Links to Julian's documents for pasting into Social Media comments

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Links to include in your social media comments

Help spread the truth about New Zealand’s history. Give factual answers to the comments made by activists online.

Below are links to excellent resources to counter lies and educate kiwis about our history.


1. Whenever you see a false claim or a genuine question in comments on social media, give a short “The Truth” and provide a link to valuable resources.

2. Pass this resource onto friends and family who are keen to spread the truth too!


Activist Statement: The Declaration of Independence (He Whakaputanga) proves Maori have sovereignty.

The Truth: Read the truth about the Declaration of Independence _1_z

Activist Statement: Maori did not cede sovereignty. They gave the Crown the right to govern the settlers but retained the right to govern themselves.

The Truth: There are many ways that we know Maori gave up full sovereignty. Read about them here: gnty

Lord Normanby’s instructions to Hobson prove that the Crown gained full sovereignty from the Chiefs. on

Activist Statement: Maori chiefs didn’t know what they were signing. They were misled and lied to.

The Truth: William Colenso recorded the chief’s speeches at Waitangi. These show that the chiefs understood what they were signing. Read them here:

Activist Statement: Maori chiefs did not have a reason to sign the Treaty.

The Truth - Document 1: The chiefs had many reasons to sign the Treaty. Read about what NZ life was like pre-1840. y_bruce_moon

The Truth - Document 2: The chiefs had many reasons to sign the Treaty

Activist Statement: Maori Chiefs did not request any help from the British.

The Truth: They did. Read the 1831 letter to King William from 13 Maori chiefs requesting protection, plus the reply.

Activist Statement: Rangiaowhia was the site of one of the most horrific war crimes ever perpetrated by the Crown against Maori in NZ history.

The Truth: This is not true. Read the truth about the so-called ‘invasion’ of Rangiaowhia. giaowhia

Activist Statement: Maori welcomed settlers and lived peacefully with them

The Truth: Horrendous crimes were committed by Maori against settlers. rly_europeans

Activist Statement: Maori land was stolen.

The Truth: No, a small percentage was confiscated due to Maori rebellion. 92% of Maori land was sold. Mike Butler explains here.

Activist Statement: Maori did not sell any land before 1840.

The Truth: Yes, they did. H.H. Turton’s Old Land Claims document provides evidence of all the land sales pre-1840: _sales

Activist Statement: My grandparents were strapped for speaking te reo in school. Colonisation stole our culture.

The Truth: The real reason people were strapped at school for speaking te reo is explained here:


Activist Statement: The Treaty is a partnership.

The Truth: Judge Anthony Willy explains how we know the Treaty is NOT a partnership: the_treaty_n

Activist Statement: The English version of the Treaty is a poor translation of the Maori te Tiriti.

The Truth: You’ve got it back to front. The Māori version of te Tiriti is a translation of the final English draft of the Treaty written by James Busby. The two documents match each other perfectly.

The rogue James Freeman version (RJFV) typically referred to today as the Treaty in English, IS NOT the final English draft. There are vast differences between the RJFV and the Treaty in Maori. Find out more here:

Read how the rogue James Freeman version of the Treaty came into being. of_the_treaty_c

Activist Statement: Hugh Kawharu 1986 translation of the Treaty is accurate.

The Truth: Read about how Hugh Kawharu’s 1986 translation (the version accepted by the government) twists what the Treaty actually says.

Activist Statement: What the Treaty says is up for debate.

The Truth: Read the final English draft of the Treaty written by James Busby to understand the meaning of the Treaty. It’s virtually identical to the Maori te Tiriti. draft_

Activist Statement: Tino Rangatiratanga gives Maori the right to selfdetermination and self-government.

The Truth: No, it does not. Here’s the real meaning of Tino Rangatiratanga.


Activist Statement: Poor Maori health outcomes are a result of systemic racism in the health system and a lack of cultural competency.

The Truth: Completely untrue. Check out the facts behind Maori health claims provided by ex-All Back doctor, Lawrie Knight. ealth_claim

Activist Statement: Colonisation and systemic racism are to blame for poor Maori social statistics.

