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The Kingston Economic Development Corporation will work collaboratively with the City of Kingston and key local and regional strategic partners to achieve prosperity by developing and promoting economic advantages to sustain and grow the economy of Kingston.

Kingston – a city that is a vital, dynamic and sustainable economic centre where research, innovation, investment and business enterprises thrive together and where a diversity of people want to visit, live & work and do business.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013 Dean Byrnes Chair President, Eikon Device Inc.

Adam Koven Treasurer Former CEO, Rosen Energy Group

Tim Sugrue Vice-Chair T. Sugrue & Associates

Sandra Gibson Certified General Accountant Gibson Turner Moore LLP

Peter Kraus Vice-Chair INVISTA Canada (Ret’d)

Douglas Green Management Consultant Army Officer (L Col Ret.)

Jim Gibson Secretary Empire Life (Ret’d)

Dave MacLeod Army Officer (L Col Ret.)

Mayor Mark Gerretsen City of Kingston Councillor Sandy Berg Kingscourt – Strathcona District Councillor Bryan Paterson Trillium District Councilor Brian Reitzel Pittsburgh District Councillor Dorothy Hector Lakeside District (Alternate)

Directors appointed to the Board in December 2013 were Niall O’Driscoll, former CEO and General Manager of Alexa Internet; John Proctor, Vice-President, Global Cyber Security of CGI; Bo Wandschneider, Chief Information Officer at Queen’s University; and Councillor Rick Downes, alternate.


Tourism Marketing & Development

Jeff Garrah Chief Executive Officer Paula Drouin Executive Assistant to the CEO Secretary to the Board of Directors Donna Gillespie Director, Marketing & Corporate Communications Ann McDougall Controller & Operations Manager Melissa Shorrock Marketing & Communications Officer Emily McCracken Administration & Communications Assistant

Rob Carnegie Director, Tourism Marketing & Development Connie Markle Conference & Travel Trade Manager Brandon Pickard Sport Tourism Development Officer Chris Whyman Visitor Services Manager Youko Leclerc-Desjardins Assistant Manager, Visitor Services Ray Bergstrom/Dajana Turkovic Travel Councillors

Business Development

Small Business & Entrepreneurship

Cyril Cooper Director, Business Development Carey Bidtnes HR & Labour Market Specialist Jan Dines Business Development Officer Christa Wallbridge Business Development Officer Lenore Klein Tourism Marketing & Business Development Coordinator

Mark Hanley Manager Rebecca Darling Senior Business Consultant Ella Vanderburgt Coordinator

KEDCO is committed to supporting student internships and employment opportunities. A special thanks to the following for their assistance throughout the year: Paul Bishop, Maral Choulijian, Olivia Hazelton, Meagan Morrison, Hailey Murphy, Adriana Neguleta-Morogan, Camille Prior, Ali Tejpar, and Claire Theriault. Farewell and best wishes were bid to staff who transitioned to new opportunities: Jacqueline Bell, Lynn Bergstrom, Murray Hudson, Megan Pritchard, Betsy Smith and Mary Ann Walmsley.


MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD The KEDCO Board of Directors is represented by a varied group of individuals who bring their respective experiences, interests and ideas together to shape and guide the Corporation’s strategic and policy development. Our governance philosophy allows staff to support our local business and entrepreneur community in order to focus on both short and long-term sustainable economic development. An important aspect of the Board’s work in 2013 was identifying and planning the framework for the Corporation’s 2015-2020 strategic plans and future success that is responsive to the realities of ever-changing economic conditions. With the province going through numerous changes and restructuring efforts, there will be challenging times ahead for Kingston’s economy. There is increasing pressure and competition for cities to grow and attract new jobs and investment. But through the right lens, this can be seen as an opportunity for the community to encourage innovation and influence forward thinking initiatives that will take us into the next decade. Kingston’s economy is in good shape, in part due to the support and resources we have from City Council, public and private sector leaders and organization’s like KEDCO that work to ensure our community’s competitive advantages. Competition for jobs and investment will continue to grow in the future, but we believe Kingston is a strong and stable city that is up for the challenge. As a governance board, we have also succeeded in revised policy development and maintained good fiscal oversight of the Corporation’s activities. The Board has undertaken stronger outreach efforts with participation at community events, business tours and announcements, in order to engage with and better understand the needs of the greater Kingston community. We have also taken an expanded role in actively engaging and providing feedback to our City colleagues on significant issues such as population, employment and housing projections which are critically important to the Corporation’s activities. The work of the entire volunteer Board of Directors deserves special mention. With diverse public and private sector backgrounds, each member brings new ideas and experiences. This helps to ensure that the Corporation can develop and deliver a strategic focus that is timely and meets the needs of our community. A special thank you is extended to the 2013 outgoing Board Directors Jim Gibson, Douglas Green, Adam Koven, Dave MacLeod and Councillor Dorothy Hector (alternate) for their tireless commitment to KEDCOs efforts over their terms. Dean Byrnes, Chair

