Esmee Fairbairn Foundation - Annual Report 2009

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AnnuAl RepoRt & Accounts 2009

esmĂŠe fairbairn foundation aims to improve the quality of life throughout the uK. it does this by funding the charitable activities of organisations that have the ideas and ability to achieve change for the better.


Contents 02 Chief Executive’s report 04 Key statistics 06 Impact and effectiveness 08 Our core business 10 Grant-making overview 11 Main Fund 28 Emerging approaches 30 Strands, Development Fund, Finance Fund and TASKs 38 Chairman’s statement 40 Finance and investment review 42 Governance 43 Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities 44 Independent Auditors’ report 45 Accounts 56 Our history IBC Trustees, Committees, Staff and Advisers

Looking Forward


This annual report covers the second year of our re-configured grant-making, a year which has seen us continue to learn and to explore how we can be most effective as grant-makers and as investors – the two arms of our work. I am pleased that this year we were able to increase our grant-making and finance fund expenditure to nearly £29 million following a dip in 2008 as we introduced our new funding approach. We hope to maintain or exceed this level of funding in future years. Similarly our investment portfolio began to recover following the turmoil of 2008, ending the year at £816m up £75m on the previous year. These are bald statistics and hide the great variety of activity that takes place at the Foundation and the extraordinarily diverse and interesting range of organisations and projects that we fund. In subsequent pages you will find a full list of these as well as more detailed case studies about some. This has also been a year in which some of the activities we have funded came to fruition: notably the Cambridge Primary Review and the Green Fiscal Commission. Both of these research projects were authoritative and challenging and we were delighted that our funding enabled them to take place. We report on these two grants in more depth on pages 6–7 in a note on our developing approach to impact and effectiveness.

I referred earlier to the range of activities undertaken at the Foundation. This has been the first year in our new offices in Kings Place, a move that has enabled us increasingly to offer meeting space to those we fund, and to host a variety of seminars, workshops and conferences. We hope to increase this convening activity, utilising our facilities at Kings Place as well as our own knowledge and networks, as part of our commitment to help nurture and develop the sectors we support, thus increasing the public benefit that we create. Whilst the Main Fund and the strands have now completed two years and are beginning to bed down, we are still in a period of transition with our investment portfolio. Having survived the investment downturn we have been looking in 2009 at how we might re-configure our investment activity, both in terms of portfolio structure and shape, and our operations.


In particular we appointed J P Morgan as our custodian following an extensive and thorough tender process. We will report further on progress in subsequent annual reports. Investment is such a major part of our day to day life that we sometimes have to remind ourselves that, although the Foundation is approaching fifty, it has only been an active investor for ten years following the sale of M&G. On the grant-making side our application levels fell during the year, settling at about 60 per week, and pushing up the success rate from 6% in 2008 to 10% for first stage applications. We amended our Main Fund guidelines in March to clarify eligibility and think that the fall is partly attributable to this; but we also wonder whether uncertainty about the future funding climate has caused potential applicants to hold back on new activity. This has also been a year in which we have brought through some new areas of funding. We have made a number of investments from our Finance Fund, which provides non-grant funding, as well as moving our Northern Ireland work from pilot to full strand, working in partnership with The Henry Smith Charity. These and other new developments are featured further on pages 28–29.

In these and all our activities we have endeavoured to refine and learn about what does and doesn’t work, hence the emphasis on piloting and phasing when we introduce new activities, and to share what we find with our colleagues both internally and more widely. Regardless of whether the worst is over in terms of economic crisis, it is clear that for many of our grantees the coming years are going to be tough financially. The onus is all the more on us therefore to make careful judgements about how we allocate our funds, recognising the limitations of our piece in the overall funding jigsaw. As ever it will be a matter of balance – between supporting existing operations and developing new initiatives, between the demands of today and the need for stewardship of our funds for the future, and between the many excellent applications we receive. By the time this report is published we will have embarked on our next strategic review to cover the period 2011–2013. In doing so we hope to draw in the views and experiences of those with whom we work through a process of consultation and discussion.

We will also be looking to mark our fiftieth birthday in 2011 and look back at what public benefit the Foundation has offered over these years in many different manifestations. On a personal note 2009 was a somewhat interrupted year for me and I would like to pay tribute to all my colleagues who maintained the Foundation’s smooth operations as well as overseeing our move here to Kings Place in my absence.

Dawn Austwick Chief Executive

Key Statistics


In 2009 we spent £30,791,000 (2008: £23,853,000)* of which £2,045,000 (2008: £1,657,000) was on administration and support. * The figure includes grant spending, administration and support costs, and finance fund investments drawn down.

Our funding

Finance Fund (£4,460) Strands (£4,037)

Total number of grants made

453 427 2009

Other Funding (£905)

Main (£19,344)


Breakdown of funding 2009

Value (£’000) Number

Main Fund A Arts, culture, heritage 3,811 B Citizenship or community development 5,615 C Education 2,940 D Environment 2,393 E Human rights, conflict resolution 1,600 F Prevention or relief of poverty 1,344 G Other charitable purposes 1,641 Main Fund total 19,344


74 73 44 41 23 22 9 286








D Strands Strands A Biodiversity strand 755 12 B B Food strand 931 19 C Museum & Heritage Collections strand 815 16 C D New Approaches to Learning strand 1,536 24 Strands total 4,037 71 A D A Development Fund 23 3 C B Finance Fund 4,460 7 Other C TASK grants 719 86 Funding D Grants Plus 163 n/a


28,746 453



Size of Foundation endowment

£816 million Year ended 2009 Year ended 2008

£741 million

£ per-capita spend by country and English regions 2009 Geography Grants (£’000)

Spend per capita (£)

International (inc UK)

UK – wide


England – wide


UK – wide More than one UK Country More than one English Region England – wide

250 6,915 385 40 3,175

Wales 482 Scotland 1,365 Northern Ireland



English regions North East


North West




East Midlands


West Midlands


Eastern 83




London 2,229 South East


South West



Total 19,344



0.9 0.02 0.31



Impact and effectiveness


As a responsive grant-maker operating across a number of sectors we have had to think long and hard about effectiveness. The size of our funding and the number of grants we make across a diverse portfolio mean that quantitative analysis is of limited value and meaning. More importantly, our success lies with the success of those we fund. One of the most valuable ways to evaluate performance is to identify learning from our grants for both our grantholders and ourselves so that we can constantly improve.

To this end we asked the Centre, a leading provider of strategic and communications advice to the voluntary sector, to identify lessons from four grants we made in the policy arena: to the Green Fiscal Commission, the UK Drug Policy Commission (UKDPC), the Cambridge Primary Review, and the Rethinking Crime and Punishment (RCP) programme. Each addressed complex but critical areas of public policy and we wanted to see what could be learned from each approach. The Green Fiscal Commission ran from 2007–2009, led by Professor Paul Ekins of King’s College London. Under the chairmanship of Robert Napier, the Commission’s aim was to provide an expert narrative aimed at politicians, civil servants and other policy makers on the possibilities and consequences of environmental tax reform. Among the four projects, the Green Fiscal Commission was the only one that had cross-party representation at Commissioner level as well as drawing in a wide range of other stakeholders such as consumer groups, private-sector entities, and environmental groups. The Commission produced its final report in October 2009 with a launch at Westminster.

UK Drug Policy Commission launched in April 2007 for an initial three-year period, with funding for a further three years agreed in May 2009, under the chairmanship of Dame Ruth Runciman. Its overarching aim is to encourage a transparent and evidence-led UK drug policy that can improve the health, wellbeing and safety of individuals, families and communities. Twelve Commissioners bring together a broad range of expertise from the drug treatment and medical research fields along with senior figures from policing, public policy and the media. The Commission has produced a series of reports, submissions, articles and briefings, all of which are downloadable from its website ( The emphasis is to bring about a more evidence-based approach to drug policy development. The Cambridge Primary Review was the broadest review of primary education since the Plowden Report in 1967. Led by Professor Robin Alexander and his team in the Faculty of Education at Cambridge University, the review raised fundamental questions about the nature and purpose of primary education in the 21st century. An advisory committee of primary and early-years experts, led by Dame Gillian Pugh, complemented the academic team.


Impetus Trust – Leap Confronting Conflict project

UK Drug Policy Commission

Hilary Hodgson played a key role in managing the process while Richard Margrave handled the communications programme.

While the Cambridge Primary Review was highly publicised, the Green Fiscal Commission focused on communicating with Whitehall and Westminster. UKDPC’s work takes the form of a series of reports rather than culminating in a single comprehensive document, unlike the Green Fiscal Commission and the Cambridge Primary Review. What emerges from the Centre’s review is that each benefited from a customised approach. The Foundation’s key learning as a grant-maker is to ensure that communications (in the broadest sense) are built into the development of programmes aimed at influencing policy and are fully integrated into the project plan, rather than being seen either as an add-on or an afterthought; and that sufficient resources are set aside for these purposes.

second year of supporting Inspiring Scotland, a funding consortium initiated by Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland with the objective of creating a venture philanthropy approach to solving difficult social problems: in the first instance, young people at risk. This involvement means that funds are channelled to groups and organisations that we would have been unlikely to reach ourselves and we have the opportunity to participate and learn alongside other funders.

A growing part of the Foundation’s work is carried out in partnership with other funders. We are now in the

review our progress and that of our grantholders.

The review involved a complex drawing together of comprehensive academic research, consultation with practitioners, parents and children, and engagement with policy makers, alongside an ongoing media programme. During the course of the project (2006–2009) the review consistently caught the headlines and the attention of politicians and opinion formers. We reported extensively on the Foundation’s Rethinking Crime and Punishment programme in last year’s annual report. The programme aimed to introduce fresh thinking into the criminal justice debate, with particular reference to the use of prison and its alternatives. Between 2001 and 2004, RCP supported over fifty projects working to increase public understanding of, and involvement in, criminal justice. From 2005 to 2008 a focused programme looked to implement some of RCP’s findings, particularly promoting confidence in the use of community-based sentencing as an alternative to prison. These four pieces of policy work were different in form and substance.

We have also been working with another venture philanthropy funder, the Impetus Trust, to create a Reducing Re-offending Fund; marrying our own experience in this field (derived from our RCP programme) with Impetus’ expertise in organisation building. This is the first time that Impetus has selected a topic area for funding rather than backing Our interest in impact however has single organisations. The fund brings not been confined to the funding of together a number of funders in a policy work. The Foundation has continued to work with expert advisers steering group to oversee decisionon evaluation of our own work and that making on applications, alongside of some of our grantholders, notably a the Impetus model of providing cluster of grants to development trusts intensive support to grantees during the development stages. in conjunction with the Development Trust Association, and in looking All these approaches provide the across areas of funding, for example, Foundation with lessons for future the Food strand. funding and the opportunity to

Our core business


Much of what the Foundation does remains constant from year to year. The primary means of providing a public benefit is through our grant-making, yet it’s hard to capture the essence of the Foundation’s portfolio and to put it in a bottle with a label. The grants listed later in this report show just how eclectic and wide-ranging our funding is.

One area of funding we wish to explore further is core funding, be it restricted or unrestricted. A quick analysis of this year’s grants suggests that about half our grants provide core funding in one form or another. These can range from relatively small contributions to core costs through to a level of funding that makes the Foundation a significant contributor to overall income.

RJC represents practitioners and promotes the use of RJ in different contexts, as well as raising its profile among opinion formers. Our grant will contribute to the infrastructure and salary costs of the organisation, and provide working capital for it to develop potential income-generating activity.

Another small but dynamic organisation receiving core support this year was Econexus, which had previously received project funding. For example, this year the A Foundation Econexus investigates the hidden consequences and environmental in Liverpool was offered two years’ impacts of proposed technical funding. The A Foundation has solutions to problems such as food played a critical role in establishing security, biodiversity loss, and climate Liverpool’s reputation as a centre change. It is an example of a niche for contemporary art, pioneering the organisation that offers a specialist Liverpool Biennial and developing gallery space in Liverpool and London. programme of work from a relatively This funding will help the A Foundation low cost base. As well as offering core funding, to commission new works and invest in the development of emerging artists. the Foundation sometimes provides continuation funding where it is felt We have made several grants to that a further grant is needed for the the Restorative Justice Consortium (RJC) over recent years and we were applicant to fully realise the potential pleased to offer further core support. of their work. This year Scottish Ballet Restorative Justice (RJ) aims to foster received a further two years’ funding for an apprenticeship scheme that dialogue between the perpetrator of a crime or wrongdoing and the victim. we first backed in 2006.


Public Catalogue Foundation

SeaWeb /Seafood Choices Alliance

The Foundation is also happy to provide funding to help an organisation to the next stage of its development or to attract other funders. This year we supported the Public Catalogue Foundation (PCF) to scale up its digitisation work. We were delighted to learn that shortly after our funding was granted several other funders offered their support.

Scottish Ballet

The scheme offers six talented young dancers 17-week contracts to cover rehearsal and performance periods. Scottish Ballet’s intention is to create a pool of dancers who are more likely to stay or return to Scotland as their careers progress. The development of this model has contributed to the creation of the UK’s first conservatoire-based degree in Modern Ballet at the Royal Scottish Academy for Music and Drama and Esmée Fairbairn funding will bridge the gap to the first year of entry of the new scheme.

The PCF is increasing access to the estimated 200,000 oil paintings in public ownership (of which it is thought 80% are not routinely publicly accessible) by photographing, cataloguing and digitising them. Most of the organisations Esmée Fairbairn funds work exclusively in the UK but it can still learn from models developed elsewhere. Two recent examples are Sistema Scotland and SeaWeb/Seafood Choices Alliance (SCA). Sistema is a system pioneered in Venezuela that trains young people to be worldclass musicians as well as raising their aspirations in general. A pilot scheme is being introduced in Raploch in Stirling to see if the model can be successfully replicated in the UK.

