HEAD of SCHOOL Dear Episcopal Community Over the years I have lost count of the number of personal emails, notes, or calls from parents I have received that thanked us for staying true to our mission, caring for each member of our Episcopal family, and for continuing to provide an exceptional education for their students. And those kind words continually came to me last year, even with all the challenges we faced -- despite the challenges we faced. So many parents expressed their thanks for all we were able to provide for their children last year. It is our faculty and staff who make possible what we do every day. In the big picture, however, it is each and every one of you who ensures we can do it year after year. During the 2020-2021 school year we were able to provide an outstanding on-campus experience at Beaches, St. Mark’s, and Munnerlyn Campuses, complete with every opportunity the Four Pillars provide. Despite the challenges and workarounds, we thrived on “how,” not “if,” and we decided our roadmap would be marching forward. We had a spring musical, senior prom, Thanksgiving plays, Parent Social, five graduation ceremonies for seniors, fifth and sixth grades, weekly Chapel, and the Senior Athletic Banquet. We ensured students could learn, play, dance, sing, pray, play, swim, and soar into the best use of their passions. By never changing our expectation that all members of our community respect the dignity of every human being, we were able to thrive because we put our students first. None of our successes last year could have been achieved without your support. This year, gifts to the school supported the endowment, financial aid, and helped us meet unforeseen and sometimes immediate needs on each of the three campuses. Your support even helped us add a new athletic facility -- six Beach Volleyball courts -- in the middle of a pandemic. Episcopal has set the course and led the way for providing the very best education in Northeast Florida; despite the world around us, who we are and what we do does not change. This is because you continue to believe in our mission and show your belief by contributing to this Episcopal community in all ways, and for that we are deeply grateful. Blessings,
The Rev. Adam Greene Head of School
CLASS of 2021 Episcopal’s Class of 2021 participated in Commencement exercises on May 15, 2021.
SCHOOLS more than 75 schools, including Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and Dartmouth; the University of Florida and Florida State
COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Members of the Class of 2021 were accepted into more than 120 colleges and universities.
Seniors are attending
University; as well as MIT, Penn State, Wake Forest, Sewanee, the Art Institute of Chicago, Tulane, Swarthmore, Jacksonville University, Duke, American University, the University of Colorado, and Furman.
ART PROGRAMS Nine Members of the Class of 2021 are
pursuing arts programs
in college, including at
27 Members of the Class
The School of the Art
of 2021 are playing
Institute of Chicago,
12 sports in college at
Florida State University,
19 different schools,
and Penn State.
including the University of Florida, Yale University, and Rollins.
LEADERSHIP 2020-2021 Board of Trustees
William B. Bond
Luther F. Sadler
John Adams
E. Bruce Bower
Richard H. Suddath †
O. David Barksdale ’84
Peggy P. Bryan
The Very Rev. Gustave J. Weltsek †
Beverly H. Bonaparte, Ph.D.
J.F. Bryan IV
Stephen D. Busey – Chancellor
Stephen D. Busey
Alumni Board Officers
Troy M. Davis ’93
The Right Rev. Frank S. Cerveny
Heather Rainey Moseley ’88 –
Kelly Flanagan ’02
John W. Donahoo, Jr. †
Heather Fouts
David W. Foerster
William Milne ’00 – President-Elect
Alex Graham ’00
Henry H. Graham Jr. †
Julie Wiggins Sorenson ’98 –
Michael J. Grebe – Secretary
Joan S. Haskell
Paige Hakimian
Preston H. Haskell III
Mark R. LaBorde ’84
Mark Hulsey†
R. Brian King
Allen L. Lastinger
John B. Magevney ’89
Delores T. Lastinger
Andrew K. McCain ’80
Hugh M. Magevney III
The Very Rev. Katherine B.
J.T. McCormick †
Shannon Shea ’89 – Chaplain
Moorehead – Vice Chair
Thad L. McNulty
Brad McCollum ’08 –
Vice President of Membership Peter Blumeyer ’08 & Mary Lanier Cook ’94 – Vice Presidents of The Episcopal Fund Nicole Clemons Lewis ’97 – Secretary
Helen C. Rowan – Chair
Walter A. McRae Jr. †
John C. Schmidt ’70
John A. Mitchell III
Sally Haskell Singletary ’86
Jane S. Munnerlyn †
Alumni Board Members at Large
William N. Steitz III
W. Wilson Munnerlyn †
Mary Burke Baker ’93
Carl E. Stoudemire III ’75
The Reverend Doctor
Brooks Fraleigh Cannon ’97
Stephen M. Suddath ’73
Robert R. Parks †
Eagle Society Chair
Derek Gaff ’87
Kenneth D. Sweder
Gert H. W. Schmidt †
Arnold D. Tritt, Jr. ’81
The Hon. Gerald B. Tjoflat
Ryan J. Uitti
Elizabeth Walton †
Lee Haramis ’10
Amy Wacaster ’94
William H. Walton Jr. †
Jennifer Stopiak Hayes ’90
Theodora D. Walton
Mary Winston †
Ashley Helmick Howard ’07,
Sidney E. Wells ’91
James H. Winston †
The Right Rev. Samuel John Howard,
Katharine K. Zambetti
Head of School, Ex-Officio
Head of School Emeritus Charles F. Zimmer
Alumni Board President, Ex-Officio Rector of St. Mark’s, Ex-Officio
Lady Alumni Co-Chair Leigh Elizabeth Black Israel ’05 Lady Alumni Co-Chair Joseph Murray ’99 Colleen McDermott November ’99
Heather Rainey Mosely ’88, The Rev. Thomas P. Murray,
Reunion Weekend Chair
Deanna Thornton Lombardo ’10,
Bishop of Florida, Ex-Officio The Rev. Adam S. Greene,
Darren Glenn ’91,
Honorary Trustees
Graham Riley ’00
Michael D. Abney †
Stacy Byrd Thomas ’07
William B. Barnett
Tracy Thompson ’12,
Margaret B. Berg †
Young Alumni Committee Co-Chair
Foundation Board 2020-2021
Jackie J. Busse
Robert M. Clements
Robert M. Clements
Nick Walker ’10,
George Egan
Maxwell K. Dickinson
David Wingard ’92
Stephen D. Moore Jr.
Thomas M. Donahoo
Katharyn Smith Woods ’07
Michael A. Kelley
J. Dix Druce Jr.
John E. Sawyer IV
The Right Rev. Bertram N. Herlong †
Kenneth D. Sweder (Chairman)
Richard H. Jones
Helen C. Rowan, Ex-Officio
Ross T. Krueger
The Rev. Adam S. Greene, Ex-Officio
Joan W. Newton
Young Alumni Committee Co-Chair
(† deceased)
Trustees Emeriti
Marion B. Poitevent
Total Expenses Salary and Benefits
Financial Aid
Plant Maintenance and Operations
Instruction, Athletic and Student Support
Professional Development
1% 2% 2% 2%
7% 13%
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TOTAL INCOME Total Income Tuition and Fees
Gifts and Fundraisers
Rental and Student Services
2% 1% 4%
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The Ketchum Family Whenever I tell someone that I work for Episcopal, it never feels like an accurate description of what Episcopal means in my life. Yes, I work here, but for me and for my family, Episcopal is so much more than my place of work. In the Advancement Office, we engage with people across the many ways that their lives intersect with the school, whether they are students, alumni, faculty or staff, parents of alumni, trustees, alumni board members, or corporate partners. With the exception of “grandparent,” at least one of the four of us can check all of these boxes. My husband, Will ’84, and my two children, Kaiden ’16 and Ben ’19, are all Episcopal graduates who enrolled at the Munnerlyn Campus as seventh graders. All three of them also spent their elementary (and even pre-primary) years at St. Mark’s Campus. By the time my children turned 12, they had each spent 11 years at St. Mark’s! I see in Will, Kaiden, and Ben the lasting effects of an Episcopal education. They had teachers, coaches, and instructors who helped them learn to get something extra from themselves and to give their best to something beyond themselves. All four of us have been shaped by belonging to this community of loving and giving people.
The most rewarding aspect of my job is that I get to witness your inspiring generosity. Each of you gives your time and resources because you are grateful for the difference that Episcopal makes in the lives of our students and ultimately in the future that they will carry forward. The names listed in this report represent your individual decisions to give, and together these names bear witness to the love and support found on each of our campuses every day. Our school succeeds because our community participates in the vision for our school and shares responsibility for making that vision real. Some days, it is hard to call that “work.” Thank you for your active role in the making and flourishing of Episcopal. Sincerely,
Missy Ketchum Executive Director of Institutional Advancement ESJ
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THE ENDOWMENT Founded in the school’s first year, the Episcopal School of Jacksonville Foundation provides in perpetuity funds for financial aid, professional development, and program support. With assets of approximately $14.6 million, the Foundation provides annual income to the school and is managed by the Foundation’s Board of Directors. These funds, combined with other annual gifts to the school, provide non-tuition support for Episcopal’s operating budget. Scholarships and special funds from the Foundation are given in the name of persons or organizations listed below.
Established through a bequest from the Bourses’ estate upon Mrs. Bours’s death in 1996, this fund awards numerous scholarships to academically talented students with financial need. Mr. and Mrs. Bours were members of St. John’s Cathedral.
Established in 2020 by the school’s first graduating Class of 1970, the 50th Reunion Scholarship Fund was created to provide financial assistance to deserving students. The Class of 1970 created a tradition whereby each alumni class celebrating its 50th Reunion will add funds to this scholarship.
Fund Amount: $135,339.19
Established by a generous planned gift from Buford L. Bowen, a lifelong Episcopalian who loved young people, The Bowen Scholars Fund provides financial aid to deserving students. Students who are selected as Bowen Scholars will continue to receive the scholarship throughout their Episcopal career, provided that the student maintains certain academic standards.
BANK OF AMERICA SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 2001 by Bank of America, this scholarship fund is established to provide assistance to academically qualified minority students with financial need. As a founder in the Take Stock in Children program, Bank of America established this scholarship at Episcopal to assist Take Stock in Children participants whenever possible. Both Middle School and Upper School students are eligible.
$443,421.50 MILLER BOWER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 1996 through a gift from the Mary and Bruce Bower family, scholarships are awarded to students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds who could not otherwise attend Episcopal and who demonstrate the highest qualities of leadership, character, academic achievement and artistic or athletic ability.
$67,775.27 ASHLEY DANIELLE BATEH SCHOLARSHIP FUND This scholarship fund was established in memory of Episcopal alumna Ashley D. Bateh ’03 through gifts from many family members and friends. This scholarship makes it possible for others who demonstrate Ashley’s qualities of integrity, creativity, exuberance, and a genuine love of all humankind, to attend the school. A scholarship is awarded from this fund to a deserving student in Middle or Upper School.
$124,259.14 ESJ
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This fund was established in 1986 through gifts made in memory of 1982 graduate Steven de Balmaseda Champion. In addition to this fund, which awards a scholarship to a deserving Middle or Upper School student, the “Giving Tree” at the front circle drive was given in Steve’s memory by family, friends, and classmates.
Longtime Episcopal supporters Linda and Rip duPont are the parents of two Episcopal graduates, Stacy ‘88 and Tim ’91 and the grandparents of two ESJ students. The duPonts created a scholarship for students with financial need, with preference given to a student or students on the Beaches Campus. $160,704.00
JAMES L. COON JR. SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 1997 by the Episcopal Student Senate, this fund awards a scholarship in memory of James Coon, a 1993 graduate.The Senate has raised nearly $40,000 toward this fund and continues to work to fully endow the scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to an individual who requires financial assistance in order to attend Episcopal and who exhibits a love for God, family, and community. He or she is expected to maintain a 3.0-grade point average and to contribute to the life of Episcopal.
This endowment seeks to ensure the success of economically disadvantaged students who receive substantial financial aid by offering them support services and resources which will increase their opportunity to thrive at Episcopal, in college, and in life. Financial aid pays for tuition, but it does not address the additional expenses which are vital to the complete student experience. The school’s financial aid budget cannot cover these additional expenses, nor are most economically disadvantaged families able to absorb these costs. These expenses include tutoring, counseling services, books, uniforms, technology, among others.
This fund was established in 1980 in memory of Cameron Murchison Corse, a member of the Class of 1975, to award a scholarship to a deserving student who displays excellence in academics. In keeping with Cameron’s love of tennis, special consideration is given to students with tennis ability. The fund may also provide for maintenance of the tennis courts.
The EHS Scholars Fund was established in December 2000 through a gift from A. Dano Davis and his late wife Mary Lou, and his sons, Ben ’92 and Jed ’96. This fund assists students with financial need who possess strong character and who display in their lives and work the traits of Excellence, Honor and Service.
Established in 2001 through a gift from the estate of Neal G. Cury, Sr. and the memorial gifts of family and friends, awards from this fund are made to students who need financial assistance in order to attend Episcopal.
Established in 1967 soon after the school’s founding, this fund awards a scholarship to a deserving student in Middle or Upper School. Awards are made in honor of all of Episcopal’s graduates. $19,607.18
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of Jacksonville. Both Middle School and Upper School students are eligible.
Created by Marie and John Forbes, the Forbes Scholars Fund awards a scholarship to a student for his or her entire Episcopal career. Students with financial need will be eligible for the scholarship and will maintain their status as Forbes Scholars as long as they meet the academic requirements to remain at Episcopal.
$341,465.86 HERLONG SCHOLARSHIP FUND A planned gift from The Right Reverend Bertam N. Herlong established a scholarship in his memory. Though he became Bishop of Tennessee, Father Herlong was a young priest when he was named Episcopal’s first Chaplain and assistant headmaster, and he conducted the weekly chapel services scored with music that he and other Episcopal teachers wrote. He had a long career in the priesthood, serving at churches in Florida, New York, and Michigan before he was named Bishop of Tennessee. $147,479.94 YVONNE L. AND MONIQUE M. GRAND SCHOLARSHIP FUND
Established in 2000 through a gift from Delores and Allen Lastinger, this fund awards a scholarship to assist academically talented students with financial need who would otherwise be unable to attend Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Both Middle School and Upper School students are eligible. $452,594.99 ROBERTA MERCIER SCHOLARSHIP FUND This scholarship was established in 2000 by Lee Mercier in honor of his wife’s retirement from Episcopal School of Jacksonville after 27 years as a teacher of French and chair of the Foreign Language Department. The Fund is established to assist deserving students with financial need and to help increase the diversity of the student body. Both Middle School and Upper School students are eligible. $54,381.41
The Yvonne L. and Monique M. Grand Scholarship Fund honors the memory of two sisters, Yvonne Grand ‘87 and Monique “Mokie” Grand ‘89. Mokie died during her senior year at Episcopal, and Yvonne died in 2018. The Monique Grand Award is a scholarship fund given annually at Senior Honors Convocation; its name changed in 2019 to include both sisters. The Yvonne and Monique Grand Scholarship Fund will ensure that this important scholarship fund will continue to be awarded to a deserving senior.
THE WELLINGTON “COTTON” PAUL SCHOLARSHIP FUND This fund was established in 2000 by Peggy and J.F. Bryan IV in honor of Peggy’s father, Wellington “Cotton” Paul, so that students with financial need may benefit from an Episcopal education in the same way as have Mr. Paul’s grandchildren, Jeff ’89, Cotton ’91 and Josh ’03. $325,815.07
THE JOHN MICHAEL KELLY SCHOLARSHIP FUND This fund was established in 2010 through the estate of Mr. Kelly. It provides a scholarship to a deserving student in Middle or Upper School.
Established in 2000 through a gift from Delores and Allen Lastinger, a scholarship is awarded to assist academically talented students with financial need who would otherwise be unable to attend Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Both Middle School and Upper School students are eligible.
Established in 2000 through a gift from Delores and Allen Lastinger, a scholarship is awarded to assist academically talented students with financial need who would otherwise be unable to attend Episcopal School
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Established in 2002 by Katherine Beard and Louise Hardwick, in memory of their parents, and by Franklin and Anne Beard, in memory of his grandparents, scholarships from this fund are awarded to academically deserving students who require financial assistance to attend Episcopal School of Jacksonville. $193,667.08
This scholarship was established in 1988 by Dr. and Mrs. Robert Baldwin Van Cleve in memory of a devout admirer of Episcopal, Sarah Elizabeth de Lannoy Morley Towers. In 2005 Dr. Van Cleve’s family made additional contributions and included his name on this fund. Each year a portion of the interest is used to assist scholarship students with various additional educational expenses that arise.
George and Eunice Semmes gave annual scholarship gifts to support deserving students--know as The Semmes Scholars--during their lifetimes. Upon their death, their Foundation established The Headmaster’s Scholarship Fund for students with financial need.
$ 46,777.32
Established in 1979 by Dr. and Mrs. H. Warner Webb, this fund provides a scholarship for a deserving Middle or Upper School student in memory of Shirley Cox Webb, mother of Dan Webb ’77, Patrick Webb ’79, and Julia Claire Webb ’85.
This fund was established in 1989 by the Student Senate and the Senior Class in memory of their classmate, Lauren Snyder.
MCCONDICHIE CHILDREN’S FUND Longtime Beaches Episcopal School supporter Hayne McCondichie established a scholarship for students with financial need who will be attending the Beaches Campus.
$11,833.38 JAMES EDWIN ROWAN ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Created in 2020 by Board of Trustees Chair Helen Rowan, her husband, Paul Halloran, and their children Diana ‘11, Sean ‘15, and Margaux ‘18, this scholarship honors the memory of James Edwin Rowan, Helen’s father. This scholarship fund will support a James Edwin Rowan Scholar throughout his or her years at Episcopal.
$151,195.89 JAMIE ANDREWS AND GLEN ORR SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 2004 in memory of Jamie Andrews and Glenn Orr to provide tuition assistance for eligible students with financial need.
Former teacher William N. “Bill” Valentine taught English, history, Russian, and Latin in his 43 year career at Episcopal. He received the Davis Award for Excellence in Teaching and was also named the Leo C. Burgman Chair in English before his retirement. He created a scholarship fund which is awarded to students with financial need so that they can benefit from the school he loved and served.
Established in 2004 in honor of Claude N. Brown to provide tuition assistance for eligible students with financial need on the St. Mark’s Campus. $391,351.96
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Established in 2001 by Mrs. Frances Burn in memory of her husband, James Duncan Burn, to provide financial assistance to eligible students on the St. Mark’s Campus.
Established in 2014 to honor Cathy Hardage and her service to St. Mark’s as the Head of School from 2006 – 2014. This fund provides tuition assistance each year to eligible student(s) who attend the St. Mark’s Campus with demonstrated financial need.
Established in 2006 in honor of Marilu Dempsey because of her love for children and for all her service to the St. Mark’s family. The fund provides tuition assistance to eligible students on the St. Mark’s Campus.
Established in 2014 by the estate of Hank L. Haynes, this fund provides tuition assistance each year to eligible student(s) with demonstrated financial need who attend the St. Mark’s Campus. $71,071.67
$19,437.24 OLETA L. DIMMICK SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 1998 by the Board of Trustees in honor of Oleta L. Dimmick’s 24 years of service to St. Mark’s Episcopal Day School. The fund provides tuition assistance to eligible students with demonstrated need on the St. Mark’s Campus.
$18,229.48 GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP CAMPAIGN FUND Initiated in 1992 under the leadership of Mrs. Diane M. Graham, this fund makes it possible for children of families with financial need to enjoy the benefits of a St. Mark’s Campus education. SHEROUSE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND
Established in 2000 by Sandy and Bill Bond and their family, this fund supplements the annual department operating budget, providing extra funds for research projects, special programs, and resources to enhance the science curriculum. $135,951.43 THE MARY LOU AND DAN DAVIS AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING Established in 1992, the Davis Awards for Excellence in Teaching are presented each year to selected Episcopal School of Jacksonville teachers who personify quality in their teaching and in their influence on student learning; who consistently and unselfishly go above and beyond normal expectation of time, energy and devotion in working with students; who demonstrate the rare ability to motivate students to higher and higher levels of achievement; and who have consistently made use of opportunities for continuing education to improve themselves professionally. This award is intended to inspire all Episcopal teachers to pursue uncompromising excellence and caring in the classroom.
Provides tuition assistance for eligible students with demonstrated financial need on St. Mark’s Campus. $59,853.03 R.S. WILLIAMSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in memory of R. S. Williamson to provide financial assistance for eligible students who attend the St. Mark’s Campus. $72,161.04 BUFORD L. BOWEN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established in 2014 by the Buford L. Bowen Charitable Fund to provide tuition assistance for eligible students on the St. Mark’s Campus with financial need.
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Established in 2001 by the Board of Trustees to honor Nancy N. Wood for her service to St. Mark’s as Headmistress from 1989 – 2001. This fund provides a stipend awarded annually to a member of the St. Mark’s or Beachs Campus faculty member who has been recognized for his/her significant contribution to the life of the school.
Created by the siblings of Elizabeth “Beppy” Simpson Walton ’71 after her death, this unique fund gives an annual distribution to the Athletic Department for the purpose of sending full time and adjunct coaches to professional training sessions and seminars. Beppy Walton was an elite swimmer who also coached swimming for many years, and she knew the impact that good coaching could have on an athlete’s development. This fund adds additional dollars to the Athletic Department’s existing budget for coaches’ professional development, making Episcopal’s investment in its coaching staff extraordinary.
$39,202.81 ENDOWED FUND FOR HARKNESS TEACHING Created in 2014 by the donors who funded Episcopal’s initial pilot program in the Harkness method, the Endowed Fund for Harkness Teaching provides ongoing funds to ensure the effective integration of the Harkness method in Episcopal’s curriculum. This fund will provide training, evaluation, and support for teachers using the Harkness method and will spread and maintain the culture of Harkness teaching. This collaborative learning style has invigorated Episcopal’s faculty and this fund will ensure the sustainability of this program at Episcopal.
$370,984.06 FOUNDERS ENDOWMENT FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION Established in 2006, this provides funding for faculty and staff professional development on the St. Mark’s Campus. $32,823.68
Established in 1970, this fund awards grants to Episcopal faculty members to pursue continuing education through summer studies, workshops and other special educational programs.
Established in 1999, The Guardian Gift was created by Bill and Theresa Dahl to honor an Episcopal teacher or staff member whose mentoring and positive influence has made a lasting impact on a student. Graduating seniors are invited to write an essay about their “Guardian” teacher and why he or she deserves to be honored. $65,964.65
Established in 2000 through a gift from Delores and Allen Lastinger, the Lastinger Summer Scholars Fund will provide for professional development opportunities over and above those required, and will benefit not only the faculty members’ educational needs but also the expanded community of Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Some of the most rewarding professional development programs are those extended summer programs offered by numerous universities, agencies, and foundations.
Established in 1997 through a gift from the late Jim and Mary Winston, and their daughter McKimmon “Kimmie” Winston Mason, Class of 1975, this chair honors the memory of Kimmie’s grandfather, Leo C. Burgman. As an academic chair, income from this fund will help attract and retain high-quality faculty in the department of English. Jim Winston served the school as a member of the Board of Trustees and the Foundation Board and was named a Trustee Emeritus for his dedication to the school.
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Established in 2000 by Meta and Hugh Magevney and their sons, Michael ’87, John ’89 and William ’00, this fund provides in perpetuity for enhancement and expansion of the technology program at Episcopal. In this ever-changing arena, this fund will aid the school in staying at the forefront of educational technology.
