Legend has it that Emperor Menelik I, is the son of Queen of Sheba and King Solomon, brought the Ark of the Covenant from Jerusalem to Axum where he established one of the world’s longest known, uninterrupted monarchical dynasties. Ethiopia’s histories encompass legend and tradition mystery and fact, from a powerful and religious ancient civilization.
Historical Ethiopia …Yellow limestone ruins of the ‘Temple of the Moon’ dates back to the 5th century BC. The edifice with its precise-fitting blocks of stone was built by the Sabean Civilization. Yeha is famed for its inscriptions and fine objects of bronze and other artifacts which have been excavated over the past century. Your travel to such place is not only one with unforgettable memories but one that fills your whole being with pleasure and energy.
Traveling the route by air road, or a combination of both, provides a glimpse into a remarkable past. The well-trodden path through Ethiopia’s fascinating historic places takes you through a magnificent, scenic world of legendary names such as Lalibela, Axum, Gondar, DebreDamo, Bahr Dar and Harar. The past comes alive in this fascinating land in the form of strange and beautiful churches, monuments and ruins. Ethiopia is truly a land of discoverybrilliant and beautiful secretive, mysterious and extraordinary. Ethiopia’s historic route begins with a glance at the tantalizing remains of Yeha – the centre of the earliest civilization in northern Ethiopia. The journey takes you on rough tracks through the dramatic highland scenery ending in a serene agricultural hamlet…
The graceful city of Gondar was founded by Emperor Fasiledes around 1635, famous for its many medieval castles and the design and decoration of its churches. Flanked by twin mountain streams Gondar retains an atmosphere of antique charm mingled with an aura of mystery. The city was once a vigorous and vital centre of religious learning and art. . For more than two hundred years skilled instruction in painting, music, dance, poetry and many other disciplines thrived. Fasiledas and his successors saw their elegant capital as a phoenix and so patronised the arts. The so-called bathing palace of Emperor Fasiledas is filled with water every year for the Timket ceremony.