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annual report 2012



The Kingston Economic Development Corporation will work collaboratively with the City of Kingston and key local and regional strategic partners to achieve prosperity by developing and promoting economic advantages to sustain and grow the economy of Kingston.

Kingston – a city that is a vital, dynamic and sustainable economic centre where research, innovation, investment and business enterprises thrive together and where a diversity of people want to visit, live & work and do business.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2012 Derek Winton Chairman Bombardier (Retired) Dean Byrnes Vice-Chair President/Co-owner Eikon Device Inc. Gordon MacDougall Vice-Chair Sr. Vice President, St. Lawrence College Jim Gibson Secretary Empire Life (Retired)

Debi Wells Treasurer 1st Vice President - Limestone Local Elementary Teachers’ Federation Douglas Green Management Consultant/ Army Officer (LCol Ret.) David Rutenberg Professor Emeritus Queen’s University School of Business Tim Sugrue Management and HR Consultant T. Sugrue & Associates

Mayor Mark Gerretsen City of Kingston Councillor Sandy Berg Kingscourt – Strathcona District Councillor Rick Downes Cataraqui District Councillor Bryan Paterson Trillium District Councillor Dorothy Hector Lakeside District (Alternate)

Directors appointed to the Board in December 2012 were Peter Kraus, retired INVISTA Canada Site Manager; LCol (Ret.) Dave MacLeod, Sabre’s Edge Consulting; Adam Koven, CEO of Rosen Energy Group Inc.; and, Sandra Gibson, Certified General Accountant with Gibson Turner Moore LLP. Joining the Board of Directors was Councillor Brian Reitzel from Pittsburgh District who was appointed by Kingston City Council in November, 2012.


Jeff Garrah Chief Executive Officer Paula Drouin Executive Assistant to CEO Donna Gillespie Director, Marketing & Corporate Communications Ann McDougall Controller & Operations Manager Lenore Hass/Megan Pritchard Receptionist

Business Development

Christa Wallbridge Business Development Officer Jan Dines Business Development Officer Carey Bidtnes HR & Labour Market Specialist Melissa Shorrock Business Marketing & Development Project Coordinator

Small business & Entrepreneurship Mark Hanley Entrepreneur Centre Manager Rebecca Darling Entrepreneur Centre Business Advisor Mary Ann Walmsley Entrepreneur Centre Project Coordinator

Tourism Marketing & Development

Rob Carnegie Director, Tourism Marketing & Development Connie Markle Conferences & Travel Trade Manager Jacqueline Bell Sport Tourism Manager Betsy Moore Tourism Marketing & Development Project Coordinator Chris Whyman Visitor Services Manager Ray Bergstrom/ Murray Hudson/ Michelle Kasaboski Travel Counsellors

KEDCO is committed to supporting student internships and employment opportunities. A special thanks to the following for their assistance throughout the year: Tina Bloodworth, Antony Discenza, Allanna Harmes Weibe, Adan Jerreat-Poole, Emily McCracken, Ariadna NeguletaMorogan, Jenny Orsatti and Emily Seebruch. Farewell and best wishes were bid to staff who transitioned to new opportunities: Elizabeth Allen, Lee Aubin, Jennifer Baker, Lynn Bergstrom, Lindsay MacDonald and John-Paul Shearer. A warm welcome was extended to Lenore Hass’ baby Preston who joined the KEDCO family in 2012.


MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD As the incoming Chair of the Board of Directors, I want to recognize the dedication and contributions of individuals who have worked to support KEDCO’s activities during 2012. Our collective thanks go to Derek Winton who chaired the Board from 2010-2012. Derek provided strong leadership, support and invaluable insights from his private sector experience during his four year term with KEDCO. Notably, Derek served an active role on the Mayor’s Taskforce on Development to ensure the City has the right policies, processes and practices in place to ensure Kingston remains committed to being open and ready for business. The work of the entire volunteer Board of Directors deserves special mention. With diverse public and private sector backgrounds, each member brings new ideas and experiences. This helps to ensure that the Corporation can develop and deliver a strategic focus that is timely, meets the needs of our community stakeholders and is responsive to the realities of ever-changing economic conditions. Early in 2012, the Long-Range Strategic Planning Committee presented the findings of their intensive year of review which identified economic trends emerging areas of potential growth and challenges for Kingston. Board and staff are grateful to this Committee’s diligence in providing a comprehensive overview which lays the groundwork for the development of KEDCO’s strategic plans over the next decade.

Dean Byrnes, Chair

The KEDCO Board and staff bid farewell to Gord MacDougall, David Rutenberg, Debi Wells and Councillor Rick Downes who completed their respective terms at the end of 2012. We welcome our new councillor and directors, and look forward to furthering the strategic direction that our colleagues entrusted us with.

Last but not least, I wish to recognize the hard working and talented staff at KEDCO under the leadership of CEO Jeff Garrah, who work tirelessly, on a day-to-day basis to attract new businesses and help strengthen existing ones. I had the privilege to witness these individuals consistently go above and beyond their roles to advance challenging files – often giving of their personal time in the quest for new jobs and investment for our city. That being said, it is never the time to rest on past successes. I look forward to another prosperous year and continued success for KEDCO and our community.

MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Our work covers vast portfolios, and the KEDCO team continued to set the bar high in 2012. The time, talent and energy required to skillfully execute new initiatives and events does not go unnoticed by me or the Board and I offer thanks to the entire staff for their dedication and leadership to Kingston’s prosperity. Every year brings new challenges to overcome and opportunities to be met. As the economy began to pick up, the inevitable tightening of government belts as stimulus funding dried up occurred. It is a reality for Kingston’s sheltered economy with balanced public/private sectors, that we can feel the shock waves of a double-dip in the economic landscape. In addition, our team worked untiringly on a very significant file in 2012, which for the time being is not meant to be. But instead of discouragement, we have rallied together to fill the sales pipeline with new opportunities and continue to position and promote Kingston as a significant force to be recognized. Opportunities were met head-on as KEDCO worked with numerous new businesses towards establishing a presence in Kingston - many of which directly stem from increased efforts on the attraction of advanced manufacturing, agri-business/food processing, research and development. Our local businesses continued to grow, serving new markets and generating new investment for their innovations, products and services. Jeff Garrah, CEO Kingston’s entrepreneurial spirit shone with a significant number of new start-ups and small business expansions and the tourism sector once again greeted visitors and media from around the world as Kingston played host to international sporting events, meetings and conferences. We continue to benefit from travellers interested in Kingston’s unique cultural, culinary, and natural assets. Competition for jobs and investment will continue to grow in the future, but Kingston is a strong and stable city that is up for the challenge. A important outcome of 2012 is the increased interaction between KEDCO, Councillors and City staff working towards common goals to ensure infrastructure and processes are in place to serve our immediate business needs and that the groundwork is laid for the next five, ten and twenty years of the city’s growth. At the end of the day, it all comes back to jobs and investment – ensuring we retain and grow Kingston companies and attract new businesses and the labour force required to sustain them. I believe that with the guidance of our Board of Directors and support from Council, we can realize great progress in 2013.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2012 ANNUAL REPORT


STRATEGIC PLAN 2010 - 2015


KEDCO is committed to the key issue of long-term economic sustainability for the City of Kingston. As the economic pillar for the City of Kingston’s Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, KEDCO endorses the City’s vision of Kingston as Canada’s most sustainable city.