The funding of SCA continues the Foundation’s firm commitment to supporting those who work to protect our marine environment through encouraging a market in sustainable seafood, supporting better regulation, and action research. SCA, led from the US, uses social marketing and communications techniques to persuade the seafood sector (from retailers to the fishing industry) to adopt more sustainable practices. It is working with the leading UK marine and environmental nongovernmental organisations to build greater commitment to sustainability. These are just a small selection of the many organisations Esmée Fairbairn has been privileged to support this year. In subsequent pages you will find details about many others.

Grant-Making Overview


Esmée Fairbairn Foundation aims to improve the quality of life throughout the UK. It does this by funding the charitable activities of organisations that have the ideas and ability to achieve change for the better. During 2009 the Foundation committed almost £29m towards a wide range of work. Funding is channeled through two routes: Main Fund Our Main Fund distributes the majority of our funding. Responsive to shifts in demand, it supports work that focuses on the UK’s cultural life, education and learning, the natural environment and enabling people who are disadvantaged to participate more fully in society. We are particularly interested in supporting work through the Main Fund that: • Addresses a significant gap in provision • Develops or strengthens good practice • Challenges convention or takes a risk in order to address a difficult issue • Tests out new ideas or practices • Takes an enterprising approach to achieving its aims • Sets out to influence policy or change behaviour more widely.

Strands and other funds We also allocate funds to specific strands of work. These will change over time, but overall they express our desire to make a contribution in particular areas of interest. More information about these is on page 30. We have a small Development Fund that we use to investigate new ideas and approaches, for example testing ideas for possible future funding strands. In our Finance Fund we are exploring the opportunities for alternatives to grant finance, building on our previous loans programme. We also have a Trustees’ Areas of Special Knowledge (TASK) Fund to support organisations known to individual Trustees.

Main Grants Fund List


Breakdown of Main Fund spend by category in 2009 Main Fund



A Arts, culture, heritage

4,359 3,811


B Citizenship or community development

3,017 5,615

C Education

1,815 2,940

D Environment

3,823 2,393

E Human rights, conflict resolution

1,615 1,600

F Prevention or relief of poverty

1,023 1,344

G Other charitable purposes

1,571 1,641

Main Fund Total

17,223 19,344






2009 2008 B




Average Main Fund grant

ÂŁ64,506 ÂŁ67,636 2008


Main Fund applications and grants


Main Fund applications


Invited to second stage


Grants approved

Main Grants List

Arts, culture, heritage


Anjali Dance Company £74,250 The Anjali Dance Company comprises a core of eight professional dancers with learning disabilities who work with professional choreographers and tour public performances. The Foundation is providing support towards the salary of a full-time resident dance artist for the company. A Foundation £50,000 Towards revenue costs over two years for the programme of activities focused in Liverpool. Afrique Performs £4,962 Towards new approaches to multi-media narrative theatre and to improve the skills and profile of the creative artists producing the show ‘Blue Black Sister’.

Artists First £10,000 Towards core costs over two years to enable a group of artists with learning difficulties to continue to develop their work by meeting their access and artistic needs. ArtsEkta £59,771 Towards the salary and costs of the administrator over three years.

Aldeburgh Music £122,432 Towards LAB (Education and Technology) residencies and core costs over three years.

Aune Head Arts £19,500 Towards exhibition, touring and education costs for the Triparks Project exploring rural life across the UK.

Anne Peaker Centre for Arts in Criminal Justice £60,000 Towards core costs over three years.

Border Arts 2000 £7,500 Towards the cost of workshops in the lead up to a large community arts event.

Cahoots NI £17,930 Towards the cost of a six week touring programme of performances of ‘The Honeypot’ to 30 special needs schools. Candoco Dance Company £72,000 Towards a programme of development over two years to address a gap in integrated dance provision and develop Candoco’s ambitions for creative growth, professional development, engagement and participation. Cape Farewell £82,950 Towards a programme of work with emerging artists working with three UK universities over three years.

13 Cardboard Citizens £150,000 Towards core costs over three years. Cascade Theatre Company £30,000 Towards three theatre and arts intergenerational community projects across Cornwall over three years. Church Buildings Council £50,000 Towards a conservation grants scheme. City Arts (Nottingham) Ltd £20,745 Towards core costs and the salary of the creative manager to tackle social exclusion and widen access to the creative sector. Civic Society Initiative £32,200 Towards the salary of the civic society initiative co-ordinator. Cockpit Arts £60,000 Towards the salary of the business development manager over three years to provide business support to early stage crafts businesses. Corali Dance Company £41,241 Towards the salary of the artistic director over two years.

Fevered Sleep £27,856 Towards the research, development and devising costs of ‘The Forest’, a theatrical work for children.

Frantic Assembly £40,000 Towards costs over two years Creswell Heritage Trust of ‘Ignition’ a national initiative £42,812 Towards the salary of an audience developing new ways of increasing participation officer over two years young men’s involvement in the arts and improving their health to widen inclusion of former coalfield communities in the cultural through physical theatre. heritage of Creswell Crags and Fuel develop capacity to manage the £65,000 new museum and education centre. Towards costs over three years of three major public performances. Dance East £50,000 Green Estate Ltd Towards the artistic and £50,000 programming costs of the Towards the salary of the Spiegel Tent tour of East Anglia. business manager over two years to promote urban regeneration. Danceworks UK £30,000 Highland Buildings Towards research and audience Preservation Trust development of family friendly £70,000 productions over two years. Towards the salaries of two additional members of staff Deveron Arts over two years. £46,230 Towards the salaries of six Horse & Bamboo Theatre apprentices over three years. £59,014 Towards a programme of Endymion Ensemble Ltd performances for young £6,654 Towards core costs of an education, families over three years. recording, commissioning and Kids in Museums performance project. £13,000 Towards the salary of an Farfield Mill Arts administration assistant and & Heritage Centre office rental costs. £40,000 Towards the salary of the exhibitions and audience development officer over two years.

Hackney Music Development Trust £60,000 The Trust will commission the music and libretto for a new jazz musical, linked to the launch of a baseball mini league consisting of 20 teams, drawn from primary schools in East London. The musical, starring 120 children, will tell stories of famous black baseball players and jazz musicians from 1930s/40s America, including Rube Foster and Louis Armstrong. Kinetika Art Links International £30,000 Towards the costs over three years of expanding the Bloco Summer School, for young people. Leach Pottery £46,200 Towards the salary of the lead potter over three years. Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art Ltd £40,000 Towards project delivery costs over two years for ‘On the Street’ to engage hard to reach youth in redesigning redundant buildings and/or land. Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod £28,200 Towards the costs over two years of a package of interventions required to underpin greater financial sustainability. Macrobert Arts Centre £50,000 Towards mentor and artists’ fees for the mPOWER project, inspiring young people aged 12–17 to realise their creative potential.

Manchester Victoria Baths Trust £19,637 Towards staff costs over two years for the facilitation of activities aimed at engaging local people. Mull Theatre £26,700 Towards the costs of a tour throughout the Highlands and Islands. Music in the Round £45,544 Towards a series of chamber concerts and education activity in Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham. National Churches Trust £50,000 Towards the cost of developing a new website to promote information about church building conservation and maintenance.


Main Grants List

Arts, Culture, Heritage continued… No Handbags Theatre Unlimited £27,000 Towards the salary of the artistic director to oversee the pioneering of the “Scratch” process for people with learning difficulties. Opera North £90,000 Towards a programme over three years of new cross-artform work in the Howard Assembly Room. Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment £100,000 Towards ‘Night Shift’ a late night concert format for new audiences, over three years. Paragon Ensemble Ltd £30,000 Towards the salary of the creative director over two years to support a music programme for young people, vulnerable adults and new migrant communities in Scotland.

Pyramid of Arts £15,000 Towards running costs over two years to bring professional artists and musicians together with people with learning disabilities.

Sedbergh Book Town Literary Trust £10,000 Towards core costs and developing new projects to enhance education and leisure.

Rewrite £19,100 Towards the core costs of the Newspaper Theatre Project.

Seven Leeds CiC £45,000 Towards the salary of the creative programmer and director of this purpose-built independent arts venue over two years.

Royal Northern College of Music £65,605 Towards the salary of the project manager and lead musicians involved in the Music for Health Programme over three years. Scottish Ballet £94,894 Towards the apprenticeship scheme over two years. Scottish Churches Architectural Heritage Trust £30,000 Towards a grant fund for the repair and restoration of Scottish church buildings.

Shetland Arts Development Agency £65,355 Towards the professional fees over two years of the lead artists, lighting designer and the project assistant to create public light works – bringing traditional crafts together with new technologies. Sion Mills Building Preservation Trust £43,698 Towards the salary and costs of a new director over three years. Sistema Scotland £150,000 Towards salaries and costs over three years to develop children’s orchestras in Raploch using Venezuela’s El Sistema methodology. Soho Theatre £15,000 Towards the costs of the community led project “Soho Steets”. Spacex Gallery £30,000 Towards the salary of a project co-ordinator and programme costs. Spitalfields Music £90,000 Towards the costs over three years of a programme to embed work within the local community. Square Chapel Centre for the Arts £30,000 Towards core costs over two years.

The Memorial Arts Charity (MAC) £50,000 MAC promotes and supports activity associated with the crafting of memorials, in particular letter carving in stone, wood, brick or metal. There are approximately only 90 fully-trained fine professional letter carvers in the UK and MAC exists in order to sustain and renew the tradition, and grow the availability of skilled practitioners in the sector. The grant will support the core costs of the organisation.

SS Great Britain Trust £86,586 Towards the salary and training of a curator at the Brunel Institute over three years. St George’s Bristol £90,000 Towards the cost of a new education and community programme over three years. Stan Won’t Dance £20,000 Towards the cost of six one-week residencies for 14-35 year olds.

The Co-operative Heritage Trust £57,683 Towards the salary of the community outreach officer over three years to maintain the public profile of the Rochdale Museum and target new audiences during a period of closure for refurbishment. The Firebird Trust £20,817 Towards the cost of piloting and developing a new type of musically and culturally diverse orchestra. The National Youth Orchestras of Scotland £49,500 Towards a programme of education and training for young jazz musicians across Scotland over three years. The Public Catalogue Foundation £240,000 Towards the cost over three years of creating the digital content for the ‘Your Paintings’ website. The Sage Gateshead £150,000 Towards the costs over three years of delivering the Community Music Trainee and Apprentice programme to nurture promising music leaders. The Tank Museum £79,000 Towards staffing costs over two years for a programme to develop visitor engagement at the museum. The Travelling Gallery £33,000 Towards exhibitions over three years. Them Wifies £41,643 Towards the salary of the general manager over three years, to help implement a development plan and build capacity. Vanishing Point Theatre Company Ltd £10,000 Towards the cost of Shared Resources: Space 11, a creative hub and capacity building project supporting emerging solo artists and small theatre companies in Glasgow. Wooden Canal Boat Society £30,000 Towards the salary of a development worker over two years to enable them to become more sustainable.

Total £3,811,209 No. grants 74

Citizenship or community development

15 Article 1 £20,000 Towards core costs over two years to provide asylum advice to Darfuris in the UK, to affect policy, and to raise awareness of asylum issues. Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid £70,599 Towards the salary of a part-time worker plus activities and running costs over three years to tackle female genital mutilation. Black Association of Women Step Out £68,641 Towards the salary of a part-time outreach worker to work with communities to tackle female genital mutilation. Bolton Solidarity Community Association £62,030 Towards the salary of a part-time project worker plus project running costs over three years to tackle female genital mutilation. Building Bridges Training £10,000 Towards core costs while the organisation moves towards financial sustainability. Bulwell Community Toy Library £54,385 Towards the salary over three years of a new family link worker. Camden Garden Centre Ltd £72,739 Towards the salary of the head of social enterprise development and training over two years.

Community Transport Association UK £339,560 Towards grant funding to eight community transport organisations and a contribution to the costs over three years of a programme that will strengthen their operational and financial capacity. Core Arts £32,400 Towards the cost of employing a part-time events organiser over three years to help with events to support people with mental health problems. Cornwall Advocacy £67,624 Towards the salaries and costs over two years of two part-time specialist advocates to support parents with learning difficulties. CROP £77,000 Towards costs over three years of two parent support workers to support parents and carers whose children have been targeted and groomed into sexual exploitation by pimps and traffickers. Culpeper Community Garden £15,000 Towards core costs over two years of maintaining a community garden. Demos Ltd £29,500 Towards research costs for a Power Map identifying how much influence people have and to generate debate from this.

Dress for Success London £90,000 Carers UK Towards core costs over four £150,000 years, especially client dressing Towards salaries and development and volunteer manager salary of policy and campaign work over costs. three years. Ebony Horse Club Changing Tunes £59,590 £131,597 Towards the salary of the director Towards core costs including the over three years, to improve the salary of the director over three quality of life through horse riding years. for people in south London. Cherry Tree Partners Envision £19,000 £141,321 Towards the building/project Towards the salary and costs of manager salary over two years the head of communications and to co-ordinate a programme of policy over three years. activities to improve the area of Faith Based Regeneration Romiley and provide services Network UK for local people of all ages. £45,000 Claremont West Towards the salary of a programme Family Centre manager over eighteen months to £30,000 trial and embed new programmes Towards core costs over three of support to benefit faith based years to provide courses and organisations. activities that will give parents and children the opportunity to learn together in a safe, caring and respectful environment.

