STOP CO-GOVERNANCE VISION 2023 - 2026 We intend to push on to 2026 now, and beyond, so playing a long game. Our team is growing and more and more talented and amazing people are joining our leadership team. We have a staff meeting every day at 7am, 7 days a week, on Google Meet which is a video call. It’s really for those in leadership but we regularly have guests. Our plans for the next year and beyond? We are flat out developing an on line video teaching series with small group discussion manuals. The idea is to have people all over the country meeting in homes in small groups studying the Treaty and a host of other co-governance related topics, like the $55m PIJF. People watch a three minute video clip on line, and have a study manual on their lap. At the end of the video clip, the group leader leads the participants into guided discussion. There will be tests and quiz’s and it will be fun as well as educational.
The purpose of the groups is to:
1. Counter the governments narrative about the Treaty. The population of New Zealand has literally been brainwashed for the last 48 years and it’s time to detox, exposing all the lies and deception. 2. We need Kiwis to be really savvy with respect to their knowledge of the Treaty. 3. The reason the activists have gotten so far is that Kiwis have had nothing in their hands with which to fact check what has been pouring out from the Tribunal/ government / activists over those 48 years. 4. If one doesn’t know the truth, one can’t detect the lie. 5. Inform the public about key issues / aspects of co-governance 6. Keep the public abreast of latest developments. 7. To raise up an army of 100’s of thousands who will be willing and equipped to go into battle to stop co-governance completely at the next election in 2026. We are keeping faithful to our goal to EXPUNGE co-governance from all New Zealand legislation and won’t stop until this has been achieved. Education is the key to change. We also want people to make friends as they study together. We are hoping this small group study groups will spread organically and multiply. The series is called...
Treaty Truth. Exposing 48 years of Treaty Lies and Deceit. The “Awaken Our Nation” Video Teaching Series
The goal is to have 1000 groups meeting regularly in homes by the end of 2024.
It was obvious watching the minor party leader’s debate that none of the politicians had any idea about the Treaty. Tragic. This is why we are in this co-governance mess today. They have passed legislation not knowing what they are doing.
1. We want to put up billboards all over the country. 2. The goal is to have 1000 billboards up by the end of 2024 If you have skills in carpentry, it would be great if you erect a board or two. We have people sponsoring the billboards skins. There are two parts to a billboard. The frame that hold ups the skin, and the skin which is the actual message that is attached to the wooden frame
From time to time, we develop flyers and through our networks we get them out over the whole country. We have to go letter box to letter box because the media is so corrupt in our country we can’t advertise in the normal way.
Julian wrote a booklet which was 32 pages long, and A5 in size called STOP CO-GOVERNANCE. WHAT IT IS, WHY IT’S WRONG, AND WHY IT MUST BE STOPPED. We intend to produce more of these booklets, and different topics, and distribute them. For example, a booklet explaining the treaty. Or, for example, a booklet explaining why Maori are not indigenous.
Street Marches.
When we feel the timing is right, we will run street marches. These raise public awareness of the issues.