The Psychology Of Takeover (cut down version)

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The Psychology of Takeover

The New Zealand Government has changed but the push for racist co-governance hasn’t. A warning from the Taxpayers Union on March 7, 2024, cited “pressure from the bureaucracy who are using incorrect or misinterpreted legal advice to force co-governance into our democracy”.

The warning said that “the reason the new Government has not repealed David Parker’s unworkable fresh water NaLonal Policy Statement is because ministers have been advised that changing the race-based (and impossibly high) water standards cannot be done without iwi consent”.

The baPle is wider than control over water. The baPle is over control of New Zealand. Maori sovereignty acLvist Syd Jackson said:

"This land belongs to the Maori people and we have the right to control it. We have never been conquered or ceded our sovereignty. The government is illegal and the power that it holds is illegal. New Zealand should revert to the situa>on that existed before the Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840. As the first people of the land, the Maori should take control of the government."1

The baPle is fought in almost every aspect of our lives – health, educaLon, property rights, language, you name it. But first, an observaLon wriPen by a 19th century missionary name Samuel Ironside describes the seeds of behaviour back then that have now fully flowered. He wrote:

The na>ves found out that by assuming a threatening aItude they could get any exorbitant demands (Taranaki Herald Vol XVII, Issue 926, October 23, 1869)

This booklet is to draw aPenLon to the strategies being used by radicals to seize control. Here they are:

1. InLmidaLon.

2. Lying.

3. Posing as a vicLm

4. Verbal abuse.

5. Treaty misinformaLon

6. ManipulaLon and grooming.

1. In#mida#on: To inLmidate means to compel or deter someone by the use of threats. A change of government in October of 2023 with a proposed Treaty Principles bill and possible referendum sparked brought threats designed to derail the policy. Te PaL Maori called for naLonwide traffic disrupLon Click HERE Labour's Willie Jackson said: "He's threatening to take away Māori rights, and when you threaten to take away Māori rights, you get an upset Māori naLon." Watch THIS

Pressure at Waitangi caused Prime Minister Chris Luxon to rule out supporLng the bill past first reading. Watch THIS

That’s how inLmidaLon works. It’s over to us to push the Prime Minister and the NaLonal Party to sLck up for taxpayers and voters who voted to have a say on this maPer. When I was doing my tour of New Zealand in 2023, I someLmes had up to 200 protesters outside the building where I was speaking. Olen, they were doing a haka. In one place, while I was speaking, the building literally shook as if in an earthquake.

A Maori woman got inside the building and at one point, leapt out of her seat, in a split second grabbed my laptop, lid open, raised it above her head, and thrust it down onto a concrete floor. She Lpped the data projector onto the ground and the light went out. Watch the video HERE and HERE.

Those protests, which were organised and not spontaneous, were intended to simply stop my speaking tour.

2. Lying: To lie means to tell an untruth or a falsehood. People lie to deceive someone. Why do they deceive? Lying allows acLvists to establish control over a situaLon by manipulaLng it. AcLvists can be seen lying right lel and centre. Examples? They lie about:

• colonisaLon, and how bad it was (read THIS to show otherwise)

• the Treaty and how Maori chiefs did not cede sovereignty (read THIS and THIS to show otherwise),

• the Treaty and how the chiefs did not know what they were doing, (watch THIS video to show otherwise),

• how all their land was stolen (read THIS to show otherwise),

• how the BriLsh did not honour the Treaty (no examples are ever given as to how the BriLsh did not honour the Treaty),

• how our health system is racist (read THIS to see how this lie was exposed),

• how the Treaty has principles when the original Treaty does not have them (read THIS to see how this lie was exposed). To hear a podcast from Elizabeth Rata on this issue, click HERE

• how Lno rangaLratanga (the Te Reo translaLon of the English word 'possession' in ArLcle 2 in the Treaty) does not mean what they say it means (i.e. self-determinaLon. Read THIS to see why),

• how He Puapua was just a discussion document when in fact it wasn’t (read THIS to get proof that it wasn’t ‘just a discussion document’),

• the 3 Waters LegislaLon which was sold as being bePer for everyone when really it was just thel and corrupLon. (Read HERE for a report on the dishonesty in this legislaLon).

