2023-2024 Report of Philanthropy

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This letter serves as an opportunity for all of us to look back on this past year with thanksgiving. I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude and awe at what we have accomplished on all three of our campuses, and the successes our students have achieved with the support of our community. Our students’ achievements are reflections of the values we seek to instill in them: pursuit of excellence across our Four Pillars, compassion for others, and a dedication to living lives of purpose.

In 2023-2024 we welcomed more than 1,300 students to our three campuses, a testament to the continued trust families place in us to deliver a comprehensive, transformative education. However, more than academic achievements, we are focused on preparing students to be thoughtful, resilient leaders. Our students must learn to see the world not only as a place to succeed, but a place to serve.

Looking ahead, our vision remains ambitious. As you know, this year we opened the Haskell Center for Science and Student Life, with its STEM classrooms and Harden Hall, a beautiful new dining facility. The renovation of the Buck Student Center and the F wing classrooms will continue to support our students in their pursuits. We also kicked off the Beaches Campus Classroom Expansion campaign, necessary to ensure our students have space to learn and grow and our faculty have facilities that match the excellence of their instruction. And on all of our campuses, we are providing professional development for faculty and staff – in particular focusing on artificial intelligence – and giving our parents educational opportunities that will strengthen our partnership in helping our children to succeed. All of these endeavors are designed to ensure that Episcopal remains a leader in independent education, continuously evolving to meet the needs of our students, who are growing up in a rapidly changing world.

Your support helps us accomplish our mission every single day. As the needs of our school evolve, our ability to respond to new challenges and opportunities depends on the strength of our Annual Fund, our fundraising events, and other giving campaigns. Your generosity directly impacts every student, every program, and every corner of our campus. Together, we can ensure that our school remains a place of opportunity, excellence, and growth for generations to come.

As we move into the next year of our school’s journey, we do so with confidence, knowing that, because of all of those who came before us, we are building on a strong foundation that allows us to look toward an even brighter future. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to Episcopal, and I look forward to all that we will achieve together in the coming year. Thank you for being a part of this extraordinary community. Your support, faithfulness, and partnership are vital to the life of this school.

May God bless and guide us in the year to come, as we seek to love and serve our community in all that we do.


The Class of 2024 was admitted into more than 180 colleges and universities, including more than 20 flagship universities, West Point, Wake Forest, Duke, Emory, NYU, and the American University of Paris.


Seven students committed to fine arts programs in college, including the University of Florida, Florida State University, and Belmont.


20 seniors committed to play 11 sports at 17 schools, including Furman University, Mercer University, Hampden Sydney College, The Citadel, and William & Mary.

LEADERSHIP 2023-2024

Board of Trustees

John K. Adams

O. David. Barksdale ’84

Joseph L. Barrow, Jr.

Henry K. Brown

The Very Reverend Katherine B. Moorehead Carroll(Vice-Chair)

Cathy N. Cranberg

Kelly Flanagan ‘02

Heather Fouts

Alexander M. Graham ‘00

Michael J. Grebe (Board Chair)

Paige Hakimian

Colleen Haley

Mark R. LaBorde ’84

Anne D. Lee ’84

John B. Magevney ’89

Andrew K. McCain ’80

Catherine Mitchell

David Nunes

Ty Petway

Jeffrey Rosen

John-Paul Saenz ’89

John C. Schmidt ’70

Kenneth D. Sweder

Amy Harris Wacaster ’94

Sidney E. Wells ’91

Stephen D. Busey (Chancellor)

The Reverend Adam S. Greene, Head of School, Ex-Officio

Mary Lanier Cook ’94, Alumni Board President, Ex-Officio

The Reverend Charles L. Holt ’89, Rector of St. Mark’s, Ex-Officio

Foundation Board

George Egan

Lou Fouts

Michael Kelley, Chairman

Stephen D. Moore, Jr.

Lori Moffett

Michael J. Grebe, Board of Trustees Chair, Ex-Officio

The Reverend Adam S. Greene, Head of School, Ex-Officio

Mark LaBorde ’84, Chair of the Finance Committee

Trustees Emeriti

William B. Bond

E. Bruce Bower

J. F. Bryan IV

Peggy P. Bryan

Stephen D. Busey

The Right Reverend

Frank S. Cerveny

John W. Donahoo, Jr. †

David W. Foerster †

Henry H. Graham, Jr. †

Joan S. Haskell

Preston H. Haskell III

Mark Hulsey, Jr. †

Delores T. Lastinger

Allen L. Lastinger

Hugh M. Magevney III

J. T. McCormick †

Thad L. McNulty

Walter A. McRae, Jr. †

John A. Mitchell III

Jane S. Munnerlyn †

W. Wilson Munnerlyn †

The Reverend Dr. Robert R. Parks †

Gert H. W. Schmidt †

The Honorable Gerald B. Tjoflat

Elizabeth S. Walton †

William H. Walton, Jr. †

Mary B. Winston †

James H. Winston †

Katharine K. Zambetti

Head of School Emeritus

Charles F. Zimmer

Honorary Trustees

William B. Barnett

Jackie Jennings Busse

Robert M. Clements

Maxwell K. Dickinson

Thomas M. Donahoo

J. Dix Druce, Jr.

David C. Hodges, Jr. ‘90

Susan McLaughlin Jangro

Richard H. Jones

Ross T. Krueger

Joan W. Newton

Marian B. Poitevent

Helen C. Rowan

Luther F. Sadler

Alumni Board Officers

Mary Lanier Cook ’94


Peter Blumeyer ’08

President-Elect, Young Alumni Chair

Mary Burke Baker ’93 Vice President of Membership

Shannon Shea ’89 - Vice President of The Episcopal Fund, Reunion Weekend Co-Chair

Dearing Setzer Thoburn ’88


Joseph Murray ’99


Alumni Board Members at Large

Hillary Liles Almond ’90, Lady Alumni Chair

Matthew Fox ’01

Derek Gaff ’87

Tyler Gay ’11

Kia Mitchell Kemp ’93

Caroline Oakley ’13

Todd Ogletree ’88

Shaara Pajcic Swallow ’99

Tori Thompson Tutwiler ’14, Reunion Weekend Co-Chair

Robert Van Cleve ’83

Nick Walker ’10

Mary Dudley Lee White ’12

Will Wickenden ’15

David Wingard ’92



Founded in the school’s first year, the Episcopal School of Jacksonville Foundation provides in perpetuity funds for financial aid, professional development, and program support. With assets of approximately $15 million, the Foundation provides annual income to the school and is managed by the Foundation’s Board of Directors. These funds, combined with other annual gifts to the school, provide non-tuition support for Episcopal’s operating budget. Scholarships and special funds from the Foundation are given in the name of persons or organizations listed below.


50th Reunion Scholarship Fund

Established in 2020 by the school’s first graduating Class of 1970, the 50th Reunion Scholarship Fund was created to provide financial assistance to deserving students. The Class of 1970 created a tradition whereby each alumni class celebrating its 50th Reunion will add funds to this scholarship.


of America Scholarship


Established in 2001 by Bank of America, this scholarship fund was established to provide assistance to academically qualified minority students with financial need. As a founder in the Take Stock in Children program, Bank of America established this scholarship at Episcopal to assist Take Stock in Children participants whenever possible. Both Middle School and Upper School students are eligible.

Ashley Danielle Bateh Scholarship Fund

This scholarship fund was established in memory of alumna Ashley D. Bateh ’03 through gifts from many family members and friends. This scholarship makes it possible for others who demonstrate Ashley’s qualities of integrity, creativity, exuberance, and a genuine love of all humankind to attend the school. A scholarship is awarded from this fund to a deserving student in Middle or Upper School.

James B. and Barbara Russell Bours Scholarship Fund

Established through a bequest from the Bourses’ estate upon Mrs. Bours’ death in 1996, this fund awards numerous scholarships to academically talented students with financial need. Mr. and Mrs. Bours were members of St. John’s Cathedral.

Buford L. Bowen Scholars Fund

Established by a generous planned gift from Buford L. Bowen, a lifelong Episcopalian who loved young people, The Bowen Scholars Fund provides financial aid to deserving students. Students who are selected as Bowen Scholars will continue to receive the scholarship throughout their Episcopal career, provided that the student maintains certain academic standards.

Miller Bower Scholarship Fund

Established in 1996 through a gift from the Mary and Bruce Bower family, scholarships are awarded to students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds who could not otherwise attend Episcopal and who demonstrate the highest qualities of leadership, character, academic achievement and artistic or athletic ability.

Steven De Balmaseda Champion Scholarship Fund

This fund was established in 1986 through gifts made in memory of 1982 graduate Steven de Balmaseda Champion. In addition to this fund, which awards a scholarship to a deserving Middle

or Upper School student, the “Giving Tree” at the front circle drive was given in Steve’s memory by family, friends, and classmates.

James L. Coon Jr. Scholarship Fund

Established in 1997 by the Episcopal Student Senate, this fund awards a scholarship in memory of James Coon, a 1993 graduate. This scholarship is awarded to an individual who requires financial assistance in order to attend Episcopal and who exhibits a love for God, family, and community.

Cameron Murchison Corse Fund

This fund was established in 1980 in memory of Cameron Murchison Corse, a member of the Class of 1975, to award a scholarship to a deserving student who displays excellence in academics.

Neal G., Sr. and BJ Cury Scholarship Fund

Established in 2001 through a gift from the estate of Neal G. Cury, Sr. and the memorial gifts of family and friends, awards from this fund are made to students who need financial assistance in order to attend Episcopal.

Linda and Rip DuPont Endowed Scholarship

Longtime Episcopal supporters Linda and Rip DuPont are the parents of two Episcopal graduates, Stacy ‘88 and Tim ’91. Linda and Rip DuPont created a scholarship for students with financial need, with preference given to a student or students coming to Episcopal from the Beaches Campus.

Endowment for Support of Economically Disadvantaged Students

This endowment seeks to ensure the success of economically disadvantaged students who receive substantial financial aid by offering them support services and resources which will increase their opportunity to thrive at Episcopal, in college, and in life. Financial aid pays for tuition, but it does not address the additional expenses which are vital to the complete student experience. These expenses include tutoring, counseling services, books, uniforms, technology, among others.

The EHS Scholars Fund

The EHS Scholars Fund was established in December 2000 through a gift from A. Dano Davis and his sons, Ben ’92 and Jed ’96. This fund assists students with financial need who possess strong character and who display in their lives and work the traits of Excellence, Honor and Service.

Forbes Scholars Fund

Created by Marie and John Forbes, the Forbes Scholars Fund will award a scholarship to a student for his or her entire Episcopal career. Students with financial need will be eligible for the scholarship and will maintain their status as a Forbes Scholar as long as they meet the academic requirements to remain at Episcopal.

Bertram and Barbara Herlong Scholarship Fund

A planned gift from The Right Reverend Bertam N. Herlong established a scholarship in his memory. Though he became Bishop of Tennessee, Father Herlong was a young priest when he was named Episcopal’s first Chaplain and assistant headmaster, and he conducted the weekly chapel services scored with music that he and other Episcopal teachers wrote. He had a long career in the priesthood, serving at churches in Florida, New York, and Michigan before he was named Bishop of Tennessee.

Yvonne L. and Monique M. Grand Scholarship Fund

The Yvonne L. and Monique M. Grand Scholarship Fund honors the memory of two sisters, Yvonne Grand ‘87 and Monique “Mokie” Grand ‘89. Mokie died during her senior year at Episcopal, and Yvonne died in 2018. The Monique and Yvonne Grand Award is a scholarship for college given annually at Senior Honors Convocation. The Yvonne and Monique Grand Scholarship Fund will ensure that this important scholarship will continue to be awarded to a deserving senior.

The Joseph and Jean Conrad Scholarship Fund

This fund was established in 2021 in memory of Joseph and Jean Conrad, whose three children are graduates of Episcopal: Jill ’70, Suki ‘73, Reid ‘79. This scholarship has been established for students in need of financial assistance.

The John Michael Kelly Scholarship Fund

This fund was established in 2010 through the estate of Mr. Kelly. It provides a scholarship to a deserving student in Middle or Upper School.

The Amy Delores Lastinger ’91 Scholarship Fund

Established in 2000 through a gift from Delores and Allen Lastinger, a scholarship is awarded to assist academically talented students with financial need who would otherwise be unable to attend Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Both Middle School and Upper School students are eligible.

The Randall Lane Lastinger ’85 Scholarship Fund

Established in 2000 through a gift from Delores and Allen Lastinger, this fund awards a scholarship to assist academically talented students with financial need who would otherwise be unable to attend Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Both Middle School and Upper School students are eligible.

Talona Mae & Fred William Melber Fund

Mr. Melber established a scholarship fund, through the Community Foundation, to be awarded to students with financial and/or life-circumstance needs, most particularly children who may be orphans, foster children or otherwise from families who do not have the economic means to enable them to attend Episcopal. Mr. Melber was an orphan who grew up on Episcopal’s property when it was a boys’ home operated by St. John’s Cathedral. The boys’ home closed in 1953, making way for St. John’s Cathedral to envision a high school on its land. Each year, a deserving student who would not otherwise be able to attend Episcopal receives a generous scholarship provided by Fred Melber’s Fund.

Roberta Mercier Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was established in 2000 by Lee Mercier in honor of his wife’s retirement from Episcopal School of Jacksonville after 27 years as a teacher of French and chair of the World Language Department. The Fund was established to assist deserving students with financial need and to help increase the diversity of the student body. Both Middle School and Upper School students are eligible.

The Wellington “Cotton” Paul Scholarship Fund

This fund was established in 2000 by Peggy and J.F. Bryan IV in honor of Peggy’s father, Wellington “Cotton” Paul, so that students with financial need may benefit from an Episcopal education in the same way as have Mr. Paul’s grandchildren, Jeff ’89, Cotton ’91 and Josh ’03.

The Lindsey Lastinger Riggs ’90 Scholarship Fund

Established in 2000 through a gift from Delores and Allen Lastinger, a scholarship is awarded to assist academically talented students with financial need who would otherwise be unable to attend Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Both Middle School and Upper School students are eligible.

James Edwin Rowan Endowed Scholarship

Created in 2020 by Board of Trustees Chair Helen Rowan, her husband, Paul Halloran, and their children Diana ‘11, Sean ‘15, and Margaux ‘18, this scholarship honors the memory of James Edwin Rowan, Helen’s father. This scholarship fund will support a James Edwin Rowan Scholar throughout his or her years at Episcopal.

Katherine & Franklin G. Russell Scholarship Fund

Established in 2002 by Katherine Beard and Louise Hardwick, in memory of their parents, and by Franklin and Anne Beard, in memory of his grandparents, scholarships from this fund are awarded to academically deserving students who require financial assistance to attend Episcopal School of Jacksonville.

Headmaster’s (Semmes) Scholarship Fund

George and Eunice Semmes gave annual scholarship gifts to support deserving students-known as The Semmes Scholars--during their lifetimes. Upon their death, their Foundation established The Headmaster’s Scholarship Fund for students with financial need.

Lauren K. Snyder Scholarship Fund

This fund was established in 1989 by the Student Senate and the Senior Class in memory of their classmate, Lauren Snyder.

William N. Valentine Scholarship

Former teacher William N. “Bill” Valentine taught English, history, Russian, and Latin in his 43 year career at Episcopal. He received the Davis Award for Excellence in Teaching and was also named the Leo C. Burgman Chair in English before his retirement. He created a scholarship fund which is awarded to students with financial need so that they can benefit from the school he loved and served.

Sarah Elizabeth Morley Towers & Dr. Robert Baldwin Van Cleve Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1988 by Dr. and Mrs. Robert Baldwin Van Cleve in memory of a devout admirer of Episcopal, Sarah Elizabeth de Lannoy Morley Towers. In 2005 Dr. Van Cleve’s family made additional contributions and included his name on this fund. Each year a portion of the interest is used to assist scholarship students with various additional educational expenses that arise.

Shirley Cox Webb Scholarship Fund

Established in 1979 by Dr. and Mrs. H. Warner Webb, this fund provides a scholarship for a deserving Middle or Upper School student in memory of Shirley Cox Webb, mother of Dan Webb ’77, Patrick Webb ’79, and Julia Claire Webb ’85.


The Mary Lou and Dan Davis Awards for Excellence in Teaching

Established in 1992, the Davis Awards for Excellence in Teaching are presented each year to selected Episcopal School of Jacksonville teachers who personify quality in their teaching and in their influence on student learning; who consistently and unselfishly go above and beyond normal expectation of time, energy and devotion in working with students; who demonstrate the rare ability to motivate students to higher and higher levels of achievement; and who have consistently made use of opportunities for continuing education to improve themselves professionally. This award is intended to inspire all Episcopal teachers to pursue uncompromising excellence and caring in the classroom.

Endowed Fund for Harkness Teaching

Created in 2014 by donors who funded Episcopal’s initial pilot program in the Harkness method, the Endowed Fund for Harkness Teaching provides ongoing funds to ensure the effective integration of the Harkness method in Episcopal’s curriculum. This fund provides training, evaluation, and support for teachers using the Harkness method and will spread and maintain the culture of Harkness teaching.

The Guardian Award Fund

Established in 1999, The Guardian Gift was created by Bill and Theresa Dahl to honor an Episcopal teacher or staff member whose mentoring and positive influence has made a lasting impact on a student. Graduating seniors are invited to write an essay about their “Guardian” teacher and why he or she deserves to be honored. The recipients are not announced until the Senior Honors Convocation when the student is invited to read the winning essay which reveals who that student’s Guardian is. The Dahls endowed a fund for The Guardian Gift in 2003.

The Lastinger Summer Scholars Fund

Established in 2000 through a gift from Delores and Allen Lastinger, the Lastinger Summer Scholars Fund provides for professional development opportunities over and above those required, and benefits not only the faculty members’ educational needs but also the expanded community of Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Some of the most rewarding professional development programs are those extended summer programs offered by numerous universities, agencies, and foundations.

Charles E. Merrill Fund

Established in 1970, this fund awards grants to Episcopal faculty members to pursue continuing education through summer studies, workshops and other special educational programs.

Elizabeth Simpson Walton ‘71 Fund for Coaches’ Professional Development

Created by the siblings of Elizabeth “Beppy” Simpson Walton ’71 after her death, this unique fund gives an annual distribution to the Athletic Department for the purpose of sending full time and adjunct coaches to professional training

sessions and seminars. Beppy Walton was an elite swimmer who also coached swimming for many years, and she knew the impact that good coaching could have on an athlete’s development. This fund adds additional dollars to the Athletic Department’s existing budget for coaches’ professional development, making Episcopal’s investment in its coaching staff extraordinary.


Bond Science Endowment

Established in 2000 by Sandy and Bill Bond, a former chair of the Board of Trustees, and their family, this endowment provides annual extra support for the Science department, providing extra funds for research projects, special programs, and resources to enhance the science curriculum.

Leo C. Burgman Chair of English

Established in 1997 through a gift from the late Jim and Mary Winston, and their daughter McKimmon “Kimmie” Winston Mason, Class of 1975, this chair honors the memory of Kimmie’s grandfather, Leo C. Burgman. As an academic chair, income from this fund will help attract and retain high-quality faculty in the department of English. Jim Winston served the school as a member of the Board of Trustees and the Foundation Board and was named a Trustee Emeritus for his dedication to the school.

The Magevney Family Technology Fund

Established in 2000 by Meta and Hugh Magevney and their sons, Michael ’87, John ’89 and William ’00, this fund provides in perpetuity for enhancement and expansion of the technology program at Episcopal. In this ever-changing arena, this fund will aid the school in staying at the forefront of educational technology.

The Jack Tarver Endowed Fund for Communications

This fund supports the school’s Department of Communications, which includes journalism, media production, public speaking, yearbook, and psychology. This fund was established by Katie Jason Oldoerp ’96 in memory of her grandfather,

the late Jack Tarver, former publisher of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and chair of the Associated Press.

The George Warren History Endowment

Established in 2022 by Seth Pajcic ‘95, the George Warren History Endowment generates annual supplemental funds for the History Department. Named in memory of George “Buddy” Warren, who taught history and US government at Episcopal from 1978 to 1997, this endowed fund will support special experiences, field trips, professional development, or teaching materials.


Dale D. Regan Plaza Replacement Endowment

This special fund was created by Denise Hunt, sister of Dale Regan, to fund the eventual replacement of the beautiful Dale D. Regan Plaza. The Regan Plaza surrounded the iconic Great Oak tree which stood on Episcopal’s grounds for hundreds of years and was former teacher and Head of School Dale Regan’s favorite place on the campus. After her death in 2012, the community created the Dale D. Regan Plaza to honor her memory of service to the school. To ensure that the Regan Plaza can be replaced without cost to the school, Denise Hunt established this term endowment to honor her sister.



Thomas Palmer Baker Endowment Fund

Established in 1984 in memory of Thomas Palmer Baker to provide discretionary dollars for the general enhancement of school operations.

Inez S. Chambers Endowment Fund

Bequeathed in 1994 by Ms. Chambers to benefit the current needs of St. Mark’s students.

General Endowment Fund

Established to provide funds for the general enhancement of school operations.

McRae Endowment

Funded with a gift from Walter and Bitty McRae, this fund provides annual operating support.


The Jamie Andrews and Glen Orr Scholarship Fund

Established in 2004 in memory of Jamie Andrews and Glenn Orr to provide tuition assistance for eligible students with financial need.

Claude N. Brown Scholarship Fund

Established in 2004 in honor of Claude N. Brown to provide tuition assistance for eligible students with financial need on the St. Mark’s Campus.

James Duncan Burn Memorial Scholarship Fund

Established in 2001 by Mrs. Frances Burn in memory of her husband, James Duncan Burn, to provide financial assistance to eligible students.

Marilu Dempsey Scholarship Fund

Established in 2006 in honor of Marilu Dempsey because of her love for children and for all her service to the St. Mark’s family. The fund provides tuition assistance to eligible students.

Oleta L. Dimmick Scholarship Fund

Established in 1998 by the Board of Trustees in honor of Oleta L. Dimmick’s 24 years of service to St. Mark’s Episcopal Day School. The fund provides tuition assistance to eligible students with demonstrated need.

General Scholarship Fund

Initiated in 1992 under the leadership of Mrs. Diane M. Graham, this fund makes it possible for children of families with financial need to enjoy the benefits of a St. Mark’s education.


Mark’s Episcopal Day School Scholarship Fund

Established in 1989 by Lynn and William Inman to provide funds for children to attend St. Mark’s Campus whose parents may otherwise be unable to provide an academically challenging education in a Christian environment.

Library Endowment Fund

Established in 1986 in memory and in honor of Mr. Francis Childress, Mrs. Jacquelyn Dwells, Mrs. Rachel Thompson, and Mrs. Anina Walter for the purchase of books and materials for the school library.

Sherouse Memorial Scholarship Fund

Provides tuition assistance for eligible students with demonstrated financial need.


Williamson Scholarship Fund

Established in memory of R. S. Williamson to provide financial assistance for eligible students.

Nancy N. Wood Excellence in Education Endowment Fund

Established in 2001 by the Board of Trustees to honor Nancy N. Wood for her service to St. Mark’s Episcopal Day School as Headmistress from 1989 –2001. The fund recognizes excellence in all aspects of teaching at the St. Mark’s Campus.

The G. Kennedy Thompson Library Endowment Fund

Established in 1997 by Mr. and Mrs. G. Kennedy Thompson in honor of their children, Kenny, Stacey, and Scotty, for the purchase of books and materials for the school library.

Founders Endowment for Continuing Education

Established in 2006, this provides funding for faculty and staff professional development.


Anina M. Walter Scholarship Fund

Given in 1992 as part of the general scholarship endowment program, these funds provide financial assistance for eligible students.


Buford L. Bowen Scholarship Fund

Established in 2014 by the Buford L. Bowen Charitable Trust to provide tuition assistance for eligible students with financial need.

Cathy Hardage Fund For Financial Aid

Established in 2014 to honor Cathy Hardage and her service to St. Mark’s as the Head of School from 2006 – 2014. This fund provides tuition assistance each year to eligible student(s) with demonstrated financial need.

