It’s out. National are going to stuff it up. Read THIS Stuff what up? Putting an end to Maorification and Co-governance. But it’s worse than this. How can we know? Nicola Willis and Luxon are left hand and right hand. They were in each other’s pockets in the long lead up to the 2023 election. He the leader, she his deputy. What she thinks, he thinks, and vise versa. Yesterday, January 23, 2023, she said this “It [the Treaty] is our founding document as a nation. How that relationship works in practice is something that the courts have likened to being like a partnership,” she said. It is disgraceful that she would say this. If one reads the Treaty at face value, and honestly, with an open mind, one simply can’t see anything about ‘partnership’ in the Treaty. Read the Treaty HERE. So how did Cooke come to this idea? Like all activists, they make up their reality. They invent ideas, which is what Cooke did by saying the Treaty was akin to a partnership. He wanted Maoris to have co-governance with the Crown. He thought this would be a good idea i.e. Maori self determination. So he put it out there. And guess what? Nicola Willis has picked up on it and run with it, along with the rest of the National Party. In the book Twisting the Treaty, The Tribal Grab For Wealth And Power (Tross Publishing 2014) the author writes “High in the category of grottiness has been the behaviour of certain senior judges, starting with Robin Cooke (Lord Cooke of Thorndon), who have abused their position by delivering ideologically driven judgements resulting in confusion so that they could then step into the ensuing imbroglio and exert greater powers over Parliament, thus subverting our hard won democracy.” (page 14). What did Cooke actually say about the Treaty when he said what he said in 1987? He said the following: “An enduring relationship of a fiduciary nature akin to a partnership, each party accepting a positive duty to act in good faith, fairly, reasonably, and honourably towards the other.” University of Canterbury law lecturer David Round says: “Now according to Cooke this is the description of the relationship, implied by the Treaty’s principles, between Maori and the Crown and, when put just in those terms, it is not unreasonable. But should it not also be the relationship existing between the Crown and all New Zealanders? Surely the Crown should act towards all of us (and we towards the Crown) in good faith, fairly, reasonably, and honourably? Should that not be the case? So what are the judges saying when they say that this is what Treaty principles require? Are they implying that non-Maori New Zealanders are not entitled to the same degree of fair dealing from their own government? That Crown actions are to be judged by two different standards, depending on the race of the citizen? To hell with that.”
How should we conclude? The present National Party is just the old Labour dressed up in different clothes. Sure, National is more subtle and clever than Labour. Labour’s Maorification and co-governance initiatives were as obvious as a ram raid. National is more white collar – subtle, devious, and hidden. What do I mean? Well, Willis says things like ““Our government is very committed to progressing results for Māori and we’re committed to that relationship that the Treaty of Waitangi promises.” The only ‘things’ promised to Maori in the Treaty were: The possession of their land, dwellings and property (Article Two). In today’s language, this was their house and contents and the land on which that house and those contents resided. We must not read into this promise more than was promised in 1840. Over the past 45 years activists have expanded this promise to mean the whole of New Zealand! They also agreed to sell their land, if they wanted to, exclusively to the Crown (Article two). This they did, with great gusto in the period 1840 – 1850. In the end, Maori sold 92% of their land. For proof click HERE. So what Maori are suffering from today is sellers remorse, no less. The only other promise in the Treaty for Maori was the promise of British citizenship (Article 3). That is to say, they would have all the benefits and responsibilities of being British citizens. Currently, they are breaking this promise. What did the chiefs promise the Crown? They ceded sovereignty (Article one). Thus they promised to come under, and be obedient to, the democratically elected government. Presently, and obviously, they a not doing that. In fact, they are doing the opposite. They are not accepting the election result. They are rebelling. This is treason, no less. Then comes the king hit. Willis says “National will not support its coalition partner ACT’s Treaty Principles bill past the first select committee reading. “This is an area where there have been concessions. Obviously, the different parties in the coalition have different policies that were a priority for them. For ACT, having a debate about the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi was a priority. “In our coalition agreement, National agreed that we’d support them to have a debate at Select Committee, but that our position was we would not commit to the referendum that they want to see, and therefore we wouldn’t commit to that bill going any further than Select Committee. That remains our position.” Seymour will be furious. In the coalition agreement National agreed to support the Treaty Principles Bill to select committee stage. In the coalition agreement, there was no talk of NOT supporting it to go further. Seymour just presumed they would support it going further.
Now, under pressure from Maori activists, and caving in to them, National have put the boot in. They are saying they are not going to support Seymour’s Bill past select committee. Seymour will feel tricked. He’ll be gutted. Basically, his Bill is dead in the water before it gets going. That’s the National Party for you. They have to go. To find out more about how Activists are causing National to capitulate, read THIS. I have it from good sources that NZFirst will not be supporting it pass select committee. All I can say is ‘Winston must have a better alternative’. Let’s see. One thing is for sure - we must get behind Winston, Jones and Seymour, emailing them regularly with encouragement and our full support to expunge co-governance and Maorification from New Zealand. Leaders need encouragement constantly. Email Luxon urging him to do what the people of New Zealand elected him to do which was to rid the country of Maorification and co-governance. Warn him that he will be a one term PM if he doesn’t. Here are their email addresses: