false.

• Government has every right to interpret the Treaty because of Ar0cle 1. Ci0zens can vote & protest if they object.

• Sir Apirana Ngata said the Treaty ‘made one law for the Māori and Pākehā. If you think these things are wrong and bad then blame our ancestors who gave away their rights in the days when they were powerful.’

• Is Jack Tame history ignorant or is he trying to mislead?

• Māori did cede sovereignty. (See 10 proofs.) Ref: Bain AIwood ‘incontrover0ble that all of NZ & all persons lay within the power of the crown.’

• Art. 3. Māori were made Bri0sh ci0zens. They were made equal before the law. If Māori are given privileges that breaks Art. 3.

• Muriel Newman: In 1979 Māori reversalists visited Cuba & collaborated with the Pales0ne Libera0on Front about how to take over NZ.2 Ripeka Evans, Deputy Chair TVNZ was on the Cuban Trip.

• Māori reversalists used (1) biculturalism to priori0se Māori language & culture in ins0tu0ons & (2) embed ac0vists in government service. Reversalists pushed ‘partnership’ and ‘co-governance’.

• Luxon will not confront breaches of TOW. He is TOW ignorant, history ignorant, afraid of Māori and pushes Māorifica0on and co-governance.

• Government needs to set up a SeIler tribunal.

2 Muriel Newman, Capturing a Country,, 1 Dec 2024.


Reverse The MACA. Are you Aware?

We are about to lose our beaches

11 Dec 2024

The Rogue James Freeman Version of TOW was used in the 1975 Act and allows Māori to take over the coasts.


1. What is the difference in Māori fishing rights between the Freeman and Busby versions of TOW?

2. Which Treaty version was incorporated into the 1975 Waitangi Tribunal Act?

3. Which poli0cian blocked Māori having customary fishing rights in 2004?

4. Which poli0cians allowed Māori fishing rights?

5. What are some of the disadvantages for non-Māori NZers when Māori own large sec0ons of the coast.


• Rogue James Freeman Version (RJFV) of TOW: ‘Her Majesty the Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the Chiefs and Tribes of New Zealand and to the respec>ve families and individuals thereof the full exclusive and undisturbed possession of their Lands and Estates Forests Fisheries and other proper>es which they may collec>vely or individually possess so long as it is their wish and desire to retain the same in their possession …’

• The James Busby English Version (JBEV) says: ‘ The Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the chiefs and tribes and to all the people of New Zealand the possession of their lands, dwellings and all their properly.’ i.e. coastline belongs to all NZers. Same in Māori version. No beaches.

• 1975 the RJFV was inserted into the Waitangi Tribunal Act.

• 2004 Māori wanted customary fishing rights, but Helen Clark refused.

• History ignorant MPs Chris Finlayson, John Key & Turiana Turia allowed fishing rights as long as they were con0nuous and exclusive.

• This was thought to only apply to <10% of the coast but ac0vist judges used a low bar and there were 100s of claims.

• Tribal coastline owners can issue fines up to $5000 to trespassers, lease coast to mining interests, block resource consent etc.

• E.g. Meridian paid South Island iwi $180 million for hydro resource consent.

• Each claimant can be given up to $458,000 to file a claim in court. We are paying for Māori to take over coast.

• ACTION: Inform MPs that 0kanga must be outlawed and that we must return to the 2004 Act.



Video Made In 2002 about What was Coming To New Zealand in 2023 2002

A fic0onal but predic0ve vision from 2002 of New Zealand in 2050.

• Audio refers to a failed referendum re a separate Māori parliament and 0.5 million in a street protest, Māori will make billions over fisheries etc., firebomb etc. Tribal land becomes exclusive zones.

• 2050: NZ a republic of Aotearoa. Maori have absolute sovereignty. One upper house, two houses of representa0ves Māori & Pākehā. Māori have separate Health, Welfare, Educa0on & Jus0ce services with separate tax systems.

• Popula0on is 20% Maori, 30% Polynesian, & 50% Asian & Pākehā.

• Famiies are mixed race & bilingual.

• Māori have self-determina0on (0noranga0ratanga).

• Tribes would further subdivide the country into tribal controlled areas and control tourist movement with fees.

• 2050 Māori only 20% popula0on.