Established in 1997 by Mr. and Mrs. G. Kennedy Thompson in honor of their children, Kenny, Stacey, and Scotty for the purchase of books and materials for the St. Mark’s Campus school library.
Established in 1984 in memory of Thomas Palmer Baker to provide discretionary dollars for the general enhancement of school operations on the St. Mark’s Campus.
This fund supports the school’s Department of Communications, which includes journalism, media production, public speaking, yearbook, and psychology. This fund was established by Katie Jason Oldoerp ’96 in memory of her grandfather, the late Jack Tarver, former publisher of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and chair of the Associated Press. $84,397.07
$907,674.21 INEZ S. CHAMBERS ENDOWMENT FUND Bequeathed in 1994 by Ms. Chambers to benefit the current needs of St. Mark’s Campus students. $53,354.24 GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND Established to provide funds for the general enhancement of school operations on the St. Mark’s Campus.
DALE D. REGAN PLAZA REPLACEMENT ENDOWMENT This special fund was created by Denise Hunt, sister of Dale Regan, to fund the eventual replacement of the beautiful Dale D. Regan Plaza. The Regan Plaza surrounded the iconic Great Oak tree which stood on Episcopal’s grounds for hundreds of years and was former teacher and Head of School Dale Regan’s favorite place on the campus. After her death in 2012, the community created the Dale D. Regan Plaza to honor her memory of service to the school. To ensure that the Regan Plaza can be replaced without cost to the school, Denise Hunt established this term endowment to honor her sister. $253,261.47 LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND Established in 1986 in memory and in honor of Mr. Francis Childress, Mrs. Jacquelyn Dwells, Mrs. Rachel Thompson, and Mrs. Anina Walter for the purchase of books and materials for the school library on the St. Mark’s Campus $79,544.23 ESJ
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Abe and Leandra Dopazo We are so grateful to be part of the ESJ community through our kids Lucca ’20 and Enzo ’23. We found it to be such a welcoming and close-knit community, embodying all of the qualities we looked for in a school. The family spirit stems from the amazing sense of camaraderie shared not only between students, but also faculty, coaches, and alumni, all of whom understand the commitment, the friendships, and the loyalty that make ESJ great. Thanks to the time and effort the faculty and administrators put into their work at the school, and to the support of alumni and other parents, endless opportunities are offered to our students who will go on to make profound differences in countless areas within their communities.
We understand and appreciate the importance of giving our support to the school so that it can continue in its mission for excellence across all Four Pillars, and we will do so for years to come. The Dopazos are members of the 1966 Society and support the school through the Corporate Partner program with their practice, Dopazo Orthodontics.
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Joy and Hilton Dempsey GRANDPARENTS
Our grandchildren, Bradlie ’23 and Sarah ’25, both started their ESJ experience in sixth grade. The
past years have had a profound effect on the girls. The depth of fine arts and sports programs have brought out true talents that neither girl knew was within them. It has been a blessing to see their talents nurtured to their potential. The girls also have grown significantly in their depth of subject knowledge, poise, and selfconfidence. We see it and hear it by way of our conversations. Their interpersonal relationships with other students have been exceptional as well.
I believe the Harkness Table educational program has afforded a unique developmental way to bring the students directly into the active learning role through group interaction. Working effectively with peers in groups is a vital life skill for them to learn. Aside from the superb academic track for the kids, the supporting ancillary programs of Chapel, fine arts, and athletics all have made significant impacts on our girls’ overall development. The lessons learned from these activities will go forward with them in their adult lives. I never knew that participation in sports could have so many spin-off benefits. Rowing has been a blessing to them both. It has nurtured life skills that will reach far beyond the sport itself -- self-discipline, focus, sticking to goals, and the value of team cooperation and spirit have had a maturing effect on them both. And one of our granddaughters has discovered she has a Godgiven talent in drawing and painting. Her work has amazed us. This would not have been discovered if not for the incredible fine arts teachers. The sum of the educational components of the ESJ experience has given the girls the perfect start of a launch into their college and adult lives. We feel truly blessed that ESJ and its traditions have been there to provide them this vital launchpad into life. We love ESJ and have a great appreciation for the life-enhancing experiences that our granddaughters have experienced. We know and understand that the sum of their opportunities is made possible due to the generosity of tens of thousands of families over the history of ESJ. We are proud to be a small part of that tradition and community.
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ALUMNI GIVING MUNNERLYN Francine with her grandchildren, Buddy and Bailey Grace.
Francine Andia Walker ’77 Episcopal has always meant friendships, faith and a firm educational foundation to me, but as an alumna it means so much more. I’m very proud to say I graduated from Episcopal and want to make sure the school is always recognized as EXCELLENT. I’m also proud of my classmates and the students who followed us. We all had such a great opportunity to grow our minds and bodies there and to take what we learned to heart. What I learned from so many dedicated teachers and an excellent curriculum prepared me not just for college, but for life. My successful 40-year career in public relations really started in high school where I found my voice and confidence. Being a cheerleader helped, too!
Francine on Episcopal's Munnerlyn Campus while a student. ESJ
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I also became a stronger Christian at Episcopal and have carried out my faith to this day. Attending Chapel and studying religion gave me spiritual strength and led me to be confirmed in the Episcopal Church as an adult. Christian education and outreach continue to be an important part of my life.
But it’s the friendships, the FRIENDS, that I am most grateful for over the past 45+ years (for those who started in Form I, almost 50 years!). My class has remained especially close and supportive of each other and the school. Our connections with each other are strong and that means our connections with the school are too. I have one group of Episcopal friends – there are nine of us -- who stay in touch constantly and meet often, though we live in four different states. Many of my classmates have Zoomed-in for happy hours and happy conversation during the pandemic. Others have met up for dinners and visits – by the way, the Class of ’77 has an open invitation from Wally Thomas (my co-class representative) to show them his Alaska! – and we’ve had some fun meet-ups in Jacksonville including a 60th birthday party at Susie Good Yazgi’s home and going to see Simone Aden Reid in “Arsenic and Old Lace” at Theatre Jacksonville. We also came together to buy pavers at the school to honor our graduation speaker and honorable public servant Senator John McCain, father of our classmate Doug. Many ‘77-ers thank me for keeping our class in touch, but I really must thank all of them. Bringing people together is my gift, but love is the gift all of my classmates keep giving. And Episcopal is the tie that binds us.
Laura Griffin Kelley ‘77, Lilli Denmark Behrens ’77, Francine Andia Walker ’77, Hal Wahl ’77, Susie Good Yazgi ‘77, Simone Aden Reid ’77, Homer Bliss ’77 get together on campus.
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BEACH VOLLEYBALL COURTS MUNNERLYN Thanks to a dedicated group of supporters, Episcopal added a new sport to its roster and a new sports facility to its campus. “We’ve had interest in Beach Volleyball for years,” said Andy Kidd ‘99, Director of Athletics. “This group of parents and parents of alumni stepped up and made it happen. It was great to add this growing sport to Episcopal athletics.” A lead gift from Conser Moving & Storage, owned by ESJ parents Mark and Stephanie Chesser and Matt and Shannon Connell, plus additional support from Dwight and Christine Cooper, Mark and Tyra
2020-2021 Beach Volleyball Donors Stephanie and Mark Chesser
Tutor, Ed and Ann McCarthy, Dan and Karen Curran, and Bob and
Shannon and Matt Connell
Laura Leinenweber made it possible for the school to break ground in
Conser Moving and Storage
time for a first season beginning in February of 2021.
Christine and Dwight Cooper
“Episcopal has an outstanding indoor volleyball program, so it was
Karen and Dan Curran
natural that there was a lot of support for outdoor courts,” said
Lara and Bob Leinenweber
Chesser. “It was a great first season and we look forward to many
Ann and Ed McCarthy
more in the years to come.”
Tyra and Mark Tutor ESJ
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Conser Beach Volleyball Center features six courts
The Chessers, Adam Greene, Andy Kidd, and Girls
and is located on the Knight Sports Campus. The
Volleyball players at the groundbreaking event on
courts opened for play in February of 2021.
November 3, 2020.
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As a child, I was fortunate to have amazing teachers and was always encouraged and challenged. When it was time for me to choose a career path for my life, I believed that positively influencing children would be a good opportunity for me to pursue. My college major was early childhood through elementary, and I taught kindergarten, fourth, fifth, and sixth grades before having my children.
When my first child, Katie ’97, enrolled at St. Mark’s, I was impressed with the teachers and the loving program of learning. I was involved at the school during the “learning and loving it” slogan and it was an apt description. I soon joined the Board of Trustees and it was also during the time when the school had many obvious needs. The kindergarten classes were housed in two extremely old stucco bungalows -- the carpool lines were located in the former front yards of these homes and the teachers had to put sprinklers out to try to keep the dust down!
John Baker and I were serving on the board and we decided to create a three-pronged plan that included building classrooms, enhancing faculty salaries, and expanding the endowment to help with scholarships and to support the buildings and programs long term. When it was time for me to make the presentation to the board, I received a call that my son, Alex ’00, had hung his arm up in a crepe myrtle tree and needed stitches. After a quick exit to leave for the emergency room, I returned to the meeting to make the presentation. It was ambitious, but no one said “you can’t do that.” John and I realized that at this time many young parents were already struggling to manage multiple tuitions and other financial hurdles, and that the grandparents might be in a better position to help bring our plan to fruition. The first step was to create ways for the grandparents to connect and to become more involved in the life of the school. Grandparents were invited to come to the school and to share their talents, hobbies, job skills, and stories with the students. Everyone had a fabulous time learning about carpentry, sewing, veterinary skills, and much more. One story the children loved was about the ice man bringing ice to the homes in Gainesville by a horse drawn wagon. This was the inaugural St. Mark’s Grandparents’ Day! Spaghetti dinners were also hosted and groups of parents came to hear about the exciting plans for St. Mark’s. The support and enthusiasm was contagious! With all of these efforts, the school was able to build new kindergarten classrooms, construct a multi-purpose building, enhance faculty salaries, and expand the endowment.This endeavor provided a wonderful learning opportunity for me. My father told me to always make your own donation before asking others, and my friend Ellen Cavert told me to always remember to be bold when asking for donations because you are not asking for yourself, but for something that you believe in.
This time in my life was the beginning of a long love affair with Episcopal education. I always felt that my children had the love and the protection of the church and the school. I also felt that they were encouraged to think independently and to develop critical analytical thinking skills. All three of my children, Katie ’97, Alex ’00, and Hampton ’04, had the blessing of having a St. Mark’s and Episcopal School of Jacksonville education. I am very thankful for that opportunity.
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The Bechan Family
JENNIFER, STEPHEN, CARSON, AND PEYTON One of the best decisions we have ever made for our family is enrolling our two boys, Carson ’27 and
Peyton ’31, at the St. Mark’s Campus. With them starting school during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, this decision gave us a comforting feeling of security and peace of mind in a world of uncertainty. The transition to a new school was made virtually seamless. Carson and Peyton had previously been enrolled at St. Mark’s in the Early Learning Program, so they had several friends who they already knew. The move was such a natural and welcoming experience from the moment they stepped foot on the campus on the very first day of class. Every teacher and administrator made all of us feel at home, like we had been a part of the family all along. Carson and Peyton are beyond happy! They enjoy going to school, love their friends, and their teachers are passionate, caring, and thoughtful. The smiles on their faces when we drop them off in the mornings and pick them up in the afternoon let us know they are in the right place. There are many traditions and school events on the St. Mark’s Campus that we look forward to in the years to come. We are equally excited to support this amazing school and to serve as volunteers. We look at this experience as a wonderful blessing and opportunity for us to give back to a school and “family” that welcomed our entire family and made us all feel at home. ESJ
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Moving to Ortega in the spring of 2009 was an exciting time for our family! I was pregnant
with my first child and my husband, Jason, and I loved the quiet, friendly, walkability of the neighborhood. I attended an Open House on the St. Mark’s Campus for potential new families in 2012. I was highly impressed with the campus, faculty, staff, and other families in attendance and immediately enrolled my daughter for the upcoming school year. With a professional background in the non-profit field, I have always relied heavily on volunteer
Jessica Ryals
support. When I stopped working after having my son Keegan in 2012, I began to volunteer at
various capacities on the St. Mark’s Campus. When I step foot on the campus, I immediately have a feeling of warmth, peace, and joy.
My children, Kailyn ‘27 and Keegan ‘30, had been at St. Mark’s Campus for two years when I chaired the Dinner and Auction fundraiser. From finding the caterers and soliciting sponsors to acquiring auction items and coming up with the theme, I had never planned an event of this magnitude from start to finish. One of my early volunteer highlights was delivering welcome yard signs to new students. My route took me approximately 25 minutes away. One family happened to be home and was in disbelief that anyone had driven that far to deliver two yard signs! It was an amazing feeling to volunteer my time that day. I also have served on the Ortega River Run Committee for the past three years. I love this committee, the event, and the effect it has on the entire Jacksonville community! I am always impressed with seeing the runners come from other cities and states to our beautiful campus to take part in this Grand Prix race. Everyone was so excited to be able to pull the 2021 Ascension St. Vincent’s Ortega River Run together during a pandemic year and have a safe and enjoyable time for the whole family.
In addition to helping with special events welcoming new families, I have come to LOVE my six years of volleyball coaching at St. Mark’s. The elation on the students’ faces and the love they acquire for the game throughout the season is why I have continued to serve. It is never easy to see your players give everything they have in a game and come up short, but the lessons they learn from these experiences are what is important. When the players find ways to compliment each other, share an observation, and discuss their strengths and struggles from matches, my heart sings with joy. These young people are becoming passionate about a sport and the lessons they are learning will carry them onto the next level -- in the classroom, on the court, in their home, or in their personal lives. Volunteering at St. Mark’s can be something as simple as bringing cookies and brownies to the Fall Festival or helping to stock the teacher’s lounge during Teacher Appreciation Week to chairing an event. Maybe I’m just a born volunteer, but I know that I plan to continue to donate my time, efforts, energy, and coaching to St. Mark’s as long as they will have me. When Kailyn and Keegan have graduated from fifth grade, I plan to still spend many days on the St. Mark’s Campus, helping out wherever and whenever I am available. ESJ
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Steve Williams, a beloved educator, friend, and colleague on the St. Mark’s Campus for 30 years, passed away on June 11, 2021. Steve taught math and social studies and led the school’s annual trip to Washington, D.C., taking many children on their first ever visit to the nation’s capital. In honor of Steve, Episcopal School of Jacksonville established a fund in July 2021 to transform and name the
The Steve Williams Library and Learning Center Fund
St. Mark’s library. While the library has served the St. Mark’s Campus well, it has not had meaningful upgrades since its construction in 1978. This effort will add leading edge technology and media resources to a facility that will be the academic center of the campus for all current and future students. The Steve Williams Library and Learning Center will
include a large-scale mobile hanging in the center of the room, memorializing Steve’s well-known classroom mobile collection. This centerpiece will be dedicated to Steve as a gift from all of his former and current colleagues.
The Steve Williams Library and Learning Center will foster the educational growth of every student, making it an ideal tribute to the impact that Steve had over his many years of teaching children at St. Mark’s Campus.
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BEACHES Finding a school community during the
summer of 2020 brought a lot of uncertainty. The pandemic provided challenges and concerns about what a school year would look like for our son. Based on the recommendation of a co-worker, we toured the Beaches Campus only a few months before the start of school. I was impressed by the campus and educational philosophy and enrolled our son for the upcoming year in Pre-K 3.
The Mayo Family
We found ourselves connecting with the school community by volunteering to help out classroom teachers, during events, and wherever the school needed help with anything. One of our earliest memories was during the Trunk or Treat event and we
decorated our golf cart with a Wild Kratz theme and handed out power discs to the students. As a first time family and parent I quickly joined the Parent Social Committee and was also asked to be the ultimate school cheerleader as a Parent Ambassador Co-Chair for the Admission Office. There were so many opportunities to get involved, even when many schools around the country were closed. I also joined several committees that included Beach Bash (formerly Parent Social). I loved the school’s philosophy of “how, not if”during an unprecedented year of planning events. The Parent Social surpassed its goal and offered a new way to think about the annual event going forward. The parents loved the “Glamping” theme and the casual approach to community fellowship and stewardship.
To any new family, I would recommend familiarizing yourself with our school community, and a great way to do that is to volunteer. Volunteering at school connects you with other families and is a great opportunity for you to be a part of your child’s educational journey. Working alongside parents who also care about the school allows you to broaden your network of friends.
Our son is now entering his second year at Episcopal. When we are not volunteering at school, you can find us camping, fishing, and enjoying anything outdoors. I own Print and Party Shop and am also a cheer instructor at Infinity All-Stars Gymnastics. Mason is a pharmacist and entrepreneur as well. As first-time donors and as new parents, we see how all gifts, large or small, make a difference!
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When Mary Anne and David Baker sent
their daughter Maria to St Paul’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Day School in 1980’s, they had no idea their relationship with the school would still be going strong more than 40 years later. But that’s exactly what happened, and countless teachers and students have benefited. The Bakers were so pleased with the education provided for their daughter Maria, they wanted to help make the Beaches Campus experience even better. They gave generously
Mary Anne and David Baker
to the school, and, as the family grew, the couple’s four grandchildren and greatgrandchild joined the Beaches Campus family as well.
When their daughter Melissa started working at the Beaches Campus, however, that planted the seed for the Bakers to contribute to the technology enhancements around the campus. “We wanted to find a way to support the school that has given so much to our family,” says David. “We wanted to find a way to further enhance the amazing work the faculty and students are doing on the campus. Technology just made sense.” The Bakers were able to provide new iMac computers in the Media Center and quality programming to support the students. Another source of satisfaction for the couple has been seeing their granddaughter as a faculty member at Beaches Campus. “Our granddaughter is not only an alumna of the Beaches Campus, but God has brought her back to Jacksonville to make a difference in her students’ lives,” says David. “School is the foremost fountain of knowledge children are exposed to, and we are blessed to be able to provide resources for their growth and development in these early years. Our family and I are fortunate to make a difference to the Beach Campus students as they start their education journey.”
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Beaches Campus Gym and Fine Arts Center Episcopal announced plans for expansion on its Beaches Campus, which includes breaking ground on a new gym, performing arts, and common use space. This new space will provide Beaches Campus students with opportunities to develop in multiple ways, including athletic and fine arts skills. Children for years to come will benefit from this new space and it will foster community through the events the campus will be able to host.
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Beaches Campus Gym Donors Lynn and Bob Alligood Aqua East Surf Shop Johnnie Breed Charles and Rushton Haskell Callaghan ‘82 Lori and Terry Cordell Jeanne and Chip Cordes Cathy and Alex Cranberg Carolyn Dennard Elisa and Nando Formoso Adam and Martha Greene Amberlee and Phillip Hewett Jennifer and Ben Ketchum Missy and Will Ketchum ‘84 Katie and Andy Kidd ‘99 Celeste and Laurence Kroll Susie and Jim Metcalfe Adam and Shauna Forsyth Moore ‘97 Susan Pajcic Nancy Parks Connie and Russ Pecoraro Betty and Tom Petway Lindsey and Ty Petway Lori and Jack Schmidt ‘70 Halyna and Daryle Scott Jo and Gary Swallow Steven and Amy Harris Wacaster ‘94
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BACKYARD BASH 2021 EVENTS Backyard Bash 2021, held on the Munnerlyn Campus for Upper and Middle School parents, raised $55,500 for the school. Through the leadership of Heidi Matey and Shannon Connell, the Buck Student Center was transformed into a beautiful backyard setting. Dinner was served by Biscottis and Ben Jammin Entertainment provided the music. Episcopal’s annual silent auction was a highlight of the evening.
Backyard Bash 2021 Committee Heidi Matey (co-chair) Shannon Connell (co-chair) Jennifer Brown Erica D’Arienzo Andrea Frick Martha Greene Madeleine Hamel Sunny Turner Hartigan ‘88 Catherine Kotchen Jennifer Maggiore Ingrid McCawley Neeta Nicholson Suni Parks Candace Ravis Lindsey Lastinger Riggs ‘90 Ashley Robinson Christy Rosen Lindsay Runnels Schelon Seefeld Allison Stefanides Rebecca Witt Gretchen Whipple
2021 Bash Donors Dawn Adams Dede Allen Mike Alton Chandler Bateh ‘19 Biscottis Holly Blanton Art Bono’s Jennifer and Henry Brown Carlos Campos Glenn Carter Chef’s Garden Grace Chepenik ‘17 Mark Chesser Closets by Design Lauren Conners ‘20 Dopazo Orthodontics Kayla Durden Megan Elsila Kasse Eppley ESJ Athletics Department ESJ Boosters ESJ FANS (Fine Arts Nurturing Students) ESJ Parents Association Suzanne Friedline Ferber ‘87 Matt Flakus Elisa and Ferdinand Formoso Bill Gist Glen Kernan Golf & Country Club Leah Glotzbach William Gorman Krista Grabher Darion Green Martha and Adam Greene Deborah Harvey Alex Hernandez
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Greg Hersey Christy Hodges Jacksonville Icemen Mike Jones Michelle Krueger Rebecca Lemmon Lisa Gielincki Interior Design Marco Macias Manifest Distilling Philippa Marks Heidi and Mark Matey Ingrid McCawley Medure Restaurant Group Montage Palmetto Bluff Clement Petit Candace Ravis Rock Creek Cattle Company Christy and Jeff Rosen Natalie Rosenberg Sage Carson Smisek Jordan Smith Colton Spurlock Chip Stroud The Bearded Pig The Effect Med Spa The Haskell Company Timuquana Country Club Carolyn Tuttle ‘03 Veritas Winery Robert Wilkins Sandra Fene Wolfson Special Thanks Champion Brands Earth Works EventWorks
A Vision for Art Raises More Than $96,000 for the St. Mark’s Campus The second annual A Vision for Art was held Friday, April 16 Sunday, April 18, in the Lori Schiavone Commons on the St. Mark’s Campus. More than 120 pieces of artwork by 41 artists were sold to support continued enhancements of St. Mark’s Campus’s fine art programs and strategic projects. The event exceeded its goal and raised $96,734 for the campus. To kick-off the A Vision for Art weekend a Patron Preview Reception and Opening Night Celebration were held on Friday, April 16, with approximately 250 guests in attendance. The Lori Schiavone Commons was magically transformed into an art gallery. An elegant dinner was catered by Chef’s Garden. Longtime Episcopal supporters Joan and Preston Haskell were the title sponsors of the event. A Vision for Art was made possible by the dedication of the St. Mark’s Campus art teacher Bebe Alexander. Committee members included Claudia Adams, Bebe Alexander, Susan Kwartler, Caroline Pope, Marieka Richards, and Melissa Vogt. This year’s Artist Selection Committee included Bebe Alexander, Kevin Calloway, Michelle Calloway, Preston Haskell, Holly Keris, and Emily Magevney.
