Luxon And His Coming Crisis

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Luxon's Coming Crisis (video transcript)

View the video 31/07/24

Hi everyone. Today I'm going to talk about a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and that time is right now.

David Seymour's Treaty Principles Bill will be a turning point in the road for New Zealand. In my view it's the most significant event since 1840. There's no doubt that there’s a fork in the road.

There's Road A on the left, and there is Road B, on the right.

Road A is Tribal rule. It's a class Society Maori and the rest It's where Maori are first class and everybody else is second class.

It’s one law for Maori and another one for everyone else. It's apartheid, separatism and racism That's Road A.

Road B is about democracy, equality, one law for all.

It’s a colour blind Society. Now what sort of future do we want for our children and our grandchildren? That's the choice and truly it's going to be one or the other of those two roads because we're headed right down Road A at the moment and Road B is an opportunity to stop going down Road A.

But we have to make that that critical right hand turn. What am I talking about? Well, what is going to happen when David's Treaty Principles Bill is introduced to Parliament? There are two possible outcomes.

Outcome one is that David receives unprecedented public support Let's say he gets 300,000 supportive submissions Now we know that Luxon has said that he will not support the bill past the first reading If David gets 300,000 positive submissions Luxon will have to back down and support the bill Why? You know what, he can't afford to go against the will of this many voters He knows that ignoring the will of 300,000 voters will cost him and National the next election The last election was too close to trash 300,000 voters. Luxon's not sharp, but he will know this, and people will advise him that he will have to support the bill and it will become law. Wow, wouldn't that be amazing! Maori activists, we know, will protest strongly and there may even be a civil war, but you know what? I say bring it on Let them protest. They're in the wrong They've done the wrong thing. They've been deceitful and fraudulent and tricky for 50 years Bring It On!

Luxon will have to be strong and deal with the protesters like a real man We haven't seen that in him yet, but let's see if it just comes out at the right moment He’s got to be resolute. Don't appease the activists by caving in and backing down Let's hope he doesn't do that. If this scenario wins out, then we're going to see democracy triumph The gravy train will come to an end Racism and separatism will be halted, and the truth of the treaty will win Wouldn't that be great if David's Bill goes all the way!

Here's outcome number two - David's Bill receives little public support. Let's say he gets only 30,000 supportive submissions. Luxon has said that he will not support the Bill past the first reading. Well, if David gets 30,000 positive submissions Luxon will calculate that he can afford to trash 30,000 voters. He can afford to go against the will of that many voters. 30,000 voters will not cost him and National the next election. He will not support the Bill and it will not become law. What a disaster that will be.

Maori activists will have been appeased. Luxon avoids the ire of Maori activists. He's terrified of them, and they know it. That's what'll happen, but then Luxon will have to deal with the protests and the anger of the 30,000. That's us. Will this be enough to change his mind? I doubt it. He's too afraid of Maori, so if this outcome plays out then tribal rule will triumph, the gravy train continues, apartheid, racism and separatism continue to flourish, and Treaty fraud will run rampant. That's pretty much what we have now, so it'll be business as usual.

How did I come to the 300,000 figure as being the key number we should be aiming for the number of positive submissions needed to sway Luxon? Well, here are the sums.

• The total votes cast in 2023 election was 2,851,211 National, New Zealand First and ACT received 52.08% of these votes. Labour, Greens and the Maori Party received 41.59%.

• The difference between these blocks was 10.49%. This represents 299,092 votes.

You see how I get to the 300,000?

What am I saying? Going by the 2023 election, if Luxon had lost 300,000 votes he would have lost that election. He wouldn't be the Prime Minister. It's a lot of votes. 300,000 voters is too many voters to ignore. He just can't afford to lose that number of people. 300,000 votes could be the difference between winning and losing the 2026 election, all things being equal. If we can get 300,000 people to support David's Bill, Luxon will be forced to support it. You know that. We're going to put his feet right in the fire by getting 300,000 people to support David's Bill.

So here's a summary of where we're up to with this:

• There's a crisis looming for Luxon, no doubt about it. The first crisis is if he rejects David Seymour's Bill he's going to incur the wrath and anger of people who support the Bill, who demand a return to equality and democracy the end of a apartheid and racism and a return to the original intent and meaning of the Treaty.

• The second crisis he's going to face is that if he backs down and accepts the Bill progressing it past the first reading and making it law. He's going to incur the wrath and anger of radical Maori because he has broken his promise not to progress the Bill They will milk this as a massive attack on Maori and guaranteed there'll be widespread civil unrest and that is absolutely certain.

