Our Henderson Heights Community News May 2018

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Vol 6. Issue 1

Keeping everyone informed and up to date in our neighbourhood

May 2018

Long Life Journey Leads Palestinian Orthopaedic Surgeon To HH 47 year old Dr Abudullah Gouda now has a successful business in West Auckland selling LED lights. His road to this point is fascinating to say the least! Listen to his story. Dr Gouda: I was born in Palestine, in the Gaza Strip, Rafah City in 1971. It’s one of the most dangerous places in the world to live. When I was 19, I won a Chinese government scholarship to study medicine in Bejing. The first year there I studied the Chinese language and became proficient with reading, writing, and speaking their language. (smiling) I am still proficient! HHCNews: Did you ever go back to Palestine? Dr Gouda: Yes. Between 1998 and 2000 I worked in Palestine as a doctor. But in 2002 I returned to China to become a specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon. This took me through to 2006. I received my Ph.D. By now I was 37. HHCNews: Were you married then? Dr Gouda: Yes, by then I had a wife and children. I wanted to return to Palestine but, like I said, it was far too dangerous. I needed money to feed my family so I started a business in China. That was 2006. I stayed doing this in China, all the through to 2015. HHCNews: Why didn’t you start practising as a specialist Orthopaedic surgeon in China? Surgeons earn terrific money don’t they? Why did you spend all that time studying medicine, only to end up selling lights! You must have had a good reason. What was it? Dr Gouda: There was no money in medicine

in China and I couldn’t go back to Palestine because it was too dangerous. I couldn’t go to a Western country to practice medicine because I’d have study and sit more exams in English. To learn English I would have to take time off work which meant I couldn’t support my family. All my medical studies had been in Chinese. So I felt trapped into going into business. HHCNews: That must have been so painful. Was it?

Dr Gouda: Yes, very painful. My heart is still in medicine and surgury. I love it. I love it more than being a businessman. But my family comes first.

Dr Gouda: My first trip here was 2011. Between 2011 and 2015 I went back and forth between NZ and China. I set up a business in both countries.

are loving, kind, and friendly. The weather here is perfect. Not too hot, and not too cold. Just right. It’s similar to Palestine which has mountains, snow, sea, beautiful beaches. But the infrastructure here is much better than Palestine. You have beautiful roads, endless supplies of pure water, modern sewerage disposal. Things like this. This place is paradise compared to other countries. You also have a great education system.

HHCNews: Of all the places on the earth, why NZ?

HHCNews: How can HH people contact you?

Dr Gouda: I had read about this country and studied it. It seemed like it was different from any other place on earth.

Dr Gouda: If anyone wants to come and say ‘hi’ to me and my family, I make coffee Palestinian style. It’s strong, but I think you’ll love it. I live at 1 Stow Place. My mobile is 0211093276. I have five children who love to play so bring your children. Look at the photo please - they are so awesome! My business is in the advertisement below. Come and see us! -

HHCNews: So you came to NZ. When was that?

HHCNews: Explain what you mean by that? Dr Gouda: The people are lovely. I can feel the difference in my heart between the people here and the people in other countries. They

Unit 1/18 Moselle Avenue, Henderson 0610 New Zealand · tel: 008613588673332 · ajoda@hotmail.com · www.ledx.co.nz

Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

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How loneliness is killing Community in HH


What is ‘loneliness”? Loneliness is an emotion, mostly triggered by a sad memory. Unfortunately the brain loves to overanalyse things, so even momentary loneliness can escalate to longer spells because of thoughts like “Why do I feel so alone?” and “Am I a loser no one loves?” When this happens, just acknowledge the feeling and don’t overreact.

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Page 2

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Summary? As if feeling lonely wasn’t bad enough, it also turns out that loneliness

What can we do to help the isolated, the alone, and the lonely in HH? Write to me with your suggestions and I’ll publish them. This is a community issue. In the mean time, check out this web

CLOTHING Contact: Ramesh ALTERATIONS * Shortening Trousers & Jeans

For all your clothing alterations & repairs

* Shortening Trousers & Jeans * Waist Adjustment * Zip Replacement (Trousers/Jeans/Jackets) * And much more

Media outlets from around the world continue to report on the ‘loneliness epidemic’ as a major risk to optimal health. Mounting research evidence confirms that social connections are a fundamental human need - crucial to both wellbeing and survival. Loneliness and social isolation are linked to depression, cognitive decline, decreased mobility and early death. Many people feel lonely and lose social connections as they age.

site: https://www.meetup.com/cities/ nz/auckland. This is a great starting place! Until next time….