FORWARD £126,946 Towards the salary of the youth co-ordinator and other project costs over three years to tackle female genital mutilation. Futures Unlocked £38,000 Towards the salary of a new parttime in-reach worker over two years to enable the community chaplaincy to be extended to a greater number of prisoners. Germination £8,000 Towards salary and running costs of developing the ‘Our Future’ project to engage young people and maintain momentum over the summer. Granby Somali Women’s Group £66,341 Towards the salary of a project worker and a contribution towards project costs over three years to tackle female genital mutilation. Grandparents Plus £110,000 Towards the salary and costs of the policy and research manager over three years. Home-Start Sheffield £66,088 Towards the salary of the parttime co-ordinator and overhead costs over three years to support vulnerable first time mothers in developing secure attachments with their children. Just Another Dance Event £50,000 Towards business development work at JADE’s service for young people over three years. Kidscape £19,000 Towards programme development, piloting, evaluation and dissemination costs. Kushti Bok £4,000 Towards core costs for an organisation representing the needs and concerns of Gypsies and Travellers across Dorset. Leicester Chinese Community Centre £50,524 Towards costs over three years to support and develop the services provided to help the integration of local Chinese people in Leicestershire.


Main Grants List

Citizenship or community development continued… LGBT Centre for Health and Wellbeing £54,000 Towards the salary and costs over two years of a project worker to work with volunteers to address current gaps in services and reduce social isolation for older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Magic Me £73,290 Towards the salary of the project director over three years to enable the charity to develop and extend its inter-generational work in Tower Hamlets. Muslim Scout Fellowship £52,350 Towards development of thirty further Muslim scout groups in deprived areas over two years.

National Care Farming Initiative (UK) £110,000 Towards the salary and costs of a development manager over three years to enable the development of care farming as a ‘movement’ in the UK. Newcastle Society for Blind People £30,000 Towards core costs over three years to enable the organisation to plan new services and respond to current need. Our Way £51,824 Towards the costs over two years of establishing a friendship/dating project for young people with learning difficulties in rural areas. Park Community Action £22,500 Towards two core posts over two years.

Pilotlight £145,000 Towards the costs over three years of expanding the work of Pilotlight into Wales. Penhaligon’s Friends £33,000 Towards the salary of the team leader/training co-ordinator over three years to provide a countywide bereavement service. Plunkett Foundation £729,413 Towards the continuation of the Village Core programme over three years supporting the establishment of community owned village shops across the UK. Prisoners Abroad £25,000 Towards resettlement team salary costs over two years to help ex-prisoners returning from abroad.

Prudhoe Community Partnership £51,778 Towards the salary of the Enterprising Prudhoe project officer over three years to provide additional capacity and increase income. Radio Regen £9,909 Towards the salary of a part-time administrator. Refugee Radio £18,490 Towards core costs of the Desert Island Discs project for isolated migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. Saheli Asian Women’s Project £84,600 Towards the salary of a forced marriage worker over three years to deliver outreach support services to women in Greater Manchester.

Home-Start UK £131,261 Home-Start UK is the national organisation supporting and developing a network of 337 independent HomeStart schemes. These local projects recruit, train and support volunteers who are matched to families with small children finding it difficult to cope because of issues such as mental health or disability in the family. Volunteers all have parenting experience and spend an average of two hours a week with families.

They provide parental support on issues including budgeting, cooking a healthy meal or simply looking after baby while mum takes a bath. Last year 34,901 families benefited across the network. The Foundation is backing an innovation fund to encourage and support the development of innovative local Home-Start projects and disseminate learning and good practice.

17 Somali Development Services Ltd £84,800 Towards the salary of a part-time worker, trainers’ fees, activities and running costs over three years. Speakers’ Corner Trust £60,000 Towards the salary and costs of the director over two years to help reclaim public space as a platform for public discussion and debate. Spice Innovations £99,759 Towards the salary and costs of the development manager over three years to develop a new UK-wide social enterprise that supports organisations to increase levels of citizen engagement through time-banking. St Giles Trust £22,990 Towards evaluation costs to assess the case for employing peer advisors to reduce re-offending and influence policy. Sunlight Development Trust £103,015 Towards the salary and costs over three years of the operations manager. The Comfrey Project £10,000 Towards core costs over two years for this community allotment project which supports refugees and asylum seekers to improve health and wellbeing. The House on the Corner Community Project £22,500 Towards core costs over two years to extend family support. The Koestler Trust £90,000 Towards the costs over three years of improving communication with offenders, ex-offenders and the public. The Lewes Pound £28,800 Towards the salary of a part-time co-ordinator over two years. The Mental Health Foundation £146,940 Towards the salary of the project manager and costs over two years to support an inquiry into improving mental health in old age. The Mentor Foundation £75,000 Towards the salary of the programme manager over three years to focus on preventing drug misuse amongst children and young people.

The Princess Royal Trust for Carers £70,000 Towards a programme over three years aimed at increasing the availability and quality of support to carers of people with mental health problems. The Women’s Centre for Blackburn & District £11,000 Towards the salary of the counselling/volunteer co-ordinator and core costs. Traveller Law Reform Project £70,000 Towards the salaries and costs over three years of two part-time posts to further policy work. Trust Women’s Project £75,000 Towards the salary over three years of the project manager, to offer support and opportunities to women involved in, exploited through or exited from prostitution in South London. Trust Youth £37,020 Towards the salaries and costs of the project manger and London co-ordinator posts over two years. UK Citizens Online Democracy £67,500 Towards the salary over three years of a software developer to engage more people in civic and democratic life via the internet. Upper Room (St Saviour’s with St Mary’s) £75,000 Towards ‘UR4 driving’ project costs over three years to reduce recidivism and improve the

WORLDwrite £70,671 WORLDwrite engages young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to create short documentaries and one-off reports which are broadcast on an on-line TV channel, WORLDbytes. From a fully-equipped studio, they work with a team of specialist freelance tutors to develop skills in all aspects of film production. The Foundation is providing support towards the salary and costs of the assistant director. employability of young ex-offenders by teaching them to drive in return for voluntary work redistributing surplus supermarket food. Volunteer Centre – Nuneaton & Bedworth £20,000 Towards the costs of a volunteer management training programme and forum over two years. Volunteer Centre Sutton £46,337 Towards the salary of a part-time mentoring co-ordinator over three years to oversee a programme to support vulnerable ‘Looked After’ children with multiple and complex needs who have suffered significant trauma. West Harton Churches Action Station Ltd £20,000 Towards core costs over two years to help the organisation to continue providing a range of important services to local residents in its role as a community hub.

Working Chance £60,000 Towards the salary of the employer liaison officer and a contribution towards core costs over three years. Worldwide Alternatives to Violence Trust £451,173 Towards the salary and costs of the general manager over five years. Yemeni Community Association in Sandwell Ltd £20,000 Towards core costs over two years. Youth Action Northern Ireland £30,000 Towards the salary over two years of the Out and About worker responsible for outreach to young lesbians in rural Northern Ireland.

Total £5,614,805 No. grants 73

Main Grants List



ActionAid £75,000 Towards the salary of the manager, trainer, policy officer and programme costs of a tailored education programme for migrants and refugees in the UK.

Asha Women’s Centre £90,475 Towards the costs over three years of training provision for disadvantaged women who lack the confidence and self esteem to access mainstream provision.

Bag Books £74,837 Towards the salary of the director of services and associated costs over three years.


Centre of the Cell (COTC) £83,444 COTC is an exciting new interactive science education centre and outreach project sited within working biomedical research laboratories at Barts and The London Medical School in East London. Education activities take place in a pod suspended over the research laboratories where 400 scientists are working. The Foundation is supporting a learning and access facilitator to maximise the learning of the estimated 50,000 children that will visit over the next three years.

Bamboozle Theatre Company £25,000 Towards touring costs for a new interactive drama production.

Border Crossings £7,000 Towards the education programme costs.

Cambridge Music Festival £13,320 Towards the cost of participatory workshops and concerts for pre-school children, their parents and teachers.

CDI Europe £15,000 Towards the cost of a feasibility study to assess the demand and potential impact of using technology as a way of improving skills and education.


Main Grants List

Education continued… City Year £300,000 Towards the costs over three years of piloting the City Year programme, a youth service to support the learning of disadvantaged children in London. Communities Empowerment Network £15,306 Towards the costs of an evaluation of the service provided. Drake Music Scotland £23,000 Towards the costs of sessional musicians to introduce the Figure Notes notation system across Scotland. Helm Training £28,666 Towards the salary of a link worker and a contribution towards sessional crèche trainer worker costs over three years. Institute of Historical Research £105,755 Towards the costs over two years of ‘History & Policy’, which aims to improve the quality of public policy through increasing the understanding of history. KidsOut £37,523 Towards the salary and costs of a part-time project co-ordinator over two years to create a bank of stories in the 20 languages most commonly spoken by children with English as an additional language. Ludus Dance £20,805 Towards development costs of a new model of performance-based dance in early years education. Media Standards Trust £150,000 Towards core costs over three years to raise awareness about news standards. MyBnk £145,000 Towards the costs over three years of expanding financial education work in London and the South East. NAPA £67,455 Towards the cost of a training project over three years to provide employees in care homes with the skills needed to provide a diverse range of activities for residents.

National Children’s Bureau £65,717 Towards salaries and project costs over two years for research which aims to better understand childminding as a form of childcare and to support childminders in developing new approaches to their work in the context of the Early Year’s Foundation Stage. National Literacy Trust £25,000 Towards the salaries over two years of the corporate relationship manager and web development manager working on a project to improve attitudes towards reading and raise literacy standards. Northdale Horticulture £28,495 Towards the salary of the manager over two years. Plaza Community Cinema £61,236 Towards the salary of the education manager over three years to enable the continued development of the education programme. Policy Studies Institute £22,000 Towards research into the factors affecting children’s independent mobility. Primetimers £17,500 Towards the cost of a feasibility study for the Civil Society University concept. Ride High £36,000 Towards the salary of the part-time centre manager’s salary over two years.

Rideout (Creative Arts for Rehabilitation) £50,000 To pilot a creative learning programme for young offenders in the West Midlands over three years. RISE £3,575 Towards the salary of the researcher to enable the existing project to include an evaluation of the impact of recent changes to the admissions’ code on the fairness of schools’ admission procedures. Royal College of Music £109,372 Towards the salary of a project manager and lead musician costs over three years for a project evaluating the impact of individual instrumental tuition on the well being of the over 55’s in day care and other settings. SAFC Foundation £120,522 Towards project costs over three years for two new programmes, ‘Goal’ and ‘Going for Goal’ which offer a practical, stimulating learning environment for disengaged children and young people in Sunderland. SENAC £74,739 Towards the salary of a part-time education policy worker over three years and core costs to provide an advocacy service for children with special educational needs in Northern Ireland. Sticky Fingers Early Years Arts £15,000 Towards the costs of an arts project working with young children to regenerate areas near Newry’s canal banks.

The Poetry Slam £6,770 A poetry slam is a knockout performance poetry competition in which poets perform their own work to a time limit and are given scores based on content, style, delivery and level of audience response. Over two or three rounds, poets are knocked out until one top scorer emerges as the winner. The Foundation is funding performance poetry workshops in six Bristol secondary schools culminating in an InterSchool Poetry Slam, addressing issues such as drugs, gangs, racism, the environment and citizenship under the title “Doing the Right Thing”. Stoke City Community Programme £105,000 Towards the costs over three years of providing support courses to young people aged 16 to 18 years who are not in employment, education or training. Studio 3 Arts £28,000 Towards the costs over three years of six projects to encourage young and older people to meet, develop trust and understanding, regenerate communities and build social networks.

The National Centre for Young People with Epilepsy £120,000 Towards the salary of an educational psychologist over three years to improve educational support for young people with epilepsy. The National Youth Theatre of Great Britain £60,000 Towards the salary of the student support worker over three years. The Place2Be £102,067 Towards the salary over two years of the transition years training development manager, the evaluation officer and marketing costs. The Reading Agency £48,000 Towards the salary of the project manager to develop, deliver and collect evaluation data for a new adult literacy programme and to cover costs for the tutor and library staff. The Roundhouse Trust £150,000 Towards core costs of the youth programme over three years. TreeHouse £90,000 Towards the cost over three years of developing a national training programme for professionals working with autistic children.


21 10:10 £70,000 Towards the salary of the director and a contribution to core costs for a campaign to cut CO2 emissions by 10% in 2010. Association for Environment Conscious Building £46,454 Towards the salary of a part-time research director over three years. Bearsted Woodland Trust £75,000 Towards costs over two years of research and a guide to the management of new broadleaf woodlands for conservation. Black Environment Network £16,647 Towards project costs to integrate social, cultural and environmental concerns in the context of sustainable development. Campaign for National Parks £67,121 Towards the costs over three years of the effective transition to National Park status for the South Downs. Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales £96,100 Towards the salary of a policy officer over three years to improve capacity to engage with strategic policy issues.

Christian Aid £49,093 Towards research and other costs for a green industrial strategy. Close the Door Campaign £21,500 Towards the salary of a researcher and the costs of producing a report for retailers to encourage and support retailers to keep their doors closed while using heating or air conditioning. Ecological Continuity Trust £131,818 Towards the salary and costs of the director over three years. EcoNexus £54,800 Towards research and core costs over two years. European Environmental Citizens’ Organisation for Standardisation £12,445 Towards capacity building in standardisation among environmental organisations in the UK. European Federation for Transport and Environment £27,090 Towards research and data analysis costs over two years.

University of Cambridge £23,500 Towards the costs of monitoring the impact of the Cambridge Primary Review and promoting its key messages to policy makers. University of East London £29,964 Towards the salary of the project officer and associated costs over eighteen months. Venture Scotland £120,000 Towards the salary of a development worker and a contribution to management, evaluation and other project costs over three years. Volunteer Reading Help £150,000 Towards the salary over three years of the volunteer service manager to implement the organisational sustainability plan.

