ESN Annual Report 2023/2024

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Copyright © 2024 by the Erasmus Student Network AISBL.

All rights reserved.

Erasmus Student Network: Annual Report 2023/2024

Coordinator: Lina Mohorić, Communication Manager ESN AISBL 2023-2024

Published by: Erasmus Student Network AISBL

Design: Lina Mohorić, Marina Vidal Rico, Katarzyna Pasierbiewicz, Jan Hrubý

Editing: Lina Mohorić, Marina Vidal Rico

Contributors: Lina Mohorić, Wim Gabriels, Rita Dias, Ayberk Yavuz, Neli Kalinova, Sara Tagliabracci

Cover photography: Erasmus Student Network AISBL

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

This is the moment for the Erasmus Generation to go out, occupy the street, take place in public debate, defend, promote, speak for Europe.

You are our best ambassadors and you are our best hope.

opening of the Erasmus Generation Meeting Seville 2024

External Relations


Rita Dias

President of the Erasmus Student Network

A year full of achievements and a year only possible with and due to the outstanding purpose of our network and the efforts of our volunteers. A year of continuing to give back what Erasmus, Europe, and the world have given us: an opportunity to shape and expand access to mobility, striving for more and better opportunities for all.

The academic year 2023/2024 has been remarkable for the Erasmus Student Network. In the year that we celebrate 35 years of achievements, our network has truly united in diversity to overcome obstacles and ensure that learning mobility remains a reality for all and that international students are integral to making society unique.

As highlighted by the XV ESNsurvey, students still face significant challenges abroad, primarily economic difficulties, accommodation issues, and recognition of learning mobility outcomes. ESN has remained committed to removing barriers to international mobility, supporting the programme and its priorities, and continuously bringing innovation and new proposals for improving higher education, mobility, and student engagement.

From this perspective, we launched two new projects: DIEM, which is dedicated to inclusion and diversity, and DETAS, which is focused on the promotion of traineeships and digitalisation. We continue to reinforce our policy efforts and contribute to the mid-term evaluation of the Erasmus+ Programme, supporting the enhancement of new opportunities, such as the European Degree and the European University Alliances. With our sights set on the future, ESN will continue to advocate for the future of the programme under the “Future is Erasmus” initiative.

ESN’s commitment to actively contributing to the 4th priority of the programme led to enhanced efforts in our involvement with the European Elections, promoting voter engagement through projects like Erasmus Generation in Action (EGiA). EGiA also anchored the third edition of our flagship event, the Erasmus Generation Meeting in Seville, which this year focused on removing barriers to active and equal participation.

Despite global challenges, our dedication to ensuring a broader reach of the voice of the Erasmus Generation remains steady. This year, we welcomed ESN Jordan, demonstrating that mobility is a global opportunity and not limited to a few.

A year full of achievements and a year only possible with and due to the outstanding purpose of our network and the efforts of our volunteers. A year of continuing to give back what Erasmus, Europe, and the world have given us: an opportunity to shape and expand access to mobility, striving for more and better opportunities for all.


ESN Jordan - First Country in the Middle East

Our Autumn General Assembly Meeting in Ankara was marked by one of the most historical milestones in ESN’s history. ESN Jordan was approved as the 45th national organisation of our network, making its local section, ESN Irbid, the first ESN section in the Middle East! This significant achievement brings ESN one step closer to supporting international education globally and highlights the importance of intercultural exchange in students’ mobility.

The vivid culture of the Middle East is becoming a famous motive for mobilities in the area, and the institutions of Jordan have seen a significant increase in their incoming exchange students during the last few years. The volunteers of ESN Jordan are committed to introducing their traditions and lifestyle to the incoming students and assisting them in adjusting to an educational system that may differ from the one they are used to. At the same time with the creation of an international community inside the country, ESN aims to bring the local society in contact with different cultures embracing the intercultural spirit.

With the participation of Jordanian volunteers in ESN activities our network becomes richer. ESN Jordan brings new perspectives representing the voices of Middle Eastern students and youth leaders. The collaboration of our volunteers is strengthened by the cultural diversity leading to an environment of respect and mutual understanding, while the integration of students from different cultural backgrounds highlights the global nature of volunteering and has a positive impact on peace-building.

The addition of ESN Jordan to our network opens the door for further growth in the Middle East and shows the dedication of ESN to promoting international education. By offering support to international students in the area, ESN can contribute to further raising the mobility numbers for incoming and outgoing students. This represents one more step for ESN in promoting intercultural exchange and offering international academic and volunteering experiences for students at a global level.

Record-breaking Erasmus Generation Meeting

The third edition of the Erasmus Generation Meeting (EGM) took place in Seville, Spain, from April 4th to 7th. More than 1,600 participants attended the event, including mobility alumni, representatives from partner organisations, EU institutions, National Agencies, universities, and associations. The event was organised by ESN Spain, with the support of the Spanish Erasmus+ National Agency and was part of ESN’s flagship project, “Erasmus Generation in Action”, co-funded by the European Parliament.

EGM Seville 2024 featured nearly 200 sessions conducted by both ESN members and external speakers from partner organisations, institutions and universities. The opening ceremony of the conference included speeches by distinguished guests such as the Vice-President of the European Commission, the Spokesperson and Director-General for Communication of the European Parliament, the Spanish Minister of Youth and Children, the Spanish Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Universities, the directors of the Spanish and Italian Erasmus+ National Agencies and the rectors of the University of Seville and Pablo de Olavide University Seville. In

a video message, the President of the European Commission emphasised the importance of the Erasmus+ programme and acknowledged ESN’s contribution.

The sessions covered a wide range of topics under the theme “Removing barriers for active and equal participation”, including inclusive international opportunities for all students and young people, youth participation and employment, the fight against discrimination, inequality and many others. The EGM Expo provided opportunities for participants to explore academic and mobility options across Europe and engage with companies regarding employability prospects.

This EGM was the biggest and most complex event in the history of ESN until now and holds the crown of the biggest student-led conference in Europe in the field of education and international mobility. The whole event was organised by 70 dedicated volunteers in less than a year, showcasing their great commitment, hard work and dedication. The conference embodied the true spirit of Erasmus, fostering interculturality, passion and unity in diversity.