Ph: 021 169 5168 09 837 5393

In my capacity as the publisher and editor of OurHHCNews, I have come across a lot of people in our HH community who are living alone…and who are lonely.

and isolation are shockingly bad for your health and wellbeing. The quality of your friendships is the largest predictor of your happiness. Social isolation weakens your immune system, raises your blood pressure, messes with your sleep, and can be as bad for you as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. According to the authors of a widely cited meta-analysis, loneliness on its own can increase your chances of an early death by 30 percent and “heightened risk for mortality from a lack of social relationships is greater than that from obesity.” And in practical terms, being in contact with nobody in an emergency, like the dead in the Chicago heat wave, can kill you in an instant.

29 Palomino Drive Henderson, Auckland

In 1995 Chigago had a heatwave and 739 people died. In its aftermath, an inquiry found, unsurprisingly, that the majority of those who died were poor, old, and lived alone. What surprised authorities is that a lot more people were living alone that the ‘statistics’ had told them. Are there more people living alone, and lonely, in HH than we realise?

Our Henderson Heights Community News

with life coach Grace Lim

4 Keys To Personal Growth! Life Coach Grace Lim, lives on Gendo Avenuie in HH. She has had 35 experience building people and communities around the world. In our busy times, we often go about our lives rushing from task to task. There is little time to listen for the sake of our own growth, or for the sake of the growth of others. Yet, effective listening can help us understand ourselves and others better. Key #1 Listening and Watching for the sake of our own growth We need to listen for our own sake. It is refreshing to take time off to enjoy the surroundings- listening to birds chirping, admiring the beautiful scenery or noticing the smile of a nursing mother as she feeds her baby. These are ordinary scenes yet they enrich our lives Key #2 Journalling Having time for self-reflection through journaling is one useful way to understand ourselves at a deeper level. Start a journal, slow down, and take time to write. Reflect on your feelings, attitudes, choices and experiences of life. These journal entries can help us improve our interactions and the quality of life we live. When we write things down, they tend to stick better! Journalling forces us to think about our lives more deeply so we can improve.

language, give feedback, summarising what we think they other person has said, and seeking clarification if necessary. 3. Be accepting. We need to listen without judgement, assumption or personal interpretation. A good listener will show compassion and empathy. 4. Be confidential. Provide a safe place for the other person to share. Being able to keep confidentiality is an absolute must to 'safety’. As Ralph Nichols aptly put it, “The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is listen to them”. Grace Lim (Life mentor) Bachelor of Science (University of Canterbury) Diploma in Christian Studies (pastoral & relational track)

Key #3 Honest Sharing Another way to grow is to share honestly with trusted friends about our fears, struggles and joys. This can also help us with our personal growth. In a safe environment, without putting on masks, we can share, cry, laugh and encourage each other. Honest sharing is healthy for the soul, and especially for mental health. Key #4 Work on becoming a good listener. The act of open listening to others is powerful. A good listener listens without judgement and without thinking of what to say while the other person is still talking. It’s seeking to truly understand what the other person is saying. Being heard can bring healing and wholeness to others. Henri Nouwen says, “Listening is the highest form of hospitality…Hospitality is not to change people but to offer them space where change can take place”.



To be a good listener, we need to grow in awareness of how we listen to others. Do I interrupt often? Do I jump in with my own story and take over? Am I eager to give advice? Here are some tips for being good listener: 1. Be present. This requires us to give the person our fullest attention without interrupting unless it is really necessary. 2. Be acknowledging. We can do that through our body Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

021 777 839 342 Grt North Rd, Henderson Next to TAB

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We have recently moved “out west” from the “posh” suburb of Epsom and are so enjoying the neighbourliness and community spirit of this area, including your interesting little paper Community News. We love the interesting snapshot biographies of such interesting locals that are always included and are glad to be introduced to companies in the district who support the paper so we can be better informed as to where to shop!

I would like to congratulate the OHHCNews team for their wonderful initiative of establishing the Henderson Heights newspaper.

One thing that keeps pleasantly surprising us is the number of beautiful “walks” there are. It seems almost everywhere we go in our lovely area. The one we are closest to is the shared cycle/pedestrian walkway along the Henderson creek which, even though tidal, always seems to offer different lovely views of the foliage or stream. But I am wondering if other walkers experience, like us, the sudden shock caused by cyclists coming up silently and fast behind us? In N.Z. the law doesn’t allow for cyclists on our pedestrian footpaths and though we would certainly not advocate a ban we wonder if designated “sides” of the walking paths may be safer, or even simpler - return of the good old bell-on-the-bike! We wonder if other readers may have other ideas. Again thankyou for the interesting little community-connect that you give us each month.