Now the key is this - Will supporters of the Bill have the guts to protest? You know what Luxon is probably going to think that we won't protest because we don't have the guts to do it. We're too polite we're too nice. We don't protest. We don't really show our emotions. We don't really get out on the streets and really kick up a big fuss like Maori do. To be fair to Maori, I actually admire the way they get up and they march with their feet. They express themselves and they get out there and they make the effort to protest. We've got to take that on.

The second big question is: Will supporters of the Bill get to the magical 300,000 because if we got that kind of number Luxon’s hand is going to be forced and it's all over. So it all depends on how much support we give David Seymour's Bill. This is why it's got to succeed. Either way, there's a crisis ahead for Chris Luxon.

Here's our strategy

The Stop Co-Governance YouTube video channel supports David's Bill. It does other things as well It teaches the truth of the Treaty and exposes what the activists are up to If we can direct the public to view this channel we can sway them to support the Bill Our big challenge, however, is that the vast majority of people in our country, and I mean over 90% of them, are completely unaware of how important this Bill is They have no idea that our country is at a fork in the road So how can we reach this mass of people?

There are many strategies, but we believe we have one in particular which is fantastic. It involves leaving business cards on cars. It's simple, cheap and effective. It involves having no contact with anyone, so if you're an introvert this is perfect for you. Anyone can do it, from a child right up to an elderly person.

Go to the description of this video and look for the business card strategy to support David Seymour's Bill.

Heres’ how it works There are six steps:

• Step one: order your cards

• Step two: start distributing your cards on cars, in letter boxes or wherever

• Step three, the person receiving them either throws the card away or goes to our YouTube channel

• Step four: they start watching the videos

• Step five: they subscribe to our YouTube channel and they are awakened That is the key

• Step six: when the time comes, they make submissions supporting David's bill

That is the goal, so here are the numbers.

• The government is set to start receiving submissions mid-2025 for this Bill

• We have 11 months to garner support.

• That's roughly 335 days if we get 2,000 people giving out two cards a day, that's 4,000 cards per day going out

• Multiply by 335 and that's 1.34 million cards

• Now seriously, giving out two cards a day is going to be a doddle.

• If only 20% of the people receiving a card subscribe to our YouTube channel and they're awakened, that gives us 268,000 people to support the Bill

• With all the other organisations supporting the Bill we'll get our magical 300,000 without any doubt whatsoever.

Do you know what Henry Ford said? He said, “Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success”. I can't do this on my own, you can't do it on your own, but if we work together, you know what? We can do this!

What could stop us getting 300,000 submissions?

• Apathy. I can't be bothered. I'll leave it to others. A lot of people think like that.

• Laziness. Putting cards on cars is work No thanks

• Fear. What happens if someone sees me? Hey, you can do it at night-time, you can do it when nobody's watching. Don't worry about it.

• Finance. I can't afford to buy cards at 3 cents each, plus postage. Well, if you're one of those people, we can help you

• Ignorance. Seymour's Bill is not important to me. That's not what an awakened person would say.

• Busyness. I'm too busy to put cards on cars It's really no excuse I mean how long does a card take to put on a car? 2 seconds?

• We have plenty of time to get people on board. Relax man, don't worry about it. No, we don't. We're running out of time; we have only 11 months.

• Procrastination. I'll get around to it one day. Perhaps tomorrow. There's a lot of people like that too

The time is now. It's for action and it's time to put all our excuses away and get going, so don't delay, pick up the phone right now and ring Vicki. Call her on 021 2985 4119 She's a really neat lady

Thanks for watching! We can do this you guys! Thank you for buying and distributing cards. For those who've already bought them, we've had a massive response already, but we need to get 2,000 people up and running. Let's go for this and make it happen!

Please share this video with everyone everywhere. The mainstream media should be reporting on the issues I am raising in these videos, but they're not. Why aren't they? Well, they're corrupt Why are they corrupt? They are collaborating with Maori activists. There's no doubt about that. In the final analysis the people of New Zealand, that's us, have ultimate power, not the politicians

Did you know that it’s the people who can kick out the people in power and they can put them into power? How are we going to do that? Well, awareness is the key to change. If enough people in New Zealand become of aware of the issues that I am raising, we can save this beautiful country, so share these videos everywhere so that, come the next election, we can vote the right people in and kick out the people who are destroying New Zealand!

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