Hank L. Haynes Fund For Financial Aid

Established in 2014 by the estate of Hank L. Haynes, this fund provides tuition assistance each year to eligible student(s) with demonstrated financial need.


McCondichie Children’s Fund

Longtime Beaches Episcopal School supporter Hayne McCondichie established a scholarship for students with financial need who will be attending the Beaches Campus.

Thank you FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF THE EPISCOPAL FUND CAMPAIGN THIS YEAR AND FOR PUTTING YOUR TRUST IN US. Thanks to the generosity and commitment of our parents, alumni, trustees, grandparents, parents of alumni, friends, students, faculty, and staff, gifts went to work for every student, teacher, coach, and department on each Episcopal campus.







Boldly ESJ Campaign Celebrates Opening of Haskell Center for Science and Student Life

The Rev. Adam Greene addresses students, faculty, and staff during the dedication ceremony for the Haskell Center for Science and Student Life on August 19.

The Haskell Center for Science and Student Life opened for the first day of school on August 15. Features include a brand new dining hall - Harden Hall - and a wonderful new STEM and robotics center. The building was dedicated and blessed at a student-focused ceremony on August 19.

Lead donors to the building campaign, Boldly ESJ, were recognized with a special event in Harden Hall on August 25.

“With deepest gratitude we would like to thank our donors to the Boldy ESJ Campaign - the campaign that funded the Haskell Center for Science and Student Life. We can now provide exceptional opportunities for our students because all of our donors shared our collective vision for what this space could be. We are here because of their sacrificial generosity and their spirit of love and giving,” said The Rev. Adam Greene, Head of School. “We’d like to especially thank the Haskell family for their generosity in all they have given to our school, not only this building, but also many other projects they have been involved in - every capital campaign the school has held going back to 1978.”

The Haskells’ three children attended Episcopal, along with multiple grandchildren. Joan and Preston have been active volunteers, serving on the Board and involved as parents in different areas of school leadership since the 1970s.

Co-chairs Amy Harris Wacaster ‘94 and Alex Graham ‘00, both current parents and current Trustees, led the Boldly ESJ Campaign.

Joan and Preston Haskell with their daughter and son-in-law, Ross and Sally Haskell Singletary ‘86, and their granddaughter, Farley Callaghan.

Members of the Harden family: Lawson Carr, Ansley Harden Carr, Christian Harden ‘01, Stephanie Kulik Harden ‘01, Brooke Harden Michaelis ‘09, and Shannon Harden.

Jennifer and JP Saenz ‘89 with Martha and Adam Greene.


The following individuals, families, and organizations have committed to supporting the Boldly ESJ capital campaign in the form of a pledge or donation from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. These gifts support the four main components of the campaign: building The Haskell Center for Science and Student Life, renovating the Buck Student Center, renovating the original science classrooms into English and History classrooms, and increasing our endowment to maintain our facilities and our programs.

Claudia and Bill Adams

Rick Alexander ’82

Kathryn Lay and Tim Allen

Lisa and Walker Allen ‘85

Laura and Mike Alton

Karsten and Claudia Saenz Amlie ‘87

Katie McArthur Athey ’00 and Whitfield Athey ‘94

Lyssa and Christopher Ball

Tonya Ball

Amy and Joe Barrow

Susan and Michael Batten

Marti Baugh

Jodi and Greg Beere

Vance and Clare Gebert Berry ’73

Liesl and David Berry

Beverly Bonaparte

Wes Bowling and Katie Lebhar Black-Bowling ’95

Andrea Crews-Brown and Brandon Brown

Jennifer and Henry Brown

Mike Brozowski

Janet and Kevin Buford

Philippa Marks and Brad Bullington


Florence and Tom Calhoun

Charles and Rushton Haskell Callaghan ‘82

Kate and Chris Carroll

Tonya and Glenn Carter

Julie and Dennie Carter

Hilary and James Case

Kelli and Charles Chunn ’98

Peyton and Doug Chunn ’97

Barham and Mary Lanier Cook ’94

Romany and Neal Cury ’74

Juli and Troy Davis ‘93

Chris Dell

A.J. Dial

Scott and Heather Halliburton Douglas ’94

Jenny and David Dulaney

Danielle and Fredrik Eliasson

Katie and Joel Ellis

Stephanie and Keola Elobt

Kasse and Roy Eppley

Estate of Blanche B. Coggin

Ann and Terry Farmand

Andy Farmer

Fiona and Chris Farrell ’84

Jennifer Ferry ’10

Caitlin Fitzpatrick

Courtney Flerlage

Heather and Lou Fouts

Michael Freed

Amy and Kevin Gay

Erich and Sam Hyde Geisler ’00

Lyn George

Michael Glenn ’77 †

Sue and Keesy Goebertus

Frances and Alex Graham ’00

Martha and Adam Greene

Helen Rowan and Paul Halloran

Henry Hamilton

Shannon Harden

Ann and Martin Harrell

Joan and Preston Haskell

Natalie and West Herford

Christy and Michael Hodges

Missie and Kelly Hoyt

Amanda and Matt Jackson

Jackie Jenkins

Tracy Jester

Topher and Heather Newman Johnson ’90

Susan McArthur Jones ’05 and Richard Jones ’01

Missy and Will Ketchum ’84

Katie and Andy Kidd ’99

Holly and Craig Kobrin

Nancy and Dick Kohler

Janet and Ron Kolar

Jean and Ross Krueger

Jane Labossier

Carol Lane

Melodie and Dan Langford ’82

Allen and Delores Lastinger

Lucy and Pao Lee

Chris Lenz and Kate Wallis ’01

Meta and Hugh Magevney

Ellen and John Magevney ’89

Alex and Brian Maples ’03

Christy and Beau Maurer

Mary Love McArthur

Carol and Worth McArthur ’04

Ann and Ed McCarthy

Courtney and Tom McCaughey

Paige and Chris McGee

Leigh Anne and William Milne ’00

Lori and David Moffett

Jake and Stacy duPont Nash ’88

Kim and Jeff Nelson

Becky and Lee Nimnicht

Melanie and Lou Noir-Jones

Irene and Dave Nunes

Shannon and Jay Nunley

Natalie and John Pettey

Patti Phillips

Nitza Plaski

Kathryn and Chip Pruden

Beth and Kevin Rasch

Ryan and Lindsey Lastinger Riggs ’90

Ann Riley

Patrick Riley

Christy and Jeff Rosen

Liz and Justin Ryan

Meg and Jon Sacks

Madelyn and Luke Sadler

SAGE Dining Services

Lori and Jack Schmidt ‘70

David Schwei

Tricia and Chad Senesac ’98

Ross and Sally Haskell Singletary ’86

Chris and Mike Slack

Beverly and Tim Sleeth

Pat Slevin

Jordan and Robb Smith ’99

Eric Stanley

Emily and Brian Steffes

Bridgett and Chip Stroud

Barb and Ken Sweder

Carol and George Terre

The Henry and Lucy Gooding Endowment

Sue Turner

Dawn Vaughan

Brenda and Chris Vermillion ’87

Steven and Amy Harris Wacaster ’94

Emily Edmonson and David Wandel

Cindy and Chris Ware ’76

Mary Dudley Lee White ’12 and Wingate White ’12

Megan Wickenden ’06

Winston Family Foundation

Amanda and Charlie Wodehouse

Randy Kammer and Jon Phillips

Jette and Mark Wood

Langdon and Tom Zimmer


Beaches Campus Classroom Expansion Campaign

The expansion plan will accommodate the growing needs of the campus, providing state-of-the-art facilities for students and faculty. With a focus on enhancing the learning environment and allowing for future campus growth, the new building promises to be a cornerstone of educational excellence.

Campaign Committee

Ashley and Vince Bagni ’93

Jessica and Kevin Waugaman ’94

Maria and Chris Riley


Ashley and John Adams

Julia and Patrick Aland

Ellen and Robert Alexander

Lynn Alligood

Ashley and Vince Bagni ‘93

Barham and Mary Lanier Cook ‘94

Patty and David Barksdale ‘84

Amy and Joe Barrow

Ali Balfour and Ian Black

Louise and Jack Boyle

Marisa and Whit Brighton

Jennifer and Henry Brown

Kate and Chris Carroll

Denise and Eric Cinnamond

Cathy and Alex Cranberg

Ashley and Andy Davis

Peggy and Matt Davis

Kari DeFilippo

Sean and Weatherly Marshall

Donald ‘08

Elizabeth and Patrick Dussinger

Elisa and Nando Formoso

Heather and Lou Fouts

Campaign Timeline

May 2024 - August 2025 - Campaign Fall 2024 - July 2025 - Construction

August 2025 - Classrooms complete and open for 2025-2026 school year

Erich and Sam Hyde Geisler ‘00

Kate and Cobus Gomes

Frances and Alex Graham ‘00

Eileen and Mike Grebe

Martha and Adam Greene

Marvyl and Michael Grinney

Colleen and Chris Haley

Sarah Hartley

Joie Horton

Shannon Johnson

Cheri and Don Jones

Jenn and Tyler Kendall

Jennifer and Ben Ketchum

Diana and David Lammermeier

Whitney and Nick Largura

Childress and Anne Grace Lee ‘84

Nicole and Jeremy Limbaugh

Ellen and John Magevney ‘89

Michelle Massais

Meredith Matthews

Robert Mayotte

Ashley Ann McGehee

Jane and Michael McKinney

Missy and Tom Melba

Jane and Douglas Miller

Catherine and Bruce Mitchell

Pat Morrissey

Stephanie and John Naser

Irene and Dave Nunes

Katie Regan

Ryan and Lindsey Lastinger Riggs ‘90

Maria and Chris Riley

Jennifer and JP Saenz ‘89

Leslie and Barnes Sale

Lori and Jack Schmidt ‘70

Galina and Daryle Scott

Trish Shilling

Laura and Travis Smith

Steven and Amy Harris Wacaster ‘94

Jessica and Kevin Waugaman ‘94

Stephanie and Brandon

Westerman ‘99

Anne Wiggins

Amanda and Charlie Wodehouse

Generational Ties and Commitment to Episcopal’s Future: The Wodehouse Family’s Story

When Charlie and Amanda Wodehouse drop their children off at Episcopal’s Beaches Campus, a wave of nostalgia sweeps over Charlie. “I actually attended elementary school here when it was still Beaches Episcopal School. I went to chapel on this very campus from kindergarten to fifth grade, so this place holds a special meaning for me. Now, our twins are enrolled, and our middle child completed fifth grade here and absolutely loved it,” Charlie shared, reflecting on his personal connection to the school.

For the Wodehouse family, selecting Episcopal was a natural choice. “We believe Episcopal offers the ideal environment for our kids to thrive. The faith-centered culture and the Harkness method quickly convinced us that this was the right choice for our family. The teachers here truly inspire our children and help them reach their full potential,” Amanda and Charlie explained, emphasizing their confidence in the school’s approach.

Beyond their children’s education, the Wodehouse family is deeply invested in the school’s future. They are strong supporters of the Beaches Campus Classroom Expansion (BCCE) campaign, which is set to transform the learning experience by expanding classroom facilities. “In our opinion, Episcopal is the best independent school in North Florida. The new building will allow us to add a second class in every grade level. It’s a major addition to the Beaches community, and we are excited to see the new building next year!” they remarked with excitement.

Their dedication not only highlights the deep roots the Wodehouse family has at Episcopal but also underscores their belief in the school’s mission and future. With their support and involvement, Episcopal continues to thrive as a place where tradition meets innovation, ensuring future generations receive the same exceptional education that has meant so much to families like theirs.



The Mary Packer Cummings Society honors individuals who have provided for the school through deferred gifts such as bequests, life insurance, annuities, and trust agreements. The society is named in honor of Mrs. Cummings, who left the property where Episcopal now stands to St. John’s Cathedral upon her death in 1912. Planned gifts may be directed by the donor to provide unrestricted income or to be used for designated purposes such as endowment, capital improvements or program areas.

Long time San Marco residents Pat Andrews and Fred Lambrou have years of involvement at Episcopal, albeit in very different ways. Both of Pat’s sons, Weston ‘06 and Morgan ‘07, are graduates; Pat taught at Episcopal for many years, and served as Head of the Middle School until she retired in 2013. Fred has played in the long-running adult basketball league in the Alumni Gym for thirty years. He still holds his own on the court!

Pat and Fred became members of the Mary Packer Cummings Society in 2012.

“We hope that our gift will perpetuate the values of kindness and gratitude, coupled with a spiritual foundation, for future generations of Episcopal students. It is comforting to know that our gift will be used by an institution with deep, positive roots in Jacksonville. Episcopal makes our community stronger, kinder, and more compassionate,” said Pat and Fred.

Pat has the experience of both a teacher and a parent on campus. She said that her boys thrived in an atmosphere of kindness and academic rigor that puts students first. The teachers have high expectations for both themselves and their students in both academics and decorum. Pat also loved that both boys were able to combine a love of both art and sports. Weston and Morgan enjoyed football, wrestling, and lacrosse, and cultivated their artistic side in Richard Chamberlain’s Photography class.

Pat and Fred remembered former Head of School Dale Regan with their planned gift to the school.

“Dale Regan was a reflection of the best of what ESJ stands for in Jacksonville. Her friendship, kindness, and genuine love of this school is unmatched. She set the rigorous academic tone while still caring for every student. Our gift remembers and honors her legacy. She was my dear friend, along with Peggy Fox, (longtime Director of Admission), both of whom were pillars of strength for the long-term success of Episcopal,” said Pat.


The 1966 Society was established in 2008 to recognize Episcopal’s most loyal annual supporters. Named for the year that Episcopal was founded, this giving society recognizes donors who have made a gift to the school for five or more consecutive years.

Our oldest daughter started attending ESJ shortly after the Munnerlyn Center was completed. We quickly realized that her opportunity to receive an outstanding education, participate in first class visual and performing arts programs, and compete in athletics was made possible by generous donors who believed in ESJ’s vision. That was the impetus for our first donation in 2005, and we believe it is even more important today to ensure faculty have the resources they need and that every student has the opportunity to explore their interests and to achieve their potential.

As is probably true for many families, our three children have very different talents and passions. They each experienced Episcopal differently as they discerned their interests, but they all came away with a great education, the tools to be successful in college, and a self-determination to pursue their dreams.

For Diana ’11, our oldest, that meant taking many arts classes at Episcopal and double-majoring in visual arts and biology at Wake Forest. Today, as a busy doctor, she finds painting and writing both energizing and restorative.

Sean ’15 had a passion for tennis, and played on Episcopal’s varsity team for five years before joining the tennis team at University of the South. The seeds for his interest in biochemistry were sown by a wonderful chemistry teacher at Episcopal, and contributed to his decision ultimately to pursue medicine. He has just graduated from Dartmouth with his MD and MBA, and is now a resident in Chicago.

Margaux ’18, our youngest, was immediately drawn to the performing arts, and participated in every play and musical. Her interests grew to the visual arts, and she completed her BFA at The New School at Parsons and is now working on a masters degree in sculpture at London’s Royal College of the Arts.

We strongly believe that our children’s experiences at Episcopal helped to shape their interests and laid a foundation for becoming caring community members who want to make a difference.


The Houstons HEATHER,


We are thrilled to be a part of the St. Mark’s Campus community! ESJ felt like family from the beginning –and for good reason. We are active members of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Hal is an alumnus of St. Mark’s Episcopal Day School, and our children have cousins across multiple campuses. What continues to amaze us is how much Ford and Annie are flourishing at Episcopal.

Ford quickly became more confident, grew to enjoy reading and math, and has grown spiritually. Annie is so excited to join her big brother on the St. Mark’s Campus this year, and both are anxiously waiting for their baby sister to join the nest.

Individually and as a family, we could not feel more welcome and cared for. Almost immediately, Ford built a strong cohort of buddies whose families became our friends. These loving families hosted playdates, brought meals when our new baby arrived, and kept us engaged with the ESJ community.

For our family, donating to the Episcopal Fund is one more way to keep our family connected. No matter the size, every gift matters, and further strengthens a community that gives so much.



At Episcopal’s Beaches Campus, the vibrant spirit of learning and community is felt by all who walk through its doors. This nurturing environment is not only made possible through the dedication of educators and staff, but also through the generosity of grandparent donors whose contributions help shape the future of generations to come.

Grandparents play a unique role in the lives of their grandchild(ren). They provide wisdom, guidance, and unwavering support, while watching their grandchildren grow academically, socially, and spiritually. For many grandparents, their love for their grandchild extends beyond the personal bond, demonstrated in meaningful gifts that ensure future students enjoy the same enriching experience.

“When we visit with our own granddaughter, we are thankful for her growth and success in such a nurturing and enriching environment as Episcopal’s Beaches Campus,” shared Jane and Douglas Miller. “Savannah’s success reminds us of the wonderful community we belong to and the legacy we are fortunate to help build for future students.”

These gifts from grandparents like the Millers do more than sustain Episcopal’s commitment to excellence; they leave a lasting legacy. Each donation, whether large or small, serves as a testament to the importance of education, family, and community. By giving, grandparents are helping to shape a brighter future for the entire Episcopal community. Their contributions not only impact the students of today but set the foundation for the successes of tomorrow.

The support from grandparent donors like the Millers ensures that future generations will experience the same values of faith, learning, and service. These gifts are more than a financial commitment; they are a living legacy of love, support, and belief in the power of education to transform lives.

To all our grandparent donors, we extend our deepest gratitude. Your generosity strengthens our community and guarantees that the Episcopal experience will continue to nurture and inspire future generations. Through their legacy, the spirit of giving thrives, ensuring that Episcopal remains an institution of excellence for years to come.


The 2024 Bash Committee hosted a fun-filled evening at the Walton Boathouse. Bash 2024 offered Episcopal parents an opportunity for fellowship while supporting the school. The sold-out event welcomed more than 300 guests, who enjoyed wonderful food by celebrity Chef Kenny Gilbert and music by New Southern Collective. The school’s annual fundraiser exceeded its goal and netted more than $50,000.

Back to the Boathouse Committee

Publicity Committee Co-Chairs

Marla Anderson

Mary Lanier Cook ‘94

Lynne Murphy

Decorations Chair

Lindsey Lastinger Riggs ‘90

Marcela Beard

Cara Freeman Bowyer ‘92

Heicha Britton

Richard Britton

Lisa Coppedge

Elisa Formoso

LaToya Freeman

Beth Collins Himes

Juli Davis

Heather Haliburton Douglas ‘94

Heather Fouts

Erin James

Holly Kobrin

Paula Kowkabany

Ellen Magevney

Cindy Lankenau

Anna Neal

Molly Phelps

Kristen Schmidt Seay ‘92

Julie Wiggins Sorenson ‘98

Kerri Soud

Mindy Starkey

Paige Terry

Jennifer Moore Walker ‘90

Dee Wilcox

2024 Bash Contributors

Dede Allen

Mike Alton

Rebecca Campbell

Glenn Carter

Closets by Design

Dash Lacrosse

Juli and Troy Davis ‘93

Renee and Rob Eddy

Kasse Eppley

ESJ Boosters


ESJ Parents Association

ESJ Student LIfe

The Falconetti Family

Matt Flakus

Heather and Lou Fouts

Martha and Adam Green

Michelle Harold

Andy Harold

Frances Poitevent Hutto ‘88 and Mark Hutto

Nick James

Julie Ryan Photography

Bob Kirk

Michelle Kreuger

Philippa Marks

Chip Morgan ‘15

Mike Rickey

Lindsey Lastinger Riggs ‘90 and Ryan Riggs

Jessica and Jason Ryals

Mishayla and Michael Schmidt ‘96

Jordan Smith

Chip Stroud

The Bearded Pig

The Haskell Company

Tom Bush, BMW, Mazda, Mini and Volkswagon

Marcus Wells ‘90

Jennifer and Lance Windley

A Vision for Art presented by Northern Trust Brings Hundreds to the St. Mark’s Campus

The fifth annual A Vision for Art raised more than $100,000 for the St. Mark’s Campus. Throughout the five-day art exhibit showcasing 40+ professional artists, hundreds of avid collectors and casual buyers visited the campus.

The Opening Night Patron Preview Reception and Celebration on April 19 had record attendance with approximately 400 guests. During the evening, The Rev. Adam Greene, Head of School, recognized the Presenting Sponsor, Northern Trust, with an original painting by EMYO as a token of appreciation for their generous support.

In addition to purchasing fixed-priced artwork, guests had a unique opportunity to bid on grade-level art via the school’s A Future for Art online auction. This initiative, made possible by Linda R. Alexander and Duval Motors, raised $7,500 and provided ELP 1 - grade 5 students the chance to work alongside professional artists, fostering an appreciation for artistic expression from an early age.

Adam Greene, John Donahoo ‘88, Nicole Marvin, John Adams Grant ‘88, Beville Anderson

Dinner • Meet the Artists



Ginifer Brinkley

John Bunker

Sally Bunting

Elizabeth Leitzke

Rebecca Lemmon

Jenny Lomax


Jessie Cook

Episcopal School of Jacksonville and Northern Trust proudly present A Vision for Art .

Teresa Cook

Kristen Cronic

This annual event introduces art lovers to new works by some of the Southeast’s greatest established and emerging artists.

Anne Cullum

and art enthusiasts together on the St. Mark’s Campus for a five-day art experience unlike any other.

Caroline Dargel

Sophia Dare

Tiffany Manning

Lynn Mclow

Dawn Newbern

Charissa Owens

Fallon Peper

Alma Ramirez

David Engdahl

Proceeds from A Vision for Art support our community of artists and the continued enhancement of fine arts programs and strategic projects at Episcopal School of Jacksonville, St. Mark’s Campus.

Caitlin Flynn

Melissa Gerard


Victoria Germond

Teresa Graham

Shana Grugan

Megan Reid

Pablo Rivera

Beth Robison


Ariel Harder


Kristina Hoover

Trish Jones

Shopping days are open to the public with free parking and admission. Complimentary wine and beer will be available on Monday and Tuesday.

Tatiana Kitchen

Paul Ladnier

Episcopal School of Jacksonville, St. Mark’s Campus 4114 Oxford Avenue. Jacksonville, Florida 32210

Robert Leedy

Phil Sandusky

Arena Shawn

Mary O Smith

Laura Wallin

Allison Watson

Pamela Wingard

Kimberly Wolff

Chloe Wood

Ortega River Run Raises $86,000 for St. Mark’s Campus

Save the date for the W.W. Gay Ortega River Run on February 8, 2025

Nearly 1,700 runners crossed the 2024 W.W. Gay Ortega River Run finish line on Saturday, February 10. The 46th annual Ortega River Run drew the largest crowd in recent years to the St. Mark’s Campus, and provided entertainment and fun for the entire family. Children enjoyed face painting, balloon art, a Game Truck, sweet treats, and fun giveaways at the street fair. Event proceeds benefit need-based financial aid efforts at the St. Mark’s Campus.

“We are grateful to our sponsors, especially the 2024 Title Sponsor W.W. Gay Mechanical Contractor, for their support and for helping to make this run a huge success,” said Susan Kwartler, Director of Development for the St. Mark’s Campus. “The event also would not have been possible without the 2024 Ortega River Run Committee: Jennifer Bechan (chair), Kayla Earrey (co-chair), Rebekah Hagan, Rachel Morgan, Jenny Rounds, Jessica Ryals, Amanda Trimble, and Hannah Williford.”

Gold Sponsors

BASH 2024

Beach Bash Yacht Rock Exceeds Goal

The Beaches Campus Parent Social Committee hosted Beach Bash - Yacht Rock on Friday, March 1, in the gym and performing arts center.

Parents enjoyed Yacht Rock-inspired cocktails and cuisine, music by DJ Rance Adams, and participated in online auction bidding. The Beaches Campus extends its gratitude to the dedicated committee members who made this night a success. The event surpassed its fundraising goal, benefiting the outstanding programs offered to students through the Four Pillars: Academics, Athletics, Fine Arts, and Spiritual Life. Thanks to the generosity of the parent community, faculty tickets were fully funded, allowing all teachers to attend the event free of charge.