Avery and Kelvin Tyler Top Shelf Electrical is dedicated to providing the best possible quality of workmanship and service for any of your electrical needs. • Electrical Repairs and Maintenance • Switchboard Safety upgrades • Small to Large Renovations • No job too big or small • LED Lighting upgrades • New Builds

At our household we do look forward to receiving the newsletter. I especially enjoy reading about the folk who live in our area and value the many ethnicities we all make up to create our whole. Also, the historical articles published so far have been most interesting - please keep them up. Well done!

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UE: NEXT ISS month r wins a 3 Best lette AL membership YSIC z CLUB PH oot.co.n elor@barf e Editor h tc a b j. Email r to th your lette and send

____________________________ Hi Julian, thanks for the Community News. It’s obviously becoming successful with the additional pages in the latest edition. We’ve noticed recently the increase of residents who are mulching the trees along the roadside. This has great benefits for the tree, but unfortunately also has the potential to kill the tree if not done correctly. The key point is to not stack the grass clippings against the trunk in a volcano shape. http://www.harvestpower.com/ how-to-mulch-around-trees/ has some good instructional steps and photos showing how to feed the tree without destroying it. Regards

Cliff & Alison Moyle, HH residents Come have a look at our newly renovated outdoor area. Open from 7:00 am until 6:00 pm Welcoming children aged 0 to 5 years Quality educational programme provided by registered teachers Nutritional chef prepared meals Free 20 HOURS ECE programme

Champers Party Shop Balloon Art, Helium Balloons, Promotional Balloons, Helium Gas Tanks. SYLIVA RIVERS

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Dear Julian

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Our Henderson Heights Community News

Open Monday to Saturday at 9 Moselle Avenue, Henderson (off Lincoln Rd) Ph 838 3919

What to look out for when buying a car privately? • T ake your time and carefully examine everything you want to look at – not just what the seller shows you. • I nspect the car on a dry sunny day if possible – it’s easier to see the visual clues to the car’s real condition. See our safety checklist. • Th e older and cheaper the car, the more likely there will be something wrong, particularly once it’s done more than 100,000km. Be especially wary of engine wear and rust. • K now what you can fix and the cost of having the work done. • T ake these inspection aids: 99 a checklist of things to look for 99 a magnet to check for hidden rust repairs 99 a torch to look under the bonnet 99 a friend – preferably someone with a bit of car knowledge.

Check the paperwork Check that the car has a current warrant of fitness – vehicles for sale must have a warrant of fitness less than one month old. However, you may buy the car ‘as is where is’. Under this option you’ll need to give the seller a written promise that you’ll only drive the car to get a warrant. You may have to pay for repairs to bring the car up to warrant standard.

Get a professional inspection Always insist on having a full professional inspection before buying any used car. Most garages will perform these inspections. There are also specialist pre-purchase inspection services. After the inspection both you and the seller will receive a report detailing any repairs needed.

If you’re buying privately, make sure you let us know straight away.

Your Vehicle Inspection Experts WOF, COF, Pre Purchase Inspections Compliance and Servicing


Ask the seller for any service or repair history.



Have a story to share? Best letter for the next issue wins a $50 Auto voucher. Email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz and share your story

Senior & Student Discounts

Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

Page 5

Bobs Garden Tips Want to grow cucumbers? Want to grow lots of large cucumbers? Have very little space? Then this is for you! Grow your cucumbers on a 1.6 m trellis hanging on a fence, leaning on a wall or in a frame.

Then place a raised edging of 25 to 30 cm around the growing area, fill with compost and some more blood and bone and sheep pellets.

Two plants provide more than the two of us need.

Plant 2 cucumber plants 40 cm apart, water and spread some slug pellets around until the plants take off.

That was the second one that size I had picked in the last week.

Garden area required 60cm x 40cm.

Keep well watered and within 3 to 4 weeks you should be picking cucumbers.

Dig over the soil in the growing area, adding some blood & bone and sheep pellets.

Every two weeks add a little blood and bone and a few sheep pellets before watering.

The last cucumber I picked was 59 cm long and weighed 1.5kg.

Good growing, Bob Lane

Bob’s small space which grows HUGE cucumbers

Bob’s small space cucumbers sample


Super gardener, Bob Lane of Sapperton Drive

Have a gardening story or tip to share? The best one wins a $100 SuperMitre gardener, Bob Lane of Sapperton 10 MEGA Westgate voucher. Way Email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz

Mitre 10 MEGA Henderson Lincold Road, Henderson / Ph: 09 836 7700 Monday to Friday: 7am to 7pm / Weekends: 8am to 6pm


Our Henderson Heights Community News


of the month

with Mega Mitre 10 MEGA, Lincoln Road, Henderson

WHY DANIEL IS THE Employee of the month Says manager / owner Dave Hargreaves:

During the major storm which struck “Auckland on April, Daniel went out of his way and well beyond the call of duty to procure generators for people who desparately needed them. In fact, he sold more generators than any other Mitre MEGA 10 store nationally! Congratulations Daniel for providing such incredible customer service in a time of crisis.