Erasmus Destination of the Year 2024

About the Initiative

The Erasmus Destination of the Year spotlights the efforts of student associations in supporting student mobility at the city level. The initiative was started by ESN and the European Commission in 2022 and it is a testament to young people, as members of the Erasmus Generation, playing a key role in impactful actions towards more and better mobility in their local and global communities.

Next to the vote of 1,600 participants of EGM Seville 2024, the external jury made up of representatives from the European Commission, EAIE, Academic Cooperation Association, European Youth Forum, and Young European Federalists decided on the 2024 winner. Important factors such as collaboration with key stakeholders, Higher Education Institution(s), the municipality, and other local partners ensuring a quality mobility experience for students were taken into account.

The Spotlight Shines on Porto

Following the footsteps of Thessaloniki and Ghent, the spotlight now shines on Porto, together with the runner-ups Nicosia and Sofia, Istanbul, and Sevilla. The city’s vibrant culture, warm hospitality, and unwavering dedication to the Erasmus spirit have elevated it as the best destination for students this year. This prestigious title celebrates ESN Porto’s exceptional commitment to nurturing a home away from home for all international students and their collaborations with local institutions toward better and more inclusive mobility.

As a city welcoming more than 4,000 international students every year, Porto breathes the Erasmus spirit. However, at the centre of this spirit is ESN Porto and its volunteers’ invaluable support of the Erasmus+ programme and mobility in general.

Improving the Implementation of Erasmus+

Mid-term Evaluation of the Erasmus+ Programme

In July, we launched our contribution to the European Parliament in preparation for the implementation report of the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme, as well as to contribute to the broader mid-term review process of the programme. The report was also presented at a stakeholder meeting organised by Milan Zver, the Erasmus+ Rapporteur. In the culmination of our efforts for the mid-term review of the Erasmus+ programme, ESN contributed to the last call for evidence published by the European Commission, where we submitted “The Student Perspective on the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 Mid-term Evaluation”. While the inclusion priority has seen successful implementation, with students benefiting from new inclusion measures and expressing increased satisfaction with higher education institutions, challenges persist in other priority areas. Administrative procedures lack streamlining and digitalisation, and student engagement in local community activities during exchanges remains a concern compared to 2021.

Navigating the Future of the European University Alliances

Driven by one of the key initiatives in mobility and higher education today, ESN published a policy brief on the European University Alliances. Since the beginning of the initiative, ESN has acknowledged and supported the potential of the European University Alliances. The document highlights the initiative’s importance in promoting seamless mobility by removing barriers such as grant portability and the mutual recognition of learning achievements. Furthermore, it emphasises the necessity for improved communication and outreach strategies to increase students’ awareness of the existence of alliances. Student engagement is another focal point, underscoring the significance of creating well-rounded student governance structures. Additionally, the document addresses the sustainability of the European Universities Initiative, advocating for a 7-year funding pathway, providing clarity on the role of the ECHE in monitoring alliances, and emphasising the significance of seamless mobility, inclusivity, and openness.

Support to the UK & Switzerland in Rejoining Erasmus+

Supporting opportunities for young people to go abroad is a continuous priority for the Erasmus Student Network. With this in mind, we have been, throughout the years, supporting potential attempts by the UK and Switzerland to rejoin the Erasmus+ programme to provide more opportunities for international mobility to international students.

Besides the well-known higher education exchanges, Erasmus would bring many opportunities for all actors involved in education and training, from school education to adult learning. Among other benefits, cooperation projects can help to make education more international across sectors and create lasting change in organisations and local communities, while youth projects such as youth exchanges can foster civic engagement and intercultural dialogue among young people.

Ensuring Automatic Mutual Recognition of Learning

As one of the key conditions for seamless learning mobility, automatic mutual recognition of learning outcomes from a period of study abroad is closely monitored by ESN through our research and direct contact with students. ESN published a policy brief titled “How to Ensure Automatic Mutual Recognition of Learning Periods Abroad for All Students?”, addressing the persisting challenges in recognition of credits after mobility. Furthermore, ESN shaped a number of recommendations targeting support provided by universities before mobility, such as support in the preparation of the learning agreement, information availability about course offerings and prioritising recognition based on learning outcomes rather than course matches. These ideas were further developed by ESN in our contribution to the Call for Evidence for the European Degree, with a view to quality assurance and recognition systems. The contribution touches upon the role of the European University Alliances in advancing automatic mutual recognition.

ESNsurvey & Student Data

Launch of the XV ESNsurvey Preliminary Report

In its 15th edition, the XV ESNsurvey collected 17,855 answers from exchange students, 1,856 answers from full-degree students and 3,064 from non-mobile students, adding up to a total of 22,775 participants. The survey seeks to monitor the implementation of mobility programmes and the experience of international learners abroad, as well as the perceptions of students who have not participated in international student mobility yet.

The preliminary report indicates a positive impact from the implementation of the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 priorities, especially regarding the inclusion and diversity priority. However, although students report positive experiences with the priorities, the actions that complement the priorities do not align with the student’s perceptions in the remaining report.

Findings related to exchange students highlight the need for accessibility of information, with the majority reporting a need for information about available financial support.

The challenges faced by students often revolve around insufficient money to cover the cost of living, difficulty finding affordable housing, and course-matching problems during their exchange period.

Grants, while being distributed to more students before departure, the student purchasing power is affected by the fundamental issues of insufficient funding and the high cost of housing during mobility.

On the knowledge of non-mobile students on Erasmus+ initiatives among students, it is evident that Erasmus+ for studies stands out. However, initiatives like the Blended Intensive Programme tend to be less familiar among higher education students, indicating a need for increased awareness about these opportunities.

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“In such an important year for the European Union and for democracy, understanding the perspectives of students on one of the most crucial EU initiatives is essential. This is precisely what the ESNsurvey presents to the audience: the perspective of the beneficiaries of the Erasmus+ Programme and the voice of students regarding their mobility journey.”