Beach Bash Yacht Rock Committee

Michael Bonen

Mary Broe

Jane Collins

Alex Crawford

Melissa Fincel

Miranda Gahn

Samantha Grinney

Kelly Hughes

Melissa Kirkland

Shylo Kline

Brittany Lammermeier

April Slade

2023-2024 Episcopal Fund Chairs Ensure Success of Annual Fund

We thank our Episcopal Fund Chairs, 90 parent volunteers and our 107 alumni class representatives for helping to create the spirit of generosity that distinguishes Episcopal and makes us thankful to be part of this community.

Volunteers had a fun time passing out carpool treats, celebrating 100% participation, and sharing the joy of giving back.

Munnerlyn Campus

Campaign Chair: Heather Fouts

Middle School Parent Chairs: Suzanne and Wade Taylor

Upper School Parent Chairs: Lyssa and Christopher Ball

Parent of Alumni Chairs: Shannon and Jay Huie

Alumni Chair: Shannon Shea ’89

Grandparent Chairs: Colleen and Scott Westerman

Faculty and Staff Co-Chairs: Cristi Peterson Skeels ’91 and Jeremy Scott

Beaches Campus

Parent Chairs: Maria and Chris Riley

Grandparent Chairs: Cami and Chuck Wodehouse

Faculty and Staff Chair: Ashley Ann McGehee

St. Mark’s Campus

Parent Chairs: Rebecca and Josh Sale

Grandparent Chairs: Shelley and Wayne Williford

Faculty and Staff Chair: Megan Trumpler

“We were honored to serve as the 2023-2024 Episcopal Fund Faculty and Staff Chairs. We realized that the quality of the Episcopal experience today is a result of previous gifts, and we wanted to help ensure Episcopal’s quality for tomorrow.”

Jeremy Scott, Munnerlyn Campus

Megan Trumpler, St. Mark’s Campus

Cristi Peterson Skeels ’91, Munnerlyn Campus

Ashley Ann McGehee, Beaches Campus


The Parents’ Association goes above and beyond every year to make the school extra special for faculty, staff and students. A few of the services and opportunities they provided this year were:

• Back to School Coffee chat with The Rev. Adam Greene

• Guest Speakers at each PA meeting discussing topics such as the mental health of our students, healthy eating, and parenting a teen in the social media age

• Sponsored National Speaker and Parent Book Studies chosen book for the year Dr. Lisa Damour to speak to parents via Zoom about her book, The Emotional Lives of Teenagers

• Stocking the faculty lounge with treats throughout the year

• Food trucks with treats for the students in the fall and spring

• Parent Book Study held monthly or bi-monthly

• Christmas at ESJ provided volunteer opportunities for both parents and students to decorate the Munnerlyn Campus

• The Lost and Found Event on the Flag Plaza during ParentTeacher Conference Day

• New storage shelves for the Welcome Center to display the Lost and Found throughout the year

• Uniform Exchange Event held in May

• Continued partnership with Rethreaded for Recycling Uniforms

Boosters Board

Lisa Coppedge, President

Sherry McGehee, Vice President

Laurie Sullivan, Treasurer

Leslie DeVooght, Secretary

Munnerlyn Campus Parents’ Association Board

Heather Halliburton Douglas ‘94, President

Angela George, Vice President

Beth Gibson, Treasurer

Erin Peterson, Secretary

The core mission of Boosters is to recognize and celebrate the athletic experiences and achievements of ESJ students while promoting parent involvement in support of the entire athletic program and its coaches.

• Coordinated pictures and production of all senior athletic banners

• Offered speakers who provided presentations on strength training and the college recruiting process

• Provided annual coaches’ appreciation breakfast to recognize and support all ESJ athletic coaches

• Provided recognition lunches for all Middle School and Upper School team captains

• Contributed to “Signing Day” celebration to honor and recognize senior athletes continuing their sport at the collegiate level

• Honored and celebrated all senior athletes and coaches at the annual Senior Athletic Banquet

• Boosters provided funding to team parents to use for an “Eagle Appreciation” gift for all athletes. Athletes received items such as a personalized bag tag or bag, a special postgame treat, or team dinner

• Provided funding for additional sport-specific needs through the “Booster Boost” initiative. Booster Boost covered items such as speed coach devices for rowing, a soccer rebounder board, a shade tent, and white boards used for coaching and game plays

Munnerlyn Campus Dads’ Club


Kevin Davidsen, Co-Chair

Paul Van Brunt, Co-Chair

The Dads’ Club is a parent support organization that aims to connect Episcopal dads through fellowship, campus support opportunities, and fun, while learning more about student life, the teenage years, and ESJ.

This year the Dads’ Club had the opportunity to attend a mix and mingle with Head of School, The Rev. Adam Greene along with a fun evening supporting the Fine Arts Band Concert.



Ellen Magevney, President

Amy Cumbow, Vice President

Beth Collins Himes, Treasurer

Tracy Morgan and Lyssa Ball, Secretaries


FANS (Fine Arts Nurturing Students) is a parent volunteer organization that serves to enhance the fine arts experience for every Episcopal student and the entire ESJ community. A few of the accomplishments this year were:

• Co-hosted Back-to-School Coffee Chat with PA and Boosters

• Organized and hosted post-performance celebrations and visual art openings

• Coordinated volunteers for theatrical and dance performances and intermissions: Our Town (Upper School play), Winter Dance Concert, and Footloose (spring musical)

• Organized and hosted Christmas concert receptions, Spring Band and Choral Concerts, Visual Arts Gallery Openings, Tech Crew events, and Fine Arts End of Year Reception and Senior Awards Ceremony

• Allocated designated funds for discipline-specific workshops and seminars for dance, visual arts, theater, and choral and band students; sponsored tech students to attend Hadestown show

• Donated funds to purchase two new wheels for the Grebe Ceramics Studio


Parents’ Association

Courtney McCormick, President

Hannah Williford, Vice-President

The 2023-2024 Parents’ Association hosted many fun and exciting events throughout the school year. A well-attended Parents’ Night Out provided parents the opportunity to connect and get involved for the school year. Families also enjoyed the Book Fair, Fall Festival, Grandparents’ Days, Daughter Dance, Son Event, and the end of year Splash Into Summer Party. Faculty and staff were overwhelmed with all the special treats and treasures they received during Teacher Appreciation Week.

Proceeds from the Book Fair enabled the school to purchase a new water bottle filler on Berg field.

In addition to these events, homeroom parents supported teachers and students throughout the school year through class communication, event planning, and more.

St. Mark’s Campus Dads’ Club

Robert O’Quinn, President

Ross Sprague ‘06, Vice-President

Follow esj.stmarks.pa on Instagram to learn more about the Parents’ Association and stay up-to-date on ways to get involved on the St. Mark’s Campus.

“We are grateful to have a committed network of volunteers that keep our community strong, connected, and engaged, “ said Susan Kwartler, Director of Development, St. Mark’s Campus. “With the dedicated support of our volunteers, we were able to celebrate another remarkable year.”

The St. Mark’s Campus Dads’ Club had a very successful year with several social gatherings and school projects. The 2024 W.W. Gay Ortega River Run Gourmet Dinner was a huge success thanks to all of the Dads’ Club volunteers who greeted guests and served food throughout the evening.

Thank you to all the St. Mark’s Campus families who volunteered and supported the Parents’ Association and Dads’ Club during the 2023-2024 school year.


Ashley Bagni, President Maureen Walsh, Secretary

Kimberly Mayo and Erica DeStephano, Parent Ambassador Co-Chairs

Jessica Waugaman, Teacher Appreciation Week Coordinator

Sean Moneypenny, Dads’ Club President

The goal of the Parents’ Association is to create school spirit and a joyful sense of community, organize appropriate events, and honor Beaches Campus traditions. During the school year, the PA organized activities that invested in enriching the students’ school experience like Boo Bash, Son Event, and Daughter Dance.

The Parents’ Association also organized monthly lunches for the faculty and staff during professional development days, and teachers felt loved during Teacher Appreciation Week thanks to lunch catered by Taco Libre, morning coffee, flowers, and much more!

The Dads’ Club organized service events, including relocating the raised garden beds for the campus and assembling items for Beach Bash. They also held meet and greets during the year that concluded with an end of year social at Hanna Park.

“We are extremely grateful to the Parents’ Association and the Dads’ Club for their support of our wonderful campus,” said Jennifer Ketchum, Head of Lower School, Beaches Campus. “Please join me in thanking all those who volunteered this school year. Their gift of time and talent made for several memorable events for our school community.”

Thank you to all Beaches Campus families who volunteered and supported the Parents’ Association and Dads’ Club in 2023-2024.




Guided by principles, inspired by accomplishments

1966 Society

The 1966 Society recognizes the most loyal supporters of Episcopal School of Jakcsonville. Named for the year Episcopal was founded, this giving society recognizes donors who have made a gift to the school for five or more consecutive years. Faithful support of the school is a hallmark of the strength of our community.

35+ Years |

Anonymous (1)

Judy and Sandy Avent ‘73

Peggy and J.F. Bryan

Candy Oberdorfer Edwards ’70 and Mike Edwards ’70

Margaret Foerster

Drew and Lee Haramis ‘77

Beth and Michael Kirwan ’81

Allen and Delores Lastinger

Hal Lynch

Lauren Dupree Mahoney ’76

Kay and Mike Zambetti

| 30 – 34 Years |

Vance and Clare Gebert Berry ’73

Janet and Kevin Buford

Charles and Rushton Haskell Callaghan ‘82

Carolyn and George Cooper

Sue and Keesy Goebertus

Meta and Hugh Magevney

Bjorg Murphy

Debbie and Jonathan Rogers ’76

The Thomas M. and Irene B. Kirbo Charitable Foundation

Becky Vodrey ’73

Marion and Bob Zeiner

| 25 – 29 Years |

Bank of America Matching Gifts

Donna and Raymond Bateh

Mimi and Jimmy Bryant

Peter and Jill Langford Dame ’74

Kasse and Roy Eppley

Phil Gibbs and Lanier Drew ’76

Libby and David Hackney ’77

Tedi and Frank Hamilton

Missy and Will Ketchum ’84

Mary Krombach

Michelle and Dean Krueger ’83

Katie LeMaster ’75

Amy Foerster Lyerly ’84 and John Lyerly ‘86

Ellen and John Magevney ’89

Laura and Michael Magevney ’87

Annetta McCoy

Heather Rainey Moseley ’88 and Jim Moseley ‘80

Lynne and Niels Murphy ’88

Elena and Jorge Oliver ’99

Nancy and Brian Prendergast

Ryan and Lindsey Lastinger Riggs ’90

Pat and John Slevin †

Judy and Carl Stoudemire ’75

Mark and Claire Dudley Wilkiemeyer ’89

| 20 – 24 Years |

Anonymous (1)

Rick Alexander ’82

Holly and Will Allen ’93

Beville and Greg Anderson

Wes Bowling and Katie Lebhar Black-Bowling ’95

Mike Brozowski

Florence and Tom Calhoun

Teri and Ron Chenot

Barham and Mary Lanier Cook ’94

Annie and George Egan

Shari and Tom Evans ’70

Tricia Sanchez-Salazar Fechtel ’80 and Mark Fechtel ’81

Jack Gallagher

Holland and Charles Gibbs ’87

Carolyn and Don Glisson

Meredith Wachtel Hines ’90 and Ed Hines ’80

Missie and Kelly Hoyt

Andrea and Scott Jevic

Katie and Andy Kidd ’99

Saundra and Bob Kidd

Jean and Ross Krueger

Susan Kwartler

Melodie and Dan Langford ’82

Ann and Ed McCarthy

Dina and Jeff Middlekauff

George Ossi ’89

Dendy and Rallis Pappas

Nancy Parks

David and Melissa McLean Richards ’84

George and Carolyn Dixon Richardson ‘77

Jordan and Robb Smith ’99

Allison and Trip Stanly ’89

Ed and Cris Scott Tennant ‘82

Sharon and Herschel Vinyard

Cindy and Chris Ware ’76

Suzy and Dan Wolff

| 15 – 19 Years |

Claudia and Bill Adams

Ashley and John Adams

Linda R. Alexander


Karsten and Claudia Saenz Amlie ‘87

Patty and David Barksdale ‘84

Angela and David Bast

Susan and Michael Batten

Sarah and Michael Borns

Stephanie and Christopher Brown

Pat Brown

Philippa Marks and Brad Bullington

Nancy and John Burrows

Dan Candeto ’02

Kate and Chris Carroll

Charlie Clayton

Meg and Charles Commander

Susanne and Darren Dailey

Bur Davis ’76

Juli and Troy Davis ‘93

Ashley and Keith Daw

Andrew Deskins

Scott and Heather Halliburton Douglas ’94

Jenny and David Dulaney

Barbara Duncan ’74

Duval Motor Company

Estate of John Michael Kelly

Ann and Terry Farmand

Marin Flint

Valerie and Brian Francois

Erich and Sam Hyde Geisler ’00

Leah and Spence Glotzbach

Frances and Alex Graham ’00

Cheree and Hampton Graham ’04

Helen Rowan and Paul Halloran

John and Leyden Haynes Hane ’94

Cathy and Robert Hardage

Joe and Sunny Turner Hartigan ’88

Bonnie Henry

Belinda and David Hess

Greg and Sherry Smith Hieb ’80

Christy and Michael Hodges

Cara and David Hodges ’90

Megan Elsila and Tom Hunt

Bernie Hurley

Mark and Frances Poitevent Hutto ’88

Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute

Tracy Jester

Lynell and Kirk Johnson

Cathy Kanaday and Scott Kasierski

Andrea Rizzi and Randall Kato

Dorothy and Gil Kerr

Christine and Bob Kirk

Stephanie and Joe Kohla

Paige and Mark LaBorde ’84

Emily and Matthew Levenson

Emily and William Magevney ’00

Anne and Randall Mann

Ashley and Doug McCain ’77

McQuade Family

Minka and Izudin Mujanic

Jake and Stacy duPont Nash ’88

Mike Newcomb

Alex Nichols

Cristina and Eddy Oliver ’00

Harry and Amy Burrows Perkins ’92

Jennie Ruckman Rankin ’89

Amanda and John Regan ’94

Annette and Lew Ritter

Diane and Brian Rose

Sue and Peter Sabo

Meg and Jon Sacks

Josephine Sanchez

Lori and Jack Schmidt ‘70

Kelly and Hamilton Slye ’91

Pamela and Bill Steitz

Carol and George Terre

The Paul E. and Klare N. Reinhold Foundation, Inc.

Deena Bateh Wallace ’00 and John ’00 Wallace

Jervis and Emily Humphries Wise ’99

| 10 – 14 Years |

Bebe and Ted Alexander

Lisa and Walker Allen ‘85

Laura and Mike Alton

Marla and Geddes Anderson

Jenny and Douglas Anderton

Leandra and Abe Dopazo

Dana and Scott Baldwin ‘86

Lauren and Mike Barker

Mary and Hampton Barnes

Diane Bates

Franklin Beard ’70

Karen and Ned Becker

Melissa and Ernst Bell

Michele Bell-Badger

Sandy and Bill Bond

Skip and Katie Long Borghese ’97

Jason and Cara Freeman Bowyer ’92

Anna and Dave Brosche

Jennie Trimble Busey ’97 and Brooks Busey ’95

Jackie and David Busse

Tonya and Glenn Carter

Joan Carver

Hilary and James Case

Kelli and Charles Chunn ’98

Melissa and Patrick Coll

Romany and Neal Cury ’74

Amy Davidson and Candice Elliott

Davis Capital Management

Ken and Cindy Mire Davis ’85

Leslie Dawson

Stephanie and Rob Day

Kim and Frank DeLong

Jen Dieter

Diane and Robert Dupree ’74

David Ertrachter

Andrew Evans and Karen Harris ’77

Shannon Miller and John Falconetti ’85

Colleen O’Reilly-Fellows and James Fellows

Kay and Michael Fellows

Kelly Flanagan ’02

Kristina Miller Gabriel

Amy and Kevin Gay

Allison and Allen Ginder ’85

Kyle and Lesley Marchman Gittings ’06

David and Annie Hughes Goldfield ’86

Becky and Steve Goldwasser

Kim and Dan Goodman

Diane Graham

James and Sara Burnett Granberry ’99

Darion Green

Homa and John Guy

Brandon and Caroline Foerster Hammond ’94

Barrie Hayes ’79

Rodney and Jennifer Stopiak Hayes ‘90

Natalie and West Herford

Laura Hershberger ’04

Caroline Sabo Hughes ’10

Shannon and Jay Huie

Marilyn and Robin Hyde

Todd and Stephanie Athey Jarvis ’91

Topher and Heather Newman Johnson ’90

Susan McArthur Jones ’05 and Richard Jones ’01

Kids First Denistry

Janet and Ron Kolar

Julie and Pete Komaroski

Paula and John Kowkabany

Ginger and Tony Kurlas

Patrick and Cheryl Farmand Leddy ’97

Lucy and Pao Lee

Chris Lenz and Kate Wallis ’01

Angie and Wade Lindsey ’89

Beth and Don Lucchesi

Jennifer Lyles

Don and Anne-Marie Forbes Lynn ’95

Courtney and Tom McCaughey

Ingrid and Peter McCawley

Paige and Chris McGee

Rebecca and Jon McKinney

Teresa and Vance Meyer

Miller Electric Company

Jo Miller

Leigh Anne and William Milne ’00

Bette Len and Jack Mitchell

Cynthia and Jim Montgomery

Rayni and Jason Moret

Murphy & Anderson, P.A.

Nick and Kerri Cannon Napoleon ’94

Chris and Katherine Donahoo Nott ’90

Whitney Oren ’72

Connie and Jim Overton

Joanna and Curt Pajcic ’86

Kathleen and Seth Pajcic ’95

Sarah and Brian Parent

Mary and Peter Pierson

Leigh and Bob Polster

Ann and Richard Powell

Kathryn and Chip Pruden

Beth and Nick Pulignano

Claire Pulignano ’05

Candace and Ray Ravis

Jenny Drummond Ream ’96 and John Ream ’96

Will and Pam Oltmanns Rodman ’76

Natalie and Mark Rosenberg

Susan and Tom Ryan

Libbie Sabo ’13

Allie Smith Sabo ’11 and Mason Sabo ’09

Jennifer and JP Saenz ’89

Elizabeth Rodriguez and Eric Sauvageau

Ann and Frank Scheu

Tonya and Mark Schnitzius

Everette and Kristen Schmidt Seay ’92

Lauren and Rick Seibler

Tricia and Chad Senesac ’98

Judy and David Senesac

Carla and Scott Shaw

Warren and Cristi Peterson Skeels ‘91

Beverly and Tim Sleeth

Art Small ’93

Nick and Amanda Farmand Smith ’01

Katherine and Patrick Snyder

Bill and Julie Wiggins Sorenson ‘98

Eric Stanley

Allison and Aron Stefanides

Kathy and Fred Stephens

Bridgett and Chip Stroud

Lori and Don Paul Swain

Brian and Shaara Pajcic Swallow ’99

Barb and Ken Sweder

Catherine and Sam Swingle

Teri and John Teems

The Jess and Brewster J. Durkee Foundation

Denise Carpenter Thomas

Ann and Rich Thompson

Lori and Mike Trobaugh

U.S. Legal Services

Brenda and Chris Vermillion ’87

Ginny and Perry Walthour

Emily Edmonson and David Wandel

Kit and Pete Washburn

Carolyn Wells ‘03 and Marcus Wells ’90

Stephanie and Brandon Westerman ‘99

Megan Wickenden ’06

Jennifer and Lance Windley

Heather Burnett Wingard ‘93 and David Wingard ’92

Rebecca and Ed Witt

Amy and Greg Wong

Karen and Mike Zambetti ’80

Loretta and Martin Zubero

| 5 – 9 Years |

Anonymous (6)

Kim and Whitney Allemand

Lucia and C.J. Allen

Tad and Cate Sadler Anderson ’05

Garlene and Mike Atcherson

Katie McArthur Athey ’00 and Whitfield Athey ‘94

Russell and Mary Burke Baker ’93

Lyssa and Christopher Ball

Tonya Ball

Chris and Jeff Bankston

Amy and Jason Barringer

Amy and Joe Barrow

Susie and Michael Bateh

Marti Baugh

Max Baumer ’08

Marcela and Russell Beard ‘96

Mackenzie and OB Bera

Virginia and Charlie Berg ’10

Lori and Michael Bittner

Andrea and Stacy Blair

Carina Santalucia and Kevin Blalock

Randa and Neil Blethyn

Devon and Peter Blumeyer ‘08

Beverly Bonaparte

Bono’s Pit Bar-B-Q of North Florida

Jefferson Brant

Prescott Braude ’10

Paula and Tom Brice

Jennifer and Henry Brown

Parker and Sarah Allen Brown ’18

Eleanor and Kendall Bryan

Jennifer and Chet Buchanon

Bill Buckingham ’78

Michelle and William Burgstiner ’08

Karen and Joe Camerlengo

Kirsten Doolittle and Pat Carney

Julie and Dennie Carter

Ronnie Carter

Shelly and Mike Cavendish

Emmy and Frank Cerveny

Shannon and Mark Chaffin

Marlene and Perry Chappell

Brandee and Paul Charles

Stephanie and Mark Chesser

Tina Chester

Ana Chindris

Megha and Amit Chokshi

Denise and Eric Cinnamond

Closets by Design of the First Coast

Carolina and Jason Collins

Vicky Commander

Shannon and Matt Connell

Jennifer Contin

Tanya and Mark Coomes

Christine and Dwight Cooper

Angela Corey

Cathy and Alex Cranberg

Polly Crawford ’89

Donia and Bill Crime

Sara and Rick Culbreth

Joe Cullen

Amy and John Cumbow

Angela and Christian Cummings

Nancy and Howard Dale

Erica and Justin D’Arienzo

Chris Dell

Debbie and Tom Deppe

Brenda and Mike Devaux

Melissa Devers

Leslie and Carlton DeVooght ’90

Susanne Partridge Dickinson ’80 and Spencer Dickinson ’80

Celeste and Leonard Dodrill

Jim and Susannah Clarke Doherty ‘89

Dopazo Orthodontics

Rainey and Eric Drake

Lara Westmoreland Duguid

Sarah Overton Duncan ’03

Cathleen and Kurt Dunkle

Dunlap, Ravis & Miller

Elizabeth and Patrick Dussinger

Earth Works Design & Maintenance, Inc.