Life Lessons for Young People: OHHCNews: Daniel, you are a top employee in a big store. What advice would you give to young people just starting out? Daniel: “Work hard, be honest, respect people, and stick to your goals. If you do these four things consistently, you’ll be successful in life.”

Owner Dave Hargreaves with employee of the month Daniel McArthur

Mitre 10 MEGA Henderson Lincold Road, Henderson / Ph: 09 836 7700 Monday to Friday: 7am to 7pm / Weekends: 8am to 6pm

HENDERSON Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

Page 7

with Haley Long Standing Resident Reflects On Massive Changes To HH the originals in Vintage Drive. HHCNews: Was Sturges Road shingle back then or sealed? Faye: No, it was sealed. HHCNews: If there was no Palomino shops, where did you get your supplies? Faye: There was a little dairy on Rathgar Road, and a supermarket down in Henderson. There were virtually no shops on Lincoln Road. It was mostly orchards and vineyards. Today I go to the Palomino shops but also to the supermarkets on Lincoln Road. The Palomino shops are convenient. Sanjay the owner is a nice man. Faye: What was Lincoln Road like back then?

HHCNews: What was it like when you first moved to HH? Faye: There were no houses either side of me and only one or two over the road. Vintage Drive where I live now was only about 50 metres long. It was just a short no exit road. Miriam Corban Heights didn’t exist. Later a developer purchased all the rest of the land on Vintage Drive. There were some existing houses on both sides of Sturges road up to about where the roundabout is today. Other than that, the whole area was either orchards, vineyards or farms. It was very rural and beautiful. I am pretty sure Western Heights Primary was not there then. Certainly, Summerland Primary wasn’t. The Palomino shops were definitely not there. My house was one of

HHCNews: It was just a two lane road, meaning you could drive the length of the road without stopping. Later roundabouts were installed, but these slowed traffic. Then the roundabouts were replaced with traffic lights. Lincoln Road was a great road once with very few cars going up and down. It used to be virtually all vineyards but today it’s all cars and commercial properties! HHCNews: How did it make you feel seeing fruit trees and grape vines ripped out of the ground to make way for housing in HHs? Faye:It made me feel very sad. It was so lovely to have that rural expansive feel and look. Now it’s all built up and the rural feel has completely gone. It used to be so nice. When my own road was developed into a through road, and masses of houses built,

it’s changed so much. It would be nice if it could go back to the way it was but I guess that’s progress. Now the area is so built up and the volume of traffic is huge. I’m sure our infrastructure is being stretched. It used to be nice seeing the kids playing on the streets which doesn’t seem to happen anymore. HHCNews: Was there any standout incident in HH in the 32 years you’ve been here? Faye: A tornado ripped through this area years ago but it nothing compared to the storm we had on Tuesday the 10th April this year when virtually all of Auckland lost power. That was the biggest storm I have ever seen. HHCNews: To finish, let’s get a bit philosophical Faye. What have life lessons have you learned in the years you’ve been here in HHs? Faye: I think developing friendships with neighbours, creating a community feel & caring for each other is key. Spending time with family & looking out for each other has got me through a lot of tough times. HHCNews: Agreed. Here is a great quote to finish - “However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship.” – Albert Einstein


Faye Osbaldiston of Vintage Drive has lived in HH for 32 years. This probably makes her one of Vintage Drive’s longest standing residents. She probably knows more about the history of HH than anyone having seen the changes with her own eyes. I had the honour and privilege of interviewing her about her life in HH.



Have a history story or photo to share? The best one wins a $20 Countdown voucher. Email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz

Based in Henderson, law firm Davenports West offers a full range of legal solutions including: Commercial Property Law • Residential Property Law • Wills and Estate Planning Powers of Attorney • Commercial and Business Law • Law for Community Groups & Charitable Trusts. Contact Lucas Burn • Phone 09 836 4099 • 195 Universal Drive, Henderson, Auckland 0610

Page 8

Our Henderson Heights Community News

Whoa! Studios, 8-14 Henderson Valley Rd, Henderson. p:09 393 8448 · www.thegrounds.co.nz · dining@thegrounds.co.nz Back in my 20’s, like many of us, I could get away with eating anything. Being a chef, I’d be grazing all day and mostly I got away with it. But eventually it caught up and I put on heaps of weight. The tipping point was being diagnosed with an ulcer a year ago. This shocked me into changing. I started with a PT and a nutritionalist. Very soon, I felt a lot better. I read widely about what healthy food is and is not and began to develop menus using the healthier options which are exceptionally fresh, and started applying these at The Grounds and at home. For example, I eat kimchi every day now. It helps keep my stomach bacteria doing their job. At the Grounds we source our fruit and vegetables from hand selected local growers. As a chef, I am far more conscious of creating healthier options than I ever was before! Nz diners are also more adventurous than ever before, which is fantastic to see. For more secrets from my 20 year culinary journey, including tasty healthy recipes that you can use at home, tune in to the Whoa Studios blog. There you’ll find my recipe for Kimchi that we prepare at The Grounds: visit https://blog.whoastudios.co.nz/blog/ the-grounds-kim-chi-recipe. It’s my favourite to match with eggs. Until next time...”