Participation in Learning Mobility as a Driving Force to Change the European Union

This breakout report from the XV ESNsurvey aims to determine whether participation in international mobility, particularly through the Erasmus+ programme, is a decisive factor in making students more engaged in society and more likely to participate in the upcoming EU elections. Additionally, this report gathers information about their perspectives on the priorities for the next mandate of the European Institutions and compares these findings with other relevant sources, such as the Eurobarometer.

The conclusions drawn from this report indicate that participation in international mobility programmes, such as Erasmus+, enhances the sense of European Union citizenship, as well as the broader perception of citizenship at the city, European, and global levels. Even one year before the elections, a vast majority of mobility participants eligible to vote in the EU elections expressed interest in exercising their voting rights. This is a positive indication of young people’s engagement in the upcoming elections.

Regarding the priorities for parliamentary candidates and the next Commission, the participants highlighted the importance of exchange opportunities, digital transformation, the role of Europe in the world, and freedom of movement.

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Student Housing Survey

During the month of May, under the HOME2 project, ESN launched a new Student Housing Survey to understand the perspectives of international students regarding one of the biggest barriers to student mobility housing.

The survey is open to both higher education students who have participated in an exchange programme or had a mobility experience and those who have not yet done so. From the students who participated in mobility, we want to learn about their experiences, encountered challenges, and what they have learned abroad. We also want to hear from those who have not yet studied abroad about their potential plans and encountered barriers.

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Inclusive & Accessible Student Mobility

Erasmus+ Overshoot Day Campaign

Launched by ESN and the Erasmus For All project consortium members and inspired by the pressing need to shed light on the financial realities of Erasmus+ participants, the initiative aimed to underscore the shortfall in funding mechanisms. Despite the programme’s noble intentions of fostering intercultural exchange during Higher Education pursuits, it falls short of adequately covering living expenses, thereby limiting accessibility. As Erasmus+ Overshoot Day, echoing the concept of Earth Overshoot Day, of an average student starting their mobility on the 1st of February 2024 arrives on the 23rd of April 2024, it serves as a call to action, urging policymakers and stakeholders to address the financial hurdles hindering the realisation of inclusive, transformative educational experiences for all.

Making Erasmus+ Mobilities More Inclusive and Diverse

Building on the efforts of the SIEM project, ESN just started a new project on the thematics of diversity and inclusionDiversity and Inclusion in Erasmus+ Implementation. DIEM has a special focus on widening participation in student mobility and setting the groundwork for a reinforced inclusion strategy in its successor programme.

Overall, the project seeks to have a qualitative and quantitative impact on making Erasmus+ more inclusive, identifying barriers that make access to mobility more challenging, with a key emphasis on proposing solutions that help to remove those barriers, ultimately leading to a better experience for more students.

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Blueprint for a European Degree

Participation in the Pilot Projects

The Erasmus Student Network has been involved in three of the six pilot projects that explored the avenues for a European Degree: FOCI (Future-proof Criteria for Innovative European Education), ED-AFFICHE (European Degree: Advancing, Facilitation, and Fostering International Collaboration in Higher Education), and EDLab (European Degree Label Institutional Laboratory). ESN contributed by bringing the student perspective on the development of the European Degree.

Furthermore, ESN has been actively involved in different spaces such as consultations, meetings, and conferences and has actively contributed to the Call for Evidence on the Commission’s Proposal for Recommendation on the European Quality Assurance and Recognition System.

Reaction of ESN to the European Degree Label

On the 27th of March 2024, the European Commission presented the Blueprint for the European Degree. The Erasmus Student Network welcomed the proposal for the European degree label and the two ambitious proposals for Council Recommendation by publishing a reaction. ESN believes that the label is the first step toward a revolutionary setting in the higher education landscape and that it could be a catalyst for seamless learning mobility. Furthermore, ESN sees the European Degree as an opportunity to promote the quality of teaching and enhance student participation in decision-making structures. At the same time, we point to existing challenges with the recognition of learning periods abroad that could hinder the implementation of the initiative unless there is a strong commitment from the Member States.

Mobilising Young People

Erasmus Generation in Action (EGiA)

ESN successfully spearheaded the Erasmus Generation in Action project, supported by the European Parliament, to engage young Europeans in active citizenship from January 2023 to June 2024. The project aimed to promote youth involvement in EU opportunities and democratic processes, fostering voter turnout for the European elections. Key activities included conducting needs assessments, analysing mobility barriers, hosting capacity-building events, and creating resources such as the Voting from Abroad Tool and guidebooks on mobility and volunteering promotion.

European Youth Week 2024 Mobilising Europe, Engaging Together

During the MEET conference, ESN engaged 24 countries through dynamic discussions and interactive sessions, covering topics like societal participation and the future of Erasmus+. Policymakers joined in, sharing insights and networking with attendees, empowering them to participate fully and foster civic engagement. As a result, our conference achieved increased awareness, enhanced connections, and empowered participation, igniting a strong desire among attendees to promote voter turnout for the EP elections.

ESN participated in the most recent edition of the European Youth Week, which took place between the 12th and 19th of April in Brussels and was organised by the European Commission.

We had the opportunity to engage in various parts of the event, including organising three breakout sessions, participating in the marketplace, and engaging in the policy dialogue with the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Iliana Ivanova.

ESN Supporting Global Mobility

2nd Mediterranean Student Summit Our Efforts in Latin America The Future of HE in the Mediterranean

The second Mediterranean Student Summit took place in Tangier from the 20th to 22nd of September, 2023, hosted by Abdelmalek Essaadi University and organised by UNIMED and ESN. Following a pilot summit in Barcelona, 31 students were selected to participate, representing 12 UNIMED countries and observers from Ghana and Togo. The summit aimed to foster intercultural dialogue and student engagement among Higher Education students from the Mediterranean region. Specific outcomes targeted included generating ideas for key themes to discuss with stakeholders, raising awareness of opportunities like International Credit Mobilities, building insights for long-term initiatives, and promoting sustained student participation in students’ networks. The summit’s findings are intended to contribute to the UfM Ministerial Conference on Higher Education, offering a student perspective on the region’s higher education challenges and recommendations for the future.