• If farmer’s land is threatened they will take up land as in Zimbabwe.

• Māori need access to money and resources.

• Fishing will involve fees, catch confisca0on..

• Two or three systems would involve more bureaucracy and cost more.

• Could be intertribal rugby compe00ons. [A combina0on of tribal and colonial culture.]

• Na0onal anthem [actually a hymn] sung in Te Reo.

• Bilingual Na0on. [Tribal languages are very limited.] Māori companies will be bilingual.

• Pacific Island aIack on iwi headquarters.NZ is mul0cultural.

• Posi0ve discrimina0on. Māori will have no university fees. Educa0on will be can be on a race basis.

• Privileging a group based race is dangerous.

• Regional revitalisa0on due to local Māori input.

• Separa0sm will help improve the status of Māori.

• Māori think that poor health sta0s0cs etc have been inflicted on them.

• Need to act now to prevent conflict.


The LeIer of The Maoris to King Charles. What is it really all about?

17 Dec 2024

Māori ac0vists have a sent a leIer to King Charles. He has no power to act. Eight complaints are all asser0ons without any evidence and all are easy to rebut.


1. What power does King Charles have to intervene in NZ poli0cal affairs?

2. Why is it beIer for the Government to define Treaty principles rather than the courts and WT?

3. Where in the TOW are Māori given exclusive rights to NZ’s mineral and energy resources?

4. Do the revised principles reduce Māori access to poli0cal posi0ons?

5. What facts does the leIer quote to jus0fy the asser0ons?


• King Charles III is only a ceremonial head of NZ; same for governor-general.

• Aim of the leIer is to shame and embarrass the Government. Like children telling tales.

• Luxon will react by appeasing ac0vists.


1. Government is aIacking Māori rights in the TOW. Māori have no special rights in the TOW [apart from being able to sell land to the Govt]. Ac0vists want a dual government which is treason.

2. Govt is redefining the TOW principles. These have neve been defined by government but need to be. Current principles from courts and WT do not reflect the TOW.

3. Careless mining of land and seabed. Māori play at conserva0on but the historic record shows 35 species when ex0nct prior to Europeans arrived.

4. Denial of property and resource rights— minerals, geothermal and water. TOW protected what Māori owned in 1840. TOW does not give Māori rights to all resources.

5. Government has power to take abused children from families. 88% of children in state care are Māori. Māori are twice as likely to be abused in Māori homes. Māori children were put in state care because of child abuse.

6. Changes will make it more difficult for Māori to enter professions. 30% of admissions to Medical School are reserved for Māori & Pasifika students.

7. Government is preven0ng Te Reo use. There is no law against Te Reo. It is being used to groom non-Māori to accept Māori take over.

8. Reducing Māori access to local/central Government. Not true. Māori want the pay & say without the effort of geÖng elected.

• SUMMARY: No facts, just asser0ons & opinions in the leIer. Luxon will appease Māori as a result.


Our New Zealand Nurses. How They Are Being Targeted For Indoctrina0on

19 Dec 2024

Updated Registered Nurse Standards of Competence (RNSC) cri0ques by American scien0st Jerry Coyne. QUIZ

1. What is meant by ‘cultural safety’?

2. What ‘power imbalances’ exist in the NZ health system that might affect Māori?

3. Does the inser0on of Māori terms within the English text (called Manglish) improve communica0on?

4. Do the terms ‘hospitality’ and ‘respect’ have different meanings in Pāakehā and Māori culture?

5. What is the long term reason behind introducing Māori concepts into Western Medicine?


• USA Biologist JERRY COYNE: “The latest from the asylum”: New Zealand nurses directed to foster, accept, and priori0ze indigenous culture, including specious “ways of healing”

• Registered Nurse Standards of Competence (RNSC). Updated.

• This has come from a mental asylum as Māori are a minority will sow seeds of apartheid.

• Requires nurses to demonstrate kawa whakaruruhau (Māori cultural safety) by addressing power imbalances in healthcare Nurses have to work towards equitable health outcomes for Māori.

• Māori have access to the same health care so there are no power imbalances. Māori health outcomes depend on lifestyle as well.