With a strong internal focus on business development, the Service Kingston model establishes KEDCO as the premier service provider in the areas of:

The Strategic Plan 2010-2015 addresses four core fully integrated objectives where KEDCO will focus its operations – Attraction, Growth & Retention, Tourism Marketing & Development and Community Economic Development. Each of these components is interdependent in terms of resources (human, financial, physical), partnerships and strategies. People want to live, work and do business in a community which recognizes and supports them and their endeavors.

• Investment support that assists businesses to identify government funds, write and support the applications through various levels of government • Labour Market development which supports employers in identifying and recruiting the talent required to fill current employment opportunities in Kingston • Partnership building that establishes connections between businesses/service providers in order to combine resources, share knowledge, skills and experience

KEDCO’s efforts are universally supported by a solid service delivery foundation which includes the Service Kingston and Market Ready! models and strong partnerships throughout the community and region. The integration of KEDCO’s Business and Tourism divisions provides staff with the knowledge, tools and resources required to deliver comprehensive support to existing and potential businesses, residents and visitors alike.

• Building local business supply chains which connect businesses to businesses in Kingston


The goal of the Market Ready! model is to ensure Kingston maintains its competitive advantage and is prepared for the attraction of new investment by providing companies with data to allow them to make an informed decision.

Small Business & Entrepreneurship

• Lead generation support that assists local companies in building their business • Business familiarization tours and premium networking opportunities which familiarizes businesses who are in an advanced stage of investing in Kingston As a Growth & Retention initiative, the Service Kingston model also facilitates the attraction of outside investment as Kingston becomes known as a supportive environment where value is placed on local business success.


Market Ready! support ensures Kingston provides:





• Seamless approval processes for all developments • Strong infrastructure which meets businesses needs • Excellent inventory of employment lands which are flexible for a wide range of development • Competitive land prices/taxes • Integrated supply chains where businesses can connect directly with other companies who can add value • Targeted marketing collateral which meet the needs of the potential investor • Analysis/research/comparator studies to understand Kingston’s position within a local, regional, and national context

KEDCO’s focus is on jobs and investment – both the creation of new and the retention of existing. These overarching goals have shaped the corporation’s strategic direction and guides all activities.


• Strong relationships with the municipality, institutions, public, private, and non-profit organizations • Gateway access to all municipal, provincial, federal government services and investment



Partnerships have continued to be a key to KEDCO’s success. KEDCO is a proud member and stakeholder of: • Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters • Downtown Kingston! BIA • Economic Developers Council of Ontario • Economic Development Association of Canada • Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce • Innovation Park Advisory Board • International Economic Development Council • K-ROCK Centre Advisory Committee • Kingston Immigration Partnership • Kingston Technology Exchange Centre • Kingston Technology Council • Launch Lab • Ontario East Economic Development Commission • SWITCH: The Sustainable Energy People • The Great Waterway • 1000 Islands Development Workforce

The ability to define the exact value of an economic development organization’s (EDO) activity and its direct impact on a community or region has been one of great debate for decades. A lead today may not become an opportunity for six months or even years. A company an EDO works with may select the city based on community reputation and demographics rather than a formal sales presentation. In order for KEDCO to measure its success and better communicate its level of activity, the following metrics have been put in place for the organization to track and gauge activity from year to year. In 2012, KEDCO achieved:

For a comprehensive list of KEDCO community partnerships please see the 2010-2015 Strategic Plan.




INDIRECT/ FOUNDATIONAL Physician Recruitment Culture & Recreation High-Speed Rail Infrastructure Housing Airport

DIRECTLY RELATED Planning Building Utilities Kingston Hydro Waste Water Legal

10 20% %

Company Visits.........................................367 A company visit is when a KEDCO staff person undertakes anon-site meeting with a local organization to discuss business challenges and opportunities, areas where support could be delivered, or any issues of concern. Often, new opportunities arise from company visits.

Opportunities Created...............................198 An opportunity is defined as any qualified lead which has areal potential to create a new job(s) or new direct monetary investment for the city. Opportunities may be in the sales pipeline for an undetermined amount of time, due to the nature and complexities of the specific deal. Opportunities result in either being Closed-Won (Kingston realized new job(s) or investment), ClosedLost (the opportunity is lost to another community), or Withdrawn (Lead no longer has interest in proceeding with opportunity).

Jobs Created.............................................834

JOBS & INVESTMENT Sales Pipeline Company Visits New Leads





Jobs created may result from either new jobs from the attraction of a company to the city or additional jobs created through the growth of existing businesses. KEDCO measures jobs facilitated from opportunities which have been closed-won where KEDCO staff have played a direct role in supporting the win of the opportunity. The City of Kingston’s Urban Growth Strategy prepared by Tera Trends considered 800 jobs per year as high growth; 600 jobs per year as moderate growth; and, 200 jobs per year a slow growth (based on census metropolitan area).

Investment Facilitated..................... $43.06M Value of New Jobs Created................. $29.19M

To ensure that the Corporation doesn’t suffer from mission creep, our resource allocations must be in line with our strategic outcomes. KEDCO continues to refine efforts each year, to ensure the appropriate balance between activity directly related and those indirectly related to our goals.

Investment dollars are tracked with similar methodology as jobs facilitated. KEDCO must have been a part of the process in which new dollars are invested in the city. New jobs secured for the city are calculated based on an average one-year salary at $35,000. This salary is only captured in the first year of hire and is based on the median salary of Kingston employees.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2012 ANNUAL REPORT


ATTRACTION Objective: To attract sustainable businesses that bring new investment, increases to the tax base, diversifies the economy and provides greater opportunity for employment and career enhancement. The attraction of new businesses to Kingston is critical to the city’s growth and sustainability. Business attraction marketing activities are directed towards promoting the competitive advantages the city offers for the identified niche sectors and their related labour force. Concurrent to these marketing activities are ongoing research and analysis of emerging sectors which Kingston can leverage to build new centres of excellence which will generate the most significant return on investment and the realization of new jobs and dollars.