As a result of the Mediterranean Student Summit, this document was produced by UNIMED and ESN, highlighting the challenges and opportunities of the Mediterranean Erasmus Generation. The challenges faced by students in the Mediterranean region are diverse, as the region itself is characterised by a multitude of perspectives, backgrounds, and realities stemming from various countries. These challenges are supported by key themes, including the internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions, governance, inclusion (with a focus on gender dimensions), digital education, and greening/sustainable development. During the Mediterranean Student Summit, students delved deeply into an analysis of these challenges. This paper serves as a reflection on the conclusions drawn by the MSS students, offering recommendations for political change and setting the tone for bottom-up changes in the region.

With growing interest in global internationalisation and mobility, ESN advocates for inclusive, student-centred approaches that foster cross-border collaboration and global citizenship. In the 2018/2019 academic year, ESN supported over 9,000 students from Latin America and the Caribbean, with Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina leading in outgoing mobilities. ESN collaborates with key stakeholders to promote student mobility and broader internationalisation, including internationalisation at home and student association participation. This advocacy includes participation in events such as the V Cumbre Academica FAP ALC-UE in Alcalá de Henares, the 33rd International Conference on Student Loans and Study Abroad in Guanajuato, the Multi-Actor Dialogue Forum organised by the EU-LAC Foundation, and the XVIII Encuentro Iberoamericano de Educación in Alcalá de Henares.

Digitalisation & Skills in Learning Mobility

Erasmus+ Traineeships

The work on Digital Erasmus Traineeship Application Support (DETAS) has officially started! DETAS is a three-year EU co-funded project running from 2024 to 2026. The project aims to enhance the overall Erasmus+ trainee experience by understanding their needs and providing the necessary tools and resources. This is done by a series of different outputs, starting with the redevelopment of , a platform where internships and interns meet, but also includes policy recommendations research, and reports on traineeship wellbeing.

Virtual Exchanges between Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa

ESN proudly presents DigiUp, a three-year EU co-funded project launched in 2023. Led by Metropolitan College, DigiUp connects higher education students, academic staff, and youth from Europe and Sub-Saharan countries through virtual exchanges. The project aims to develop and apply digital and soft skills, enhancing career opportunities and employability. Consortium partners include Youth for Exchange and Understanding, as well as universities in Johannesburg, Venda, Kwazulu-Natal, Nairobi, and Dar Es Salaam.

Towards a Greener Mobility

Reaction to the New Travel Support Measures

At the end of 2024, the European Commission announced a new set of measures to support sustainable travel for Erasmus+ mobilities further. The Erasmus Student Network welcomes the decision of the European Commission to overhaul the support system for travel for all Erasmus+ participants for 2024. ESN considers this a significant step towards making the Erasmus+ programme more inclusive, more sustainable, and closer to achieving its priorities. ESN is confident that improved travel support, which will be possible for everyone, will lead to significant shifts in students’ travel patterns.

ESN, with its longstanding advocacy for increased sustainable travel, recognises the importance of altering students’ travel behaviour to reduce the environmental impact of the Erasmus+ programme.

Launch of the Interrail Global Pass for Erasmus+

Following the European Commission’s introduction of Green Travel Support within the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, ESN has partnered up with Eurail to develop a dedicated Interrail Global Pass tailored to Erasmus+ participants . Participants can use the Interrail Global Pass for Erasmus+ to reach their host country and university and return to their homes at the end of their programme. In addition, students and staff will have extra travel days to go one step further and explore Europe on the way to and from their programme destination. They may also choose to use their extra travel days to explore their host country or a neighbouring country during the programme.

As travelling by train is a green travel solution, participants can apply for Green Travel Support and offset the cost of the Pass, thus making the initiative greatly beneficial for cost-savvy participants.

Year in Review

31 August-15 September 2023

Community Meetings

This fall, 3 communities met in Copenhagen, and 3 met in Malaga, where they got to meet their peers and improve their skills. In total, over 170 participants attended the meetings.

12-15 October 2023

Social Impact & Youth Engagement

Over 30 participants gathered in Sarajevo to learn how to develop and organise local events to fight racism and discrimination.

21-24 September 2023

Local Changemakers Training

In Reggio Emilia, 26 young people took part in a Local Changemakers Training to work on international mobility promotion.

6-11 November 2023

Study Session

The “Take Initiative” study session gathered 30 participants to work on empowering youth participation.

7-10 December 2023

National Boards’ Training

Over 60 participants from the National Boards of ESN countries met in Estonia to exchange experiences and challenges and acquire new skills and knowledge.

12-26 October 2022

Regional Platforms

Yearly regional training events took place in Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Italy and Slovenia, gathering our volunteers across all three levels and helping them boost their skills.

16-19 November 2023

Autumn General Assembly

The General Assembly of ESN met in Ankara, Türkiye, to discuss and vote on important topics.

1-11 February 2024

Community Meetings

In the spring, 2 communities met in Lisbon, 2 in Ghent, and 2 in Chișinău.

12-14 January 2024

Grants Lab

30 volunteers met in Brussels to learn how to design quality and impactful grant applications.

15-17 March 2024

Local Changemakers Training

In Warsaw, 22 young people gathered to learn how to develop activities promoting volunteering opportunities.

24 February-2 March 2024

Eduk8 Starter

40 young people interested in learning more about non-formal education and promoting gender inclusivity through training met in the Czech Republic.

9-12 May 2024

Spring General Assembly

The main decision body of ESN gathered for the second time this year in Sofia to make important decisions, including electing the new International Board of the organisation.

4-7 April 2024

Erasmus Generation Meeting

More than 1600 students, youth leaders and stakeholders took part in over 170 sessions under the theme of “Removing Barriers for Active and Equal Participation”.

31 May-2 June 2024

International Erasmus Games

ESN’s biggest event focusing on health and well-being took place in Wroclaw, Poland, with over 100 young people taking part in 3 different sports disciplines.