Megan and Donnie Edwards

Micci and Will Ellis

Irene Eskalis

Laura Fackler

Charles and Susan Tuggle Fairchild ’78

Andy Farmer

Anna and Jon Farrin

Tirbod Fattahi

Anthony Felton

Cary and Carl Ferbrache

Joe and Alise Key Ferranti ’94

Keena and Kevin Finn

Caitlin Fitzpatrick

Jennifer and Chris Flakus

Matt Flakus

Courtney Flerlage

Cristi and Russell Flint

Heather and Lou Fouts

Claire and Albert Franson

Joanna and Adam Frantz

Michael Freed

Christie Freel

Andrea and Drew Frick

Kathryn and Eric Fuller

Branson and Carson Allcorn Fustes ’90

Derek Gaff ’87

Gina and Ruple Galani

Emily and Stephen Garrett

Staci and Tom Gibson

Leslie and Darren Glenn ’91

Sandy and Scott Gonzalez

Laura Grand

Ruth and Harvey Granger

Stacey and Gary Gray

Greg Gray

Eileen and Mike Grebe

Martha and Adam Greene

Chris and Jennifer Waugh Griffith ’89

Mike and Meg Sisk Grimes ’93

Deb and Pete Gunnlaugsson

Paige and Ben Hakimian

Madeleine Combs-Hamel and Randy Hamel

Henry Hamilton

Molly and Chris Hansen

Michelle Harold

Jennie and John Haug ’99

Keelen and Matt Henson

Brittney and Greg Hersey

Kara and Tony Hicks

Cara and Michael Hillyard

Patti Himes

Deanna and Greg Holland

Jenn Rood Hoover ’01 and Ryan Hoover ’00

Jennifer and Andy Hostetler

Tonia Brousseau and Jeffrey House

Charles Howard

Rebecca Howes

Jane Hughes ’84

Christine and Victor Hughes ’93

Wendy Hulsey

Jono Hustis

Icon Experiences

Claire and Stuart Irving

George and Leigh Elizabeth Black Israel ’05

Jackie Jenkins

Traci and Mark Jenks

Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts

Mark and Renee Hedgepeth Johnson ’77

Michelle and Chris Jones

Tee and Jared Jones

Nandita and Kevin Jones

Lucy and Bonner Jones

Cynthia and Mike Jones

Matt and Tanya Samara Kellogg ’91

Sherri Wilson Kelly

Linda and Tim Kelly

Derrick King

Sandra Montiel and Raymond Klein ’89

Rosa De Jorio and Bert Koegler

Marilynn and Don Kohla

Nancy and Dick Kohler

Megan and Eric Kolar ’84

Kona Ice of Jacksonville

Elaine Martinez-Koziol and Jason Koziol

Jane Labossier

Michelle and Bill Laird

Chris Landon

Carol Lane

Fran and Jim Lang

Helen and Scott Laseter ’80

Dana and Matt Laurie

Tom Lavelle

Arianne and Walker Leary

Childress and Anne Grace Lee ’84

Jane and Joseph Lee

Natalie Lewis ’14

Noel and Rut Liles

Karin and Scott Linn

Grace and Chris Lipari

Josh Longmire

Allison and Joel Luker

Erica and Christopher Luzar

Deirdre MacCarthy

Lori and Norman Magyar

Dawn Maldonado

Amy and Ryan Maloney

Randall and Anna Sadler Mann ’08

Suela and Al Mansur

Karen and Mark Marousky

Bart Martens ’10

Justine and Jared Martin

Kirsten and Josh Martino

Elizabeth Scarborough Marziale ’77

Tiffany and Harry Massey

Christy and Beau Maurer

Scottie May

Carol and Worth McArthur ’04

Lucy and Andy McCain ’80

Katie and Brad McCollum ’08

Kristin Kircher McCormack

Stephanie and Matt McCullough

Frances McCurry

Cindy Harris and Scott McMillan

Medtronic Foundation

Jillian and Matthew Medure

Brenda and Jim Messink

Jessica and Jeremy Michaud

Ana Sanchez-Micolucci and Anthony Micolucci

Molly and Matt Miles

Stephania and Steve Million

Kelly Ingram-Mitchell and Garrett Mitchell

Elizabeth Stovall Momberg ’00 and Grant Momberg ’99

Michelle and Alex Moore

Mary Liz and Jimmy Moore

Travis Moore ’89

Robert and Virginia Thomas Morris ’73

Katy and Pat Murphy

Joe Murray ’99

Melissa and Jason Nelson

Kim and Jeff Nelson

Andreas Neumann

Kathleen Morris New ’77

Becky and Lee Nimnicht

Normandy Lake Dentistry

Shannon and Jay Nunley

Carey and Brad Officer

Jenny and Lee Oreair

Susan Pajcic

Leigh and Richard Palmer

Michelle and Ravi Pande

Suni and Curtis Parks

Esther and Bruce Payne

Connie and Russ Pecoraro

Brooke and Aaron Penland

Lindsey and Ty Petway

Niki and Jonathan Philips

Patti Phillips

Molly Helms Pina ’88 and Ted Pina ‘88

Deena and Leonard Pittman

Geoffrey and Sarah Reid Vinyard Place ’10

Nitza Plaski

Beth and Gregory Poe

Josh Putterman

Lori and Clint Pyle

Jeanette and Rick Rader

Donna and Bill Reed

Remedy Workforce Specialists

Emily and Patrick Rhodin

Richard L. Oreair & Company

Marieka and Dervent Richards

Whitney and Graham Riley ’00

Lisa and Mark Rinaman

Donald and Liz Clarke Robbins ’89

Ashley and Jay Robinson ’90

Ana Maria Rojas

Christy and Jeff Rosen

Entrice and Marcus Rowe

Lindsay and Nicky Runnels

Jessica and Jason Ryals

Cynthia and Elias Salameh

Melissa and Ed Salek

Hala and Waddah Salman

Brenda and Bill Schilling ’89

Alison Emery Schoenberger ’90

Neil Schoenberger ’90

David Schwei

Robyn and Andre Sessoms

Shannon Shea ’89

William and Ruth Nagel Shelley ’75

Barbara and Ted Short ’90

Misty and Michael Skipper

Matthew and Brie Wood Sloan ’99

Shannon Meyers Smith ’94

Brian and Sam Schwinger Snyder ’91

Clarinda and Doug Solomon

Denise and Jason Spinning

Colton Spurlock

Emily and Brian Steffes

Nicole and Adam Steiger

Taylore and Chet Stokes ’09

Emily and Eli Stovall

Brandi and Dom Strada

Ann and Charlie Stuart

Angielyd and Michael Sullivan

Tamara and Eric Taylor

Kristy Taylor

Patricia and Michael Taylor

Allison and Ryan Taylor

Suzanne and Wade Taylor

Emily Teems ’18

Brad and Dearing Setzer Thoburn ’88

Faith and Mathew Thomas

Amy and Wally Thomas ’77

Allie and Tracy Thompson ’12

Edina Tica

Perry and Allen Todd ’91

Nanette and Harold Tool ’84

Amanda and James Trimble

Christen and Frank Trogolo

Diana and Chris Twiggs ’89

Liz and Paul Van Brunt

Paul and Anne Marie Harman Van Wie ’90

Varella Endodontics

Bia and Claudio Varella

Alli and Julio Ventura ’93

Kathryn and Kristian Villano

Staci and Thomas Vinyard ’13

Heather Smith Visali ’94

Gwinn and Paul Volen

Steven and Amy Harris Wacaster ’94

Salwa Ayad and Hani Wadei

Jane McDowell Wahl ’78 and Hal Wahl ’77

Mike and Nancy Abernethy Walczyk ’74

Francine Andia Walker ’77

Nick Walker ’10

McLean and Megan Teems Waters ’16

Jessica and Kevin Waugaman ’94

Ang Weakland

Chelsea and Justin Weise

Rupal and Sidney Wells ’91

Alexis and Al Westbrook

Beth and Brad Whitchurch

Anne Wiggins

Rob and Ashley Blecha Wilks ’89

Tamara Brown Williams ’77

Winston Family Foundation

Chloe and Chris Wood

Brian and Katie Busse Woodliff ’90

Jason Worley

Angie and John Wright ’83

Michelle and Jonathan Wright

Terry Rodriguez-Yip and Dan Yip

Cary and James Young

Donna and Tommy Zaccour

Elizabeth and Josh Zachariah ’99

Jamilly and Kaleb Zeringue `

Great Oak Society

The Great Oak Society honors and thanks donors whose contributions during the 20232024 school year to The Episcopal Fund, restricted funds, endowment, or pledge payments to a capital campaign total $2,000 or more. These generous leadership gifts provide the foundation of voluntary philanthropic support that sustains current operations and stewards the school for the future.

| Head of School Circle |

($50,000 and Above)

Anonymous (1)

Claudia and Bill Adams

Lyssa and Christopher Ball

Vance and Clare Gebert Berry ’73

Ali Balfour and Ian Black

Jennifer and Henry Brown

Suzanne and Jason Burhyte ’93

Charles and Rushton Haskell Callaghan ‘82

Jeanne and Chip Cordes

Estate of Michael Eugene Glenn Living Trust

Heather and Lou Fouts

Frances and Alex Graham ’00

Shannon Harden

Ann and Martin Harrell

Joan and Preston Haskell

Allen and Delores Lastinger

Meta and Hugh Magevney

Angel and Mike Maszy

Jane and Douglas Miller

Lori and David Moffett

Kim and Jeff Nelson

Irene and Dave Nunes

Ryan and Lindsey Lastinger Riggs ’90

Christy and Jeff Rosen

Liz and Justin Ryan

SAGE Dining Services

Ross and Sally Haskell Singletary ’86

The Henry and Lucy Gooding Endowment

Steven and Amy Harris Wacaster ’94

Cindy and Chris Ware ’76

Winston Family Foundation

| Keystone Circle |

($25,000 to $49,999)

Anonymous (1)

Jennifer and Joe Duke

Estate of Blanche B. Coggin

Fiona and Chris Farrell ’84

Kelly Flanagan ’02

Eileen and Mike Grebe

Jean and Ross Krueger

Ann and Ed McCarthy

Becky and Lee Nimnicht

Nancy Parks

Suzanne Prockow

Ann Riley

Jennifer and JP Saenz ’89

Lori and Jack Schmidt ‘70

Polly and Bobby Stein ’75

Barb and Ken Sweder

Jette and Mark Wood

| Founders Circle |

($15,000 to $24,999)

Beville and Greg Anderson

Katie McArthur Athey ’00 and Whitfield Athey ‘94

Cox Petroleum Transport

Romany and Neal Cury ’74

Juli and Troy Davis ‘93

Gina and John Donahoo ’88

Paula and Ken Durkee

Estate of John Michael Kelly

Helen Rowan and Paul Halloran

J. W. Schippmann Foundation, Inc.

Amanda and Matt Jackson

Susan McArthur Jones ’05 and Richard Jones ’01

Holly and Craig Kobrin

Janet and Ron Kolar

Whitney and Nick Largura

Jeremy and Elizabeth McKenzie Mairs ’01

Martin Andersen-Gracia Andersen Foundation, Inc.

Mary Love McArthur

Carol and Worth McArthur ’04

Northern Trust

Lindsey and Ty Petway

Saunders & Company

Nancy and Paul Saunders


Emily and Brian Steffes

Ben and Abby Whitmire Stewart ’00

The Jess and Brewster J. Durkee Foundation

W.W. Gay Mechanical Contractor, Inc. - Jacksonville

Thomas and Carla Owens Warlow ’86

Amanda and Charlie Wodehouse

| Platinum Oak Circle |

($10,000 to $14,999)

Ashley and John Adams

Linda R. Alexander

ASAP Dental Care

Baptist Health Systems

Louise and Jack Boyle

Eleanor and Kendall Bryan

Cap’s On The Water

Irene and Baron Carlson

Poppy and Rob Clements

Christine and Dwight Cooper

Cathy and Alex Cranberg

Danielle and Fredrik Eliasson

Margaret Foerster

Meredith and Mark Frisch

Cheree and Hampton Graham ’04

Martha and Adam Greene

Denise Duke Hunt

Margaret Jason

Paige and Mark LaBorde ’84

Ellen and John Magevney ’89

Melanie and Lou Noir-Jones

Katie Jason Oldoerp ’96

Kathleen and Seth Pajcic ’95

Kathryn and Chip Pruden

Superior Construction Company Southeast, LLC

Chase Tennant ’17

Ed and Cris Scott Tennant ‘82

Riley Tennant ’15

The Margaret and Jack Tarver Foundation

Angella Tursunov and Tim Tursonoff

Bonnie and Richard Walden

Cami and Chuck Wodehouse

| Golden Oak Circle |

($6,500 to $9,999)

Shelley and Jeff Berryhill

Marisa and Whit Brighton

Peggy and J.F. Bryan

Sarah and Laurence Dunn

Kay and Michael Fellows

Elisa and Nando Formoso

Stephanie and Carl Freeman

Sue and Keesy Goebertus

Sarah and Mike Hand

Mark and Frances Poitevent Hutto ’88

International Medical and Cultural Foundation, Inc.

J. B. Coxwell Contracting, Inc.

Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute

Wesley and Beth Kennard Jennison ’74

Maria and John Malone

Jillian and Matthew Medure

Kim Reece and Bill Murphy

Elisabeth and Martin Riffe

Natalie and Mark Rosenberg

Abeer and David Samara

Sandy and Russell Skinner

Beverly and Tim Sleeth

Murphy Williams ’11

Hannah and Jarred Williford

Amy and Greg Wong

Chloe and Chris Wood

| Silver Oak Circle |

($3,500 to $6,499)

Dana Allen

Karsten and Claudia Saenz Amlie ‘87

Bank of America Matching Gifts

Amy and Joe Barrow

Susan and Michael Batten

Marcela and Russell Beard ‘96

Beaver Chevrolet

Sara Holloway and Danny Bivins ’74

Bill Buckingham ’78

Nancy and John Burrows

Kate and Chris Carroll

Megha and Amit Chokshi

Closets by Design of the First Coast

Meg and Charles Commander

Shannon and Matt Connell

Traci and Brian Cook

Barham and Mary Lanier Cook ’94

Angela and Paul Crum

Sara and Rick Culbreth

Cara Tasher and Nick Curry

Davis Capital Management

Edna and Maxwell Dickinson

Elizabeth and Patrick Dussinger

Duval Motor Company

Annie and George Egan

Dana and Nick Elias

Stephanie and Keola Elobt

Ann and Terry Farmand

Erich and Sam Hyde Geisler ’00

Ann Gibbs

Beth and Don Gibson

Diane Graham

Laura Grand

Ruth and Harvey Granger

Rex Groves

Paige and Ben Hakimian

Colleen and Chris Haley

Cara and David Hodges ’90

Natalie and Danny Indelicato

Missy and Will Ketchum ’84

Catherine and Peter Kotchen

Aneesa and Karthik Krishnamurthy

Rene and Lawrence Kurzius

Patrick and Cheryl Farmand Leddy ’97

Childress and Anne Grace Lee ’84

Kirsten and Josh Martino

MC Scholarship Foundation

Kristin and Preston McAfee ’74

Ashley and Doug McCain ’77

Gayle and George Medill

Medtronic Foundation

Catherine and Bruce Mitchell

Lynne and Niels Murphy ’88

Lori and Clint Pyle

Renaissance Charitable Foundation

Emily and Patrick Rhodin

Marieka and Dervent Richards

Diane and Brian Rose

Madelyn and Luke Sadler

Elizabeth Rodriguez and Eric Sauvageau

Joseph Scherer and Stacy Moseley ’74

Brenda and Bill Schilling ’89

Claire and David Smith

Amy and Josh Smith

Paula Smith

Bill and Julie Wiggins Sorenson ‘98

St. Mark’s Episcopal Day School Scholarship Fund

Stellers Framing

Judy and Joe Taylor

Paige and Justin Terry

The Paul E. and Klare N. Reinhold Foundation, Inc.

Amanda and James Trimble

ValuTeachers, Inc.

Shelley and Wayne Williford

Angie and John Wright ’83

| Great Oak Circle |

($2,000 to $3,499)

Anonymous (1)

Suzette and Michel Allen

Betty and Buck Autrey

Lauren and Ted Baker

Patty and David Barksdale ‘84

Donna and Raymond Bateh

Franklin Beard ’70

Bono’s Pit Bar-B-Q of North Florida

Skip and Katie Long Borghese ’97

Brick & Beam, LLC

Holly Brooks

Jennie Trimble Busey ’97 and Brooks Busey ’95

Business Valuation, Inc.

Jackie and David Busse

JaLynne and Mac Butler ’84

Leslie and Alex Calder

Florence and Tom Calhoun

Melanie and Jim Caserta

Marlene and Perry Chappell

Charlie Clayton

Coastal Equipment Systems, Inc.

Lisa Cochran

Donna and Bob Colyer

Helen Coppedge

Ashlee Sharp Correia ’98 and Brad Correia ’98

Ann and Jim Curry

Raegan and Dave Cury ’73

Anne-Marie and Jesse Dale

Nancy and Howard Dale

Ashley and Andy Davis

Ashley and Keith Daw

Dentistry 4 Children & Teens 2

Dermatology and Mohs Center

Patty Donahoo

Leandra and Abe Dopazo

Dopazo Orthodontics

Renee and Rob Eddy

Farmand, Farmand & Farmand, LLP

First Citizens Bank

First Coast Home Pros

Trina and Jeff Forbess

Formoso Spine & Joint Pain Specialists

Victoria Register-Freeman and Robert Freeman

Heather and Todd Froats

Whitney and Christian George

Jean and Pat Gibbons

Holland and Charles Gibbs ’87

Carolyn and Don Glisson

Group 4 Design, Inc.

Sue and Pat Hale

Hall-Halliburton Foundation, Inc.

Madeleine Combs-Hamel and Randy Hamel

Karen and Geoff Heekin

Kelley and Mark Helquist

Natalie and West Herford

Belinda and David Hess

Cara and Michael Hillyard

Vanessa and Vaughn Holland

Brooke and Charlie Holt ’89


InLight Real Estate Partners

iVenture Solutions - Jacksonville

Stephanie and Tyler Johnson

Ulrike and Jayson Judy

Heather and Michael Kelley

Rachel and Josh Kennedy

Katie and Andy Kidd ’99

Saundra and Bob Kidd

Kids First Dentistry

Mary Pat and Buford King

Beth and Michael Kirwan ’81

Karie and Joe Kovacocy

Elaine Martinez-Koziol and Jason Koziol

Jo Ann Lampe

Cindy Lankenau

Katie LeMaster ’75

Noel and Rut Liles


Emily and Larry Lisska

Hal Lynch

Deirdre MacCarthy

Emily and William Magevney ’00

Jila Mahajan

Randy Mahoney ’74

McCormick & Company Matching Gifts

Kate and Trip McCoy

Teresa and Jack McGarry

Dede McGehee ’74

Debbie and Sutton McGehee

Bonnie and Andy Melin

Bette Len and Jack Mitchell

Melissa and Sean Moneypenny

Murphy & Anderson, P.A.

Oxana Norkina and Maxim Norkin

Cari and Mike O’Malley

Chloe and Mike Orta ’02

Ortega Orthodontics

Connie and Jim Overton

Connie and Russ Pecoraro

Caroline and Luke Pope

Lee and Chuck Prizzia

Cyndi and Bill Rabil

Jeanette and Rick Rader

Remedy Workforce Specialists

Katy and Dan Ricci

Paula and Steve Rosenbloom

Susan and Tom Ryan

Sue and Peter Sabo

Rebecca and Josh Sale

Suzanne and Donald Scheu

Tonya and Mark Schnitzius

Nancy Reilly Schultz †

Anna and Bennett Shapiro

Simmons and Russell Skinner

Pat and John Slevin †

Jessica and Eric Smith

Laura and Travis Smith

Pamela and Bill Steitz

Kristen and David Stewart

Sara and John Strom

Patricia and Michael Taylor

The Schultz Foundation, Inc.

The Thomas M. and Irene B. Kirbo Charitable Foundation

Thurston Roberts Charitable Trust

Nanette and Harold Tool ’84

Total Foot Care & Wellness Clinic

Truist Bank

United Way of Northeast Florida

Amy and Thomas Upchurch

Kathryn and Kristian Villano

Sharon and Herschel Vinyard

Annika and Brad Wallace

Patton and Larry Weber

Rebecca and Jim Welch ’74

Rupal and Sidney Wells ’91

Whitehall Foundation, Inc.

Jennifer and Lance Windley

Rebecca and Ed Witt

Erin and Brian Yorkgitis

Kay and Mike Zambetti

Gift Club Donors

Episcopal gratefully acknowledges the following donors for their gift during the 2023-2024 school year in support of The Episcopal Fund, restricted funds, endowment, and pledge payments to capital campaigns.

| Investor |

($1,000 to $1,999)

William Agricola ’90

Marla and Geddes Anderson

Young and Jean Bakkes

John and Lilli Denmark Behrens ’77

Big D Building Center

Allison and Daniel Blanks

Beverly Bonaparte

Sandy and Bill Bond

Bridget and Skip Booth ’74

Brady S. Johnston Charitable Foundation

Britton Law, LLC

Heicha and Rick Britton

Kay Brooks

Andrea and Ed Brownlee

Grace and Kendall Bryan

Christy and Todd Budnick

Buford L. Bowen Charitable Fund

Carl Freeman, MD - Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute

CBRE, Inc.

Emmy and Frank Cerveny

Kelli and Charles Chunn ’98

Denise and Eric Cinnamond

Cheryl and J.B. Claiborne III ’74

Jordan and Drew Cleland

Jeff and Caroline Carithers Close ’03

Melissa and Patrick Coll

Vicky Commander

Connect Agency

Meredith and Dan Croft

Crown Pools, Inc.

CSX Corporation

Joanna and Simon Curtis

Peter and Jill Langford Dame ’74

Dana B. Kenyon Company

Peggy and Matt Davis

Leslie and Carlton DeVooght ’90

Celeste and Leonard Dodrill

Scott and Heather Halliburton Douglas ’94

Carolyn Brown and Mark Dumolien

Earth Works Design & Maintenance, Inc.

Micci and Will Ellis

Cayla and Robert Elrod

Kasse and Roy Eppley

Kelly Ann and Chris Ewin ’74

Tricia Sanchez-Salazar Fechtel ’80 and Mark Fechtel ’81

Kimberly and Joe Fess

Fidelity Foundation

Jennifer and Chris Flakus

Gina and Ruple Galani

Amy and Kevin Gay

Melissa and Chance Gerisch

Allison and Allen Ginder ’85

Becky and Steve Goldwasser

Grace & Company, Inc.

Margaux and James Gray

LaNece and Patrick Green

Growing Healthy Smiles Pediatric Dentistry

Rebekah and Chris Hagan

Hammond Heating and Air Conditioning

Brandon and Caroline Foerster Hammond ’94

Zach Heaton ’16

Christy and Michael Hodges

Shannon and Jay Huie

Jacksonville University

Jayson D. Judy Agency - State Farm

JBL Corporation, Inc.

Jeff Thompson Construction

Johanna Tous and Luis Jimenez

Nandita and Kevin Jones

Leslie and Louis Joseph

Cathy Kanaday and Scott Kasierski

Shylo and Chris Kline

Marilynn and Don Kohla

Nancy and Dick Kohler

Paula and John Kowkabany

Carol Lane

Jane and Joseph Lee

Melissa and Todd Lineberry

Josh Longmire

Shaun and Steve Lourie

Amy and Ryan Maloney

Suela and Al Mansur

Jesse Dumas-Margolin and Topher Margolin

Bridget and Justin Markley

Ryan Mattina

Lucy and Andy McCain ’80

Paige and Chris McGee

Jennifer Meister

Bobbie and Lee Mercier †

Meridian Waste

Ana Sanchez-Micolucci and Anthony Micolucci

Mittenpunkt Corporation

Laurie and John Naugle ’94

Anna and Kevin Neal

Alex Nichols

Normandy Lake Dentistry

Emily and Amy Novak

Cristina and Eddy Oliver ’00

Jenny and Lee Oreair

Papalas & Griffith, PLLC

Roshni and Sanj Patel

Sarah and Justin Peacock ’97

Rosa and Chris Peterson

Farley Kern and Mike Petro

Molly and Seth Phelps

Pioneer Equipment Company

Leigh and Bob Polster

Jenna and Tony Potochick

Kat and Nathan Ranalli

Jenny Drummond Ream ’96 and John Ream ’96

Vanessa Sánchez and Hugo Resendez

Richard L. Oreair & Company

Annie and David Roberts ’02

Jenny and Steven Rounds

Jessica and Jason Ryals

Meg and Jon Sacks

Melissa and Ed Salek

Ashley and George Saoud

Janice and Bob Schmidt ’78

Galina and Daryle Scott

Kim and Jason Sessions

Keri and David Skarupa

Pat and John Slevin †

Sandra Smith

SS&C Technologies

State Farm Companies Foundation

Rebecca and Rick Stein ’74

Robert Stephenson

Judy and Carl Stoudemire ’75

Emily and Eli Stovall

Lindsey and Jason Strubhar

Claudia Franco and Michel Succar

Laurie Sullivan

Sally Surface

Tapestry, Inc.

