The Psychology Of Takeover. 19 Strategies Maori activists are using to try & take over New Zealand
The Psychology Of Takeover Review
"Most New Zealanders will be aware of the sterling work by Julian Batchelor in his 2023 national "Stop Co-governance" tour to stop a tribal takeover of our country.
Once again Julian comes to the fore with his booklet "The Psychology of Takeover" to inform us of the perils to democracy which continue to face us.
Obtaining a copy is a "must" for every loyal New Zealander."
Bruce Moon (right), Nelson, 28 January 2024.
It's 2024, soon to be 2025.
No one would dispute that New Zealand's race relations are at an all time low. How did this start? Where has this situation come from?
My own anaylsis is as follows.
Maori ceded sovereignty in 1840. This gave Britian complete authority to manage all the people and all the resources of this country. Maori loved British goods and technology, and they sold their land like there was no tomorrow to get their hands on those goods and those technologies.
When the party was over and there was virtually no more land to sell and the shine of British goods had worn off, many Maori regretted selling their land. Records show they ended up disposing of 92% of it 1. When a person regrets selling their land, psychologically it's called 'sellers' remorse'.
The great Sir Apirana Ngata wrote about this. Speaking to Maori on Maraes all over the country in the 1920s and 30s he said "If you think things are wrong and bad then blame our ancestors who gave away their rights [i.e. ceded sovereignty] in the days when they were very powerful.”2
This, essentially, is the tap root of Maori activism today. Activists for decades have been scheming, plotting pathways for getting their land and their control back (i.e. sovereignty). The result? Racial division.
This booklet unveils just some of these schemes and pathways.
2 Sir Apirana Ngata. The Treaty of Waitangi. An Explanation. Page 24
You have been given or emailed this booklet because we want you to join in the fight for democracy and equality in New Zealand.
We are also fighting for:
• One person, one vote. All votes have equal value.
• One law for all. One Flag.
• The belief that all ethnic groups are of equal value and should have equal rights.
• The belief that English must be preserved as our main language.
• David Seymour's Treaty Referendum.
• The repeal of all race based legislation.
We are fighting against:
• Special favours / handouts for one racial group only - Maori.
• Separate Health, Justice, and Education systems for Maori.
• A country name change from New Zealand to Aotearoa.
• The forcing of Te Reo.
• We are fighting against private tribal companies / tribal representatives and their bid to take over NZ, now well underway.
• The idea that New Zealand is made up of only two groups: Maori and “the rest.”
• Maori seats in Parliament.
We are not two groups. We are all New Zealanders.
All these issues come under the umbrella of ‘co-governance’, which must be decisively rejected. Not justified by the Treaty, co-governance is the most serious political issue New Zealand has ever faced.
• We are fighting for the average Maori & all the other 159 cultures in NZ To
If allowed to continue, it threatens the future of New Zealand and will dramatically affect the type of country our children and grandchildren will inherit.
By Julian Batchelor
Firstly, this book might appear to have been written by a racist. It's direct, honest, and pulls no punches. The dictionary defines a racist like this: "a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race"1 In other words, someone who believes their race is inherently superior to all others. Hitler was like that. I don't know anyone in New Zealand like that, except the Maori Party. Nothing in this book fits this definition.
Secondly, every point made is backed up with examples. Nothing is simply opinion. It's therefore factual. It tells the truth. To access the examples, you have to click on the hyperlinks which are only found in the on-line version. To access the on-line version, simply scan the QR code above. If you dont know how to scan a QR code, ask a young person or Google "How to read a QR code."
With these two points in mind, be informed, and activate.
Radical activist Maori2 have got away with fraud, corruption, deceit and trickery with regard to the Treaty of Waitangi for over 50 years.
Billions of dollars in cash, land, and assets have been given to Maori, in many cases without justification.
Who says that many of the payments/settlements were/are unjustified?
Treaty commentator Mike Butler writes “Treaty settlements have rewritten history, the factual basis of which is open to serious challenge. Most grievances had been settled by 1960 on a full-and-final basis and that should have been the end of the story.” 3
University Law lecturer David Round says "...the Treaty Industry is now a gigantic racket, which will continue for as long as gullible New Zealanders accept everything that every plausible rogue tells them. Continuing demands
1 Merriam Webster
2 When I talk about ‘Maori activists’ I also include in this group many woke liberals (of all cultural groups and nationalities) who have joined in with the Activist Maori cause. For many woke liberals, joining the activists' cause has morphed into a religious experience. Woke just means fully supportive of Maorification and the cause of the activists to take over New Zealand. Their conversations are peppered with Maori words, virtue signalling, and they often wear some kind of bone carving around their neck, or have something similar dangling from their ears. They are easy to spot.
3 Mike Butler “Twisting the Treaty; A Tribal Grab for Wealth and Power”,4th Ed., 2018, ISBN1872970338, p.173
for Maori entitlement are nothing but the demands of con-men.” 4
Dr John Robinson in his book "Who Really Broke The Treaty?" writes “All Treaty settlements are based on the Crown having broken the Treaty. Since that is not so, all such settlements are a fraud. There is no justification for the continued existence of either settlements or the Waitangi Tribunal.”5
If the vast majority of payouts to Maori are not justified, why is the gigantic Treaty racket continuing? Why is 'full and final' never 'full and final'?
Answer? Let me use an analogy.
To build a house, a builder uses tools such as a hammer, a saw, nails, a tape measure, a level, and so on.
To defraud the New Zealand public of assets and cash, and gain undemocratic control of organisations and entities, like local councils and Maori wards, weaselling their way in, Maori activists use tools too.
Their tools are what I call 'corruption strategies'.
Maori activists are using these strategies to take over New Zealand little by little. They are using them to dupe/con/fool New Zealanders. They are using them to keep 'settlements' going.
It's called Maorification creep or slow boiling the frogs. Who are the frogs?
Us. All New Zealanders. The boiling frog is a metaphor describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death ("death" is another metaphor for the end of democracy and the installation of full blown tribal rule)6 . The story is often used to illustrate the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.
Some of the evidence that a slow cooking of the frogs is going on is obvious.
For example, we have all witnessed MPs being duped into unjustifiably giving away billions of dollars in cash and assets to Maori as well as the undemocratic giving away of power in many spheres of New Zealand life to Maori e.g. Maori Wards, Maori only fishing areas. Three Waters was a really obvious attempt to control all the water in NZ. The forcing of Te Reo into every aspect of everyday life is also obvious. e.g. Government departments given Maori names.
4 David Round, ibid., pp.110,113,121
5 Dr John Robinson. Who Really Broke The Treaty? 2024 Tross Publishing p65
6 Tribal rule is when all the leaders of all the tribes in NZ regularly meet to decide how to rule rule NZ. Such groups already exist. e.g. The Iwi Chairs Forum
However, many other aspects of the slow boiling of the frogs are not so obvious. For a sample of what is going on in secret that you will probably not know about, click HERE
The point is, whether obvious or not, a coup by stealth is in progress and many Kiwis are not aware that they are slowly being cooked. The coup is being hidden from them. How? Via the corruption strategies.
Don’t believe me that radical Maori are slowly taking over New Zealand? Read THIS if you want proof. More proof is HERE
Maori activist Syd Jackson said, "This land belongs to the Maori people and we have the right to control it. We have never been conquered or ceded our sovereignty. The government is illegal and the power that it holds is illegal. New Zealand should revert to the situation that existed before the Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840. As the first people of the land, the Maori should take control of the government."7
It's pretty clear, isn't it. Maori activists want full control of New Zealand.
In this booklet, I am going to name 19 corruption strategies, then show you what you can do to beat them i.e. how you can become a savvy, very aware frog, hop out of the cooking pot, and help others hop out. Let me explain.
You will have heard Maori activists talk and write about things like:
• how Maori own New Zealand, how they want it back,
• how Maori want to govern New Zealand and Maorify it,
• how they are Treaty partners, how they did not cede sovereignty in the Treaty,
• how they are indigenous and thus deserve special rights,
• how they demand their own government,
• how colonisation has ruined Maori,
• how they want what they call 'tino rangatiratanga' over their land and destiny
• All these ideas, and more, come under the umbrella of two well known words: co-governance and partnership. What do these mean? In short, Maori think that they are in a 50/50 power sharing arrangement with the government. They want a 50% say in everything that goes on in our country.
Herein lies the problem. Co-governance and partnership are based entirely on a fraudulent interpretation of the Treaty8 . There is nothing about cogovernance or partnership in the Treaty. This is just a fact. Read the Treaty in English HERE. Make up your own mind. In the Treaty, by ceding sovereignty (Article 1), Maori signed up to be treated as equals with all the other people living in New Zealand (Article 3), forever.
As such, the modern day concepts of co-governance and partnership are a Mt Everest size lie, and an equally large breach of the Treaty.
Why should we be concerned about knowing these strategies? Sun Tzu, a Chinese military general, strategist, and philosopher, once said “Know thy enemy9 and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.” I don't want to be defeated, and neither do you. So let's study these strategies.
If we want to stop the co-governance / partnership racket, this treason, finally put an end to it, derail the gravy train, restore democracy and equality, get back to the original intent and meaning of the Treaty in Maori, Te Tiriti, we need to know the corruption strategies used by Maori activists well so that we can effectively counter them. We want to haul as many frogs as possible out of the boiling pot. To do this, all Kiwis need to know these 19 strategies.
Many non-activist Maori, our friends, want this information too. They too detest what the Maori activists are doing and saying. They are embarrassed about what they are up to, giving all Maori a bad name.
So what are these strategies?
As I said, there are 19 of them, and they are all rooted in psychology. Which means what? They target our thinking and mess with our minds. Here they are:
4. Shaming people, making them feel guilty, so that they have to say ‘sorry’ over and over
5. Eggshell mentality - trumping up 'offences'
6. Lying and deceitfulness
7. Camel in the tent
8 By "Treaty" we mean the Treaty in Maori. This is the one signed by over 500 chiefs in 1840.
9 I would never say that all Maori are 'the enemy', because they are not. Many are our supporters. But I would say that activist Maori are our enemy. Anyone who wants to destroy New Zealand via treason, deceit, and dishonesty is an enemy. Watch THIS
7 Stuart C. Scott. The Travesty of Waitangi. Towards Anarchy. Caxton Press, 1995. p. 65
8. Heavy manipulation
9. Playing the victim card
10. Grooming or ‘cultural re-programming’
11. Talking over the top of people
12. Media collaboration
13. The Maorification of local councils
14. Radicalisation
15. Creating confusion
16. Making emotionally charged statements with no proof of their veracity
17. Maori demanding the sole right to interpret the Treaty.
18. Playing down true intentions + deflection.
19. Feigning being nice and calling for unity.
The population of New Zealand, generally speaking, do not know the truth about the Treaty, even people in high places. For example, when Jacinda Ardern was asked by a reporter what the first and second Articles of the Treaty were, she did not know. You can watch the video HERE. She was too lazy to study the Treaty. But laziness is not the only problem.
When most people study 'the Treaty', they don't realise that what they are studying is produced by activists and therefore the commentary is deliberately misleading. e.g. THIS.
Maori activists, via a corrupt and collaborative media, and many other ‘official government communications’ like Te Papa in Wellington, so called 'Maori academics', and the Waitangi Tribunal, have for decades been busy pumping out flagrant untruths about the Treaty and our history to Kiwis.
Young people, particularly, have been targeted. Through our education system, our young people are drip fed misinformation about the Treaty, starting in kindergarten and extending through to the end of University. They don’t stand a chance of NOT being brainwashed. Really, it's child abuse.
Why child abuse? It's shameful for children to be used as political pawns. They ought to be allowed to grow up with their innocence preserved and protected for as long as possible.
But they are not viewed this way by activists. Children are viewed by activists
as the next wave of potential voters i.e. activists figure that if they can capture the minds of the young voters, they can legally capture the country. It’s a very cunning and clever plan and it’s working, which makes it also despicable.
It’s crucial that the new Minister of Education, Erica Stanford, is aware of this so that she can quickly detox a very toxic education system. She must, and very decisively, disassemble the Maorification of children in schools. Her email is Write to her.
With Treaty misinformation, activists say things like “the crown needs to honour Te Tiriti” or “this was promised us through the Treaty” or “the crown needs to honour its commitment to Maori via the Treaty” or “Maori and the Crown are partners through the Treaty” or “Maori didn’t cede sovereignty in the Treaty” or “Through the Treaty we have a right to tino rangatiratanga or self-determination” or "We were promised a Te Tiriti centric Aotearoa" and so on.
The variations on these themes are endless. These statements are, of course, misinformation.
Those who read it find out how activist Maori are taking over the country, the strategies they employ to do it. If readers of this booklet get to know these strategies, they can counter them. What then? They can play their 1
Innocent Kiwis who hear these statements, the frogs in the pot, who don’t know any better, simply fall into line saying to themselves things like “Oh, well, they must know best, so we need to honour our commitment to Maori via the Treaty.”
Once you start saying things like this, believing the misinformation, you put yourself under the control of Maori activists, which is where they want you.
Watch THIS video. About 1 minute into the video, the Maori lady speaking says "We (i.e. Maori) should be in control of how we (i.e. Maori) want it (i.e. the Treaty) to work." She wants to control the narrative, the information flow.
In other words, they want to be the sole arbiters of interpreting what the Treaty means and says. They want to always be in control. This is why they hate David Seymour so much. He threatens their control.
We can and must counter Treaty misinformation with education. Education is the key to countering these ‘corruption strategies’.
For example, what I have written in this booklet is ‘education’. How so?
part in stopping the coup. How? By speaking up, voicing their abhorrence, joining in with the Stop Co-Governance cause, helping to finance it, forcing a referendum, raising awareness among their friends and family, supporting David Seymour's Treaty Principles Bill, etc.
Please think this through. The population of New Zealand will not be able to detect misinformation about the Treaty and our history - all the deceit, lies, and trickery - if they do not know the truth about the Treaty and our history.
One can't reject what one cannot detect. Think about that. It makes sense.
Truth, you see, is hugely, hugely important. In fact, it’s everything.
It’s like this - if you fed someone only ice cream and lollies for six months, they would soon become sick.
Being very sick, they would be vulnerable to every kind of disease / illness. It’s the same with the people of New Zealand. They have been fed a diet of Treaty misinformation (ice cream) and lies (lollies) for 50 years or so. The temperature of the water in the pot has been slowly warming over this time.
The result? They have become Treaty weak and Treaty sick, like sick sheep. Once the public, MPs, and bureaucrats become Treaty sick, they easily fall prey to serious diseases like being shafted / robbed / duped, especially via the Mainstream Media. Worst of all, they give up fighting. They lie down, and just give in to the disease that has beset them. They become frogs in the slow boiling pot, just accepting their new life, feeling powerless to change their circumstances.
And then?
Radical Activists can then push on with the agenda to take over the country, unopposed. This is exactly what has happened in our country over the past nearly 50 years.
If we’d been vigorous healthy sheep, metaphorically speaking, what would our response have been? Vigorous pushback. We should have been full of fight, but we have not been.
What should we have done? Stop donating to charities which support Maorification. Read HERE for more on this. What else? Protest marches, referenda, the publication of brochures and flyers delivered to letter boxes. Massive mobilisation of the population to say “No!”
Instead of 1000 people turning out to march in protest, as was the case in 2023, we’d have 200,000 in 2026.
It can’t be just a few people. It has to be masses of people This is the way
to effect real and lasting change and stop misinformation and lies. MPs only take notice of big shows of strength. Why? Because large numbers of people represent large numbers of votes. When we speak 'votes' we speak the language of MPs.