13-18 May 2024

Study Session

The “We choose PEACE” Study Session gathered over 30 young people to work on creating inclusive and peaceful communities.

You are the Erasmus Generation, the generation of Europeans who have the possibility to understand cultures different from where you grew up. You are more equipped than many other citizens in the Union to understand the importance of democracy.

- Jaume Duch Guillot, Spokesperson and Director-General for Communication of the European Parliament, Erasmus Generation Meeting Seville 2024


know that for Europe to work, we must put the needs of young people centre stage because Erasmus Generation’s perspective must be considered every step of the way.

- Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, Erasmus Generation

Meeting Seville 2024

ESN in the Media


students missing out on local community engagement

The Pie News | July 28, 2023

Students joining the Erasmus+ exchange program are missing out on meaningful engagement with local communities, a report from an association representing students in Europe has warned.

Commission asks for feedback on the first half of Erasmus+ scieNce|BusiNess | sePTemBer 19, 2023

EU’s €26B education programme is to be evaluated next year. As ever, there are calls for less bureaucracy, while students want more involvement in decision-making.


and Erasmus Student Network to Renew Partnership for 7th Year

BreakiNG Travel News | NovemBer 11, 2023

Ryanair, Europe’s No.1 airline, and the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) announced that they will continue their partnership for a seventh year, further helping European students to travel at the lowest fares during their educational exchange.

Erasmus+ Interrail pass launched to encourage sustainable travel

railway GazeTTe iNTerNaTioNal | a Pril 4, 2024

A dedicated Interrail Global pass has been launched to encourage sustainable travel and exploration by participants in the Erasmus+ education scheme.

Porto named 2024 Erasmus destination

The Pie News | a Pril 23, 2024

The city of Porto in northern Portugal has been named as the Erasmus Destination of the Year by leading international student organisation, Erasmus Student Network.




301,460 2023/24

630,369 2023/24


237,975 2023/24

About Us

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the largest student association in Europe. It was born on 16th October 1989 and legally registered in 1990 to support and develop student exchange. We are present in 1,000 Higher Education Institutions across more than 40 countries.

The Network is constantly developing and expanding. 15,000 active members, who in many sections are supported by so-called ‘buddies’, act as mentors for international students. Thus, ESN involves over 29,000 young people offering its services to around 350,000 international students every year.

ESN works for the creation of a more mobile and flexible education environment by supporting and developing student exchange, as well as providing an intercultural experience also to those students who cannot access a period abroad (“internationalisation at home”).


Enrichment of society through international students’ mobility.


• ESN works in the interest of international students.

• ESN works to improve the social and practical integration of international students.

• ESN represents the needs and rights of international students on the local, national and international level.

• ESN provides relevant information about mobility programmes.

• ESN motivates students to study abroad.

• ESN works with the reintegration of homecoming students.

• ESN contributes to the improvement of different mobility programmes.

• ESN cares about its members.

• ESN values volunteering and active citizenship.

By 2025, ESN will be the global network of the Erasmus Generation, committed to improving international education and providing self-development opportunities to two million young people, fostering intercultural understanding and creating positive change in society.

Strategic Priorities


ESN will empower future, alumni, and current international students to be ambassadors of intercultural understanding and active citizenship, sharing the value of unity in diversity.

Exchange Programmes

ESN will work to increase the quantity and quality of study abroad programmes around the world.

Activities & Services

ESN’s activities and services at all levels will increase in quality, becoming more inclusive and achieving measurable impact in society.


ESN will provide its volunteers with valuable transversal skills acquired through self-development opportunities and empower them for active engagement in the organisation.

Visibility & Outreach

ESN will build a globally recognisable brand, enhancing visibility and fostering a positive image of international exchange by connecting with diverse stakeholders and supporting internationalisation.


ESN will work to create an interconnected and self-sustainable network with a strong membership and efficient structure.



We passionately commit ourselves to volunteering for the benefit of others.

Unity in diversitydiversity, in unity

We all have different backgrounds but share one common aim and goal.

Love for Europe as an area of peace and cultural exchange

We live and benefit from the cultural richness of Europe to the utmost.


We understand and accept others and learn from them.

International dimension of life

We are open-minded, mobile, like to discover and explore, to cooperate, to interact and to break Borders.

Fun in friendship and respect

We encourage relations based on respect.


We share a holistic view towards internationality.


To be able to achieve the aims of the organisation, as well as fulfil our mission and vision, and uphold our values, ESN is structured on three levels: local, national and international.

General Assembly

Statutory Bodies

International Board Arbitration Board Audit Commission

Secretariat Committees Project Teams Liaison Office

Non-statutory Bodies

Support Structures

ESN consists of 500+ local ESN sections working daily with international students. They organise activities, provide services and represent the interests of international, exchange and local students of one or several higher education institutions in their city.

Sections of a country meet during National Assemblies, where they have the chance to exchange best practices. The sections also elect their National Board, which is in charge of leading the National Organisation, conducting national projects and representing ESN towards national institutions and stakeholders.

The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the Erasmus Student Network, which votes on all Statutes and Standing Orders proposals, on all non-statutory proposals and the election of the Board, the Audit Commission and the Arbitration Board. The General Assembly meets twice per year.




The finances of Erasmus Student Network for the financial year 2023 ended up with a positive balance.

The 2023 budget was created in a post-global pandemic context that has brought many opportunities to the normal functioning of our organisation. International mobilities have increased just after the opening of borders, and their effects have become more evident in the finances of ESN International and our Network as a whole. We successfully managed to have a positive balance thanks to the increased amount of mobilities, annual activities and services as a result.

The ESNcard service income met its financial objectives for 2023 with extremely excellent performance; the orders of the year exceeded the expected amount.

On the other hand, the income from commercial partners was higher than projected. We have received notable contributions from new partners, and the already existing partners have fulfilled their financial duties.