The Loop Restaurant Group

The Mudville Grille

The Peoples Bank of Georgia

The Ralph N. and Anina M. Walter Charitable Trust

Ryan and Catherine Colyer Tiedeberg ’95

Perry and Allen Todd ’91

Lori and Mike Trobaugh


UF Health - Jacksonville/TraumaOne

Varella Endodontics

Bia and Claudio Varella

Gwinn and Paul Volen

Cameron and Craig Walker

Jessica and Kevin Waugaman ’94

Sherrie and Warner Webb

Paige and Lawrence Weber


Christopher D. West and Family

Eugenia Westbrook

Carrie and Ivan Williams

Windward Marina Group Sadler Pont Marina

Mary Beth and Greg Woelfel

Elaine and Steve Woolsey

Angela and Greg Young



| ($500 to $999)

Anonymous (2)

5 Points Eye Associates

Millie Abercrombie

Noura and Raymond Abi-Khalil

Holly and Will Allen ’93


Marielle and Ali Amoli

Mary and Mark Anderson

Garlene and Mike Atcherson

Russell and Mary Burke Baker ’93

Boyana Gantcheva and Fadi Barakat

Susie and Michael Bateh

Jodi and Greg Beere

Blenda and Aaron Berrier

Carina Santalucia and Kevin Blalock

Daniel Blanchard

Vera and Rob Bowers

Danielle and Matt Bright

Conor and Sarah Harrison Brumfield ’03

Natalie and Alex Bryant ’74

Bob and Kathy Houston Buchanan ’73

Janet and Kevin Buford

Stephanie and Chris Burch

Karen and Joe Camerlengo

Julie and Dennie Carter

Joan Carver

Hilary and James Case

CeeCee and John Cassidy

Shelly and Mike Cavendish

Ana Chindris

Olga Tron and Alex Chugay

Cici Carter, Real Estate Agent Keller Williams First Coast


Coastal Wine & Tapas

Rebecca Legett and Brendan Collins

Jane and Clint Collins

Sarah Conners

James Conway

Mallory and William Cooper

Lisa and Joe Coppedge

Angela Corey

Margy Coscia

Curry and Peter Cozzi

Crowley Cares Foundation

Jamie and Alex Cruce

Vlad and Lauren Johnston Danilchenko ’06

Michelle and Kevin Davidsen

Debbie and Tom Deppe

Michelle and Danny Diaz

Laura and Jim Dilorenzo

Kareen and Arend Dorsett

Manala and Christian Douglas

Maria and David Drews

Anita Dunford

Dunlap, Ravis & Miller

Jim Dupree ’74

Marcia and Lance Evert

Charles and Susan Tuggle Fairchild ’78

Elise and Michael Fallucco

Samantha and Brandon Farmand ’04

Jadon and Matt Faust

Colleen O’Reilly-Fellows and James Fellows

Samuel Foley

Michael Freed

Kathryn and Mike Freidl

Amy and Jared Futch ’98

Karen Gallagher

Tabitha and Hal Gatewood

Jennifer and Tim Gatz ’86

Ami and Mark Grek

Anna Lee Grymes

Jimena and Harold Guio

Deb and Pete Gunnlaugsson

Michelle Harold

Rita Harris

Joe and Sunny Turner Hartigan ’88

Alana and Salem Hassan

Jennie and John Haug ’99

Haven Hospice - Tiffany Massey MD

Deanna and Greg Holland

Helen Searcy Holmberg ’70 and Eric Holmberg ’74

Home Depot Matching Gifts

Cecilia and Tyler House

Christine and Victor Hughes ’93

Icon Experiences

George and Leigh Elizabeth Black Israel ’05

Erin and Nick James

Sahtinay Issac and Tambi Jarmi

Tricia Andrews and Jeff Jenkins

Tracy Jester

Jimerson Birr, P.A.

Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts

Topher and Heather Newman Johnson ’90

Jannah and Blake Jordan

JP Morgan Chase Matching Gifts

Jenn and Tyler Kendall

Keena and Matt Kenyon

Gia and Brian Kirk

Kelly and Bill Klein

Megan and Eric Kolar ’84

Kim and Matthew Korn

Lorena Neal and John Koski ’85


Fran and Jim Lang

Marty LaPrade

Amy Lastinger ’91

Nicole and Jeremy Limbaugh

Karin and Scott Linn

TJ and Keith Lozowski

Beth and Don Lucchesi

Allison and Joel Luker

Don and Anne-Marie Forbes Lynn ’95

Abbie and John MacIver

Laura and Michael Magevney ’87

Christina Schams Malzahn

Anne and Randall Mann

Emily and Daniel Martin

Juan-Carlos Martinez

Tiffany and Harry Massey

Jessica Bryan and Huber Matos

Christy and Beau Maurer

Tiffany and Lenny McAneny

Frances McCurry

Cindy Harris and Scott McMillan

Katherine and David Medill

Missy and Tom Melba

Brenda and Jim Messink

Jodie and Jeremy Miller

Leigh Anne and William Milne

Mission Pest Solutions, LLC

Keri and Ed Morales

Rayni and Jason Moret

Rachel and Brett Morgan

Tammy and Frank Morreale

Veronica and Shahriar Nabizadeh

Cooper Nightingale ’90

Nancy and John Noble

Elena and Jorge Oliver ’99

Awbree and Robert O’Quinn

Christy and Pete Ossi ’91

Emily and Austin Painter

Suni and Curtis Parks

Karol and Samip Patel

Kami and Shailesh Patel

Thomas Pauly ’00

Esther and Bruce Payne

Mary Bonen and Robert Perrygo

Randy Kammer and Jon Phillips

Sala and Ash Pradhan

Jin Qiu

Karmen and Forrest Quiggle

Katherine and Chris Rabil

Wendy and Chris Rackley

Shannon and Chris Raterman

Candace and Ray Ravis

Donna and Bill Reed

Renewal of North Florida

Maria and Chris Riley

Joel and Joy Krueger Roberson ’98

Beth and Ty Roberts

Dawn and Ronald Roessler

Kim and Duane Romanello

Fateema and Justin Rose

Megan and Wes Runyon


Jane Ryals

Mike Ryals

David and Elizabeth Juhan Ryan ’74

Laura and Raja Saoud

Tracie and Charley Scales

Ann and Frank Scheu

Kimberly Schultz

Schelon and Paul Seefeld

Lauren and Rick Seibler

Shannon Shea ’89

Diane Sidwell

Heesoo Hwang and David Sim

Misty and Michael Skipper

Isabella Vicentini and Paul Smith-Marquez

Chris Snoap

Andy Snyder and Sherry Manning ’92

Ashley and Scott Snyder

Clarinda and Doug Solomon

James and Elizabeth Jones Starr ’09

Bridgett and Chip Stroud

Rachel and John Sullivan

Brian and Shaara Pajcic Swallow ’99

Jamie and Ryan Sweeney

Elizabeth Gibbs Tanzler ’09 and Hans Tanzler ’05

Heidi and Charles Taylor

Allison and Ryan Taylor

The Ray Sutton McGhee Foundation

The Volen Group at Keller Williams Luxury International

Amanda and Matt Thoele

Denise Carpenter Thomas

Faith and Mathew Thomas

Liz and Randy Thomas

Renee and John Thompson

Regan and Kurt Thoresen


Mary Jane and Jay Trimble

Kiflin Turner

Sue Turner

U.S. Legal Services

Ashley and Justin Uhlemann

Beth and Tracy Upchurch ’74

Maria Valente

Vicky’s Helping Hands

Mike and Nancy Abernethy Walczyk ’74

Wesnic, Inc.

Julie and Andrew White

Anne Wiggins

Melissa and Carleton Wilkins

Charles Willmott

Tala and Ben Woods

Katie and Brian Wubker

Terry Rodriguez-Yip and Dan Yip

Donna and Ellis Zahra

Sarah and John Zak

| Steward |

($250 to $499)

Sheryl and Barnes Adams ‘74

Katie and Rob Adams

Ellen and Robert Alexander

Lisa and Walker Allen ‘85

Amara Med Spa

Tad and Cate Sadler Anderson ’05

Lorrie and Eric Anderson

Mindy and Steve Augustine

Kristi and Aaron Bacus

Tiffany Davis and Chris Baggett

Sally Barksdale

Angela and David Bast

Jennifer and Steve Bechan

Lane and Cary Berdy

Catherine and Michael Bird ‘85

Paul Black ’05

Margaret McKinney and Brian Blanche

Devon and Peter Blumeyer ‘08

Michele and Bart Boutwell

Allie Metcalfe and Layton Braddock

Stephanie Borgh and Jason Brannen

Kameron and Dan Branon

Kayla and Will Braude ’07

Deana and William Brown

Mike Brozowski

Mimi and Jimmy Bryant

Kristin and Casey Bulgin

Philippa Marks and Brad Bullington

Julie and Rob Butterfield

Lauren and Stuart Byrne

Cabana Life

Sadie and Bennie Calloway

Susie Canon

Tina and Ray Carlson

Tonya and Glenn Carter

Margaret and Eric Cavin

Valerie and Stephen Cerra

Shannon and Mark Chaffin

Allison and John Chan

Brandee and Paul Charles

Kate and Stephen Chatelain

Anna and Igor Chernetskiy

Jeremy and Kathryn Schulz Ches ’97

Lois Ann Bumgarner and Danny Chu

Peyton and Doug Chunn ’97

Mary Beth and Justin Clark

Amy and Will Clark

Elizabeth and Phil Cleland

Lori and Kevin Conner

Laura and Clark Coogan

Michele and Bob Cook

Stephanie and Peter Cornais

Susie and Bruce Couey

Donia and Bill Crime

Emily and Jon Crocker

Cielo Bibby and Wesley Cromer

Amy and John Cumbow

Angela and Christian Cummings

Erica and Justin D’Arienzo

Bur Davis ’76

Paula Davis ’72

Jamie and Sarah Williams Davis ’98

Andrew Deskins

Erica and Christopher DeStephano

Melissa Devers

Lynda and Bob Devine

A.J. Dial

Julie and Mark Diebel

Jennifer and Tommy Donahoo ’84

Rainey and Eric Drake

Maggie and John Draus

Jenny and David Dulaney

Barbara Duncan ’74

Nancy Duncan

Melissa and Robert Dykes

Lindsay Oken and Austin Earl

Kayla and Josh Earrey

Jason and Kathryn Tompkins Edgecombe ’94

Edward McCarthy Endowment

Megan and Donnie Edwards

Candy Oberdorfer Edwards ’70 and Mike Edwards ’70

Hope and John Eller

Melanie and Bob Ellis

David Ertrachter

Andrew Evans and Karen Harris ’77

Jamey Evoniuk and Jennifer Earnest ’00

Priscilla and Garry Fadale

Carol Fallucco

Diana and Jonathan Fanning

Tiffany and Buck Fillingham

Randall Ford and Laura Register ’78

Joanna and Adam Frantz

Kimberly Hyatt and Jane Freedman

LaToya Freeman

Kathryn and Eric Fuller

GameTruck Jacksonville

Emily and Stephen Garrett

Staci and Tom Gibson

Wendy and Harold Gillis

Kyle and Lesley Marchman Gittings ’06

Givinga Foundation, Inc.

Leslie and Josh Goldknopf

Kim and Dan Goodman

Grace Note Brewing

James and Sara Burnett Granberry ’99

Monica and Rich Graves

Stacey and Gary Gray

Darion Green

Lauren and Chuck Griffith

Margie and Chuck Griffith

Samantha and Michael Grinney

H2 Health Physical Therapy

Katie and Doug Hale

Molly and Chris Hansen

Happy Hound Dog Resort

Jen and Brian Harbin

Cathy and Robert Hardage

Joel Harms ’88

Pam and Corkey Harvey

Rodney and Jennifer Stopiak Hayes ‘90

Ashley and Kevin Hayes

Lloyda and Alexander Heilig

Doug Henning

Katherine and Anthony Hicks

Amber and Jeremy Hillgert

Patti Himes

Meredith Wachtel Hines ’90 and Ed Hines ’80

Katie and Austin Hnath

Sonya and Jamie Hoener ’87

Katrina Holland

Joie Horton

Missie and Kelly Hoyt

Sandy and Keith Hughey

Kristin and Jason Hulsey

Kristin and Wes Humphrey

Laura Hutson ’91

Marilyn and Robin Hyde

Maura Indelicato

Shannon and Joe Jacquot

Todd and Stephanie Athey Jarvis ’91

Jackie Jenkins

Jaime and Randy Jenkins

Jon Jennings

Shannon and Jon Jennings

Courtney and Matt Johnson

Mark and Renee Hedgepeth Johnson ’77

Cheri and Don Jones

Christin and Paul Jones

Cynthia and Mike Jones

Fara and Andy Kaufmann

Kim and Stephen Kelly

Linda and Tim Kelly

Charles and Kia Mitchell Kemp ’93

Christy and Taylor King

Jess and Scott Kinsey

Bobby Knight ’89

Kona Ice of Jacksonville

Celeste and Laurence Kroll †

Mary Krombach

Ginger and Tony Kurlas

Susan Kwartler

Pat Andrews and Fred Lambrou

Diana and David Lammermeier

Brittany and Jeff Lammermeier

Stephanie and Mike Lane

Melodie and Dan Langford ’82

Helen and Scott Laseter ’80

Dana and Matt Laurie

Tom Lavelle

Muriel Silva and Daniel Lawrence

Carolyn and Byoung Lee

Stephanie and Daniel Lempesis

Chris Lenz and Kate Wallis ’01

Nikki and Duke Lewis

Ellie and Jack Li

Limitless Learning – Academic & ADHD Coaching

Yaling and Wen Lin

Angie and Wade Lindsey ’89

Gwynn and Sam Livingston

Ashlee and Nathan Loewen

Gil and Bob Long

Anjali Lueck

Rita Bobrovskaya and Alex Lunkov

Amy Foerster Lyerly ’84 and John Lyerly ‘86

Lori and Norman Magyar

Jill Mahaffey ’74

Alex and Kosta Maniatakis

Randall and Anna Sadler Mann ’08

Kim Mansur

Carmen and Frank Mantay

Karen and Mark Marousky

Alison and Dean Martelli

Danielle and Adam Mason

Ken and Stephanie Buelow Massey ’87

Scottie May

Sean and Joey McAlister-Kiser

Sarah and Bart McClure

Courtney and Eddie McCormick

Leah and Stephen McCorvey

Stephanie and Matt McCullough

Kady and Cory McKibben

Stacy and Matt McKinney

Rebecca and Jon McKinney

Michele and Anthony Megas

Phil Messana

Missy and Jake Metcalf

Molly and Matt Miles

Tracy and Jason Miller

Noel and Tripp Miller ’91

Jennifer and Zach Miller ’00

Maddie and John Milne

Andrea and Mark Mirabito

Kelly Ingram-Mitchell and Garrett Mitchell

Cynthia and Jim Montgomery

Mary Liz and Jimmy Moore

Travis Moore ’89

Kristin and Tina Mosley

Lele Mount

Jenn Leslie and Robert Mueller

Katy and Pat Murphy

Jake and Stacy duPont Nash ’88

Tonia and Doug Neill

Melissa and Jason Nelson

Sharyn Nelson

Andreas Neumann

Jennifer and Kent New

Blake and Catherine Buckingham Nichols ’09

Jen and Cal Noble

Northwestern Mutual Foundation, Inc.

Chris and Katherine Donahoo Nott ’90

Shannon and Jay Nunley

Carey and Brad Officer

Judy and Wayne Officer

Whitney Oren ’72

Ortega Pediatric Therapy

Lara Oyetunde-Baer

Faysuby and Guillermo Pabon

Tess and Archie Paez

Kathleen and Raymond Pak

Leigh and Richard Palmer

Dendy and Rallis Pappas

Madison and Koy Parman

Katy and Scott Pasieta

Shannon and Chuck Pearce ’02

Marina and Dmitry Perlovich

Greg Perret ’89

Amanda and Jud Peterson

Erin and Phillip Peterson

Jon Phillips

Molly Helms Pina ’88 and Ted Pina ‘88

Geoffrey and Sarah Reid Vinyard Place ’10

Nitza Plaski

Uliana Pyvovarova and Viktor Pyvovarov

Phil and Raymur Walton Rachels ’85

Jane Ashley and Randy Racine

Vanessa and Will Radler

Alison Wilcox and Cyrus Rasnavad

Amanda and John Regan ’94

Fiki and Wes Revels

Lynne and Bryan Rhode

Richmond American Homes

Lisa and Mark Rinaman

Kasey and Levi Ritter ’97

Annette and Lew Ritter

Michael and Didi Wells Robinson ’97

Ashley and Jay Robinson ’90

Sarah Taylor and James Robison ’00

Catherine Canady and John Rockwell

Debbie and Jonathan Rogers ’76

Lindsey and Matt Roth

Carol and Jim Rountree

Entrice and Marcus Rowe

Heather and Ryan Rowe

Laura and Larry Ruggiero

Cynthia and Elias Salameh

Hala and Waddah Salman

Alison and Kent Sausaman

Laura and Christopher Schepis

Diane and Bryan Schwartz

Alex and Christopher Seay

Sandy Craig and Ronnie Sebro

Judy and David Senesac

Robyn and Andre Sessoms

Katlin and Glenn Shi

Meredith and Jesse Shimp

Tracy and Paul Shorstein

Chris and Mike Slack

Kelly and Hamilton Slye ’91

Art Small ’93

Nick and Amanda Farmand Smith ’01

Jordan and Robb Smith ’99

Cheryl and Ron Smith

Katherine and Patrick Snyder

Jen and Larry Solano

Josephine and William Soldt

Kerri and John Soud

Callie and Ross Sprague ’06

Marsha Geraghty Starling ’74

Allison and Aron Stefanides

Ted Stein

Sharon Stevens

Samantha and Joe Stokes

Marissa and Justin Strausser

Lori and Don Paul Swain

Jenn and Greg Sweeney

Sara Chumsri and Jo Tangyingyong

Dianne and Bob Taylor

Kristy Taylor

Suzanne and Wade Taylor

The Haskell Company

Brad and Dearing Setzer Thoburn ’88

Allie and Tracy Thompson ’12

Cheryl and Matt Tight

Carol Todd

Charissa and Long Tran

Christen and Frank Trogolo

Anna and Kevin Valent ’98

Alli and Julio Ventura ’93

Brenda and Chris Vermillion ’87

Staci and Thomas Vinyard ’13

Vista Equity Partners

Nolita and Ted Wacaster

John and Paige Beeler Wagner ’02

Bessie Howard and Michael Waldron

Deena Bateh Wallace ’00 and John ’00 Wallace

Katie Mullis and David Ward

Keri Waters

Sara and Robert West

Christina and Don Wieczorek

Clementine Williams

Emory Williams and Carey Wodehouse ’99

Toosie and Dennis Williamson

Heather Burnett Wingard ‘93 and David Wingard ’92

Amanda and Allen Winsor

Bea and Chris Wolfl

Jason Worley

Kinda Fadel and Antoun Yazeji

Elise and Tyler Zacharias

Elizabeth and John Zank

Gail and Charley Zimmer

Langdon and Tom Zimmer

| Builder | (up to $249)

Anonymous (11)

Hayley and Dave Abney ‘99

Adobe Systems, Inc.