THE GROUNDS Modern Family Eatery

Ben Bayly, Executive Chef / Co-Owner of The Grounds Eatery,


Rachelle Bland. Who can forget the night of Tuesday the 10th of April? This was the night of the big storm which ripped through Auckland. Huge trees were downed, rooves peeled off houses, branches ripped off massive trees, power lines disabled. Next morning, Rachelle Bland of Vintage Drive went house to house in her street checking that her neighbours were alright. In spite of her own fence being blown over, and other issues, she found time to care for others and to think of others. Rachelle, thank you! You are a model citizen and a stella member of the HH Community! We’ve chosen you as one of our heroes this month! Do you know a ‘Community Hero’?

Faye Osbaldiston. Faye was one of the people Rachelle Bland visited the morning after the terrible and frightening storm which blew through Auckland on Tuesday the 10th of April. Faye phoned me specifically to nominate Rachelle Bland to be a community hero. What a nice thing to do! It was the famous Christian Preacher of the last century who said “A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.” ~ Charles H. Spurgeon. Faye, you are one of those people. You are our community hero this month. Thank you.

Let us know and they will feature in next months HHCN!!!.

Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.


email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz

Page 9

WIGHT OPTOMETRISTS Ten Pin Bowling Club In HH Such Fun!

Members of YOUNG AT HEART enjoying Tenpin Bowling

YOUNG AT HEART Tenpin Bowling Group

On a Thursday afternoon at PINS Tenpin Bowling in Lincoln Road you can find a group of Senior Citizens enjoying the game of Tenpin Bowling. They are all members of a League for players over 5O years of age called YOUNG AT HEART. There is also another seniors group on a Friday. Some have played for many years while others are newbies but it doesn’t matter. Everyone is having a good time, lots of laughs and good comradeship. Most of the members are from West Auckland, 4 or 5 are from Western Heights and some travel some distance to join in with the group.

the club also has a friendly game with seniors from Takapuna Club and Whangaparaoa Club. In a couple of weeks we are taking a bus load to Whangaparaoa to join them for a fun game followed by lunch and they in turn will visit us later in the year.

The newest member of the group commented “I am the newest and worst player of the group, but no one seems to care as long as i am enjoying it. They are all helpful and i can have coaching if i want it. I have a good handicap, a lovely partner and as a bonus we sometimes win”. Tenpin Bowling, like golf, has a handicapping system which makes for a friendly competition.

Venue: Pins Lincoln

Many of the players travel together to out of Auckland games and

Please phone Barbara Hollier 834 7413 who will be happy to answer any questions. Time: Each Thursday at 1pm - come early for a cuppa and a chat Cost: $16 for 3 games which includes prize fund


What is noticeable is that many of those playing are well into their 80s. Of course many have ailments that comes with age but Tenpin Bowling is not hard on the joints but still gives a good amount of exercise.

We would welcome new members to join us. Come along and have a try. You might have played years ago or you may never have bowled. Give it a go.

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Page 10




Have a sports story to share? Best story wins a $50 voucher from Visique Wight Optometrists Henderson. Email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz and share your story

WIGHT OPTOMETRISTS Our Henderson Heights Community News

Trip of a life time for quiet and shy HH Student! Annabel Woolford from Chablis Place in HH is headed for Japen on a once in a life time school trip in October! A year 7 student at Glen Eden Intermediate School, she’s been given an amazing opportunity to travel to a sister school in Japan for nine days along with 19 other students. This will be her first trip on a plane! “I can’t wait to learn about Japanese culture, school, food and lifestyle” says Annabel, excitedly. “I’ll be living with a host family and attending school as well as going to Universal Studios, Fukuoka tower, Marine World and Fukuoka citizens disaster prevention center where I will learn about earthquakes and tsunami protocols. The highlight for me will be going to Hiroshima City and visiting the Peace memorial park and museum where I will learn about the tremendous destructive power of the nuclear bomb which was dropped on Japan in World War 2. The only thing that worries me is the thought that I may not be able to communicate with my host family, even though I have been learning Japanese at school. It’s going to be a huge adventure and I am definitely nervous!” Her Mum Annet says of Annabel “She’s my quiet child who doesn’t like to be noticed, but instead likes to blend into the background and listen quietly. She enjoys to be at home and is always happy to lend a hand around the house and looking after her little sister and cousins. Her passion, believe it or not,

Mum Annet and and daughter Annabel Woolford

The Good Health

is shoes! She hopes to be able to buy a new pair of shoes whilst she is in Japan.” Annabel has been fund raising by selling chocolate outside Palomino Super Value. If you see her, pleae help her along by buying some of her chocolate! Our HH Community News will also be helping Annabel financially.