Erasmus Student Network 5

7,596 Impactful local initiatives Local participants reached 88,944

40 volunteers certified in non-formal education training methodologies

350,607 International participants reached in 2023/2024

External Relations

ESN as a Member

European Youth Forum (YFJ)

The European Youth Forum (YFJ) is a platform of over 100 youth organisations in Europe, representing both National Youth Councils and International NonGovernmental Youth Organisations. ESN is active within the Forum to bring the voice of internationally-minded young people further. It includes participation in the European Youth Event and engagement in the EU Youth Dialogue.

European Movement International (EMI)

The European Movement International consists of 34 National Councils and 38 International Organisations that aim to contribute to the establishment of a united Europe founded on the principles of peace, democracy, liberty, solidarity, and respect for basic human rights. For ESN, EMI is a platform for networking and to provide opportunities for ESN members to get actively involved in supporting the European project.

Lifelong Learning Platform


The Lifelong Learning Platform brings together 42 European networks covering all sectors of education and training, including networks for higher education and training, vocational education, and adult education. It plays an important role in the advocacy for better education systems for all. ESN is active through platforms like the Erasmus+ Coalition, participation in the LLLP pool of experts, or by contributing to consultations and campaigns.

Generation Climate Europe (GCE)

Generation Climate Europe is the largest coalition of youth-led networks on climate and environmental issues at the European level. GCE unites the largest youth-led networks in Europe bringing together 381 national organisations across 46 countries in Europe. As one of its founding members, ESN is actively involved in the working groups on clean mobility and sustainable development.

International Association of Universities (IAU)

IAU is the leading global association of higher education institutions and organisations from around the world. It convenes and connects almost 600 members from more than 130 countries to identify, reflect, and act on common priorities. As an associate member of IAU, ESN acts as the global voice of higher education to a wide range of international and intergovernmental organisations, in particular UNESCO.

Global Student Forum (GSF)

Global Student Forum is the global umbrella organisation of the world’s major representative, independent and democratic student unions of school and university students. GSF represents and advocates for the educational, cultural, economic, and social interests of over 300 million learners worldwide. ESN has been actively involved in the working groups promoted by GSF, especially the ones connected with learning mobility, such as “Mobility and Recognition”.

Institutional Partners ACA

The Academic Cooperation Association is an umbrella organisation of national funding agencies for international education and research, which has among its members many of the leading Erasmus National Agencies. ESN has collaborated with ACA in several aspects to improve mobility throughout the ECEM project, where we are partners, and with participation in several TCAs and events, such as the Inclusion Academy and What’s New in Brussels.

Coimbra Group

The Coimbra Group is one of the leading university networks in Europe, bringing together some of the continent’s most internationalised and historical universities. It works for the benefit of its members by promoting internationalisation, academic collaboration, excellence in learning and research, and service to society through “creating special academic and cultural ties”. For the past years, ESN and the Coimbra Group have been enhancing their collaboration through a memorandum of understanding, creating more synergies in the fields of education and research.

The European Association for International Education (EAIE) is a European centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education, founded in 1989. ESN and EAIE aim to establish a framework to promote and foster cooperation, through mutual promotion, events, and exchange of expertise in favour of the student community involved in the activities and initiatives of the two organisations.


Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED) is an association of universities from 23 countries on both shores of the Mediterranean whose aim is to develop university research and education in the Euro-Mediterranean area in order to contribute to academic cooperation. ESN and UNIMED signed a memorandum of understanding to work on the creation of a Mediterranean Erasmus Generation and to increase the collaboration between universities and student organisations from Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle East.

ESN & Public Funding EGiA ECEM

Contact our Director at if you are interested in a partnership with ESN for any grant or tender application.

ESN has participated in projects funded by the Erasmus+ programme and some of its predecessor programmes for many years now. We benefit from two operating grants: one from the European Commission and one from the Council of Europe’s European Youth Foundation. We have had several annual Work Plans from the European Youth Foundation since 2016.

Furthermore, ESN has participated in several tenders covering topics such as the impact of student mobility and the digitalisation of the Erasmus+ programme.

The Erasmus Generation in Action (EGiA), supported by the European Parliament, aims to raise awareness about EU opportunities and foster active citizenship among European youth. ESN is thrilled to be leading this ambitious project, which includes impactful actions in 18 Member States and a total of 163 activities, 80 of which will be published The project will include a report on EU-supported opportunities, offer mobility promotion with two campaigns called “Mov’in Europe”, and include a platform that will summarise how students can vote while they are abroad.

Erasmus Careers

The Erasmus Careers project aims to recognise competencies gained during mobility, enhancing career prospects for Erasmus+ participants. This year, we published a manual for recruiters, research on employer valuation of mobility, and a competence framework that proposes a classification of the competences acquired during mobility experiences.

Other Projects

The Enriching Communities through Engaged Mobilities (ECEM) is an Erasmus+ project that strives to design measures to increase students’ participation in civic engagement initiatives during their exchange, by building connections with HEIs and Civil Society Organisations. Within the project’s framework, we published a Handbook for Service Learning in Erasmus+ and a report to understand the role of internationalisation in Higher Education in boosting civic engagement and connection with local communities during a mobility exchange.


The HOME project (2019-2022) enhanced transparency in European student housing. Building on its success, HOME2 launched in December 2023 to revolutionise student housing. Over 30 months, it will deliver updated quality labels, policy recommendations, and a user-friendly housing solution via the Erasmus+ App.

Commercial Partners

ESN is committed to enhancing the mobility experience for students and making it more accessible and affordable through strategic partnerships. One of the ways ESN aims to improve student mobility is by collaborating with commercial partners who provide unique advantages to international students through the membership card of the Erasmus Generation, the ESNcard.


Since September 2017, this partnership has offered international students affordable travel opportunities. ESNcard holders have greatly benefited from this, as evidenced by over 700,000 bookings to date.

The Economist

The Economist is an established partner that offers special deals for ESNcard holders. This partnership helps equip students with the best analyses and articles on the latest trends to inspire their study projects, as well as offering reliable sources of information.

Flixbus & Flixtrain

With more than 3000 destinations in 40 countries, Flixbus & Flixtrain offers an affordable, convenient, and eco-friendly way to discover Europe. The partnership helps make student mobility even more affordable with a special discount for ESNcard holders and a special back-toschool campaign with increased discounts.