Mark your calendars for the 2022 A Vision for Art Opening Night Celebration on Friday, April 22! 2021 Artist Selection Committee Bebe Alexander Kevin Calloway Michelle Calloway Preston Haskell Holly Keris Emily Mageveny 2021 Event Committee Claudia Adams Bebe Alexander Susan Kwartler Caroline Pope Marieka Richards Melissa Vogt Curator Joan and Preston Haskell
Patron Linda R. Alexander Diane Graham Group 4 Design, Inc. Meta and Hugh Magevney Mrs. Walter A. McRae, Jr. Enthusiast Duval Motor Company Jo Ann Lampe, in Memory of Lisa Lampe Rogers ‘85 Sally Surface Advocate All About Events Peggy and J.F. Bryan Nancy and John Burrows Chatham Personnel Enterprises, Inc. Meg and Charles Commander
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Vicky and Charlie Commander Angela and Christian Cummings Dermatology and Laser Center Annie and George Egan Kay and Michael Fellows Florida Plastic Surgery Group Margaret and Dink Foerster Laura and Billy Howell Emily and William Magevney ‘00 Miller & Company Real Estate Luanne and John Milward Elizabeth Rodriguez and Eric Sauvageau Beverly and Tim Sleeth Sandra and Richey Smith The McArthur Family Foundation
Ascension St. Vincent’s 2021 Ortega River Run Exceeds Fundraising Goal The 43rd Ortega River Run was held on Saturday, February 27, and proved once again to be a true community event! It was a wonderful morning of fitness and fun that benefitted the St. Mark’s Campus financial aid program with Ascension St. Vincent’s as the title sponsor for the third consecutive year. The event included a total of 40 sponsors who helped to make the event a success. Despite a limit on runners due to COVID, the event exceeded its goal and raised $73,472 for the school. The St. Mark’s Campus welcomed 1,283 registered runners on race day. Approximately 200 spaghetti dinners were sold the evening before the race. The 2021 Ortega River Run Committee was led by Jessica Ryals and Amanda Trimble, CoChairs, and committee members Kelli Chunn, Rebekah Hagan, Susan Kwartler, Lacey Mauritz, and Melissa Vogt.
Mark your calendars for the 44th Ascension St. Vincent’s Ortega River Run on Saturday, February 26, 2022!
2021 Race Committee Jessica Ryals, Chair Amanda Trimble, Co-Chair Rebekah Hagan Susan Kwartler Lacey Mauritz Melissa Vogt
Silver Acme Barricades CenterState Bank Dentistry 4 Children & Teens 2 iVenture Solutions Kids First Dentistry Wingard
Title Ascension St. Vincent’s
Bronze 1st Place Sports Running B and B Advertising, Inc. Chick-fil-A Coastal Equipment Systems, Inc. Cogent Bank Crown Pools Incorporated Dermatology and Laser Center FastSigns Florida Yacht Club Miller & Company Real Estate
Platinum Duval Motor Company Gold Clear Channel Outdoor W.W. Gay Mechanical Contractor, Inc. WJXT- Channel 4
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Optimal Imaging Ortega Orthodontics Jessica and Jason Ryals Elizabeth Rodriguez and Eric Sauvageau Southeast Orthopedic Specialists St. Mark’s Episcopal Church The Loop Special Thanks Carefree Boat Club Jacksonville Happy Hound Dog Resort Lillian’s Sports Grill Normandy Dentistry and Lakewood Dentistry Sihle Insurance Group Timuquana Country Club Tropical Smoothie Cafe United Soccer Alliance
Glamping Parent Social Exceeds Goal The 2021 Beaches Campus annual Parent Social theme this year was “Glamping” and the event, held Friday, March 26, took place on the lawn of St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church, followed by a virtual auction. The evening featured opportunities to bid on items and experiences in support of the school community. Glamping succeeded in raising more than $32,000 for the campus! Parent Social Committee Members included: Elisa Formoso, Laura Dilorenzo, Amberlee Hewett, Kimberly Mayo, Alex Crawford, Lori Cordell, Trish Bowles, and Shannon Everett.
Donors Camilla Abrahams Dede Allen Beaches Campus Parent Committee Trish and Christopher Bowles Katie Black-Bowling ‘95 Denise Cinnamond Lori and Terry Cordell Jeanne and Charles Cordes Laura and James Dilorenzo Weatherly Donald ESJ FANS (Fine Arts Nurturing Students) Shannon and Robert Everett Elisa and Ferdinand Formoso Amy Gay Carley Glasser ‘05 Melody Harding Gretchen Henson Amberlee and Phillip Hewett
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Jennifer Ketchum Andy Kidd ‘99 Midge Lilly Nicole Limbaugh Christy Maurer Kimberly and Mason Mayo Ashley Ann McGehee REB Phillips Print and Party Shop Rachel Ricker Leslie Sale Strike Zone Camerone Strine Jody Tomaszewski Shane Tripp Anne Wiggins Maggie Wilson
MUNNERLYN CAMPUS Episcopal Fund Chairs New Parent Chairs, Sunny Turner Hartigan ’88 and Joseph Hartigan Middle School Chairs, Cara and Mike Hillyard Upper School Co-Chairs, Kim Goodman and Candace Ravis Class of 2021 Parent Chairs, Frances Poitevent Hutto ’88 and Mark Hutto Alumni Co-Chairs, Mary Lanier Cook ’94 and Peter Blumeyer ’08 Eagle Society Chair, Brad McCollum ’08 Grandparent Chairs, Jeanette and Rick Rader Parent of Alumni Chairs, Alina and Manuel Oliver Faculty and Staff Co-Chairs, Krista Grabher and Ben Leer Corporate Partner Co-Chair, Elias Salameh Episcopal Fund Chair, John Magevney ’89 Episcopal Fund Parent Representatives Lauren and Mike Barker
Crystal and Ershod Jasey
Renee and Abe Bateh
Traci and Mark Jenks
Shannon and Ed Bisher
Nandita and Kevin Jones
Carina Santalucia and Kevin Blalock
Karin and Scott Linn
Katie Long Borghese ’97 and Skip Borghese
Allison and Joel Luker
Andrea Boyd
Rhonda Campbell-Mann
Shelly and Mike Cavendish
Ingrid and Peter McCawley
Shannon Chaffin
Julie and Bill McLaurine
Stephanie and Mark Chesser
Kat and Nathan Miller ’88
Meg and Charles Commander
Brynne Miller
Shannon and Matt Connell
Lynne and Niels Murphy ’88
Lori and Kevin Conner
Kerri Cannon Napoleon ’94 and Nick Napoleon
Sarah and J.J. Conners
Peggy and Dade Nigro
Tanya Coomes
Carey and Brad Officer
Erica and Justin D’Arienzo
Katherine and Chris Rabil
deAnne and Chris DeLeon
Raymur Walton Rachels ’85 and Phil Rachels
Susannah Clarke Doherty ’89 and Jim Doherty
Kathy and Rick Ramsey
Anna and Jon Farrin
Candace and Ray Ravis
Suzanne Friedline Ferber ’87
Carolyn and Gerald Reid
Heather and Lou Fouts
Emily and Patrick Rhodin
Andrea and Drew Frick
Natalie and Mark Rosenberg
Tabitha and Hal Gatewood
Kimberly and Scott Sheppard
Annie Hughes Goldfield ’86 and David Goldfield
Leigh and Barney Smith
Kim and Dan Goodman
Emily and Eli Stovall
Cindy Harris and Scott McMillan
Suzanne and Wade Taylor
Sunny Turner Hartigan ’88 and Joseph Hartigan
Lori and Mike Trobaugh
Cara and Michael Hillyard
Liz and Paul Van Brunt
Deanna and Greg Holland
Heather Smith Visali ’94
Frances Poitevent Hutto ’88 and Mark Hutto
Avery and Taylor Williams
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ST. MARK’S CAMPUS Episcopal Fund Chairs Parent Chairs, Chloe and Chris Wood Grandparent Chairs, Mary Jane and Jay Trimble Faculty and Staff Co-Chairs, Bebe Alexander, Lucy Bolt Jones, Wendy Hulsey Corporate Partner Co-Chair, Alex Graham ’00 Episcopal Fund Parent Representatives Randa and Neil Blethyn Elaine Martinez-Koziol and Jason Koziol Emily and William Magevney ’00 Carol and Worth McArthur ’04 Stephanie and Matt McCullough Mistee and Jason Richards Jessica and Jason Ryals Elizabeth Rodriguez and Eric Sauvageau Callie and Ross Sprague ’06 Amanda and James Trimble Chloe and Chris Wood
BEACHES CAMPUS Episcopal Fund Chairs Parent Chairs, Lori and Terry Cordell Grandparent Chairs, Jeanne and Charles Cordes Faculty and Staff Chair, Stacy DuPont Nash ’88 Corporate Partner Co-Chair, Ferdinand Formoso Episcopal Fund Parent Representatives Lori and Terry Cordell Christine Covington Donia and Bill Crime Erica and Chris DeStephano Shannon and Matt Everett Niki and Jonathan Philips Julie and Andrew White Sarah and John Zak
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Parents’ Association Katherine Rabil, President Melissa Wilkins, Vice President Stacey Gray, Secretary Juli Davis, Treasurer
Volunteers provided Christmas at Episcopal, with donuts and hot chocolate available before the start of school in December.
The 2020-2021 Parents’ Association in the St. John’s Cathedral courtyard.
The Parents’ Association hosted a Middle School Family Drive-In Movie Night on Friday, October 2. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle was shown on the River Fields, and attendees could listen on the car radio. Drinks and snacks were also provided. ESJ
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MUNNERLYN PARENT ASSOCIATIONS Boosters Aronson Kagiliery, President Dawn Stratton, Vice President Lynne Murphy, Secretary Michelle Wright, Treasurer
Boosters hosted the Senior Athletic Banquet on May 2, 2021, honoring Episcopal’s graduating athletes for their contributions to Eagle sports over the years. Julian Smith ’21, who will swim at the University of Florida, receives the award for Best Athlete in a Single Sport.
FANS (Fine Arts Nurturing Students) Aimee Parker, President Ingrid McCawley, Vice President Mica Brown, Secretary Margy Coscia,Treasurer
FANS supported several student performances this year, including the fall variety show on the Kirwan Flag Plaza, Fans of Masks Since 500 BC, and group shows around the city. ESJ
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Melissa Vogt, President Rebekah Hagan, Vice-President The 2020-2021 Parents’ Association went above and beyond for the St. Mark’s Campus teachers and students despite physical limitations due to Covid-19. In December, parents hosted a lovely lunch delivered by High Tide Burrito. Teachers continued to feel loved from afar during Teacher Appreciation Week thanks to a delicious lunch catered by The Florida Yacht Club, gift certificates for manicures, flowers and succulents, and much more!
As a result of a gift from the PA, a LEGO Design Studio wall was installed in the Innovation Lab. The LEGO wall facilitates hands-on, multi-sensory STEAM, robotics and collaborative practice for Pre-K through fifth grade students. Students have opportunities to create projects through a combination of directed skill mastery lessons and student choice projects. “We are extremely grateful to the Parents’ Association for continuously striving to support our wonderful school,” said Susan Kwartler, Director of Development, St. Mark’s Campus. “Providing students with the opportunity to develop math, early engineering, social and spatial awareness skills through play will serve them well into adulthood!” Thank you to all St. Mark’s Campus families who volunteered and supported the Parents’ Association in 2020-2021.
Melissa Vogt and Rebekah Hagan, Parents’ Association leadership in 2020-2021
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BEACHES CAMPUS PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION Amberlee Hewett, President Kimberly Mayo/Erica DeStephano, Parent Ambassador Co-Chairs Shannon Everett, Secretary Sara Middlebrooks, Homeroom Parent Coordinator Julie White, Volunteer Coordinator The 2020-2021 Parents’ Association on Beaches Campus fully supported the life of the school by organizing monthly lunches for the faculty and staff during professional development days, and supporting teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week. Delicious lunches catered by various restaurants, gift certificates for manicures, car washes, flowers, and more showed faculty how much they are appreciated!
“The support of the Parents’ Association truly made a difference in the daily lives of the faculty, staff, and students and their experience on campus,” said Jennifer Ketchum, Head of Lower School, Beaches Campus. “We are very grateful for their enthusiasm and love for our school!” Thank you to all Beaches Campus families who volunteered and supported the Parents’ Association with their time in 2020-2021.
Teacher Appreciation Week breakfast in the Faculty Workroom.
Teacher Appreciation gifts given to faculty and staff during Teacher Appreciation Week.
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The 1966 Society recognizes the most loyal supporters to Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Named for the year Episcopal was founded, this giving society recognizes donors who have made a gift to the school for five or more consecutive years. Faithful support of the school is a hallmark of the strength of our community.
35+ Years
Debbie and Jonathan Rogers ‘76 Mary Kathryn Smith Judy and Carl Stoudemire ‘75 Becky Vodrey ‘73 Allan and Sally Burton Walton ‘74 Dori and Bill Walton ‘70 Terry and Lon Walton ‘77 Marion and Bob Zeiner
Judy and Sandy Avent ‘73 Michael and Penny Cummings Bell ‘76 Hazel and Tom Donahoo Marlo Drake Margaret and Dink Foerster Drew and Lee Haramis ‘77 Beth and Michael Kirwan ‘81 Allen and Delores Lastinger Hal Lynch Lauren Dupree Mahoney ‘76 Kay and Mike Zambetti
30 – 34 Years
Anonymous (1) Vance and Clare Gebert Berry ‘73 Charles and Rushton Haskell Callaghan ‘82 Carolyn and George Cooper Candy Oberdorfer Edwards ‘70 and Mike Edwards ‘70 Saundra and Bob Kidd Sam Moss Harry and Anne Bamberg Robinson ‘76 Cyndi and Kent Schmidt The Thomas M. and Irene B. Kirbo Charitable Foundation Mike Zambetti ‘80
25 – 29 Years
Ann and Al Beach † Mimi and Jimmy Bryant Peter and Jill Langford Dame ‘74 Carol and Neil Daraskevich Jennifer and Tommy Donahoo ‘84 Phil Gibbs and Lanier Drew ‘76 Sue and Keesy Goebertus Debbie and Bobby Lee Hicks Patty and Rick Jones Missy and Will Ketchum ‘84 Meta and Hugh Magevney Marta and Tom Pauly Kim and Mike Rickey ESJ
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20 – 24 Years
Anonymous (1) Rick Alexander ‘82 Bank of America Matching Gifts Donna and Raymond Bateh Wes Bowling and Katie Lebhar Black-Bowling ‘95 Peggy and J.F. Bryan Florence and Tom Calhoun Teri and Ron Chenot Jackie and Pat Crandall Kasse and Roy Eppley Jack Gallagher Libby and David Hackney ‘77 Tedi and Frank Hamilton Meredith Wachtel Hines ‘90 and Ed Hines ‘80 Annabelle Hudmon Val and Bruce Jackson ‘79 Mary Krombach Michelle and Dean Krueger ‘83 Susan Kwartler Melodie and Dan Langford ‘82 Amy Foerster Lyerly ‘84 and John Lyerly ‘86 Ellen and John Magevney ‘89 Laura and Michael Magevney ‘87 Betty Ann and Barnum McCarty † Annetta McCoy Dina and Jeff Middlekauff Bjorg Murphy Lynne and Niels Murphy ‘88 Peggy and Dade Nigro Elena and Jorge Oliver ‘99 Dendy and Rallis Pappas Kate and Greg Pritchard Ryan and Lindsey Lastinger Riggs ‘90 Sally and Thomas Russo 2021
Leslie and Steve Sirbaugh Pat and John Slevin Allison and Trip Stanly ‘89 Margie Stevens Julie and Ken Vontz ‘82 Sherrie and Warner Webb Mark and Claire Dudley Wilkiemeyer ‘89 Suzy and Dan Wolff Gail and Charley Zimmer
15 – 19 Years
Ashley and John Adams Holly and Will Allen ‘93 Karsten and Claudia Saenz Amlie ‘87 Beville and Greg Anderson Patty and David Barksdale ‘84 Sally and Bill Barnett Angela and David Bast Tom and Valerie Pearch Bow ‘79 Mike Brozowski Janet and Kevin Buford Charlie Clayton Meg and Charles Commander Gail and Bob Connery Barham and Mary Lanier Cook ‘94 Maria and Jeff Cornell Susanne and Darren Dailey Bur Davis ‘76 Juli and Troy Davis ‘93 Julia Sonntag Daze ‘72 and Doug Daze ‘72 Lanny and Bob Dickson Scott and Heather Halliburton Douglas ‘94 John Dwyer Annie and George Egan Shari and Tom Evans ‘70 Karin and Mason Flint Holland and Charles Gibbs ‘87 Carolyn and Don Glisson Cheree and Hampton Graham ‘04 Frances and Alex Graham ‘00 Cathy and Robert Hardage Joseph and Sunny Turner Hartigan ‘88 Bonnie and Barry Henry Lucy and Bill Hoffman Missie and Kelly Hoyt Katie and Andy Kidd ‘99 Renee Mackoul Klein Emily and Sean Magee ‘98 Emily and William Magevney ‘00 Seana and Matt McAfee Ann and Ed McCarthy Talona Mae and Fred William Melber Scholarship Fund Heather Rainey Moseley ‘88 and Jim Moseley ‘80 Cristina and Eddy Oliver ‘00 ESJ
| 45 |
George Ossi ‘89 Mary and Clay Philips Nancy and Brian Prendergast David and Melissa McLean Richards ‘84 George and Carolyn Dixon Richardson ‘77 Kelly and Craig Risdon Diane and Brian Rose Jamie Russo ‘97 Sue and Peter Sabo Julie and Dave Shapiro Kelly and Hamilton Slye ‘91 Jordan and Robb Smith ‘99 Sheila and Matt Thompson Danielle and Arnie Tritt ‘81 Sharon and Herschel Vinyard Pam and Doug Walker Cindy and Chris Ware ‘76 Avery and Taylor Williams Steve Williams † Jervis and Emily Humphries Wise ‘99 Alison and Danny Witkovich Chris and Robin Klein Yates ‘95
10 – 14 Years
Anonymous (1) Claudia and Bill Adams Linda Roe Alexander Lisa and Walker Allen ‘85 Amgen Jenny and Douglas Anderton Sharon and Rip Atkinson Karen and Oliver Barakat ‘88 Krissy and Daniel Barkas Renee and Abe Bateh Diane Bates Kate and Andy Bates Susan and Michael Batten Franklin Beard ‘70 Karen and Ned Becker Nancy and Kevin Bodge Tamara and Jeff Bogan Sarah and Michael Borns Kathryn and Edwin Branch Pat Brown Stephanie and Christopher Brown Philippa Marks and Brad Bullington Nancy and John Burrows Jennie Trimble Busey ‘97 and Brooks Busey ‘95 Dan Candeto ‘02 Michael Candeto ‘72 Chris Chenot ‘05 Sean Chenot ‘11 Kelli and Charles Chunn ‘98 Julie and Kevin Cofran 2021