• Nurses ‘must also recognise the importance of whanaungatanga (building rela0onships) and manaakitanga (hospitality and respect) in fostering collec0ve wellbeing.’ Nurses have always done this. Māori terms are used for control. Pre1840 Māori controlled slaves.

• Nurses must incorpora0ng cultural, spiritual, physical, and mental health into whakapapacentred care (focused on family and ancestors). This recruits nurses into Māori religion with prayers and chants. Ancestral connec0ons with the dead is very tribal.

• Nurses need to ‘describe the impact of colonisa0on and social determinants on health and wellbeing.’ A Very nega0ve approach.

• None of this is mandated in TOW.

• Nurses must say no because this is: indoctrina0on in Māori religion, brainwashing, about control and domina0on, being told what to think, threatening to job security, making nurses responsible for health outcomes.

• This is another step in the long march to put Māori in full control of NZ by 2040.

• Luxon is an ac0vist and refuses to stop this.


4 Reasons Why Maori Think They Deserve Special Rights

29 Dec 2024

Māori incorrectly believe: they are indigenous, did not cede sovereignty, are in a partnership and that the Treaty mandates partnership.


1. What does the acronym SIPP mean?

2. What evidence do we have that Māori were colonists and are not indigenous to NZ?

3. What proofs exist that Māori ceded sovereignty in the TOW?

4. Why do Māori ac0vists believe that the TOW was a partnership?

5. Why did David Lange say that ‘Queen Victoria was not that sort of persn’?


• Tuku Morgan think Māori, among 160 cultures within NZ, have special rights.

• The ‘special rights’ delusion has 4 founda0onal beliefs:


• Māori ac0vists believe they are indigenous. i.e. ‘inhabi0ng or exis0ng in a land from earliest 0mes’. They are not indigenous.

• Ac0vists have corrupted the meaning of the word by adding ‘or from before the arrival of colonists’. [Māori came from other Paciifc Islands & are themselves colonists.] Ref: John Aldworth: Evidence of an earlier culture living in New Zealand


• Māori chiefs did cede sovereignty. (Art.1) See: 12 Proofs that Māori ceded Sovereignty

• In TOW Māori handed over to the Bri0sh the right to manage & govern NZ’s resources.

• The government agreed to protect Māori ‘land, dwellings and property’. (Art. 2)

• Māori ac0vists say that: they have the right to govern NZ, that NZ was stolen, the resources belong to Māori and they want NZ back.


• Not true, but Luxon believes this. Jus0ce Cooke in 1987 said the TOW was ‘akin to a partnership’. Judge Anthony Willy has checked the 77 page document as says that the partnership concept is invalid.

• A partnership concept conflicts with Art 1.


• In 1840 ‘0no rangi0ratanga’ meant ‘possession’. Aeer TOW all Māori, including slaves, could own possessions. (Art2.)

• Hugh Kawharu mistranslated it as ‘unqualified exercise of chieeainship’ in 1989.

• Ac0vists believe Māori own the resources and land of NZ and want them back and that they have the right to be chiefs over all of NZ.

• David Lange said you can either have a democra0c government or indigenous sovereignty but not both.


The Great Lie Maori Ac0vists Use To Try And Fool

The Public

2 Jan 2025

Two Māori ac0vists state the Great Lie which aIempts to back up the Māori did not cede sovereignty argument. Ten facts are discussed disproving the Great Lie hypothesis. QUIZ

1. What is the Great Lie?

2. Why do Māori ac0vists put so much emphasis on the Great Lie?

3. What characteris0cs of Bri0sh Culture appealed to Māori?

4. What do Māori ac0vists believe life was like for Māori prior to the TOW?

5. What Bri0sh technology prior to the TOW did Māori Chiefs value highest?


• The Great Lie: It was illogical for 100,000 Māori to give up NZ in 1840 to 2,000 seIlers from the other side of the world and did not speak their language. i.e. Māori did not cede sovereignty.

• VIDEO: Two Māori ac0vists state the Great Lie: Hemut Modik, and Margaret Mutu.

