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Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
You may use these standard paragraphs about the Foundation in the Notes to Editors: Esmée Fairbairn Foundation aims to improve our natural world, secure a fairer future and strengthen the bonds in communities in the UK. We unlock change by contributing everything we can alongside people and organisations with brilliant ideas who share our goals. The Foundation is one of the largest independent grant-makers in the UK. We also provide social and impact investments for organisations with the aim of creating social and environmental impact.

William Johnson


Paulina Jakubec

Nic Millington


Murray Simon

The Boaz Trust

Haddad Akrem

Fiona Thackeray

Peeyush Adkane

Almaz Turdubaev


Monica Diaz

Ambassador VanessaAnn


Katie Hudson


alta mi

Alison Toker

Ashep Ramdhan

anthony evans


Arif Osman Görüşük

bambang anggit

Konstantin Lichtenwald

gugum ghulam