Allison and Kip Collins Ken and Cindy Mire Davis ‘85 Ashley and Keith Daw Andrew Deskins Anne Draper Jenny and David Dulaney Barbara Duncan ‘74 Duval Motor Company Bill Elder ‘79 David Ertrachter Estate of John Michael Kelly Andrew Evans and Karen Harris ‘77 Shannon Miller and John Falconetti ‘85 Ann and Terry Farmand Colleen O’Reilly and James Fellows Kay and Michael Fellows Marin Flint Kathleen and Samuel Foley Valerie and Brian Francois Erich and Sam Hyde Geisler ‘00 Allison and Allen Ginder ‘85 Leah and Spence Glotzbach Mike and Suzanne Weatherford Graham ‘72 Helen Rowan and Paul Halloran Mary and Frank Hamilton John and Leyden Haynes Hane ‘94 Doug Henning Laura Hershberger ‘04 Belinda and David Hess Greg and Sherry Smith Hieb ‘80 Cara and David Hodges ‘90 Christy and Michael Hodges Denise and Scott Hudmon Megan Elsila and Tom Hunt Bernie Hurley Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute Tracy Jester Andrea and Scott Jevic Christopher and Heather Newman Johnson ‘90 Lynell and Kirk Johnson Cathy Kanaday and Scott Kasierski Andrea Rizzi and Randall Kato Jeanie and David Keener Neil and Suzanne Sollee Kelleter ‘91 Dorothy and Gil Kerr Christine and Bob Kirk Tara Kneale Stephanie and Joe Kohla Janet and Ron Kolar Harukazu and Judy Wiggins Kouri ‘72 Jean and Ross Krueger Ginger and Tony Kurlas Paige and Mark LaBorde ‘84 Patrick and Cheryl Farmand Leddy ‘97 Emily and Matthew Levenson ESJ
Diane and Dan Libera Beth and Don Lucchesi Jennifer Lyles Don and Anne-Marie Forbes Lynn ‘95 Ashley and Doug McCain ‘77 Cathy and Joe McQuade Matt Michel ‘03 Jo Miller Leigh Anne and William Milne ‘00 Kate Moorehead Rayni and Jason Moret Minka and Izudin Mujanic Nick and Kerri Cannon Napoleon ‘94 Jake and Stacy duPont Nash ‘88 Mike Newcomb Alex Nichols Chris and Katherine Donahoo Nott ‘90 Whitney Oren ‘72 Kristy and Louis Parker Nancy Parks Harry and Amy Burrows Perkins ‘92 Ann and Richard Powell Beth and Nick Pulignano William Rachels Tracy and Steve Ralys Jennie Ruckman Rankin ‘89 Michelle and Kenny Ray Fiki and Wes Revels Sandy and Webster Riggs Annette and Lew Ritter Adrienne and Willson Ropp ‘80 Steve and Sarah Ketchum Ruth ‘80 Meg and Jon Sacks Josephine Sanchez Ann and Frank Scheu Lori and Jack Schmidt ‘70 Judy and David Senesac Elaine Adams and Behrooz Seyed-Abbassi Carla Shaw Silvana and Jeff Silvernale Bev and Tim Sleeth Eric Stanley Allison and Aron Stefanides Pamela and Bill Steitz Bridgett and Chip Stroud Teri and John Teems Ed and Cris Scott Tennant ‘82 Carol and George Terre The Jess & Brewster J. Durkee Foundation Denise Thomas Angeline and Jim Treace Tritt & Associates, P.A. Tyra and Mark Tutor Deena Bateh Wallace ‘00 and John Wallace ‘00 Chris Lenz and Kate Wallis ‘01
| 46 |
Anne and Joe Waryold Rebecca and Ed Witt Rebecca and Tony Zebouni
5 – 9 Years
Michelle and Mike Cavendish Brandee and Paul Charles Joyce and Ed Charron Kelly and Matt Charron ‘87 Emmie and David Chase Stephanie and Mark Chesser Sarah Chitwood Stacy and Todd Chupp Judy and Keith Clausen Whitney and Charles Cobb ‘83 Melissa and Patrick Coll Carolina Collins Leelee and Kevin Conklin Shannon and Matt Connell Christine and Tim Conner Sarah and J.J. Conners Conser Moving and Storage Lili and Jon Corbin Margy and Dean Coscia Greg and Maggie Fish Craddock ‘87 Christa and Joshua Crapps Sara and Rick Culbreth Angela and Christian Cummings Karen and Dan Curran Carole and Dale Daniel Karen and Mark Darr Beverly and Glenn Davis Davis Capital Management Leslie Dawson Kim and Frank DeLong Joy and Hilton Dempsey Margarita Vendrell and Ignacio Diaz Dani Diem Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP Gina and John Donahoo ‘88 Leandra and Abe Dopazo Michele and Bill Doro Shannon Driscoll ‘17 Lara Westmoreland Duguid Diane and Robert Dupree ‘74 Pam and Sunday Ero Carolyn Ezzell ‘72 Tricia Sanchez-Salazar Fechtel ‘80 and Mark Fechtel ‘81 Melissa and Doug Fenton Patti Fink Carol Fitzgerald † Matt Flakus Kelly Flanagan ‘02 Sue and Ted Fligor Marie and John Forbes Heather and Lou Fouts Charles Frankel Crystal and Michael Freed Christie Freel Victoria Register-Freeman and Robert Freeman
Anonymous (14) Brandi and Magnus Akerstrom Bebe and Ted Alexander Kimberly and Whitney Allemand Lucia Allen Mike Alton AmazonSmile Kerry Anderson ‘93 Marla and Geddes Anderson Gwen and William Armstrong Beverly Baker Dana and Scott Baldwin ‘86 Keegan Ball ‘12 Chris and Jeff Bankston Lauren and Mike Barker Mary and Hampton Barnes Kari and Richard Barron Amy and Zan Beaver Melissa and Ernst Bell Michele Bell-Badger Benevity Mackenzie and OB Bera Charlie Berg ‘10 Berry & Co. Real Estate Caroline and Luke Berson Arveen Bhasin Shannon and Ed Bisher Devon and Peter Blumeyer ‘08 Linda Bodenhamer Chrissy and Pat Bodin Stacie Bogan Sandy and Bill Bond Skip and Katie Long Borghese ‘97 Jason and Cara Freeman Bowyer ‘92 Jami and Jack Broekema Anna and Dave Brosche Mica Smarse and Robert Brown Jenny and Mike Brumback Joyce and George Brumback Stacy and Mark Brunell Jackie and David Busse Whitney Butler Karen and James Buxton Capital Dimensions Wealth Management Ashley and Andy Carroll Tonya and Glenn Carter Joan Carver Hilary and James Case Paige and Scott Cattin ESJ
| 47 |
Andrea and Drew Frick Andrew Gabriel ‘17 Kristina Gabriel Tricia Gardner Amy and Kevin Gay Leslie and Darren Glenn ‘91 Dee and Roger Gober David and Annie Hughes Goldfield ‘86 Marilynn and Ira Goldfield Becky and Steve Goldwasser Kim and Dan Goodman Krista Grabher Diane Graham Greg Gray Darion Green Martha and Adam Greene Lea and Henry Griffin Debbie and Pete Gunnlaugsson Homa and John Guy Hanaa and Samir Habashi Jen Hauser Mary Hayden Barrie Hayes ‘79 Rodney and Jennifer Stopiak Hayes ‘90 Erica and Mike Hayman Laura Leigh and Andy Haynes Stephanie and Cary Helton Lanae Savu and John Henson Natalie and West Herford Brook and Jon Hicks Jennifer Highsmith ‘05 Justin and Karen Nelson Hill ‘74 Beth Collins Himes and Steve Himes Vicki Mein Hinton ‘70 Deanna and Greg Holland Lynn Ray and Jay Hooper Kathleen and John Horton Tonia Brousseau and Jeffrey House John and Ashley Helmick Howard ‘07 Diane and Peter Hoyt Angie Hughes Shannon and Jay Huie Wendy Hulsey Mark and Frances Poitevent Hutto ‘88 Marilyn and Robin Hyde George and Leigh Elizabeth Black Israel ‘05 Todd and Stephanie Athey Jarvis ‘91 Lucy and Bonner Jones Susan McArthur Jones ‘05 and Richard Jones ‘01 Holly Joyner Amber and Sean Junker Aronson and Jim Kagiliery Crystal and James Kato Andree and Brian King Marilynn and Don Kohla ESJ
Julia and Pete Komaroski Karie and Joe Kovacocy Paula and John Kowkabany Donovan LaFavor ‘17 Carol Lane Lucy Lee Ben Leer Katie LeMaster ‘75 Rebecca Lemon Angie and Wade Lindsey ‘89 Karin and Scott Linn Charlotte and Brian Logullo Deanna Thornton Lombardo ‘10 and Robert Lombardo ‘08 Amy and David Lupo Randall and Anna Sadler Mann ‘08 Rhonda Campbell-Mann Suela and Al Mansur Bonnell Martens Elizabeth Scarborough Marziale ‘77 Jennifer Charron Maxwell and Bill Maxwell Scottie May Courtney and Tom McCaughey Ingrid and Pete McCawley Katie and Brad McCollum ‘08 Barbara McCullen Undine and Kevin McEvoy Jen and Charlie McGarity Paige and Chris McGee Rebecca and Jon McKinney Cindy Harris and Scott McMillan Connor McQuade ‘19 Jillian and Matthew Medure Brenda and Jim Messink Teresa and Vance Meyer Julie and Rob Mickler Miller Electric Company Stephania and Steve Million Bette Len and Jack Mitchell Brian Monroe Jeanine and Alan Moore ‘73 Murphy & Anderson, P.A. Perrin and Tom Murray Kim and Jeff Nelson Becky and Lee Nimnicht Laura Phelps Nord and Eric Nord Carey and Brad Officer Connie and Jim Overton Annie and Curry Pajcic ‘87 Susan Pajcic Aimee and Jason Parker Conway Parker Mary and Peter Pierson Laura Jane and Buck Pittman Geoffrey and Sarah Reid Vinyard Place ‘10
| 48 |
Kristan David Podvia ‘88 and Rob Podvia ‘86 Leigh and Bob Polster Wendy Woolard Prindle ‘78 and Kevin Prindle ‘77 Kathryn and Chip Pruden Claire Pulignano ‘05 Candace and Ray Ravis Michelle and Renard Rawls Pat and Robert Ream Laurie and Pat Reese John Regan ‘94 Carolyn and Gerald Reid Mistee and Jason Richards Donna Rocco Natalie and Mark Rosenberg Kathy Rossiter Jessica and Jason Ryals Allie Smith Sabo ‘11 and Mason Sabo ‘09 Caroline Sabo ‘10 Libbie Sabo ‘13 Cate Sadler ‘05 Cynthia and Lou Salameh Elizabeth Rodriguez and Eric Sauvageau Elizabeth and John Sawyer Dina and George Sayar Mark Schnitzius Stephanie Schuster Teresa and Keith Seagle Tricia and Chad Senesac ‘98 Jhan and Steven Shaaber Rita and George Shalley Shellie and Walt Shay Kimberly and Scott Sheppard Dawson Simpson ‘17 Ross and Sally Haskell Singletary ‘86 Warren and Cristi Peterson Skeels ‘91 Emily and Ryan Sloan Art Small ‘93 Chris and John Smith Donna and David Smith Leigh and Barney Smith Nick and Amanda Farmand Smith ‘01 Brian and Samantha Schwinger Snyder ‘91 Katherine Snyder Bill and Julie Wiggins Sorenson ‘98 Denise and Jason Spinning Kathy and Fred Stephens Sharon and Bob Stevens Robert Still ‘17 Lizzy Stokes ‘17 Brandi and Dom Strada Ann and Charlie Stuart John L. Summerlin III Lori and Don Paul Swain Barb and Ken Sweder Barbara and Phil Swift ESJ
Catherine and Sam Swingle Anu Murthy and Amrish Tandon Ronald Taylor The Sheik Sandwiches and Subs Amy and Wally Thomas ‘77 Ann and Rich Thompson TIAA Bryce Tiller Mary Jane and Jay Trimble Lori and Mike Trobaugh Tropical Smoothie Cafe Carolyn Tuttle ‘03 U.S. Legal Services Bea and Claudio Varella Varella Endodontics Brenda and Chris Vermillion ‘87 Monica Viggiano Thomas Vinyard ‘13 Heather Smith Visali ‘94 Francine Andia Walker ‘77 Olga and Mark Walker Ginny and Perry Walthour David Wandel Stephen Waryold ‘17 Kit and Pete Washburn Dianne and Mike Waters ‘80 Marcus Wells ‘90 Kiara Wessling Alexis and Al Westbrook Eugenia Westbrook Stephanie and Brandon Westerman ‘99 Beth and Brad Whitchurch Alex Whitehead ‘19 Megan Wickenden ‘06 Melissa and Carleton Wilkins Jennifer and Lance Windley Angie Wingert Amy and Greg Wong Chloe and Chris Wood Richard and Katharyn Smith Woods ‘07 Becky and Bill Woodward Jason Worley Michelle and Jonathan Wright Terry Rodriguez-Yip and Dan Yip Charlie and Jeff York Charlotte York ‘17 YourCause, LLC Loretta and Martin Zubero
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The Great Oak Society honors and thanks donors whose contributions during the 20202021 school year to The Episcopal Fund, restricted funds, endowment, or pledge payments to the capital campaign total $2,000 or more. These generous leadership gifts provide the foundation of voluntary philanthropic support that sustains current operations and stewards the school for the future.
H ead of School Circle |
Cheree and Hampton Graham ‘04 Eileen and Mike Grebe Helen Rowan and Paul Halloran Denise Duke Hunt Ginger and Tony Kurlas Talona Mae and Fred William Melber Scholarship Fund Marian and Rip Poitevent Suzanne and Eric Prockow † Diane and Brian Rose Lori and Jack Schmidt ‘70 The Jess & Brewster J. Durkee Foundation Cindy and Chris Ware ‘76 Elizabeth Sprague and Josh Zachariah ‘99
($50,000 And Above)
Anonymous (1) Fran and Zinka Benton-Rzeznik Stephanie and Mark Chesser Shannon and Matt Connell Conser Moving and Storage Meta and Hugh Magevney Nancy Parks Betty and Tom Petway Lindsey and Ty Petway The Benton Family Foundation Winston Family Foundation
K eystone Circle |
($25,000 TO $49,999)
F ounders Circle |
($15,000 TO $24,999)
Ashley and John Adams Mary Anne and David Baker Christine and Dwight Cooper Cathy and Alex Cranberg Karen and Dan Curran Duval Motor Company Estate of John Michael Kelly
($10,000 TO $14,999)
Anonymous (1) Tamara and Jeff Bogan Jennifer and Henry Brown Eleanor and Kendall Bryan Marlene and Perry Chappell Meg and Charles Commander Vicky and Charlie Commander Margy and Dean Coscia Theresa and Bill Dahl Juli and Troy Davis ‘93 Margaret and Dink Foerster Diane Graham Amberlee and Phillip Hewett Margaret Jason Jennifer Johnson Paige and Mark LaBorde ‘84 Lara and Bob Leinenweber Ellen and John Magevney ‘89 Patti Eckert McMurdie ‘84 Miller Electric Company Kent Motes ‘70 Katie Jason Oldoerp ‘96 Elizabeth and John Sawyer
Charles and Rushton Haskell Callaghan ‘82 Lori and Terry Cordell Linda and Rip duPont Shannon and Matt Everett Kelly Flanagan ‘02 Heather and Lou Fouts Frances and Alex Graham ‘00 NFL Foundation Summit Construction Management Group, LLC Christine and Randy Towers ‘78
P latinum Oak Circle |
| 50 |
Cyndi and Kent Schmidt Barb and Ken Sweder The Margaret and Jack Tarver Foundation The Ralph N. and Anina M. Walter Charitable Trust Tyra and Mark Tutor Pam and Doug Walker
Andree and Brian King Virginia and Finley Knight Catherine and Peter Kotchen Aneesa and Karthik Krishnamurthy Katie LeMaster ‘75 Lucy and Andy McCain ‘80 Bobbie and Lee Mercier Adam and Shauna Forsyth Moore ‘97 Joannie Newton Alina and Manuel Oliver Connie and Russ Pecoraro Leigh and Bob Polster Candace and Ray Ravis Ryan and Lindsey Lastinger Riggs ‘90 Whitney and Graham Riley ‘00 Madelyn and Luke Sadler Abeer and David Samara Mark Schnitzius Ross and Sally Haskell Singletary ‘86 St. Mark’s Episcopal Day School Scholarship Fund Judy and Carl Stoudemire ‘75 Angeline and Jim Treace Danielle and Arnie Tritt ‘81 Sherrie and Warner Webb Amy and Greg Wong Chloe and Chris Wood Angie and John Wright ‘83 Zip Zipperer
G olden Oak Circle |
($6,500 TO $9,999)
Anonymous (1) Lauren and Mike Barker Maren and Paul Bertozzi ‘98 Sara and Rick Culbreth Mark and Frances Poitevent Hutto ‘88 Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute Elaine Martinez-Koziol and Jason Koziol Allen and Delores Lastinger Ann and Ed McCarthy Becky and Lee Nimnicht Susie and Joe Reinhardt Emily and Patrick Rhodin Pamela and Bill Steitz Steven and Amy Harris Wacaster ‘94
S ilver Oak Circle |
($3,500 TO $6,499)
Anonymous (2) Leinesa and Ken Adams Aqua East Surf Shop Lyssa and Christopher Ball Bank of America Matching Gifts Marcela and Russell Beard ‘96 Vance and Clare Gebert Berry ‘73 Andrea and Stacy Blair Peggy and J.F. Bryan Closets By Design Romany and Neal Cury ‘74 Davis Capital Management Joy and Hilton Dempsey Gina and John Donahoo ‘88 Kay and Michael Fellows Elisa and Nando Formoso Allison and Allen Ginder ‘85 Laura Grand Debbie and Pete Gunnlaugsson Paige and Ben Hakimian Cara and David Hodges ‘90 Lynn Inman William Inman Patty and Rick Jones
G reat Oak Circle |
($2,000 TO $3,499)
Claudia and Bill Adams Linda Roe Alexander Beville and Greg Anderson Attorneys’ Title Services, LLC Patty and David Barksdale ‘84 Amy and Joe Barrow Benevity Berry & Co. Real Estate Nancy and John Burrows Jackie and David Busse Mary Helen and Charles Cauthen Chatham Personnel Enterprises, Inc. Coastal Spine & Pain Center James Cochran Lisa Cochran Melissa and Patrick Coll Jenny and Kevin Cook Jeanne and Chip Cordes Jeffrey Crawford Crawford Electric Nancy and Howard Dale
| 51 |
Ashley and Andy Davis Ashley and Keith Daw Edna and Maxwell Dickinson Laura and Jim Dilorenzo Annie and George Egan Kasse and Roy Eppley Carolyn and Andrew Fogarty Marie and John Forbes Fortress Luxury Storage Victoria Register-Freeman and Robert Freeman Andrea and Drew Frick Holland and Charles Gibbs ‘87 Carolyn and Don Glisson Sue and Keesy Goebertus Ruth and Harvey Granger Martha and Adam Greene Melody and George Henley Cara and Michael Hillyard Deanna and Greg Holland Janet and John Hong Roselle and Steven Johnson Johnson and Johnson Matching Gifts Susan McArthur Jones ‘05 and Richard Jones ‘01 Heather and Michael Kelley Missy and Will Ketchum ‘84 Katie and Andy Kidd ‘99 Saundra and Bob Kidd Beth and Michael Kirwan ‘81 Karie and Joe Kovacocy Jean and Ross Krueger Rene and Lawrence Kurzius Debbie and Chris Landon Fran and Jim Lang Noel and Rut Liles Don and Anne-Marie Forbes Lynn ‘95 Emily and William Magevney ‘00 Jennifer and Matt Maggiore Scottie May Ashley and Doug McCain ‘77 Bette Len and Jack Mitchell Denise and Todd Moline Moline Electric Motor & Machine, Inc Kate Moorehead Lynne and Niels Murphy ‘88 Kim and Jeff Nelson Irene Leyva and Dave Nunes Meg Oliver Eve Culver Owens ‘89 Lori and Clint Pyle Remedy Workforce Specialists Marieka and Dervent Richards Sarah McLaughlin and Chris Robards Susan and Tom Ryan Jennifer and John Paul Saenz ‘89 Cynthia and Lou Salameh ESJ
Elizabeth Rodriguez and Eric Sauvageau Scherer Construction Silke and Tino Schuler Bev and Tim Sleeth Pat and John Slevin Claire and David Smith Emily and Brian Steffes Barbara and Phil Swift The Reinhold Family Foundation The Sheik Sandwiches and Subs The Thomas M. and Irene B. Kirbo Charitable Foundation Kirsten O’Neil and Micah Thompson Perry and Allen Todd ‘91 Mary Jane and Jay Trimble Tritt & Associates, P.A. U.S. Legal Services Sharon and Herschel Vinyard Georgia Wahl Terry and Lon Walton ‘77 Avery and Taylor Williams Jennifer and Lance Windley Rebecca and Ed Witt Susie and Ricky Wood Kay and Mike Zambetti
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school year in support of The Episcopal Fund, restricted funds, endowment, and pledge payments to the capital campaign.