Advanced Manufacturing and R&d

advanCed ManufaCturing

In 2012, KEDCO remained a working partner with the Ontario East Economic Development Commission in their Tourism Investment, Food Sector and Manufacturing sector teams. KEDCO also worked closely with Innovation Park at Queen’s University and local businesses to identify new leads in the advanced manufacturing and research sectors.



Food Processing and agri-business The food processing and manufacturing sector became an identified sector focus for KEDCO’s business attraction activities in 2012. KEDCO attended a number of trade shows to promote the advantages of business expansion into Kingston and meet with leaders of the food processing industry in North America and abroad: Winter 2012 Fancy Food Show presented by the National Association for Specialty Food Trade (January - San Francisco); CRFA (Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association) Food Show (March – Toronto); SIAL Canada (Salon International de L’Alimentation) International Food Expo (May – Montreal); Summer 2012 Fancy Food Show presented by the National Association for Specialty Food Trade (June - Washington). In addition, meetings were organized with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to provide ministry development officers with an overview of KEDCO support services and business attraction initiatives in the agri-food sector.


KEDCO developed a series of Made in Kingston publications with a focus on key attraction sectors to showcase Kingston and the province’s competitive advantages for doing business. The publications were used by staff on trade missions and direct sales calls to leads in the Green Technology, Advanced Manufacturing and AgriBusiness/Food Processing markets.

New for 2012 was the launch of an online business/supply chain directory with a focus on promoting sector clusters currently established in Kingston. The new business directory augments KEDCO’s current online services which include a site selector database of demographic information and available property listing database.

Green technology KEDCO participated in the GLOBE 12th Biennial Conference and Trade Fair and Business and the Environment held (March – Vancouver). GLOBE connects business leaders, policymakers and sustainability experts and focuses on exploring the issues and defining opportunities towards a sustainable future and emerging opportunities for advancing the business of the environment.

The fourth annual Perspective Kingston was published in June, 2012. Over 325,000 copies were printed and distributed through the Globe and Mail and Canada Post. The 2012 supplement focused on Kingston as Ontario’s Centre for Innovation and featured profiles on local companies and business leaders.

The Green Technology sector slowed overall in 2012 in terms of attraction opportunities. With changes to the Ontario Feed-in-Tariff under review during the first half of the year, the market did not generate leads as predicted in previous years. KEDCO did attend the annual CanSIA Solar Ontario 2012 Conference (May – Toronto) with local business Centennial Global Technology to learn more of the impact of the Ontario Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) 2.0 on the industry as well as to follow-up with leads for business development in Kingston.




Investment facilitated


Opportunities CREATED


Opportunities Closed-Won


Company Visits


GROWTH & RETENTION Objective: To deliver essential services which support the development and growth of public, private and non-profit businesses in Kingston. KEDCO is focused on helping to build a strong and vibrant local community. The public, private and non-profit sectors in Kingston are fundamental to this success. Existing businesses and the jobs they create are critical components of a strong economy and the jobs they sustain and create. Expansion of a business does not just equate to bricks and mortar, but often means an increase in employees, payroll, new markets, new products or an improvement to the bottom line. All of these outcomes have a positive economic impact on our community. Establishing strong outreach activities to assist in the growth and promotion of existing businesses enhances the formula for business vitality.

Company Visit Program The Company Visit Program continued to be an important tool for KEDCO to gain a better understanding of the current Kingston business operating environment and needs and concerns of Kingston employers. In 2012, KEDCO’s Business Development team undertook 213 company visits with local employers.

INVESTMENT SUPPORT KEDCO’s Investment Support Program provides assistance to local companies to facilitate their successful growth and expansion, be it new infrastructure, additional employees, development of new products or entering new markets. In 2012, 15 applications by local companies were submitted with the assistance of KEDCO grant writers to various provincial and federal organizations. A total of $859,314 was awarded supporting close to $9 million in private investment and creating 40 new jobs in the city.

Kingston’s Major Employers 2012 Private Sector INVISTA Canada StarTek Canada Calian Technologies Ltd. Empire Life Insurance Company J.E. Agnew Food Services Bell Canada Commissionaires Canada Assurant Solutions SLH Transport Inc. Cancoil Thermal Corp. DuPont R&D Centre KIMCO Steel Transformix Engineering

# of Employees 900 770 650 580 500 380 300 180 175 150 150 140 100

Public Sector # of Employees Canadian Forces Base Kingston 8,500 Queen’s University 4,500 Correctional Services of Canada 4,150 Kingston General Hospital 4,000 Limestone District School Board 3,000 City of Kingston 2,200 Providence Care 1,600 Royal Military College of Canada 1,150 Hotel Dieu Hospital 900 Ontario Ministry of Health 610 Ongwanada 480 St. Lawrence College Kingston 310 Ontario Ministry of Transportation 300

In August 2012, the Attracting Investment and Creating Jobs Act (Bill 11) was passed by the provincial legislature which made the Eastern Ontario Development Fund (EODF) a permanent business funding program. The program supports projects that create and retain jobs, encourages the introduction of new technologies, pursues growth in new markets and contributes to the diversification of the economy of Eastern Ontario. Since the fund was established in 2008, 19 local companies have received $9.4 million in government investment supporting $89.2 million of additional private investment and the creation of over 200 new jobs and the retention of 1,300 jobs in the Kingston area. On October 19, Sensient Colours Canada received financial support of $150,000 as part of a $1.5 million expansion through the Eastern Ontario Development Fund (EODF) for expansion of their facility and the creation of ten new jobs. Sensient Colours Canada produces synthetic and natural food colours for major food and drink manufacturers. Congratulations in 2012 was also extended to Direct Coil and Knorr Brake Limited for successful applications. Photo: Chris Tonzola, General Manager, Sensient Colours Canada. Credit: Suzy Lamont.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2012 ANNUAL REPORT


GROWTH & RETENTION Employment Lands KEDCO oversees the marketing and sales portfolio of the City of Kingston’s designated business parks. A number of significant land sales were completed in 2012 and KEDCO was proud to support local companies who broke ground on new developments.

KEDCO in partnership with the City of Kingston launched new business park signage in 2012. The first sign was unveiled at the December 18 opening of the expanded Cataraqui Estates Business Park which provides service to an additional 75 acres of large, prime industrial lots. Signage for other business parks will be undertaken in 2013/2014. Photo: Peter Huigenbos, Director, Real Estate & Construction Services for City of Kingston at the signage unveiling. Credit: Wayne Hiebert.

