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6.4. Opportunities

Figure 8 Questionnaire results of the relative value of different interventions

“We need science to inform democratic processes. ”

Dr Catherine Duigan, Natural Resources Wales, on secondment to JNCC

6.4. Opportunities

“There are massive opportunities. Everywhere I look I see them, therefore I think what we need to do is start to say this is what it all looks like, who wants to play and who can make this happen, around a real vision.” James Robinson, Director of Conservation, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust

Opportunities were identified through the interviews only. Interviewees were asked what they thought were key opportunities for solutions or interventions to address freshwater problems. The responses were often in depth, given with a sense of excitement and with many opportunities identified. Indeed, one interviewee said there was a general sense in the last couple of years that, while nature and biodiversity had been for a long time a secondary issue, they are rising up the agenda, not as high as climate change but rising. Interest and awareness seem to have reached a broad array of actors: public, political and business. Below are summarised the main areas of opportunity identified by the interviewees:

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