Facebook Business Set up a Profile The amount of information you include in your profile is up to you, but the more you put on, the better idea people will have of who you are. Users will most likely scan your profile before accepting a friend request, so if they like what they see, they’ll be more likely to accept. People respond well to humour, positivity, and sincerity on Social Networking sites, so bear this in mind. If you already have a profile, you will need to separate business from social friends. This allows you to send emails, etc, to distinct groups. Go to friends, then make new list, and divide up friends. Privacy cannot be set for lists, but can be for individuals by going to privacy settings. Individuals can then be prevented from seeing certain areas of your profile. If you’re using facebook purely for business, this is not a worry, but may be otherwise, as others apart from yourself can post photos and comments on your profile. The problem with limiting users views is that it may appear that you have something to hide, and part of the social networking ethos is that you share details of your lives. Because of this, it is best to not be too private. Monitor the content that is posted on your profile and if you feel it really is inappropriate, you can always delete it.
Friend Acquisition Increasing the amount of friend you have is possibly the most important aspect of the process, and friend acquisition should always be ongoing. You can never have too many friends! Your best friends will be those that you can establish and maintain relationships and dialogues with, but this is time consuming, so the number will be limited. However, a second tier of friends that you may never regularly converse with is still extremely valuable. Your actions will still be displayed in their news feed, so they will have awareness of you and what you do. They may participate in surveys you post, join your groups and pages, or recommend friends. Get into the habit of adding friends whenever you login. It can be tedious to add large amounts, but five a day will soon swell your ranks.