3. Posing as a vic#m: When playing the vicLm, a person will refuse to take responsibility for the circumstance that they are in. Instead, they point the finger to make others feel guilty, or simply ignore their role in perpetuaLng the problem. Maori author Alan Duff who adapted his novel into the movie "Once Were Warriors" summarises it succinctly when he says: “What we Maori have been hearing, by way of messages and urgings from our leaders, is that we are not at fault for our woes, not at fault for anything bad that happened and is s>ll happening to us. All roads of cause and effect, according to our spokesmen and women, lead to the white man. It’s not our fault we fail at geIng the same numbers through high school

to university. It’s “Pakeha educa>on, with its Pakeha values, which has failed the Maori”. Think of something, anything, that has gone wrong with Maori, and one or more of our spokesmen will jump up and say, “Hold it a minute. This is not Maori failure. It is the system. We are oppressed.”2

Shiling the blame and avoiding responsibility is a part of human nature. Shiling the blame to an easily idenLfiable racial group is highly visible in regions where race hatred has been culLvated to foment civil war. This is happening now in Gaza, and happened in Lebanon 30 years ago. Radicals who play with race-based blame shiling are stepping into an arena that can culminate in armed conflict, which is that last thing anyone would want or need in New Zealand.

4. Verbal abuse is a type of emoLonal abuse when someone uses words to assault, dominate, ridicule, manipulate, or degrade another person to control or maintain power over them. A comment on social media, or a lePer to a newspaper that criLcises or quesLons the Maori sovereignty agenda triggers name-calling, such as “racist”, “white supremacist”, “Nazi”, “coloniser” or “fascist”, and so on. Most people are shocked when they are verbally assaulted with these labels. They don’t want these names slapped on them, so they back off as soon as these verbal assaults are issued. AcLvists know this, so they use these labels olen. Most Kiwis don’t realise that this is simply a trick of the acLvists to silence opposiLon. Most acLvists, if asked, couldn't define the word “racist”.

The only reason radicals they keep using this strategy use it is because they witness Kiwis caving in. By caving in I mean going to ground, quisng, shusng down, withdrawing, shusng up. When acLvists see you react in these ways, they laugh, knowing that they have got you under their control, which is where they want you.

When I was doing my tour of New Zealand in 2023, I would receive someLmes a dozen texts / emails / phone calls a day from acLvists telling me I was a racist. I just laughed, and carried on. I want you to react in the same way.

5. Spreading treaty misinforma#on: MisinformaLon is false or inaccurate informaLon, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive: Half of New Zealanders polled in February of 2024 said they don’t understand treaty principles. Watch THIS

When Jacinda Ardern was asked by a reporter what the first and second ArLcles of the Treaty were, she did not know. You can watch the video HERE. The problem is that most people are not aware that there are two treaLes of Waitangi (see THIS) and both sides of the divide are talking past each other.

In reality, the treaty that was agreed to by 512 chiefs in 1840 was a concise statement wriPen on a single page consisLng of a preamble, three arLcles, and a postscript, in which chiefs agreed to cede sovereignty to Britain (ArLcle 1), that the Queen confirmed that chiefs and all the people of New Zealand owned what they owned although the chiefs could sell what they owned to an agent of the queen if they wished (ArLcle 2), and the Maori people of New Zealand would gain the rights of BriLsh subjects and be protected (ArLcle 3).

2 Alan Duff. Maori. e Crisis And e Challenge. Harper Collins. 1998. p1

However, a retranslaLon of the treaty commissioned by the Government in 1986 changed the meaning of the treaty to chiefs agreeing to allow a governor to govern BriLsh sePlers (ArLcle 1), that chiefs could carry on being chiefs (ArLcle 2), and that the Maori people of New Zealand would be protected (ArLcle 3) Read THIS

Therefore, when most people study “the Treaty” at government-mandated treaty seminars, they don't realise that what they are studying is produced by acLvists and therefore the commentary is deliberately misleading. e.g. THIS. Maori acLvists, via a corrupt and collaboraLve media, and many other ‘official government communicaLons’ like Te Papa in Wellington, so called 'Maori academics', and the Waitangi Tribunal, have for decades been busy pumping out flagrant untruths about the Treaty and our history to Kiwis.