Effectively, the Stop Co-Governance movement was able to hugely influence the outcome of the 2023 election by printing and distributing 550,000 of our Stop Co-Governance booklets prior to the election. We educated the public about co-governance and it worked. Look at Seymour. He is the product of Treaty Truth Education. Just look at the fight he has in him to stop the corruption. Imagine if we had 120 people like David in the Beehive? Imagine if you were like him? You can be. You can read the booklet we distributed in 2023 prior to the election HERE
This is why we have to give ourselves 100% to Treaty Education in the next 3 years. Education is powerful. It changes things. It can shift the political landscape. The pen, truly, is mightier than the sword.
Maori activists have, for the last 50 years or so, been keeping the public in the dark about what the Treaty really is and what it really says. The only way to counter this is with Treaty truth. Light always overcomes darkness.
This is one reason why activists are so against David Seymour’s proposed Bill and referendum on the Treaty. At all costs, radical Maori don’t want the truth about the Treaty and our history to get out. It would mean the end of the gravy train and the full restoration of democracy. This is why David Seymour must be supported like there is no tomorrow. We can best do this by bringing the truth about the Treaty and our history to the New Zealand public.
What would it look like if Maori were in control of our country? Answer? In no time, NZ would become the Zimbabwe of the South Pacific.
What would this look like?
• Tribal tolls for boats out on the water. Maori only fishing areas. Fines.
• Tribal tolls for cars moving between tribal areas.
• Tribal tolls to use beaches. Fines for infringements.
• Tribal tolls to use ex-DOC land and National parks.
• Land grabbing. Farms and private freehold property being ‘reclassified’ as Wahi Tapu (i.e. sacred Maori land) with no recourse for redress or appeal.
• Tribal road blocks, with iwi handing out infringement notices.
• The replacement of European town / city / landmark names with Maori names. Changing our country’s name to Aotearoa. Road signs in Maori.
• An exodus of good people leaving New Zealand.
• With fewer people living in New Zealand, the tax take will be down, so to pay the bills, taxes and rates will increase for those left in the country.
• With a decline in the tax take, there will be less money for infrastructure maintenance and improvement. Superannuation funds will collapse.
• With a decline in the tax take, social services like hospitals, schools, and the police will decline, causing our country to plummet to third world status.
• An increase in corruption in government departments. Reports show that wherever the so called indigenous people have taken control of a country, this is one of the outcomes which follow. Renowned philosophers / thinkers say separation (i.e. self determination and sovereignty for Maori), will result in disaster for Maori and only assimilation will work i.e. Maori joining the modern world and being Westernised, while at the same time being free and encouraged to retain and grow their language and culture. This is hugely important, not just for Maori, but for all cultural groups living in New Zealand.
• Tourists will choose not to come to New Zealand because of our “Zimbabwe Of The South Pacific” reputation. So the tourist industry will collapse.
• Development costs will skyrocket, since tribal involvement adds another layer of bureaucracy. Developers will pass these costs on to end users.
• A water meter on every dwelling in NZ with 50 percent of water charges going to private tribal companies.
• Special preference given to Maori in employment situations.
• An end to free speech. Punishment (e.g. fines or imprisonment) for people who speak out against tribal rule. Intense Maorification of society.
• Radicalisation of young Maori people. Aggressive behaviour toward others.
• Bullying behaviour, typical of Maori land occupations, will increase as will noisy marches and rude interruptions to meetings.
• Fighting between tribes as they jostle for dominance.
• Maori corruptly screwing other businesses over. HERE is a prime example
• The emergence of authoritarian Maori dictatorship where subservience and submission is demanded, including from Maori of the non-dominant
To stop all this, we have to bring Treaty truth to the public. We have limited time. Why?
Our political situation increases the urgency to educate the public about the Treaty. Meaning what?
Luxon is a huge worry. He thinks the Treaty is a partnership. He endorses Maorification. He promotes co-governance. He’s said so. He wants more frogs in the pot! For more details, click HERE
His deputy has capitulated already. Click HERE
Luxon has appointed a Minister of Maori Development who is an out and out activist. His name? Tama Potaka. Proof? Read THIS
Why would Luxon put Potaka in such a strategic and powerful position if he was not himself an activist, albeit a closet variety? It's a good question.
Remember how Kiwis in great numbers voted Ardern into power in 2020?
And now, in retrospect, this was a terrible error of judgement? Many Kiwis are living with huge regrets about voting for her in 2017 and 2020. At the next election, it is highly likely that Luxon will be viewed in the same light. Activist Maori are already mobilising, urging more frogs to jump into the pot, pleading with those already in it, not to get out. Luxon is the same.
If Luxon does not expunge co-governance completely, what then? There is a good chance that at the next election, 2026, which is not far away, Te Pati Maori, The Greens, and Labour will be back in power.
Remember, they collectively received 40% of the vote in the 2023 election, almost enough to form a government.
It's truly a terrifying thought that three of the worst Parties on the planet (i.e. Labour, Greens, and Te Pati Maori) received as many votes as they did.
This tells me that there are a lot of people who have fallen prey to activist Treaty misinformation and the 19 corruption strategies. There are a lot of frogs still in the pot, slowly being boiled. But it gets worse.
A new crop of brainwashed / heavily groomed young voters who were not eligible to vote in the 2023 election, will be eligible in the 2026 election. This group could help Labour and its friends to win the 2026 election. This ought to alarm us. Watch THIS video.
Don’t forget too, a good number of elderly voters who voted in the 2023 election to stop co-governance and Maorification will have passed on.
By Julian Batchelor
What am I saying?
I am saying that this last election was close. It was not a landslide victory for National/ Act / NZ First
I am also saying that we are fools in the extreme if we put our feet up and think that with National in and Labour out, the problem of co-governance and the Activist Maori takeover of our country is no longer a threat. In my view, the threat level is rising and will continue to rise because of Luxon and Potaka.
The reality is that Te Pati Maori, The Greens, and Labour will be back one day. This is certain. Definite. And when this happens, the importance of Maorification, partnership, and co-governance will rise to new heights.
What about NZ First and Act, and their influence? Good question.
Seymour is an absolute hero.
Seymour is doing his best to significantly curb racism, Maorification, apartheid, and separatism. He has slowed the pace of the coup. We must applaud him for his stellar efforts. Truly, he has done so well.
Incredibly, unbelievably, his only handbrake is Luxon and NZ First. It's shameful that both have not come out to support Seymour's Bill.
Really it’s squarely Luxon’s fault that co-governance was not dealt a death blow in the coalition talks. Seymour and Peters wanted to, but not Luxon. He could have done it, but he didn’t. Peters and Seymour gave him the opportunity. Luxon did not take that opportunity. Voters should remember this.
Why is expunging co-governance so important?
Co-governance, you see, is like cancer. If you leave a bit of it in the body, it will come back with a vengeance and ravage that body. It will kill it. Likewise, cogovernance and the idea that the Treaty is a partnership will kill New Zealand if it’s not expunged.
New Zealand must go into co-governance and 'the Treaty is a partnership' remission. By this we mean, no trace of it is left. i.e. full cure.
What can you do to help?
Start a TEG (i.e. Treaty Education Group) in your town or suburb. It’s really a discussion group. Once you've invited a group of friends / family / neighbours to your home, you'll watch a video together on your TV via Youtube. We provide a one page study guide which group members follow as they watch
the video. It's very simple. What do you learn at a TEG meeting?
• Mainly, you will learn about the Treaty. You’ll learn the truth about it, verified by reputable scholars
• In no time, you’ll be able to explain the Treaty, in a simple and easy to understand way
• You’ll also discuss and learn about the history of New Zealand leading up to the Treaty, and after the Treaty was signed
• You’ll discuss issues and news related to co-governance, so that you are at all times fully informed and up to speed with ‘the latest’
• You’ll also make friends with like minded people, which is powerful and rewarding
• You’ll meet in someone’s home, or a community building
If you want to grow as a person, increase your skills, your usefulness to New Zealand and democracy, this is your chance. There is no better way to use your time.
One more thing.
TEGs are not just about being educated in a small group situation in someone’s home. No. They are also, importantly, about doing practical things like delivering flyers and brochures to letter boxes, putting up billboards, and inviting people to TEG meetings, growing them. We must support Seymour and Peters. We must lobby and bring Luxon into a place of a mindset change.
Why do all this? Good question. Answer? When there is a referendum on the Treaty, and one day there will be, all Kiwis must know the Treaty so that they can vote intelligently.
We cannot and must not be lulled into a place of complacency.
Don’t wait until 6 months out from the next election to suddenly get going, which is the norm. Absolutely not. This would be the ultimate foolish thing to do.
We have a ton of work to do, so we must start now to prepare people for the next election in 2026. We also want to support Seymour.
This is going to be slow-going and hard, because the co-governance propaganda has been so intense for so long. Detoxing takes time. There is no quick fix.
It’s also crucially important that all the great organisations / people who are fighting against co-governance, the idea that the Treaty is a partnership, and Maorification - people like John Porter, Bruce Moon, Tross Publishing,
Democracy Action, Hobson’s Pledge, NZCPR, NZ Tax Payers' Union, Voices for Freedom, Terry Opines, Bob Jones, Garrick Tremain, Sean Plunket's Platform, the Free Speech Union, Dr John Robinson, Mike Butler, The Good Oil, the Red Baiter, Whangarei Tim, Brad Mitchell, Waikanae Watch, Tony Fellingham, Cultural Dementia, Chris Trotter, Karl Du Fresne, Lee Williams and otherssing from the same song sheet. There is great power in unity.
What song sheet?
Without a doubt, the Littlewood draft of the Treaty is the bona fide final English draft of the Treaty, a fact not acknowledged by the government10. This draft matches the Treaty in Maori almost perfectly. Why is this important? Activists always say "The Treaty in Maori and the Treaty in English are so different you'll need Maori translators to tell you what the Treaty in English says". From this they have been able to make up their fraudulent understandings of the Treaty. If the Littlewood draft was accepted by the government as the final English draft of the Treaty, then right interpretations of key words / phrases like ‘tino rangatiratanga’ which is the Maori translation of the English word ‘possession’ in Article 2 of the Treaty would follow. Other key words are 'sovereignty' in Article 1 ('kawanatanga' in Maori) and 'property' in Article 2 ('taonga' in Maori). You can read the correct interpretation of ‘tino rangatiratanga,’ 'Kawanatanga', and 'Taonga' at the back of this booklet.
In other words, installing the Littlewood draft of the Treaty as the official final English draft of the Treaty would go a long way to stopping activists from misinterpreting the Treaty. In turn this would stop them from feeding Kwis with misinformation about the Treaty. How so? If you want to know perfectly what the Treaty in Maori says, just read the Littewood final English draft!
Feeding the public Treaty misinformation is only the first of the 19 strategies Maori activists are using to take over the country. The next strategy is verbal abuse
Whenever someone criticises Maori, or challenges them, the person doing the criticism or challenging is quickly labelled by activists as racist! Or White supremacist! Or Nazi! Or Colonist! Or Fascist! And so on. 11
10 It acknowledges what we call 'The roge James Freeman version' of Treaty' which is wildly different from the Treaty in Maori. To know how this James Freeman version of the Treaty came into existence, click HERE 11 Ironically, they themselves are the greatest racists in New Zealand, only they just can’t see it.
Most people are shocked when they are verbally assaulted with these labels. They don’t want these names slapped on them, so they back off as soon as these verbal assaults are issued. Activists know this, so they use these labels often.
Most Kiwis are too nice and lovely, and too gullible to understand what’s going on here. They don’t realise that this is simply a trick of the activists to silence opposition. Most activists, if asked, couldn't define the word 'racist'.
So how should you react when someone calls you “a racist!”?
You are not a racist. You believe all people are equal before the law.
So never take it personally when someone labels you a racist because you know you are not a racist.
As I said, recognise that this is nothing more than a cheap psychological trick that is being played on you by activists.
Smile. Be strong and muscle up on the inside. Show that you are not bothered at all.
Stand on the truth of who you really are. You are not a racist. This will take the wind out of their sails.
It will show them that their trick did not work on you. If enough people react like this, the activists will stop using it.
The only reason they keep using it? They use it because they witness Kiwis caving in when labelled with it.
By caving in I mean going to ground, quitting, shutting down, withdrawing, shutting up.
When activists see you react in these ways, they laugh, knowing that they have got you under their control, which is where they want you.
When I was doing my tour of New Zealand in 2023, I would receive sometimes a dozen texts / emails / phone calls a day from activists telling me I was a racist.
I just laughed, and carried on. I want you to react in the same way.
The next strategy used by activists to try and take over the country is frightening people.
Here, Maori activists have used a variety of behaviours such as bullying, intimidation, threats of war, threats to protest, doing the haka with throat cutting gesticulations, threats of Utu (revenge). These are employed to manipulate people to do what they want.
As people, we are equipped with powerful imaginations, some more so than others. When someone frightens us, we imagine (watch a movie in our minds) what it would be like if the threat made by an activist was enacted or carried out. We imagine them physically assaulting us, or sticking a knife into us.
What happens next? We become frightened and back off. We cave in. By doing this, we allow activists to control us.
We must never ever cave in. David Seymour didn't. Watch THIS
If you cave in, you blow wind into the sails of the activists. You'll encourage them to try frightening people more often. John Key was a terrible coward who caved in to threats. Watch THIS video of John Key caving in.
Frightening people is a key activist Strategy to manipulate people into doing what you want. HERE is just one example. HERE is another. HERE is another.
Historically, bullying and intimidation were big in Maoridom. "Maori took offence at the breaking of any tapu, however innocently it was done. Slaves were beaten for entering a kumara store, which defiled its contents, entering a cemetery without stripping, and for stepping over the legs of anyone seated or lying down. Some were beaten for remaining silent after receiving a master's orders, which implied dissent, and for approaching a master without adopting a crouching stance. Vengeful masters did not permit their slaves the indulgence of an erect posture and one group of slaves, seen by a French mariner at the Bay of Islands in 1824, crouched at the feet of their master "waiting in silence for his orders"12 All these 'rules' were made up by chiefs. Why? To bully people. To control people. They want to control you too.
Maori took great delight in bullying and intimidating. Their thrill came from having power over people.
Today, it's also their way of cancelling free speech. If they don't like what you are saying, they will bully and intimidate you until you stop talking. They will simply cancel you. Activists are good at this.
The point is, people who are frightened are easy to control. Activist Maori know this, so they use this Strategy often.
As I said, never ever give in to being frightened. Stay strong on the inside. Recognise this strategy for what it is. It’s a cheap psychological trick that activists are trying out on you.
Stay strong. Keep your imagination under control and keep moving forwards.
Never appease aggressors. Ever. Remember the lesson from WW2?
In 1938, British PM Chamberlain agreed to allow Hitler to occupy the Sudetenland (a part of Czechoslovakia populated mostly by Germanspeakers) in exchange for Hitler’s pledge not to invade any other European territories.
Basically, Chamberlain was saying to Hitler "OK, your invasion of Sudetenland is illegal and therefore wrong, but I will let you get away with this, as long as you don't invade any other countries." Chamberlain was frightened and caved in.
What happened next? The ease with which Hitler was able to squeeze the concession of Czechoslovak territory from Chamberlain at Munich in 1938 emboldened Hitler first to seize all of Czechoslovakia and then to make demands on Poland — demands that would ultimately lead to the outbreak of a general war in Europe. And the enduring “lesson” of 1938?
When Maori activists make demands, always choose resolute defiance over naïve appeasement. To do otherwise is to invite catastrophe.
"Never appease Maori activists, not even in the smallest way". This sums up this entire booklet.
When you appease them, they laugh and say “See how easy it was to cause him / her / them to cave in! See how easy it is to get cash and assets out of them! See how easy it was to control them!" HERE is an excellent commentary by a Maori medical doctor, written in the 1960s about this issue.