Julia and Patrick Aland

Deborah James and Dunbar Alcindor

Hillary Owen and Jay Alexander

Bev and Mark Alexander ’77

Rick Alexander ’82

Bebe and Ted Alexander

Christian Allard and Emily Jolles ’99

Kim and Whitney Allemand

Lucia and C.J. Allen

Ellie and Garrett Allen

Mandy and Justin Allen ’04

Kathryn Lay and Tim Allen


Laura and Mike Alton

Scott Anderson ’94

Jenny and Douglas Anderton

Sara and Morgan Andrews ‘07

Stacey Applebee

Kathy and Hugo Arce

Deesa Armstrong ’95

Michael and Elizabeth Lewis Arnold ’00

Bob and Lyda Larkins Astrove ’77

Stacie Auvenshine and Christopher Austin

Judy and Sandy Avent ‘73

Tom Baczkowski

Carley and Brian Baggs

Ashley and Vince Bagni ‘93

Tygh and Stephanie Chesson Bailes ’87

Adrienne and Chuck Baldwin ‘90

Dana and Scott Baldwin ‘86

Anna Schumacher Ball ‘12 and Keegan Ball ’12

Tonya Ball

Regina Banks

Chris and Jeff Bankston

Farah Barake

Bliss and Alexander Barfield

Lauren and Mike Barker

Corey Barnes ’99

Mary and Hampton Barnes

Juli and Jim Barnhart

Amy and Jason Barringer

Diane Bates

Kelly Bates

Marti Baugh

Greg and Catherine Van Cleve Bauman ’77

Max Baumer ’08

Jena and Rob Bauwens

Susan and Bill Baxley ‘77

Heather and Charlie Beard ‘89

Leia and Reed Beaubouef

Jennifer and Kevin Beck

Karen and Ned Becker

Jackson Bednarek ’18

Beverly Bell

Melissa and Ernst Bell

Isle Bell

Ryan Bell ’18

Vanessa and Christian Belland

Michele Bell-Badger

Caroline and Ben Bennett ’10

Maureen and Mark Bennett

Mackenzie and OB Bera

Virginia and Charlie Berg ’10

Cassidy and Eric Bergstrom

Peter and Rachel Gatz Berkowitz ’88

Liesl and David Berry

Liz and Vance Berry ‘05

Courtenay Beyer

Matthew and Janelle Clark Bishop ’89

Lori and Michael Bittner

Shanteria Black

Andrea and Stacy Blair

Randa and Neil Blethyn

Ariel Blewett

Cathryn and Homer Bliss ‘77

Casey and Philip Blumenthal

Kris Bolt

Tyler Bond

Hillary Davis and Michael Bonen

Jan and Gerry Bonnette

Chenissa Boone

Amy Bordeaux

Doris and Toby Borge

Elaine Borne

Ben Borns ’98

Sarah and Michael Borns

Rachel and Dave Bovee

Rebecca and Michael Bowen

Nancy Bowers

Trisha and Houston Bowles

Kay Diane Bowles

Rebecca Maddox Bowling ’06

Wes Bowling and Katie Lebhar Black-Bowling ’95

Jason and Cara Freeman Bowyer ’92

Laura Bradley ’04

Laura Braly

Jennifer and Jim Branch

Claire Brandenburg

Jefferson Brant

Prescott Braude ’10

Anne and John Brent

Paula and Tom Brice

Reggie and Judy Lin Bristow ’88

Mary and Eric Broe

Marcus Brooks ’18

Anna and Dave Brosche

Antoinette Brown

Andrea Crews-Brown and Brandon Brown

Stephanie and Christopher Brown

David and Claudia Conroy Brown ’72

Pat Brown

Parker and Sarah Allen Brown ’18

Chairselle Bryant ’12

Jeremy and Katherine Stovall Bryson ’03

Dana and Alejandro Buchaca

Jennifer and Chet Buchanon

Chris Buckingham ’11

Thompson Buford ’18

Felicia Brown Bullock ’78

Kathleen Bullock

Jennifer and William Bunch

Olga Oakley and Arthur Burgess

Michelle and William Burgstiner ’08

Agnes and Matt Burhyte ’94

Todd and Vivian Slade Burr ’85

Andy Burris ’77

JaNay Burrows

Kathleen and Bryan Bush

Blake and Jen Boyd Butterworth ’07

Tara Notaro Byron ’97

Shari and Donovan Calicker

Dan and Lyn Athearn Callahan ’78

Marsha Calloway

Dan Candeto ’02

Kaitlin Mealor and Andrew Cannestra

Adriana and Ryan Cantville

Lynn Capps

Victoria and Juan Cardenas

Patricia and Robert Carlson

Kirsten Doolittle and Pat Carney

Ashley Carroll

Sarah and Chris Carroll

Maria Carter

Ronnie Carter

James and Amanda Rover Caruso ’99

Peter and Charmaine Brent Casarico ’89

Ben Case ’18

Ellen Catlin ’09

Christopher and Andrea Gray Cawley ’90

Charla and Billy Cerveny ’87

Bethany Chafin ’04

Barbara and Brian Chappell

Joyce and Ed Charron

Carmen Sacerio Chartrand ’93 and Jason Chartrand ’91

Teri and Ron Chenot

Colleen Bell and Craig Cherrin

Stephanie and Mark Chesser

Melissa and Albert Chester II ’03

Tina Chester

John Chitwood ’77

Claudia Pak and Eun Cho

Gloria Gammel Christie ’76 and Brad Christie ‘75

Katherine Christie ’77

Dorothy and Charlie Cisero

Rochelle Civil

Conor Clark ’12

Jordan and Drew Clark

Simone Clark

Kelsey and Jack Clarkson

Julia and Jordan Clarkson ’96

James Cochran

Vicki and Tommy Cohen

Erin and Jason Cole

Carolina and Jason Collins

Jessika and Michael Connor

Jennifer Contin

Justin and Jen Zebouni Contreras ‘06

Jackie Cook

Mary Emma Cook ’22

Elizabeth and Robert Cook

William Cook ’20

Jessica Cooley

Tanya and Mark Coomes

Amanda Cooper

Carolyn and George Cooper

Collins Cooper ’94

Danielle Corbin ’18

Bianca Cornthwaite ’18

Sue Corral ’89

Traci Cory

Susie and Clinton Cosby

Sarah and Britton Cotton

Carli and J. Dow Covey ’89

Christa and Josh Crapps

Alex and Chad Crawford

Polly Crawford ’89

Tanya and Colin Cree

Tammy and Randy Crews

Nick Crider

John and Helen Cousar Crossen ’09

Mac Crotzer ’10

Joe Cullen

Erin and Brendan Cumiskey

Ashley Cummings

CeCe and Spencer Cummings

Marcos and Melissa Fritts Cura ’94

Harry D’Agostino ’16

Susanne and Darren Dailey

Brooks Dame ’12

Jason Karol and Darby Dame ’12

Mandy and Philip Dancel

Carol and Neil Daraskevich

Lauren Spiller Daraskevich ’06 and John Daraskevich ‘05

Amy Davidson and Candice Elliott

Katie Davidson

Sophie Bromilow and Jesse Davila

Matthew and Ashley Almand Davis ’01

Ken and Cindy Mire Davis ’85

Rebekah and Daniel Davis

Melanie and Danny Davis

Gardner Davis ’09

Leighton and Ryan Davis ’99

Leslie Dawson

Stephanie and Rob Day

Laura Dearing

Kari DeFilippo

Chris Dell

Robert Deloatch ’77

Kim and Frank DeLong

Delta Airlines Foundation

Michael and Karen Broward DeLuca ’77

Mary Glyn and Justin Denning

Deutsche Bank Matching Gifts

Brenda and Mike Devaux

Karen and John Dever

Susan and Greg DeVino

Sammy and Conor Devlin

Ermina and Jean-Paul Dhillon

Marjorie Dickinson ’99

Susanne Partridge Dickinson ’80 and Spencer Dickinson ’80

Jen Dieter

Caroline and Kevin DiQuisto

Craig and Blair Kingsbury Dixon ’00

Kye and Omarr Dixon

Claire and Ivan Do

Sarah Dobson

Jean and Arthur Dodd

Jim and Susannah Clarke Doherty ‘89

Jane Donahoo ’18

Libby Donahoo ’18

Sean and Weatherly Marshall Donald ’08

Lauren and Tom Doran

Hannah and Ben Douglas

Shannon and Patrick Doyle

Kelly Brosnan and Joe Drain

Phil Gibbs and Lanier Drew ’76

Megan and Mike Dubnick

Jim Duggan

Lara Westmoreland Duguid

Brooke Dunagan

Tim Dunagan

Sarah Overton Duncan ’03

Cathleen and Kurt Dunkle

Alice Dunn

Diane and Robert Dupree ’74

Julie Durden and Lori Cimino

Lauren and Andrew Dutton

John Dwyer

Lucy Conway and Justin Dyal

Krista Eberle

Leland Edwards

Betty and Marty Edwards

Tom and Julie Redmond Edwards ’74

Abbey Ellis

Katie and Joel Ellis

Mark Ellis

Stacey Ellis

Kaitlyn and Worth Ellis

Hannah Ellisen ’14

Louise Ellisen ’16

Pam Ero

Kari and Michael Erthal

Irene Eskalis

Michelle and Greg Esterman

Shari and Tom Evans ’70

Kinga and Jason Evert

Laura Fackler

Kristin and Daniel Fadale

Shannon Miller and John Falconetti ’85

Shaylia Fann

Richard Fannin

Andy Farmer

Cleve and Norma Lockwood Farnell ’74

Anna and Jon Farrin

Tirbod Fattahi

Anthony Felton

Cary and Carl Ferbrache

Joe and Alise Key Ferranti ’94

Jennifer Ferry ’10

Kimberly and Joe Fess

Melissa and Kevin Fincel

Keena and Kevin Finn

Cathy and Alex Cranberg

Caitlin Fitzpatrick

Matt Flakus

Windsor and Michael Fleming

Courtney Flerlage

Marin Flint

Cristi and Russell Flint

Matthew and Caroline Brame Flory ’99

Leslie and Scott Foltz ’84

Tom and Lindsey Fields Ford ’99

Martha and Malcolm Fortson

Mary Stuart and Richard Fortson

Frances Fowler

Lori and Marcus Fox

Matthew Fox ’01

Rebecca and Timothy Frame

Valerie and Brian Francois

Claire and Albert Franson

Bill and Betsy Frank Fraser ’74

Martha and Frank Fratello

Veronica and Harrison Frazier ’09

Hampton and Meredith Adkins Frazier ’09

Christie Freel

Danielle Frei

Cara Overstreet Frey

Brandon and Aaryn Jones Frick ’99

Andrea and Drew Frick

Catherine and David Friedline ’84

Glenn Frommer

Joanna Frost

Nathan and Elizabeth Black Fulton ’01

Branson and Carson Allcorn Fustes ’90

Katie and Eric Gabriel

Kristina Miller Gabriel

Derek Gaff ’87

Jenny and Chris Gaffney

Flamine Galbraith ’90

Jack Gallagher

Caitlin O’Donnell and Aaron Galley

Amy and Bryan Gallo

Darcy and Matt Galnor

Coleman and Lainey Graham Gandy ’09

Tre Gardner

Brooke and Tyler Gay ’11

General Mills Box Tops for Education

Angela and Kurt George

Lyn George

Erin and Robert George

Dana and John Germaine

Stephen Giddens

Joyce Gilbert

Betty Ann Graham Gilrain ’12

Give Lively Foundation, Inc.

Scott Givonetti

Cade Glasgow ’16

Leslie and Darren Glenn ’91

Katie and Ryan Glenn ’94

Emily and Max Glober

Leah and Spence Glotzbach

Nick Glover ’74

Lauren Goebertus ’01

Reg and Meg Grogan Goen ’96

David and Annie Hughes Goldfield ’86

Teresa and Juan Carlos Gonzalez

Sandy and Scott Gonzalez

Beth and Randy Gordon ’79

Erin and Steve Gordon ’89

Barbara and Bryan Gowdy

Stephanie and Eric Grau

Greg Gray

Barrianne and Billy Green

Julie and Trey Gregory

Patrick Griffin ’08

Chris and Jennifer Waugh Griffith ’89

Mike and Meg Sisk Grimes ’93

Miranda and TJ Grose

Vickey and Howe Grover

Tiffany and Joe Gumino

Homa and John Guy

Sarah Ramsey Haas ’99

Justin Hacker ’12

Libby and David Hackney ’77

Alice and Bill Haft ’73

Jessy and Chris Haga

Collette and Patrick Hale ’94

Anne and Charles Hall

Chris Hall ’84

Rebecca Hall

Henry Hamilton

Mary Hamilton

Tedi and Frank Hamilton

Melanie and Robert Hammer

John and Leyden Haynes Hane ’94

Drew and Lee Haramis ‘77

Tanya and Andy Hardaker

Stephanie Kulik Harden ’01 and Christian Harden ’01

Melody Harding

Zac Hardy ’08

Michele and David Hargreaves

Jamie McCombs Harmon ’99 and Steve Harmon ’98

Mary and Shaughnessy Harms ’89

Patricia Harris

Renee and Lester Harris

Shelley and Billy Hart

David and Blair Everline Hart ’99

Sarah Hartley

Dorothy and Joel Hartman ’97

Karen and Phil Hartman

Deborah Harvey

Barrie Hayes ’79

Katie Grogan Hayes ’99

Kristen and Casey Hedberg

Marylynn and Robert Heekin

Donna and Sam Heffner

Christopher and Caroline Oakley Heinmiller ’13

Mary Grace Henley ’12

Bonnie Henry

Keelen and Matt Henson

Alex Hernandez

Michelle and Nick Herrero

Brittney and Greg Hersey

Laura Hershberger ’04

Marie Hester

Debbie and Bobby Lee Hicks

Kara and Tony Hicks

Greg and Sherry Smith Hieb ’80

Justin and Karen Nelson Hill ’74

Hayden and Samantha Glisson Hill ’09

Allison and Bob Hillis

Caitlin Hills

Beth Collins Himes and Steve Himes

Josephine and Bill Hines ’99

Cortlyn Hines

Juan and Jenny Selzer Hinojosa ’00

Marissa and Bryan Hinson

Elena and Marek Hirsch

Ryan Hixon ’04

Gray Hodsdon ’11

Kathie and Jerry Holden ’77

Brian and Carol Edwards Hollen ’00

Jenenne and Ryan Hollister

Janet and John Hong

Kim Walters and Chris Hoomany

Jenn Rood Hoover ’01 and Ryan Hoover ’00

Jennifer and Andy Hostetler

Tonia Brousseau and Jeffrey House

Heather and Hal Houston

Fran and Jim Houston

Charles Howard

Rebecca Howes

Caroline Sabo Hughes ’10

Jane Hughes ’84

Kelly Hughes

Megan and Nick Hulling

Wendy Hulsey

Jake and Alicia Sacerio Humbert ’89

Bailey Hunt

Megan Elsila and Tom Hunt

Bernie Hurley

Samuel and Christina Orta Hurman ’99

Dane and Jess Parks Hurst ’99

Jono Hustis

Jackie and Todd Husty

Samuel Hwang ’99

Raine and Hunter Hyde ’96

May Ibasco

Courtney and Dan Ikeda

Linda Cobb Ingham ’79 and Jim Ingham ’77

Christine Ingram

Sarah Irving ’14

Claire and Stuart Irving

Adam Jackson

Michelle and Mark Jackson

Patty and Steve Jackson

John Janick

Nichole and Ted Janney

Eva and Ken Jenkins

Traci and Mark Jenks

Kendra Grim and Mark Jentoft

Andrea and Scott Jevic

Kimberly and Alex Jimenez

Larkin and Kevin Johansen

Heather and Bill Johnson ’88

Wendy and Joshua Johnson

Lynell and Kirk Johnson

Shannon Johnson

Sydney Johnson ’89

Emily Johnston

Chandler Jolly ’12

Michelle and Chris Jones

Tee and Jared Jones

Sandra and Justin Jones

Lucy and Bonner Jones

Brittany and Matthew Jones

Philip and Francesca Mantay Jones ’11

Rob Jones and Tina Baitan-Jones ’84

Jennifer and Ryan Jones ’91

Paul Jorgensen ’07

Katie and Rich Joseph

Parker Joyce ’18

Jenny and Matt Kachergus ’89

Sandhya Narukonda and Hari Kalagara

Andrea Rizzi and Randall Kato

Sibylle and Adam Kearns

John and Rachel Stroud Keith ’99

Ashley and Brian Kelley

Matt and Tanya Samara Kellogg ’91

Sherri Wilson Kelly

Paula Forster Kendrick ’84

Jessica Laird and Rick Kendust

Candice and Alvin Kennedy

Dorothy and Gil Kerr

Rebekah and Jim Kerr

Sarah and Chris Kettritz

Derrick King

Kingsley Chiropractic

Mary and Ray Kircher

Allie and Robert Kirilloff

Christine and Bob Kirk

Melissa and Clay Kirkland

Andrew Kirwan ’10

Sandra Montiel and Raymond Klein ’89

Leslie and David Kleyla

Chris Knight ’09

Rosa De Jorio and Bert Koegler

Gayle and Guenther Koelker

Stephanie and Joe Kohla

Lisa and Dave Kolster ’88

Julie and Pete Komaroski

Yuliia Kondratova and Volodymyr Kondratov

Lena and Leonid Korin

Tom and Kathryn Durkee Kovarik ’91

Nikolina Kraljic

Nara and Drew Krall

Bru Krebs ’89

Michelle and Dean Krueger ’83

Debbie and Louis Kuntz

Stephen Kuntz

Leslie Dix Kwiatek ’99

Jane Labossier

Jennifer and Matt Lail

Michelle and Bill Laird

Suzanne Inglis and Bryan Lamblin

Deborah and Ron Lamm

Chris Landon

Deborah Landon

Barbara Israel Lane ’77 and Jeff Lane ’73

John and Deanna Braddy Larus ’83

John Law

Julie Tanner Leake ’89

Arianne and Walker Leary

Nancy Leddy

Cameron and Emily Ledford

Laurel Lee ’16

Lucy and Pao Lee

Diane and William Lee

Zach Lee ’07

Emily Lemasters ’18

Jen and John Leschitz

Emily and Matthew Levenson

Roxxie and Eric Lewis

Ashley and Kevin Lewis

Natalie Lewis ’14

Chip and Nicole Clemons Lewis ’97

Ana and Spencer Lewison

Holly and Brian Lignelli

Grace and Chris Lipari

Alissa and Joe Lisska

Jennifer and Eric Livingston

Samantha and Jon Livingston

Peter and Meredith Mori Lord ’74

Sydney and Jason Love

Shirley and Jimmy Love

Brittany Love

Christina Luyk

Erica and Christopher Luzar

Mac Lyerly ’18

Ingrine and Andrew Lyle

Jennifer Lyles

Lauren and Brian Lynch

Shannon and James Lyvers

Emily and Sean Magee ’98

Lauren Dupree Mahoney ’76

Brianna Maisonet

Christopher Makauskas

Dawn Maldonado

Virginia Larroude Malignani ’89

John Malone

Sarah and Nels Malzahn

Klodia Kirro and Rami Manochakian

Alex and Brian Maples ’03

Bart Martens ’10

Bonnell Martens

Mary and Brad Martin ’98

Justine and Jared Martin

Oliver Martin ’89

Elizabeth Scarborough Marziale ’77

Beth and Dems Mason ’99

Michelle Massais

Lori and Bob Massey ’75

John and Elizabeth Chunn Matson ’93

Meredith Matthews

Loryl Maxime

Jennifer and Bill Maxwell

Cynthia Simpkins May

Kimberly and Samuel Mayo

Ajsia and Mario McAlister

Myles and Mary Drummond McAllister ’99

Laurie and Lenny McAneny

Audrey McCabe ’18

Nikki and Dan McCarthy

Courtney and Tom McCaughey

Ingrid and Peter McCawley

Ashley Wooden and Elijah McClain

Jameson McClelland

Katie and Brad McCollum ’08

Hannah and Ian McCook ’12

Lucy and Mac McCook

Kristin McCormack

Tammey and Edward McCormick ’77

Martha McCracken and Russ McCormick

Annetta McCoy

Sherry and Ben McDonald

Bill McDonald ’77

Sarah McDonald ’88

Yvette and Gary McFall ’89

Jen and Charlie McGarity

Ashley Ann McGehee

Sherry and Shawn McGehee

Natalie Smith McGhee ’99

Carolyn and Ryan McLeod

McQuade Family

Katie McQuiddy ’18

Emily and Wills McVicker

Lourdes and Joe Mella ’89

Nicole and Frank Melograna

Erica and Greg Mercer

Julia and Beau Merritt

Lucy Messana

Teresa and Vance Meyer

Brooke Harden Michaelis ’09 and William Michaelis ’09

William and Anna Robison Michal ’06

Megan and David Michalak

Jessica and Jeremy Michaud

Matt Michel ’03

Carol and Bob Middlekauff

Dina and Jeff Middlekauff

Robin Milam ’89

Allen and Ann Clements Miller ’09

Jo Miller

Lauren and Kaigan Miller

Lyle and Kristy Olson Miller ’76

Kellea and Matthew Miller

Stephania and Steve Million

Michael and Heather Samorisky Mills ’94

Jessica and Jordan Mills

Elizabeth Misner

Rasheda Mitchell

Gabriela and Daniel Moledo

Brendan and Ashley Goebertus Moloney ’99

Emily and Jonathan Molski

Elizabeth Stovall Momberg ’00 and Grant Momberg ’99

Denise and Chris Monti

Michelle and Alex Moore

Chris and Forrest Dickinson Moore ’78

Jack and Julie McDowell Moorman ’77

Catherine Perez and Cesar Moreta

Chip Morgan ’15

Tracy and Stephen Morgan

Keri and Robert Morris

Robert and Virginia Thomas Morris ’73

Patrick Morrissey

Cameron and Scott Morrow

Andrew Moseley ’20

Heather Rainey Moseley ’88 and Jim Moseley ‘80

Olin Moseley ’19

Summer and Alex Motes ’09

Minka and Izudin Mujanic

Mary Kate and Danny Muldoon

Kimberly Law and Jonah Mull

Lindsay and Cody Muren ’09

Bjorg Murphy

Trey Murphy ’10

Joe Murray ’99

Nancy and Steve Murray

Melissa Muzzy ’89

Ashley Myers ’89

Lauren Kingry and Dan Myers

Matt and Amanda Ranney Namey ’09

Nick and Kerri Cannon Napoleon ’94

Stephanie and John Naser

Natalie Abdalnoour and Raed Nasser

Kathleen Morris New ’77

Mike Newcomb

Caroline and Gene Nichols ’88

Todd and Meghan Lynch Niemczyk ’89

Emery and Jay Noles

Sheryl and Chris Noll ’89

Jane Norman

Norville Realty, Inc.

Tina and John Noteware

Kaitlyn Nott ’18

Jane and Wayne Novak

Adam and Colleen McDermott November ’99

Karen and Rudy Nudo

Tanya and Michael Oakman

Chris and Raul Orta

George Ossi ’89

Kathleen and Hugh Osteen

Dwight Ottesen ’92

Eve Owens ’89

Whitney and Ben Oxnard

Cheyenne Pajardo Briggs

Curry Pajcic ’19

Annie and Curry Pajcic ’87

Joanna and Curt Pajcic ’86

Curtis Pajcic ’18

Daley Pajcic ’16

Monica and Ian Pajcic ’90

Susan Pajcic

Michelle Palmer

Michelle and Ravi Pande

Tori Pappas ’09

Sarah and Brian Parent

Anne Parham ’16

Caitlin Dempsey Parker ’12

Kelly and Terry Parks

Rachelle and Quinn Parman

April and Rick Patterson

Timothy and Lexy Rice Paul ’94

Katharine Pearsall ’77

Sally and Ashley Peebles

Shelley Walthour Peeler ’82

Charlotte Peer ’89

Brooke and Aaron Penland

Harry and Amy Burrows Perkins ’92

Katie Perkins-Foster

Shannon and Clay Perry

Matt and Charlotte Pridgen Peterson ’89

Kristen and Brian Petrine

Natalie and John Pettey

Kadie Pettit ’99

Jean Marie and Drew Petty

Shelby and Bao Pham

Niki and Jonathan Philips

Devon and Chaz Phillips ’98

Kaitlyn Phillips

Patti Phillips

Roger Phillips

Mary and Peter Pierson

Josh Pina ’18

Kendra Pirk

Deena and Leonard Pittman

Liz-Anne and Tim Platt ‘76

Helen Stephens Plaugher ’95 and Dave Plaugher ’94

Sara and Trey Pleasants

Pledgeling Foundation

Cheyenne Thompson and Tyson Plumlee

Beth and Gregory Poe

Jordan Polster ’18

Julia Polster ’22

Betsy Porter

Heather and Matt Poulin

Ann and Richard Powell

Ben and Libby Simmons Powers ’09

Nancy and Brian Prendergast

Chris Pringle

Beth and Nick Pulignano

Claire Pulignano ’05

Kelly and Vincent Pulignano ’09

Josh Putterman

Daniela Pysher

Jack and Alexa Munford Quaritius ’09

Kim and Clint Quinn

Judy Rachels

William Rachels

Jennie Ruckman Rankin ’89

Beth and Kevin Rasch

Rachelle Day

Buzz and Bailey Ray Mobley ’15

Elizabeth Grissett Ray ’89

J.T. Raymond ’09

Jordan and Kevin Rechcigl

Tori and Anthony Recidoro

Rama and JP Reddy

Katie Regan

Lauren and Lincoln Register

Teesha Renninger

Patty Dennis Renstrom ’73 and Rick Renstrom ’74

Daniel Rhiner

David and Melissa McLean Richards ’84

George and Carolyn Dixon Richardson ‘77

Erin Matthews Richardson ’84

Paul Richardson and Allison Deppe ’08

David Ricke ’09

Courtney and Sage Rider ’89

Whitney and Graham Riley ’00

Patrick Riley

Heather and Scott Riley ’98

Jonah Ritter ’01

TJ and Kacey Lewis Roache ’00

Ann Robards

Donald and Liz Clarke Robbins ’89

Lisa and Craig Roberts

Nancy and Kevin Roberts

Leigh Robinson

Donna Rocco

Will and Pam Oltmanns Rodman ’76

Ana Maria Rojas

Libby and Chris Romansky

Glenda and Anthony Roque

Nubia Cuchigay and Jose Rubiano

Erika Graziuso and Antonio Rugna

Lindsay and Nicky Runnels

Maura and Owen Rupert

Tina Rush

Alex and Jennifer Scruby Ryshawy ’84

Libbie Sabo ’13

Allie Smith Sabo ’11 and Mason Sabo ’09

Mary and Mike Salameh

Kathy and Jim Sale

Leslie and Barnes Sale

Kat Antony and Karim Samara ’94

Josephine Sanchez

Kim and David Sandlin

Barbara and Hardy Sandlin

Daniel and Candace Moss Sawall ’88

Sam and Tiffany Osteen Sawyer ’92

Susan and Bill Schilling

Cyndi and Kent Schmidt

Mishayla and Michael Schmidt ’96

Alison Emery Schoenberger ’90

Neil Schoenberger ’90

Marco and Neale Walton Schooley ’12

Lauren Schultz

Grace and Austin Schumacher ’12

Kellie and Ryan Schumacher

Juli and Anthony Schumann ’89

Liz and Dan Schwalbe

David Schwei

Jeremy Scott

Shantrice Cruse-Scott and Ken Scott

Taylor and Mary Shaffer Willetts Sealey ’09

Everette and Kristen Schmidt Seay ’92

Beverly and Joe Seay

Gabby Self

Tricia and Chad Senesac ’98

Elizabeth and Dwain Senterfitt

Kate and Matt Service

Ginne Sessions

Dana and Nik Severidt

Cori Jevic Shad ’15 and Cole Shad ’15

Chad and Andrea Brown Shaw ’90

Carla and Scott Shaw

Andreae and John Shaw ’96

Cinder Shay

William and Ruth Nagel Shelley ’75

Brenda Shepherd

Kimberly Sheppard

Lauren and Parker Shields

Trish Shilling

Shawn and Brandie Williams Short ’95

Barbara and Ted Short ’90

Celeste and Howard Sidman

Alisia Martin and Dwelvin Simmons

Rachel and Lenord Simmons

Warren and Cristi Peterson Skeels ‘91

Hal Skinner ’88

April and Carlos Slade

Matt Slaughter and Lindsey Klecan ’82

Matthew and Brie Wood Sloan ’99

Pamela and Ashley Smith ’96

Christie and Will Smith

Statia and David Smith

Kim and Dusty Smith

Haydee and Jeff Smith

Katie Smith ’18

Brendan and Laura Steele Smith ’88

Michael and Meredith Cox Smith ’99

Annie and Scott Smith

Shannon Meyers Smith ’94

Wesley and Isabel Wothe Snyder ’16

Brian and Sam Schwinger Snyder ’91

Jen and Larry Solano

Holly Soud

Jen and Brian Soulby

Melissa and Chris Spediacci

Denise and Jason Spinning

Marnie and Rick Sprague

Katrinka Spratling

Colton Spurlock

Kim Staker

Eric Stanley

Allison and Trip Stanly ’89

Mindy and Damien Starkey

Meghan and Jack Starling

Nicole and Adam Steiger

Rachel Dixon Steinberg ’99

Carrie Stephan

Kathy and Fred Stephens

Donald and Candice Jones Ster ’90

LaTonya Stewart

Dana and Tim Stewart

Wes and Cami Isaac Stoddard ’99

Taylore and Chet Stokes ’09

Timothy Stokes ’90

Margie Stormes

Jeffery Stowers ’10

Brandi and Dom Strada

Caroline and Cole Stratton

Ann and Charlie Stuart

Angielyd and Michael Sullivan

John Summerlin

Cherie and Craig Sussman

Jo Swallow

Ken Sweder ’18

Catherine and Sam Swingle

MaryAnn and Ed Symons

Kori Blacker Tafoya ’99

Natalie and Frank Talan

Amy and Tolga Tari

Bernadette Tasher

Natalie and Brogan Taylor

Tamara and Eric Taylor

Emily Teems ’18

Teri and John Teems

Carol and George Terre

The Alexander Law Practice P.A.