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Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

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Page 11

Did you KNOW ? Maori are not the indigenous people of New Zealand? To the Ends of the Earth, a book Mr Hilliam co-wrote with New Zealand pre-historians Maxwell C Hill and Gary Cook, published earlier this year, detailed evidence the authors said convinced them that GreekEgyptians and others sailed to and settled New Zealand long before the arrival of Maori. The 378-page book showed ancient maps detailing the coastlines of Australia and New Zealand and first drawn before the birth of Christ. Skeletons, rock carvings, stone buildings and monuments and oral tradition all attest to people of European origin living here for centuries before the arrival of Polynesians, the authors said. I’ll write more about in the next issue of OurHHCNews. Watch this space!

Our diverse

HENDERSON HEIGHTS CULTURE Single email connects lovers after 31 years apart! (PART ONE) Ian and Lynette are Kiwis in their 50’s and they are in love. Their home on Leafield Crescent is their castle. They were teenage lovers once and for 30 years they went their separate ways and never saw each other. This is the story of how they finally got back together in their 50’s and married! As a teenager, Ian lived in Waitakere and met Lynette in Henderson. He was 18 and she was 14. Lynette was in high school and Ian had already left and was working. So how did you meet? Ian: My friend Mike lived next to Lynette’s parents. My friend’s family and Lynettes family were close and shared their lives quite a bit. They were in and out of each other’s home. Lynette used to come over for what she called ‘Strawberry sugar sandwiches. It’s a dutch treat. Lynette and I didn’t pair off and do our own thing for quite a while. We would usually hang out in a group. Lynette: One day Ian asked me to his work do. I went, of course, but took one of my friends as it was a double date. It was in a barn with hay bales. That’s what I remember. We had a great time.

More advice from Centurions. 1. A Positive Attitude. Trudi Fletcher, an lifelong artist, remains an innovative painter at 100 and recently had a gallery exhibition showing off her new style. She credits her creative longevity to “attitude, attitude, attitude.” Almost all centenarians believe a positive yet realistic attitude is critical throughout one’s life and described themselves as optimistic people. Editorial: Think of 5 things right now about living in HH which you can be positive about.

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We got engaged 2yrs later. We officially dated for 3 years, then Ian wanted to travel to Australia and me been only 17, I thought I wasn’t ready for moving overseas, so Ian went to Australia to make his life over there. It broke my heart. Ian: 6 months later Lynette came and visited me in Australia. I was pretty much pre-occupied with my career as an engineer at General Motors so I decided to stay and make a life in Australia and Lynette went back to NZ. Lynette: I came back to NZ feeling quite dejected. I was so sad. A short time later I went back to Australia for 2yrs on a

working holiday. I left Australia to head back to NZ when I found myself pregnant. I was only 21 when I had my little boy. I brought him up on my own with my Mum and Dad helping out for the first 18months of my sons life. When my little boy was 9 months old, I met another guy. We dated for four years before we married in 1986. We bought a house together and had two children. Two beautiful girls. Unfortunately we divorced in 1992. My children were 12, 6, and 2. We were married for 7 years. I didn’t seem to be much good at picking lovely guys – people who would be real men and real fathers who would love their wives. I had some sadness in my life, but my children brough great joy. Like emotional railway tracks – joy and sadness running side by side. This was my life. All this time Ian was living his own life in Australia. Occasionally, when he came back to NZ, he’d visit my Mum. Mum would say “Lynette, he’s coming to see me but really he wants to see you.” I’d say “No. That’s not true”. Little did we know but Ian and I were tracking to get back together. How that finally happened was amazing. I didn’t get together with anyone else after that. I brought up those three children on my own until they had all left home. My parents were very supportive. OHHCnews: While all this was happening for Lynette, Ian, what was happening for you? (to be continued next month!) (END OF PART ONE)

Our Henderson Heights Community News

Henderson Intermediate School celebrating a great review from ERO!