We are nearly at the end of 2024, and the National Party is appeasing left, right, and centre. Nicola Willis just gave $28m to Maori for their kapa haka cultural festival Te Matatini. There are 160 cultures in New Zealand, and many have festivals. Can we expect to see the same given to all of them too? If not, then Willis has just promoted apartheid, racism, and separatism. Read
By Julian Batchelor
12 Trevor Bentley. Pakeha Slaves, Maori Masters. The Forgotten Story Of New Zealand's White Slaves. New Holland Press. p111
By caving in, by appeasing activists in this way, Willis shows she is under their control already. She's just put fresh wind in their sails. She's a frog in the pot.
Now here is a good point. Maori often boast about 'how much they are worth'. In THIS interview, Tuku Morgan says Maori are worth $70billion. Well, Tuku, why are you not paying for your own Kapa Haka festival? Why plunder the coffers of all New Zealanders to advance your culture when all other cultures have to pay their own way to advance their culture? It's bludging Tuku.
When I was doing my tour of New Zealand in 2023, I sometimes had up to 200 protesters outside the building where I was speaking. Often they were doing a haka. They were trying to cancel me through bullying and intimidation. In Germany in the 1920s and 30s, the first thing the Nazi Party did was silence dissenting voices. Maori activists are doing that here in NZ.
In one place, while I was speaking, the building literally shook as if in an earthquake while they performed their haka.
A Maori woman got inside the building and at one point, leapt out of her seat, in a split second grabbed my laptop, lid open, raised it above her head, and thrust it down onto a concrete floor. She tipped the data projector onto the ground and the light went out. Watch the video HERE and HERE
The result? I just calmly picked up the laptop and data projector, reconnected all the wires, and carried on because I was sure I was speaking the truth, and in the end, truth always wins.
There was not one scratch on the laptop or the data projector. Not one. Zero.
Don’t wobble on this. Be sure, and keep going forwards boldly and bravely because if you are speaking the truth, you are on solid ground.
Another Strategy that Maori activists are using to take over the country is to make people feel guilty and ashamed.
For example, we are often told that ‘institutional racism’ is everywhere in our country directed against Maori, that colonisation has destroyed Maori, that the reason Maori top the negative social statistics in every area is the fault of
white people, in that whatever ills have beset Maori, it’s the fault of someone other than Maori; that Maori were pushed off their land by colonists, that Maori had all their land confiscated, that Maori are suffering today from “the trauma of colonisation”, and so on. All this is to make white people feel guilty and ashamed. Watch THIS video.
The truth, in fact, is more the opposite. Colonisation has been a Lotto win for Maori. To know more about the positive effects of colonisation, click HERE
If you want to know why Maori struggle, read THIS.
Between 1927 and 1960 via a royal commission under Justice Sim, all historic grievances were investigated and full and final settlements were made.13
Many argue that Maori ought never have been paid anything. Significant people, like the great Sir Apirana Ngata, said these confiscations were justified. “Some have said that these confiscations were wrong and that they contravened the articles of the Treaty of Waitangi. The Government placed in the hands of the Queen of England, the sovereignty and the authority to make laws. Some sections of the Maori people violated that authority. War arose from this and blood was spilled. The law came into operation and land was taken in payment. It was their own chiefs who ceded that right to the Queen. The confiscations cannot therefore be objected to in the light of the Treaty”14
Let me quote Dr John Robinson again. He says " All Treaty settlements are based on the Crown having broken the Treaty. Since that is not so, all such settlements are a fraud. There is no justification for the continued existence of either settlements or the Waitangi Tribunal."15
What am I saying? I am saying that all the charges laid against white people which I listed are not true. Therefore there is no basis for white people feeling guilty and ashamed.
We must all remember too that ‘injustices’ were perpetrated in our history by Maori against Europeans too.
Many Europeans were ripped off by Maori in the early period of our history through dodgy land sales, but we never hear about this. Many others were butchered by Maori. You can read some of these cases HERE
What happens when people feel guilty and ashamed?
They feel that they owe the offended party (i.e. Maori) something. Maori
13 Mike Butler. Twisting the Treaty. Tross Publishing, 2014, p143
14 Sir Apirana Ngata. The Treaty Of Waitangi. An Explanation. pp 15-16
15 Dr John Robinson. Who Really Broke The Treaty? Tross Publishing. 2024. page
By Julian Batchelor
demand appeasement16. Like what? Giving Maori assets like forests and fisheries, or large tracts of land, or rivers, or mountains, money, reparations, apologies. Or even free entry onto local councils, via Maori wards, and so on. To use a Biblical term, they demand ‘guilt offerings’. They are given to appease / relieve the offender’s guilt.
What happens next? The guilty also stop opposing any Maori plans and initiatives, no matter how wrong / illegal / undemocratic they might be.
Tragically, the guilty and ashamed even join in with the Maori activist cause.
That is to say, they feel like they have to keep on saying ‘sorry’ for the supposed wrongs they have done i.e. they jump into the slow boiling pot.
To activist Maori, these people who can’t stop saying sorry are welcomed as new recruits. These new recruits help the activists achieve their plans and initiatives.
What’s most important of all for Maori activists is that they have new recruits completely under their control.
As I have said before, the goal of all these strategies is to get control of people and to squeeze cash and assets out of them.
This explains why weak and naive non-Maori people have joined in with the activist Maori cause, particularly naive easily duped young people and the army of bureaucrats working inside government in Wellington.
The following is an example of an encounter I had with a white 'convert'. One day, I was in a supermarket checkout.
There were two people in front of me. I struck up conversation with the lady in her 50s next in line to me. We got eye contact and, smiling, I asked her “Hi, are you a reader?” She replied “Yes, I am. What have you got?”
I had some Stop Co-Governance booklets in my trolley and pulled one out. I handed it to her. She read the cover and said “Oh good. I wanted to know about this. Thank you”.
At this point, a 17 year old white girl, who was packing the bags next to the teller chipped in. She was like a feral wild cat.
Truly, her face was all contorted with raging anger. She said “Excuse me, no one wants your racist booklets! Never hand them out in our shop again!”
To which I replied “Excuse me. This is a private conversation and none of your business. By the way, we’ve printed half a million of these booklets in eight
16 The dictionary defines ‘appeasement’ like this: “giving people what they want to prevent them from harming you or being angry with you.”
months and most Kiwis appreciate them. Have you read it?” “No!” she hissed. “And I don’t want to!”
Other customers and staff were listening in to this. She stormed off. The checkout operator took over the packing duties of the girl who had just left. I tried to stay calm, as though nothing had happened. This girl had obviously been brainwashed at school.
For some, joining in with the cause of Maori activists has morphed into a religious experience.
This girl was an example. She was obsessed, like a devotee in a religious cult, which no doubt is down to cultural programming, otherwise filling a religious vacuum. The Maorification cause had given her meaning in life.
This incident could have destabilised me. It could have rocked me. To be honest it did shake me a little, mainly because others were listening in. I could have felt guilty and ashamed that I had caused a fuss.
The antidote? I went outside into the carpark and started giving out booklets. Half a dozen in fact. Every single person I spoke to was ‘on the same page’ as me. I had a wonderful time. What’s the lesson?
When you are attacked, or made to feel guilty or ashamed, react by going on the offensive. Go out and give out more books. Put up a billboard. Give out some flyers. Always end your day on a note of victory, never defeat. Why?
If I had walked out of that supermarket with my tail between my legs and gone home, come evening that so called ‘incident’ will have played on my imagination.
Then I would start to say in my mind “I am never doing that again” or “I don’t like this. I am going to stop doing it” or “Man, this is full on. I am withdrawing” and so on.
It would be so easy to go into a dark place in my mind.
This is exactly where the activists want you to be - defeated. That’s the whole point of making you feel guilty and ashamed.
You also have to be sure in your own mind, as I have mentioned before, that you are on the side of truth. You have to be sure that you are fighting for a just cause. That you are, truly, the one fighting against racism, apartheid, and separatism. That you are the one fighting for all the 160 cultures living in New Zealand. That you have no reason to feel guilty and ashamed.
By Julian Batchelor
When you do this, you get bigger and stronger on the inside. Then the darts of shame and guilt will not be able to penetrate your armour.
Now here is a great truth. When you go on the offensive, when you react to an ‘incident’ in a good way, you get stronger and better able to handle the next one.
In other words, you become a bigger better person. Instead of being a wuss, a coward, you become a person of courage and character. You become a winner instead of someone who caves in.
The opposite is true too. If you cave in, you’ll cave in for a lesser thing next time.
That is to say, you become a smaller person on the inside, and if you keep caving in, you become the worst person of all - a coward. So be careful how you react.
When it comes to being made to feel guilty and ashamed, no matter who we are, the antidote is really knowing the history of our country.
I want you to never forget what the great Sir Apirana Ngata said. He was New Zealand’s greatest Maori. “Let me acknowledge first that, in the whole world I doubt whether any native race has been so well treated by a European people as the Maori.” 17
His message? Don’t feel guilty. Be proud about how you and your ancestors have helped Maori. Lift your head high.
You need to know the enormous contributions made by ‘colonials’ which have benefitted all people, including Maori.
Another Strategy used by activists is what I call the creation of an eggshell view of Maori in the minds of Kiwis.
What is this all about? It’s making Kiwis feel that whenever they deal with Maori, they have to walk on eggshells.
What does this mean? It means activist Maori work hard on acting like they have been highly offended by something and these offences are deeply
17 Adam Plover. The Benefits of Colonisation. Tross Publishing. 2022. p94
grievous to them. Watch THIS
They give the impression that they are a very sensitive cultural group who are offended at the slightest thing. Even, for example, pronouncing a Maori word wrongly will attract a strong rebuke from a Maori activist. In the early contact period, "...even frowning at a Maori was insulting."18
When the expressway was installed between Auckland and Hamilton, Maori were able to stop the work. Why? They claimed there was a taniwha in the swamp. At great tax payer expense, the expressway was diverted. Hard to believe this happened, but it did. Read more HERE
Most books on the history of New Zealand mention that 'being offended' is a key feature of Maori life. For example, in a memo from Samuel Enderby to Earl Bathurst in the Colonial Office in London, Maori are described as "...a people extremely susceptible to injury and insults." 19
Bruce Moon observes Maori in history were " Proud, haughty and quick to take offence."20 Dr John Robinson reports similarly: "Where there had been hara, or offences against mana, there had to be utu (or some kind of return)."21
This is an effective Strategy for activist Maori because they can make up what offends them, on the spot, according to the situation. No one dares challenge them because Maori operate, so they say, according ‘to deep knowledge and mystical understanding’ which no one else is privy to.
So you simply have to believe what they are saying. You then find yourself saying ‘sorry’. Remember how activists wanted a memorial in Wanganui removed? Because it offended them? Read about it HERE. Read Bruce Moon's response HERE.
Activist Maori say things like ‘we find such and such offensive’ or ‘such and such showed no respect for our beliefs’ or ‘what you are doing is disrespectful to Maori’ or ‘by doing such and such you are insulting our mana’ or ‘such and such did not consult iwi’ or ‘The crown did not meet its Treaty obligations and this is offensive to us’ and so on.
This Strategy is used often by activist Maori because it’s worked like a dream for them. How so?
Most Kiwis, rightly, do not want to offend anyone, so they immediately back off what they were doing or planning which was ‘offending’ Maori. They say
18 Matthew Wright.
20 Bruce Moon. New Zealand. The Fair Colony. Second Edition, p15
By Julian Batchelor
Illustrated History of New Zealand. David Bateman Press. 2013. p35
Cited in Ian Wishart. The Great Divide. The Story Of New Zealand And Its Treaty. Howling At The Moon Publishers. P122
Dr John Robinson. Twisting The Treaty. Tross Publishing, 2014, p18
to themselves about the Maori ‘Oh, I am so so sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. What can I do to make amends?’
This is exactly what Maori activists want you to think. When they hear someone respond in this way, inside they say ‘Gotcha!’
Feigning being offended is simply a trick. How can we know? Well, there are 160 cultures in New Zealand. How is it that Maori are the only ones who are continually offended? How is it that we don't hear about any of the other 159 other cultures being offended by anything or anyone, only Maori? Don't you think that's odd? It's a corruption Strategy, that's why.
With the eggshell mentality, activists play on the good natures of Kiwis. Kiwis then cave in. By caving in, they put themselves under the control of activist Maori, becoming subservient to them. It's activists keeping the frogs in the pot.
You are the offender, they the offended. Psychologically speaking, offenders humble themselves, bow to those offended and come under them.
This goes right back to pre-1840 days when Maori had slaves. Maori Chiefs had slaves and these slaves did whatever their chief wanted. They bowed to their masters who were easily offended. The desire to control is one of two dark threads running through all these strategies. The other is lying.
As I have said, no one wants to deliberately offend anyone. Ordinarily, we of course want to avoid doing this. It's a mark of the civilised to be respectful.
But what happens if the motive behind the offence is to manipulate you? To control you? What is the best way to handle this?
Start by watching THIS video by British comedian Rowan Atkinson on this issue. He clarifies how we should respond. So how should we respond?
I ask the activist person who says they have been offended what exactly they are offended about.
They will answer that it’s such and such. I say (calmly and gently) “Well, I am sorry you are offended. In my culture, we value free speech very highly. What matters is that all of us are free to express ourselves. If someone is offended by what we say, it does not stop us saying what we want to say. I would ask you to show respect for our culture and the high priority we place on free speech. Have a good day.”
And if the issue is about something being Tapu or sacred then say "Your
belief that such and such is Tapu is a belief unique to Maori. I respect the right of your culture to hold this belief. But don't let your Tapu such and such affect my life and my freedom because what you believe is not what I believe." Whose culture and beliefs should dominate in a country with 160 cultures? Who decides? Why?
Obviously, we don't set out to offend people. However, we ought to be able to say whatever we like, graciously and gently, and if in doing so we offend someone, then put it down to a clash of cultures.
Whatever you do, don’t apologise for offending activist Maori. It's all part of the games they play, so don't join in.
This will only cause them to use this Strategy on more people to control and manipulate them too.
Activist Maori are terrible liars. People lie to deceive someone. Why do they deceive? Lying allows activist Maori to establish control over a situation by manipulating it. When one considers this definition, activists can be seen lying right left and centre. Examples?
They lie about:
• colonisation, and how bad it was (read THIS to show otherwise)
• the Treaty and how Maori chiefs did not cede sovereignty (read THIS and THIS to show otherwise),
• the Treaty and how the chiefs did not know what they were doing, (watch THIS video to show otherwise),
• how all their land was stolen (read THIS to show otherwise),
• how the British did not honour the Treaty (no examples are ever given as to how the British did not honour the Treaty),
• how our health system is racist (read THIS to see how this lie was exposed),
• how the Treaty has principles when the original Treaty does not have them (read THIS to see how this lie was exposed). To hear a podcast from Elizabeth Rata on this issue, click HERE
• how tino rangatiratanga (the Te Reo translation of the English word 'possession' in Article 2 in the Treaty) does not mean what they say it means (i.e. self determination. Read THIS to see why),
• how He Puapua was just a discussion document when in fact it wasn’t (read THIS to get proof that it wasn’t ‘just a discussion document’),
• the 3 Waters Legislation which was sold as being better for everyone when really it was just theft and corruption. (Read HERE for a report on the dishonesty in this legislation).
Seriously, the lies and deceit coming out of the mouths of Maori activists are as frequent as the sun rising in the East and setting in the West.
Recently, a senior Maori leader, Te Huia Bill Hamilton, was caught out bare faced lying about me and what I was saying in seminars on my 2023 road tour of New Zealand. Bill was also creating racial division. Hence he now appears in this publication. You can read the details HERE.