I wish to recognize the hard working and talented staff at KEDCO under the leadership of CEO Jeff Garrah, who are dedicated to furthering the Board’s and community’s vision for economic sustainability and growth. Special thanks to Paula Drouin, Corporate Secretary to the Board for her ongoing support and coordination of Board and Committee activities. 2013 was a successful year, and I appreciate the dedication of the KEDCO team and the personal sacrifices they make to get the job done.

MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER We are pleased to present the 2013 Annual Report highlighting KEDCO’s activities over the past year. Our collective work covers vast portfolios and in response to economic conditions the KEDCO team has been working to bring highpotential business and tourism opportunities to Kingston. With North American and domestic markets still rebounding, KEDCO made its first significant foray into international markets with trade missions to Brazil and Europe. In today’s global economy, foreign direct investment is a key driver of economic growth and prosperity and we want investors from around the world to look for new business opportunities in Kingston. With initial success at lead generation at these international trade shows, we continue to identify opportunities for expansion and mobilize business leaders in our efforts to attract, retain and expand investment in high growth sectors. Kingston’s labour force remains active with one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country. This does pose caution for the community as in order for our local businesses to continue to grow and to have the ability to attract Jeff Garrah, CEO new businesses, we need to ensure that Kingston is positioned with an available workforce representing a variety a skills. To this end, KEDCO augmented it’s labour market program with a new online recruitment website to assist local employers promote available career opportunities and access a resume databank of skilled talented in or wishing to work in Kingston. In addition, KEDCO attended multiple career fairs across the province and in Quebec to promote career and lifestyle opportunities in Kingston. Once again, we saw a banner year for small business start-up and growth. Our provincially funded small business centre is consistently regarded as one of the top performing centres in Ontario. Kingston’s seven billion dollar annual GDP output is driven by innovative and entrepreneurial small businesses, and we remain committed to support their start-up, sustainability and success. 2013 was also an important year for tourism endeavours, with Kingston taking centre stage as host city to the Scotties Tournament of Hearts, Ontario ParaSport Summer Games as well as numerous North American sailing championships. We’re proud of our balanced and prudent approach taken on the conference and convention centre discussion and look forward to working to identify and advance other opportunities for the tourism sector. The tourism industry generates over $300 million of visitor spending to the city annually and we will continue to work with partner organizations such as the Kingston Accommodation Partners to ensure Kingston is a top destination for visitors from around the world. With this being said, I would like to thank the KEDCO team for their collective efforts and ongoing support to advance opportunities for smart growth to achieve individual, business and community potential for Kingston. At the end of the day it is all about jobs and investment – and with the guidance from our Board of Directors and support from City Council, I believe we will continue to advance opportunities and grow successes in 2014.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2013 ANNUAL REPORT


STRATEGIC PLAN 2010 - 2015


KEDCO is committed to the key issue of long-term economic sustainability for the City of Kingston. As the economic pillar for the City of Kingston’s Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, KEDCO endorses the City’s vision of Kingston as Canada’s most sustainable city.