Total £2,940,043 No. grants 44

Butterfly Conservation £123,167 Butterfly Conservation has been working to conserve butterflies, moths and their habitats for over forty years. It is the largest insect conservation charity in the world and has developed extensive knowledge of their location, numbers and conservation status. The Foundation is providing support towards the head of regions post to coordinate and expand landscape-scale projects to conserve the most threatened species across the UK.


Main Grants List

Scottish Environment Link £36,985 Scottish waters are the mainstay of the fishing industry, with over half of total UK catch found there. They are home to coldwater coral reefs, cetaceans, basking sharks and globally-important seabird and seal populations, all under threat from increased human pressure. Since responsibility for most marine management issues is devolved to the Scottish Government, members of the Scottish Environment LINK Marine Task Force have been lobbying for almost ten years for primary Scottish legislation to ensure

protection, recovery and sustainable management of Scotland’s seas. The Foundation’s support helped them work towards the development of a fit for purpose Marine Bill in Scotland through a contribution towards two posts and associated campaign costs. The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 came into force following Royal Assent on 10 March 2010 and included provisions needed for the protection and enhancement of Scotland’s seas lobbied for by LINK.

23 The North Harris Trust £36,000 Towards the salary of a conservation ranger over three years. The Otesha Project UK £20,000 Towards core costs over two years to support young, emerging leaders to address major social and environmental problems in the UK. The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales Ltd £17,451 Towards the cost of financial and management support. The Wildscreen Trust £60,000 Towards the salary of the director of the Arkive Project over three years, a centralised, permanent digital online library of wildlife images and films.

The Channel 4 BritDoc Foundation £30,000 BRITDOC nurtures fresh talent in documentary filmmaking and brings a new approach to funding and distributing the work of the next generation of UK documentary films. It identifies good ideas and the people to deliver them, and provides some seed funding and help in raising the balance from a mix of commercial, individual and philanthropic sources. The Foundation is supporting an evaluation of The End of the Line, which will help clarify what social impact the film has achieved and also develop an evaluation methodology to assess the impact of future documentary films. Environment continued… Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens £250,000 Towards core costs over five years. Green Thing Ltd £74,500 Towards developing their reach and impact over two years. Mourne Heritage Trust £56,557 Towards costs over three years of the Silent Valley SAC Enhancement and Interpretation Programme, a ranger based project to provide a co-ordinated approach to conservation and visitor engagement. National Council for the Conservation of Plants & Gardens £72,229 Towards the costs of a definitive list of cultivate plants and methodology for assessing their vulnerability and extinction threat over three years. New Caledonian Woodlands £77,340 Towards the salary of a part-time education officer over three years.

Permaculture Association £30,000 Towards the costs over three years of the local food project to create a new England-wide, publicly accessible food-focused permaculture learning and demonstration network. Prestwood Nature £2,917 Towards the salary of a part-time post to assist development of integrated conservation policy. Radnorshire Wildlife Trust Ltd £47,042 Towards the salary of the project officer and costs over three years to involve local people in conservation of uncharismatic species on the River Marteg. Resolve £33,900 Towards research and publication costs of a new approach to alternatives to growth.

SeaWeb £150,000 Towards core costs and the ‘Good Catch’ initiative over three years. Sheffield General Cemetery Trust £30,000 Towards core posts over three years to improve the cemetery. Somerset Wildlife Trust £47,991 Towards staff and consultancy costs of implementing a new finance system and to create a sustainable business model for the future. Surfers Against Sewage £23,000 Towards the cost of the ‘Protect our Waves’ campaign.

Scottish Crofting Foundation £45,000 Towards the crofting resources programme over three years.

Tees Valley Wildlife Trust £49,880 Towards project costs over two years to create and restore ponds in the Tees Valley to provide habitats for fresh water biodiversity, using experimental research methods and a model partnerships approach.

Scottish Native Woods £149,546 Towards the costs of the Aspen project over five years.

The Grasslands Trust £98,918 Towards the salary of the director of conservation over three years.

Tomorrow’s Company £25,000 Towards the costs of producing a business guide to the UK’s low carbon economy. Ulster Wildlife Trust £25,560 Towards continuation of two marine posts to deliver devolved legislation and planning for implementation of a fit for purpose Marine Bill in Northern Ireland. University of Southampton £20,000 Towards the cost of data extraction, travel and administration costs for river temperature data. University of York £69,975 Towards research and field work costs to determine changes in composition of seabed habitats around the UK over the last 200 years. Wildlife Trust Wales Office £21,875 Towards salary costs to deliver a fit for purpose Marine Bill in Wales. British Irish Rights Watch £84,788 Towards the salary of the researcher and related project costs over three years to support bereaved families and individuals.

Total £2,392,901 No. grants 41

Main Grants List

Human Rights/ conflict resolution


Centre for Crime and Justice Studies £74,433 Towards staff research and dissemination costs over two years. Engender £68,940 Towards salaries and campaign costs over two years. FORWARD £135,000 Towards the salary of the executive director and overhead costs over three years to support FORWARD in playing a lead role in combating female genital mutilation in the UK. Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group £66,927 Towards the salary and costs over three years of one of the detainee support workers to enable emotional and practical support to be given to immigration detainees at Gatwick Airport. Hammersmith and Fulham Community Law Centre £67,790 Towards the salary and costs of a part-time immigration caseworker for child asylum seekers plus the fees of policy promotion and dissemination over two years.

Impetus Trust £325,000 Towards a criminal justice funding partnership over four years to enable funders to work together to source and fund three voluntary organisations to increase their impact in this sector.

Make Justice Work £25,000 Towards the costs of the first year of a campaign to raise public awareness of the costliness of imprisoning low level offenders and of the ineffectiveness of short term sentences.

Kent Refugee Help £15,000 Towards core costs over two years to assist detainees in obtaining legal help to secure their release.

Music in Detention £90,000 Towards the salary of the director over three years to develop and sustain music-making in Immigration Removal Centres.

Local Crime Community Sentence £25,095 Towards the writing and launch of a handbook and other resources to improve public confidence in sentencing and to raise awareness of the effectiveness of community penalties.

Not Shut Up Ltd £10,000 Towards the costs of creative writing workshops in London’s prisons and producing a magazine to showcase prisoners’ talent.

Magic Carpet £24,668 Towards the costs over two years of ‘Say-NO-2-Bullying’ a theatre project through which people with learning disabilities can challenge bullying.

Object £18,000 Towards costs of the ‘Stripping the Illusion’ campaign to ensure appropriate licensing of lap dancing clubs and public and political awareness. Onside Independent Advocacy £55,424 Towards the continuation of a specialist advocacy service for parents with learning difficulties over two years.

The Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture £90,000 The charity works to rehabilitate and support survivors of torture and organised violence. In 2008 it treated 1,926 clients from 86 countries. It works UK-wide with treatment centres in London, Manchester, Glasgow, Newcastle and Birmingham. It also trains statutory and voluntary organisations on working with torture survivors. The Foundation is providing support towards the salary over three years of a children’s law and policy officer.

Reprieve £69,090 Towards the salary of the communications manager over two years to oversee a programme of awareness raising and implementing the communications strategy. Restorative Justice Consortium £50,000 Towards core costs over two years. Scottish Consortium on Crime and Criminal Justice £30,000 Towards core costs over three years for its work on influencing criminal justice policy. The Derwent Initiative £75,000 Towards a ‘creative fund’ over three years to enable the creation of solutions for the prevention of sexual offending. The Forgiveness Project £75,000 Towards the salary over three years of a project co-ordinator to assist with the preparation for exhibitions and workshops in prisons and schools to share the personal journeys of victims and perpetrators of crime, injustice or atrocity.

User Voice £50,000 Towards the salary and costs of the chief executive over two years. Women in Prison £75,000 Towards the salary of a community support worker over three years to provide culturally specific advice and support to BAME women offenders and ex-offenders.

Total £1,600,155 No. grants 23

Prevention or relief of poverty

25 Birmingham Rathbone £75,000 Towards the salaries of two additional job coaches over three years to support the Earners to Learners project assisting adults with mild to moderate learning difficulties, as they enter the labour market.

Every Disabled Child Matters (EDCM) £100,000 EDCM was set up in 2006 to secure adequate funding for services, improve policy coordination and achieve greater political priority for disabled children and their families. A consortium of four leading agencies working with disabled children runs EDCM. Disabled children and their families often face huge practical, psychological and financial difficulties and can struggle to get support even with simple things. The Foundation’s grant will support the campaign’s strategy over the next two years – working with key government departments and politicians from all political parties to ensure there is an ongoing and continued commitment to the needs of disabled children.


Main Grants List

Prevention or relief of poverty continued…

Streetwise Opera £83,921 Streetwise Opera is an awardwinning charity that supports people who are or have been homeless by involving them in music production. The Streetwise Live programme, in collaboration with Homeless Link, runs in ten homeless centres across the UK. In 2008 Streetwise worked with 700 people in 539 workshops. They arranged 151 work placements, held 22 public performances and put on a major production, Critical Mass, performed by professional and homeless performers that received positive reviews in the national press. The Foundation’s support will provide salary and costs towards an administration post over three years. Blue Sky Development & Regeneration £78,480 Towards the salary and costs of the recycling supervisor over two years to manage ex-offender employees in recycling centres within six West London boroughs. Bodmin Road Church £47,271 Towards the costs of the drop-in centre and services over three years. Carillon Broadcasting Ltd £39,000 Towards the cost of a part-time skills co-ordinator and core costs over two years. Caring Support Ltd £33,800 Towards the pilot of a cluster based person centred planning model of care services which offers flexibility, independence, choice and control to older and disabled people living at home. Child Poverty Action Group £156,487 Towards the salary of the head of programmes over three years to expand CPAG’s policy work and increase their impact.

Emmaus Hampshire £48,610 Towards core costs over three years until the Emmaus communities social enterprises become self-sustaining. Hastings Furniture Service £75,000 Towards the costs over three years to establish volunteer support and training in the new store in Bexhill. In Kind Direct £115,599 Towards the salary and costs of the warehouse manager over three years. Iranian Community Centre £69,655 Towards the salary and costs of the business support adviser over three years to provide advice and support for refugees seeking employment or self employment. Nottingham Credit Union £30,000 Towards the cost of introducing, over two years, a credit union bank account in Nottingham.

Pollokshaws Parish Church £40,160 Towards the costs over three years of a development worker to work with the local community and voluntary organisations to effectively identify and tackle local needs. Simon on the Streets £76,258 Towards the costs of the Continuity Support Project over three years for homeless people in Leeds to find ways of achieving positive outcomes with homeless individuals. SIREN £58,000 Towards the cost over two years of setting up a woodworking unit to employ disadvantaged local people. Social Finance Ltd £29,272 Towards research and development costs of the Disabled Child Finance Facility. The Furniture Mine £22,145 Towards the training and salary of a workshop assistant to increase operational capacity of the domestic appliance repair workshop.

The Rix Centre £50,889 Towards the costs of developing, trialling and disseminating highly accessible interfaces for ICT use by people with complex disabilities, through use of innovative ‘symbol recognition’ software and webcams. The Women’s Budget Group £20,000 Towards the salary of the project officer and the costs of a consultant to help the organisation develop a business plan. Vision Housing Consultancy Services Ltd £75,000 Towards core costs over three years. Volunteer Bureau for Tendring £20,000 Towards the costs of the ‘Helping & Guiding Hands’ project that helps disadvantaged, disabled and elderly people with transport and home maintenance.

Total £1,344,447 No. grants 22

Other Charitable Purposes


Changing Faces (CF) £150,000 It is estimated that over half-a-million people in the UK have a significant facial disfigurement from birth, accident/trauma, skin and eye conditions, facial paralysis or the aftermath of cancer surgery. CF is the leading UK charity that supports and represents people who have disfigurements to the face, hand or body. CF’s work includes providing personal support for children, young people, adults and families, working with schools, employers, health and social care professionals to ensure a culture of inclusion for people with disfigurements and campaigning for social change by working with the media, government and opinion leaders. The Foundation is providing core funding support to CF over three years totaling £150,000. Cumberland Lodge £5,000 Towards the cost of a seminar on drug policy. Disaster Action £60,000 Towards core costs over three years. Institute for Voluntary Action Research £40,000 Towards core costs and the director’s salary over two years. Maytree £120,000 Towards the salary of the director over three years to make the organisation sustainable and its replication viable.

Spinal Injuries Association £51,891 Towards salary and costs over three years of the part-time head of outreach services. Storybook Dads £20,000 Towards core costs over two years for an organisation that maintains contact between prison inmates and their children. UK Drug Policy Commission £1,055,000 Towards core costs over three years to enable UKDPC to consolidate and develop their work influencing drug policy and to create a legacy.

Working Families £139,217 Towards the salary of a parliamentary and policy officer over three years.

Total £1,641,108 No. grants 9

Emerging approaches


Much of Esmée Fairbairn’s funding supports work that is in familiar territories. However, it is also essential that we engage with new funding practice and techniques, as well as with emerging issues.