Government statistics show Maori are overrepresented when it comes to dishonesty offences. You can read the details HERE.
Then there is the case of chief archivist at Archives New Zealand Anahera Morehu. She lied about the Littlewood final English draft of the Treaty. You can read the details HERE.
Samuel Marsden first came to New Zealand in 1814. He was one of the earliest missionaries who lived among Maori. He reports in his diary that Maori have two great standout vices.
And what were they? Theft and lying.22
Activists also use spin and 'talking it up' to deceive and control people. 'Spin' and 'talking it up' are both forms of lying. Read how they do it HERE.
Absolutely everything from a Maori activist, either oral or written, must be fact checked. To beat this one you have to presume that everything they are saying or writing is a lie until proven otherwise.
They can look you in the eye, smile, and tell you something is true when in actual fact it’s a bare faced lie. So these activists are Oscar winning actors as well, which makes dealing with them trickier than catching an eel with bare hands.
Now here I make a very important point. Decent Maori, of whom there are
22 Ian Wishart. The Great Divide. The Story Of New Zealand And Its Treaty. Howling At The Moon Publishers. P99
many, don't lie and thieve. I consider these people my friends. They are highly embarrassed by the activists whose lying and thieving is bringing shame on them.
I have a challenge for 'decent' Maori. Rise up. Turn all the Maori negative social statistics around. Don't leave it to us Pakeha to do the work for you.
You do it. Maori activists and other struggling Maori are your people. Take responsibility. Reach down and help them up.
HERE is a good place to start.
The next corruption Strategy is what I have called ‘The Camel In The Tent Strategy’ This is a major strategy. Please pay extra careful attention to this one. When you latch on to this, you'll see it being used everywhere.
This Strategy is best explained by a parable which originates in the Middle East and here it is:
According to this classic tale, one cold night, a camel asks his master if he can put his head in the tent for warmth. “By all means and welcome,” said the man; and the camel stretches his head into the tent. Soon after, the camel inquires if he may also bring his neck and front legs inside. Again, the master agrees.
Finally, the camel asks, “May I not stand wholly within?” With pity, the master beckons him into the warm tent. But when the camel comes forward it becomes clear that the tent is too small for them both. “I think,” the camel said, “that there is not room for both of us here. It will be best for you to stand outside, as you are the smaller; there will then be room enough for me.” And with that, the man is forced outside of his tent.
The fable is a warning that small, seemingly harmless acts can often lead, over time, to huge negative repercussions.
How does this parable relate to Maori activists? To gain control of some piece of land, some situation, or sea, or lake, or mountain, or river, some asset, some person, some entity, some committee, some council, some project, they start small.
For example, when the Treaty of Waitangi Act was enacted in 1975, the Waitangi Tribunal was mandated to investigate breaches of the Treaty
By Julian Batchelor
forward from 1975. Only 9 claims were registered. Activists infiltrated the Tribunal. Then in 1984, the Act was amended to investigate claims back to 1840. The number of claims rocketed up to 2034 by 200923. The rest is history.
The activists start with seemingly small, harmless statements. Usually it’s iwi saying they are offended about something. No one takes much notice. We roll our eyes and carry on.
The statements morph into requests and these become more frequent over time. Eventually the requests morph into demands.
Then things like 'occupations' happen. Gradual is the key word. They do things over time, like the camel in the tent. It's called Maorification creep.
Eventually, the demands come to the notice of the public. By then it’s too late. What the activists have done has become entrenched. Often Laws have been passed without the public knowing. And so the takeover progresses.
MP Rawiri Waititi is a classic example. His first complaint was that he didn't want to wear a tie in Parliament when everyone else had to. He won that one. The Speaker of the House caved in.
Next he was ejected for performing a haka. Some are now arguing that hakas in parliament ought to be accepted.
Next, Waititi started asking questions in the debating chamber in Maori. Now he wants to ask all his questions in Maori. The speaker of the House, Gerry Brownlee, allowed it. He caved in. He appeased. This is foolishness.
In his 2023 acceptance speech, Waititi did a war dance, and was not ejected. See how the camel is slowly moving into the tent?
It seems that Brownlee and other MPs don't know about this camel in the tent Maori activist Strategy.
To their peril, by allowing Waititi to get away with all this, MPs are putting fuel on the fires of Maori takeover. That is to say, the Maori activist camel is moving more and more into the tent i.e. taking control inside parliament.
Another example? By using all the strategies I have detailed in this booklet, iwi were gifted ownership of Lake Taupo. Next came the Lake bed. After that, the air space above the Lake. Now in full control, they are ratcheting up the corruption. Businesses which use the Lake are being screwed over. HERE is a classic example. The camel has taken over the tent called Lake Taupo. Naive and gullible Kiwis allowed this to happen. Their mistake? Not 23 Mike Butler. Twisting The Treaty. Tross Publishing, 2014, p172
stopping the first hint of an iwi claim on Lake Taupo.
Watch THIS short video.
Across the Tasman, Aboriginal activists saw how well Maori activists were doing, how many billions were pocketed by them, so thought they would have a crack in Australia.
Fortunately, Australian MPs were a lot smarter than Kiwi MPs and they put the issue to a referendum. This was, wisely, the right thing to do - let the people decide. That’s how true democracy works.
What did the Australian public do? They voted against THE VOICE with a resounding “No!”
We need a binding referendum on the Treaty in our nation too, and it needs to happen urgently.
The key to beating this one is to have a keen eye out for any activist activity and to oppose it vigorously at the very start. We must demand that Maori clean up their own back yard. Click HERE to know what ‘cleaning up your own back yard’ means.
We make the mistake of waiting until the end of a situation before we launch a protest / push back.
Historian Dr Trevor Bentley, speaking about Maori in the settler period 18001840 writes "Maori admired cunning as much as courage."24
Please read this classic case before you go any further. Click HERE.
As you just read, a developer wanted to develop a block of land in Whangarei for housing. Local Maori heard about it. They objected, claiming the site was ‘sacred’. This objection ought not to have progressed. Such a claim ought not to be able to hold up a development.
Why? Maori believe sites are sacred when a Maori has been buried under the ground in the area. They then believe the bones of the dead person are alive. Believing that the bones of people remain alive after they are dead is a religious belief. Science does not support this belief.
By Julian Batchelor
24 Trevor Bentley. Pakeha Slaves, Maori Masters. The Forgotten Story Of New Zealand's White Slaves. New Holland Press. p224
How is it that in modern New Zealand, religious beliefs of one cultural group can dictate development rights of other people on their private freehold land? This is akin to the same beliefs which led to the burning of witches in the Middle Ages and beyond. Please read THIS article.
This ought never to be allowed, but it is allowed. Church and State must be separated.
What does this mean? Here is a definition “In 2014, the Supreme Court [in the US] held that “It is an elemental First Amendment principle that government may not coerce its citizens to support or participate in any religion or its exercise.”
Did you hear that? The State (i.e. the New Zealand government or local council) should not and cannot force its citizens to participate in any religious exercise. Yet this is happening virtually everywhere in NZ now.
A Maori prayer here, a Maori blessing there - all of this is evidence of religious beliefs being forced on New Zealanders. It's a giant racket, Maori often demanding money to 'bless' something. Really, it's Kiwis forking out to pay for Maori religion. But it's more than this. It's extortion and it's absolutely wrong.
If Christians pray at a civic event, or the opening of Parliament, there is never money exchanged for the service.
OK, back to the landowner in Whangarei. The activists threaten occupation (bullying and intimidation) which is heavy psychological warfare.
The Environment Court is mentioned. This court is stacked with activist judges who are appointed because they have joined the Maori religion, people who have been sucked in by the psychological warfare I am describing here. For more on judicial activism, click HERE
These judges are frogs who have been in the frog pot for a very long time. They too are victims of Maori activist propaganda.
The key statement in the report is this one “It’s a kahore (means 'no') for all of us. This will not benefit us at all. The 93 homes that are proposed will be for everyone else, except our hapu.”
What’s going on here? Answer?
Activist Maori are complaining, objecting, trumping up some offences, citing some fake ‘sacred sites’, hoping to be able to manipulate the land development company into giving them some of those 93 sections for free.
The corrupt woke councils nearly always side with Maori, so the developer nearly always caves in because he has no choice.
Some developers now even factor ‘iwi extortion’ into their development plans. What is this? It’s bribery and corruption, plain and simple. It’s an iwi tax. It’s apartheid. It’s racism. It's witch hunting.
Here is another example.
Recently, there was a case of a man who wanted to develop his property. You can read the story HERE
This involved cutting a path through some sand dunes on his land. Local Activist Maori kicked up a huge fuss, claiming that there were bones of deceased relatives in the sand dunes.
The local man backed down, and now can’t develop his property in the way he wants to.
My view? As I said before, he should have fought this all the way and not backed down, at all. Maori ought never to have had a say in this development.
As I have said, believing that the bones of people remain alive after they are dead is a religious belief.
The landowner in Northland,The Sand Dunes Man, is being forced to participate in Maori religion. So are the Councils. So is the Government. So are young people at our schools and universities. It’s being forced everywhere. All of us are caught up in Maori religion. It is completely wrong. HERE is an example of a Maori lady trying to control the police. She is using her Maori religion plus aggression to try and dictate to them.
Why isn’t the media all over this? Answer?
The media in New Zealand has been bought out by the government via what’s known as the $55m Public Interest Journalism Fund. They are in league with the activists. You can read about it HERE and HERE
This fund is set to continue until 2026.
But that’s not the end of the matter. I believe activist Maori make up stories to control people and situations.
You should have heard the stories they made up about my land in Rawhiti. You can read my book about our home invasion HERE
Really, this ‘bones in the sand dunes’ case was nothing to do with ‘bones in the sand dunes’. It was a made up story.
It was about controlling people and getting the upper hand, making other
By Julian Batchelor
people subservient to Maori.
In other words, as I have already said, a return to pre-1840 New Zealand, where Maori chiefs had slaves.
Proof that the sand dunes story was made up? Heritage New Zealand archaeologists, as the newspaper article explains, conducted a dig in the dunes and found no bones.
In other words, it was proven to be all about control and manipulation.
Incredibly, the council is still going to reclassify his land as sacred Maori land.
One developer I know had similar threats made to him, so what did he do? He simply ignored Maori and carried on developing.
The council arrived and demanded he stop developing. He carried on. The council issued fines. He didn’t pay them. He carried on. He didn’t pay the fines. None of them.
He refused to back down. He carried on. I believe this is the right response. It’s stressful but it’s the right thing to do. Never forget the lesson the British learned in New Zealand in our early history when dealing with Maori. (see Lord John Russell's comment on page 51).
Maori Activists through their communications put politicians on notice, saying things like 'we are watching' or 'let's see what happens' or 'previous National governments did such and such, will this one do the same?' etc. HERE is an example. Really, it's just heavy manipulation and being devious.
Never ever give in to iwi demands, no matter what. If you do, you will blow wind into their sails, and you will embolden them. You will encourage more bribery and corruption. What happens when the next developer comes along? Iwi will be asking for 20 sections instead of 3 out of the 93, all because you caved in to their demands.
Sometimes Maori activists add crying and shows of high emotion into the mix. Acting is a big part of Maori activist psychological warfare.
Shows of emotion break down the people watching, making them feel they must back off quickly and support the Maori crying, and then, of course, the activist Maori cause. This is exactly the result the activists are wanting.
When I was doing my Stop Co-Governance tour of New Zealand in 2023, I experienced activist acting on several occasions, usually during the Q&A time. For example, at one of my meetings, a Maori lady in a wheelchair was given the microphone.
She explained how she had had to pay $5000 to learn Te Reo.
This, she said, was because her parents and grandparents had had Te Reo 'beaten out of them' at school, and as a result of this Te Reo was no longer in her family. By now she was crying.
I stopped her, firmly, and told her to stop crying, which she did - instantly. Was her crying an act? You know the answer.
I told her that in our early history Maori parents were going to the schools where their kids were being taught, demanding that the Maori children be strapped if they spoke Te Reo.
Wisely, these parents and Maori elders knew that learning English was the way forwards for their children. They were right. They were wise.
To find out more about how Europeans are not the cause of the decline of Te Reo, click HERE
Another example? A city councillor told me that his entire council were taken on a field day to visit ‘sacred Maori sites’, all under the guise of ‘cultural safety’25 and when they got there, on cue, a group of ladies began wailing and crying.
Within a few minutes of the councillors passing by, the same ladies were in the cafe laughing and joking around, enjoying a coffee and a muffin.
The councillor was only able to report this because he broke away from the group to go to the bathroom and saw it all with his own eyes.
Watch THIS video. In a six minute interview, nearly all the strategies are demonstrated.
For example, threatening to go to war with the Government (Strategy 3, frightening people), 50,000 person protests (Strategy 3, frightening people), saying that the Treaty is a partnership when it’s not (Strategy 6, lying); Strategy 1, which is spreading Treaty misinformation; telling lies about Rangiriri (Strategy 6 lying, and Strategy 9, playing the victim card), verbal
25 ‘Cultural safety’ is code for brainwashing and being subjected to heavy propaganda.
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abuse (Strategy 2, calling David Seymour a racist), “it's an attack on the Treaty” (Strategy 6, lying. Seymour is wanting the truth about the Treaty to come out).
Tuku Morgan is also using Strategy 8, which is heavy manipulation.
So in one interview, 6 strategies were employed: Strategies 1,2,3,6,8,9.
Keep control of your own emotions. Recognise quickly that these activist shows of emotion are fake and they are attempting to manipulate and control you.
Stay objective and focused on the issue at hand. They want you to cave in, to become emotional.
What happens next? You’ll give in to their demands. Once you give in, they will say to themselves “Gotcha!”
Maori author Alan Duff, who adapted his novel into the movie "Once Were Warriors" summarises it succinctly when he says: “What we Maori have been hearing, by way of messages and urgings from our leaders, is that we are not at fault for our woes, not at fault for anything bad that happened and is still happening to us. All roads of cause and effect, according to our spokesmen and women, lead to the white man. It’s not our fault we fail at getting the same numbers through high school to university. It’s “Pakeha education, with its Pakeha values, which has failed the Maori”. Think of something, anything, that has gone wrong with Maori, and one or more of our spokesmen will jump up and say, “Hold it a minute. This is not Maori failure. It is the system. We are oppressed.”26
Drill down. What is causing this victim mentality? Answer? Lack of character. It's not taking responsibility for one's weaknesses and flaws. You can read more about Maori and character development HERE
There is another aspect of psychological warfare I want to alert you to. What’s that? Grooming or what we might call “cultural re-programming”.
This is strategy 10 and it's very powerful.
What is this about? Activists want to prepare Kiwis for the changeover from democracy to tribal rule.
They do this by re-programming / grooming the population, Maorifying us. 26 Alan Duff. Maori. The Crisis And The Challenge. Harper Collins. 1998. p16
How? One example was planning to introduce road signs with Maori language on them. This had nothing to do with road safety at all.
So what was it? It was a way of forcing Te Reo on the population, reprogramming us. Having Te Reo spoken on the 6pm TV news is another example of cultural re-programming as was the switch of our country's name from New Zealand to Aotearoa.
A more recent case? Activists are taking the government to court (all legal fees paid by the tax payer of course which is racism and apartheid) for changing the names of government departments back into English. Read THIS
One has to ask the question "Why all the fuss?" "Why are they demanding that Te Reo be forced on the population?" If Maori want to call a government department by a Maori name, they can just translate it in their minds when they read the English name. No one is stopping them. Furthermore, all Maori can read English, so when all the government department names are in English, no one is disadvantaged. So why are they demanding that everyone has to call government departments by a Maori name? Answer? Their drive is a crucial part of grooming the country, getting it ready for tribal rule.