I nvestor
($1,000 to $1,999)
Deborah and Steve Hyers International Medical and Cultural Foundation, Inc. Crystal and Ershod Jasey Nandita and Kevin Jones Sudha and Praveen Kanaparti Melinda and Hardee Kavanaugh ‘94 Holly and Craig Kobrin Marilynn and Don Kohla Janet and Ron Kolar Beth and Lane Lastinger ‘85 Chip and Nicole Clemons Lewis ‘97 Nicole and Jeremy Limbaugh Limbaugh Electrical Contracting Josh Longmire Hal Lynch Lauren Dupree Mahoney ‘76 Jessica Dumas-Margolin and Topher Margolin Christine and Bert Marshall ‘71 Mary Ellen Wechter and Juan-Carlos Martinez Kirsten and Josh Martino Jane and Douglas Miller Brian Monroe Murphy & Anderson, P.A. Nimnicht Chevrolet Company Cristina and Eddy Oliver ‘00 Jenny and Lee Oreair Lisa and Fred Page ‘85 Annie and Curry Pajcic ‘87 Aimee and Jason Parker Molly and Seth Phelps Laura Jane and Buck Pittman Amy and Peter Pollak Cyndi and Bill Rabil Jeanette and Rick Rader Frank Reneke ‘76 Richard L Oreair & Company Mistee and Jason Richards Lisa and Craig Roberts Ashley and Jay Robinson ‘90 Christy and Jeff Rosen Paula and Steve Rosenbloom Jessica and Jason Ryals Sue and Peter Sabo John and Linda Sarpy Fund Halyna and Daryle Scott Lauren and Rick Seibler Julie and Dave Shapiro Jenny and Brian Smith Judy and Taylor Smith Ashley and Scott Snyder
Anonymous Lynn and Bob Alligood Allison Ginder, Realtor Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Karsten and Claudia Saenz Amlie ‘87 Marla and Geddes Anderson Sally and Bill Barnett Donna and Raymond Bateh Susan and Michael Batten Franklin Beard ‘70 Irene and Pat Bishop Chrissy and Pat Bodin Sandy and Bill Bond Bono’s Pit Bar-B-Q of North Florida Skip and Katie Long Borghese ‘97 Kelly and Bill Buckingham ‘78 Brett Buerck James and Sally Ryals Burran ‘71 Capital Dimensions Wealth Management Megha and Amit Chokshi Kelli and Charles Chunn ‘98 Charlie Clayton Mallory and William Cooper Angela Corey Maria and Jeff Cornell Lauren and Nick Courtney Peter and Jill Langford Dame ‘74 Daisy and Mike Davidson Peggy and Matt Davis Margarita Vendrell and Ignacio Diaz Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP Hazel and Tom Donahoo Leandra and Abe Dopazo Dopazo Orthodontics Phil Gibbs and Lanier Drew ‘76 Carolyn and Mark Dumolien Elizabeth and Patrick Dussinger Charles Frankel Becky and Steve Goldwasser Edward and Lee Covington Graham ‘70 GrowthSpring Enterprises Allyson and Ed Hall Madeleine Combs-Hamel and Randy Hamel Nancy and Bill Hetzel Shannon and Jay Huie Susan and John Humes ESJ
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Episcopal gratefully acknowledges the following donors for their gift during the 2020-2021
Robin and Don St. Denis ‘80 Alice and Richard Stratton Patricia and Michael Taylor Ed and Cris Scott Tennant ‘82 Denise Thomas Kim and Jim Thompson Nanette and Harold Tool ‘84 Lori and Mike Trobaugh Jackie and Ryan Uitti Maria Valente Bea and Claudio Varella Varella Endodontics Kathryn and Kristian Villano Susan and Ray Walden Tommy Walter Patton and Larry Weber Rupal and Sidney Wells ‘91 Eugenia Westbrook Crystal and Samule Wilson Katie and Brian Wubker
C ornerstone
($500 to $999)
Leslie and Carlton DeVooght ‘90 Lanny and Bob Dickson Celeste and Leonard Dodrill Jim and Susannah Clarke Doherty ‘89 Helen and Mark Dorion ‘77 Scott and Heather Halliburton Douglas ‘94 Dunlap, Ravis & Miller Earth Works Design & Maintenance, Inc. Katie and Darryl Elksnis Micci and Will Ellis Pam and Sunday Ero Charles and Susan Tuggle Fairchild ‘78 Ann and Terry Farmand Samantha and Brandon Farmand ‘04 Tricia Sanchez-Salazar Fechtel ‘80 and Mark Fechtel ‘81 Colleen O’Reilly and James Fellows Kimberly and Joe Fess Carol Fitzgerald † Jennifer and Chris Flakus Patti and Tom Flannery Kathleen and Samuel Foley Gina and Ruple Galani Karen Gallagher GameTruck Jacksonville Heather and Lane Gardner Gate River Run Amy and Kevin Gay Dee and Roger Gober David and Annie Hughes Goldfield ‘86 Kim and Dan Goodman Carol and Clark Hamilton ‘73 Joel Harms ‘88 John Haug ‘99 John Hazard ‘70 Stephanie and Cary Helton Katherine and Anthony Hicks High School 9 12 Inc Jennifer Highsmith ‘05 Robert Hines Vicki Mein Hinton ‘70 Michelle and Jim Horning Diane and Peter Hoyt Missie and Kelly Hoyt Icon Experiences Val and Bruce Jackson ‘79 Julie Shaner and John Janick Mary Lyn and TF Jenkins Johanna Tous and Luis Jimenez Karen Johnson Amber and Sean Junker Katie and Peter Kirill Sarah and Doug Knowles Nancy and Dick Kohler Paula and John Kowkabany Michelle and Bill Laird Nikki and Duke Lewis Diane and Dan Libera Karin and Scott Linn Charlotte and Brian Logullo Beth and Don Lucchesi
Anonymous (1) Lisa and Walker Allen ‘85 Amada Senior Care of Jacksonville Marielle and Ali Amoli Garlene and Mike Atcherson Katie McArthur Athey ‘00 and Whit Athey ‘94 Russell and Mary Burke Baker ‘93 Karen and Oliver Barakat ‘88 Kari and Richard Barron Cindy and Jim Barsamian Susie and Michael Bateh Blenda and Aaron Berrier Shannon and Ed Bisher Carina Santalucia and Kevin Blalock Daniel Blanchard Devon and Peter Blumeyer ‘08 Brad Officer Realtor Group Kathryn and Edwin Branch Rob Burden and Carey Wodehouse ‘99 Jennie Trimble Busey ‘97 and Brooks Busey ‘95 Florence and Tom Calhoun Cal-Tech Testing, Inc. Michelle and Mike Cavendish Emmy and Frank Cerveny Shannon and Mark Chaffin Ana Chindris Peyton and Doug Chunn ‘97 Judy and Keith Clausen Whitney and Charles Cobb ‘83 Julie and Kevin Cofran Sarah and J.J. Conners Barham and Mary Lanier Cook ‘94 Joanna and Simon Curtis deAnne and Chris DeLeon Debbie and Tom Deppe ESJ
| 54 |
Kimberly and Scott Sheppard Rebecca and Matthew Simpson Misty and Michael Skipper Leigh and Barney Smith Nick and Amanda Farmand Smith ‘01 Clarinda and Doug Solomon Allison and Trip Stanly ‘89 Kristen and David Stewart Bre’Onna and Larry Stoney Emily and Eli Stovall Dawn and Patrick Stratton Faith and Matthew Thomas Beth and Tracy Upchurch ‘74 Vie Home Services Heather Smith Visali ‘94 Julie and Ken Vontz ‘82 Jennifer and John Waldrop Amber and Aaron Walker Julie and Samuel Wartell Caroline and Steve Werber ‘83 Wesnic, Inc. Anne Wiggins WJXT- Channel 4 Terry Rodriguez-Yip and Dan Yip Sarah and John Zak Patty and Bob Ziomek
S teward
($250 to $499)
Anonymous (2) Katie and Rob Adams Brandi and Magnus Akerstrom Hillary Owen and Jay Alexander Kimberly and Whitney Allemand Holly and Will Allen ‘93 AmazonSmile Amgen Gwen and William Armstrong Leslie and John Atchison Chris and Jeff Bankston Mariam and Reza Barikbin Debbie and Robert Bass Angela and David Bast Renee and Abe Bateh Margaret and Wirt Beard Jennifer and Stephen Bechan Alanna and Joel Berger Jayne and Charles Bickerstaff Allison and Dan Blanks Ann and Marc Blatt Randa and Neil Blethyn Flo and Tom Bliss ‘70 Tammy and Bill Bobo Beverly Bonaparte Johnnie Breed Paula and Tom Brice Annie and Josh Bryan ‘03 Chris Buckingham ‘11
| 55 |
Laura and Michael Magevney ‘87 Maria and John Malone Anne and Randall Anna and Tony Marinatos Christy and Beau Maurer Cynthia May Carol and Worth McArthur ‘04 Emily and Jason McCarthy Brian McCollum ‘09 Barbara McCullen Stephanie and Matt McCullough Jim McKee Rebecca and Jon McKinney Julie and Bill McLaurine Cindy Harris and Scott McMillan Medtronic Foundation Brenda and Jim Messink Jim Meyer Teresa and Vance Meyer Kelly Ingram-Mitchell and Garrett Mitchell Cynthia and Jim Montgomery Michelle and Alex Moore Stephanie and Ellis Morris Heather Rainey Moseley ‘88 and Jim Moseley ‘80 Jake and Stacy duPont Nash ‘88 Melissa and Jason Nelson Alex Nichols Caroline and Gene Nichols ‘88 Bill and Allison Helmick Nicholson ‘84 Peggy and Dade Nigro Laura Phelps Nord and Eric Nord Chris and Katherine Donahoo Nott ‘90 Carey and Brad Officer Elena and Jorge Oliver ‘99 Connie and Jim Overton Esther and Bruce Payne Mary and Clay Philips Caroline and Luke Pope Kim and Ken Purcell Stacy and Chris Quinn Katherine and Chris Rabil Kathy and Rick Ramsey Donna and Bill Reed Carolyn and Gerald Reid Lynne and Bryan Rhode Jane and Mark Riechmann Maria and Chris Riley Kasey and Levi Ritter ‘97 Renee Roberts Kristen Tackett and Richard Rogers Natalie and Mark Rosenberg Lindsay and Nicky Runnels Dana and Michael Salerno Sawgrass Asset Management, L.L.C. Ann and Frank Scheu Mishayla and Michael Schmidt ‘96 Scout & Molly’s Boutique Everette and Kristen Schmidt Seay ‘92 Schelon and Paul Seefeld Judy and David Senesac
Janet and Kevin Buford Karen and Joe Camerlengo Barbara and Kin Cannon Joan Carver Krystyn and Matt Case Melanie and Jim Caserta Paige and Scott Cattin Allison and John Chan Jeremy and Kathryn Schulz Ches ‘97 Shari Chisholm Stacy and Todd Chupp Denise and Eric Cinnamond Marie and Scott Cleary Jane and Clint Collins Lori and Kevin Conner Collins Cooper ‘94 Heather and Will Courtney Sarah and Tim Crass Alexandria and John Crawford Amy and John Cumbow Lourdes and Kevin Dale Carole and Dale Daniel Searcy and Bill Dannheim Karen and Mark Darr Bur Davis ‘76 Ken and Cindy Mire Davis ‘85 Julia Sonntag Daze ‘72 and Doug Daze ‘72 Christopher Dell Andrew Deskins Erica and Chris DeStephano Brenda and Mike deVaux Melissa Devers Susan and Greg DeVino Michelle and Bruno Do Amaral Jennifer and Tommy Donahoo ‘84 Michele and Bill Doro Rainey and Eric Drake Melissa and Robert Dykes Kayla and Josh Earrey Candy Oberdorfer Edwards ‘70 and Mike Edwards ‘70 Megan and Donnie Edwards Andrew Evans and Karen Harris ‘77 Carolyn Ezzell ‘72 Kristin and Dan Fadale Shannon Miller and John Falconetti ‘85 Anna and Jon Farrin Dan and Dorothy Legler Fasbinder ‘87 Suzanne Friedline Ferber ‘87 Keena and Kevin Finn Mary and Richard Fortson Joanna and Adam Frantz Kimberly Hyatt and Jane Freedman Jared Futch ‘98 Justin and Aimee Maire Gabbard ‘89 Emily and Stephen Garrett Tabitha and Hal Gatewood Angela and Kurt George Staci and Tom Gibson James and Sara Burnett Granberry ‘99 Stacey and Gary Gray ESJ
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Darion Green Margie and Chuck Griffith Hanaa and Samir Habashi Rebekah and Chris Hagan Chris Hall ‘84 Julia Hanway ‘70 Cathy and Robert Hardage Andy Harold Michelle and Andy Harold Ann and Martin Harrell Jessie and Holt Harrell Joseph and Sunny Turner Hartigan ‘88 Pam and Corkey Harvey Rodney and Jennifer Stopiak Hayes ‘90 Zach Heaton ‘16 Patty and Chris Henderson Doug Henning Keelen and Matt Henson Natalie and West Herford Scott and Lori Harrell Hershey ‘82 Belinda and David Hess Brook and Jon Hicks Patty and Bob Higgins Jennifer and Curtis Hill Beth Collins Himes and Steve Himes Patti Himes Meredith Wachtel Hines ‘90 and Ed Hines ‘80 Jeff Hite Christy and Michael Hodges James and Sarah Bryan Holyer ‘97 Cecilia and Tyler House John and Ashley Helmick Howard ‘07 Denise and Scott Hudmon Christine and Brad Hudson Kelly and Tom Hughes Genevie Baroso and John Huynh Marilyn and Robin Hyde Michelle and Mark Jackson Todd and Stephanie Athey Jarvis ‘91 Jackie Jenkins Neff Jenkins Christopher and Heather Newman Johnson ‘90 Jamie and Brent Johnson Cynthia and Mike Jones Ola Batarseh and Eyad Kawar Jeanie and David Keener Kelsay and Billy Knox Rosa De Jorio and Bert Koegler Stephanie and Joe Kohla Kona Ice of Jacksonville Celeste and Laurence Kroll Mary Krombach Karen and Brandon Kuebler Susan Kwartler Teresa and Larry Lancaster Carol Lane John and Deanna Braddy Larus ‘83 Helen and Scott Laseter ‘80 Dana and Matt Laurie Tom Lavelle 2021
Leigh and Richard Palmer Harry and Amy Burrows Perkins ‘92 Mike and Jennifer Johnston Perkins ‘89 Dana and Travis Peterson Erin and Phillip Peterson PGA Tour Stephanie Piraino Geoffrey and Sarah Reid Vinyard Place ‘10 Beth and Gregory Poe Kate and Greg Pritchard Beth and Nick Pulignano William Rachels Jane Ashley and Randy Racine Tracy and Steve Ralys Michelle and Kenny Ray Gail and Bob Reese John Regan ‘94 Fiki and Wes Revels Sandy and Webster Riggs Annette and Lew Ritter Hillary Silva and JC Ruiz Amy and Bill Russell Jamie Russo ‘97 Jane and Michael Ryals Mary and Mike Salameh Hala and Waddah Salman Dina and George Sayar Suzanne and Skip Schinsing Teresa and Keith Seagle Carolyn and Everette Seay Elaine Adams and Behrooz Seyed-Abbassi Shannon Shea ‘89 Tracy and Paul Shorstein Alisia Martin and Dwelvin Simmons Kelly and Hamilton Slye ‘91 Art Small ‘93 Chris and John Smith David Smith ‘01 Jordan and Robb Smith ‘99 Katherine Snyder Bill and Julie Wiggins Sorenson ‘98 Eva Spanos Kristin and Jon Spickelmier Callie and Ross Sprague ‘06 Amy and Russ Stapleton Deborah States Sharon and Bob Stevens Sandra and Val Stieglitz ‘70 Samantha and Joe Stokes Bridgett and Chip Stroud Claudia Franco and Michel Succar Rachel and John Sullivan John L. Summerlin III Brian and Shaara Pajcic Swallow ‘99 Anu Murthy and Amrish Tandon Heidi and Charles Taylor Kristy Taylor Ronald Taylor Suzanne and Wade Taylor Troy and Sissy Chitwood Templeton ‘80 ESJ
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Patrick and Cheryl Farmand Leddy ‘97 Carolyn and Byoung Lee Aly and Chris Leeper Ben Leer Angie and Wade Lindsey ‘89 Melissa and Todd Lineberry Gwynn and Sam Livingston Jennifer and Eric Livingston Carol and David Lombardo Shirley and Jimmy Love Ellen Lovejoy ‘88 Allison and Joel Luker Kristy and Todd Luschen Jila Mahajan Amy and Ryan Maloney Randall and Anna Sadler Mann ‘08 Rhonda Campbell-Mann Suela and Al Mansur Karen and Mark Marousky Mandi and Jim Marth Lori and Bob Massey ‘75 Tiffany and Harry Massey Seana and Matt McAfee Katie and Brad McCollum ‘08 Kristin McCormack Courtney and Eddie McCormick Kate and Trip McCoy Paige and Chris McGee Stacy and Matt McKinney Robin and Chris McLendon Cathy and Joe McQuade Jillian and Matthew Medure Bonnie and Andy Melin Nicole and Frank Melograna Tammy Meyer Julie and Rob Mickler Ana Sanchez-Micolucci and Anthony Micolucci Molly and Matt Miles Frederick and Julie Greene Miller ‘84 Jennifer and Zach Miller ‘00 Kat and Nathan Miller ‘88 Kat Miller Mary Claire and Ted Miller ‘87 Noel and Tripp Miller ‘91 Melissa and Sean Moneypenny Mary Liz Ware Moore and Jimmy Moore Keri and Ed Morales Rayni and Jason Moret Beth and Tom Morris Karron and Matt Morrow ‘70 Jennifer Leslie and Robert Mueller Kristy Murphy Perrin and Tom Murray Phillip Nacoste Tonia and Doug Neill Photis Nichols Tanya and Michael Oakman Whitney Oren ‘72 Kathleen and Seth Pajcic ‘95 Susan Pajcic
Amanda and Matt Thoele Elizabeth and Charles Thomas Ann and Rich Thompson Renee and John Thompson Bryce Tiller Sandy and Chris Tomberlin Pamela Tomlin ‘98 Amanda and James Trimble Christen and Frank Trogolo Tropical Smoothie Cafe Diane and David Tuttle Tracy and Robert Tyson Thomas Vinyard ‘13 Gwinn and Paul Volen Nolita and Ted Wacaster Jane McDowell Wahl ‘78 and Hal Wahl ‘77 Olga and Mark Walker Anne and Joe Waryold Chelsey and George Washington Dianne and Mike Waters ‘80 Keri Waters Finley and Chris White Julie and Andrew White Heather Burnett Wingard ‘93 and David Wingard ‘92 Randy Kammer and Jeff Wollitz Becky and Bill Woodward Elaine and Stephen Woolsey Jason Worley Justin Yi Charlie and Jeff York Elise and Tyler Zacharias Gail and Charley Zimmer
B uilder
(up to $249)
Tanya and Kenneth Arnett ‘84 Shawn Asmuth Bob and Lyda Larkins Astrove ‘77 Sharon and Rip Atkinson Judy and Sandy Avent ‘73 Rae and Chip Avery AVL Productions Ken Badger Tiffany Davis and Chris Baggett Tygh and Stephanie Chesson Bailes ‘87 Emily Bailey ‘14 Beverly Baker Adrienne and Chuck Baldwin ‘90 Dana and Scott Baldwin ‘86 Keegan Ball ‘12 Tonya Ball Farah Barake Krissy and Daniel Barkas Jack Barksdale ‘19 Mary and Hampton Barnes Benjamin and Christine Lin Barraud ‘93 Amy and Jason Barringer John and Alison Montgomery Bartz ‘78 Chandler Bateh ‘19 Dylan Bateh ‘11 Diane Bates Kate and Andy Bates Marti Baugh Greg and Catherine Van Cleve Bauman ‘77 Max Baumer ‘08 Susan and Bill Baxley ‘77 Michael Baxter ‘84 Michelle Baxter ‘07 Ann and Al Beach † Heather and Charlie Beard ‘89 Stefanie and John Beaubouef Amy and Zan Beaver Jennifer and Kevin Beck Karen and Ned Becker John and Lilli Denmark Behrens ‘77 Pamela and Alan Belcher ‘78 Beverly Bell Melissa and Ernst Bell Michael and Penny Cummings Bell ‘76 Trey Bell ‘19 Michele Bell-Badger Cary and Doug Benefield Elizabeth and Randy Benton ‘80 Mackenzie and OB Bera Charlie Berg ‘10 Jane and Ken Bergquist Peter and Rachel Gatz Berkowitz ‘88 Liz and Vance Berry ‘05 James and Christa Siracusa Berse ‘88 Caroline and Luke Berson Arveen Bhasin Lori and Mike Bittner Shanteria Black Anna Blake ‘15 Cathryn and Homer Bliss ‘77
Anonymous (16) Trey Abney ‘12 Camille and Wyle Abrahams Audrey and Justin Adams Dawn Adams Thomas Adkins ‘15 Sam and Liz DeSaussure Akiky ‘78 Kittye and Jerry Albert Deborah James and Dunbar Alcindor Ted and Tyler Pirrung Alden ‘78 Bebe and Ted Alexander Bev and Mark Alexander ‘77 Rick Alexander ‘82 Emily Allemand ‘20 Lucia Allen Mandy and Justin Allen ‘04 Sarah Allen ‘18 Tim Allen Mike Alton Sandra Alton Kerry Anderson ‘93 Jenny and Douglas Anderton Stuart and Lisa Derr Archer ‘80 ESJ
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Michael Candeto ‘72 Kaitlin Mealor and Andrew Cannestra Brett and Brooks Fraleigh Cannon ‘97 Libby Rider Canon ‘91 and Rip Canon ‘85 Kyle Cardone ‘06 Kirsten Doolittle and Pat Carney Tanya and TJ Carr Ashley and Andy Carroll Patricia Carroll ‘78 Erin and Chris Carson Gabi Carter ‘19 Julie and Dennie Carter Ronnie Carter Tonya and Glenn Carter Hilary and James Case CeeCee and John Cassidy Ellyn Cavin ‘88 Christopher and Andrea Gray Cawley ‘90 Brandee and Paul Charles Joyce and Ed Charron Kelly and Matt Charron ‘87 Rosine and Ken Charron ‘77 Carmen Sacerio Chartrand ‘93 and Jason Chartrand ‘91 Emmie and David Chase Chris Chenot ‘05 Sean Chenot ‘11 Teri and Ron Chenot Colleen Bell and Craig Cherrin Adrian Cherry Tina Chester John Chitwood ‘77 Sarah Chitwood Katherine Christie ‘77 Sarah and Craig Churchill ‘82 Rochelle and Mickelson Civil Mary Beth and Justin Clark Simone Clark Jeff and Sarah Howarth Clarke ‘93 Sandy and Andrew Clarke Kelsey and Jack Clarkson Prissie and Teddy Clayman Lee-Ann and Sean Cleland Kirk Clews ‘05 Bill and Melinda Davis Cline ‘77 Allison and Kip Collins Carolina Collins Jan and Walter Collins Margaret Commander ‘19 Leelee and Kevin Conklin Christine and Tim Conner Gail and Bob Connery Jennifer Contin Beth and Bill Cook Bill Cook ‘90 Kathy and Ken Cook William Cook ‘20 Jessica Cooley Tanya and Mark Coomes Erin Coonan ‘15 Cadee Cooper ‘19
| 59 |
Kristie and Saunders Bliss Linda Bodenhamer Nancy and Kevin Bodge Stuart Bodin ‘19 Stacie Bogan Christy and Jeremy Bohanan Chuck Bonds ‘80 Chenissa Boone Crystal and Thomas Boone Marcia Booth Ben Borns ‘98 Sarah and Michael Borns Judith Boucias Tom and Valerie Pearch Bow ‘79 Bruce and Sharon Bundrick Bowater ‘80 Mary and Bruce Bower Trisha and Houston Bowles Wes Bowling and Katie Lebhar Black-Bowling ‘95 Jason and Cara Freeman Bowyer ‘92 Andrea Boyd Michael and Mary Jane Lott Brady ‘87 Claire Brandenburg Jefferson Brant Prescott Braude ‘10 Anne and John Brent Gail and John Brent Reggie and Judy Lin Bristow ‘88 Jami and Jack Broekema Tyler Brooks Anna and Dave Brosche Mica Smarse and Robert Brown Pat Brown Stephanie and Christopher Brown Mike Brozowski Jenny and Mike Brumback Joyce and George Brumback Stacy and Mark Brunell Christa Bryant ‘17 † Mimi and Jimmy Bryant Jennifer and Chet Buchanon Paul and Jami Gaff Bueker ‘90 Kristin and Casey Bulgin Philippa Marks and Brad Bullington Felicia Brown Bullock ‘78 Stan Bullock ‘80 Olga Oakley and Arthur Burgess William Burgstiner ‘08 Agnes and Matt Burhyte ‘94 Janie and Chandler Burroughs ‘77 Linda and Barry Burton Isabella Buschini ‘23 Marcia and David Bush Jalynne and Mac Butler ‘84 Whitney Butler Karen and James Buxton Lauren Lane and Stuart Byrne Wanda Callahan Marsha Calloway Jennifer and Mark Calvin ‘84 Dan Candeto ‘02
Carolyn and George Cooper Jimmy Cooper ‘88 Matt Cooper ‘19 Lili and Jon Corbin Sue Corral ‘89 Nick Coutros ‘19 Christine Covington Greg and Maggie Fish Craddock ‘87 Jackie and Pat Crandall Doug Crane and Dianne Morse ‘77 Christa and Joshua Crapps Polly Crawford ‘89 Tanya and Colin Cree Nick Crider Donia and Bill Crime Lisa Crooks Mac Crotzer ‘10 Crowley Cares Foundation Joseph Cullen Angela and Christian Cummings CeCe and Spencer Cummings Colleen and Colin Cunningham Carman and Harry D’Agostino Robin Dahlstrom ‘70 Susanne and Darren Dailey Brooks Dame ‘12 Mandy and Philip Dancel Carol and Neil Daraskevich Joe Daraskevich ‘03 Erica and Justin D’Arienzo Candice Elliott and Amy Davidson Jesse Davila Beverly and Glenn Davis Heather and Matt Davis Jamie and Sarah Williams Davis ‘98 Stephanie and Max Davis Leslie Dawson Melissa and Jason Dearing ‘93 Kim and Frank DeLong Michael and Karen Broward DeLuca ‘77 Shelly and Luis DeMendoza Mesha Demps Heather and Thomas Denmark Carolyn Dennard Justin Dennis Cara and William Dent ‘87 Heidi Luebke Dent ‘88 and Paul Dent ‘89 Nick DePeri ‘19 Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Susanne Partridge Dickinson ‘80 and Spencer Dickinson ‘80 Dani Diem Emilio Dinzelbacher Scott Dittmer ‘90 Stephanie and Jason Dittmer ‘94 Claire and Ivan Do Jane Donahoo ‘18 Sean and Weatherly Marshall Donald ‘08 Marlo Drake Anne Draper
