Breaking Views Update: Week of
Garrick Tremain: Merger
Mike Hosking: How will we
Point of Order: Hobbling the transparency in lobbyin...
Chris Trotter: Dangerous
danger of lithium-ion b...
Damien Grant: We're having a
Matthew Birchall: Paying the
Thomas Cranmer: Hipkins lifted for many Kiwis ... (480) (255)
It is notable that the stridency of the He Puapua voice is proportional to the weakness of its arguments and the paucity of its evidence. The “big lie” tactic is that if you state a big lie with confidence and repeat it often
due to their racial identity. He Puapua forces on us a choice between a democratic nation state with citizens born free and equal, versus a state where racial ancestry (that is, an accident of birth) determines some of will undermine confidence in New Zealand’s equal rights-based democracy and institutions. It will thereby help pave the way for race New debates are emerging around whether tikanga M ori (that is M custom) can become a full part of our legal system. The High Court is now including tikanga in its deliberations on, for example, the Marine occupation is referred to as ahi