The list of other examples is endless.
Why are they doing this? The activists believe that by forcing all things Maori, particularly Te Reo, that Kiwis will by osmosis gradually come to accept and embrace Maoridom.
That is to say, they will get used to the idea of Maori being in control, then eventually, over time, will welcome full blown tribal rule. This is how they want their plan to work.
Activists have targeted real estate agents, lawyers, the judiciary, medical centres, local councils, schools, hospitals, the police, DOC, and a host of other sectors in our country, grooming them, Maorifying them, re-programming them.
These sectors are often required to do what they call ‘cultural safety’ courses. They say these courses are about ‘making the working environment safe for Maori’ and 'revitalising and preserving the Maori language' but really when they say these things, we are being lied to. They are not the real reasons. These labels are just a ruse. We are being conned.
The real motive is grooming / cultural re-programming. And behind this, as I have said, is Maori takeover of the country. How do we know calls for 'revitalising and preserving the Maori language' are a ruse?
Well, since 1840 Maori have had ample opportunity to vitalise and preserve
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their culture, but they have not taken that opportunity. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been given to Maori for this purpose, but nothing changed. $600m HERE. If you love something, you focus on it, and get it done, especially if you are given a lot of money to do it. The other 159 cultures in New Zealand have shown this to be so. They have taken responsibility to make sure their culture and language flourish, and no government money was given to them to do it. They did it in their own time with their own money. They did it because they love their culture and want it to flourish. They are genuine, whereas Maori activists are not. They have hidden agendas.
Let me re-iterate - why has Maori culture and language not flourished, in spite of massive financial assistance? What's going on here? Answer? Other motives are at play here. What motives? Cultural re-programming. Nothing more, nothing less.
Bruce Moon quotes Apanui Ngahiwi of the Maori Language Commission who wrote: “In fact, it is a taonga protected by article two of the Treaty of Waitangi because that is exactly what the Maori Language Act 2016 (section 8 (g)) says it is. The act creates a partnership between Maori and the Crown for the revitalisation of te reo Maori. It recognises te reo Maori as the foundation of Maori culture and identity and that the lives of iwi and Maori are enhanced by knowledge and use of the language.”27 This is a ridiculous thing to say. First, the Treaty is not a partnership. Second, there is nothing in the Treaty which obligates the government to revitalise Te Reo Maori. Third, what is stopping Maori from revitalising their language? Answer? Absolutely nothing.
If the foundation of Maori culture and identity and the lives of iwi and Maori are "enhanced" by knowledge and use of the language, why have they not taken responsibility to get the job done in the last 180 years? You now know the answer.
What's even more dangerous is that many public servants are being 'required' to speak Te Reo as part of their job description. This is reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 1920s and early 30s where Nazification was forced on the people, getting them ready for what was to come. Read more HERE
Maorification / cultural re-programming has morphed into a monster with 100 heads and 10,000 tentacles. No sector of New Zealand society has escaped the invasion of a tentacle.
Foolishly, and unwittingly, many shops and businesses, not aware of the activists' hidden ideological agendas, have allowed themselves to be Maorified.
27 Bruce Moon. New Zealand. The Fair Colony. Second Edition, p65
Recently, local iwi supported by activist MPs placed two Maori "pou" poles outside the steps of Parliament. They cost $500,000 to erect.
Why were these erected?
Firstly, they are there to groom MPs going in and out of parliament. It’s a subliminal message. Secondly, they are Maori territorial markers for local iwi. What does that mean? It's local iwi saying "This Parliament is ours."
What does that mean?
Subliminal messages aim to be processed below the level of conscious perception. By doing this, the message is still interpreted by the individual’s senses, but without their conscious awareness.
What is the message radical Maori MPs want other MPs to get?
"Put the demands of Maori at the forefront of your minds". "Put Maori needs before all the other cultures".
"Maori demand your attention". "Meet our Maori demands". "Maori are of utmost importance". "Maori are not the same as all other cultures in this country". "The British promised Maori a share of the power, so you had better give it to us." "Maori demand to be given special treatment and preference". "Maori are Treaty partners so never forget this", and so on.
The truth of the matter is that Maori are just settlers here, like the rest of us. They are not indigenous. They arrived here around 1250AD.
We are all New Zealanders and ought to be treated equally. Democracy demands this. Equality was mandated in the Treaty.
What radical Maori demand is undemocratic - privilege, partnership, and entitlement. None of this is mandated in the Treaty.
Other examples of grooming / cultural re-programming? Many businesses, like the BNZ, New World Supermarkets, Westpac, The Reserve Bank, Dominos Pizzas , Mitre Ten, Pak N Save, have been swept up into the Maori religion.
These businesses are actively encouraging people to use Maori words. Their communications are sprinkled with Te Reo.
If you are with BNZ, change to a non-Maorified bank. Switch service providers. If with New World, change supermarkets.
There are lots of things you can do to counter grooming / re-programming.
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If you have a service provider who sends you correspondence with Maori words, ask them not to.
Ask them to show some respect for your culture, whatever your non-Maori culture is. Push back.
Demand to be addressed in the language of your own culture, or at the very least in English, the universal and international common language.
Tell them that you don’t appreciate being brainwashed, groomed, culturally re-programmed and Maorified.
Tell them you don’t like it when someone messes with your mind without your permission.
If everyone pushed back like this, these woke companies would soon get the message that we want English back as the main language and we want the freedom to be able to choose what language we use in our own country.
This is a freedom of choice issue. If Maori want to be communicated with in Maori, then go for it. This is their right too. We applaud this. But don't force it on others.
If there are some woke people who want to be addressed in Te Reo, then so be it. That’s fine too. But don’t force Te Reo on everyone. Let people choose.
Go on the offensive. Here are nine things you can do.
1. Put up billboards. You can view some designs HERE.
2. Join your local TEG (Treaty Education Group). Get hold of us to find out where there is one near you (get our contact details by going to www.
3. Buy our business cards to put on cars and other places. Watch THIS video.
4. Purchase books about our New Zealand history. ( go to to view them). Be careful though. Many books and publications have been doctored. We only sell books on our site which are written by reputable authors and commentators.
5. Sign up to receive Julian Batchelor’s daily blog (go to ). Or join our Youtube channel by reading the QR code on the right.
6. Become a volunteer to give out flyers.
7. Give financially to support the cause.
8. Stop giving to Charities who have Maorified.
9. Change service providers if they Maorify e.g. change your bank/ supermarket.
I have had many many encounters with Maori activists. You can’t have a conversation with them as they often talk over the top of what you are saying.
They usually combine this with aggression. Either way, they are rude.
So in order to compete, you have to talk more loudly than them, and become more aggressive than them, which in turn leads to a shouting match.
Most people don’t want a shouting match and they are not aggressive by nature, so they withdraw quickly when they are aggressively shouted at.
Activists know this well. 99% of people who are aggressively shouted at by a Maori activist will just walk away.
This is the antidote - walk away.
Why do activists shout people down?
In shouting you down, they want to shut you up. Once again, they want to subdue you, and in subduing you, silence you.
And behind this is their need / desire to control people.
Once they have you subdued and controlled, they can push on with their agenda to do whatever they want to do, unopposed.
It needs to be noted that the mainstream media in New Zealand is corrupt to the core. Via The $55m Public Interest Journalism Fund, they support and encourage Maori activists with all these strategies. They have morphed into being the Opposition Party, a powerful ally for activists.
We could say, rightly, that they are the 12th corruption Strategy.
What’s the antidote? Flood New Zealand with the Truth about the Treaty and our history. We must circumvent the media. If the truth in this booklet became widely known, the gravy train would come to a grinding halt.
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Ultimately, voters hold all the power so we have to get to voters.
The media in New Zealand are working very hard to get as many frogs as possible into the slowly warming pot. We are working to get them out of it. This is war.
Via the generosity of wealthy donors, we are taking TV1 and the now defunct Disinformation Project to court, suing them for defamation. They need to be held to account. To counter them, you have to get serious with them, and publicly confront their corruption.
The plan of Maori activists is for the 83% non-Maori majority to pay for this co-governance process - in perpetuity. So this change from democracy to tribal rule will not be financed by the Maori economy which is growing steadily. In effect, the takeover of NZ is being paid for my non-Maori. Yep, the government is paying for Maori to take over New Zealand.
This situation will never be clearly explained to NZ citizens by the media. In reality, they have, and will continue, to hide the fact. The media spin is to push co-governance and 'partnership' through as " an established and widely accepted practice". But my question is this - "who says it's an established and widely accepted practice?" Answer? We are never told. In other words, it's just spin.
Most local councils in New Zealand are crawling with woke liberals of all colours and nationalities who have been Maorified (i.e. joined the Maori religion). This is because Maori activists have targeted councils. How? They have required them to undertake 'cultural safety courses' which is code for being groomed for Maorification. It's also code for frogs being lured into the pot.
These courses have been very effective. Councils have become centres for Maori activism. Now most council staff are well and truly on board with Maorification. Which means what?
This means that council staff deliberately try to be vexatious (i.e. make things difficult) for anyone who opposes the Maorification of the country. How do they do this?
The following is an example.
Up and down the country, we wanted to hire council managed buildings to run public Stop Co-Governance events. So we’d book the venue with the council in the usual way. When they saw that the application for hire had come from Stop Co-Governance, they kicked in with their game playing.
What happened?
We’d usually make application six weeks out from the event to hire a hall. For example, we’d ask for Saturday night, 7-10pm. They would ask us to submit a 'health and safety plan'.
There would be lots of forms to fill out, boxes to tick, toing and froing between us and council. The council would take their time replying. The weeks ticked by.
By being polite and ‘nice’, (e.g. starting their letters with 'Dear Julian....' ) you would be led to believe they were genuinely helping you. But they were not helping you. It was part of their game. .
Then, on the Friday afternoon before the event, usually about 4pm, they would notify us that our health and safety plan was “inadequate” and we couldn’t use the building. They obviously chose last minute notification so that there was no time to fix the imaginary/contrived issue.
Clearly, they delighted in wasting six weeks of our time. They had a predetermined outcome from the start. They, of course, were all being paid while they played these games.
As council employees, they are all on salaries. Essentially, they were being paid to play games. We, as volunteers, were not.
This pattern of behaviour was played out, exactly to script, in roughly 10 attempts to hire a council building with 10 different councils. It became obvious that they were colluding.
Such is the level of corruption inside local councils. In the end, we switched to only hiring private venues, and this worked.
What is sickening about this is that under the guise of 'health and safety' and 'bylaws,' what's really going on here is apartheid and racism and the denial of free speech.
It's cancel culture at work. As such, it's also a display of cowardice because the people driving this behaviour don't come right out and say they are racist, promoting apartheid and the cancellation of free speech.
Portraying a persona of virtuousness, they hide away facelessly in council
buildings, busy with their dirty work.
Another example? We put up billboards all over the country. Soon after we started, woke liberals inside councils who had joined in with the Maori religion started writing letters to us threatening fines.
They told us ‘complaints had been received’ and that our signs ‘did not comply with local bylaws’.
When asked how they did not comply, the council refused to say specifically. They just said they didn't. When quizzed about this, they replied ‘we’ll send you a link to the council rules so you can find out’.
The council ‘rules’ are very complicated and hard to understand. This is why professional planners start private businesses.
They become sacred priests who alone can interpret ‘the rules’. If these rules were easy to understand, they would be out of business.
As I said, initially when asked to specify how our billboards did not comply, no answer was forthcoming. It was up to us to guess. This was done so that we would have to spend a lot of time guessing and searching for clues on the council website. Eventually, 'the rules' around billboards were sent to us but only after continual requests.
They hoped we would waste money on hiring a professional planner. Their overall goal was to frustrate, annoy, waste our time, and create unnecessary expense for us.
Really, all they needed to do was tell us what we needed to do to comply, and we would have done it. Such a simple solution.
But it did not end there. The planner we were dealing with in Whangarei was Kate Biddlecombe (
We found out, through a professional planner, that we were only allowed one sign per site. We pointed out to Ms Biddlecombe that while we were driving around Whangarei, we noticed that many businesses had up to four signs on one site.
I said “What are you going to do about those people? All those who are not complying?” Her reply? “We only investigate the ones we receive complaints about.”
Conclusion? This was just a case of censorship, the shutting down of free speech. The punishments issued by council were being dished out selectively.
To whom? To those whose message opposed the Maorification of New
Zealand, no one else. This was apartheid in action, racist behaviour from council staff. No matter how they dress it up, this is North Korean style local government.
What is the antidote to this?
• Let councillors know what’s going on. Many councillors have not joined the Maori religion and will thus step in and help.
• Let the mayor know.
• Name and shame the council staff who are involved.
• File an Official Information request to find out who complained and get the records of internal correspondence inside the council. It is possible no one complained i.e council staff contrived the complaint.
• You can't let the media know, because they are corrupt as well. In fact, they lead the charge.
One of the key strategies used by Maori activists to take over the country is to radicalise other Maori. The dictionary defines radicalisation as “the action or process of causing someone to adopt radical or extreme positions on political or social issues.”
Radicalisation in New Zealand is done mostly by Maori leaders. Why? Because what they say is picked up by the Mainstream Media so that it can be read / heard / watched by average Maori. What’s the purpose of this? It’s to whip up anger, hate, and resentment against non-Maori, particularly Europeans who are seen as 'evil colonists’. HERE is a video of Maori being radicalised by a Maori leader. Waititi is not alone. HERE is another video of a young Maori who has been radicalised.
I am going to ask you to read THIS newspaper article to illustrate what I mean by 'radicalised'.
For example, Dame Tariana Turia says ‘the system’ makes Maori ‘slaves within a foreign system that has been imposed upon them’.
She wants Maori who read this to think that they are victims. That is to say, the reason they are not succeeding in life is because something bad (i.e. the foreign system) has been imposed upon them.
What does this do to the general Maori population listening? It gets them
thinking that they can’t do anything about their bad circumstances until this bad thing has been removed. It is not within their control to remove the bad thing, whatever it is.
Then what? They start to hate / resent / feel angry towards the people who are doing the imposing, which is non-Maori, mainly 'white people'. Hate quickly develops. Then what? Racial division and animosity are accelerated. The extreme end of this is civil war.
But this is not all. Non-Maori watching on see more and more angry Maori about the place, seemingly looking eager for confrontation.
In turn this makes them feel that Maori are a dangerous, angry, resentful mob who must be appeased.
Non-Maori, generally speaking, compared to Maori, are a peaceful culture. They want to de-escalate conflict. Maori activists, in the eyes of non-Maori, are seen as people who want to escalate it.
After that? Two responses. First non-Maori feel that to get Maori to calm down, appease the mob, they have to start saying "sorry".
Or second, they keep quiet, go into hiding, keeping a low profile. Either way, these results are exactly what the Maori activists want. Which is? They want to get you under their control so that they can push on with their agenda, unopposed.
If you are an MP, they want you to cave in to their demands by appeasing them.
Another leader, Ken Mair, is quoted as saying “Anybody that believes in justice will have no choice but to get up and take action at a real fundamental level of systemic change, overturning the system. And it’s going to be challenging, it’s going to be extremely difficult because we’ve got a small number of people who are very well off economically and in a sense have the political grunt behind them to continue with this behaviour.”
What is the effect of statements like these on young impressionable Maori minds? They read this as “We have to rebel against the government. Fight back. Commit violence. Protest. White rich people are causing my life to be hell.”
Then what? More racial division and hate towards non-Maori. Then what? Same as before - non-Maori watching on see more and more angry Maori about the place and they respond in the ways I have already described.
This is exactly the result the Maori activists want. Which is? They want to get you under their control so that they can push on with their agenda, unopposed.