One of our major innovations of the past two years has been the creation of a Finance Fund of £21m that offers re-cycleable funding. It increases the overall size of the ‘funding cake’ by providing an appropriate form of investment, rather than grant funding. This is a significant development in the Foundation’s funding toolkit, and one that requires careful and limited application. Our approach is to explore and learn through the practical application of funds, where possible working alongside the small but growing group of specialists pioneering this work. Charity Bank, which received a £150,000 investment from the Foundation in 1997, was set up to lend to charities that the mainstream banks could not reach and is now a £60 million bank. Venturesome, which invests in charities through its risk-sharing venture philanthropy approach, was a £2.2 million investment fund when we first invested £250,000 in 2005. Today, it is a £10 million fund and this year our investment increased to £1 million. Alongside a £750,000 loan to Ecology Building Society that was drawn down this year, we have

backed some of the best lenders and investors in social and environmental good practice. The Foundation’s land purchase facility was drawn for the first time this year, helping the Woodland Trust secure a new woodland site in Scotland. Two of the three social enterprise funds in which we have invested also drew funds this year to make their first investments – Triodos Social Enterprise Fund and Bridges Social Enterprise Fund. We are particularly pleased to have worked closely with Social Finance. The organisation has provided us with technical support on due diligence and it has been developing the use of social impact bonds to generate capital for voluntary sector organisations that address complex social problems while providing them with protection from high levels of financial risk. Outside the Finance Fund, we have looked at other new funding approaches. A partnership in Northern Ireland with The Henry Smith Charity was the result of a joint recognition of the need to nurture civil society leadership as part of the peace process.


Venturesome, Street league project

Woodland Trust

itself within and beyond traditional boundaries for the benefit of all people in Northern Ireland. The programme does not seek to prescribe what needs to be done or how to go about it – just the broad aims. The results of the pilot demonstrate the value of this approach, with grant-holders exploring new and imaginative ways of working and making an impact at policy level. The Foundation works closely with other funders and its advisers in Northern Ireland to identify and invite selected organisations to apply to the programme. Orchardville Society, Belfast

Following an encouraging pilot year we are now moving into another funding and support round. We are also seeking to provide participating individuals with mentoring opportunities and make it easier for them to build alliances across sector lines. We hope that this mix of activities, alongside specialist assistance from external consultants, will create the conditions for civil society to impress

An approach involving ‘clusters’ of grants within the Main Fund has also been developed, one of which has been an initiative around Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). We are working with City Parochial Foundation, and Rosa – the UK fund for women and girls, to establish a new initiative to fund communitybased, preventive work to safeguard children from the practice of FGM. Esmée Fairbairn’s role in the partnership has been to fund organisations outside Greater London

(City Parochial Foundation is supporting London-based organisations) as well as to cofund a programme of development and communications and evaluation support across the scheme. We hope that this significant investment in empowering communities to tackle this practice themselves will contribute to an increased awareness about FGM and a renewed spotlight on this challenging issue. There are some common threads to the Foundation’s approach. Working with other funders or grantholders on areas of common interest, we are also offering other forms of support: from organisational development to networking and capacity building. This approach is a natural development from the Grants Plus support that has been provided to many grantholders over recent years.

In addition to the Main Fund, Esmée Fairbairn also allocates funds to specific strands of work. These may change over time, but overall they express our desire to make a contribution in particular areas of interest. Biodiversity – aims to help develop a greater knowledge and understanding of certain habitats and their associated species, leading to practical conservation outcomes. Food – aims to promote an understanding of the role of food in enhancing quality of life. It looks to support work that prioritises the enjoyment and experience of food. We seek to enable as many people in the UK as possible to access, prepare and eat nutritious, sustainable food. Museum and Heritage Collections – focuses on timelimited collections work including research, documentation and conservation that is outside the scope of an organisation’s core resources. New Approaches to Learning – looks to fund work that supports devising, testing and disseminating new approaches to teaching and learning that address current and future challenges in state schools and pre-schools. It prioritises work that is likely to influence national policy and practice. Strand funding in 2009 Strand



Strands Grants LisT


Spend (£’000)

A Biodiversity strand


B Food strand


CM useum & heritage collections 815 D New Approaches to Learning


More information about the funding guidelines and application process for the strands can be found at

Buglife £157,115 Buglife – The Invertebrate Conservation Trust runs practical conservation projects, promotes the importance of invertebrates and raises public awareness. It has played an important part in the review of UK conservation, increasing invertebrate species with conservation strategies by 60%. The Foundation is providing support to Buglife to take forward conservation work to benefit invertebrates on previously developed land (brownfield). This habitat may seem bereft of wildlife to the human eye, but it has been found to be of huge benefit to insects and other invertebrates, although the land is often at risk from development. Anglia Ruskin University £89,886 Towards further monitoring and evaluation of Wicken Vision and Great Fen projects over three years.


31 BioRegional Development Group £60,000 Towards the costs over three years of the Growing Potential Project – increasing access to sustainable food through training, procurement, local market development and creating Sutton’s first Community Farm. Cheshire Young Carers £3,700 Towards improving access to food, enhance cooking and shopping skills, increase confidence, and offer social support and participation of the local community. Dean Community Grown Foods £2,145 Towards the cost of a feasibility study into the establishment of a community supported agriculture scheme in the Forest of Dean. Falkland Centre for Stewardship £30,000 Towards the costs of a study to establish the relationship between food production and consumption in Fife and its environmental and human well-being impact. Bournemouth University £38,277 Towards research and survey costs of biological colonisation of Boscombe Surf Reef over three years.

Queen Mary University of London £78,515 Towards research over two years to highlight the significance of wet fens as reservoirs of biodiversity.

Falmouth Friends of the Earth £9,500 Towards the Falmouth and Penryn Garden Share project over two years.

Cairngorms National Park Authority £80,540 Towards the Cairngorms Rare Plants Project over three years.

Scottish Wildlife Trust £40,060 Towards the Lowland Peatlands Project over three years.

Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens £50,000 Towards the salary of a parttime researcher, publication, dissemination and other project costs over three years.

Galloway Fisheries Trust £40,000 Towards the cost over three years of conserving a freshwater biodiversity hotspot.

Sheffield City Council £36,900 Towards the cost of investigating the extent of Crayfish in Sheffield and to implement practical conservation over two years.

Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust £14,612 Towards research costs of arable weeds, their associated invertebrates and their manipulation to encourage farm wildlife.

St Mawes Harbour Conservation Trust £50,000 Towards the costs of an initial survey over two years to map the extent and condition of the seagrass and maerl habitat, and to disseminate the findings.

Kent Reptile & Amphibian Group £4,000 Towards a joint project with Conservatoire des Sites Naturels du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais to investigate habitat management in areas of chalk grasslands for adders.

University of East Anglia £125,000 Towards the costs over two years of research and laboratory staff to define ecological niches of important saltmarsh plants.

Total £754,905 No. grants 12

Food Ethics Council £150,000 Towards salaries and costs over three years for the advocacy programme to boost the profile of food policy options that put quality of life first, developing FEC’s leadership role. Garden Organic £61,450 Towards the costs over two years of the One Plot Pledge Project, a campaign to get more people growing food at home. Manor Gardens Cafe Project £55,133 Towards the costs of the Tasty Opportunities Project over two years. Museums Sheffield £40,000 Towards ‘Food, Glorious Food’, an exhibition at Weston Park Museum in 2010.


Strands Grants list

Compassion in World Farming (CiWF) £82,232 CiWF contributes to a more sustainable food system through its work to improve farmed animal welfare. CiWF undertakes public awareness-raising campaigns but also constructively engages with many of the largest food sector companies in the UK in the development of better farmed animal welfare policy and practice. The Foundation’s support is towards the salary and costs of a new Director of Food Business, with overall responsibility for the organisation’s food industry related activity in the UK and influencing policy and practice at EU level.

Food continued… Natural Justice £138,989 Towards the cost of a scientific community based study over two years researching the effect of improved nutrition on the behaviour, cognitive performance and academic achievement of 14–16 year olds. Slow Food UK Trust £95,000 Towards the salary of a programme development officer over three years.

Soil Association £4,000 Towards the cost of work that will stimulate the food sustainability debate in Northern Ireland. South East Area Lifestyle £25,998 Towards the expansion of food access work into South East Glasgow over two years. Tescopoly Alliance £9,138 Towards expanding the organisation’s capacity to support local community campaigning groups.

The Centre for Innovation in Voluntary Action £75,500 Towards the development of twelve Foodworks Projects over two years, using student volunteers, under-utilised kitchen resources and surplus food to prepare healthy meals for people in need. The London Orchard Project Ltd £3,500 Towards the planting of additional community orchards in London, with associated training and support for community groups to enable maintenance and harvesting of the trees.

University of Bedfordshire £34,567 Towards a project examining how food tourism can deliver social, cultural and environmentally sustainable development in rural communities.

Total £930,852 No. grants 19

Museum and Heritage Collections

33 Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology £47,178 Towards the costs of cataloguing and conserving an archive of photographic negatives relating to the collection of Eastern art. Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution £62,250 Towards the costs over three years for the curation, preparation and research of the Charles Moore collection of Jurassic fossils from Strawberry Bank. British Film Institute £69,500 Towards restoration costs of a number of post-war British documentary films. Craven Museum & Gallery £67,444 Towards the salary of an archaeology curator over two years and to catalogue the archaeology collections. Llangollen Museum £34,000 Towards a project which investigates how modern technology can contribute to improved access to collections.

Museum of London £72,000 Towards salary costs of staff working to preserve, digitise and catalogue the recorded media collections. Perth & Kinross Council Heritage Service £58,357 Towards the costs to catalogue and research the Buchanan White Hemiptera (insect) collection. Shropshire County Council, Museum Service £4,500 Towards the documentation of the Wenlock Olympian Society Collection. Stoke-on-Trent City Council £60,000 Towards the salary of an assistant collections officer over three years to strengthen good practice in geological and natural history collection stewardship in museums throughout the West Midlands. The Bowes Museum £71,600 Towards the salary of an assistant curator and a conservator, plus consultancy fees associated with cataloguing and conserving the Blackborne Lace Collection over two years.

The Hepworth Wakefield Trust £64,972 Towards the conservation and digitisation of the Gott Collection. V&A Museum of Childhood £23,857 Towards the cost to conserve and make publicly accessible archive material about four British toy manufacturers. Valence House Museum £1,725 Towards the costs of the film transfer of a film collection. Wolverhampton Arts and Museums Service £30,000 Towards the costs of a photographer and a contribution to the evaluation and overheads of a project working with Black Country Collections over two years. Worthing Museum and Art Gallery £67,500 Towards the cost to research and produce a detailed catalogue of the costume collection over two years.

Total £814,883 No. grants 16

Tyne & Wear Museums & Archives £80,000 Tyne & Wear Museums & Archives is a joint service of five local authorities managing twelve museums, galleries and archaeological sites in the North East. It is also jointly responsible for managing the new Great North Museum in partnership with Newcastle University. There are around 1.5 million objects in its combined collections. The Foundation’s funding will support Tyne & Wear Museums & Archives in implementing a programme of high-quality collections management activity that will enable the museums to use their collections more effectively in the future.

Strands Grants list

New Approaches to Learning


5x5x5 = Creativity £40,000 Towards project costs over two years for the Creative Curriculum Laboratory, an action research project in primary schools that puts creativity at the heart of whole school change. Birmingham City University £86,700 Towards costs over three years to research children’s mathematical understanding in Early Years and Key Stage 1, in schools in disadvantaged areas. Canterbury Christ Church University College £46,132 Towards research and development costs for ‘Baby Rooms’ to research how babies are being looked after in nursery settings and the knowledge, understanding and aspirations of the practitioners. Catch Up £195,000 Towards the costs over three years of developing innovative digital games to motivate and support learners who struggle with numeracy. Citizen Organising Foundation £27,500 Towards piloting a programme to embed active citizenship in schools. Drake Music £84,750 Towards project costs over three years to overcome barriers to accreditation in music education for disabled pupils. Institute of Education £45,897 Towards work exploring the use of film in Key Stage 3 modern foreign language curriculum. Institute of Education £1,732 Towards research and project costs. Institute for Fiscal Studies £54,565 Towards research costs of a guide on ‘disadvantaged pupil premium’. Institute of Welsh Affairs £34,210 Towards research into improving the performance of Welsh school children aged 11 to 14. Liverpool John Moores University £62,768 Towards project costs over three years to evaluate training and recently qualified teacher’s implementation of the new statutory National Curriculum guidance on creativity.

University of Wolverhampton £43,446 Research has shown that many young people in secondary schools recognise the importance of science, but find the school science curriculum abstract and irrelevant. In 2004, science researchers Gunter, McGregor and Twist devised teaching materials for biology, chemistry and physics lessons that engaged pupils in solving intriguing scientific problems and challenges. Lessons put a strong emphasis on critical thinking, debate and group work. The Foundation’s support will help evaluate the impact of the programme on teachers’ thinking and classroom practice, and pupils’ motivation, thinking skills and achievement in science.

Roehampton University £73,422 Towards research over two years to develop new approaches to music education for children with severe or profound learning difficulties. Royal Scottish Academy of Music & Drama £75,000 Towards the costs of exploring new approaches to training instrumental teachers. Swansea University £139,790 Towards project costs over two years to evaluate the application of ICT to support sustained shared thinking in the home learning environmental and in pre-school settings. The Place £64,085 Towards project costs to research the use of interactive digital resources, dance and movement as part of a multi-sensory, topicbased approach to teaching and learning in the Primary Curriculum. UK Youth £10,000 Towards the costs of a seminar and report to develop a manifesto for informal education. United Kingdom Literacy Association £76,114 Towards the cost of developing innovative approaches to building 21st century school reading communities.

University of Aberdeen £59,228 Towards project costs to assess the impact of new approaches to teaching modern foreign language in secondary schools. University of Cambridge £110,000 Towards project costs over two years. University of Glasgow £78,000 Towards project costs over two years to develop a novel, connected and engaging curriculum for the education of 5–15 year olds in Scotland, across science, technology, engineering and maths. University of Nottingham £41,630 Towards research and evaluation costs to develop a new approach to teaching maths at Key Stage 3. University of Winchester £85,000 Towards project costs over two years to develop practical knowledge about how the process of crafting and reflecting on a developing product strengthens wider confidence and capacity to learn. University of York £968 Towards research, project and evaluation costs.