Pernod Ricard

In 15 years of partnership with Pernod Ricard on the Responsible Party programme, we have managed to address several issues related to alcohol consumption and especially binge drinking amongst international students, with positive reactions from both students and European stakeholders.


Tomorrowland and ESN partner to offer the Erasmus Generation a unique experience with world-class artists. ESNcard holders get access to a dedicated ticket sale at pre-sale prices and a special gathering moment during the event.


Moving around, be it within the city or visiting new sights and countries, is a big part of every student’s mobility experience. We work on making sure students can travel in the most affordable and sustainable ways. We partner with bicycle, bus, flight and train companies, like Flixbus, Flixtrain and Ryanair. For quality travelling Tiqets provides special deals for museums, shows and a variety of cultural attractions all over the world.

Online Services

It is difficult to carry a lot of books when going on exchange. Our partnership with Perlego provides students with a discount on their subscription to Perlego’s online library which gives access to thousands of university books online. Discounts on Bulb’s digital resume & portfolio, as well as EnhanCV, help assist in writing the perfect CV and showcase skills and creativity. To help students with their international money transfer we are working with WISE.


When moving to a new country, finding a well-located, spacious and cheap home feels like a mission impossible to accomplish. We partner with accommodation providers like Spotahome and Milestone. Moreover, our partnership with Eurosender means that international students can get the most affordable offers with door-to-door shipping services to help them move all the items from one country to another.

Learning Opportunities

Our partnerships with Rosetta Stone, Drops, and iTalki provide students with a unique opportunity for cultural exchange through language learning. This makes it easier for students to learn the language of their host country even before they move.

Marketing Cooperation

Our marketing team has developed a diverse package of marketing activities to be offered to our partners. This includes visibility on our different platforms such as,, and ErasmusIntern. org. The package also includes social media marketing on our various channels on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X, and LinkedIn. These marketing activities are followed by email marketing through our monthly newsletters. The newsletter of the Erasmus Generation is sent out to around 150,000 international students and interns every month and includes blog articles, updates on the most impactful activities of ESN, and a dedicated space for advertisement.

Partners can choose to be advertised in:

• Newsletter posts

• Top spot highlights

• Dedicated newsletters

• International events

Our partners have the opportunity to be promoted in major events such as the Erasmus Generation Meeting (EGM), an annual conference which focuses on international students and youth and includes the EGM Expo - a career and education fair. Events such as EGM or the International Erasmus Games bring together over a thousand participants each year, most of whom are young people with an international background.

Partners are also presented with the opportunity to attend national conferences and events organised by our members, which gather up to 2000 international students each, where they can connect with national representatives in a certain country and discuss local and national collaborations and cross-promotion opportunities.

ESNcard Milestones

The ESNcard has developed over the last years into a vital resource for international students, promoting cross-cultural interactions around Europe and simplifying their mobility experiences. It is crucial to recognise the cooperative efforts of the Erasmus Student Network, our partners, and the innumerable volunteers who have contributed to this trip as we consider the development and impact of the ESNcard. Their commitment has made it possible for students looking to enhance their academic and cultural experiences abroad to continue using the ESNcard as a useful tool.

With 204,610 cards, we broke the all-time annual order records for the ESNcard, an accomplishment of all our 45 member countries and more than 500 local associations. We kicked off 2024 with the spirit of success perfectly aligning it with the 35th anniversary of our organisation and the 20th anniversary of the ESNcard. Together, we have made significant progress, and together, we will continue to build a more connected and supportive community for the Erasmus Generation, while enriching their adventures abroad.

Contact our Partnership Manager at if you are interested in a commercial collaboration with ESN International.


International Board 2023/2024

Vice President for Governance

Web Project Administrator

Rita Dias
Lina Mohorić
Ayberk Yavuz
Adél Smejkalová
President Communication Manager
Vice President for Development
Darwyn Bruelemans
Ioannis Pagoulatos

ESN Secretariat

Project Officer Financial Officer

Communication & Media

Events & Project Officer Policy Intern

Youth & Education Policy Assistant

Training & Development Assistant

Wim Gabriels
Gorka Guerrero
Sabri Ben Rommane
Annie Coleman
Trassa Ní Fhloinn
Adam Shardob Alexandre Devisscher Director Office Manager Partnership Manager
Paola Di Marzo
Communication Officer
Web Developer
Pablo Jiménez Benéitez Sara Tagliabracci
Céline Guérin
Web Developer
Marina Vidal Rico Communications Assistant Faye Morgan
Digital Marketing Intern
Lovro Morovic
Anja Miljković

Patrycja Skalska

Former Communication & Media Intern

Anastasiia Shevtsova

Former Communications Intern

Melike Semercioglu

Former Digital Marketing Intern

Former Communications Assistant

International Board 2024/2025

Sofiia Osadchuk President-elect

Kaja Kaczkiełło Vice President for Governance-elect

Rui Vinha Treasurer-elect

Lina Mohorić

Rita Dias Darwyn Bruelemans

Communication Manager-elect

Web Project Administrator-elect

Volunteers of ESN International

GA Chairing Team

Kaja Kaczkiełło (Poland)

Paulina Bednarek (Poland)

Matteo Carbone (Italy)

Liaison Officers

Neli Kalinova (Bulgaria)

Sara Tagliabracci (Italy)

Olivia Parczyk (Germany)

Yassin Khalil (UK)

Salome Keshelashvili (Georgia)

Adessa Zadia (Greece)

Iva Ljubičić (Croatia)

Zrinka Trusic (Croatia)

Martina Bo (Italy)

Giorgos Papaioannou (Greece)

Konstantina Kyriakou (Greece)

Dimitrije Prokopovic (Serbia)

Nathan Lusseau (France)

Audit Commission

Alessio Burlon (Italy)

Emina Balić (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Bora Fidan (The Netherlands)

Legal Team

Laura Stefanovič (Lithuania)

Claudia D’Andrea

Claudia Manová (Slovakia)

Luke Bonello Ghio (Malta)

Audit Team

Beatriz Branco (Portugal)