Congratulations to New Empire Design Build on the 128,750 square foot office, restaurant, service, light industrial and showroom space. Empire Court at 631 Fortune Crescent and TFP Stairs and Railings on their new 20,000 square foot facility in the Cataraqui Estates Business Park. Photo from left to right: Frank Casamatta (New Empire), Mayor Mark Gerretsen and Dominic Tersigni (New Empire) at the Empire Court official groundbreaking ceremony. Credit: Sam Cen.



Celebrating Kingston’s Innovative Manufacturers A Brownfield Based Renaissance OLD IS NEW AGAIN

Kingston’s Community Improvement Plan CREATING SUSTAINABLE LIVEABLE CITIES


building demand for business aviation History of Air Service

Downtown Waterfront Revitalization

Where History and Innovation Thrive


Access to Markets


Urban Hub of Eastern Ontario

Central Airways

Full Service Fixed Base Operator

Four Season Destination Primary Tourism Markets

KEDCO worked with City of Kingston on the creation of marketing collateral to showcase opportunities for developers interested in brownfield properties. The Ontario Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program matches municipal tax-exemption incentives to cover 100 per cent of property taxes during remediation and construction spaces. Left abandoned or vacant, brownfield sites represent lost property tax revenue, lost residential accommodation and lost employment opportunities.


During 2012, KEDCO worked with the Kingston Airport to look at opportunities to attract new and enhance existing flight service providers in order to make travel to Kingston more accessible for business and leisure travellers. A local delegation attended the 65th annual National Business Aviation Association meeting and convention (October – Orlando) to promote Kingston as a corporate travel destination and highlight Kingston Airport facilities and available services. City Council voted to further a $13.2 million expansion and upgrade to the Kingston Airport which will be B737 capable within two years and allow for an annual passenger increase of over 150 per cent.

Centennial Global Technology Direct Coil ESG Solutions Goo Systems Knorr Brake Pure Ingenuity Transformix Engineering Tri-Art Acrylics Wejay Machine Products

KEDCO participated in the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce’s Mega Mixer on September 27 at the K-ROCK Centre. The Mega Mixer is Kingston’s largest businessto-business networking event and KEDCO organized a showcase of the local advanced manufacturing sector with companies Pure Ingenuity, Wejay Machine Products, Transformix Engineering, Centennial Global Technology, Knorr Brake, Tri-Art Acrylics, Goo Systems, ESG Solutions and Direct Coil. The manufacturing sector in Kingston is represented by over 100 companies who employ approximately 5,000 workers.

LABOUR MARKET Objective: To support economic growth and development through initiatives that attract, retain and develop a diverse workforce in the city of Kingston. The ability to attract, recruit, train and retain labour has been identified by the majority of local employers as a significant challenge to, and in some cases, a barrier to growth. The success of Kingston’s economy is intimately tied to the city’s ability to attract and retain a diverse and skilled workforce. From research undertaken by KEDCO, the 1000 Islands Workforce Development Board, the conference Board of Canada and others, Canada and specifically Kingston will be facing a labour shortage within the next 10-15 years. To address current and future labour market needs, KEDCO has invested in a coordinated approach to attract and retain new migrants/immigrants and student retention from Kingston’s post secondary institutions. KEDCO commissioned Millier Dickinson Blais to undertake a Labour Market and Employment Trends Survey to assess current and forecasted labour market trends, opportunities and needs of local employers. Input was received from community businesses, education leaders and local stakeholders to assist KEDCO in developing strategies to strengthen local labour market readiness and workforce development.

Student Retention & alumni attraction In partnership with Queen’s University Career Services, an on-campus resource centre for Queen’s students was created in 2012 as a one-year project as part of efforts to attract and retain students in the Kingston area. The Kingston Resource Centre featured information regarding local employers, post-graduate education opportunities in the city and community information. Through a partnership with the Alma Mater Society, a Communities Opportunities Facilitator was contracted to provide assistance to direct students to available resources and contacts in the community. KEDCO, in partnership with Queen’s University and St. Lawrence College hosted the second annual Live Work Kingston Day on February 1 in Grant Hall. The event, designed to promote local employers and post-graduate career opportunities showcased over 60 local employers and was attended by approximately 2,000 students. Additional marketing activities targeted at students took place throughout the year to promote summer and postgraduation career opportunities. New for 2012 was a partnership with the Queen’s Alumni Review to publish feature advertisements of alumni who have chosen to live and work in Kingston.

newcomer & Immigrant attraction Through a partnership with the City of Kingston, KEDCO undertook an external marketing campaign directed at promoting Kingston relocation and career opportunities to newcomers to Canada. Kingston was successful in receiving financial assistance to support marketing efforts from the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration to promote the Newcomers Web Portal.

WELCOME Town and Gown Association of Ontario


CITIES FOR PEOPLE Creative Town and Gown Communities Kingston, Ontario • May 13-15



Executive & Management ing

KEDCO participated in the National Job Fair & Training Expo held in Toronto from October 16-17. The 21st semi-annual event is the leading recruitment, career, education and training event in Ontario. A delegation from KEDCO and KEYS Employment Services promoted Kingston employers, key sectors and career opportunities and met with over 1,500 employment seekers interested in working in the Kingston area.

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Nursing an

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Support gstonishi

For more Your dollar goes further in Kingston – have a great quality of life without the expensive price tag.

You are within a 3-hour drive of major urban centers – close enough for a visit, but you get to come home for dinner.

You’ll be part of a city ranked best in Canada for young, talented workers, families and retirees.

Your average commute time to work is 12 minutes.

You can buy a home for less than $250,000.

Perfect for all stages of your life.

Find out more about Kingston, Ontario, Canada


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Healthcare Sector Development Healthcare sector development continued to be an important focus in 2012, to ensure that every resident of Kingston has access to both primary health care and specialist care. KEDCO continues to oversee the Family Physician Recruitment and Retention portfolio and fulfilment requirements of the City of Kingston’s Family Physician Support Program.

From May 13-15, Kingston hosted the 2012 Town Gown Association of Ontario’s Annual Symposium. Organized by KEDCO, the City of Kingston, Queen’s University, St. Lawrence College and the Royal Military College of Canada, over 140 delegates from across Ontario representing various municipalities, colleges, universities, police departments and student associations attended to share best practices, challenges and opportunities in the areas of Town Gown relations.