Total £1,535,937 No. grants 24

Development Fund Grants List

35 ABCUL £3,000 Towards the cost of exploring the demand from credit unions for tier two capital. Big Lottery Fund £10,000 Towards a study on cross sector collaboration. ClearlySo £10,000 Towards research into direct ethical share issues.

Total £23,000 No. grants 3

Northern Ireland Grants List In 2008, along with The Henry Smith Charity, the Foundation launched a pilot programme in Northern Ireland as reported on pages 28–29. In 2008 we approved six grants, which were awarded in 2009, to organisations representing different parts of the voluntary sector, whose leaders we were confident could rise to our ambitious challenge: to adopt fresh thinking and approaches to combat longstanding problems, raise the profile and credibility of the sector, influence decision makers and share learning and good practice with others. Avec Solutions £102,000 Towards the salary of the IT support manager over three years.

NIACRO £155,941 Towards the salary of the communications manager over five years.

Chief Officers 3rd Sector £60,000 Towards the cost over three years of administrative support to increase organisational capacity.

The Orchardville Society £140,000 Towards the salary and costs of the deputy head of service for social economy over four years.

Falls Community Council £132,491 Towards the salary of the deputy director over three years.

Total £707,832 No. grants 6

Fermanagh Trust £117,400 Towards the salary of the director over four years.

Finance Fund Investments

36 New Investments 2009 – Drawndown Community Land Trusts £875,000 To help develop affordable community owned rural housing. The fund is managed by Venturesome. Ecology Building Society £750,000 A long term loan to the society to support sustainable housing. Triodos Bank £750,000 To invest in and support growth of social enterprises. Bridges Community Ventures £750,000 To invest in and support growth of social enterprises.

New Economics Foundation £125,000 To help support the core income of New Economics Foundation by investing in its consulting arm. Venturesome £750,000 Investment in a standby/bridging fund of £500,000, and £250,000 to the development fund over five years, to support charities in need of temporary finance.

Committed but not drawn down at 31 December 2009 Big Issue Invest £750,000 To invest in and support growth social enterprises. New Economics Foundation £75,000 A grant for the Head of Business and Finance post.

Woodland Trust Total £1,075,000 £460,000 The purchase and short term No. Investments 3 ownership of Maryland / Overtoun Farm at Dumbarton, Scotland until Further investments of £3.1m Woodland Trust are able to have been approved by the purchase. Finance Fund Panel and are subject to the agreement of terms at 31 December 2009, Total £4,460,000 making a total commitment of No. Investments 7 £4.2m at year end.

UnLtd, Cool2Care project

UnLtd – The Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs £250,000 UnLtd was set up by in 2000 by seven partner organisations to support and develop the role of social entrepreneurs as a force for positive change in the UK. UnLtd currently supports 1,000 social entrepreneurs annually. It is estimate that there are 55,000 social enterprises in the UK with a combined turnover of £27bn. Access to capital is the biggest challenge these enterprises face. The Foundation is providing financing to the Investment Readiness Advisory Service for social entrepreneurs that includes advice on approaching the most appropriate funders. In the commercial world investment banks usually undertake this role.

TASK Grants Fund LisT

37 Action on Addiction £15,000 Arts Dyslexia Trust £4,000 Arts for All £5,000 Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology £10,000 Beaminster Festival of Music and the Arts £3,000 Berkeley Reafforestation Trust £5,000 BLESMA £4,500 BookAid International £10,000 Brecon Cathedral Choir Trust Endowment Appeal £10,000 British Youth Opera £3,000 Bryanston School £5,000 BUILD (Building Understanding through International Links for Development) £10,000 Cambrian Music Trust £10,000 Cambridge Handel Opera Group £5,000 Cambridge University Library £5,000 Canon Collins Trust £4,000 Combat Stress £10,000 Compton Verney House Trust £10,000 Courtauld Institute of Art £15,000 English National Opera £15,000 Families for Children Trust £5,000 Focus K&C £5,000 Glyndebourne Productions Ltd £11,260 Hay-on-Wye Organ Appeal £5,000 Highland Foundation for Wildlife £7,000 Hoping Foundation £5,000 Human Rights Watch £7,000 ippr £2,000 Island History Trust £3,000

Kent Association for the Blind £2,500 Kids Company £15,000 Location Register (University of Reading) £15,000 London Children’s Ballet £10,000 Megan Baker House £5,000 National Life Stories £15,000 Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy £5,000 Notting Hill Churches Homeless Concern £10,000 Nystagmus Network £10,000 openDemocracy £5,000 Orford Museum Trust £15,000 Oriel College £5,000 Over the Wall £15,000 Oxford Oratory £3,000 Pembroke College £15,000 Policy Exchange £10,000 Practical Action £5,000 Pushkin Prizes in Scotland £15,000 Queen Victoria School £15,000 Refresh £6,000 Room 13 Scotland £1,000 Rosslyn Chapel Trust £15,000 Royal Opera House Foundation £5,000 Salisbury Cathedral £15,000 Sir John Soane’s Museum £10,000 Swiss Cottage Sewing Club £5,000 Target Trust £10,000 The Amos Trust £15,000 The Aquila Trust £10,000 The Black Watch Heritage Appeal £10,000 The Concord Prison Trust £3,000

The Country Trust £10,000 The Cuba Studies Trust £15,000 The Edward James Foundation £10,000 The Egmont Trust £7,000 The Friends of Greenmead £13,740 The Friends of Milstead and Frinsted CE Primary School £4,000 The International Centre for Peace in the Middle East (British Section) £10,000 The Kilvert Society £7,000 The Landmark Trust £10,000 The New School Butterstone £15,000 The Prince’s Teaching Institute £15,000 The Public Catalogue Foundation £10,000 The Purcell School £5,000 The Royal Choral Society £12,000 The Royal Horticultural Society £5,000 The Royal Horticultural Society £12,000 The Rugby Portobello Trust £3,000 The Tunnell Trust £5,000 The Wheelyboat Trust £2,000 Urban Unlimited £10,000 Volunteer Tutors Organisation Glasgow £2,000 Walbrook Music Trust £7,000 Weldmar Hospicecare Trust £2,500 Westway Development Trust £15,000 Wiltshire Wildlife Trust £2,500 Winchester Area Community Action £5,000

Total £719,000 No. grants 86

Chairman’s statement


This has been a testing, but encouraging year in the life of the Foundation. Despite the 17.6% fall in value of the endowment during 2008, the Trustees took the decision to maintain grant-making budgets in 2009; the economic climate makes our support all the more needed by the organisations we fund. The recovery in the financial markets during 2009, however fragile, has restored a good part of the value of the investment portfolio from its low point in March 2009. In a continuing difficult economic environment there will be acute pressure on public finances, presenting the next government with even more difficult choices over spending than ever. The gaps which we and our partner organisations have to fill will therefore be even greater than in recent years; and, at the same time, the challenges for fundraising no less. We will continue to consider how the Foundation can best respond to this changing environment. In 2010 we will be embarking on a review to reflect on the strategic changes we made three years ago, to identify how we can improve and refine these and to ensure the Foundation maximises its impact in the coming years. The Trustees are particularly concerned with setting the Foundation’s strategy and policy, as well as with the oversight of its grantmaking; from this perspective we can see the extraordinary breadth of causes that the Foundation is able to support.

They have ranged, in the past year, from the alleviation of acute distress through our support to the Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group to the celebration of our musical culture (and the contribution of migrants to it) in English Touring Opera’s Handelfest. Next year we reach a milestone in the life of the Foundation – the 50th anniversary of our founder Ian Fairbairn setting up the Esmée Fairbairn Charitable Trust in 1961. We will report more on how we are marking this next year. Finally, I’d like to thank the executive team for their hard work and energy over the last year and also my fellow Trustees for their continued diligence, enthusiasm and good humour in carrying our their duties as custodians of our organisation.

Tom Chandos Chairman

Financial review


Finance and Investment Review

The market value of the Foundation’s investments at the end of 2009 was £815.7 million (2008: £740.8 million). The portfolio underperformed its blended benchmark by 5.6% for the year (2008: outperformed by 3.9%), the annual total return for the year being 12.8% (2008: -17.6%) against the blended benchmark of 18.4% (2008: -21.5%). The financial crisis and deteriorating global economic fundamentals experienced in the last two years resulted in extreme volatility across all markets and had a negative impact on the value of the Foundation’s investments when compared to their peak in 2007. However, despite the overall underperformance against the blended benchmark in 2009 the portfolio has outperformed its benchmark on an annualised five year basis. Portfolio performance and valuations over the five year period ending on 31 December 2009 are summarised as follows: At 31 December 2009: Portfolio value = £815.7m Performance Fund

Benchmark Relative

1 year (ann.) 3 years (ann.) 5 years (ann.)

18.4% (0.4%) 4.4%

12.9% (0.7%) 5.6%

(5.6%) (0.2%) 1.2% 1100










850 800






650 600

100 80

550 1 Jan 05

31 Dec 05 31 Dec 06 31 Dec 07 31 Dec 08 31 Dec 09

Fund Value

Fund Performance


Benchmark Performance

After the turbulence experienced in 2008, markets stabilised in 2009 as fiscal and monetary measures introduced by governments across the globe prevented further deepening of the crisis and resulted in improved liquidity and historically low interest rates. As investor confidence returned in the second half of 2009, markets rallied led by the riskier asset classes such as high yield credit, emerging market equities and alternatives. The Foundation’s portfolio benefited from the overall market recovery in the year but lagged behind its blended benchmark largely due to the more defensive positioning of our investments. The largest contributors to absolute gains for the year were emerging market and Asian equities and hedge funds, with hedge fund and commodity assets significantly outperforming their respective benchmarks. The largest absolute losses as well as the largest market underperformance came from our direct property investments which not only took longer to rally but the nature of which amplified the losses. Despite the recent market rally, uncertainty remains around whether economic fundamentals will undermine the sustainability of the recovery in some parts of the world and ultimately jeopardize the ability of governments to repay their debts.

Portfolio value (£m)

Portfolio performance rebased

Finance and Investment Review



In light of this uncertainty the Foundation has continued to hold a defensive portfolio and, in particular, maintained high cash balances throughout 2009. The actual asset allocation at the end of 2009 and 2008 was as follows: Asset Class

Capital expenditure remained close to the previous year’s figure at £0.3 million. The Foundation sold its freehold premises during the year realising a profit on sale of £1.0 million.

Risk Assessment

2009 2008 Change % % % The Trustees are responsible for the management of the risks faced by the Foundation. The Trustee Public equity investments 46.5 47.3 (0.8) Board and Audit Committee reviews the Fixed income investments 4.2 4.3 (0.1) Foundation’s risk position, internal control Alternative investments 35.7 35.7 – assessment and its compliance with relevant Investment cash 13.8 14.8 (1.0) statutory and finance regulations. Other investment balances (0.3) (0.1) (0.2) In order to evaluate and manage risk the Foundation Derivatives 0.1 (2.0) 2.1 has a risk mapping process to identify the major risks that could impact on the strategic aims as laid out in Total 100.0 100.0 the Foundation’s Strategic Plan. This process identifies the major risks the Foundation faces, the likelihood of occurrence, the significance of The main changes in asset allocation beyond the risk, and any mitigating controls that are in place, valuation movements during the year were: and seeks to identify any actions and resources • repositioning of the public equity investments required to manage these risks further. reflecting a further strategic reduction of UK The Foundation’s investment activities are its main equities in the portfolio and an increase of the financial risk. This is managed with the support of allocation to emerging markets equities; investment advisers through: diversification across • an increase in the portfolio allocation to a broad range of asset classes, geographies, commodities reflecting the intention to grow investment managers and investment strategies; this asset class in line with long-term targets; regular review of the investment policy; management • an increase in the allocation to private equity of strategic and tactical asset allocation; and venture capital reflecting the continued independent valuation and performance reporting; commitment to this alternative asset class. risk measurement and reporting; and market and Further information relating to the investment manager updates. All the Foundation’s investments portfolio is detailed in note 9 to the financial are externally managed by investment managers. statements.

Programme related investment

Reserves, Expenditure and Investment Policies

The Foundation had programme related investments of £5.5 million at the end of the year (2008: £1.3 million). These investments consist of loans, equity and other investments made by the Finance Fund to charities or social enterprises either directly or via intermediaries. The increase in these investments during the year is £4.1 million. Page 36 contains a list of all Finance Fund investments approved in principle during the year.

The Foundation’s reserves, expenditure and long term investment policies are intended to: provide long term stability and liquidity sufficient for the financing of the Foundation’s on-going operations and grant-making activities in perpetuity and to maintain the ‘real’ value of the endowment whilst preserving the real purchasing power of the expenditure through time.

Income and expenditure Income levels fell to £11.7 million from £32.0 million in 2008 due in the main to falling interest rates and reduced dividend distributions. The Foundation committed £24.3 million (2008: £22.2 million) in new grants during the year. A list of all grants approved during the year can be found in this report. Grants reported in the Statement of Financial Activities include funds returned from cancelled and returned grants. Administration and support costs rose to £2.0 million from £1.7 million, largely due to the Foundation’s move to new premises. The cost of generating funds, which is made up of investment management and oversight fees, decreased to £2.2 million from £4.9 million in 2008. This was due in the main to reduced manager performance fees.

The Foundation budgets on a three year rolling basis. Budgeted expenditure targets are set by reference to the average value of the investment portfolio over the preceding five years. Expenditure targets may be over or under-spent in an individual year in a controlled manner reflecting demand and the quality of applications. All of the Foundation’s funds are unrestricted. The Foundation’s investments are made in accordance with the investment powers set out in its Scheme. The Foundation’s long-term investment objective is set to be consistent with its reserves, expenditure and long term investment policies. The Foundation has an Investment Policy Statement setting out the long term investment objective, strategic asset allocation and investment restrictions. This is reviewed annually.