Glen and Susan Bullock Theiling ’82

Fred Thieme and Lesley Klecan ’86

Amy and Wally Thomas ’77

Ann and Rich Thompson

Jane and David Thornhill

Edina Tica

Mariel Tillett

Elizabeth Walker Townsend ’89

Rob Townsend

Katharine Trigg ’09

Vicki and Mike Trotter

Jennifer Tucker ’99

Melissa and Holt Tucker

Linda and Pete Tuggle ’79

Vinette and Mel Turner

Channon Brown and Keevin Turpin

Emily and Chris Tuten ’88

Annie and Greg Tuttle

Will and Tori Thompson Tutwiler ’14

Diana and Chris Twiggs ’89

Jubeen and Lara Nezami Vaghefi ’90

Ed Vaks and Katrina Ressa ’95

Liz and Paul Van Brunt

Elizabeth Drew Van Cleve ’83 and Robert Van Cleve ’83

Doug Van Der Mallie ’99

Max and Emily Bush Van Dorn ’09

Tara and Joe Van Rooy

Paul and Anne Marie Harman Van Wie ’90

Pete Vanni

Amanda and Guillaume Vargas

Dawn Vaughan

Laurie and Kevin Vaughn ’99

Bonnie Verlander

Heather Smith Visali ’94

JJ Vretis Vitale ’99

Renee and Paul Vitulli

Becky Vodrey ’73

Brett and Jane Howarth Vogelsberger ’96

Cheryl and David Vormack

Pamela and Martin Vutera

Salwa Ayad and Hani Wadei

Jane McDowell Wahl ’78 and Hal Wahl ’77

Megan Trumpler and Bobby Waldeck

Francine Andia Walker ’77

Nick Walker ’10

Scott and Jennifer Moore Walker ’90

Wyatt Walker

Maureen and Mike Walsh

Michael Walther ’89

Ginny and Perry Walthour

Allan and Sally Burton Walton ’74

Emily Edmonson and David Wandel

Julie and Sam Wartell

Kit and Pete Washburn

Michelle and Johnny Washington

McLean and Megan Teems Waters ’16

Dee Watson

Ang Weakland

Anna Almand Weaver ’09 and Bryan Weaver ’09

Dan Webb ’77

Kerri and Donnie Webb

Chelsea and Justin Weise

Carolyn Wells ‘03 and Marcus Wells ’90

Corey and Tara Gilmore West ’95

Alexis and Al Westbrook

Stephanie and Brandon Westerman ‘99

Christina Whitaker

Beth and Brad Whitchurch

Tommy White ’84

Mary Dudley Lee White ’12 and Wingate White ’12

Megan Wickenden ’06

Will Wickenden ’15

Karen Wicker ’77

Bob and Jessica Maley Wiecezak ’99

Mark and Claire Dudley Wilkiemeyer ’89

Rob and Ashley Blecha Wilks ’89

Grace and Jordan Williams

Schyler Williams

Staci Williams

Tamara Brown Williams ’77

Mike and Shelly Fulford Wilson ’72

Wingard Creative

Olivia Wingert ’18

Lena and David Winslow

Jervis and Emily Humphries Wise ’99

WJXT Channel 4

Suzy and Dan Wolff

Lisa and Dylan Wolff

Corinne Hu and Daniel Womble

Brian and Katie Busse Woodliff ’90

Holly and Greg Wright ’77

Michelle and Jonathan Wright

Kelly and Noel Wurst

Jen Qiu and Jack Xie

JD and Catherine Lee Yant ’09

Kayla and Chad Yeager

Antonio and Che’ Suggs Young ’94

Cary and James Young

Donna and Tommy Zaccour

Elizabeth and Josh Zachariah ’99

Karen and Mike Zambetti ’80

Megan and Jordan Zebouni

Sean Zehmer ’07

Marion and Bob Zeiner

Susan and Robert Zerbe

Jamilly and Kaleb Zeringue

Julia Zilla

Jeannie Zimmerman

Mark Zimmerman

Jo Ann Zomorodian

Loretta and Martin Zubero

Alumni Donors by Class Year

Gifts to The Episcopal Fund, restricted funds, endowment, and pledge payments to capital campaigns by alumni convey their ongoing belief in the school’s mission and are an expression of appreciation from those who have experienced the benefits of an Episcopal education firsthard. Gifts from our alumni honor those whose generosity made their time as students at Episcopal exceptional.


Franklin Beard

Candy Oberdorfer Edwards

Mike Edwards

Tom Evans

Helen Searcy Holmberg

Jack Schmidt


Claudia Conroy Brown

Paula Davis

Whitney Oren

Shelly Fulford Wilson


Sandy Avent

Clare Gebert Berry

Kathy Houston Buchanan

Dave Cury

Bill Haft

Jeff Lane

Virginia Thomas Morris

Patty Dennis Renstrom

Becky Vodrey


Barnes Adams

Danny Bivins

Skip Booth

Alex Bryant

J.B. Claiborne

Neal Cury

Jill Langford Dame

Barbara Duncan

Jim Dupree

Robert Dupree

Julie Redmond Edwards

Chris Ewin

Norma Lockwood Farnell

Betsy Frank Fraser

Nick Glover

Karen Nelson Hill

Eric Holmberg

Beth Kennard Jennison

Meredith Mori Lord

Jill Mahaffey

Randy Mahoney

Preston McAfee

Dede McGehee

Rick Renstrom

Elizabeth Juhan Ryan

Stacy Moseley

Molly Wood Snow

Marsha Geraghty Starling

Rick Stein

Tracy Upchurch

Nancy Abernethy Walczyk

Sally Burton Walton

Jim Welch

Missy Walton York


Brad Christie

Katie LeMaster

Bob Massey

Ruth Nagel Shelley

Bobby Stein

Carl Stoudemire


Gloria Gammel Christie

Bur Davis

Lanier Drew

Lauren Dupree Mahoney

Kristy Olson Miller

Tim Platt

Pam Oltmanns Rodman

Jonathan Rogers

Chris Ware


Mark Alexander

Lyda Larkins Astrove

Catherine Van Cleve Bauman

Bill Baxley

Lilli Denmark Behrens

Homer Bliss

Andy Burris

John Chitwood

Katherine Christie

Robert Deloatch

Karen Broward DeLuca

Karen Harris

Michael Glenn †

David Hackney

Lee Haramis

Jerry Holden

Jim Ingham

Renee Hedgepeth Johnson

Barbara Israel Lane

Elizabeth Scarborough Marziale

Doug McCain

Edward McCormick

Bill McDonald

Julie McDowell Moorman

Kathleen Morris New

Katharine Pearsall

Carolyn Dixon Richardson

Wally Thomas

Hal Wahl

Francine Andia Walker

Dan Webb

Karen Wicker

Tamara Brown Williams

Greg Wright


Bill Buckingham

Felicia Brown Bullock

Lyn Athearn Callahan

Susan Tuggle Fairchild

Laura Register

Forrest Dickinson Moore

Bob Schmidt

Jane McDowell Wahl


Randy Gordon

Barrie Hayes

Linda Cobb Ingham

Pete Tuggle


Spencer Dickinson

Susanne Partridge Dickinson

Tricia Sanchez-Salazar Fechtel

Sherry Smith Hieb

Ed Hines

Scott Laseter

Andy McCain

Jim Moseley

Mike Zambetti


Mark Fechtel

Suzanne Lamb Franco

Michael Kirwan


Rick Alexander

Rushton Haskell Callaghan

Dan Langford

Shelley Walthour Peeler

Lindsey Klecan

Cris Sctt Tennant

Susan Bullock Theiling


Dean Krueger

Deanna Braddy Larus

Elizabeth Drew Van Cleve

Robert Van Cleve

John Wright


David Barksdale

Mac Butler

Tommy Donahoo

Chris Farrell

Scott Foltz

David Friedline

Chris Hall

Jane Hughes

Tina Baitan-Jones

Paula Forster Kendrick

Will Ketchum

Eric Kolar

Mark LaBorde

Anne Grace Lee

Amy Foerster Lyerly

Melissa McLean Richards

Erin Matthews Richardson

Jennifer Scruby Ryshawy

Harold Tool

Tommy White


Walker Allen

Michael Bird

Vivian Slade Burr

Cindy Mire Davis

John Falconetti

Allen Ginder

John Koski

Raymur Walton Rachels


Scott Baldwin

Tim Gatz

Annie Hughes Goldfield

John Lyerly

Curt Pajcic

Sally Haskell Singletary

Lesley Klecan

Carla Owens Warlow


Claudia Saenz Amlie

Stephanie Chesson Bailes

Billy Cerveny

Derek Gaff

Charles Gibbs

Jamie Hoener

Michael Magevney

Stephanie Buelow Massey

Curry Pajcic

Chris Vermillion


Rachel Gatz Berkowitz

Judy Lin Bristow

John Donahoo

Joel Harms

Sunny Turner Hartigan

Frances Poitevent Hutto

Bill Johnson

Dave Kolster

Sarah McDonald

Heather Rainey Moseley

Niels Murphy

Stacy duPont Nash

Gene Nichols

Todd Ogletree

Molly Helms Pina

Ted Pina

Candace Moss Sawall

Hal Skinner

Laura Steele Smith

Dearing Setzer Thoburn

Chris Tuten


Charlie Beard

Janelle Clark Bishop

Jeff Bryan

Charmaine Brent Casarico

Sue Corral Corral

J. Dow Covey

Polly Crawford

Susannah Clarke Doherty

Steve Gordon

Jennifer Waugh Griffith

Shaughnessy Harms

Charlie Holt

Alicia Sacerio Humbert

Sydney Johnson

Matt Kachergus

Raymond Klein

Bobby Knight

Bru Krebs

Julie Tanner Leake

Wade Lindsey

John Magevney

Virginia Larroude Malignani

Oliver Martin

Gary McFall

Joe Mella

Robin Milam

Travis Moore

Melissa Muzzy

Ashley McCorvey Myers

Meghan Lynch Niemczyk

Chris Noll

George Ossi

Eve Owens

Charlotte Peer

Greg Perret

Charlotte Pridgen Peterson

Jennie Ruckman Rankin

Elizabeth Grissett Ray

Sage Rider

Liz Clarke Robbins

JP Saenz

Bill Schilling

Anthony Schumann

Shannon Shea

Trip Stanly

Elizabeth Walker Townsend

Chris Twiggs

Michael Walther

Claire Dudley Wilkiemeyer

Ashley Blecha Wilks


William Agricola

Hillary Liles Almond

Chuck Baldwin

Andrea Gray Cawley

Carlton DeVooght

Carson Allcorn Fustes

Flamine Galbraith

Jennifer Stopiak Hayes

Meredith Wachtel Hines

David Hodges

Heather Newman Johnson

Cooper Nightingale

Katherine Donahoo Nott

Ian Pajcic

Lindsey Lastinger Riggs

Jay Robinson

Alison Emery Schoenberger

Neil Schoenberger

Andrea Brown Shaw

Ted Short

Candice Jones Ster

Timothy Stokes

Lara Nezami Vaghefi

Anne Marie Harman Van Wie

Jennifer Moore Walker

Marcus Wells

Katie Busse Woodliff


Jason Chartrand

Darren Glenn

Laura Hutson

Stephanie Athey Jarvis

Ryan Jones

Tanya Samara Kellogg

Kathryn Durkee Kovarik

Amy Lastinger

Tripp Miller

Peter Ossi

Cristi Peterson Skeels

Hamilton Slye

Sam Schwinger Snyder

Allen Todd

Sidney Wells


Cara Freeman Bowyer

Ryan Chandler

Dwight Ottesen

Amy Burrows Perkins

Tiffany Osteen Sawyer

Kristen Schmidt Seay

Sherry Manning Manning

David Wingard


Will Allen

Vince Bagni

Mary Burke Baker

Jason Burhyte

Carmen Sacerio Chartrand

Troy Davis

Meg Sisk Grimes

Victor Hughes

Kia Mitchell Kemp

Elizabeth Chunn Matson

Art Small

Julio Ventura

Heather Burnett Wingard


Scott Anderson

Whitfield Athey

Matt Burhyte

Mary Lanier Cook

Collins Cooper

Melissa Fritts Cura

Heather Halliburton Douglas

Kathryn Tompkins Edgecombe

Alise Key Ferranti

Ryan Glenn

Patrick Hale

Caroline Foerster Hammond

Leyden Haynes Hane

Heather Samorisky Mills

Kerri Cannon Napoleon

John Naugle

Lexy Rice Paul

Dave Plaugher

John Regan

Karim Samara

Shannon Meyers Smith

Heather Smith Visali

Amy Harris Wacaster

Kevin Waugaman

Che’ Suggs Young


Deesa Armstrong

Katie Lebhar Black-Bowling

Brooks Busey

Anne-Marie Forbes Lynn

Seth Pajcic

Helen Stephens Plaugher

Brandie Williams Short

Catherine Colyer Tiedeberg

Katrina Ressa

Tara Gilmore West


Russell Beard

Jordan Clarkson

Meg Grogan Goen

Hunter Hyde

Katie Jason Oldoerp

Jenny Drummond Ream

John Ream

Michael Schmidt

John Shaw

Ashley Smith

Jane Howarth Vogelsberger


Katie Long Borghese

Jennie Trimble Busey

Tara Notaro Byron

Kathryn Schulz Ches

Doug Chunn

Joel Hartman

Cheryl Farmand Leddy

Nicole Clemons Lewis

Justin Peacock

Levi Ritter

Didi Wells Robinson


Ben Borns

Charles Chunn

Ashlee Sharp Correia

Brad Correia

Sarah Williams Davis

Jared Futch

Steve Harmon

Sean Magee

Brad Martin

Chaz Phillips

Scott Riley

Joy Krueger Roberson

Chad Senesac

Julie Wiggins Sorenson

Kevin Valent


Dave Abney

Emily Jolles

Corey Barnes

Amanda Rover Caruso

Ryan Davis

Marjorie Dickinson Dickinson

Caroline Brame Flory

Lindsey Fields Ford

Aaryn Jones Frick

Sara Burnett Granberry

Sarah Ramsey Haas

Jamie McCombs Harmon

Blair Everline Hart

John Haug

Katie Grogan Hayes

Bill Hines

Christina Orta Hurman

Jess Parks Hurst

Samuel Hwang

Rachel Stroud Keith

Andy Kidd

Leslie Dix Kwiatek

Dems Mason

Mary Drummond McAllister

Natalie Smith McGhee

Ashley Goebertus Moloney

Grant Momberg

Joe Murray

Colleen McDermott November

Jorge Oliver

Kadie Pettit

Brie Wood Sloan

Meredith Cox Smith

Robb Smith

Rachel Dixon Steinberg

Cami Isaac Stoddard

Shaara Pajcic Swallow

Kori Blacker Tafoya

Jennifer Tucker

Doug Van Der Mallie

Kevin Vaughn

JJ Vretis Vitale

Brandon Westerman

Jessica Maley Wiecezak

Carey Wodehouse

Emily Humphries Wise

Josh Zachariah


Lizzy Lewis Arnold

Katie McArthur Athey

Merrill Martin Chandler

Blair Kingsbury Dixon

Jennifer Earnest

Sam Hyde Geisler

Alex Graham

Jenny Selzer Hinojosa

Carol Edwards Hollen

Ryan Hoover

William Magevney

Zach Miller

William Milne

Elizabeth Stovall Momberg

Eddy Oliver

Thomas Pauly

Graham Riley

Kacey Lewis Roache

James Robison

Abby Whitmire Stewart

Deena Bateh Wallace

John Wallace


Ashley Almand Davis

Matthew Fox

Elizabeth Black Black Fulton

Lauren Goebertus

Christian Harden

Stephanie Kulik Harden

Jenn Rood Hoover

Richard Jones

Kate Wallis

Elizabeth McKenzie Mairs

Jonah Ritter

Amanda Farmand Smith


Dan Candeto

Kelly Flanagan

Mike Orta

Chuck Pearce

David Roberts

Paige Beeler Wagner


Sarah Harrison Brumfield

Katherine Stovall Bryson

Albert Chester

Caroline Carithers Close

Sarah Overton Duncan

Brian Maples

Matt Michel

Carolyn Wells


Justin Allen

Laura Bradley

Bethany Chafin

Brandon Farmand

Hampton Graham

Laura Hershberger

Ryan Hixon

Worth McArthur


Cate Sadler Anderson

Vance Berry

Paul Black

John Daraskevich

Leigh Elizabeth Black Israel

Susan McArthur Jones

Claire Pulignano

Hans Tanzler


Rebecca Maddox Bowling

Jen Zebouni Contreras

Lauren Johnston Danilchenko

Lauren Spiller Daraskevich

Lesley Marchman Gittings

Anna Robison Michal

Ross Sprague

Megan Wickenden


Morgan Andrews

Will Braude

Jen Boyd Butterworth

Paul Jorgensen

Zach Lee

Sean Zehmer


Max Baumer

Peter Blumeyer

William Burgstiner

Weatherly Marshall Donald

Patrick Griffin

Zac Hardy

Anna Sadler Mann

Brad McCollum

Allison Deppe


Ellen Catlin

Helen Cousar Crossen

Gardner Davis

Harrison Frazier

Meredith Adkins Frazier

Lainey Graham Gandy

Samantha Glisson Hill

Chris Knight

Brooke Harden Michaelis

William Michaelis

Ann Clements Miller

Alex Motes

Cody Muren

Amanda Ranney Namey

Catherine Buckingham Nichols

Tori Pappas

Libby Simmons Powers

Vincent Pulignano

Alexa Munford Quaritius

J.T. Raymond

David Ricke

Mason Sabo

Mary Shaffer Willetts Sealey

Elizabeth Jones Starr

Chet Stokes

Elizabeth Gibbs Tanzler

Katharine Trigg

Emily Bush Van Dorn

Anna Almand Weaver

Bryan Weaver

Catherine Lee Yant


Ben Bennett

Charlie Berg

Prescott Braude

Mac Crotzer

Jennifer Ferry

Caroline Sabo Hughes

Andrew Kirwan

Bart Martens

Trey Murphy

Sarah Reid Vinyard Place

Jeffery Stowers

Nick Walker


Chris Buckingham

Tyler Gay

Gray Hodsdon

Francesca Mantay Jones

Allie Smith Sabo

Murphy Williams


Anna Schumacher Ball

Keegan Ball

Chairselle Bryant

Conor Clark

Brooks Dame

Darby Dame

Betty Ann Graham Gilrain

Justin Hacker

Mary Grace Henley

Chandler Jolly

Ian McCook

Caitlin Dempsey Parker

Neale Walton Schooley

Austin Schumacher

Tracy Thompson

Mary Dudley Lee White

Wingate White


Caroline Oakley Heinmiller

Libbie Sabo

Thomas Vinyard


Hannah Ellisen

Sarah Irving

Natalie Lewis

Tori Thompson Tutwiler


Chip Morgan

Bailey Ray

Cole Shad

Cori Jevic Shad

Riley Tennant

Will Wickenden


Harry D’Agostino

Louise Ellisen

Cade Glasgow

Zach Heaton

Laurel Lee

Daley Pajcic

Anne Parham

Isabel Wothe Snyder

Megan Teems Waters


Chase Tennant


Jackson Bednarek

Ryan Bell

Marcus Brooks

Sarah Allen Brown

Thompson Buford

Ben Case

Danielle Corbin

Bianca Cornthwaite

Jane Donahoo

Libby Donahoo

Parker Joyce

Emily Lemasters

Mac Lyerly

Audrey McCabe

Katie McQuiddy

Kaitlyn Nott

Curtis Pajcic

Josh Pina

Jordan Polster

Katie Smith

Ken Sweder

Emily Teems

Olivia Wingert


Olin Moseley

Curry Pajcic


William Cook

Andrew Moseley


Mary Emma Cook

Julia Polster

Mary Packer Cummings Society

The Mary Packer Cummings Society honors individuals who have provided for the school through deferred gifts such as bequests, life insurance, annuities, and trust agreements. The society is named in honor of Mrs. Cummings, who left the property where Episcopal now stands to St. John’s Cathedral upon her death in 1912. Planned gifts may be directed by the donor to provide unrestricted income or to be used for designated purposes such as endowment, capital improvements or program areas.