So there is a pattern here. It looks like this.
Maori leader / Activist: They say something in public which gives average Maori reason to think that they are victims.
Maori listening: Becomes angry, resentful, hateful towards ‘the oppressors’. Thus the radicalisation process begins.
Maori listening: Expresses himself / herself with outbursts of anger and violence.
Non-Maori: Reach out to average Maori to appease them, say sorry to them.
Maori leader / Activist: They celebrate because non-Maori have come under their control.
Conclusion: Radicalising average Maori is a successful means to get nonMaori to lie down and not oppose the Maori takeover of the country. i.e. keep the frogs slowly boiling in the pot AND get more frogs to jump into the pot.
Other inflammatory statements made in this article intended to radicalise those who are reading?
Tariana Turia: this is our land.
Turia: we are not putting up with this.
Turia: we need to stand up and be counted.
Turia: we need to go out and stop them in their tracks.
Turia: do whatever it takes.
For radicalisation to work, lies and misinformation have to be woven in. For example:
Ken Mair :
• [colonials] came in and thieved and stole our land.
• they continue to perpetuate their privileges through theft of our land.
• foreigners (i.e. the British) told us we would be decision makers in our lands.
Mair: On David Seymour’s Treaty Bill.
• It’s an attack on us as Maori.
By Julian Batchelor
• It’s an attack on us.
• It’s all about putting us in our place.
• It’s Pakeha saying to Maori ‘you do as we tell you and we know what’s best for you'.
• the attack is right across the board, and we should be standing up and responding to those attacks.
• we are not going to tolerate this.
• we still remain slaves to them (i.e. Pakeha)
• every election brings anti-Maori rhetoric, anti-Maori people or movements. How long are we going to put up with that nonsense?
• [Seymour is saying] Let’s do away with the Treaty.
Mair: They [presumably the Government] have been emboldened with all of this so we’ve got to get serious.
Turia: I didn’t get to this age in life to have people think that they’re going to do this to us and there won’t be a response. There will be.
These statements by Maori leaders are fuel on the fires of Maori radicalisation. They are also loaded with corruption strategies e.g. "It's an attack on Maori" (Strategy 9, playing the victim card). "They came in and thieved and stole our land" (Strategy 6, Lying). Essentially, they constitute hate speech because they are inciting hate.
What’s the antidote? Respond with facts. De-escalate. Show how Seymour and the Government are not attacking Maori.
Rather, they are defending democracy, free speech, one person one vote, all votes of equal value. They are fighting against apartheid and racism. They are taking New Zealanders back to the original intent and meaning of the Treaty in Maori. They are exposing these 19 strategies.
Show how the Treaty Bill is not doing away with the Treaty but going back to the original meaning of it.
The Bill is about fact checking. It’s about being honest and what the Treaty really says. Show how Maori land was not stolen but sold. Click HERE to see the research on this. It's showing Maori that they are suffering from seller's remorse, and they need to face this fact and deal with it once and for all.
Show how the Treaty does not mandate ‘partnership’ or ‘co-governance’. Rather it mandates all New Zealanders coming together as one people under
one government, with everyone having equal rights and responsibilities.
With all these strategies, the key word is unopposed.
By controlling people, activists knock out opposition.
Essentially, they want to go about their work unopposed.
This is why I was so vigorously opposed by activists on my 2023 tour of New Zealand. You saw how hard they tried.
For them, thus far, these Strategies to knock out opposition have worked like a dream.
They have been able to spread misinformation without opposition, abuse people without opposition, make people feel guilty and ashamed without opposition, make us feel like we have to tread on eggshells when we are around them without opposition, frighten people without opposition, lie and deceive people without opposition, act and play the victim card without opposition, groom and re-program the population without opposition, act out their racism without opposition, spread their apartheid without opposition, confuse people without opposition, make emotionally charged statements with no proof of their veracity without opposition, and so on.
They have been able to get into the tent, like the parable of the camel, without opposition. Watch other Maori leaders radicalising young people HERE and HERE and HERE
The great problem with all this is, as former US President Jimmy Carter said, ‘aggression unopposed becomes a contagious disease’.
Which means? The big mistake Kiwis have made in the past 45 years or so is that we have not stood up and opposed all this. We have failed to learn from history because we have failed to study our history. Now Maori activism has become a contagious disease.
Thankfully, in the 2023 elections, defibrilator style, many New Zealanders finally woke up, and began to oppose all this. But as I have said, we have a long way to go. Most are still asleep. They are frogs still in the pot.
We must continue to stand up and oppose the Maori activists and their woke fellow travellers vigorously until co-governance is expunged.
Many Kiwis do not know / realise that in 1843, the British Parliament considered that they had failed with colonising New Zealand.
The first governor, Hobson, had died two years after taking office. It was put down to stress. The second governor, Fitzroy, committed suicide.
What was causing all this stress? There were many factors, but the main one, it was considered, was that the British had been too soft on Maori, bowing down to them and appeasing them.
Back then, in the early 1800s, Maori were using intimidation and bullying to manipulate British officials.
As well, they started to realise that land was valuable so they were hiking up prices. They had started to milk the system as far back as the early 1840s. Professor Bain Attwood reports : "[Governor Fitzroy (1843-45) reported to the British government]...the exhorbitant prices the natives were asking for their land."28
They began to disregard British law and authority, thus breaching the Treaty. Sound familiar? (e.g. “Tweaking democracy” “Maori wards” “The tyranny of the majority” “Taking revenge against Auckland City Councillors who voted ‘no’ to Maori wards” etc)
Commenting on this problem, the former colonial secretary Lord John Russell said in 1843: “This is the consequence of want of firmness in not resisting unjust demands. Such conduct [being soft on Maori] appears humane and generous, and kind;
But really it is a weak yielding to intimidation and foolish concessions which lead to absurd demands. Such is always the consequences, especially when you are dealing with savage tribes”.29
This is significant. It's the truth of history and we ought to learn from it. Can you see how history is repeating itself?
Colonial administrators in our early history created problems by not being firm with Maori.
The weakness and cowardice of certain New Zealand MPs, going back to 1840, of all parties, are to blame for the rampant apartheid, racism, and separatism - for the breakdown of democracy - that we see in our nation today.
Our MPs have succumbed to one or more of the corruption strategies detailed in this booklet, and look at the results. For example?
Maori seats were first created in 1867 under the Maori Representation Act. They were created in order to give Maori a more direct say in parliament. The electorates were intended as a temporary measure lasting five years
28 Bain Attwood. Empire and the Making of Native Title. Sovereignty, Property, And Indigenous People. Cambridge University Press. 2022. p 252
29 Bain Attwood. Empire And The Making Of Native Title. Cambridge University Press. 2022. pp224-25
but were extended in 1872 and made permanent in 1876. Weak wussy politicians have never had the guts to abolish them.
The 1986 Royal Commission on Electoral Reform recommended that if a proportional voting system was adopted, the Maori seats should be abolished.
In the 2023 election, Te Pati Maori got 3.08% of the vote, and 6 MPs. Act got 8.64% and only 11 MPs. NZ First 6.08% and 8 MPs. It's plain wrong that Maori are so advantaged in this way i.e. so few votes and so many MPs.
After the election in 2023, over 30% of MPs identified as Maori yet Maori are only about 16% of the population.
Maori are doubly over-represented.
Where are the gutsy MPs to stop this nonsense? Read more HERE
Succumbing cannot, and must not, continue. No more appeasement. No more caving in. Want another example from early New Zealand history? "On his return to Sydney (from New Zealand) in October 1834, an exasperated Captain Anglem reported that both the shore station at Otago Harbour and his ship Lucy Ann had been plundered by Maori. 'They often take whatever suits their fancy, such as clothing, and food off our very plates - help themselves to oil, in such quantities as they require, from our pots. They say white people are afraid of them, for great number of vessels have been taken and plundered by them and white men killed, and Europeans dare not come and punish them."
What's the lesson? Give in to activist Maori, and you seal your own fate. What fate? When you appease them, you fuel their fires to demand more and more. You feed an insatiable monster, making it bigger and stronger.
Another example? In New Zealand's early history, Maori were dead keen to have settlers set up communities close to their pa. Their motive? Well, it looked like they were being friendly and kind.
But in reality? It was self interest. Here is a first hand account: "At the Bay of Islands in 1821, the missionary Frances Hall recorded how Ngapuhi, when preparing for their great musket campaign against the Hauraki tribes, took control of the three missionary blacksmith's shops at Rangihoua: 'The Natives have been casting Balls all day in Mr. Kemp's shop. They come in when they please, and do what they please and take away what they please." James Kemp, one of the affected blacksmiths, complained, "The object in letting us
30 Trevor Bentley. Pakeha Slaves, Maori Masters. The Forgotten Story Of New Zealand's White Slaves. New Holland Press. p207
live amongst them, is to get all they can from us, self interest is the motive by which they are attached."31
The lesson? Missionaries and early settlers were too kind and gracious with Maori. They failed to stand up to them. The result? Maori abused their kindness and grace, and trampled all over the settlers. Successive governments have bent over backwards to help / be kind to Maori. But how have Maori activists responded? They have responded by spitting in the faces of New Zealanders with the 19 strategies. In 180 years, nothing has changed. Maori are just the same, only more sophisticated in the methods they use to get what they want.
We need strong powerful leaders in Parliament, savvy brave people who know the Treaty like scholars, and who know all these corruption Strategies and Maori Activists like the back of their hand.
Only these kinds of leaders can get us out of the mess we are in now and back into Treaty Truth, equality, one law for all, and back to full blown democracy. No more cowards, no more appeasers, no more wimps.
Luxon, are you listening?
Activists try to confuse the public. How?
By interspersing the English language with Maori language. In other words, they cloud clear communication. Why do they do this? There are three reasons.
First, they want to frustrate their readers, hoping that they will eventually give in, and start learning Te Reo in order to get the meaning of what they are reading. Basically, it’s manipulating the population to learn the Maori language.
The ultimate goal of interspersing English with Maori words is to have people join in with the Maori takeover, or at the very least not oppose it.
In other words, once you start learning Te Reo, and using it, and you become proficient, your desire to oppose Maorification will dissipate. That's their plan.
The second reason? So that Maori activists can hide what they are really up
to. HERE is a classic example.
There is a third reason why activists insert Maori words into documents. It's so that they can have the final say on what documents mean. In legal documents or contracts, it’s particularly dangerous to intersperse Maori with English because Maori can then make up what the Maori words mean as they go along.
The key to good contracts (indeed all legal documents) is that the language is clear to all parties at the point of signing, and the words can’t change in meaning as the contract ages. What do I mean?
If Maori words are in contracts, and one of the parties signing is Maori, they can, as time goes on, revisit the contract, claiming that such a word did not mean such and such. Rather it means such and such.
As such, the door is wide open for corruption.
But it is more than this. Interspersing Te Reo and English is grooming and conditioning the population, preparing them for ever increasing levels of Maorification, the end game being the installation of full blown tribal rule.
The fact is, most people don’t ‘crack’ and start learning Te Reo. The opposite is happening.
The general population is becoming anti-Te Reo, pushing back against learning it or speaking it. When something is forced on people, anger rises. This is how Kiwis are. Kiwis don't like to be forced to do something against their will, or conned.
Another Strategy Maori activists are using to take over the country is to make emotionally charged statements without providing proof/ detail / verification i.e. they make baseless claims.
HERE is an article written by Margaret Mutu (her surname used to be MutuGrigg) which is packed with examples of this 16th strategy. For example, she says things like:
"The [coalition agreement] the parties have made is in breach of so many international laws" No detail is given as to which laws.
"The [coalition agreement] is also just in breach of common humanity." No detail is given about how this is so.
By Julian Batchelor
31 Trevor Bentley. Pakeha Slaves, Maori Masters. The Forgotten Story Of New Zealand's White Slaves. New Holland Press. p197
The politicians in the coalition agreement " ..are stripping us [Maori] of fundamental human rights that we’ve struggled over the past 50 years to take small steps towards." No detail is given as to what rights Mutu is talking about.
"I think a lot of people don’t realise that Maori human rights aren’t recognised in this country the way they were supposed to be." Again, Mutu gives no detail as to what rights she is referring to.
"If we look at it through an ao Maori lens and what was agreed to in Te Tiriti, our property isn’t properly protected, our rights to medical care, education, and housing aren’t properly protected — there’s a whole heap of things."
We are not told where in the Treaty these things are promised to Maori.
The truth? They are not promised in the Treaty, but Mutu just says they are.
"[Maori] are working towards a constitutional basis for this country that doesn’t allow the sort of horrible, grossly obnoxious behaviour that we’re currently seeing [from politicians involved in the coalition]"
Notice how emotionally charged her statements are? Yet she gives no examples.
What is the effect of these statements? They elicit strong emotions in those who read them.
Then what? People become emotionally charged in favour of the activist cause.
Readers just presume that because Mutu is a professor in Maori studies at Auckland University, she must have fact to back up what she says, but she doesn't.
There is no need to fact check what she is saying or to drill down deeper.
HERE is a deeper analysis of what Mutu said.
What is the net result of all these strategies?
There are many results, but two results stand out from the rest.
First, as I have said earlier, these strategies have created terrible racial division.
Ironically, Luxon keeps saying that he doesn't want a referendum because it will create division. Incredibly, he does not understand that division is already here, and that the activists, via these 19 strategies, have created it. How can a Prime Minister be so out of touch with reality? Answer? Only if you have
joined the Maori religion.
Non-Maori, and many Maori, have observed with their own eyes elite Maori getting richer and richer, and many Maori on the street getting poorer and poorer. They resent what they see. So the division is now inside Maoridom, Maori resenting Maori. Maori resenting Maori is not strictly 'racial division' but it's unnecessary division.
The other 159 cultures living in New Zealand have also noticed Maori receiving special privilege and handouts not given to any other cultural group. Kiwis detest this racism and apartheid, which is what this is. They abhor unfairness. This too has bred resentment and anger in non-Maori towards Maori.
The result? More racial division.
But there is more to come. As I have pointed out in strategy 14, Maori leaders have radicalised young Maori, filling their minds with the idea that they are victims. So in turn, they begin to hate non-Maori, the Government, and 'the system'. Non-Maori observe angry Maori roaming around, and they resent their aggression and obnoxious behaviour.
The result? Non-Maori start to hate 'obnoxious' Maori.
Put all these aspects of racial division together, and what do you have? One socially very sick divided country. A powder keg, in fact.
What is most fascinating to observe is how Maori activists twist the narrative, accusing the coalition government of causing division.
Hard to believe they do this, but it's true. Click HERE and HERE for examples.
Such twisting is evidence of Strategy 6 (lying and deceitfulness), Strategy 9 (playing the victim card), Strategy 15 (creating confusion), Strategy 16 (making emotionally charged statements with no proof of their veracity), and Strategy 1 (spreading Treaty misinformation).
All these strategies are evident in THIS NZ Herald article.
When a government compromises on democracy, not treating people equally, to any degree, as successive governments since 1975 have done, then racial division is a natural result.
The utter folly of Luxon's position on co-governance and "partnership" is eye watering.
He appears seriously mixed up / confused in his thinking. For more click HERE. To access videos on Luxon's activist tendencies, click HERE
A second standout result of these 19 corruption strategies? Many Kiwis have believed the lies put out by the activists about the Treaty.
Meaning what? Look at the table below. This table gives facts about the Treaty.
The Treaty in Maori, AKA Te Tiriti
What Activists Say It Says The Truth About What It Says
Maori chiefs did not cede sovereignty. Therefore NZ belongs to Maori and they want it back.
Maori only gave the British permission to govern unruly settlers, not Maori.