The operation of Esmée Fairbairn Foundation is governed by a Charity Commissioners’ Scheme, dated 14 January 2002, which enables the assets to be applied by the Trustees at their discretion for general charitable purposes. The Scheme supercedes the original Trust Deed made on 20 January 1961 and a Charity Commission Order granted on 20 January 2000 giving Trustees investment delegating powers. The Charity Commission approved an incorporation of the Trustee body on 16 June 2008 in the name of The Trustees of Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. The Foundation is a charity registered in England and Wales, number 200051. Esmée Fairbairn Foundation exists and operates for the public benefit. Through its grant-making programmes it works to improve the quality of life throughout the UK by funding the charitable activities of organisations that have the ideas and ability to achieve change for the better.

Trustee Board The Foundation’s Trustees are listed on the inside back cover of this report. The Trustee Board meets six times each year to set and oversee the delivery of the Foundation’s strategy. A number of Trustee committees support the work of the Foundation throughout the year. The Foundation has a clear organisational structure with documented lines of authority and delegation, which is reviewed regularly by the Audit Committee and the Trustee Board. The Foundation also has segregation of duties with regard to governance, management, grant-making, finance and investment. Procedures are in place for documenting decisions, actions and issues.

Audit Committee The Audit Committee reviews and recommends to the Trustee Board systems of internal control on financial, governance and operational risks. It also reviews the draft annual report and accounts and meets with the Foundation’s external auditors.

Finance and Administration Committee

The Foundation’s primary interests are the UK’s cultural life, education and learning, the natural environment and enabling disadvantaged people to participate more fully in society. Page 10 gives an overview of our funding programmes.

The Finance and Administration Committee reviews and recommends to the Trustee Board annual budgets, staff remuneration and benefits and oversees major property, ICT, governance and other projects.

We have referred to the guidance contained in the Charity Commission’s general guidance on public benefit when reviewing our aims and objectives and in planning our future activities. In particular, the Trustees consider how planned activities will contribute to the aims and objectives they have set.

Investment Committee

The public benefit created by the Foundation’s grant-making is demonstrated in this report through our grants listing, case studies and articles.

Nominations Committee

The Investment Committee formulates investment policy, oversees its implementation, manages overall asset allocation, monitors investment performance and reports to the Trustee Board.

The Nominations Committee makes recommendations to the Trustee Board on the appointment of new Trustees.

Funding decisions A Grants Committee, comprising Trustees and Executive members, takes decisions on Main Fund grants up to £75,000. All decisions on Main Fund grants over £75,000 go to the Trustee Board. The Board allocates budgets and delegates decision-making on the Foundation’s funding strands to Strand Panels. All strand grants over £150,000 go to the Trustee Board. The Panels are made up of Trustees and have external experts as advisers. The Strand Panels report to the Trustee Board. Finance Fund investments in excess of £1million are referred to the Trustee Board.

in respect of the Trustees’ annual report and the financial statements

Statement of Trustees’ responsibilities


Under the Scheme rules of the Foundation and charity law, the Trustees are responsible for preparing the Trustees’ Annual Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. The financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Foundation and of the excess of income over expenditure for that period. In preparing these financial statements, generally accepted accounting practice entails that the trustees: • select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; • make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; • state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards and the Statement of Recommended Practice have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; • state whether the financial statements comply with the Scheme rules, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and • prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the charity will continue in business. The Trustees are required to act in accordance with the Scheme rules of the Foundation, within the framework of the Charities Act 1993. They are responsible for keeping proper accounting records, sufficient to disclose at any time, with reasonable accuracy, the financial position of the Foundation at that time, and to enable the Trustees to ensure that, where any statements of accounts are prepared by them under section 42(1) of the Charities Act 1993, those statements of accounts comply with the requirements of regulations under that provision. They have general responsibility for taking such steps as are reasonably open to them to safeguard the assets of the Foundation and to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities. The Trustees are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the financial and other information included on the Foundation’s website. Legislation in the UK governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

Disclosure of information to auditors The Trustees who held office at the date of approval of this Trustees’ report confirm that, so far as they are each aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the Foundation’s auditors are unaware; and each Trustee has taken all the steps that they ought to have taken as a Trustee to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Foundation’s auditors are aware of that information.

Tom Chandos Chairman 25 March 2010

to The Trustees of Esmée Fairbairn Foundation

Independent auditors’ report


We have audited the financial statements of Esmée Fairbairn Foundation for the year ended 31 December 2009 which comprise the Statement of Financial Activities, the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow Statement and the related notes. These financial statements have been prepared under the accounting policies set out therein. This report is made solely to the charity’s trustees as a body, in accordance with section 43 of the Charities Act 1993 and regulations made under section 44 of that Act. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the charity’s trustees those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the charity and its trustees as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.

Respective responsibilities of trustees and auditors The trustees’ responsibilities for the preparation of the Trustees’ Annual Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and UK Accounting Standards (UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice) are set out in the Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities on page 43.

Basis of audit opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgments made by the trustees in the preparation of the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the charity’s circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements.

Opinion In our opinion the financial statements: • give a true and fair view, in accordance with UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice, of the state of the charity’s affairs as at 31 December 2009 and of its incoming resources and application of resources for the year then ended; and • have been properly prepared in accordance with the Charities Act 1993.

We have been appointed as auditors under section 43 of the Charities Act 1993 and report in accordance with regulations made under section 44 of that Act. Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with relevant legal and regulatory Kevin R Clark requirements and International Standards on for and on behalf of KPMG LLP, Statutory Auditor Auditing (UK and Ireland). Chartered Accountants We report to you our opinion as to whether the 1 Forest Gate financial statements give a true and fair view and Brighton Road are properly prepared in accordance with the Crawley Charities Act 1993. We also report to you if, in West Sussex our opinion, the Trustees’ Annual Report is not 25 March 2010 consistent with the financial statements, if the charity has not kept sufficient accounting records, if the charity’s financial statements are not in agreement with these accounting records or if we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit. We read the other information contained in the Annual Report and consider whether it is consistent with the audited financial statements. We consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial statements. Our responsibilities do not extend to any other information.

Statement of Financial Activities

For the year ended 31 December 2009


Notes 2009 2008 £’000 £’000 Incoming resources Investment income Other incoming resources

2 2

11,625 31,491 104 515

Total incoming resources

11,729 32,006

Resources expended Cost of generating funds Charitable activities Governance costs

3 & 5 4 & 5 5 & 6

2,213 4,909 25,473 22,815 270 291

Total resources expended

27,956 28,015

(16,227) 3,991 Net (outgoing)/incoming resources Realised gain on asset held for sale


Realised and unrealised gains/(losses) on investment assets



86,116 (216,941)

70,874 (212,950) Net movement in funds Funds at 1 January 724,804 937,754

795,678 724,804 Funds at 31 December 15 The notes on pages 48 to 55 form part of these accounts. The Foundation has no recognised gains or losses other than the net movement in funds for the year. The net incoming resources and resulting net movement in funds in each of the financial years are from continuing operations.

At 31 December 2009

Balance Sheet


Notes 2009 2008 £’000 £’000 Fixed assets Tangible fixed assets Investment assets Programme related investments

8 9 10

536 815,653 5,454

319 740,815 1,334



Current assets Assets held for sale 8 Debtors 11 Cash at bank

– 869 1,788

7,456 596 1,835

2,657 9,887 Creditors: falling due within one year 12



Net current liabilities



802,788 730,603 Total assets less current liabilities Creditors: falling due after one year Provisions: for liabilities

13 14

(7,040) (70)

(5,729) (70)

Net assets: representing unrestricted funds 15



The notes on pages 48 to 55 form part of these accounts. The accounts were approved and authorised for issue by the Trustee Board on 25 March 2010. Signed in the name and on behalf of The Trustees of Esmée Fairbairn Foundation:

Tom Chandos Chairman

For the year ended 31 December 2009

Cash Flow Statement


Notes 2009 2008 £’000 £’000 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities




Cash flows from investments and capital expenditure Sale of investments 262,904 365,335 Purchase of investments (247,476) (367,850) Sale of assets held for resale 8,500 – (Decrease)/increase in investment cash (5,579) 56,711 Cash outflow on derivative financial instruments (1,281) (61,716) Increase in loan to subsidiary undertaking (266) (557) Cash outflow to programme related investments (4,460) (70) Cash inflow from programme related investments 173 65 Cash (outflow)/inflow from finance lease commitments (23) 21 Purchase of tangible fixed assets (316) (271) Net cash utilised on investments and capital expenditure 12,176 (8,332) Net decrease in cash at bank

(47) (1,586)

Analysis of change in cash Cash balance at the beginning of the year Net cash outflow

1,835 3,421 (47) (1,586)

1,788 1,835 Cash balance at the end of the year

Notes to the accounts


Notes to the Accounts

1. Basis of accounting and accounting policies Basis of accounting The accounts have been prepared in accordance with applicable UK accounting standards and comply with the Charities Act 1993 and the Statement of Recommended Practice (‘Accounting and Reporting by Charities’) revised 2005. Except as otherwise stated, these financial statements have been prepared using the historic cost convention. The Trustee Board consider all the funds to be unrestricted.

Consolidated accounts The Foundation has not prepared consolidated accounts as the results of its subsidiary undertakings are not material to the group.

Incoming resources Incoming resources are recognised in the Statement of Financial Activities in the period in which the Foundation becomes entitled to receipt. Dividend income and related tax credits are recognised from the ex-dividend date when they become receivable.

Resources expended Direct costs of generating funds, charitable activities and support and governance costs are charged to the relevant category or activity according to the area to which the expenditure relates. Support costs incurred that relate to more than one cost category are apportioned based on the number of full-time equivalent staff allocated to that activity.

Leased assets Assets obtained under finance leases are capitalised as tangible fixed assets and depreciated over their useful lives. Finance leases are those where substantially all of the benefits and risks of ownership are assumed by the Foundation. Obligations under such agreements are included in creditors net of the finance charge allocated to future periods. The finance element of the rental payments is charged to the Statement of Financial Activities over the period of the lease. All other leases are operating leases. Operating lease annual rentals are charged to the Statement of Financial Activities on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease to the first rent review date.

Investments Quoted investments Quoted investments are stated at market value at the balance sheet date. Asset purchases and sales are recognised at date of trade. Unquoted investments Unquoted investments are valued at the Trustee Board’s best estimate of fair value as follows: Pooled investments are stated at fair value, the basis of fair value being the market value of the underlying investments held. These valuations are provided by the fund managers and are subject either to independent valuation or annual audit. Unquoted hedge funds are valued by reference to the market value of their underlying investments. These valuations are provided by the third party hedge fund administrators.

Grants are recognised as expenditure in the year in which they are approved and such approval has been communicated to the recipients, except to the extent that it is subject to conditions that enable the Foundation to revoke the award.

Private equity investments are held through funds managed by private equity groups. As there is no identifiable market price for private equity funds, these funds are included at the most recent valuations from the private equity groups where the:


i. private equity group provides a fair value that complies with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines; or

The Foundation operates a defined contribution group personal pension scheme for employees. The assets of the scheme are held separately from those of the Foundation. The annual contributions are charged to the Statement of Financial Activities.

Irrecoverable VAT Irrecoverable Value Added Tax (VAT) is included in the Statement of Financial Activities within the expenditure to which it relates.

Tangible fixed assets Tangible fixed assets are included in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated depreciation. Freehold land is not depreciated. Freehold buildings are depreciated at 2% per annum. Leasehold improvements are depreciated over the term of the lease. Office and computer equipment is depreciated at between 20% and 33% per annum. Depreciation is charged on a straight line basis over the assets’ useful lives.

ii. private equity group provides valuations that complies with International Financial Reporting Standards or US GAAP. Where a valuation is not available at the balance sheet date, the most recent valuation from the private equity group is used, adjusted for cashflows and foreign exchange movements and any impairment between the most recent valuation and the balance sheet date. Where a private equity group does not provide a fair value that complies with the above, the Foundation is unable to obtain a reliable fair value, and therefore these investments are held at cost.

Notes to the Accounts

Derivative financial instruments Derivatives are recognised in the Balance Sheet at fair value. The Foundation uses forward currency contracts to reduce currency exposure in its investment portfolio. The basis of fair value of these forward exchange contracts is estimated by using the gain or loss that would arise from closing the contract at the balance sheet date. Managers of segregated funds also enter into derivatives as part of their portfolio risk management; fair values of these derivatives are provided by the fund managers. Other investment balances Following a change in approach, the Foundation has classified debtors and creditors arising as part of the investment portfolio as “other investment balances” and grouped them together as part of investment assets. Programme related investments Programme related investments that are loans are accounted for at the outstanding amount of the loan less any provision for unrecoverable amounts. Unquoted equity programme related investments are held at cost, less any provision for diminution in value, as the Foundation is unable to obtain a reliable estimate of fair value. Realised and unrealised gains and losses on investments Realised and unrealised gains and losses on all investments, apart from progamme related investments, are included in the Statement of Financial Activities. Realised and unrealised gains and losses on progamme related investments are included in charitable activities within the Statement of Financial Activities. Realised and unrealised gains and losses on foreign exchange transactions Transactions denominated in foreign currency are translated at the exchange rate ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency are translated at the rate ruling at the balance sheet date. All gains and losses on exchange, realised and unrealised, are reflected in the Statement of Financial Activities. Exchange gains and losses are allocated to the appropriate income or expenditure category.

Provisions Provisions have been made for possible future liabilities arising from contracts entered into by the Foundation.

Related party transactions Material transactions with related parties are disclosed in the notes to these financial statements. The Foundation’s policy is for Trustees, executive or advisers to declare their interest and exempt themselves from all relevant discussions and decisions which may involve a transaction with a related party or in which they may have a conflict of interest.