Young people, parLcularly, have been targeted. Through our educaLon system, our young people are drip fed misinformaLon about the Treaty, starLng in kindergarten and extending through to the end of university. They don’t stand a chance of NOT being brainwashed. Really, it's child abuse.

It’s crucial that the new Minister of EducaLon, Erica Stanford, is aware of this so that she can quickly detox a very toxic educaLon system. She must, and very decisively, disassemble this cornerstone Strategy of the Maori acLvists. Her email is Write to her.

Watch THIS video. About 1 minute into the video, the Maori lady speaking says "We (i.e. Maoris) should be in control of how we (i.e. Maoris) want it (i.e. the Treaty) to work."

7.Manipula#on is the act of controlling someone or something to your own advantage. Grooming involves building trust and rapport with the intended vicLm with the goal of obtaining a benefit. We are all being manipulated and groomed currently by undergoing extensive cultural re-programming. Examples include:

• Having Te Reo spoken on the 6pm TV news.

• The switch of our country's name from New Zealand to Aotearoa.

• Rebranding government departments with Maori names.

• Road signs in Maori language (which has nothing to do with road safety).

• AcLvists are taking the government to court (all legal fees paid by the tax payer of course which is racism and apartheid) for changing the names of government departments back into English. Read THIS

Recently, local iwi supported by acLvist MPs placed two Maori "pou" poles outside the steps of Parliament. They cost $500,000 to erect. Why were these erected? Firstly, they are there to groom MPs going in and out of parliament. It’s a subliminal message. Secondly, they are Maori territorial markers for local iwi. What does that mean? It's local iwi saying "This Parliament is ours."

Why is this culture being forced on us? Part of the answer goes back to a report commissioned by the Ardern Government in 2019. This is the He Puapua roadmap for two

governments for New Zealand by 2040, one by Maori for Maori, and the other, a fully bicultural version of what we already have, with both subject to a tribal monitoring commiPee. On P68 of this report is the goal for all New Zealanders to “embrace and respect Maori culture as an integral part of naLonal idenLty”. During the 2020 elecLon campaign, the Ardern-led Labour Party neither campaigned on nor menLoned the existence of such a plan. When Ardern won an outright majority in the 2020 elecLon and set about implemenLng this plan.

It remains to be seen how much Maori language persists in TV news, how long “Aotearoa” is used for our country’s name, and what government department names change under the new government.

Watch THIS video.

In a six-minute interview, nearly all the strategies are demonstrated. Threatening to go to war with the Government is an example of Strategy 1, InLmidaLon, as is the threat of 50,000 person protests. Saying that the Treaty is a partnership when it’s not shows Strategy 2, lying, as well as Strategy 5, Treaty misinformaLon. Telling lies about Rangiriri embodies both Strategy 2, lying, and Strategy 3, posing as a vicLm Strategy 4, verbal abuse, is on display when ACT Party leader David Seymour is called a racist. The allegaLon that Seymour is mounLng an “an aPack on the Treaty” embodies Strategy 2, lying, since Seymour has stated that it his goal for truth about the Treaty to come out. Tainui chair Tuku Morgan is also using Strategy 6 heavy manipulaLon. So, in one interview, 6 strategies were employed.

Conclusion – call to ac#on

University Law lecturer David Round wrote "...the Treaty Industry is now a giganLc racket, which will conLnue for as long as gullible New Zealanders accept everything that every plausible rogue tells them. ConLnuing demands for Maori enLtlement are nothing but the demands of con-men.” 3 We have a new government but the old problem of a vanguard group of tribalists grabbing power and money by manipulaLng poliLcians under the guise of a reinterpreted treaty remains. The Stop Co-Governance campaign is moving into year 2. We need acLvists in all regions. We need people to deliver booklets. We need venues for local meeLngs. We need you to talk to your friends and build networks. We need IT support. We need money to finance prinLng and funding campaign costs.



3 David Round “Twisting the Treaty; A Tribal Grab for Wealth and Power”,4th Ed., 2018, ISBN1872970338, p.113

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