The Truth: No. Like all other cultures, Maori must take responsibility to improve their own social outcomes. Here’s how:

Activist Statement: Maori are not trying to take over the country

The Truth: Yes, Activist Maori are. There are 18 strategies activists are using to take over the country. Read about them here:

1. Spreading Treaty of Waitangi misinformation

2. Verbal abuse

3. Frightening people: bullying, intimidation, threats

4. Shaming people, making them feel guilty, so that they have to say ‘sorry’ over and over

5. Eggshell mentality - trumping up 'offences'

6. Lying and deceitfulness

7. Camel in the tent

8. Heavy manipulation

9. Playing the victim card

10. Grooming or ‘cultural re-programming’

11. Talking over the top of people

12. Media collaboration

13. The Maorification of local councils

14. Radicalisation

15. Creating confusion

16. Making emotionally charged Activist Statements with no proof of their veracity

17. Maoris demanding the sole right to interpret the Treaty

18. Playing down true intentions + deflection

Question: Maori are entitled to ongoing settlements.

The Truth: Here’s why Treaty settlements must come to an end. d

Question: How are iwi getting control of the coastline?

Here’s a great overview of what’s going on right now. There are 600 Treaty claims before the Waitangi Tribunal to claim our foreshore and coast out to 12 nautical miles! s

Question: Which resources do you trust to provide balanced perspectives on NZ history?

Here’s a great list of recommended reading on NZ history _sovereignit


Question: Isn’t co-governance just about partnership and honouring the Treaty?

The Truth: No, co-goverance is driving racism and division. This booklet explains what it is, why it’s wrong and why it must be stopped.

Activist Statement: David Seymour’s Treaty Bill is going to put Maori back into the Dark Ages.

The Truth: No, David Seymour’s Treaty Bill aims to remove racial division and create equality for all. seymour_is_on

Comment: Chris Luxon is just sticking to the middle ground. He’s not an activist.

The Truth: No, Chris Luxon is clearly in the activist camp. He is actively keeping co-governance going.

Comment: Chris Luxon is just trying to keep the peace. He’s not an activist.

The Truth: No, Chris Luxon is clearly an activist. Read ‘Why Luxon is going to Scuttle Seymour's Referendum’

Question: Is Tama Potaka an activist?

The Truth: Yes, Tama Potaka is an activist. His pro co-governance views are in his thesis:

Tama Potaka is the:

• Minister for Māori Development

• Minister for Whānau Ora

• Minister of Conservation

• Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti

• Associate Minister of Housing (Social Housing)

• MP for Hamilton West.

Question: Is Nicola Willis an activist?

The Truth: Yes, Nicola Willis is an activist. Here’s how we know:

Comment: The National led coalition government will put the hand brake on go-governance and Maorification. We don’t have to worry about it anymore.

The Truth: Don’t for a second think the fight is over. In fact, it’s just starting, but in a new way: k_the_fight_

Question: Isn’t He Puapua just a discussion document?

The Truth – Document 1: No – Read the report:

The He Puapua report is a roadmap to giving effect to the principles set out in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by 2040, the year which marks the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. The working group's main objective, as set out in the report, was to "recommend a refocus on rangatiratanga Māori" ("Māori self-determination").

The Truth – Document 2: He Puapua is a wolf in sheep’s clothing explains Tony Sayers:

Question: Didn’t the National Party's coalition agreement with New Zealand First stop all work on He Puapua?

The Truth – Document 1: The reality is that He Puapua is being continued in many ways today. Muriel Newman explains: -what-you-need-to-knownzcpr-site

The Truth – Document 2: He Puapua is being continued in many ways today. Casey Costello explains:

The Truth – Document 3: He Puapua Accelerates – by Dr Muriel Newman, NZCPR

The Truth – Document 4: He Puapua is being implemented, however all is not lost, by Peter Winsley, NZCPR. 9 April 2023 emented?cta=post-publish-view-live

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