Last term ended with Staff and Board at Henderson Intermediate School celebrating a great ERO visit! ERO was full of praise for what they called the “significant change in the School since the last review.” They could not speak highly enough of the shift in culture, describing it as an inclusive school culture underpinned by the School Values. They could see clear indication of excellence and equity across the school. They were impressed with how students love to be at the School just like they could see, staff do! Every class that they went into, they felt, had the same high quality engagement of learning happening with students. “Student voice in the School was a real strength. Success of Māori students is significant. Year 7 to 8 shows success, learning happens, good progress is made over the 2 years here. The teaching team has been strategically chosen and are highly skilled. Clear expectations of high performance through the shared quality teacher model is underpinned by culturally responsive pedagogies. Students speak highly of their school.” Chairman Ron Crawford said.

parents are choosing our School.” Board member Nigel Hunt was delighted at how they affirmed the inclusive and positive culture in the School. “It is great that they could see in classes and everywhere around the School, the shared vision of Staff and Board. They acknowledged that what we say we are doing here, is exactly what they saw and what we are doing.” Principal Wendy Esera concluded, “ My job here over the last three years has been made easy by the willingness of Staff and the outstanding support of the Board to help make the changes, that were needed. As a school learning community, we can all feel a huge sense of achievement!”.

Chairman Ron Crawford said the report back from ERO was outstanding. “I believe they have captured a true picture of our School today. We are at the forefront when it comes to quality teaching for students. It was great to hear them say, that the positive changes in the School over the last three years have been very significant.” Board member Witeri Williams added, “ This report provides us with real assurance that we are on the right path. The word is out in the community now too and

Ron Crawford, chairman Henderson Intermediate School

prize winners board

Left to right E lena (hyg Annet, A enist), nnabel, A na (owne Filipe (ow r), ner)

ler receive Kelvin and Avery Ty bership em their free gym m owner l ica from Club Phys eir letter th r fo Paul Richards to the editor

Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

McDona lds Staf f memb Thomas er Banks g iving out voucher s to luc ky colou competit ring ion winne rs! Thank y ou McD onalds

Page 13

Why this paper started... I live and work in Henderson. The concept of ‘connection’ motivated me to start this paper. By ‘connection’ I mean two things. First, ‘connection’ means developing deep, ‘real’, honest, and meaningful relationships with other people, whether they are family, friends, or neighbours. When we connect, we thrive. Creating a network of friendly relationships in a local neighborhood can give those who belong to the network a greater feeling of belonging and wellbeing. Working together to create a tighterknit, ‘connected’ community makes you feel like you are part of something bigger than yourself. It just makes life better and richer. Sadly, today, many people have not really ‘connected’ with their immediate neighbours, even though they and their neighbours have lived next door to each other for years. Second, to make ‘connection’ we have to give of ourselves, whether it’s our time, our money, our talents, or our abilities or skills. For example, when you bake something for your neighbour you have to give of your time and money. When we give, we usually receive much more than we gave. Anyone who has lived a little knows this to be true. With all this in mind, I thought about how I could play a small part to enhance and add to ‘the connection factor’ in Henderson Heights. As a real estate agent, I wanted to be much more than just the guy who helped people buy and sell homes. I wanted to ‘connect’ and ‘give’ and help build the Henderson Heights community. Thus, the idea of a newspaper was birthed. One day, I sat with a local and our conversation drifted onto the cost of school camps. He told me how some kids just wouldn’t make it to camp because their parents just couldn’t afford to send them. I thought “This is so tragic.” The idea came to channel the profits from advertising in

this newspaper into local schools (and other worthy causes in the community) so that less financially able parents could send their kids to camp. My goal is to see that no child at any of the local schools misses out on camp for financial reasons. If you are parent who needs a hand in this way, just contact me on 0274764430. We’ll do our best to help. How can you help build the sense of community / connection at Henderson Heights? In every issue there will be ideas and stories about how you personally can help do this. This paper is not paid for by Barfoot and Thompson. Rather, it’s paid for by advertisers and sponsors. Virtually everyone associated with this paper is a volunteer. Volunteers in HH write many of the stories and I edit them. I source the advertisers. Sarah Moon, our graphic designer has given her services has given us mates rates. Future Print are doing the printing, also at mates rates. Elaine

Mullins, a local, volunteers to co-ordinate the delivery. The paper is delivered by locals to 5000 homes. So when you receive a paper and enjoy it, know that a lot of people in your community have paid for it with their blood, sweat, and tears! All the money generated from advertising in this paper is deposited in a public trust account governed by local legal firm Daveports West. The accounts associated with this paper can be viewed by anyone, anytime so there is complete financial transparency. I lead a small team of people who oversee the direction and delivery of the paper. Everyone who is involved is passionate and dedicated to seeing ‘community’ in Henderson Heights flourish and grow. We’d love you to join in. Until the next issue, have a fantastic month!

P O Box 21-404 Henderson, Auckland 0650 Ph: Fax: 838 6424 www.universaldecor.co.nz

Page 14

Our Henderson Heights Community News

for real estate in HH!