• Ac0vists believe Māori in 1840 were united, had their own government and were peaceful and flourishing as a na0on. The Bri0sh interrupted the idyllic lifestyle. If this were true, ceding sovereignty would obviously seem ridiculous

• FACTS: Māori chiefs wanted the Bri0sh to take over because Māori wanted:

1. Bri0sh power and they recognised King William as a great chief. They had witnessed Bri0sh ships and technologies.

2. Trade with the Bri0sh. More seIlers meant more trade.

3. Bri0sh technology & goods. Māori valued sheep, caIle, horses, iron tools, medical equipment, clothing & tex0les, ploughs, wheels, muskets etc

4. A pathway from poverty. Aligning with Britain could raise Māori to a beIer lifestyle without warfare.

5. Chris0anity was beIer than 0kanga (revenge & plunder). The church could improve literacy, health & sanitary prac0ce.

6. Bri0sh Law and Jus0ce to replace violent 0kanga.

7. Protec0on from the French following the Du Fresne incident.

8. Protec0on from the Portuguese, Spanish and Americans looking for new colonies.

9. Preserva0on of their land from invading tribes. The TOW meant the Government could protect all land ownership and maintain Bri0sh civil law.

10. To end self-annihila0on. About 50,000 Māori were killed by Māori in the Musket Wars.

• Eight of these FACTS occur in the 1831 leIer to King William from 13 Nga Puhi chiefs.

• Ac0vists who say ceding sovereignty is illogical show ignorance of Māori and Bri0sh history before 1840 or are inten0onally lying. READ: ‘What is the solu0on for Māori’.

How Equity For Maori Is Causing Apartheid, Racism, And Racial Division

4 Jan 2025 Discussion about equality and equity within the NZ Health Ministry prompted by a Waikato Heath Authority Office no0ce to Māori pa0ents. QUIZ

1. What is the difference between equity and equality?

2. What factors, other than racism, can affect how successful people are in life?

3. Other than gene0cs, what is the major factor affec0ng people’s health?

4. What is an argument against racism being the cause of Māori in remote parts having poorer health care?

5. Why is equity the thief of human poten0al?

• Waikato Heath Authority Office no0ce favours Māori pa0ents over other ethnici0es.

• Māori are not the vic0ms in the NZ health system; Non-Māori are.

• Equity means equality of outcome. Equality means equal opportunity.

• If person A is lazy they tend to have a bad outcome, while a hardworking person B tends to have a beIer outcome in life.

• According to Cri0cal Race Theory (CRT) different outcomes in life are due to racism.

• A poor lifestyle tends to result in poor health outcomes, while ac0vists say the bad results are due to injus0ce and colonialism (i.e. CRT).

• The call for equity cuts out compe00on and promotes vic0m mentality which is cruel.

• According to CRT lack of equity is when people do not achieve the same desirable outcomes.

• Māori can achieve the same standard of health care as anyone else.

• All people who live in remote areas have more difficulty accessing health care, not just Māori. No racism is involved. [All rural people can apply for travel assistance.]

• USA philosopher Thomas Sowell said: ‘Equity is the thief of human poten0al.’ People are told society is fixed, so why try to improve.

• Medical School entry reserves 30% for Māori & Pasifika. Non-Māori are thus limited.

• Māori corpora0on pay less tax, so other taxpayers pay for Māori privilege.

• Equality means a level playng field for all.

• Luxon & Peters agreed to eliminate different rights for different ethnici0es but have not followed through.

• Health Minister Shane Re0 has lost control.

• Dr Laurie Knight believes life style has a major effect on Māori health, rather than colonisa0on.


The Very Dark Side of Maori Calls For Equity

7 Jan 2025

The advantages of equality of opportunity and disadvantages of equity are explained across Māori and nonMāori cultures.


1. What is the difference between equality and equity?

2. Where in the TOW is ‘equity’ mandated?

3. What are the disadvantages of ‘equity’?

4. Why do ac0vist Māori push the communist concept of ‘equity’.

5. TOW Art. 3 says ‘all people’… ‘are granted the rights and privileges of Bri0sh subjects’. Is this a statement about equity or equality?


• This image is used in an ac0vist video:

It shows three boys sneaking a look at the game.

• Ac0vist asserts: government has been undermining Māori since European arrival. Also asserts ‘equality is bad and the TOW mandates equity’.

• Kiwis are kind and will help those who need a hand up. i.e. a rich person must give to a poor person.

• Equality: equality of opportunity. In the image all people have opportunity of going to see the game. It is democra0c.