2. Income Investment income

2009 2008 £’000 £’000

Public equity investments Fixed income investments Alternative investments Investment cash

8,465 867 1,205 1,088

12,296 4,037 5,105 10,053



Other income

2009 2008 £’000 £’000

Bank interest Interest received from subsidiary undertaking (note 9) Income from programme related investments

30 20 54

409 51 55



3. Cost of generating funds

2009 2008 £’000 £’000

Investment managers, custodian and advisers fees Direct staff and other costs Support cost allocation

1,840 148 225

4,569 159 181

Total costs of generating funds




Notes to the Accounts

4. Charitable activities 2009 2008 £’000 £’000 Grant funding 24,286 Cancelled and returned grants (755)

22,196 (712)

Net grant funding 23,531 Programme related investments (gains)/losses 167 Direct staff and other costs 625 Support cost allocation 1,150

21,484 (97) 630 798

Total charitable activities 25,473


Grants approved in 2009, listed on pages 12 to 37, in the annual report accompany these accounts.

5. Support cost allocation Cost of generating Charitable Governance funds activities costs 2009 2008 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Support staff costs Premises, technology and other costs

83 142

401 749

94 84

578 975

633 534

Total support costs






Total support costs for prior year





6. Governance costs 2009 2008 £’000 £’000 Auditors’ remuneration 51 Direct staff and other costs 41 Support cost allocation 178

49 54 188



Total Trustees’ expenses of £21,980 (2008: £18,561) are included in governance costs and in costs of generating funds. Expenses were reimbursed to 7 (2008: 7) Trustees during the year.

Notes to the Accounts


7. Staff costs

2009 2008 £’000 £’000

Salaries Social security costs Pension contributions Other staff related costs

1,038 112 123 79

1,010 112 118 120

Total staff costs



The Foundation operates a defined contribution group personal pension scheme and makes employer contributions of 12.5% when matched by a 5% employee contribution. The average number of employees during the year calculated on a full time basis was as follows:

2009 2008

Investment management and oversight 3 Grant-making 17 Governance 2

3 18 2

Total number of employees



The number of employees who received remuneration of more than £60,000 in the year was as follows: £60,000 – £69,999 £70,000 – £79,999 £80,000 – £89,999 £90,000 – £99,999

2009 2008 1 2 1 –

All the employees paid over £60,000 had employer contributions, equal to 12.5% of salary, made under the group personal pension scheme.

8. Tangible fixed assets Office & Leasehold computer improvements equipment Total £’000 £’000 £’000 Cost At 1 January 2009 Additions in the year

212 277

323 39

535 316

At 31 December 2009




Accumulated depreciation At 1 January 2009 Depreciation charge for year

– 64

216 35

216 99

At 31 December 2009




Net book value At 31 December 2009 At 1 January 2009

425 212

111 107

536 319

The net book value of assets held under finance leases included above is £0.048 million (2008:£0.072 million) and the depreciation charge on these assets for the year was £0.024 million (2008:£0.025 million) During the prior year the Foundation offered a freehold property for sale. This property was therefore reclassified within current assets as held for sale at the prior year end. The property was sold during 2009.

1 – 1 1


Notes to the Accounts

9. Investments i) Market value 2009 2008 £’000 £’000 Public equity investments 379,245 Fixed income investments 34,507 Alternative investments 290,979 Investment cash 112,586 Other investment balances (2,208) Derivative financial instruments 544

350,266 31,507 264,646 109,665 (500) (14,769)

Total market value of investments



Investment cash includes all cash balances managed as part of the investment portfolio. Other investment balances includes accrued income, amounts payable on investment purchases, amounts receivable on investment sales and accrued investment costs. Derivatives include all derivative assets and liabilities. During 2009 property investments were reclassified as either equity or alternative investments depending on the nature of the underlying investments. As a result, opening balances in note 9 have been reclassified. Alternative investments comprise hedge funds, venture capital and private equity, direct property funds, commodity investments and a £10.0 million (2008: £10.0 million) investment in a subsidiary company which is carried at cost. This subsidiary invests in venture capital type investments and is managed as part of the Foundation’s investment porfolio. The Foundation has entered into commitments to invest in private equity and venture capital funds. At the balance sheet date outstanding commitments totalled: £66.7 million (2008: £82.1 million). The Foundation models its cashflows based upon the original commitment. ii) Purchases, sales, gains and losses Market Market Value Sale Investment value 2008 Purchases proceeds gain 2009 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Market value Public equity investments 350,266 192,759 (226,331) 62,551 379,245 Fixed income investments 31,507 22,811 (23,126) 3,315 34,507 Alternative investments 264,646 31,906 (13,447) 7,874 290,979 Total market value of investments


247,476 (262,904)



iii) Reconciliation to book cost Book Cost Sale Investment Book Cost 2008 Purchases proceeds gain/(loss) 2009 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Book cost and realised gains Public equity investments 374,143 192,759 (226,331) (5,480) 335,091 Fixed income investments 69,958 22,811 (23,126) 4,036 73,679 Alternative investments 242,681 31,906 (13,447) 1,987 263,127 Total book cost


Market value adjustment Unrealised gains/(losses)


Total market value of investments


247,476 (262,904)





247,476 (262,904)



Notes to the Accounts


iv) Derivative financial instruments 2009 £’000 Derivative financial instrument asset positions Derivative financial instrument liability positions

2008 £’000

544 –

1,865 (16,864)



v) Realised and unrealised gains/(losses) on investments Realised Unrealised 2009 gain/(loss) gain/(loss) £’000

2008 £’000

Public equity investments (5,480) 68,031 62,551 Fixed income investments 4,036 (721) 3,315 Alternative investments 1,987 5,887 7,874

(86,745) (31,777) (27,309)

Derivative financial instrument total net positions

543 73,197 73,740 (145,831) Derivative financial instruments





Total gains/(losses) on investments



86,116 (216,941)

Gains/(losses) in the prior year



– (216,941)

vi) UK and overseas holdings 2009 2008 £’000 £’000 Public equity investments UK listed 177,356 Overseas 201,889

105,350 244,916



Fixed income investments Overseas 34,507




Alternative investments UK 60,481 Overseas 230,498

50,455 214,191



Total market value of investments



2009 £’000

2008 £’000

Opening balance for year 1,334


Drawn down in year 4,460 Repaid in year (173) Gains/(losses) (167)

90 (96) 98

10. Programme related investments (Finance Fund)

Total programme related investments at year end


At 31 December 2009 £1.1 million (2008: nil) had been committed under the Finance Fund but remained undrawn and a further £3.1 million (2008: £7.1 million) was approved subject to agreement of terms, making a total promised of £4.2 million (2008: £7.1 million) at year end.



Notes to the Accounts

11. Debtors

2009 £’000

2008 £’000

Prepayments and other debtors Loan receivable from subsidiary undertaking

46 39 823 557

Total debtors

869 596

The loan receivable from the subsidiary undertaking is repayable on or before 28 February 2019. Interest is payable annually on the amount drawn at Bank of England base rate plus 1.75%. The loan faciltiy is for an amount up to £2.0 million.

12. Creditors: amounts falling due within one year

2009 £’000

2008 £’000

Grant commitments Accruals Trade and other creditors Commitments due under finance leases

21,020 327 144 21

21,224 181 324 23

Total creditors falling due within one year

21,512 21,752

13. Creditors: amounts falling due after one year

2009 £’000

2008 £’000

Grant commitments Commitments due under finance leases

7,014 26

5,682 47

Total creditors falling due after one year

7,040 5,729

14. Provisions

2009 £’000

2008 £’000

As at 1 January Charge for the year

70 –

– 70

As at 31 December



The provision relates to a potential dilapidations liability due under the lease of the premises occupied by the Foundation.

Notes to the Accounts


15. Reserves

2009 £’000

2008 £’000

As at 1 January



Net (outgoing)/incoming resourses Gain on asset held for resale Gains/(losses) on investment assets

(16,227) 3,991 985 – 86,116 (216,941)

Net movement in funds in year As at 31 December

70,874 (212,950) 795,678


16. Operating Leases At 31 December the Foundation has lease agreements in respect of property for which payments extend over a number of years. Annual commitments under non-cancellable operating leases expiring:

2009 £’000

2008 £’000

After five years



Total annual operating lease commitments



17. Related Party Transactions There were no related party transactions during the year other than those with subsidiary undertakings disclosed in note 2 and note 11.

18. Cash Flow Reconciliation of statement of financial activities to operating cash flows

2009 £’000

2008 £’000

Incoming resources Decrease in accrued income

11,729 943

32,006 3,348

Incoming resources



Grants awarded Increase/(decrease) in grant commitments

(23,531) 1,128

(21,484) (2,820)

Grants paid



Other resources expended (Decrease)/increase in trade and other creditors Increase in accrued expenses and prepayments Increase in provision Increase/(decrease) in provision for bad debts Depreciation charge for the year

(2,717) (180) 139 – 167 99

(4,733) 186 152 70 (97) 118

Other operating costs





Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities

Our history


In 1961 Ian Fairbairn, a leading City figure, decided to endow a charitable foundation with the bulk of his holdings in the company he had joined some 30 years before, M&G. M&G was a pioneer of the unit trust industry in the UK. It grew out of Ian Fairbairn’s determination that investments in equities, previously the preserve of the affluent, should be available to all – giving everyone the potential to own a stake in the nation’s economy. His purpose in establishing the Foundation was two-fold. In the interests of wider prosperity, he aimed to promote a greater understanding of economic and financial issues through education. He also wanted to establish a memorial to his wife, Esmée, who had played a prominent role in developing the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service and the Citizens Advice Bureaux. She was killed in an air raid during the Second World War. Esmée Fairbairn’s sons, Paul and Oliver Stobart, also contributed generously to the Foundation established in their mother’s memory. In 1999 the Foundation sold its holding in M&G as part of the company’s takeover by the Prudential Corporation plc. As a result, the Foundation’s endowment grew significantly in value as did the size and scope of the grants it was able to make. Today, the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation is one of the largest independent grant-making organisations in the UK.

As At 25 mARch 2010

tRustees, committees, stAff And AdviseRs




Tom Chandos Chairman Felicity Fairbairn Beatrice Hollond James Hughes-Hallett Thomas Hughes-Hallett Kate Lampard Baroness Linklater William Sieghart

Audit committee Kate Lampard Chairman Felicity Fairbairn Thomas Hughes-Hallett Tom Chandos Observer

legal and financial KPMG LLP Auditors 1 Forest Gate Brighton Road Crawley West Sussex RH11 9PT

staff Dawn Austwick Chief Executive Grant-making Nicola Pollock Director of Grant-making Derek Bardowell Grants Manager Jenny Dadd Grants Manager Annabel Durling Grants Officer Alison Holdom Grants Manager John Mulligan Grants Manager Jo Rideal Grants Manager Danyal Sattar Finance Fund Manager Laurence Scott Grants Manager Sharon Shea Grants Manager finance Claire Brown Finance and Investment Director Clare Kinnersley Finance Manager Bharat Naygandhi Finance Assistant Iana Petkova Investment Officer Resources James Wragg Director of Resources Gina Crane PA to the Chief Executive Lauren Glass Administrator Marette Kroonenberg Administrator – Grant-making Laura Lines Administrator – Communications and Resources Matt Mayer ICT and Facilities Officer Tereasa Robinson Administrator – Reception Swee Tsang Administrator – Grant-making

finance and Administration committee Tom Chandos Chairman James Hughes-Hallett William Sieghart investment committee James Hughes-Hallett Chairman Tom Chandos Beatrice Hollond nominations committee Tom Chandos Chairman James Hughes-Hallett Kate Lampard William Sieghart strand panel Advisers Alex Beard (Finance Fund) Frances Carey (Museum & Heritage Collections) Adrian Darby (Biodiversity) Sheila Dainton (New Approaches to Learning) Professor Stephen Hawkins (Biodiversity) Hilary Hodgson (Consultant – New Approaches to Learning) Prue Leith (Food) Professor David MacDonald (Biodiversity) Margaret Palmer (Biodiversity) Professor Andrew Pollard (New Approaches to Learning) Hugh Raven (Food)

Berwin Leighton Paisner Solicitors Adelaide House London Bridge London EC4R 9HA Royal Bank of Scotland plc Bankers London Victoria (A) Branch 119/121 Victoria Street London SW1E 6RA Cambridge Street Associates Ltd Investment Adviser Cardinal Place 80 Victoria Street London SW1E 5JL JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Custodian 125 London Wall London EC2Y 5AJ

EsmĂŠe Fairbairn Foundation Kings Place 90 York Way London N1 9AG T 020 7812 3700 F 020 7812 3701 E Registered charity 200051

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Photo credits: Anjali Dance Company: Chris Nash; Buglife: Dave Eagle; Butterfly Conservation: Jim Asher; Centre of the Cell: Nick Wood for Land Studio Design; Changing Faces: Jim Hodson; Compassion in World Farming: Martin Usborne; Every Disabled Child Matters: Luke Tchalenko; Hackney Music Development Trust: Clive Barda ; Home-Start: Stuart Wood; Impetus Trust: Leap Confronting Conflict; Orchardville Society: AJHphotography; Public Catalogue Foundation; Scottish Ballet: Andrew Ross; Scottish Environment LINK: George Brown; Streetwise Opera: Graham Flack; The Channel 4 BritDoc Foundation: Ben Keller; The Medical Foundation; The Memorial Arts Charity: Michael Rust; The Poetry Slam: Mark Simmons; Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums; University of Wolverhampton: Deborah McGregor; Unltd – The Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs: Cool2Care; Venturesome: Jack Harrison, Street League; Woodland Trust: WTPL/Niall Benvie; WORLDwrite.

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