Shannon Driscoll ‘17 Lauren Driver ‘19 Lara Westmoreland Duguid Jenny and David Dulaney Barbara Duncan ‘74 Sarah Overton Duncan ‘03 Cathleen and Kurt Dunkle Cliff Dunn ‘74 Diane and Robert Dupree ‘74 Mimi Gibbs Dupree ‘88 John Dwyer Amy Graves Edelberg ‘90 and Erik Edelberg ‘88 Jason and Kathryn Tompkins Edgecombe ‘94 Leland and Tim Edwards Krista and Chris Egan Bill Elder ‘79 Hannah Ellisen ‘14 Louise Ellisen ‘16 Patrick and Liza Barnett Emmet ‘91 Gayle Enzel David Ertrachter Irene Eskalis Stefanie and Ewell Estes Shari and Tom Evans ‘70 Jordan and Courtland Eyrick Laura and Mark Fackler Priscilla and Garry Fadale Amy and Richard Fannin Diana and Jonathan Fanning Emily Edmonson and Andy Farmer Julia and Tirbod Fattahi Pete Fawcett ‘79 Brittany and Nick Fedewa Chadwick Feeley ‘15 Glen and Susan Knight Feeley ‘83 Anthony Felton Melissa and Doug Fenton Cary and Carl Ferbrache Julie and Emmet Ferguson Joseph and Alise Key Ferranti ‘94 Brent Fickling ‘09 Patti Fink Camper Fitch ‘01 Caitlin Fitzpatrick Maureen Flaherty ‘84 Matt Flakus Courtney Flerlage John Fletcher ‘15 Sue and Ted Fligor Cristi and Russell Flint Karin and Mason Flint Marin Flint Matthew and Caroline Brame Flory ‘99 Rick Folino Leslie and Scott Foltz ‘84 Nicholas and Molly Davis Foukal ‘06 Bruce and Mary Tucker Fouraker ‘71 Michele and Michael Francis ‘88 Valerie and Brian Francois Michael and Julie Johnson Franken ‘84 ESJ
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Homa and John Guy Libby and David Hackney ‘77 Marianne Haferkamp Kimberly and Dave Haines Hollin Hakimian ‘19 Collette and Patrick Hale ‘94 Katie and Doug Hale Sandra Hale Henry Hamilton Mary and Frank Hamilton Susan and Craig Hamilton ‘73 Tedi and Frank Hamilton Arie and David Hammers Brandon and Caroline Foerster Hammond ‘94 Mary Jackson and Lee Handford John and Leyden Haynes Hane ‘94 Molly and Chris Hansen Drew and Lee Haramis ‘77 Lee Haramis ‘10 Jen and Brian Harbin Melody Harding Zac Hardy ‘08 Joel Harrison ‘99 Kami and Alex Harrison Tammy and Andrew Harrow Dorothy and Joel Hartman ‘97 Jen Hauser Allison and Jim Hawkes ‘80 Robert Hawkes ‘78 Lindsay and Ken Hawkins Mary Hayden Barrie Hayes ‘79 Erica and Mike Hayman Laura Leigh and Andy Haynes Susan Hayward Jennifer Jacobs Healan ‘87 and Jack Healan ‘91 Lloyda and Alexander Heilig Alli and Fred Heim Gisela Henderson Elizabeth and Scott Hendrickson Bonnie and Barry Henry Gretchen and Todd Henson Lanae Savu and John Henson Greg Hersey Laura Hershberger ‘04 Marie Hester Andy Hetzel Mary Kate and Drew Hickinbotham ‘11 Debbie and Bobby Lee Hicks Greg Hicks Kara and Tony Hicks Greg and Sherry Smith Hieb ‘80 Ben and Sharon Nelson Hill ‘77 Justin and Karen Nelson Hill ‘74 Allison and Bob Hillis Patti Crowe Hinkle ‘84 and Lane Hinkle ‘84 Leah and Carlton Hobgood Kris Hodges ‘15 Lucy and Bill Hoffman Kirsten and Andrew Hofheimer ESJ
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Sarah and Bob Franken Claire and Albert Franson Carrie and Towson Fraser ‘84 Elaine Fraser ‘77 Jordan Freeburn Crystal and Michael Freed Christie Freel LaToya Freeman Danielle and Michael Frei Cara and Nick Frey Catherine and David Friedline ‘84 Liam and Carroll Ann Friedman ‘84 Phillip and Leigh Anne Boynton Frye ‘94 Kathryn and Eric Fuller Nathan and Elizabeth Black Fulton ‘01 Branson and Carson Allcorn Fustes ‘90 Andrew Gabriel ‘17 Katie and Eric Gabriel Kristina Gabriel Derek Gaff ‘87 Jack Gallagher Steve and Erica Buelow Galpin ‘92 Eric and Kirsten Brewer Gant ‘93 Debbie Garces Tricia Gardner Erich and Sam Hyde Geisler ‘00 Lyn George Grant Georges ‘08 Laura and Chuck Gersbeck Dashaun Gibbons Joyce Gilbert Katie and Mike Gillikin Semreht Girmay Kyle and Lesley Marchman Gittings ‘06 Scott Givonetti Carley Glasser ‘05 Leslie and Darren Glenn ‘91 Leah and Spence Glotzbach Lauren Goebertus ‘01 Alexander Goldfield ‘19 Marilynn and Ira Goldfield Sandy and Scott Gonzalez Alexandra and Scott Gordon ‘93 Paul and Rachel Arteaga Gouin ‘80 Krista Grabher Mike and Suzanne Weatherford Graham ‘72 Monica and Richard Graves Greg Gray Laura Green ‘86 Freddy Greendeer-Dollison ‘19 Shelby Gregory ‘15 Lea and Henry Griffin Patrick Griffin ‘08 Chris and Jennifer Waugh Griffith ‘89 Lauren and Chuck Griffith Ken Grimes ‘88 Mike and Meg Sisk Grimes ‘93 Vickey and Howe Grover Bill Guthrie ‘78 Jennifer and Michael Guthrie
Jessica Hogan ‘19 Lynn McDaniel and Andy Hogshead ‘78 Kathie and Jerry Holden ‘77 Steve and Nancy Schoenberger Holland ‘84 Brooke and Charlie Holt ‘89 Lynn Ray and Jay Hooper Jenn Rood Hoover ‘01 and Ryan Hoover ‘00 Stephen and Taylor Lee Horne ‘00 Kathleen and John Horton Jennifer and Andrew Hostetler Elizabeth and Dave Hotchkiss Tonia Brousseau and Jeffrey House Charles Howard Misty and Chris Howard Rebecca Howes Annabelle Hudmon Angie Hughes Christine and Victor Hughes ‘93 Jane Hughes ‘84 Cindy and John Hull ‘84 Mark Hulsey ‘03 McMillan Hulsey ‘05 Wendy Hulsey Jake and Alicia Sacerio Humbert ‘89 Megan Elsila and Tom Hunt Bernie Hurley Dane and Jess Parks Hurst ‘99 Jono Hustis Emily and Jon Huth Jim Ingham ‘77 Linda Cobb Ingham ‘79 and Jim Ingham ‘77 Claire and Stuart Irving George and Leigh Elizabeth Black Israel ‘05 Valeria Jackson Kavana and Ashu Jagadish ‘88 Eva and Ken Jenkins Rachel and Chris Jenkins Tiana and Stephen Jenkins ‘97 Traci and Mark Jenks Joe Jennesse ‘07 Caroline and Charlie Jenney Tracy Jester Andrea and Scott Jevic Cori Jevic ‘15 Kimberlyn Johnson Lynell and Kirk Johnson Mark and Renee Hedgepeth Johnson ‘77 Caroline Johnston ‘19 Emily Johnston Kacey Johnston Brittany and Matt Jones Chelsea Intharawan and David Jones Jennifer and Ryan Jones ‘91 Lucy and Bonner Jones Michelle and Chris Jones Tee and Jared Jones Wayne Jones Paul Jorgensen ‘07 Matthew Joseph ‘19 Holly Joyner
Walton and Sheryl Scott Joyner ‘80 Aronson and Jim Kagiliery Cathy Kanaday and Scott Kasierski Andrea Rizzi and Randall Kato Crystal and James Kato Olivia Kato ‘19 Fara and Andy Kaufmann Nina Kazerooni Neil and Suzanne Sollee Kelleter ‘91 Steven Kelley ‘88 Matt and Tanya Samara Kellogg ‘91 Amanda and Christopher Kelly Linda and Timothy Kelly Mimi and Craig Kelly Sherri Kelly Charles and Kia Mitchell Kemp ‘93 Dorothy and Gil Kerr Ben Ketchum ‘19 Jennifer and Ben Ketchum James Kim ‘19 Derrick King Nathaniel King ‘19 Walker King ‘19 Mary and Ray Kircher Christine and Bob Kirk Joshua and Paige Hamilton Kirshner ‘08 Renee Mackoul Klein Sandra and Raymond Klein ‘89 Sarah Holyfield Hansel Klein ‘78 August and Stacey Spanos Knemeyer ‘84 Korey and Shauna Wuggazer Knott ‘94 Stephanie and Joe Kohla Megan and Eric Kolar ‘84 Lisa and Dave Kolster ‘88 Julia and Pete Komaroski Caroline Whitehead and Brian Korn Harukazu and Judy Wiggins Kouri ‘72 Tom and Kathryn Durkee Kovarik ‘91 Bru Krebs ‘89 Janice and Mike Kresin Michelle and Dean Krueger ‘83 Charles Kuebler Debbie and Louis Kuntz Courtney Kurlas ‘19 Jane Labossier Donovan LaFavor ‘17 Barbara Israel Lane ‘77 and Jeff Lane ‘73 Tina Lane Willie and Marion Smith Lane ‘09 Melodie and Dan Langford ‘82 Mary Laseter Amy Lastinger ‘91 Jennifer and Aaron Latta Will Law ‘08 Arianna and Walker Leary Ansley and Alex Lee Childress and Anne Grace Lee ‘84 Jane and Joseph Lee Lucy Lee Zach Lee ‘07 ESJ
| 62 |
Leah and Stephen McCorvey Annetta McCoy Frances McCurry Bill McDonald ‘77 Sarah McDonald ‘88 Undine and Kevin McEvoy Jen and Charlie McGarity Riley McGee ‘19 Ashley Ann Mcgehee Kyle McKnight ‘15 Ana and John McLaughlin Will McLaurine ‘19 Connor McQuade ‘19 Deb and John McWilliams ‘88 Courtney and David Meatte Lourdes and Joe Mella ‘89 Lindsee and Chris Mellott Edward Merry ‘80 Lucy and Phil Messana Susie and Jim Metcalfe Jim and Theresa Meyers Douglas and Julie Gannon Micalizzi ‘99 Jessica and Jeremy Michaud Matt Michel ‘03 Edward Mickler ‘80 Gracie Mickler ‘19 Sara and Erik Middlebrooks Dina and Jeff Middlekauff Sharon Booth Middleton ‘77 Robin Milam ‘89 Brynne Miller Jo Miller Lori and Eric Miller Lyle and Kristy Olson Miller ‘76 Stephania and Steve Million Jessica and Jordan Mills Leigh Anne and William Milne ‘00 Megan and Kyle Minturn Tricia Mire ‘88 Elizabeth Stovall Momberg ‘00 and Grant Momberg ‘99 Nikki and Mark Momberg Cheryl and Dan Montero Kate Montgomery ‘19 Rita and Gary Montour Andrew Moore ‘19 Jeanine and Alan Moore ‘73 Travis Moore ‘89 Jack and Julie McDowell Moorman ‘77 Tracy and Stephen Morgan Autumn Morrell ‘15 Robert and Virginia Thomas Morris ‘73 Cameron and Scott Morrow Andrew Moseley ‘20 Olin Moseley ‘19 Sam Moss Alex Motes ‘09 Minka and Izudin Mujanic Cody Muren ‘09 Bjorg Murphy Connor Murphy ‘19 ESJ
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Rebecca Lemon Jen and John Leschitz Emily and Matthew Levenson Mark LeVine ‘10 Dan Lewis ‘12 Natalie Lewis ‘14 Lindsay Libera ‘14 Midge and Stewart Lilly Nicole and Jeremy Limbaugh Alan and Jenni Johnson Linkous ‘84 Grace and Chris Lipari Norma Lockwood Deanna Thornton Lombardo ‘10 and Robert Lombardo ‘08 Dawn Hudson and Curtis Long Robert Lopata Courtney Suggs Lopez Alicia and John Lovejoy ‘87 Elizabeth and Trey Lovelace Garrett Lucey ‘15 Amy and David Lupo Erica and Christopher Luzar Amy Foerster Lyerly ‘84 and John Lyerly ‘86 Jennifer Lyles Shannon and James Lyvers Deirdre MacCarthy Rachel Ricker and Nelson Steinar Maceda Bonnye and Robert MacMillan Emily and Sean Magee ‘98 Bond Magevney ‘19 Xander Magevney ‘19 Lori and Norman Magyar Jamila and Michael Mainor Scott and Nancy Hogshead Makar ‘80 Paul Malzahn Heather and David Mandel Carmen and Frank Mantay John and Kristi Stafford Marinatos ‘91 Bridget and Justin Markley Tiffany and Aidan Marks Bart Martens ‘10 Bonnell Martens Justine Martin Elizabeth Scarborough Marziale ‘77 Danielle and Adam Mason Ken and Stephanie Buelow Massey ‘87 John and Elizabeth Chunn Matson ‘93 Lacey and Todd Mauritz Jennifer Charron Maxwell and Bill Maxwell Ceretha and Thaddeus Mayers Kimberly and Mason Mayo Betty Ann and Barnum McCarty † Courtney and Tom McCaughey Ingrid and Pete McCawley P.D. McCawley ‘14 Sarah McCawley ‘19 Ashley Wooden and Elijah McClain Shaleen McCormick Tammey and Edward McCormick ‘77 Karen and John McCorvey ‘80
Katy and Pat Murphy Pete Murphy ‘02 Trey Murphy ‘10 Joseph Murray ‘99 Nancy and Steve Murray Melissa Muzzy ‘89 Elaine Myers Niki and Ed Namyslowski Ardith and Frank Nance Nick and Kerri Cannon Napoleon ‘94 Ben Nasrallah ‘08 Laurie and John Naugle ‘94 Sharyn Nelson Andreas Neumann Kathleen Morris New ‘77 Pam and Fred Newbill Mike Newcomb Dani and Andy Nichols Jackie and Gerald Nichols Mitch Nichols ‘03 Jenn and Will Nields Todd and Meghan Lynch Niemczyk ‘89 Heather and Christopher Niemiec Jen and Cal Noble Ed Norman and Sally Hogshead ‘87 Taya and Mika Norris Tricia and Aaron Novak Adam and Colleen McDermott November ‘99 Shannon and Jay Nunley Oceanwalk Neighborhood Social Committee Tanya Hunter and Wade Olszewski Maureen Onstott Awbree and Robert O’Quinn Calvin Orth ‘10 George Ossi ‘89 Pam and Robert Ottesen Cassie Johnson Outcalt ‘93 Will Overton ‘08 Lara Oyetunde-Baer Daniel Page ‘80 Joanna and Curt Pajcic ‘86 Kelly and Andy Palmer Yogi and Raj Panchal Michelle and Ravi Pande Dendy and Rallis Pappas Sarah and Brian Parent Annie and Joey Pariseau Conway Parker Kristy and Louis Parker Suni and Curtis Parks Elizabeth Green Patton ‘98 Timothy and Lexy Rice Paul ‘94 Marta and Tom Pauly Sally and Ashley Peebles Ben Peeler ‘82 Shelley Walthour Peeler ‘82 Brooke and Aaron Penland Alix and Austin Perry Marianne and Brian Peters Matt and Charlotte Pridgen Peterson ‘89
Taryn Peterson ‘19 Nicole and Otto Phanstiel ‘80 Niki and Jonathan Philips Devon and Chaz Phillips ‘98 Patti Phillips Mary and Peter Pierson Kelly Pietan ‘88 Mark Pietan ‘94 Molly Helms Pina ‘88 and Ted Pina ‘88 Deena and Leonard Pittman Nitza Plaski Kristan David Podvia ‘88 and Rob Podvia ‘86 Kristi Alford Podvia ‘91 and David Podvia ‘90 Cynthia and Richard Pollock Eric Pope Tracie and Chris Porreca Shaun and Tiffany Kidd Post ‘96 James Potter ‘77 Ann and Richard Powell Suzanne Powell Nancy and Brian Prendergast Wendy Woolard Prindle ‘78 and Kevin Prindle ‘77 David Prizzia ‘08 Mary Call and Palmer Proctor James Prohaska ‘12 Kathryn and Chip Pruden Claire Pulignano ‘05 Vincent Pulignano ‘09 Jill Stanton and Ken Purcell Josh Putterman Stacie and Ed Raisner Amy and Jeff Rait ‘84 Cordelia Ramsaur Jennie Ruckman Rankin ‘89 Michelle and Renard Rawls Elizabeth Grissett Ray ‘89 Jenny Drummond Ream ‘96 and John Ream ‘96 Pat and Robert Ream Lisa and Tom Reber Max Reber ‘11 Sandra and Thomas Reber Laurie and Pat Reese Leslie and Mike Register Simone Aden Reid ‘77 and Frank Reid ‘77 Laura Register ‘78 David and Taffy Cooper Remisiewicz ‘87 Perry and Cyndy Ira Reynolds ‘78 Cindy and Robert Rhode David and Melissa McLean Richards ‘84 Erin Matthews Richardson ‘84 George and Carolyn Dixon Richardson ‘77 Kim and Mike Rickey Courtney and Sage Rider ‘89 Kate and Tim Riechmann Melissa and Justin Rigdon Gloria and James Rinaman Lisa and Mark Rinaman Kate Risdon ‘19 Kelly and Craig Risdon Kevin and Susan Taber Rissolo ‘84 ESJ
| 64 |
Ted Short ‘90 Matthew Shriver Su and Dave Siebert Alan Sievert ‘19 Silvana and Jeff Silvernale Amaria Simmons ‘19 Dawson Simpson ‘17 Lawrence Sims ‘15 Will Singletary ‘15 Trina Sinyard Leslie and Steve Sirbaugh Warren and Cristi Peterson Skeels ‘91 Amanda and Carson Skinner Drake Skinner ‘10 Hal Skinner ‘88 Scott and Marci McTier Skinner ‘80 Emily and Ryan Sloan Matthew and Brie Wood Sloan ‘99 Annie and Scott Smith Brian and Rachel Smith ‘98 Cheryl and Ron Smith Dan Smith ‘77 David and Shannon Meyers Smith ‘94 Donna and David Smith Haydee and Jeff Smith Kristin Smith Lisa and Russ Smith Mary Kathryn Smith Patricia and David Smith Robert Smith ‘80 Tiffany and Kyle Smith Courtney and Chris Snoap Brian and Samantha Schwinger Snyder ‘91 David and Cindy Carson Soliday ‘92 Jen and Brian Soulby Denise and Jason Spinning Marnie and Rick Sprague Colton Spurlock Bill Stack Kim Staker Viola and Bruce Stamper David and Andrea Bryant Standel ‘89 Eric Stanley Allison and Aron Stefanides Kaye and Tim Stegink Nicole and Adam Steiger Elizabeth and Eric Stein Kathy and Fred Stephens Donald and Candice Jones Ster ‘90 Margie Stevens LaTonya Stewart Lois Stiles Robert Still ‘17 Chet Stokes ‘09 Lizzy Stokes ‘17 Susan Stone Margie Stormes Bonny and Stephen Stowers Jeffery Stowers ‘10 Brandi and Dom Strada ESJ
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Ann and William Robards Donald and Liz Clarke Robbins ‘89 Joel and Joy Krueger Roberson ‘98 Harry and Anne Bamberg Robinson ‘76 Donna Rocco Will and Pam Oltmanns Rodman ‘76 Debbie and Jonathan Rogers ‘76 Francine and Doug Rogers Ana Maria Rojas Mark and Kim Stafford Romano ‘93 Taylor and Katie Willoughby Root ‘93 Carolyn and Randy Rosenberg Patti and Steven Rosenberg Kathy Rossiter Jametriss Roulhac Entrice and Marcus Rowe Erika Graziuso and Antonio Rugna Sally and Thomas Russo Joe and Amy McLeod Ryals ‘83 Cynthia Ryan Alex and Jennifer Scruby Ryshawy ‘84 Allie Smith Sabo ‘11 and Mason Sabo ‘09 Caroline Sabo ‘10 Libbie Sabo ‘13 Meg and Jon Sacks Cate Sadler ‘05 Nese Sagun Leslie and Barnes Sale Melissa and Ed Salek Josephine Sanchez Misty Sapp Taran and William Savage Duncan and Thomas Sawyer Brenda and Bill Schilling ‘89 Michael Conn and Kirsten Slade Schmitt ‘78 Sasha and Pia Schneider ‘90 Alison Emery Schoenberger ‘90 and Neil Schoenberger ‘90 Juli and Anthony Schumann ‘89 Stephanie Schuster Liz and Dan Schwalbe David Schwei Carol Loop Searle ‘73 Michael Seethaler ‘15 Tricia and Chad Senesac ‘98 Natalie Ortiz and Jim Servis Robyn and Andre Sessoms Dana and Nik Severidt Jhan and Steven Shaaber Cole Shad ‘15 Rita and George Shalley Lisa and Mike Sharrit ‘84 Amanda and Jeff Shaver Carla Shaw Chad and Andrea Brown Shaw ‘90 Cinder Shay Shellie and Walt Shay William and Ruth Nagel Shelley ‘75 Anna Shepherd ‘19 Tara Shields ‘78
Brittany Fouche and Cameron Strine Carson Strohecker Kim Strong Bridgett and Chip Stroud Ann and Charlie Stuart Laura and Luciano Suarez Angielyd and Michael Sullivan Lori and Don Paul Swain Jo and Gary Swallow Catherine and Sam Swingle Sofie Bogaerts and Thomas Swinnen Frank Talan Allison and Ryan Taylor Lisa and Stewart Taylor Natalie and Brogan Taylor Tamara and Eric Taylor Beth and Fred Tedio ‘77 Emily Teems ‘18 Megan Teems ‘16 Teri and John Teems Riley Tennant ‘15 Carol and George Terre Geretha Terrell The Schultz Foundation, Inc. Brad and Dearing Setzer Thoburn ‘88 Amy and Wally Thomas ‘77 Jayne and Andy Thomas Jaynorris and Stacy Byrd Thomas ‘07 Melissa and Clifton Thomas Sarah Thompson Sheila and Matt Thompson Tracy Thompson ‘12 Reecy and Randy Thornton TIAA Edina Tica Mariel Tillett Noah Tipton ‘15 Brooke Tollett ‘19 Jody and Keith Tomaszewski Colleen and Will Towers Susan and Jim Towler Danese and Carl Tremble Shane Tripp Lillie Tritt ‘19 Max Tuggle ‘05 Brandon Tuten Carolyn Tuttle ‘03 Diana and Chris Twiggs ‘89 David and Patty Anderson Ubbens ‘71 UBS United Way of Northeast Florida Jubeen and Lara Nezami Vaghefi ‘90 Liz and Paul Van Brunt Paul and Anne Marie Harman Van Wie ‘90 Amanda Vanjaria Allison and Julio Ventura ‘93 Brenda and Chris Vermillion ‘87 Monica Viggiano Dana Vitulli Becky Vodrey ‘73
Melissa and Ryan Vogt Evan and Mallory Arnall Von Kugelgen ‘76 Max Voss ‘19 Nell and John Wachtel Salwaa Ayad and Hani Wadei Chris Wadley ‘89 Mike and Nancy Abernethy Walczyk ‘74 Collin Walker ‘15 Francine Andia Walker ‘77 Jill Payne Walker ‘92 and Eric Walker ‘92 Nick Walker ‘10 Deena Bateh Wallace ‘00 and John Wallace ‘00 Chris Lenz and Kate Wallis ‘01 Ginny and Perry Walthour Allan and Sally Burton Walton ‘74 David Wandel Stephen Waryold ‘17 Kiefer Washburn ‘19 Kit and Pete Washburn Tanya and Sean Watts Jessica and Kevin Waugaman ‘94 Ang Weakland Dan Webb ‘77 Douglas and Janet Boyce Wedding ‘78 Chelsea and Justin Weise Marcus Wells ‘90 Luke Wentzel ‘19 Kiara Wessling Alexis and Al Westbrook Stephanie and Brandon Westerman ‘99 Gretchen Whipple Beth and Brad Whitchurch Emily Taylor-White and Joe White Erin and Dan White Mary Dudley Lee White ‘12 and Travis White ‘12 Rick and Julie McKinsey White ‘91 Tommy White ‘84 Alex Whitehead ‘19 Ceal Whitehead Megan Wickenden ‘06 Will Wickenden ‘15 Karen Wicker ‘77 Lisa and Todd Wickersty ‘89 Christina and Don Wieczorek Joe Wiggins ‘80 Mark and Claire Dudley Wilkiemeyer ‘89 Rob and Ashley Blecha Wilks ‘89 Judy Williams Shamar Williams Shayla Goshay and Rodney Williams Steve Williams † Tamara Brown Williams Weston and Elizabeth Hartman Williamson ‘07 Lee and Cathy Boline Willins ‘78 Irvine and Lynn Peace Wilson ‘77 Maggie Wilson ‘97 Wingard Creative Angie Wingert Jervis and Emily Humphries Wise ‘99 Paul Wise ESJ
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Alison and Danny Witkovich Witt Witt ‘19 Suzy and Dan Wolff Erin Wolfson ‘01 Angie and Aaron Wood Hodson Wood ‘15 Tracy and Arthur Wood ‘78 Paden Woodburn ‘05 Brian and Katie Busse Woodliff ‘90 Richard and Katharyn Smith Woods ‘07 Gary Wothe and Barbara Sanchez-Salazar ‘78 Amy and Robert Wright Holly and Greg Wright ‘77 Michelle and Jonathan Wright Evin Wrighton Kellyann and Ed Wulbern ‘84 Sam and Tim Wyatt Cheri and Randy Wyse ‘84 Sid Yarlagadda ‘14 Chris and Robin Klein Yates ‘95 Charlotte York ‘17 Cary and James Young YourCause, LLC Donna and Tommy Zaccour Donna and Ellis Zahra Mike Zambetti ‘80 Rebecca and Tony Zebouni Marion and Bob Zeiner Susan and Robert Zerbe Jamilly and Kaleb Zeringue Anne and Justin Ziegler Anne-Charles Zimmer ‘20 Henry Zimmer ‘17 Mark Zimmerman Jo Ann Zomorodian Loretta and Martin Zubero
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The Episcopal Fund Leadership Donors - The following donors made gifts of $2,000 or more to The Episcopal Fund, the school’s annual fund. Supporting The Episcopal Fund gives the school maximum flexibility to respond to current year needs and priorities that directly impact the student experience. The school highly values donor confidence in its ability to allocate charitable dollars where most needed as well as the faith in the school’s mission that these gifts represent.