In 1840, Maori considered that all the land in New Zealand belonged to them.
Today Maori say all their land was stolen.
The Chiefs ceded sovereignty completely and forever.i.e.agreed to be ruled by the British government
Maori gave the British the right to rule over Maori and settlers.
In 1840, the British considered that all the land in New Zealand belonged to Maori.
Maori did not have their land stolen. They sold most of it. Maori sold 92% of their land. Evidence? Click HERE
What Maori are suffering from today is sellers' remorse. They have never accepted the fact that they sold their land.
Maori today say their land was confiscated.
Sir Apirana Ngata says land confiscations were justified. Click HERE
Any unjust confiscations were compensated prior to 1960.
Dr John Robinson argues that all 'settlements' are based on fraud, therefore all are unjustified.
Today Maori say they are in a partnership / co-governance arrangement with the Crown
There is nothing in the Treaty about partnership or co-governance. Click HERE for proof.
Maori today cite Justice Cooke's statement that "The Treaty is akin to a partnership".
Maori talk co-governance and partnership, but ultimately they want full control. Proof is HERE. They hide their takeover goal.
An apple is akin to an orange because they both grow on a tree. But an apple is not an orange. Cooke did not say the Treaty was a partnership, nor was it a partnership. Activists have deliberately misinterpreted Cooke's statement.
A well respected NZ Judge studied the court case where Cooke mentioned 'partnership'. He concludes that Cooke never intended for Maori to consider the Treaty to be an actual partnership. Read his findings HERE
To have any group take control of the country other than the democratically elected government is treason. It's a coup.
The Maori end game is tribal rule replacing democracy. Again, activists and the media are being deceitful by hiding this final goal. Via the Treaty, The British installed democracy in New Zealand. The Treaty does not give a mandate for tribal rule. Such an idea is absurd.
Maori say they deserve and demand special status and privilege because of their imagined 'indigenous' status.
Watch THIS 1 minute video clip
Maori claim they are oppressed by colonisation, and thus are victims. Watch THIS video clip
In a democracy, all people are to be treated equally. No group is to be given special status and privilege.
By Julian Batchelor
Colonisation has been a Lotto win for Maori. Pre-1840, they were a primitive stone age tribal group, self-annihilating. Today they live in relative peace with all the benefits of the modern world. There is no hard evidence to back their claims that they have been oppressed by colonisation. Why can 't they provide hard evidence? No evidence exists.
Maori claim their poor performance is caused by 'the white system' imposed upon them.
Maori say they are indigenous and therefore deserve special status and treatment. Again, there is no hard evidence to back their claim to be indigenous. There is much evidence to the contrary i.e. other cultures were here before Maori.
The word Kawanatanga is the Maori word the Treaty writers chose to communicate the English word 'sovereignty'.
Activists say it does not mean sovereignty the way the dictionary defines it. For activists, it only means Maori gave the British permission to rule over settlers. i.e. the British had no control over Maori. e.g “The chiefs do allow the Queen to have kawanatanga, a nominal and delegated authority so that she can control her people.” Assoc. Prof Sandy Morrison, Waikato University, “Waikato Times” 1 December 2017
Maori today cannot point out one right / privilege / benefit which non- Maori receive that Maori cannot receive. In fact, Maori today receive more rights / privileges / benefits than the rest of the population so they ought to be thriving as a race. But they are not. HERE is why.
Again, there is no hard evidence to back these claims. If there is a ‘white system’, it is called ‘civilisation’. i.e. their claims are baseless.
Maori are not indigenous. They came here from elsewhere in the Pacific. Other Kiwis have come from different parts of the world too. We are all just settlers and therefore equal. Proof Maori are not indigenous? Click HERE
The British understood this word to mean '‘government’ or ‘complete power to govern a country”
From a British perspective, Maori ceded sovereignty i.e. Maori gave the British the right to completely rule over Maori forever. Sir Apirana Ngata would agree. Click HERE to read his comments.
“The chiefs ... cede to the Queen of England for ever the entire Sovereignty of their country” Hobson’s final text in English of 4/2/40. “Kawanatanga katoa o ratou wenua”. “Kawanatanga” is the translation of “Sovereignty”.
Maori Activists claim they are fighting against genocide, apartheid, and colonisation. Watch THIS video.
The phrase 'tino rangatiratanga' is the Maori phrase used by the Treaty writers to communicate the English word 'possession' in Article 2. Activists say it means 'unqualified exercise of chieftainship' or 'full authority' or 'absolute sovereignty' i.e. Maori never gave up their right to rule and reign in New Zealand. It is from this word that activists get the idea that the right to rule New Zealand is theirs. By twisting the meaning of this word, they claim that they did not cede sovereignty.
The word 'taonga' was used by the Treaty writers to communicate the English word 'property' in Article 2. The original meaning of the word was 'property acquired by the spear'.
32 Activists changed this meaning to 'treasures' i.e. anything Maori treasure, which gives Maori unlimited scope to 'claim' whatever they like
The truth of the matter is that activist Maori have created an apartheid state by demanding special rights. There was never 'genocide' in NZ with white people killing Maori. Rather Maori were the group of people who perpetrated genocide Click HERE
The only genocide was Maori killing Moriori and Maori killing Maori. i.e. they committed genocide on each other.
For the British, 'tino rangatiratanga' simply meant 'possession'. The British were wanting to reassure the chiefs that the ownership of their land would be protected. i.e. not taken from them by force. Via the Treaty, Maori were free to retain or sell their land. That is all. They sold 92% of it. Which means what? When they sold it, they lost control of it forever. What's really happening today is that Maori are suffering sellers' remorse.
The British intended the word to mean the property on the land they 'occupied and enjoyed'. In today's terms, it would be anything on your quarter acre section, in or outside your house, but within the boundaries of your section. i.e. House and contents. That is all.
What happens when the population of New Zealand drink in all this misinformation about the Treaty shown in the table above, left hand column?
32 Bruce Moon. New Zealand: The Fair Colony Page 5
Answer? Many become activists. Not only do they jump into the pot with all the other frogs, but they become 'useful idiots'. Lenin used the term often during the Cold War to describe non-communists regarded as susceptible to communist propaganda and psychological manipulation.
In THIS picture there are two young women who look non-Maori. They have been duped by Maori activist misinformation. Succumbing to lies, they have joined in with the Maori activist cause.
How does this pan out in reality? The following is an example. We (i.e. Stop Co-Governance) held a march in Wellington, calling for the nation to honour the Treaty in Maori.
Some of our placards said 'Honour Te Tiriti'.
At the same march, anti Stop Co-Governance protesters, those who opposed our movement, would turn up with banners saying 'Honour Te Tiriti'!
The table on the previous pages explains why this tragic situation exists.
It's just a fact that Treaty misinformation has flooded our country with no alternative voice in existence to challenge it.
Remember, the media in New Zealand, via the $55m Public Interest Journalism Fund, have been paid to promote the left hand column.
With only one voice out there, the two girls in the photo didn't stand a chance of NOT being recruited into the Maori activist cause. They were easy pickings.
Really, if all the claims made in the left hand column were true, I would join in with the Maori activist cause. The problem is, none of them are true. Not one.
I touched on this in Strategy 1, and I am going to expand on it here.
Activists have no basis / proof that the Treaty mandates partnership or cogovernance, or self determination, or dual government. So how do they get around this? Answer? They insist that they be the sole arbiters of what the Treaty in Maori says. Counter-interpretations by non-Maori are denigrated.
In this way they can bend and contort what the Treaty really says and no one can challenge them. There can be no open debate. This makes fraud easy. Anyone with an IQ over room temperature will see through all the smoke to what is really going on here. It's corruption, plain and simple. HERE is an
example of what I mean.
For example, the Waitangi Tribunal uses its own unique interpretation of the Treaty as the basis of all its recommendations. They can therefore make up what the Treaty says and does not say.
The tribunal members have morphed into sacred priests, and the Treaty a sacred document up there with the Bible. No one can argue with them, for their interpretation, according to them, is the only one that is correct.
But if the Tribunal has been hijacked by activists, and it has, what then? You know the answer.
Professor Elizabeth Rata puts it like this: "Here the treaty is transformed from an historical document to a sacred text. This mystical transubstantiation takes the treaty into the realm of the spiritual from where it acquires a doctrinal authority – one to be interpreted for we common folk by a new priesthood – treatyist intellectuals." Read her full essay HERE.
HERE is another article where the author insists that Te Papa displays on its wall not the final English draft of the Treaty (i.e. the Littlewood draft) but a fresh 'interpretation' of the Treaty provided by, of course, the sacred priests of Maoridom. HERE is another article full of the same ideas, written, as you would expect, by an activist.
Why has David Seymour's Treaty Principles Bill invoked such ire and fear among Maori? It would bypass the sacred priests, the untouchable class inside the activist network.
What's the risk for Maori if non-Maori interpret the Treaty? The truth about the Treaty would become public knowledge. And then? All the Treaty fraud and corruption would be exposed. The Waitangi Tribunal would be disbanded. The Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 repealed.
And then? There will be massive public pushback leading to the end of the gravy train. This, of course, is the worst nightmare for activists. The activists' party would, finally, be over. Hundreds of thousands of frogs would be jumping out of the pot, free from the bondage of relentless and sustained activist propaganda. New Zealand would return to democracy and peace.
Activists are extremely cunning and there is no one as cunning as Willie Jackson. In one 14 minute interview, he employs nearly ALL 19 strategies
By Julian Batchelor
Activists will never tell you their true intentions. Why? Because if they came straight out and said "We are working steadily and determinedly towards taking over the country by 2040 and we are enjoying cooking all you frogs slowly" there would be public uproar.
So what do they do? They play down their intentions so as to put their readers / listeners / watchers at ease. They calm the frogs down.
Why have the population of New Zealand in a state of ease? People who are in such a state let their guard down, and pay less attention to activist manoeuvring. Pay less attention to the heat of the water. This is what activists want.
Three times Willie Jackson assures Jack Tame that "co-governance is nothing to worry about" (go to 1:15, 4:26; and 7: 54 on the video). Jackson bluffs and blusters, lies, not answering the key question Tame puts to him which is "Is co-governance democratic?" Jack Tame, ever the left wing liberal, let's him off the hook. Jackson's answer should have been "No, co-governance is not democratic".
That would be the truth. The truth is also that co-governance and 'partnership' ought to be a huge worry for all New Zealanders.
The point is, Jackson, a machine gun liar, does not say what Maori are really up to, which is taking over the country. Full analysis is HERE
Another term for bluffing and blustering is deflection. What is deflection? It's when the person being asked the question (i.e Jackson) by the interviewer (i.e. Tame) doesn't answer the question. What do they do? They try and either answer with another question, or change the subject. Jackson does this over and over in this interview. Sean Plunket would never have let Jackson off the hook, but Tame did.
OK, back to the Strategy of downplaying true intentions.
HERE is another example. Buddy Mikaere, a self-proclaimed Maori historian, is questioned by Sean Plunket about the coalition government wanting to cut back on the use of Maori language in public.
Mikaere's response? "[the speaking of Te Reo]'s an evolution and it's unstoppable [here, Mikaere is just talking it up. It's very stoppable as few people are actually speaking it]. Why not just let it happen?" In other words, "Don't worry about Te Reo being forced on the population. Relax. Let it happen. Everything is going to be OK."
Really, it's also gaslighting. Which means what?
Mikaere is implying that you are a bit of a nutcase if you worry about the population all speaking Te Reo. Jackson is the same. You are a nutcase if you are worried about co-governance.
No one wants to be labelled a nutcase, so they start to say to themselves "Cogovernance is nothing to worry about" and "Everyone is speaking Te Reo, so just roll with it."
Just like Willie Jackson, Mikaere is downplaying the reality. What reality?
Activist Maori are using Te Reo to groom the population, getting us ready for tribal rule, downplaying true intentions.
Another favourite line of Maori activists is "Co-governance is going to be good for everyone." Over and over they say this, trying to calm everyone down by putting them at ease. Watch THIS video. Really, when they say these things, it's Strategy 6 in action, lying and deceitfulness plus Strategy 1, spreading misinformation, and Strategy 10, grooming.
The truth? Co-governance and Maori being in a 50/50 partnership with the government is not going to be good for everyone. It's going to permanently wreck our nation, because it destroys democracy, spreads apartheid and racism, creates racial division and inequality. It replaces democracy with tribal rule. And given that it's illegal, and not mandated in the Treaty, it should not be entertained in any way whatsoever.
The good news?
Kiwis are waking up to this nonsense, and they are saying 'No!' to being conned and gaslit. They have had enough of Maori activists' lying, deceit, bluff and bluster. Watch THIS Alan Jones (Australian broadcaster) video. Thomas Sowell said “When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.” He's talking about Maori activists. They have become like that.
The final strategy that Maori activists are using to take over the country is feigning 'being nice'. First up, click on THIS picture.
It’s carefully staged to give the impression it’s white people pushing this. These signs are being erected around the place. What they are pleading for is for everyone to gather around the activist understanding of the Treaty.
In other words, Maorify, and join in with the coup.
It's a rallying call for 'peace' to capture the people who didn't respond to the other 18 strategies. The point is, it's false peace because it's based on fraud and corruption. It's a trap. It’s also a call to unity, but it's fake unity because it too is based on fraud and corruption.
The following is an example of how giving in to Maori activist demands is presented as being a wonderful thing for everyone. It's written by someone called Kassie from an organisation called Action Station. Read the full transcript HERE
What's the best analogy for what Kassie is trying to do?
It's like fishing. The fish (i.e. Kiwis) only sees the bait. It doesn't see the hook inside the bait, nor realise what's going to happen when it takes the bait. What you are about to read is bait that activists hope all Kiwis will swallow.
"What inspired me the most about Matike Mai [the Maori blue print for taking over NZ] is that it showed how Te Tiriti gives us practical solutions for where we go next as a country. Matike Mai suggested different examples for decision making which ensure Māori get to have a say over the things that are important to them, whilst ensuring we can all continue to look after each other and work together. By changing our structures to better reflect Te Tiriti, we can repair past harms, and move forward together on an equal footing. Some organisations and churches have already modelled relationships where decision-making is shared, so that our differences are embraced and everyone has an equal say. Structural changes like Māori wards and the Māori Health Authority were ways to make sure Māori got to decide the right way to meet our own needs, while creating a positive, respectful relationship with councils and the health system."33
What is Kassie trying to do here? He or she is trying to woo New Zealanders into embracing Maorification and tribal rule as a wonderful thing for everyone.
Watch THIS video. Here Mutu tells us that there will be peace and friendship when we accept the Maori activist interpretation of the Treaty and embrace Maorification. How should we respond?
If Maori activists would honour the Treaty by accepting that they ceded sovereignty completely and forever in 1840, and that this means submitting to the government of the day, completely and without reservation, which is what 'ceding sovereignty' means, then there would instantly be peace and friendship between Maori and the rest of New Zealand.
In other words, it's Maori activists who are creating friction and division, not the government or non-Maori or David Seymour or anyone else. What Mutu is also saying is that there will only be peace and friendship between Maori and the rest of New Zealand when 'the rest' become Maori and start speaking their language.
The victim card is prevalent too. It's someone else's fault that there is racial division, friction, and racism. The truth is, Maori activists are the biggest racists on the planet and they, alone, have created the hostilities between the races.
HERE is another example of how Maori activists try and woo the public to join in with their cause.
Where to from here?
In combination, these 19 corruption strategies have enabled Maori activists and their woke fellow travellers to progress with their plans to take over the country, unopposed. Too many Kiwis are frogs being slowly boiled.
It would be fair to say that New Zealand as a nation is fighting for its life at the moment. This is not the first time.