30 Chadlington TOPS THE LIST of House Sale Prices!

Below is a list of recent sales in HH in the last 3 months. I am pleased to say that my colleague Daniel Leung and I listed 30 Chadlington, and the house was sold at a level which topped the list. We worked hard to achieve this result. Let’s face it, every home owner wants absolute top dollar for their home, and why not?! It’s their biggest assett. No one wants to achieve less than they could have achieved. If you are looking to sell, and you want a top result, or you know someone who is selling, please don’t hesisitate to call me. I’ll work as hard for you as we worked for the vendors at 30 Chadlington.



Sale Date

Sale Price

Land Area

Floor Area

30 Chadlington Avenue 4 Basra Drive 14 Basra Drive 17 Parkcrest Drive 36 Chadlington Avenue 96A Sturges Road 24 Highfields Terrace 5 Natasha Lane 24 San Valentino Drive 78 Lake Panorama Drive 10 Gala Place 215B Sturges Road 16 Leafield Crescent 181 Sturges Road 135 Sturges Road 6 Elkstone Place 2/169 Sturges Road 3 Eyre Street 17 Gala Place 62 Spence Road 6 Stroud Place 1 Xena Way 8 San Ambrosio Rise

15/04/2018 30/03/2018 30/03/2018 30/03/2018 29/03/2018 27/03/2018 25/03/2018 23/03/2018 21/03/2018 18/03/2018 8/03/2018 5/03/2018 5/03/2018 5/03/2018 4/03/2018 4/03/2018 27/02/2018 14/02/2018 7/02/2018 1/02/2018 31/01/2018 31/01/2018 31/01/2018

1166000 880000 921500 850000 942000 719000 974000 875000 915000 955000 820000 535000 980000 735000 948000 970000 665000 775000 994000 1070000 945000 701800 930000

820 770 567 566 601 675 604 548 646 586 607 439 693 460 582 612 0 675 840 608 583 411 730

254 236 168 0 195 90 240 188 200 205 140 90 218 100 220 209 93 170 260 157 203 135 250


Ph: 09 838 3800 HELP - If you can help deliver OUR HENDERSON HEIGHTS COMMUNITY NEWS in your street, phone Elaine our Delivery Co-ordinator 09 836 3797

WANTED - PROPERTY RESEARCHERS WANTED. Work from hom. $20 per hour. Flexible hours. You must enjoy searching for properties on the interent and be good with basics like email, texting, phoning. If that’s you, give me a call. Training provided. Julian 0274 476 4430




* Granite Headstones * Bronze & Granite Plaques * Design & Installation * Shipping to the Islands




000 166,


Julian Batchelor Keeping everyone in our Henderson Heights community up to date with news.

Page 15

Henderson Westfield Coming up in 2018 ! • Trolley Derby! Street versus street, family verses family, school verses school and much more! Start building your trollies folks! • Multi cultural festival! There a many diverse cultural groups in HH. We are planning an event where all the cultures get together in one place and one time! This is going to be awesome! Watch this space. • Te Atatu Ladies Probus Club Probus is a Club for Retirees. Enjoy Friendship and Fun. Come and join our

PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS: Julian Batchelor Real Estate, Ramesh Clothing Alterations, Swanson Dental, McDonalds Henderson Westfield, Visique Wight Optometrists, Mitre 10 Mega Lincoln Road, Countdown Westfield, Good Health Pet Food, Davenports West Lawyers, Club Physical Gym, Top Shelf Electrical, Champers Party Shop, Mini Miracles Childcare, Moon Graphics, Drivesure Vehicle Testing Moselle Ave, Vision Board Workshops, North Memorials Henderson, Ledx Lighting Solutions. The Grounds Modern Family Eatery.

Page 16

club for morning tea, guest speakers and monthly outings. We meet at St Johns Hall, Edmonton Road, Te Atatu South on the second Friday of the Month at 9.45am till midday. For further Details please phone Olwyn on 09 834 5276


• Waitakere Combined Rebus Club. Retired men and women wanted for friendship and fellowship. Come and join our club for morning tea, guest speakers and monthly outings. We meet at St Johns Hall, Edmonton Road, TeAtatu on the third Wednesday of the month at 10.00am. For further details please telephone Lynn on 0210704606. • The Henderson and Districts Garden Club meets at the historic Methodist Church on the corner of Swanson and Lincoln Road on the third Monday of every month, 7:30pm. All are most welcome. For more details, contact Betty on 09 832 0484



Know of something happening in the community? Winning submission in the next issue wins a $20 food voucher

Email j.batchelor@barfoot.co.nz

This publication is distributed to about 5000 Henderson Heights households. Get yourself noticed! If you would like to advertise with us please contact: 027 476 4430

Our Henderson Heights Community News

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