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Welcome to Kingston messaging was incorporated into the 2012 advertising campaign to promote Kingston to newcomers to Canada looking to establish roots in a community. The campaign targeted the GTA, Ottawa and Montreal markets.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2012 ANNUAL REPORT


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small business & entrepreneurship Objective: To support small businesses through start-up, growth and exiting phases of their business with an added focus on youth entrepreneurship. Small businesses are an essential component of the Kingston economy and KEDCO supports their start-up and growth needs through services by which both fledgling business owners, or those already in business can access resources, services and practical expertise to establish a new enterprise, or expand and enhance an existing operation.

In 2012, KEDCO undertook 876 consultations with local entrepreneurs and small business owners. Photo from left to right: KEDCO’s Mary Ann Walmsley, Mark Hanley and Rebecca Darling. Credit: Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce.

The Entrepreneur Centre at KEDCO utilizes the principle of the ‘trinity of management’ which teaches business owners about the three distinct components of how a successful, community-based business can flourish. The centre of the ‘trinity’ is the person with the idea, product or service. The second component is a financial manager, with a marketing expert being the third member of the trio. Through the Entrepreneur Centre, an enterprise facilitator/business advisor walks the business owner through this model and helps them find the resources and personnel to complete the trinity.

WORKSHOPS, SEMINARS & EVENTS Over 50 workshops specially developed for entrepreneurs and small business owners were delivered in 2012. With a focus on practical, hands-on learning, workshop themes included: Developing Marketing Business Plans, Making Your Website Work for You, Social Media for Small Business Owners and Work-Life Balance for Entrepreneurs to name a few. The programming schedule also featured annual favourites such as Business Basics for new entrepreneurs and the In Business Series which provided resources on sales, employee relations, importing/exporting and bookkeeping. The Entrepreneur Centre and the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce hosted an International Women’s Day event on March 8 themed “Connecting Women, Celebrating Success” and featured networking sessions to inspire and inform entrepreneurs and business owners and managers. Over 130 businesswomen attended the event. With Innovation Park at Queen’s University, the Entrepreneur Centre organized a local Startup Canada event as part of the entrepreneurled national movement to enhance the nation’s competitiveness and prosperity by supporting and celebrating Canadian entrepreneurship. Startup Canada took place on September 5 and featured a luncheon, brainstorming session and panel discussion to explore opportunities and constraints for entrepreneurs in our area.

Youth Entrepreneurship The Summer Company program provides students, aged 15-29 years an opportunity to start their own business with the support of a $3,000 grant. The Entrepreneur Centre administers the Summer Company program on behalf of Ontario’s Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation and launched the 2012 season on June 16. Twelve student entrepreneurs participated in the program, starting new businesses and undertaking the intensive twelve-week training and development program. At the end of the summer, over 50 per cent of students indicated they planned to continue their businesses after the conclusion of the program. The students reported $40,000 in sales revenues generated during the program. The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) is a national organization providing prelaunch coaching, business resources, start-up financing and mentoring for youth aged 18-39 years to help start their own successful business. The Entrepreneur Centre reviews and facilitates the local applications which lend young entrepreneurs up to $45,000 for business start-up. In 2012, six young entrepreneurs received financing support.

Photo: Maggie Shi, Lolicake & Sam Cen, Sam Cen Photography at the 2012 Summer Company launch event. Credit: KEDCO.

Small business & Entrepreneurship DASHBOARD New Businesses Started


10 |

Businesses Expanded


Jobs Created


Investment facilitated


Business Consultations


Workshops Hosted


TOURISM Marketing & Development Objective: To develop and enhance the tourism sector through the positioning of Kingston as a destination of choice for visitors, conference delegates, sport events and businesses. Tourism marketing and development activities are a key attractor of people and also serve a cross-over function of introducing businesses and potential residents to the city in both professional and leisure capacities. Tourism development activities included growth and retention initiatives to support Kingston’s existing tourism sector and advance lead generation for the attraction of potential new products or services to augment Kingston’s core tourism assets and support year-round visitor services.

Leisure Travel & Cultural Tourism The 2012 Official Visitor’s Guide to Kingston was published in partnership with Kingston Publications. The guide is distributed to over 1,000 travel outlets worldwide, with a strong concentration along the Ottawa-GTA corridor and into Quebec. In the last three years, the guide has entered into an Ottawa/Toronto Hotel and Corporation program to achieve greater penetration in target markets. Educational travel continues to be a growing sector for both cultural tourists and the travel trade. Tourism Kingston published the 2012-2013 Educational Opportunities in Kingston Guide for teachers and tour groups which features destinations for field trips and learning experiences within Kingston and the surrounding area. Ranging from primary school through lifelong learning opportunities, the guide encompasses a wide variety of subjects and strands with curriculum connections and showcases the more than 20 museums, historic sites, galleries and theatres.

New for 2012 was the introduction of the weekly e-zine, Discover Kingston which highlights upcoming events and experiences for the leisure traveller. Discover Kingston also cross-promotes other Tourism Kingston services such as the online booking engine, mobiapp, and centralized event calendar.

The second year of Tourism Kingston’s Online Reservation System, powered by Meridian Reservation Systems realized close to $125,000 in accommodation and special getaway package sales. The booking engine is integrated with Tourism Kingston’s website and the system enables seamless cross-sector packaging of accommodation with other tourism services and experiences. In 2012, Tourism Kingston invested in search-engine marketing and online campaigns to drive consumers to the website and online reservation opportunities. Results were realized through additional sales and a 300 per cent increase in online traffic. Tourism Kingston is a proud partner in the Local Food Local Chefs initiative. With support from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, a Go Forth and Eat Culinary Guide was published in 2012. The guide showcases where to buy, dine and enjoy local food in Kingston. Complete with local restaurant and producer profiles, event listings, editorial and walking maps, the culinary guide highlights the variety of food stories, culture and experiences that Kingston has to offer. 60,000 copies of the guide were distributed throughout Kingston, Ottawa and Toronto. Photo: Chef Grace Genter, Atomica Gourmet Pizza and Wine Bar. Credit: Suzy Lamont.