Andrea Zachariou (Cyprus)

Marie Soukupová (Czech Republic)

Arbitration Board

Clíodhna Ní Pheadair (Ireland)

Dražen Vidaković (Serbia)

Andy Mahfouz (Lithuania)

HR Manager

Daria Ionescu (Romania)

International Committees Chairing Teams

International Committee for Education

Gloria Quarantani (Italy)

Zoi Papakonstantinou (Greece)

Hazal Sude Satkın (Türkiye)

Network Committee

Andreia Raluca Ivan (Romania)

Sabela Rial Engroba (Spain)

Communication Committee

Sarah Expósito Ragaigne (France)

Nadine Schlehofer (Germany)

Diego Traver Larraz (Spain)

IT Committee

Mario Čosić (Croatia)

Evripidis Baltzis (Greece)

Piotr Mackowski (Poland)

International Teams

ESNsurvey 2023 Team

Siem Buseyne (ESN Belgium)

Luca Mistretta (ESN Italy)

Daria Zaikovskaia (ESN Finland)

Kevin Topi (ESN Albania)

Christie Dear (ESN UK)

Yazeed Haddad (ESN Sweden)

Ángel Pérez (ESN Spain)

ESN Eduk8 Team

Kristiana Stoyanova (The Netherlands)

Mădălina Băndărău (Romania)

Nef Maria Charalampous Perdiki (Greece)

Alessandro Grassini (Italy)

ESNcard Team

Luís Ribeiro Henriques (Germany)

Kerem Piskin (Turkiye)

Alina Zakharova (Estonia)

Katarzyna Głowińska (Poland)

Luka Rendulic (Croatia)

Mahdi Esmaeili Badri (Turkiye)

Milano Hussein (Belgium)

Sara Azevedo (Portugal)

International Erasmus Games Team

Carlos Robledo Martín (Spain)

João Leitão (Portugal)

Edgar Geraldes (Portugal)

Social Impact Team

Mihail Paskov (Bulgaria)

Ivalina Daneva (Bulgaria)

Anna Kowalczyk (Poland)

Simone Vassalluzzo (Italy)

IT Contributors

Matteo Carbone (Italy)

Ricardo Bento (Portugal)

Darwyn Bruelemans (Belgium)

Dimitris Kritsotakis (Greece)

Gonçalo Tavares (Portugal)

Akif Altun (Türkiye)

Afonso Castro Vaz Osorio (Portugal)

Luka Sulc (Croatia)

Gabriel Cmiel (Germany)

Network Care Team

Regional Coordinators

Camille Odent (Germany)

Justin Racu (Bulgaria)

Lise Benette Hovd (Norway)

Sheila Esteban (Spain)

Zuzana Molnárová (Czech Republic)

Regional Training Coordinators

Andrea Amaranto (Italy)

Christie Dear (United Kingdom)

Flóra Szabó (Denmark)

Tereza Simou (Greece)

Education Community Manager

Rik Peelen (The Netherlands)

HR and Network Community Manager

Laura Sophia Franke (Switzerland)

Training & Activities Community Manager

Hanna-Barbara Dobra (Denmark)

Bussiness and Finance Community Manager

Elena Barletta (Switzerland)

Communication Community Manager

Marta Fonseca (Portugal)

IT Community Manager

Ivo Rosário (Portugal)

Membership Team

Alessandro Stocco (Italy)

Andria Sofroniou (Cyprus)

Doğukan B. Demirdelen (Türkiye)

Dorotea Rnjak (Croatia)

Evangelos Katsaro (Greece)

Femke Luiken (Belgium)

Helene Pennicnk (Belgium)

Iona Murdoch (UK)

Jana Borchardt (Germany)

Jeroen van Wier (Luxembourg)

Joel Castro (Portugal)

Leonor Alcaçarenho (Portugal)

Madlen Vaseva (Bulgaria)

Margarida Sena (Portugal)

Patrick Peeck (Germany)

Sofía Mediavilla (UK)

Tiia Niskanen (Finland)


Generation Meeting

EGM Content Team

Alissa Bulinckx (Austria)

Ozana Barbu (Romania)

Ivona Galić (The Netherlands)

Ricardo Bento (Portugal)

EGM Media Team

Anastasia Andreou (Cyprus)

João Jorge (Portugal)

Johanna Trosien (Germany)

Marina Vidal (Spain)

Neli Stoilova (Bulgaria)

Pablo Jiménez Benéitez (Spain)

Patrick Doodt (Germany)

Patrycja Skalska (Poland)

Sebastian Ghiveci (The Netherlands)

EGM Advisory Team

Rodrigo Gomes (Portugal)

Ixan Curtamet (Romania)

Iulia Ghimpețeanu (Romania)

Sofia da Costa (Portugal)

Sara Esteves Lourenço (Portugal)

EGM Technical Team

Matteo Carbone (Italy)

Georg Löffler (Austria)

EGM Programme Team

Kaja Kaczkiełło (Poland)

Andrea Kovács (Romania)

Darya Rubchenia (Norway)

Shreya Pravin Kumar (Lithuania)

Marie-Theres Gamauf (Austria)

National Organisations

ESN Albania

ESN Armenia

ESN Austria

ESN Azerbaijan azer

ESN Belgium

ESN Bosnia and Herzegovina

ESN Bulgaria

ESN Croatia

ESN Cyprus

ESN Czech Republic

ESN Denmark

ESN Estonia

ESN Finland

ESN France

ESN Georgia

ESN Germany

ESN Greece

ESN Hungary

ESN Ireland

ESN Italy

ESN Jordan

ESN Kazakhstan

ESN Lithuania

ESN Luxembourg

ESN Malta

ESN Moldova

ESN Montenegro

ESN the Netherlands

ESN North Macedonia

ESN Norway

ESN Poland

ESN Portugal

ESN Russia

ESN Serbia

ESN Slovakia

ESN Slovenia

ESN Spain

ESN Sweden

ESN Switzerland

ESN Türkiye

ESN Ukraine

ESN United Kingdom

ESN Latvia

ESN Liechtenstein

ESN Romania

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