Anonymous (4)

Bobbie Anding ’70

Sister and Bill Avent ††

Angela Bailey ’73

Patti Eckert Bauernfeind ’84

Margaret Berg †

Sara Holloway and Danny Bivins ‘74

Barbara Bozard †

Fred Bozard †

Emmy and Frank Cerveny

Charlie Commander III †

Vicky Commander

Scott and Heather Halliburton Douglas ’94

Cliff Dunn ’74

John Falconetti ’85

Chris Farrell ’84

Holly and Tim Finchem

Connie and Paul Fletcher

Dink Foerster †

Margaret Foerster

Ann Gibbs

George Gibbs †

Allison and Allen Ginder ’85

M.J. and Ron Ginder

Michael Glenn ’77 †

Thelma Golightly †

Laura Grand

Joan and Preston Haskell

Bruce Hayden ’70 †

Vickie and Bert Herlong ††

Cara and David Hodges ’90

Mark Hulsey Jr. †

Denise Duke Hunt

John Michael Kelly †

Missy and Will Ketchum ’84

Jean and Ross Krueger

Pat Andrews and Fred Lambrou

Allen and Delores Lastinger

Ebbie LeMaster †

Harriet LeMaster

Katie LeMaster ’75

Jane and Mike Lewis

Noel and Rut Liles

Frances McCurry

Patti Eckert McMurdie ’84

Fred Melber †

Bobbie and Lee Mercier †

Bette Len and Jack Mitchell

Nancy and Sandy Morris ††

Jane and Wilson Munnerlyn ††

Bill Nash †

Frances Nash

Joannie Newton

Jerry Pietan †

Mary Pietan

Anne Romaine

Mason Romaine †

John Rood

Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Royal ††

Tim Royal ‘78 †

Flo Sikes †

Barbara Suddath

Dick Suddath †

Susan and Jim Towler Jr. ’77

Bill Valentine

Beppy Walton ‘71 †

Elizabeth and Bill Walton ††

Jim Winston †

Amy and Kirk Zambetti ’86

Kay and Mike Zambetti

In Honor of

Collins ’33 and Hadley ’35 Aland

Maria and David Drews

Bebe Alexander

Linda R. Alexander

All my teachers and coaches

Phil Gibbs and Lanier Drew ’76

Philip Anderson ’39

Mary and Mark Anderson

Kendel R. Badger ’28

Michele Bell-Badger

Jefffrey Bennett ’96

Maureen and Mark Bennett

Alec ’17 and Bryce ’26 Berrier

Blenda and Aaron Berrier

Ellie ’27 and Kadie ’29 Bowles

Kay Diane Bowles

Robert Brant

Jefferson Brant

Kai Bear Broe ’36

Tina and Ray Carlson

Henry deSaussure Bryan ’24

Grace and Kendall Bryan

Janet Buford

Amy Lastinger ’91

Benjamin Calloway ’28

Sadie and Bennie Calloway

Susan Carter

Charles and Susan Tuggle Fairchild ’78

Carter ’34 and Reese ’39 Cassidy

CeeCee and John Cassidy

Emmy ’26, Wiley ’28 and Scout ’33 Cerveny

Emmy and Frank Cerveny

Club Christopher

Chris Knight ’09

Riley Chu ’29

Lois Ann Bumgarner and Danny Chu

Adelaide ’29, Sadie Mae ’32, and Knight ’33 Chunn

Peyton and Doug Chunn ’97

Ann Palmer ’32 and Gray ’29 Chunn

Greg Gray

Peyton Chunn

Jim Duggan

Class of 1974

Patty Dennis Renstrom ’73 and Rick Renstrom ’74

Peter and Jill Langford Dame ’74

Class of 1976

Debbie and Jonathan Rogers ’76

Class of 1977

Bob and Lyda Larkins Astrove ’77

Kathie and Jerry Holden ’77

Linda Cobb Ingham ’79 and Jim Ingham ’77

Mark and Renee Hedgepeth Johnson ’77

Barbara Israel Lane ’77 and Jeff Lane ’73

Tammey and Edward McCormick ’77

Jack and Julie McDowell Moorman ’77

Class of 1979

Linda and Pete Tuggle ’79

Class of 1983

Elizabeth Drew Van Cleve ’83 and Robert Van Cleve ’83

Class of 1984

Amy Foerster Lyerly ’84 and John Lyerly ’86

Class of 1984 40th Reunion

Patty and David Barksdale ’84

JaLynne and Mac Butler ’84

Fiona and Chris Farrell ’84

Leslie and Scott Foltz ’84

Catherine and David Friedline ’84

Chris Hall ’84

Jane Hughes ’84

Rob Jones and Tina Baitan-Jones ’84

Paula Forster Kendrick ’84

Missy and Will Ketchum ’84

Paige and Mark LaBorde ’84

Childress and Anne Grace Lee ’84

Amy Foerster Lyerly ’84 and John Lyerly ’86

Erin Matthews Richardson ’84

Alex and Jennifer Scruby Ryshawy ’84

Tommy White ’84

Class of 1988


Peter and Rachel Gatz Berkowitz ’88

Caroline and Gene Nichols ’88

Brendan and Laura Steele Smith ’88

Class of 1989

Peter and Charmaine Brent Casarico ’89

Sue Corral ’89

Erin and Steve Gordon ’89

Brooke and Charlie Holt ’89

Bobby Knight ’89

Travis Moore ’89

Sheryl and Chris Noll ’89

George Ossi ’89

Matt and Charlotte Pridgen Peterson ’89

Courtney and Sage Rider ’89

Diana and Chris Twiggs ’89

Mark and Claire Dudley Wilkiemeyer ’89

Rob and Ashley Blecha Wilks ’89

Class of 1990

Christopher and Andrea Gray Cawley ’90

Barbara and Ted Short ’90

Donald and Candice Jones Ster ’90

Jubeen and Lara Nezami Vaghefi ’90

Paul and Anne Marie Harman Van Wie ’90

Class of 1994

Collins Cooper ’94

Marcos and Melissa Fritts Cura ’94

Jason and Kathryn Tompkins Edgecombe ’94

John and Leyden Haynes Hane ’94

Kat Antony and Karim Samara ’94

Jessica and Kevin Waugaman ’94

Class of 1998

Jamie and Sarah Williams Davis ’98

Class of 1999

Corey Barnes ’99

Sarah Ramsey Haas ’99

Jamie McCombs Harmon ’99 and Steve Harmon ’98

David and Blair Everline Hart ’99

Dane and Jess Parks Hurst ’99

Beth and Dems Mason ’99

Brendan and Ashley Goebertus Moloney ’99

Adam and Colleen McDermott November ’99

Kadie Pettit ’99

Wes and Cami Isaac Stoddard ’99

Kori Blacker Tafoya ’99

Doug Van Der Mallie ’99

Laurie and Kevin Vaughn ’99

Kadie, Lauren and Sarah, Class of ’99

Matthew and Caroline Brame Flory ’99

Class of 2000

Craig and Blair Kingsbury Dixon ’00

Brian and Carol Edwards Hollen ’00

Class of 2001

Stephanie Kulik Harden ’01 and Christian Harden ’01

Class of 2009

Allen and Ann Clements Miller ’09

Matt and Amanda Ranney Namey ’09

Blake and Catherine Buckingham Nichols ’09

Ben and Libby Simmons Powers ’09

J.T. Raymond ’09

Taylor and Mary Shaffer Willetts Sealey ’09

Anna Almand Weaver ’09 and Bryan Weaver ’09

Class of 2011

Philip and Francesca Mantay Jones ’11

Class of 2012

Mary Grace Henley ’12

Chandler Jolly ’12

Caitlin Dempsey Parker ’12

Class of 2014

Sarah Irving ’14

Will and Tori Thompson Tutwiler ’14

JD and Catherine Lee Yant ’09

Class of 2015

Cori Jevic Shad ’15 and Cole Shad ’15

Class of 2016

Laurel Lee ’16

Anne Parham ’16

Class of 2018

Danielle Corbin ’18

Class of 2022

Mary Emma Cook ’22

Hannah Cooper ’34

Mallory and William Cooper

Austin McCormack ’26

Mary and Ray Kircher

Caroline Cruce ’37

Jamie and Alex Cruce

Kelly and Terry Parks

Ashley Almand Davis ’01

Matthew and Ashley Almand Davis ’01

Holt ’33 and Charles ’35 Davis

Celeste and Laurence Kroll †

Sally Deming

Todd and Vivian Slade Burr ’85

Coachman Robert Denning

Jackie Cook

Evelyn Diebel ’38

Julie and Mark Diebel

Carys Diquisto ’32

Wesley and Beth Kennard Jennison ’74

Sara Donald ’38

Sean and Weatherly Marshall Donald ’08

Anne Draper

Laura Fackler

Eveline Dyal ’38

Lucy Conway and Justin Dyal

Madeleine Earl ’35

Lindsay Oken and Austin Earl

Abbey Ellis

Melanie and Bob Ellis

Elsa ’25 and Ruby ’27 Evert

Marcia and Lance Evert

Marcia and Lance Evert

Kinga and Jason Evert

Easton ’31 and Asher ’33 Fanning

Diana and Jonathan Fanning

Father Peter Pierson

Jamie and Sarah Williams Davis ’98

Father Young

Kathleen Morris New ’77

Luke Fico ’38

Stephanie and John Naser

Charles J. Frankel III

Kim and Whitney Allemand

Jack ’27 and Lucas ’28 Franklin

John and Dede Fitch Franklin ’00

Rex ’30, Nash ’33 and Bo ’36 Freidl

Ellen and Robert Alexander

Ryan Patrick Gallagher ’06

Jack Gallagher

Karen Gallagher

Martha Gladden

Elizabeth and John Zank

Cooper Gomes ’36

Gayle and Guenther Koelker

Elizabeth Goodman ’25

Donna Rocco


Elaine and Steve Woolsey

Virginia ’32 and Marguerite ’35 Griffith

Margie and Chuck Griffith

Liza Haley ’27

Colleen and Chris Haley

Sandy and Keith Hughey

Patrick ’23, Wyatt ’24 and Drew ’27 Hartigan

Sue Turner

Sunny Turner Hartigan ’88

Sue Turner

Geoffrey C. Heekin ’14

Karen and Geoff Heekin

David Henry ’16

Bonnie Henry

Palmer Hulsey ’38

Kristin and Jason Hulsey

Lily ’27 and Quinn ’29 Indelicato

Maura Indelicato

Jack Jacquot ’25

Shannon and Joe Jacquot

Heather Newman Johnson ’90

Leigh Anne and William Milne

Sterling Johnson ’38

Stephanie and Tyler Johnson

Bryan Jones ’01

Brandon and Aaryn Jones Frick ’99

Bryce Judy ’31

Ulrike and Jayson Judy

Zella Kearns ’33

Celeste and Howard Sidman

Mr. Kelly (Teacher)

Charles and Susan Tuggle Fairchild ’78

Bob Kirk

Mark Zimmerman

Stephanie Kohla Marilynn and Don Kohla

Ginny Scott Kurlas ’24

Ginger and Tony Kurlas

Lamm Family

Vicki and Tommy Cohen

Andrew ’26 and Matthew ’25 Landon

Chris Landon

Deborah Landon

Nate ’27 and Evelyn ’28 Leddy

Ann and Terry Farmand

Gage ’31 and Grant ’37 Limbaugh

Nicole and Jeremy Limbaugh

Cooper ’21, Greyson ’24 and Thad ’30 Lindsey

Jan and Gerry Bonnette

Wilson ’28 and Logan ’31 Livingston

Betty and Buck Autrey

Eloise ’32, Merriweather ’35, Saylor ’37 and Celerie Markley

Bridget and Justin Markley

Matthew Messink ’30

Brenda and Jim Messink

Savannah Miller ’35

Jennifer and Zach Miller ’00

Will Misner ’27

Donna and Sam Heffner

Whitney Jane Morgan ’27

Tracy and Stephen Morgan

Opal Mosley ’36

MaryAnn and Ed Symons

Tyler Murphy ’28

Bjorg Murphy

Clara A. Nabizadeh ’28

Veronica and Shahriar Nabizadeh

Emory ’24, Clem ’26 and Boyd ’28 Nelson Toosie and Dennis Williamson

Elizabeth Newcomb ’11

Mike Newcomb

Shannon Nunley

Molly and Seth Phelps

Nutcracker the Musical

Martha McCracken and Russ McCormick

William Overton ’08

Connie and Jim Overton

Benjamin ’39 and Hayes ’41 Oxnard

Whitney and Ben Oxnard

Mary Katherine Henry Pascoe ’11

Bonnie Henry

Dylan Patterson ’30

Karen and Rudy Nudo

Lainey Peterson ’36

Cheri and Don Jones

Milo Phillips ’27

Sonya and Jamie Hoener ’87

Jon Phillips

Bodhi Prada ’29

Wesley and Beth Kennard Jennison ’74

Chad ’06 and David ’08 Prizzia

Lee and Chuck Prizzia

Swim Coach, Randy Reese and all of the swimmers on the team

Lauren Dupree Mahoney ’76

Daniel Rhiner

Molly and Seth Phelps

Jayda Richards ’26

Marieka and Dervent Richards

Mary Hollis ’36 and James ’35 Sale

Mary Pat and Buford King

Evan Salter ’24

Ronnie Carter

Wyatt Eugene Sandlin ’40

Barbara and Hardy Sandlin

Gregory Scales ’27

Tracie and Charley Scales

Sunny Scheu ’32

Ann and Frank Scheu

Abigail Senterfitt ’11

Elizabeth and Dwain Senterfitt

Madison Smith ’26

Shannon Meyers Smith ’94

Mary Kathryn Smith

Bebe and Ted Alexander

Rosemary Snyder ’37

Holly Brooks

Kay Brooks

Ms. Barnes, Ms. Johnson, Ms. Brent, Coach Trey, Ms. Bebe and everyone else for a great experience at St. Mark’s Campus

Whitney and Christian George

Fiona ’35 and Sienna ’35 Strausser

Dee Watson

Eden Sussman ’29

Cherie and Craig Sussman

The Dedicated Staff

Melanie and Bob Ellis

The Lacrosse Team

Sara and Morgan Andrews ’07

Those who impacted Taylor’s Development

David Ertrachter

Eleanor ’34 and Hunter ’38 Tucker

Teresa and Jack McGarry

Mila Vargas ’36

Amanda and Guillaume Vargas

Harris ’28 and Gigi ’30 Wacaster

Rita Harris

Ellis ’36 and Kirkwood ’35 Weber

Patton and Larry Weber

Alex Westbrook ’27

Eugenia Westbrook

Ava Witt ’24

Rebecca and Ed Witt

Trent ’28, Austin ’30, Hayes ’33 and Bo ’33 Wodehouse

Emory Williams and Carey Wodehouse ’99



Patrick Zak ’29

Sarah and John Zak

Addi Zebouni ’37

Trish Shilling

Marion Ziener

Alli and Julio Ventura ’93

Bill Zimmerman

Jeannie Zimmerman

In Memory of

Parviz Amoli

Marielle and Ali Amoli

Debbie Armstrong

Deesa Armstrong ’95

Ashley Bateh Anonymous

Alex Beaver “Poppy”

Kameron and Dan Branon

Wilma Black

Sherri Wilson Kelly

Dr. Robert E. Burleigh

Christina Luyk

Ellen and Robert Alexander

Jim Carver ‘79

Joan Carver

Doug Chunn

Frances Fowler

Anne and Charles Hall

Renee and Lester Harris

Marylynn and Robert Heekin

Stephen Kuntz

Diane and William Lee

Keri and Robert Morris

WJXT Channel 4

Bill and Julie Wiggins Sorenson ‘98

George and Carolyn Dixon Richardson ‘77

Brenda Shepherd

John and Elizabeth Chunn Matson ’93

Eloise Claiborne

Cheryl and J.B. Claiborne III ’74

John Wilson Colby Jr.

Liz-Anne and Tim Platt ‘76

Kay and Mike Zambetti

Charles E. Commander III

Meg and Charles Commander

Connie and Jim Overton

Pamela Ossi Cooper

Madeleine Combs-Hamel and Randy Hamel

Pat Crandall

Gail and Charley Zimmer

Robert E. Dixon Jr. ‘74

George and Carolyn Dixon Richardson ‘77

Thomas Donahoo Sr.

Kay and Mike Zambetti

Doreen Douglas 1926-2023

Manala and Christian Douglas

John and Dorothy Duncan, who made my JEHS

education possible

Barbara Duncan ’74

Francis “Rip” DuPont III

Kay and Mike Zambetti

John Walton Ewin ‘74

Kelly Ann and Chris Ewin ’74

David W. Foerster

Brandon and Caroline Foerster Hammond ’94

Peggy Fox

Mimi and Jimmy Bryant

Bob and Lyda Larkins Astrove ’77

Sarah and Michael Borns

Susie and Clinton Cosby

Jason and Kathryn Tompkins Edgecombe ’94

Candy Oberdorfer Edwards ’70 and Mike Edwards ’70

Margaret Foerster

Rebecca and Timothy Frame

Erich and Sam Hyde Geisler ’00

Pat Andrews and Fred Lambrou

Katie LeMaster ’75

Bonnell Martens

Lucy and Mac McCook

Jo Miller

Jane Norman

Norville Realty, Inc.

Mary and Peter Pierson

Leigh Robinson

Beverly and Joe Seay

Judy and David Senesac

Gail and Charley Zimmer

The Peoples Bank of Georgia

Juli and Jim Barnhart

Courtenay Beyer

Pamela Freeman

Martha and Malcolm Fortson

Cinder Shay

Patricia Harris

Kendra Pirk

David Fulford Jr. ‘73

Mike and Shelly Fulford Wilson ’72

John Germaine

Dana and John Germaine

Mary Hartley

April and Rick Patterson

Linda Hastings ‘77

Ann and Richard Powell

Madge Hazen

Lori and Jack Schmidt ‘70

Elise Bullock Higbe ‘78

Kathleen Bullock

Berry “Pop Pop” Kitterman

Kerri and Donnie Webb

James Langston

Jane and Clint Collins

Wendy Dickinson LaPrade ‘76

Gloria Gammel Christie ’76 and Brad Christie ‘75

Edna and Maxwell Dickinson

Marty LaPrade

Emmet Larimer

Gloria Gammel Christie ’76 and Brad Christie ‘75

Bebe Brumby Leonard

Bessemer Giving Fund

Chip Mahon

Sheryl and Barnes Adams ‘74

Delores Malone

John Malone

Mary Maples

Alex and Brian Maples ’03

Maria Carolina Mariño de Martinez

Juan-Carlos Martinez

Dan McArthur

McArthur Family Foundation

Rodney Mella ‘91

Lourdes and Joe Mella ’89

Sharon Milne

Maddie and John Milne

Robert M. Minichiello Sr.

Keri and Ed Morales

William Thomas Shircliff Montgomery II

Alison and Kent Sausaman

Gavin Moore ‘87

Derek Gaff ’87

Pete Ober ‘94

Scott Anderson ’94

Katie and Ryan Glenn ’94

Robert Ray Parks

Nancy Parks

Michael Rady Sr. ‘73

Megan and Wes Runyon

Clara Marie Rasch

Beth and Kevin Rasch

Angela Raulerson

Ami and Mark Grek

Dale Regan

Traci and Brian Cook

Carolyn and George Cooper

Scott and Heather Halliburton Douglas ’94

Debbie and Bobby Lee Hicks

Denise Duke Hunt

Allen and Delores Lastinger

Martin Andersen-Gracia Andersen Foundation, Inc.

Mimi and Jimmy Bryant

Luther F. Sadler Sr.

Tad and Cate Sadler Anderson ’05

Gert and Christine Schmidt

Janice and Bob Schmidt ’78

John Shepherd ‘90

Adrienne and Chuck Baldwin ‘90

Branson and Carson Allcorn Fustes ’90

Ashley and Jay Robinson ’90

Scott A. Sheppard

Kimberly Sheppard

Ioan and Natalia Sigarteu

Ana Chindris

Flo Sikes

Gloria Gammel Christie ’76 and Brad Christie ‘75

John Slevin

Gail and Charley Zimmer

Emily K. Sprague

Marnie and Rick Sprague

Barbara Stephenson

Robert Stephenson

Robert Stevens

Sharon Stevens

Jim Stuart ’74

Nick Glover ’74

Gary Swallow

Jo Swallow

Peggy Walker

Elizabeth Walker Townsend ’89

Elizabeth Simpson Walton ‘71

Connie and Jim Overton

Betsy Wood ’75

Nick Glover ’74

Coach Gail T. Young (1970’s Tennis, Basketball Coach at ESJ)

Christine Ingram

W.G. Zimmerman Jr.

Tracy and Jason Miller

Foundations, Matching Gift Companies, Gifts-in-Kind

Foundation Donors

Bank of America Matching Gifts

Barham & Mary Cook Family Foundation

Brady S. Johnston Charitable Foundation

Crowley Cares Foundation

Delta Airlines Foundation

Deutsche Bank Matching Gifts

Edward McCarthy Endowment

Fidelity Foundation

Give Lively Foundation, Inc.

Givinga Foundation, Inc.

Hall-Halliburton Foundation, Inc.

International Medical and Cultural Foundation, Inc.

J. W. Schippmann Foundation, Inc.

Lambrou Andrews Foundation, Inc.

Lastinger Family Foundation

Martin Andersen-Gracia Andersen Foundation, Inc.

MC Scholarship Foundation

McArthur Family Foundation

McCormick & Company Matching Gifts

Medtronic Foundation

Northwestern Mutual Foundation, Inc.

Pledgeling Foundation

Prockow Charitable Trust

Renaissance Charitable Foundation

St. Mark’s Episcopal Day School Scholarship Fund

State Farm Companies Foundation

Tennant Family Foundation

The Dunn Family Foundation

The Haskell Foundation

The Henry and Lucy Gooding Endowment

The Jess and Brewster J. Durkee Foundation

The Magnolia Foundation Inc

The Margaret and Jack Tarver Foundation

The Moffett Family Foundation

The Paul E. and Klare N. Reinhold Foundation, Inc.

The Ralph N. and Anina M. Walter Charitable Trust

The Ray Sutton McGhee Foundation

The Schultz Foundation, Inc.

The Thomas M. and Irene B. Kirbo Charitable Foundation

Thurston Roberts Charitable Trust

United Way of Northeast Florida

Whitehall Foundation, Inc.

Winston Family Foundation

Matching Gift Companies

Adobe Systems, Inc.


Bank of America Matching Gifts

CBRE, Inc.

Crowley Cares Foundation

CSX Corporation

Delta Airlines Foundation

Deutsche Bank Matching Gifts

Fidelity Foundation

Home Depot Matching Gifts

Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts

JP Morgan Chase Matching Gifts

McCormick & Company Matching Gifts

Medtronic Foundation

Northwestern Mutual Foundation, Inc.

SS&C Technologies

State Farm Companies Foundation

Tapestry, Inc.

The Paul E. and Klare N. Reinhold Foundation, Inc.



Vista Equity Partners

Gifts In-Kind


Barham and Mary Lanier Cook ’94

John and Helen Cousar Crossen ’09

Allen and Ann Clements Miller ’09

Blake and Catherine Buckingham Nichols ’09

Taylor and Mary Shaffer Willetts Sealey ’09

Katherine and Walter Smithwick

Annie and Greg Tuttle

Dori and Bill Walton ’70

Whole Foods Market - JXB SE Region

Karen Wicker ’77

Angela Schifanella and Alan Wilson


All About Events

CeeCee and John Cassidy

Grace Note Brewing

Amanda and James Trimble

Rebecca Campbell

Glenn Carter

Closets by Design of the First Coast

Juli and Troy Davis ‘93

Renee and Rob Eddy

Kasse Eppley

ESJ - Boosters

ESJ - FANS (Fine Arts Nurturing Students)

ESJ - Parents Association

The Falconetti Family

Matt Flakus

Heather and Lou Fouts

Martha and Adam Greene

Andy Harold

Michelle Harold

Mark and Frances Poitevent Hutto ’88

Erin and Nick James

Julie Ryan Photography

Bob Kirk

Michelle Krueger ’83

Philippa Marks

Chip Morgan ’15

Mike Rickey

Ryan and Lindsey Lastinger Riggs ’90

Jessica and Jason Ryals

Mishayla and Michael Schmidt ’96

Jordan Smith

Chip Stroud

The Bearded Pig

The Haskell Company

Tom Bush Family of Dealerships

Jennifer and Lance Windley


Julia Aland and Gabby Self

Coach Dede Allen

Beach Bark


Marisa and Whitney Brighton

Mary and Eric Broe

Cabana Life

Denise Cinnamond and Katie Regan

Coastal Wine Market, Shaun and Steve Lourie

CrossFit Total Control

Kari DeFilippo and Weatherly Donald

Define Body & Mind

Devon Donnahoo Photography

Hannah Douglas and Mikaela Jones

ESJ - Athletic Department

ESJ - Fine Arts Department

ESJ - Office of Admissions

Fluffy Cuts

Kate and Cobus Gomes

Adam and Martha Greene

Samantha and Michael Ginney

Melody Harding and Michelle Massais

Sarah Hartley and Joie Horton

KMH Home

Christy Maurer and Shannon Johnson

Mayo Clinic Cosmetic Center

Ashley Ann McGehee

Michael Greek Tennis Pro

Melissa and Sean Moneypenny

Kaitlyn Phillips, Trish Shilling and Jody Tomaszewski

Restaurant Orsay

Sarah Roberts and Jenn Kendall

Leslie Sale

Seek to Explore by Danielle Pearson

Shobukan Martial Arts Academy

Ryan Sowers

Swimming Safari

Ten Salon

Top Pot


Acme Barricades

B & B Advertising

Stephanie and Archie Baker

Casita Del Sol Cafe

Chick-Fil-A - Ortega Park

Clear Channel Outdoor

Dennis + Ives Creative Office

Florida Yacht Club

Miller & Company Real Estate

Mary Claire and Ted Miller ’87

My Gym Children’s Fitness Center

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

Wingard Creative

WJXT Channel 4

The Office of Institutional Advancement


Sam Hyde Geisler ‘00 Chief Advancement Officer

Ryan Riggs Director of Major Gifts

Lisa Allen Director of The Episcopal Fund and Parent Organizations

Heather Newman Johnson ‘90 Director of Alumni Relations

Meg Scheu Sacks Director of Marketing and Communications

Brandon Westerman Director of Communications

Ashley Davis Director of Marketing and Development, Beaches Campus

Caroline Close Director of Marketing, St. Mark’s Campus

Susan Kwartler Director of Development, St. Mark’s Campus

Jennifer Windley Director of Donor Stewardship and Special Events

Jane Labossier Advancement Database Manager

Stephanie Day Institutional Advancement Assistant

Michele Palaygi Institutional Advancement Assistant

The 2023-2024 Report of Philanthropy recognizes every donor who contributed to the school between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024. This list reflects outright donations and pledge payments received during the fiscal year from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. Donors with unpaid pledges are not included in the Report of Philanthropy, with the exception of the Beaches Campus Classroom Expansion and Boldly ESJ campaigns.

Every effort is made to ensure the information contained in this report is accurate and complete. If your name has been mistakenly omitted, misspelled, or listed under an incorrect heading, please notify us.

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