KEDCO partnered with the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce to offer a new Step On/Step Off Tour Trolley service for 2012. The pilot project ran from June 29 – September 3 with drop off/pick up locations at Fort Henry National Historic Site, Bellevue House National Historic Site, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Canada’s Penitentiary Museum and the Visitor Information Centre. Photo: Minister Michael Chan, Ontario Minister of Tourism and Culture officially launched the new service and participated in an inaugural tour. Credit: KEDCO

Enjoy a Historic Leisurely

Route to Canada

and buy, dine Where to

and Eaton, Ontario Go Fortenjhoy locally in Kingst

Exit #26 Ahead

cape vincent • wolfe island • kingston A new partnership between Kingston, Wolfe Island and Cape Vincent tourism organizations to address destination development for the region was established in 2012. A co-operative marketing campaign, Linger Longer was created to encourage cross community travel and featured special getaway packages and suggested bicycle routes.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2012 ANNUAL REPORT

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Meetings & Conferences The Meetings & Conferences market is a multi-faceted industry ranging from small local meetings of 20 or more participants to large, city-wide conventions and trade shows serving thousands of delegates and attendees. The Meetings & Conferences sector represents tremendous opportunity for business and economic develop for Kingston.


Kingston’ s

Recipe for Success.

Statistically, conference delegates spend four times as much money in business travel than a leisure traveller with a typical conference including a two day/ two night visitation. The economic impact of delegate spending above and beyond conference and accommodation expenses within a host community is estimated to be on average $175 per delegate per day. In addition, many delegates attending a conference in Kingston are experiencing the city for the first time, providing the ideal opportunity to showcase Kingston and encourage repeat visitation. Tourism Kingston participated in a variety of tradeshows throughout the year including: Canadian Society of Association Executives Tête-à-Tête Tradeshow (February - Ottawa) with over 80 qualified meeting planners visiting Kingston for a pre-conference reception; Ignite Business Expo (June – Toronto); and the Canadian Travel & Vacation Silver Show (October – Montreal & Ottawa).

Sport Tourism In 2012, Tourism Kingston supported 26 local sport events which hosted 28,350 participants and spectators and generated an estimated $14.7 million in economic impact through visitor spending. Sport Tourism remains a very important travel sector for the city and 2012 featured a number of high profile elite international events. Tourism Kingston is a sponsor of The Great Waterway Classic, a Canadian Golf Tour event which will take place at destinations across region once a year for four years. The 2012 tournament took place at Smuggler’s Glen Golf Club in Gananoque from September 3-9. The 2013 event will be hosted by the Upper Canada Golf Club in Morrisburg, 2014 at the Loyalist Country Club and completing the series is Black Bear Ridge in the Bay of Quinte in 2015.


Plan +


Kingston Facilities Guide

Tourism Kingston partnered with SportsXpress Magazine on the production of a new Sport Tourism Facility Guide in 2012. The guide was distributed through SportsXpress and used as a sales tool to promote Kingston’s sport facilities to local sport organizations and event rights holders.

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Rugby Canada chose Kingston to host the Canada vs. USA international senior men’s test match on June 9 at Richardson Stadium. Tourism Kingston launched an advertising campaign to promote the event in Ottawa, the GTA and northern New York state. Over 7,000 fans came out for the match which was a victorious win for Canada.

Meeting Planners’ Guide

A focus for 2012 activities was on direct sales calls with meeting professionals and corporate planners. Over 500 appointments were booked to support and promote the Meetings & Conferences sector in Kingston. Tourism Kingston’s Meeting Planner’s Guide provides comprehensive information on Kingston facilities, accommodations and support services including incentive programs and a local Speakers’ Bureau. New for 2012 was the development of video profiles of local conference facilities.

2012 Sport Events Supported Kids for Kids Hockey Tournament Queen’s CIS Men’s Volleyball Ontario Speed Skating Championships Ontario Special Olympics OBA Bantam U13 Boys Ontario cup Kingston International Youth Hockey & Sports Fest Rugby Canada Kingston Regional Bridge Tournament Limestone Classic Touch Football 401 Track Series Canadian Iaido Association Beast of Kingston Hockey Tournament Kingston Canadian Bass Open BMX Nationals K-Town Tri CORK Shark World Sailing Championships Great Waterway Classic Canadian Eastern University Ultimate Championships Queen’s Women’s Hockey Exhibition Games Athletics Ontario Provincial Championships Queen’s Quidditch Canadian Cup Skate Canada Eastern Sectionals Westbrook Cyclocross Welcome Cyclists Network City Curling Championships

Travel Trade Group travel and foreign independent travel markets yield significant visitation from long-haul destinations. Eastern Ontario is well positioned and the UNESCO World Heritage Site designation remains a strong and unique draw for the travel trade market. A focus for 2012 was on direct sales calls with prospective tour group leaders. Close to 100 one-on-one meetings with prospective tour group leaders were organized throughout the year. Tourism Kingston attended a number of key tradeshows to generate leads for new business opportunities. Representation was at the Canadian Tourism Commission’s Rendezvous Canada Marketplace (May – Edmonton) and the Ontario Motor Coach Association Conference & Marketplace (October – Buffalo). Information provided by the Visitor Information Centre indicates 1,781 tour buses carrying approximately 89,110 passengers stopped in Kingston in 2012.

Travel Media Working closely with the Travel Media industry allows Tourism Kingston to promote Kingston as a travel destination globally to respected professional travel writers, bloggers, photographers, videographers and tourism industry experts. In 2012, Tourism Kingston attended a number of key industry tradeshows: Canadian Tourism Commission’s Canada Media Marketplace (April – San Francisco) and the Travel Media Association of Canada’s 2012 Conference & AGM (May – Fredericton). In addition, Tourism Kingston developed a travel writer pool to supply Kingston-based stories directly to media buyers.

Tourism Kingston Advisory Committees Meetings & Conferences Bev Allinson Confederation Place Hotel Marilyn Casselman (Chair) Queen’s Conference Services Erin Cookman Holiday Inn Kingston Waterfront Erin Finucan Ambassador Conference Resort Paul Fortier Jessup Food & Heritage Roger James IT – Entertainment Aline Lamere 1000 Islands Cruises Anne Lindsay K-ROCK Centre Jamie Moody (Co-Chair) Residence Inn by Marriott Stephanie Quick Diamond Hotels Neil Shorthouse St. Lawrence Parks Commission Travel Trade Gord Dalton Betty Ann Desharnais Nicole Kemp (Chair) Aline Lamere Becky Macdonald Ian Nicholls Megan Rose Ken Saumure

Confederation Place Hotel Peachtree Inn Holiday Inn Kingston Waterfront 1000 Islands Cruises Queen’s Event Services The Toucan Diamond Hotels Kingston Helitours

Sport Tourism Jeff Downie Luke Follwell Murray Matheson (Chair) Laura Meggs Marianne Davis Guy Dube

Queen’s Athletics & Recreation Centre City of Kingston Kingston Accommodation Partners Downtown Kingston! BIA CORK Royal Military College Athletics

Visitor Information centre Visitor Origins (%)

Visitor Services Tourism Kingston’s Visitor Information Centre is open 361 days a year and provides a multi-lingual team of travel advisors and volunteer ambassadors to support visitor’s experiences to Kingston. In 2012, 218,626 people visited the centre and purchased $385,267 of merchandise and attraction tickets.