Pamela and Bill Steitz Steven and Amy Harris Wacaster ‘94 Cindy and Chris Ware ‘76
$25,000 and over |
Meta and Hugh Magevney
$15,000 to $24,999 |
Leinesa and Ken Adams Lyssa and Christopher Ball Bank of America Matching Gifts Marcela and Russell Beard ‘96 Vance and Clare Gebert Berry ‘73 Closets By Design Davis Capital Management Joy and Hilton Dempsey Annie and George Egan Shannon and Matt Everett Kay and Michael Fellows Allison and Allen Ginder ‘85 Cheree and Hampton Graham ‘04 Paige and Ben Hakimian Helen Rowan and Paul Halloran Patty and Rick Jones Andree and Brian King Virginia and Finley Knight Catherine and Peter Kotchen Aneesa and Karthik Krishnamurthy Katie LeMaster ‘75 Lucy and Andy McCain ‘80 Joannie Newton Alina and Manuel Oliver Connie and Russ Pecoraro Lindsey and Ty Petway Leigh and Bob Polster Ryan and Lindsey Lastinger Riggs ‘90 Diane and Brian Rose Abeer and David Samara Mark Schnitzius Ross and Sally Haskell Singletary ‘86 Judy and Carl Stoudemire ‘75 Angeline and Jim Treace Danielle and Arnie Tritt ‘81 Winston Family Foundation
Ashley and John Adams Shannon and Matt Connell Frances and Alex Graham ‘00 Eileen and Mike Grebe Suzanne and Eric Prockow † The Jess & Brewster J. Durkee Foundation
$10,000 TO $14,999 |
Anonymous (2) Jennifer and Henry Brown Eleanor and Kendall Bryan Marlene and Perry Chappell Juli and Troy Davis ‘93 Margaret and Dink Foerster Diane Graham Jennifer Johnson Paige and Mark LaBorde ‘84 Ellen and John Magevney ‘89 Miller Electric Company Lori and Jack Schmidt ‘70
$3,500 TO $6,499 |
$6,500 TO $9,999 |
Anonymous (1) Lauren and Mike Barker Maren and Paul Bertozzi ‘98 Lori and Terry Cordell Sara and Rick Culbreth Heather and Lou Fouts Mark and Frances Poitevent Hutto ‘88 Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute Elaine Martinez-Koziol and Jason Koziol Becky and Lee Nimnicht Susie and Joe Reinhardt Emily and Patrick Rhodin ESJ
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Chloe and Chris Wood Angie and John Wright ‘83 Zip Zipperer
Katie and Andy Kidd ‘99 Saundra and Bob Kidd Beth and Michael Kirwan ‘81 Karie and Joe Kovacocy Jean and Ross Krueger Rene and Lawrence Kurzius Debbie and Chris Landon Fran and Jim Lang Noel and Rut Liles Don and Anne-Marie Forbes Lynn ‘95 Emily and William Magevney ‘00 Jennifer and Matt Maggiore Scottie May Ashley and Doug McCain ‘77 Ann and Ed McCarthy Bette Len and Jack Mitchell Denise and Todd Moline Moline Electric Motor & Machine, Inc Kate Moorehead Lynne and Niels Murphy ‘88 Kim and Jeff Nelson Irene Leyva and Dave Nunes Meg Oliver Eve Culver Owens ‘89 Lori and Clint Pyle Candace and Ray Ravis Remedy Workforce Specialists Marieka and Dervent Richards Sarah McLaughlin and Chris Robards Susan and Tom Ryan Jennifer and John Paul Saenz ‘89 Cynthia and Lou Salameh Elizabeth Rodriguez and Eric Sauvageau Scherer Construction Bev and Tim Sleeth Pat and John Slevin Claire and David Smith Emily and Brian Steffes Barbara and Phil Swift The Reinhold Family Foundation The Sheik Sandwiches and Subs The Thomas M. and Irene B. Kirbo Charitable Foundation Kirsten O’Neil and Micah Thompson Perry and Allen Todd ‘91 Mary Jane and Jay Trimble Tritt & Associates, P.A. U.S. Legal Services Sharon and Herschel Vinyard Georgia Wahl Terry and Lon Walton ‘77 Avery and Taylor Williams Jennifer and Lance Windley Rebecca and Ed Witt Susie and Ricky Wood Kay and Mike Zambetti
$2,000 TO $3,499 |
Anonymous (2) Claudia and Bill Adams Linda Roe Alexander Beville and Greg Anderson Attorneys’ Title Services, LLC Patty and David Barksdale ‘84 Amy and Joe Barrow Benevity Berry & Co. Real Estate Nancy and John Burrows Jackie and David Busse Mary Helen and Charles Cauthen Chatham Personnel Enterprises, Inc. Coastal Spine & Pain Center James Cochran Lisa Cochran Melissa and Patrick Coll Meg and Charles Commander Jenny and Kevin Cook Jeanne and Chip Cordes Jeffrey Crawford Crawford Electric Nancy and Howard Dale Ashley and Andy Davis Ashley and Keith Daw Edna and Maxwell Dickinson Laura and Jim Dilorenzo Carolyn and Andrew Fogarty Marie and John Forbes Elisa and Nando Formoso Fortress Luxury Storage Victoria Register-Freeman and Robert Freeman Andrea and Drew Frick Holland and Charles Gibbs ‘87 Carolyn and Don Glisson Sue and Keesy Goebertus Ruth and Harvey Granger Martha and Adam Greene Melody and George Henley Amberlee and Phillip Hewett Cara and Michael Hillyard Cara and David Hodges ‘90 Deanna and Greg Holland Janet and John Hong Roselle and Steven Johnson Johnson and Johnson Matching Gifts Susan McArthur Jones ‘05 and Richard Jones ‘01 Heather and Michael Kelley Missy and Will Ketchum ‘84 ESJ
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Alumni Donors by Class Year - Gifts to The Episcopal Fund or restricted funds by alumni convey their ongoing belief in the school’s mission and are an expression of appreciation from those who have experienced the benefits of an Episcopal education firsthand. Gifts from our alumni honor those whose generosity made their time as students at Episcopal exceptional. Donors are listed by class year in order to encourage participation and class unity.
CLASS OF 1970 Franklin Beard Tom Bliss Robin Dahlstrom Candy Oberdorfer Edwards Mike Edwards Tom Evans Lee Covington Graham Julia Damon Hanway John Hazard Vicki Mein Hinton Matt Morrow Kent Motes Jack Schmidt Val Stieglitz Bill Walton CLASS OF 1971 Sally Ryals Burran Mary Tucker Fouraker Bert Marshall Patty Anderson Ubbens CLASS OF 1972 Michael Candeto Doug Daze Julia Sonntag Daze Carolyn Ezzell Suzanne Weatherford Graham Judy Wiggins Kouri Whitney Oren CLASS OF 1973 Sandy Avent Clare Gebert Berry Craig Hamilton Clark Hamilton Jeff Lane Alan Moore
Virginia Thomas Morris Carol Loop Searle Becky Vodrey CLASS OF 1974 Neal Cury Jill Langford Dame Barbara Duncan Cliff Dunn Robert Dupree Karen Nelson Hill Tracy Upchurch Nancy Abernethy Walczyk Sally Burton Walton CLASS OF 1975 Katie LeMaster Bob Massey Linda Jackson Sarpy Ruth Nagel Shelley Carl Stoudemire CLASS OF 1976 Penny Cummings Bell Bur Davis Lanier Drew Lauren Dupree Mahoney Kristy Olson Miller Frank Reneke Anne Bamberg Robinson Pam Oltmanns Rodman Jonathan Rogers Mallory Arnall Von Kugelgen Chris Ware CLASS OF 1977 Mark Alexander Lyda Larkins Astrove Catherine Van Cleve Bauman ESJ
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Bill Baxley Lilli Denmark Behrens Homer Bliss Chandler Burroughs Ken Charron John Chitwood Katherine Christie Melinda Davis Cline Karen Broward DeLuca Mark Dorion Elaine Fraser David Hackney Lee Haramis Karen Harris Sharon Nelson Hill Jerry Holden Jim Ingham Renee Hedgepeth Johnson Barbara Israel Lane Elizabeth Scarborough Marziale Doug McCain Edward McCormick Bill McDonald Sharon Booth Middleton Julie McDowell Moorman Dianne Morse Kathleen Morris New James Potter Kevin Prindle Frank Reid Simone Aden Reid Carolyn Dixon Richardson Dan Smith Wally Thomas Jim Towler Hal Wahl Francine Andia Walker Lon Walton Dan Webb Karen Wicker Tamara Brown Williams Lynn Peace Wilson Greg Wright
CLASS OF 1978 Liz DeSaussure Akiky Tyler Pirrung Alden Alison Montgomery Bartz Alan Belcher Bill Buckingham Felicia Brown Bullock Patricia Carroll Susan Tuggle Fairchild Bill Guthrie Sarah Holyfield Hansel Klein Robert Hawkes Andy Hogshead Wendy Woolard Prindle Laura Register Reinbold Cyndy Ira Reynolds Barbara Sanchez-Salazar Kirsten Slade Schmitt Tara Shields Randy Towers Jane McDowell Wahl Janet Boyce Wedding Cathy Boline Willins Arthur Wood CLASS OF 1979 Valerie Pearch Bow Bill Elder Pete Fawcett Barrie Hayes Linda Cobb Ingham Bruce Jackson CLASS OF 1980 Lisa Derr Archer Randy Benton Chuck Bonds Sharon Bundrick Bowater Stan Bullock Spencer Dickinson Susanne Partridge Dickinson Tricia Sanchez-Salazar Fechtel Rachel Arteaga Gouin Jim Hawkes Sherry Smith Hieb Ed Hines Nancy Hogshead-Makar Sheryl Scott Joyner Scott Laseter Andy McCain John McCorvey
Edward Merry Edward Mickler Jim Moseley Daniel Page Otto Phanstiel Marci McTier Skinner Robert Smith Don St. Denis Sissy Chitwood Templeton Mike Waters Joe Wiggins Mike Zambetti CLASS OF 1981 Anonymous (1) Mark Fechtel Michael Kirwan Arnie Tritt CLASS OF 1982 Rick Alexander Rushton Haskell Callaghan Craig Churchill Lori Harrell Hershey Dan Langford Shelley Walthour Peeler Ben Peeler Cris Scott Tennant Ken Vontz CLASS OF 1983 Charles Cobb Susan Knight Feeley Dean Krueger Deanna Braddy Larus Amy McLeod Ryals Steve Werber John Wright CLASS OF 1984 H Highest participation! 40% Kenneth Arnett David Barksdale Michael Baxter Mac Butler Mark Calvin Tommy Donahoo Maureen Flaherty Scott Foltz Julie Johnson Franken Towson Fraser David Friedline ESJ
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Carroll Ann Friedman Chris Hall Lane Hinkle Patti Crowe Hinkle Nancy Schoenberger Holland Jane Hughes John Hull Will Ketchum Stacey Spanos Knemeyer Eric Kolar Mark LaBorde Anne Grace Lee Jenni Johnson Linkous Amy Foerster Lyerly Shaleen McCormick Patti Eckert McMurdie Julie Greene Miller Allison Helmick Nicholson Jeff Rait Melissa McLean Richards Erin Matthews Richardson Susan Taber Rissolo Jennifer Scruby Ryshawy Mike Sharrit Harold Tool Tommy White Ed Wulbern Randy Wyse CLASS OF 1985 Walker Allen Rip Canon Cindy Mire Davis John Falconetti Allen Ginder Lane Lastinger Fred Page CLASS OF 1986 Scott Baldwin Annie Hughes Goldfield Laura Green John Lyerly Curt Pajcic Rob Podvia Sally Haskell Singletary CLASS OF 1987 Claudia Saenz Amlie Stephanie Chesson Bailes Mary Jane Lott Brady Matt Charron
Maggie Fish Craddock William Dent Dorothy Legler Fasbinder Suzanne Friedline Ferber Derek Gaff Charles Gibbs Jennifer Jacobs Healan Sally Hogshead John Lovejoy Michael Magevney Stephanie Buelow Massey Ted Miller Curry Pajcic Taffy Cooper Remisiewicz Chris Vermillion CLASS OF 1988 Anonymous (1) Oliver Barakat Rachel Gatz Berkowitz Christa Siracusa Berse Judy Lin Bristow Ellyn Cavin Jimmy Cooper Heidi Luebke Dent John Donahoo Mimi Gibbs Dupree Erik Edelberg Michael Francis Ken Grimes Joel Harms Sunny Turner Hartigan Frances Poitevent Hutto Ashu Jagadish Steven Kelley Dave Kolster Ellen Lovejoy Sarah McDonald John McWilliams Nathan Miller Tricia Mire Heather Rainey Moseley Niels Murphy Stacy duPont Nash Gene Nichols Kelly Pietan Molly Helms Pina Ted Pina Kristan David Podvia Hal Skinner Dearing Setzer Thoburn
CLASS OF 1989 Charlie Beard Susan Corral Corral Polly Crawford Paul Dent Susannah Clarke Doherty Aimee Maire Gabbard Jennifer Waugh Griffith Charlie Holt Alicia Sacerio Humbert Raymond Klein Bru Krebs Wade Lindsey John Magevney Joe Mella Robin Milam Travis Moore Melissa Muzzy Meghan Lynch Niemczyk George Ossi Eve Culver Owens Jennifer Johnston Perkins Charlotte Pridgen Peterson Jennie Ruckman Rankin Elizabeth Grissett Ray Sage Rider Liz Clarke Robbins John Paul Saenz Bill Schilling Anthony Schumann Shannon Shea Andrea Bryant Standel Trip Stanly Chris Twiggs Chris Wadley Todd Wickersty Claire Dudley Wilkiemeyer Ashley Blecha Wilks CLASS OF 1990 Anonymous (1) Chuck Baldwin Jami Gaff Bueker Andrea Gray Cawley Bill Cook Carlton DeVooght Scott Dittmer Amy Graves Edelberg Carson Allcorn Fustes Jennifer Stopiak Hayes Meredith Wachtel Hines David Hodges Heather Newman Johnson ESJ
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Katherine Donahoo Nott David Podvia Lindsey Lastinger Riggs Jay Robinson Pia Schneider Alison Emery Schoenberger Neil Schoenberger Andrea Brown Shaw Ted Short Candice Jones Ster Lara Nezami Vaghefi Anne Marie Harman Van Wie Marcus Wells Katie Busse Woodliff CLASS OF 1991 Libby Rider Canon Jason Chartrand Liza Barnett Emmet Darren Glenn Jack Healan Stephanie Athey Jarvis Ryan Jones Suzanne Sollee Kelleter Tanya Samara Kellogg Kathryn Durkee Kovarik Amy Lastinger Kristi Stafford Marinatos Tripp Miller Kristi Alford Podvia Cristi Peterson Skeels Hamilton Slye Samantha Schwinger Snyder Allen Todd Sidney Wells Julie McKinsey White CLASS OF 1992 Anonymous (1) Cara Freeman Bowyer Erica Buelow Galpin Amy Burrows Perkins Kristen Schmidt Seay Cindy Carson Soliday Eric Walker Jill Payne Walker David Wingard CLASS OF 1993 Will Allen Kerry Anderson Mary Burke Baker
Christine Lin Barraud Carmen Sacerio Chartrand Sarah Howarth Clarke Troy Davis Jason Dearing Kirsten Brewer Gant Scott Gordon Meg Sisk Grimes Victor Hughes Kia Mitchell Kemp Elizabeth Chunn Matson Cassie Johnson Outcalt Kim Stafford Romano Katie Willoughby Root Art Small Julio Ventura Heather Burnett Wingard CLASS OF 1994 Whit Athey Matt Burhyte Mary Lanier Cook Collins Cooper Jason Dittmer Heather Halliburton Douglas Kathryn Tompkins Edgecombe Alise Key Ferranti Leigh Anne Boynton Frye Patrick Hale Caroline Foerster Hammond Leyden Haynes Hane Hardee Kavanaugh Shauna Wuggazer Knott Kerri Cannon Napoleon John Naugle Lexy Rice Paul Mark Pietan John Regan Shannon Meyers Smith Heather Smith Visali Amy Harris Wacaster Kevin Waugaman CLASS OF 1995 Katie Lebhar Black-Bowling Brooks Busey Anne-Marie Forbes Lynn Seth Pajcic Robin Klein Yates
CLASS OF 1996 Russell Beard Katie Jason Oldoerp Tiffany Kidd Post Jenny Drummond Ream John Ream Michael Schmidt CLASS OF 1997 Katie Long Borghese Jennie Trimble Busey Brooks Fraleigh Cannon Kathryn Schulz Ches Joel Hartman Sarah Bryan Holyer Stephen Jenkins Cheryl Farmand Leddy Nicole Clemons Lewis Shauna Forsyth Moore Levi Ritter Jamie Russo Maggie Wilson
Paul Bertozzi Ben Borns Charles Chunn Sarah Williams Davis Jared Futch Sean Magee Elizabeth Green Patton Chaz Phillips Joy Krueger Roberson Chad Senesac Brian Smith Julie Wiggins Sorenson Pamela Tomlin CLASS OF 1999 Caroline Brame Flory Sara Burnett Granberry Joel Harrison John Haug Jess Parks Hurst Andy Kidd Julie Gannon Micalizzi Grant Momberg Joe Murray Colleen McDermott November Jorge Oliver Brie Wood Sloan
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CLASS OF 2000 Anonymous (1) Katie McArthur Athey Sam Hyde Geisler Alex Graham Ryan Hoover Taylor Lee Horne William Magevney Zach Miller William Milne Elizabeth Stovall Momberg Eddy Oliver Graham Riley Deena Bateh Wallace John Wallace CLASS OF 2001
Robb Smith Shaara Pajcic Swallow Brandon Westerman Emily Humphries Wise Carey Wodehouse Josh Zachariah
Camper Fitch Elizabeth Black Fulton Lauren Goebertus Jenn Rood Hoover Richard Jones Amanda Farmand Smith David Smith Kate Wallis Erin Wolfson CLASS OF 2002 Dan Candeto Kelly Flanagan Pete Murphy CLASS OF 2003 Josh Bryan Joe Daraskevich Sarah Overton Duncan Mark Hulsey Matt Michel Mitch Nichols Carolyn Tuttle
Justin Allen Brandon Farmand Hampton Graham Laura Hershberger Worth McArthur CLASS OF 2005 Vance Berry Chris Chenot Kirk Clews Carley Glasser Jennifer Highsmith McMillan Hulsey Leigh Elizabeth Black Israel Susan McArthur Jones Claire Pulignano Cate Sadler Max Tuggle Paden Woodburn CLASS OF 2006 Kyle Cardone Molly Davis Foukal Lesley Marchman Gittings Ross Sprague Megan Wickenden CLASS OF 2007
Brad McCollum Ben Nasrallah Will Overton David Prizzia
Brent Fickling Marion Smith Lane Brian McCollum Alex Motes Cody Muren Vincent Pulignano Mason Sabo Chet Stokes
Emily Bailey Hannah Ellisen Natalie Lewis Lindsay Libera P.D. McCawley Sid Yarlagadda
Thomas Adkins Anna Blake Erin Coonan Chadwick Feeley John Fletcher Shelby Gregory Kris Hodges Cori Jevic Garrett Lucey Kyle McKnight Autumn Morrell Michael Seethaler Cole Shad Lawrence Sims Will Singletary Riley Tennant Noah Tipton Collin Walker Will Wickenden Hodson Wood
Libbie Sabo Thomas Vinyard
Charlie Berg Prescott Braude Mac Crotzer Lee Haramis Mark LeVine Deanna Thornton Lombardo Bart Martens Trey Murphy Calvin Orth Sarah Reid Vinyard Place Caroline Sabo Drake Skinner Jeffery Stowers Nick Walker
Michelle Baxter Ashley Helmick Howard Joe Jennesse Paul Jorgensen Zach Lee Stacy Byrd Thomas Elizabeth Hartman Williamson Katharyn Smith Woods
Max Baumer Peter Blumeyer William Burgstiner Weatherly Marshall Donald Grant Georges Patrick Griffin Zac Hardy Paige Hamilton Kirshner Will Law Robert Lombardo Anna Sadler Mann
Trey Abney Keegan Ball Brooks Dame Dan Lewis James Prohaska Tracy Thompson Mary Dudley Lee White Wingate White
Dylan Bateh Chris Buckingham Sean Chenot Drew Hickinbotham Max Reber Allie Smith Sabo
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CLASS OF 2016 Louise Ellisen Zach Heaton Megan Teems CLASS OF 2017 Christa Bryant † Shannon Driscoll Andrew Gabriel Donovan LaFavor Dawson Simpson Robert Still Lizzy Stokes Stephen Waryold Charlotte York Henry Zimmer
Sarah Allen Jane Donahoo Emily Teems
Emily Allemand William Cook Andrew Moseley Anne-Charles Zimmer
CLASS OF 2019 Jack Barksdale Chandler Bateh Trey Bell Stuart Bodin Gabi Carter Margaret Commander Cadee Cooper Matt Cooper Nick Coutros Nick DePeri Lauren Driver Alexander Goldfield Freddy Greendeer-Dollison Hollin Hakimian Jessica Hogan Caroline Johnston Matthew Joseph Olivia Kato Ben Ketchum James Kim Walker King Nathaniel King Courtney Kurlas Xander Magevney Bond Magevney Sarah McCawley Riley McGee Will McLaurine Connor McQuade Gracie Mickler Kate Montgomery Andrew Moore Olin Moseley Connor Murphy Taryn Peterson Kate Risdon Anna Shepherd Alan Sievert Amaria Simmons Brooke Tollett Lillie Tritt Max Voss Kiefer Washburn Luke Wentzel Alex Whitehead Witt Witt ESJ
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The Mary Packer Cummings Society honors individuals who have provided for the school through deferred gifts such as bequests, life insurance, annuities, and trust agreements. The society is named in honor of Mrs. Cummings, who left the property where Episcopal now stands to St. John’s Cathedral upon her death in 1912. Planned gifts may be directed by the donor to provide unrestricted income or to be used for designated purposes such as endowment, capital improvements or program areas.
Anonymous (5)
Allen and Delores Lastinger
Bobbie Anding ‘70
Harriet and Ebbie LeMaster †
Pat Andrews and Fred Lambrou Jr.