• Equity: equality of outcome. The short boy is given a short box so he can see as well as the others.

• Ac0vists say equity is good i.e. perks must be given to Māori.

• Equity: jus0fies separa0on & apartheid, destroys talent & ability, results in vic0m mentality.

• Ac0vists say equality is bad because not all receive the same beneficial outcome.

• Equality is in the TOW, while equity is not.

• Equity is a communist ideal, where no one owns property.

• TOW Art. 3 says ‘all people’… are granted the rights and privileges of Bri0sh subjects.

• VIDEO: Māori opposing Seymour’s treaty Principles Bill; Mike Peno says there needs to be one law for all.


The Treaty principles Submissions. How we’ve all been s0tched up.

13 Jan 2025

The process of collec0on submissions for Treaty Principles Bill appears to have been corrupt. There is a suspicion that this was planned so submissions would favour rejec0ng the Bill.


1. What is a ‘real person’ verifica0on?

2. How could a person using mul0ple email addresses subvert the submission process?

3. What is a bot and what could it do to the submission process?*

4. What methods could have been used to ensure the submission process was fair?

5. In the case of this Bill, to whose advantage would it likely be to have a biased submission process?


• 300,000+ submissions caused the Parliamentary computer system crashed on the last day. The deadline was extended to a week later.

• It was rela0vely easy for a person to make mul0ple submissions.

• Alias email addresses are easy to make.

• There was no ‘real person’ verifica0on, thus bots could make submissions. Rik Roberts: There is a high chance that many submissions were from bots which could have overloaded the parliamentary website.

• Recommenda0ons: Submission

• Could have been restricted to those on the electoral roll.

• Could have been verified by river’s licence or passport.

• Names should not have been published as this precluded those who feared losing their job by submiÖng, e.g. doctors.

• It appears that the submission process was engineered against the Bill.

• Debbie Ngarewa-Packer (MP), pushed Māori submissions against the Bill.

• Māori health organised 20,000 submissions.

• The select commiIee will publish numbers for and against: if ‘against’ wins, Luxon will be happy to have Māori on his side, if ‘for’ wins, Luxon will have non-Māori on his side.


Why the Treaty Principles Select CommiIee Process was engineered to Favour Luxon (Part2)

AKA Jordan Peterson. How New Zealand Is Headed For Civil War

15 Jan 2025

Peterson says iden0ty poli0cs leads to tribalism which leads to separa0sm and violence. A shared iden0ty leads to democracy. Luxon favouring ‘a partnership’ is pushing NZ towards civil war.


1. What does Peterson believe is endangering western civilisa0on?

2. What is needed for a people to have peace?

3. In a word, what does Luxon think is the nature of the rela0onship in the TOW?

4. Give some examples of how the government is pushing separa0sm and therefore tribalism?

5. What posi0ve government democra0c ac0on could possibly avoid civil war?


• Submission has sparked discussion on the TOW & how a referendum is needed.

• The longer this is delayed the more separa0sm and tribalism develops so we inch towards civil war.

• Jordan Peterson: iden0ty poli0cs is endangering civilisa0on in the west.

• Māori demanding self-determina0on, autonomy and self-government is iden0ty poli0cs.

• Regression from democracy to tribalism inevitably results in violence.

• Peace results from a people having a shared iden0ty.

• Prior to 1840 Māori were divided into tribes of diminishing size resul0ng in con0nuous warfare.

• Civil war is certain. NZ is in crisis.

• Luxon and Na0onal thinks the TOW is a partnership which fuels tribalism leading to civil war.

• Luxon: TOW made a rela0onship between Crown [actually Queen Victoria, not a corporate en0ty] and iwi. It was a partnership [incorrect] with obliga0ons. Challenge is good.

• Anthony Willy: TOW is not a partnership.

• Luxon is strengthening tribalism e.g. $800 million to Māori in last budget.

• Hamilton Health Centre, fishing areas, Māori wards, Māori seats. Waitangi Tribunal, all feed the movement towards civil war.

• Alterna0ve to tribalism is a shared iden0ty, or democracy. Seymour’s Bill does this.

• Need to hold a referendum where the words have been decided by Seymour.

• Cards, booklets, brochures, bumper s0ckers are available from

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