The Visitor Information Centre was awarded a Heritage Week Award by the Downtown Kingston! BIA and the Frontenac Heritage Foundation in 2012. The Heritage Week Award goes to buildings that have recently been renovated or constructed that are in tune with Kingston’s old architecture and unique streetscape. Photo Credit: Gregory Holland.

Kingston Toronto Eastern Ontario Other Ontario Quebec Maritimes Western Canada US France Germany Spain UK Other Europe Australia Japan China Central & South America Other Countries

2012 11.88 8.88 5.49 4.50 9.67 1.60 2.43 11 9.25 5.74 1.66 5.64 4.98 4.83 1.70 6.68 2.20 1.93

2011 13.3 7.6 6.8 5.9 4.5 3.3 3.4 13.8 5.1 4.8 3.2 4.3 5.2 3.6 3.8 5.1 2.6 3.6

Tourism Kingston DASHBOARD Sales Calls


Company Visits

VIC Visitors

154 218,626

Website Mobi App M&C Economic Unique Visits Downloads Impact




Sport Tourism Economic Impact


Tour Bus Passengers


Online Sales


Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2012 ANNUAL REPORT

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Corporate KEDCO’s Long Range Strategic Planning Committee presented their final report and findings from two years of research on demographic projections and long term issues which may affect the city to the KEDCO Board of Directors in January. The committee was struck in spring 2010 to gather information, develop future scenarios applicable to Kingston and make recommendations for KEDCO strategy. Special thanks are extended to Committee members: Jim Barrett, Suzanne Becker-Griffin, Caroline Davis, Clark Day, Councillor Rob Hutchison, Peter Kirkham, Rudi Mogl, Dave Yake with the support and guidance from Committee Chair David Rutenberg and Vice-Chair Doug Green.

KEDCO and Tourism Kingston were proud supporters of FebFest 2012 and the annual Queen’s vs. RMCC Carr-Harris Cup hockey match held at the K-ROCK Centre. Photo: CFB Kingston Base Commanders Col Stephen Cadden (current), LCol (Ret.) Dave MacLeod (2010-2011), Col Spike Hazelton (2006-2009) and KEDCO CEO Jeff Garrah with the Hart Memorial Trophy which was on special exhibit for the event. Credit: KEDCO.

KEDCO and the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce hosted the seventh annual Business Hall of Fame Awards on June 5. The Kingston Business Hall of Fame was established to honour those who have made a significant impact on the Kingston community in the areas of business growth, quality of life and service excellence. 2012 inductees were Tom Wroe and the Bradfield Family (Visionaries); Peter Kraus and Mark McKercher (Mentors); Gini Rosen (Enabler); and the Corcoran Family (Community Builders). Premier Dalton McGuinty visited Kingston and spoke to a group of 150 local business and community representatives on October 12, in what turned out to be his last public event prior to announcing his resignation as Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party. The Premier spoke to protecting Ontario’s public services and provincial economic trends.

Rebecca Darling, Connie Markle and Jan Dines enjoying a break between periods at a Kingston Frontenacs hockey game at the K-ROCK Centre. The ladies of KEDCO organized a Sunday get together to relax while raising funds for the KEDCO United Way campaign. Credit: KEDCO.

KEDCO and Tourism Kingston staff volunteered to assist Rugby Canada and the local organizing committee on Saturday, June 9 as Team Canada took on Team USA. Photo from left to right: Paula Drouin , Dominique, Connie Markle, Betsy Moore. Credit: KEDCO.

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KEDCO welcomed Premier Dalton McGuinty to Bombardier Transportation along with Minister John Gerretsen, MPP Kingston and the Islands, Mayor Mark Gerretsen, City of Kingston and colleagues from the County of Lennox and Addington on April 13. Premier McGuinty toured the facility and the INNOVIA Monorail 300 prototype vehicle with Bombardier representatives. Photo credit: Office of the Premier of Ontario

Corporate Tourism Kingston hosted Kingston’s 19th Annual Tourism Awareness Week in May. Events included fun filled social networking events organized to help strengthen relationships and share Kingston information with front line staff, partners and attractions in the tourism industry; a Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce Tourism Boat Cruise; Mix & Mingle with industry partners; and season opening celebrations for numerous Kingston museums and attractions. As part of Tourism Awareness Week activities, Tourism Kingston attended Tourism Day at Queen’s Park, the VIA Destination Days Consumer Show and the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Consumer Show in Toronto. The third annual KEDCO Charity Golf Tournament was held August 8 at the Garrison Golf & Curling Club at CFB Kingston. Over 120 golfers came out to support the cause and $2,000 was raised for the Kingston Military Family Resource Centre. The annual KEDCO 2012 United Way Campaign led by Employee Campaign Coordinators Rebecca Darling and Megan Pritchard raised over $2,000 in support of the United Way of KFL&A. Darling & Pritchard organized a number of fundraising events including a chili cook-off, dress down days and a silent auction. CEO Jeff Garrah received a General’s Commendation from CFB Kingston on November 9. This special recognition, rarely given to civilians was presented by Major-General Bowes for Garrah’s dedication, hard work, support and service to the local military community. New for 2012 was a series of Lunch & Learn sessions for KEDCO Board and City Councillors to meet with industry leaders and tour facilities to gain a stronger understanding of Kingston’s major employers. Special thanks to Dupont Canada Research Engineering & Business Development Centre (January), INVISTA (May), Scott Environmental Group (September) and Anchor Concrete (October) for hosting events.

The inaugural Kingston Day at Queen’s Park was held on September 25. KEDCO worked with the City of Kingston, and MPP Gerretsen’s Office to introduce Kingston to MPPs by partnering with local businesses and educational institutions to showcase the community with displays of business, lifestyle and tourism offerings. The Kingston delegation was visited by over 50 MPPs and 125 Ontario Provincial Legislature staff. Photo credits: City of Kingston.

Kingston was chosen as one of the World’s 21 “Smart Communities” by the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) in October, 2012. KEDCO and Utilities Kingston worked together on Kingston’s application which focussed on the theme of Innovation and Employment. Kingston was one of only eight first-time applicants to be selected from over one hundred communities around the world. Quarterly Mix & Mingles are organized by Tourism Kingston to offer industry partners and colleagues and opportunity to take part in a social network gathering and share updates relevant to the local tourism sector. Special thanks to partners who hosted Tourism Kingston’s 2012 Mix & Mingles: Milestones (February), The Residence Inn by Marriott (May), and Renaissance Event Venue (November).

