2 minute read
Appendix 3. Questionnaire
1. Are you answering as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?
2. What type of organisation do you work for? • Environmental NGO • Agriculture industry • Government agency or public body • Local government • Community Group • Academia • Recreation NGO • Water company • CaBA partnership • Other
3. What type of role do you have? • Director/CEO • Senior staff member • Staff member • Volunteer • Other
4. Where in the UK is your work focused? • All • England • Northern Ireland • Scotland • Wales • Other
5. Which word best describes the state of freshwaters where your work is focused? • Excellent • Good • Moderate • Poor
6. How likely do you feel that is to change in the next 5 years?
7. How big a problem do you consider the following freshwater issues?
8. Are there any issues that you feel we have missed from the list in the previous question (Qu.6)?
9. Which freshwater issues have been challenging to gain progress on?
10. Are there any other issues that are difficult to gain progress on?
11. How likely do you think the following actions are to make significant improvements to freshwaters?
12. Are there other actions that you would like to see taken in the next 5 years?
13. What are the freshwater priorities for your organisation in the next 5 years? Please select as many as are applicable • More efficient monitoring of freshwaters • Encouraging reduction in use or safe disposal of pollutants • Local freshwater habitat restoration projects • Nature based solutions • Nutrient offsetting/credits • Encouraging land management practices that reduce pressures on freshwaters • Integrating actions at catchment/landscape scale • Testing interventions at catchment scale • Sharing best practice, success and failures • Influencing policies that sustain freshwaters • Increasing public understanding of freshwaters • Widening access to freshwaters for all • Promotion of nature and freshwaters for health and wellbeing • Encouraging individual/household reduction in water consumption • Encouraging business/industry reduction in water consumption • Working with new or 'unconventional' partners • Other
14. To support knowledge sharing across the sector, we would like to share examples of innovation and best practice. Please use the space below to tell us about freshwater success stories with a particular focus on what worked (your own or those of others). Please include a website link if there is one.