Others have fought for our freedom, for our democracy, for equality, in the two great World Wars, and other wars.
That was their time to fight, and they did it, with honour, bravery, and valour. Many lost their lives in the process. You know that. This is what ANZAC Parades are all about.
We must not let their deaths be in vain. This is our time in history.
What am I going to tell my children and grandchildren when they ask me about what I did to save my country in my generation?
Will I just go quiet, and change the topic of the conversation, or will I quietly get up and leave the room without responding?
Honestly, what will I say? What will you say? Now is our time! Now is your time! Through an intense nationwide Treaty education initiative, suitable for all age groups, we can accrue massive political influence, and through massive political influence, effect massive political change.
This will only be achieved by opposing the spread of Activist Maori Treaty misinformation, and opposing Activist Maori psychological warfare. There is no other way to eliminate the curse of co-governance and idea of Treaty partnership.
Tinkering with co-governance and Maorification on the fringes, fiddling with it, will never cut it. We need cataclysmic reversal that can never be undone.
Maori activists live in a bubble, with a deep seated delusion, that selfdetermination aka sovereignty would somehow launch the Maori people into a new age of plenty.
Standing back, the social psychology driving all of this is quite simply of a primitive culture unable to adapt to a more advanced one. They hide this failure by attacking the “white” oppressive culture/thinking, as if “brown thinking” would release them from this oppression, resulting in some kind of new age of Maori renaissance.
It's an illusion created by a deranged minority, the reality of which is nothing more than a mirage.
It's just another example of the kind of flawed logic behind Maori failure to evolve, which apart from any democratic considerations, is the last thing this nation needs with regards its governance.
The Maori hyperbole is pure fiction and it is time to bring it to a head. Both Labour and National are responsible for this racist rort that we are now subject to. Te Pati Maori are abetted by the Greens and Labour parties. Parliament is for the business of the nation, not for the pushing of the dreams of one racial group who are suffering from seller's remorse.
Remember Theodore Roosevelt, US President? His quote below is about striving valiantly and daring greatly. Allow yourself to be motivated and guided by his great words.
“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming.
Who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause. Who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.”
Theodore Roosevelt Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910.
If Maori want to ‘revive their culture’ and ‘preserve their language’, as they say they do, all well and good. We applaud this. Seriously. No Kiwi would have a problem with this. I certainly don’t.
But I say to Maori, do it using your own money, on your own Marae, in your own time, in your own homes, not forcing it on everyone else, just as all the other 159 cultures who live in New Zealand have to do, and are doing very successfully.
As to the issue of being denied 'rights'? As I have said, I can't think of one right that non-Maori have that Maori don't have. Not one. I challenge anyone anywhere to name one. Just one.
In fact, Maori have more rights than everyone else, which is incompatible with democracy. The Treaty mandates that we all have equal rights. No one would argue with this, except Maori radicals who insist / demand that Maori have more rights than everyone else. Thus I applaud David Seymour's Bill.
Re: your religious beliefs. If you believe the bones of dead relatives are alive under the ground, it is your right to believe this. No one would deny you this right. But don't use your beliefs to interfere with the lives of other New Zealanders who don't believe what you believe.
So how should we summarise?
Believe me, Luxon and National are pushing partnership and co-governance like there is no tomorrow, albeit by stealth.
So there you have it. As we conclude, please do one thing.
Put aside for the moment all the 'interpretations', 'misinterpretations' and 'concoctions of word meanings' spun by activists over 50 years.
Then ask these simple questions.
Would the British have come to New Zealand to set up an apartheid state, a two-tier society? A dual government? A partnership? 34
Answer? Absolutely not. Never. They had never done it anywhere else in the world, either before New Zealand or after.
Britain in 1840 was a democracy, and they imported that democracy into New Zealand, which meant equal rights for all, and one law for all.
34 'Partnership' and 'democracy' are mutally exclusive concepts. It is impossible to have the two co-existing in the same country at the same time.
By Julian Batchelor
Everyone on these Islands, including Maori, became a citizen of Britain with the same rights and duties.
Think also about this.
Maori activists have done much, and continue to do much, to radicalise our young people, both Maori and non-Maori, feeding them Treaty misinformation and propaganda. Our education system is awash with it. Brainwashed, these young people are now all ready to 'rumble' for the Maori cause. Maori activists need to be held to account for leading so many of our young people astray. Maori as a cultural group have enough problems already without adding another layer. So where to from here?
There are only four options for New Zealand now.
1. Set up a dual government.
2. Put all Maori on a reservation (e.g. give them all of Northland), like they have done in America with native Americans. Reservations are a very very bad idea. Read THIS to find out why.
3. Maori take over New Zealand completely so we have tribal rule.
4. Restore democracy utterly, fully, completely, once and for all. To do this would be to honour the Treaty, returning to its original meaning and intent.
Only (4) is mandated in the Treaty. (1) and (2) are also completely impractical. This is why today's Maori activists are gunning for (3). The problem is, 82% of the population don't want tribal rule, and they are fast becoming awake to what the Maori activists have been up to for 50 years. Like a wave amassing from far out at sea and headed for the shore, so a great clash is looming between the 18% and the 82%.
On one side are Maori activists and their woke followers, and on the other all the rest of New Zealand. One side wants tribal rule, the other democracy. The two are absolutely irreconcilable. Both camps are hardening in their attitudes as time progresses, both vowing to never give in to the other. What's coming is inevitable.
With most politicians except Seymour blind to these realities, and the other realities detailed in this book, we are fast headed for our very own armageddon.
Since the coming clash in New Zealand was initiated by Maori activists, and is now driven by them, and centres on the Treaty, let's finish with the Treaty.
In the handwriting of James Busby February 4, 1840, the final English draft of the Treaty of Waitangi is now known as the Littlewood draft.
This is virtually a mirror image of the Treaty in Maori. There are only two differences between the two.
1. The date on the draft is the 4th of February 1840, the date on the Treaty in Maori is the 6th. This difference is to be expected since the draft was finalised on the 4th, the Treaty in Maori signed on the 6th.
2. The second difference? The word ‘Maori’ was inserted last minute on the 5th by the the Treaty writers into article 3 of the Maori version. So the Maori version Article 3 reads as follows “In return for the cession of their Sovereignty to the Queen, the Maori people of New Zealand shall be protected by the Queen of England and the rights and privileges of British subjects will be granted to them.”
These are the only two differences between the final English draft of the Treaty and the Treaty in Maori. That is to say, if you want to know exactly what the Maori version says, read this final English draft. Absolutely no one needs to know the Maori language in order to fully understand the Treaty.
Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of England in her gracious consideration for the chiefs and people of New Zealand, and her desire to preserve them their land and to maintain peace and order amongst them, has been pleased to appoint an officer to treat with them for the cession of the Sovereignty of their country and of the islands adjacent to the Queen. Seeing that already many of Her Majesty’s subjects have already settled in the country and are constantly arriving: And that it is desirable for their protection as well as the protection of the natives to establish a government amongst them.
Her Majesty has accordingly been pleased to appoint me William Hobson a captain in the Royal Navy to be Governor of such parts of New Zealand as may now or hereafter be ceded to Her Majesty and proposes to the chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes of New Zealand and the other chiefs to agree to the following articles.-
Article first
The chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes and the other chiefs who have not joined the confederation, cede to the Queen of England for ever the entire Sovereignty of their country.
Article second
The Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the chiefs and the tribes and to all the people of New Zealand, the possession of their lands, dwellings and all their property. But the chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes and the other chiefs grant to the Queen, the exclusive rights of purchasing
By Julian Batchelor
such lands as the proprietors thereof may be disposed to sell at such prices as may be agreed upon between them and the person appointed by the Queen to purchase from them.
Article third
In return for the cession of their Sovereignty to the Queen, the people of New Zealand shall be protected by the Queen of England and the rights and privileges of British subjects will be granted to them.
Now we the chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes of New Zealand assembled at Waitangi, and we the other tribes of New Zealand, having understood the meaning of these articles, accept them and agree to them all. In witness whereof our names or marks are affixed. Done at Waitangi on the 4th of February, 1840.
Note: In Article 2, “the Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the chiefs and the tribes and to all the people of New Zealand (tangata katoa o Nu Tirani), the possession of their lands, dwellings and all their property (taonga).” The phrase “all the people of New Zealand” means “Maori people”. There is no issue with this wording, since most of the other settlers were already British citizens and thus already had the same guarantee. In Article 3, when referring specifically to Maori, the text says “all the Maori people of New Zealand” (“tangata maori katoa o Nu Tirani”) i.e. it was the Maori people who were being granted British citizenship.
Signed, William Hobson Consul and Lieut. Governor.
Really, the Treaty is remarkably simple and straightforward We could summarise the Treaty as follows:
The Preamble: Britain said they would set up a government for Maori and all the settlers, and this they did.
Article 1: Maori ceded sovereignty completely and forever. Thus they gave up the complete management of the country and all its people and resources to the British government forever.
Article 2, sentence one: the British promised to protect Maori with respect to the ownership of their land, dwellings, and property. In the decades following 1840, Maori went on to sell 92% of their land. How should we respond to Maori Activists today who say "We want all our land back"? We say "No. When you sold your land, you lost control of it. The only legitimate way to get it back now is to buy it back."
It is also just a fact that when one sells land, one loses sovereignty of that land.35
Article 2, sentence 2: The British would buy Maori land, exclusively. Post 1840 Maori were complaining that the British Crown was not buying it fast enough.
During Fitzroy’s term as governor (1843-45), he reported back to the British Parliament that there was “…a growing demand on the part of the natives to dispose of their lands without government interference or control.” 36
In other words, Maori were complaining to the British saying "You are not buying our land fast enough. Hurry up and buy it or we'll start selling it directly to settlers!"
Article 3: Maori were made British subjects thus becoming equal before the law with all other citizens in the country. Maori were not accorded any special rights under the Treaty.
The Affirmation: Maori said they fully understood what they were signing.
That's the Treaty of Waitangi according to the Maori version.
This is what it actually said in 1840.
This is what it actually meant in 1840.
This is what it means and says today.
Contrarary to what activists say, it's not 'a living document' which is 'evolving'.
No. Definitely not.
It was set in stone in 1840 and its meaning and intent has not changed between then and now.
It will never change.
Really, the Treaty is so simple, only made complicated by 50 years of activism, Activists have relentlessly bent it and contorted it out of shape, trying to make it say what it does not say, and never did say, all for their own advantage.
The only way forward is to return to the Treaty's original meaning and intent and to fight for that return.
36 Dr Bain Attwood. Empire And The Making Of Native Title. Cambridge University Press. 2022. page
“The chiefs in 1840 only gave the British permission to govern settlers, not Maori.” COMMENT This is complete nonsense. In all the correspondence between the colonial office and the governors in NZ in the 1840s, there is absolutely no mention anywhere of Britain only achieving partial sovereignty. The idea is a complete fallacy. Britain achieved full sovereignty. Period. For more, click HERE
‘’ rather than ‘governance’, Te Papa has it as ‘complete governorship.’ The Waitangi Tribunal has it as ‘governance’.
“The chiefs do allow the Queen to have kawanatanga, a nominal and delegated authority so that she can control her people.”
Read Lord Normanby’s brief to Hobson HERE
(An opinion piece in the WaikatoTimes for 1 December 2017, part-Maori Associate Professor Sandy Morrison of Waikato University. Cited in Bruce Moon. The Fair Colony. Page 7.)
Delegated and nominal authority. Partial sovereignty.
Article 1 of the Treaty in Maori reads as follows: “Ko nga Rangatira o te wakaminenga me nga Rangatira katoa hoki ki hai i uri ki taua wakaminenga ka tuku rawa atu ki te Kuini o Ingarani ake tonu atute Kawanatanga katoa o o ratou wenua”
‘Sovereignty’ meant for the British the complete power to govern the entire country, including all its people, Maori and non-Maori, all its resources and all its land i.e. the chiefs gave the British the authority to govern the chiefs and their people, their land, and all the resources on that land, forever. Read more about the concept of sovereignty HERE
This is what Article 1 of the Treaty says: “The chiefs of the confederation of united tribes, and the other chiefs who have not joined the confederation, cede to the Queen of England forever the entire sovereignty of their country.”
Possession/Ownership (Tino Rangatiratanga)
They say that the Treaty gives Maori the right to own (be chiefs over) all NZ and its resources e.g plants, insects, flowers, fauna, forests, animals, greenstone, birds, water, coastline....literally anything associated with the land etc). Not even privately owned land is off limits. COMMENT The activist interpretation is nonsense. One can’t have ‘partial sovereignty’. ‘Partial sovereignty’ is an oxymoron. For the British, it was sovereignty or bust. Also, Maori activists inside central government are collaborating with activists inside local government to target taking private land. For more, click HERE
Self-determination, sovereignty, autonomy, self-government, domination, rule, control, power. Highest chieftainship. Māori are in charge of their land & resources, and aspirations. Māori acting with authority and independence over their own affairs. Tino rangatiratanga is a practice: Maori living according to tikanga lore (Maori beliefs / superstitions / customs.
Unqualified exercise of Chieftainship Click HERE for an example.
tino rangatiratanga
In Maori, the 1st paragraph of Article 2 reads: “Ko te Kuini o Ingarani ka wakarite ka wakaae ki nga Rangatira ki nga hapuki nga tangata katoa o Nu Tirani te tino rangatiratanga o o ratou wenua o ratou kainga me o ratou taonga katoa”
All the British were saying to Maori in the Treaty was ‘We guarantee you the ownership of the land on which your pa sites sit, and the surrounding land which your tribe say they own, plus all the houses and chattels on your pa sites”. If 540 chiefs signed the Treaty, this meant, effectively, that land in NZ was divided up into 540 lots, each lot belonging to a particular tribe, apart from land sold by chiefs to settlers prior to 1840. For more, click HERE
Possession / ownership
The first paragraph of Article 2 of the Treaty in English reads as follows “The Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the chiefs and the tribes and to all the people of New Zealand, the possession of their lands, dwellings and all their property.”
By Julian Batchelor
Whatever Maori activists say they want, they can have, via their interpretation of the word ‘taonga’ as ‘treasures.’ ‘Treasures’ is deliberately broad and vague. Thus it can mean anything, which is just what the activists wanted. They say that the Treaty clearly mandates that this interpretation is correct and they want all Kiwis to believe that it is correct. COMMENT This interpretation is not correct. It’s pure fantasy.
Anything prizedapplied to anything considered to be of value including socially or culturally valuable objects, resources, phenomenon, ideas and techniques. They say the Maori language is a Taonga. Activists conveniently forget that prior to the arrival of Euopeans, Maori did not have a written language. How can something that didn’t exist before colonisation be valuable?
Treasures Click HERE for an example.
Taonga The Treaty in Maori reads as follows: “Ko te Kuini o Ingarani ka wakarite ka wakaae ki nga Rangatira ki nga hapuki nga tangata katoa o Nu Tirani te tino rangatiratanga o o ratou wenua o ratou kainga me o ratou taonga katoa.”
All the British meant by ‘property’ was chattels. “Chattels” meant any chattels Maori had on their pa sites in 1840 e.g. wakas, implements, tools, livestock of any kind, and so on. Today’s equivalent would be house and contents, or house and chattels.
Property. Which means chattels or ordinary possessions (Bruce Moon. The Fair Colony. page 5.) For more details, click HERE “ The Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the chiefs and the tribes and to all the people of New Zealand, the possession of their lands, dwellings and all their property.”
Eventually, there must be a referendum on the Treaty in New Zealand. The people must have their say.
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"(a-Governance is code for the takeover of New Zealand by tribal companies and their representatives, the end of democracy, the installation of apar theid and separatism into every day life, leading eventually to full blown government by tribal rule"