2012 Kingston Business Hall of Fame Award Recipients. Photo from left to right: Peter Krauss, Tom Wroe, Gini Rosen, Danny Corcoran and Jeff Bradfield. Absent is Mark McKercher. Credit: Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2012 ANNUAL REPORT

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Kingstonomics Economic Indicators









Real GDP at basic prices (2002 $ millions)









percentage change









Total employment (000s)

































percentage change









Population (000s)









percentage change









Total housing starts









Retail sales ($ millions)

































percentage change Unemployment rate Personal income per capita

percentage change CPI (2002 = 1.0) percentage change F = forecast

Sources: Statistics Canada; CMHC Housing Time Series Database; The Conference Board of Canada

Kingston’s Top Employment Sectors 2012

Healthcare & Social Assistance


Retail 9,980

Educational Services


Tourism (incl. Accommodation, Food, Arts, & Entertainment) 6,934

Administrative & Support


Construction 4,750

Manufacturing 4,122

Other services


Professional, Scientific & Technical Services



Finance & Insurance

Source: Statistics Canada

Unemployment rate 10 CANADA 8






Source: Statistics Canada

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(included in above)









Building Starts

Alterations - Industrial/Commercial/Institutional Other Total Construction Value Source: City of Kingston.

Average kingston home price




$150,000 2002











2013 (f)

Source: CREA, CMHC forecast

KINGSTON PRICE GROWTH MODERATING Average Home Price Growth/Sales-to-New Listings Ratio 1.0

11.3% 10.6%




Y -O -Y MLS® Average Price Growth 8.4%

Sales-to-New Listings Ratio





0.7 5.0%










0.4 2002











Source: CREA

Source: CREA

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2012 ANNUAL REPORT

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TOURISM & VISITOR STATISTICS Visits by Time of Year (Person Visits)

Total person Visits = 2,260,827 Visitor Economic Impact = $310,232,458

Transport $50,257,803 16.3%

Retail/Other $61,171,328 19.7% Recreation/ Entertainment 6.9% $21,564,407

Accommodation $58,891,916 18.9%

Food & Beverage $118,347,003 38.2%

317,288 Q1

477,207 Q2

955,898 Q3

(Jan - Mar)

(Apr - Jun)

(Jul - Sept)

Main Purpose of Trip (Person Visits)

Length of Stay (Person Visits)

Pleasure 1,085,679

Visiting Friends & Relatives


Business 91,819

Other Personal


Same-day 1,111,002 49%

Overnight Accommodation (Person Visits)

Hotels/Motels/Roofed Commercial


Camping/RV Facilities

510,434 Q4 (Oct - Dec)

Overnight 1,149,825 51%


Private Homes/Cottages 666,357

Other Accommodation


Source: Ontario Ministry of Tourism/Statistics Canada - Frontenac County.

Hotel Industry Market report Occupancy Rate

Average Daily Rate

Revenue Per Available Room
















































Kingston Eastern Ontario

Source: PKF Canada.

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2011 (unaudited**)

Current Assets Cash Cash - New Energy Project* Cash - interest earned on funds on deposit* Investments* Accounts receivable Inventory Federal sales tax recoverable Prepaid expenses* Other Deposits and Advances Funds on deposit with Unity Savings and Credit Union Limited* Advances to PARTEQ Angel Network* Capital Assets* Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities* Deferred revenue* Deferred Contributions Related to Capital Assets* Deferred Lease Inducements* Fund Balances Investment in Capital Assets* Board Restricted* Other Board Restricted* Unrestricted

$ 468,142 13,481 3,621 150,931 37,178 63,213 52,950 33,895 823,411

$ 266,545 21,881 1,692 672,891 51,110 58,900 52,941 1,125,960

100,000 50,000 150,000 194,665 $ 1,168,076

100,000 50,000 150,000 217,561 $ 1,493,521

$ 54,530 38,131 92,661 115,778 51,563

$ 194,877 89,781 284,658 135,011 39,063

78,887 150,000 26,906 652,281 908,074 $ 1,168,076

82,550 150,000 194,999 607,240 1,034,789 $ 1,493,521



Investment from City of Kingston Partnership revenue and corporate investors Federal government Provincial government Events and seminars Resale materials Interest Amortization of deferred capital contributions* On-line reservation Expenses Accounting and legal Advertising Amortization Bad debts Bank charges Equipment rental Events and meetings Insurance Memberships and licences Office and miscellaneous Physician recruitment Professional contractors Professional development Rent* Repairs and maintenance Resale materials Salaries and benefits Sponsorships and donations Telephone Travel Excess of revenues over expenses before the undernoted item Expenses of board restricted fund* Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenses

2011 (unaudited**)

$ 2,564,282 185,865 1,572 285,746 175,241 204,891 10,485 19,233 2,113 $ 3,449,428

$ 2,514,000 174,595 34,020 108,321 13,106 192,596 8,048 19,233 8,271 $ 3,072,190

$ 23,915 355,709 49,546 17,703 11,953 364,422 7,604 38,983 36,596 111,533 28,147 151,862 45,754 103,256 1,540,577 408,656 28,235 89,322 3,413,773

$ 19,220 361,991 47,650 355 13,778 12,948 172,915 7,041 30,186 35,465 16,082 68,062 34,550 153,095 41,171 107,566 1,396,734 197,928 30,191 102,152 2,849,080



162,370 $ (126,715)

59,446 $ 163,664

2011 & 2012 Financial Statements were audited by Secker Ross & Perry LLP *Notes can be viewed by requesting an official copy of the KEDCO audited financial statements **KEDCO has adopted Part III of the CICA Handbook - Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations on January 1, 2012 with a transition date of January 1, 2011. These standards were applied retrospectively by management to the comparative information in these financial statements, including the statements of financial position as at December 31, 2011 and the statements of operations, changes in fund balances and cash flow for the year ended December 31, 2011 and related disclosures. Secker Ross & Perry LLP were not engaged to report on the restated comparative information, and as such, is unaudited. The Corporation presented financial statements under its previous Canadian generally accepted accounting principles annually to December 31 of each fiscal year up to, and including, December 31, 2011.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2012 ANNUAL REPORT

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945 Princess Street at Innovation Park Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 Tel: 613-544-2725 Toll: 866-665-3326 Web:

Cover Photo: Paul Wash | Design: Robert Mutch - mutchmedia inc.

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