Jane and Mike Lewis
Angela Bailey ‘73
Noel and Rut Liles
Margaret Berg †
Frances McCurry
Sara Holloway and Danny Bivins ‘74
Patti Eckert McMurdie ‘84
Barbara Bozard †
Fred Melber †
Fred Bozard †
Bobbie and Lee Mercier
Emmy and Frank Cerveny
Bette Len and Jack Mitchell
Vicky and Charles Commander
Nancy and Sandy Morris
Scott and Heather Halliburton Douglas ‘94
Jane and Wilson Munnerlyn ††
John Falconetti ‘85
Bill and Frances Nash †
Chris Farrell ‘84
Joannie Newton
Holly and Tim Finchem
Mary and Jerry Pietan †
Connie and Paul Fletcher
Anne and Mason Romaine †
Margaret and Dink Foerster
John Rood
Allison and Allen Ginder ‘85
Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Royal ††
M.J. and Ron Ginder
Thomas Royal ‘78 †
Thelma Golightly †
Flo Sikes †
Laura Grand
Barbara and Dick Suddath †
Joan and Preston Haskell
Susan and Jim Towler
Vickie and Bert Herlong ††
Bill Valentine
Cara and David Hodges ‘90
Beppy Walton ‘71 †
Mark Hulsey †
Elizabeth and Bill Walton ††
John Michael Kelly †
Jim Winston †
Missy and Will Ketchum ‘84
Amy and Kirk Zambetti ‘86
Jean and Ross Krueger
Kay and Mike Zambetti
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Annie ‘26 and William ‘28 Adams Angeline and Jim Treace William Michael Albert Karen and James Buxton Emmanuella Althuis ‘22 Margot and Chris Wrenn William ‘28, Helena ‘32, Natalie ‘34, Olivia ‘34 Baggett Tiffany Davis and Chris Baggett Susanna Ball ‘25 Nancy and Dick Kohler
Class of 1977 Bev and Mark Alexander ‘77 Bob and Lyda Larkins Astrove ‘77 Janie and Chandler Burroughs ‘77 John Chitwood ‘77 Michael and Karen Broward DeLuca ‘77 Libby and David Hackney ‘77 Bill McDonald ‘77 Simone Aden Reid ‘77 and Frank Reid ‘77 Amy and Wally Thomas ‘77 Tamara Brown Williams ‘77 Class of 1978 Pamela and Alan Belcher ‘78 Bill Guthrie ‘78 Laura Register ‘78 Perry and Cyndy Ira Reynolds ‘78 Michael Conn and Kirsten Slade Schmitt ‘78
Amelia Barakat ‘21 Karen and Oliver Barakat ‘88 Alec ‘17 and Bryce ‘26 Berrier Blenda and Aaron Berrier
Miles Byrne ‘36 Tina Lane
Class of 1980 Stuart and Lisa Derr Archer ‘80 Bruce and Sharon Bundrick Bowater ‘80 Susanne Partridge Dickinson ‘80 and Spencer Dickinson ‘80 Paul and Rachel Arteaga Gouin ‘80 Karen and John McCorvey ‘80 Daniel Page ‘80 Scott and Marci McTier Skinner ‘80 Troy and Sissy Chitwood Templeton ‘80
Benjamin Calloway ‘28 Carolyn Dennard
Class of 1980 Teachers Edward Mickler ‘80
Susan Carmichael Charles and Susan Tuggle Fairchild ‘78
Class of 1987 Cara and William Dent ‘87
Carter Cassidy ‘34 CeeCee and John Cassidy
Class of 1988 Joel Harms ‘88 Kavana and Ashu Jagadish ‘88 Steven Kelley ‘88 Caroline and Gene Nichols ‘88
Chey Ann Boyd ‘21 Gwen and William Armstrong Coach Brunell Robert Lopata
Cohen ‘23 and Caelan ‘25 Chesser Francine and Doug Rogers Class of 1973 Susan and Craig Hamilton ‘73
Class of 1989 Sue Corral ‘89 Brooke and Charlie Holt ‘89 Angie and Wade Lindsey ‘89 Brenda and Bill Schilling ‘89 David and Andrea Bryant Standel ‘89 Diana and Chris Twiggs ‘89 Rob and Ashley Blecha Wilks ‘89
Class of 1976 Harry and Anne Bamberg Robinson ‘76
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In Honor of
Class of 1990 Paul and Jami Gaff Bueker ‘90 Bill Cook ‘90 Scott Dittmer ‘90 Paul and Anne Marie Harman Van Wie ‘90
Lanier Drew ‘76 John and Leyden Haynes Hane ‘94
Class of 1994 Collins Cooper ‘94 Jason and Kathryn Tompkins Edgecombe ‘94 Korey and Shauna Wuggazer Knott ‘94 Mark Pietan ‘94
Sam ‘21, Victoria ‘25 and Shannon Ero Pam and Sunday Ero
Kasse Eppley Charles and Rushton Haskell Callaghan ‘82
Amelia ‘30 and Nolan ‘34 Everett Jeanne and Chip Cordes Shannon and Matt Everett
Class of 1996 Shaun and Tiffany Kidd Post ‘96
Mitchell Fenton ‘21 Melissa and Doug Fenton
Class of 1997 Jamie Russo ‘97
Marin Flint Matthew and Caroline Brame Flory ‘99
Class of 1998 Maren and Paul Bertozzi ‘98
Peggy Fox Maren and Paul Bertozzi ‘98
Class of 2008 Zac Hardy ‘08
Ryan Patrick Gallagher ‘06 Jack Gallagher Karen Gallagher
Class of 2009 Brian McCollum ‘09
Lauren George ‘27 Lyn George
Class of 2014 P.D. McCawley ‘14
John Allen Ginder ‘23 Beverly Baker
Class of 2020 William Cook ‘20
Hannah ‘21 and Alexander ‘19 Goldfield Marilynn and Ira Goldfield
Class of 2021 Karen and Oliver Barakat ‘88
Elizabeth ‘25 and Matthew ‘21 Goodman Donna Rocco
Mary Cofran ‘23 Kathryn and Edwin Branch Coach John Colby Heather Rainey Moseley ‘88 and Jim Moseley ‘80
Martha and Adam Greene Emmy and Frank Cerveny Cathleen and Kurt Dunkle
Malone Collins ‘33 Susie and Jim Metcalfe
Nicholas Gregg ‘25 Jennifer Johnson
Mary Lanier Cook ‘94 Beth and Bill Cook
Chuck, Lauren, Ginny ‘32 and Maggie ‘35 Griffith Margie and Chuck Griffith
Hannah Mallory Cooper ‘33 Collins Cooper ‘94 Mallory and William Cooper
Gavin ‘31, Graham ‘31 and Fore ‘34 Hagan Mary and Richard Fortson Mary Grace ‘12, Camille ‘16 and Thomas ‘17 Henley Melody and George Henley
Harry III ‘16 and Catherine Kelly ‘21 D’Agostino Carman and Harry D’Agostino
Lawson ‘30 and Brinkley ‘33 Hewett Amberlee and Phillip Hewett
Holt ‘33 and Charles ‘35 Davis Celeste and Laurence Kroll
Lori Hill Neves ‘99 and Brad Hill ‘03 Justin and Karen Nelson Hill ‘74
Sally Deming and The Fine Arts Program David and Taffy Cooper Remisiewicz ‘87 ESJ
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Millie Hofheimer ‘37 Cynthia Ryan
Dan McKinnon Allison and Julio Ventura ‘93
Meghan ‘01 and Taylor ‘06 Hotchkiss Elizabeth and Dave Hotchkiss
Conner McNelly Christine Covington
Martha Hays Weiss ‘93, T. Hunter Hyde ‘96 and Samantha Hyde Geisler ‘00 Marilyn and Robin Hyde
Matthew Messink ‘30 Brenda and Jim Messink
Rohan K. Jones ‘24 Wayne Jones Julia Kato ‘21 and Andrea Rizzi Crystal and James Kato David C. Keener ‘15 Jeanie and David Keener Katie Kelly ‘04 and Kevin Kelly ‘08 Mimi and Craig Kelly Andy Kidd ‘99 Jenny and Douglas Anderton Stephanie and Don ‘21 Kohla Marilynn and Don Kohla Madeline Kuebler ‘30 Maureen Onstott Susan Kwartler Lanny and Bob Dickson Michael Lyvers ‘29 Wanda Callahan Marian Mannino Katie and Eric Gabriel Eloise ‘32 and Merriweather ‘35 Markley Bridget and Justin Markley Axel ‘33 and Rex ‘34 Mauritz Rene and Lawrence Kurzius Austin McCormack ‘26 Mary and Ray Kircher Middle school teachers who inspire and teach my grandchildren - Brooke ‘26, Lilly ‘26 and Chase ‘27 McCoy Jane and Ken Bergquist
Whitney Jane Morgan ‘27 Tracy and Stephen Morgan Sam Moss Beth and Tracy Upchurch ‘74 Gene Nichols ‘88 and Heather Rainey Moseley ‘88 Ken Grimes ‘88 Emma Elizabeth ‘21 and Lee Allan ‘23 Nimnicht Becky and Lee Nimnicht Dr. Art Peterson Stephanie and Jason Dittmer ‘94 Ted Pina Victoria Register-Freeman and Robert Freeman Claire ‘05 and Vincent ‘09 Pulignano Beth and Nick Pulignano Natalie ‘23 and Will ‘25 Rabil Cyndi and Bill Rabil Richard ‘94 and John ‘96 Ream Pat and Robert Ream Andrew ‘27 and Bryan ‘30 Rhode Lynne and Bryan Rhode Walker ‘27 and Lula Kate ‘30 Richards Trina Sinyard Mike Rickey Charles and Rushton Haskell Callaghan ‘82 Nora Riechmann ‘35 Jane and Mark Riechmann The Riggs Family Sandy and Webster Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ryan Debbie and Louis Kuntz
Paige McGee Dane and Jess Parks Hurst ‘99
Luke Sadler Jr. Randall and Anna Sadler Mann ‘08
Sarah ‘18, Justin ‘19 and Jason ‘21 McKee Carol Fitzgerald †
The Saenz Family Jennifer and John Paul Saenz ‘89
Sunshine Sally Libby Rider Canon ‘91 and Rip Canon ‘85
AJ Wooten ‘17 Jill Stanton and Ken Purcell
Ryan Servis ‘23 Barbara and Kin Cannon
Sophia ‘29 and Bennett ‘32 Wubker Lynn and Bob Alligood
Kirsten Skrinde ‘77 Bob and Lyda Larkins Astrove ‘77
Missy Walton York ‘74 Sam Moss
Madison Smith ‘26 David and Shannon Meyers Smith ‘94 Elizabeth Stovall ‘25 Judy Williams Jones ‘30 and Sawyer ‘31 Swallow Jo and Gary Swallow Summer Taylor ‘25 Karen Johnson Suzanne Taylor Heather Rainey Moseley ‘88 and Jim Moseley ‘80 Teachers and Administrators who showed great courage this school year Lyssa and Christopher Ball Gabe ‘18 and Walker ‘14 Thomas Denise Thomas Lillie ‘19 and Lee ‘22 Tritt Kittye and Jerry Albert William Valentine Judy and Taylor Smith Tracy and Arthur Wood ‘78 Harold B. Wahl ‘77 & Jane McDowell Wahl ‘78 Georgia Wahl Francine Andia Walker ‘77 Ben and Sharon Nelson Hill ‘77 Mr. Wandel and Mrs. Bransford Harry and Amy Burrows Perkins ‘92 Peter Washburn, Boys Crew Coach Justin Yi Garrison Washington ‘21 Chelsey and George Washington John and Cathy Willis Beth and Fred Tedio ‘77 Cooper ‘32, Barrett ‘34 and Charlie ‘36 Wood Susan and Ricky Wood
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Margie Barrett Gretchen Whipple
Kathy Wilkerson Ghelerter ‘71 Lori and Jack Schmidt ‘70
Ashley Bateh ‘03 Carol Lane
George William Gibbs III Mary and Bruce Bower Gayle Enzel Norma Lockwood Duncan and Thomas Sawyer Cheryl and Ron Smith Reecy and Randy Thornton
Wilma Black Sherri Kelly Hallie Brown Kay and Mike Zambetti
Monique “Mokie” Grand ‘89 Tygh and Stephanie Chesson Bailes ‘87 Mike and Jennifer Johnston Perkins ‘89
Christa Bryant ‘17 Jill Stanton and Ken Purcell Tracy and Steve Ralys
Yvonne Grand ‘87 Tygh and Stephanie Chesson Bailes ‘87
John B. Cato ‘82 Rick Alexander ‘82 Steve Champion ‘82 Caroline and Steve Werber ‘83
James Hayes ‘86 Peter and Rachel Gatz Berkowitz ‘88 David and Annie Hughes Goldfield ‘86
Jim Cobb Judith Boucias
Elise Bullock Higbe ‘78 Patricia Carroll ‘78
Virginia (Ginny) Wenz Cobb Judith Boucias Jeff Hite Hal Lynch Ardith and Frank Nance Judy and Carl Stoudemire ‘75
Gregory Hines ‘78 Kay and Mike Zambetti Terry Hunt Mike Newcomb Wendy Dickinson LaPrade ‘76 Bur Davis ‘76 Edna and Maxwell Dickinson Phil Gibbs and Lanier Drew ‘76 Bonnie and Barry Henry George and Carolyn Dixon Richardson ‘77 Evan and Mallory Arnall Von Kugelgen ‘76
Zoe Leach White Conolly ‘73 Robert and Virginia Thomas Morris ‘73 Sid Cullipher ‘80 Chuck Bonds ‘80 Jaimie Edidin ‘76 Katie LeMaster ‘75
Edward McCarthy, Jr. Edna and Maxwell Dickinson Cordelia Ramsaur
W. C. Fields Lori and Don Paul Swain
Keith Milton ‘08 Will Law ‘08
Dawn Hornung Frankel Charles Frankel
Glenda Moody Angela and Kurt George
David P. Friedline, MD Suzanne Friedline Ferber ‘87
Nino Parrales Haydee and Jeff Smith ESJ
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In Memory of
Otto Phanstiel Nicole and Otto Phanstiel ‘80
Luke and Jane Sadler Randall and Anna Sadler Mann ‘08 Cate Sadler ‘05 Madelyn and Luke Sadler
Jim Phillips ‘84 Tanya and Kenneth Arnett ‘84 Patty and David Barksdale ‘84 Michael Baxter ‘84 JaLynne and Mac Butler ‘84 Jennifer and Mark Calvin ‘84 Maureen Flaherty ‘84 Leslie and Scott Foltz ‘84 Michael and Julie Johnson Franken ‘84 Carrie and Towson Fraser ‘84 Catherine and David Friedline ‘84 Liam and Carroll Ann Friedman ‘84 Chris Hall ‘84 Patti Crowe Hinkle ‘84 and Lane Hinkle ‘84 Steve and Nancy Schoenberger Holland ‘84 Cindy and John Hull ‘84 Missy and Will Ketchum ‘84 August and Stacey Spanos Knemeyer ‘84 Megan and Eric Kolar ‘84 Paige and Mark LaBorde ‘84 Childress and Anne Grace Lee ‘84 Alan and Jenni Johnson Linkous ‘84 Shaleen McCormick ‘84 Patti Eckert McMurdie ‘84 Frederick and Julie Greene Miller ‘84 Amy and Jeff Rait ‘84 David and Melissa McLean Richards ‘84 Erin Matthews Richardson ‘84 Kevin and Susan Taber Rissolo ‘84 Alex and Jennifer Scruby Ryshawy ‘84 Lisa and Mike Sharrit ‘84 Nanette and Harold Tool ‘84 Tommy White ‘84 Kellyann and Ed Wulbern ‘84 Cheri and Randy Wyse ‘84
John Shepherd ‘90 Adrienne and Chuck Baldwin ‘90 Branson and Carson Allcorn Fustes ‘90 Nancy and Bill Hetzel John and Kristi Stafford Marinatos ‘91 Ashley and Jay Robinson ‘90 Larry Shofe Justin and Aimee Maire Gabbard ‘89 Dr. Walter Smithwick III The Schultz Foundation, Inc. James Stuart ‘74 Allan and Sally Burton Walton ‘74 Anne Elizabeth Suratt ‘93 Benjamin and Christine Lin Barraud ‘93 Frank Surface Sally and Bill Barnett Mary Call and Palmer Proctor Brandon M. Terrell II Geretha Terrell Stephen Thomson Laurie and Pat Reese Lonnie A. Turner Joseph and Sunny Turner Hartigan ‘88 David Whipple Gretchen Whipple
Ted Pina Marcia Booth Candy Oberdorfer Edwards ‘70 and Mike Edwards ‘70 Calvin and Von Reed Crystal and Ershod Jasey Dale Regan Mimi and Jimmy Bryant Marlo Drake Laura Green ‘86 Leigh Anne and William Milne ‘00 Heather Rainey Moseley ‘88 and Jim Moseley ‘80 John Regan ‘94
Robert Steve Williams Carman and Harry D’Agostino Janice and Mike Kresin Lauren Dupree Mahoney ‘76 Michelle and Kenny Ray Lois Stiles Wingate ‘12 and Mary Dudley Lee White ‘12
John E. Ropp Adrienne and Willson Ropp ‘80 Scott Rudy Sr. Shari Chisholm ESJ
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International Medical and Cultural Foundation, Inc. NFL Foundation St. Mark’s Episcopal Day School Scholarship Fund The Benton Family Foundation The Jess & Brewster J. Durkee Foundation The Margaret and Jack Tarver Foundation The Ralph N. and Anina M. Walter Charitable Trust The Schultz Foundation, Inc. The Thomas M. and Irene B. Kirbo Charitable Foundation Winston Family Foundation
| Matching Gift Companies
Amgen Bank of America Matching Gifts Benevity Crowley Cares Foundation Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Johnson and Johnson Matching Gifts Medtronic Foundation PGA Tour Sawgrass Asset Management, L.L.C. The Reinhold Family Foundation TIAA UBS WJXT- Channel 4
| Gifts In-Kind
1st Place Sports Running Acme Barricades All About Events B and B Advertising, Inc. Susan and Rick Boyd ‘76 Peggy and J.F. Bryan Chick-Fil-A Clear Channel Outdoor FastSigns Florida Yacht Club Marie and John Forbes Jameson Gatewood ‘21 Tammy and Linnen Hodo Miller & Company Real Estate
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NMS Lax LLC Jake Peek Publix Kathy Skaggs St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Timuquana Country Club The Garden Nanette and Harold Tool ‘84 Tropical Smoothie Aaron West Wingard Creative WJXT- Channel 4 Amy and Greg Wong
| Foundation Donors
Episcopal’s Giving Priorities The Board of Trustees has identified the following key areas as funding priorities for the school: Investing in our teachers. Episcopal’s excellent faculty makes our mission possible, and open positions are attracting top candidates locally and from across the country. The ability to retain and attract the best people is paramount to our continued success. Our coaches and fine arts instructors, though their classrooms are on a field, stage, studio, or court, are teachers, too.
Staying on the forefront of technology. Both broadly (in terms of campus infrastructure) and specifically (being known and recognized for technology instruction), our commitment to appropriate use of technology requires careful curation and thought leadership.
Continuing our commitment to learner-centered teaching. Across the Four Pillars, experiential learning, flipped classrooms, Harkness teaching, and differentiated instruction are all key to the best educational outcomes.
Reaching our diversity goals. Led by our Awareness, Inclusion, and Respect (AIR) Committee, we are engaging in diversity initiatives which enrich the entire community while preserving the sense that we all belong to the same community.
Ensuring that our facilities deliver. When our facilities limit our ability to provide the education and value that Episcopal’s mission requires, capital projects and campaigns help us solve today’s challenges and plan for tomorrow.
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Helen Rowan, Board of Trustees Chair
As a former Episcopal parent and now as chair of the Board of Trustees, I have spent many hours on the Munnerlyn Campus. Especially evident during the past two years, the tenacity and resourcefulness of this community is inspiring and I believe has made us as a school even stronger. Our faculty gives each of our children a great gift -- beyond that of daily lessons or useful information -- the gift of the love of learning. Episcopal instills in its students a love of knowledge and a desire to bravely seek their passions and explore their strengths and talents. What a gift they are given to carry with them through their lives. It is because of your care for Episcopal that our faculty are able to provide the best environment for your children -- my children, now grown, still benefit from what they learned while on campus. I see what you have given them firsthand. Whether you are supporting the faculty through appreciation luncheons, donating to The Episcoapl Fund, or helping to fundraise for the school through the parent social events, your desire to help the school -- no matter how much or how little -- adds up in big ways. And those ways extend far beyond the tenure of your children’s time on campus -- they help the students not yet enrolled as well by continuing to improve our school for the long term.
What happens on our three campuses in the day-to-day is dependent on our remarkable faculty and staff. What happens in the long term is dependent on us as Trustees and the support of the community. The Board of Trustees works to ensure the school fulfills its mission year over year, and that it is able to do so far into the future. The community provides the love and support that our campus, faculty, and staff need to continue in their great work. I am thankful for every member of this community and deeply grateful for our teachers, staff, and administrators. Truly, Episcopal remains the best educational institution in this city because of the dedication of many -- including you. Helen Rowan and her husband Paul Halloran have three children who are Episcopal graduates, Diana ’11, Sean ’15, and Margaux ’18.
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The Office of Institutional Advancement The Office of Institutional Advancement moved to the newly renovated (and newly
renamed) Acosta-Schmidt House in the spring, after more than 25 years in an office on St. Elmo Drive. The new location brings the department full circle, as the school’s first development office was housed upstairs in the Acosta House. The new location is a perfect fit, because the front porch is where Commencement is held each year and students become alumni. The work that helps create The Report of Philanthropy spans two school years, and thus staff for both years are listed below. The 2021-2022 Advancement Office staff on the Acosta-Schmidt House porch.
Advancement Office 2020-2021
Advancement Office 2021-2022
Missy Ketchum, Executive Director of Institutional
Missy Ketchum, Executive Director of Institutional
Heather Newman Johnson ‘90, Director of Alumni
Heather Newman Johnson ‘90,
Director of Alumni Relations
Lisa Allen, Director of The Episcopal Fund
Lisa Allen, Director of The Episcopal Fund
Jane Labossier, Office and Database Manager
Jane Labossier, Office and Database Manager
Brandon Westerman ’99, Director of Communications
Brandon Westerman ’99, Director of Communications
Meg Sacks, Director of Marketing
Meg Sacks, Director of Marketing
Belinda Hess, Director of Special Events
Belinda Hess, Director of Special Events
Susan Kwartler, Director of Development,
Susan Kwartler, Director of Development,
St. Mark’s Campus
St. Mark’s Campus
Kelli Chunn, Director of Communications,
Caroline Carithers Close ‘03, Director of Marketing,
St. Mark’s Campus
St. Mark’s Campus
Dallas Skornia, Director of Communications,
Ashley Davis, Director of Marketing and
Beaches Campus
Development, Beaches Campus
Stacy duPont Nash ‘88, Director of Development, Beaches Campus
The 2020-2021 Report of Philanthropy recognizes every donor who contributed to the school between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021. This list reflects outright donations and pledge payments received during the fiscal year from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. Donors with unpaid pledges are not included in The Report of Philanthropy. Every effort is made to ensure the information contained in this report is accurate and complete. If your name has been mistakenly omitted, misspelled, or listed under an incorrect heading, please notify us.
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