With a strong internal focus on business development, KEDCO is committed to be the premier service provider in the areas of:

The Strategic Plan 2010-2015 addresses four core fully integrated objectives where KEDCO will focus its operations: Attraction, Growth & Retention, Tourism Marketing & Development and Community Economic Development. Each of these components is interdependent in terms of resources (human, financial, physical), partnerships and strategies. People want to live, work and do business in a community which recognizes and supports them and their endeavors. KEDCO’s efforts are universally supported by a solid service delivery foundation which includes the Service Kingston and Market Ready! models and strong partnerships throughout the community and region. The integration of KEDCO’s Business and Tourism divisions provides staff with the knowledge, tools and resources required to deliver comprehensive support to existing and potential businesses, residents and visitors alike.

• Investment support that assists businesses to identify government funds, write and support the applications through various levels of government • Labour Market development which supports employers in identifying and recruiting the talent required to fill current employment opportunities in Kingston • Partnership building that establishes connections between businesses/service providers in order to combine resources, share knowledge, skills and experience • Building local business supply chains which connect businesses to businesses in Kingston • Lead generation support that assists local companies in building their business • Business familiarization tours and premium networking opportunities which familiarizes businesses who are in an advanced stage of investing in Kingston This model also facilitates the attraction of outside investment as Kingston becomes known as a supportive environment where value is placed on local business success.

MARKET Readiness KEDCO works with partners to ensure Kingston maintains its competitive advantage and is prepared for the attraction of new investment by providing companies with data to allow them to make an informed decision. KEDCO’s work helps to ensure Kingston provides: • Seamless approval processes for all developments • Strong infrastructure which meets businesses needs • Excellent inventory of employment lands which are flexible for a wide range of development • Competitive land prices/taxes • Integrated supply chains where businesses can connect directly with other companies who can add value • Targeted marketing collateral which meets the needs of the potential investor • Analysis/research/comparator studies to understand Kingston’s position within a local, regional, and national context • Strong relationships with the municipality, institutions, public, private, and non-profit organizations KEDCO’s focus is on jobs and investment – both the creation of new and the retention of existing. These over arching goals have shaped the corporation’s strategic direction and guides all activities.


• Gateway access to all municipal, provincial, federal government services and investment



Partnerships have continued to be a key to KEDCO’s success. KEDCO is a proud member and stakeholder of:

The ability to define the exact value of an economic development organization’s (EDO) activity and its direct impact on a community or region has been one of great debate for decades. A lead today may not become an opportunity for months or even years. A company an EDO works with may select the city based on community reputation and demographics rather than a formal sales presentation. In order for KEDCO to measure its success and better communicate its level of activity, the following metrics have been put in place for the organization to track and gauge activity from year to year. In 2013, KEDCO achieved: 2013 % Change Actual over 2012

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Downtown Kingston! BIA Economic Developers Council of Ontario Economic Development Association of Canada Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce Innovation Park Advisory Board International Economic Development Council Kingston Accommodation Partners Kingston Immigration Partnership Kingston Technology Council Launch Lab Ontario East Economic Development Commission Rogers K-ROCK Centre Advisory Committee SWITCH: The Sustainable Energy People The Great Waterway 1000 Islands Development Workforce

For a comprehensive list of KEDCO community partnerships please see the 2010-2015 Strategic Plan. DEAL DEAL Influencers BREAKERS TIME INVESTMENT


10 20% %

INDIRECT/ FOUNDATIONAL Physician Recruitment Recreation & Culture Infrastructure Airport

JOBS & INVESTMENT Sales Pipeline Company Visits New Leads, prospects and bids

DIRECTLY RELATED Planning Building Utilities/Hydro Waste Water



Company Visits............................. 419 +12.4% A company visit is when a KEDCO staff person undertakes an on-site meeting with a local organization to discuss business challenges and opportunities, areas where support could be delivered or any issues of concern. Often, new opportunities arise from company visits. Opportunities Created................. 315 +37.1% An opportunity is defined as a qualified lead which has a real potential to create new job(s) or new direct monetary investment for the city. Opportunities may be in the sales pipeline for an undetermined amount of time, due to the nature and complexities of the specific deal. Opportunities result in either being Closed-Won (Kingston realized new job(s) or investment), Closed-Lost (the opportunity is lost to another community), or Withdrawn (Lead no longer has interest in proceeding with opportunity). Jobs Created................................. 723 -15.3% Jobs created may result from either new jobs from the attraction of a company to the city or additional jobs created through the growth of existing businesses. KEDCO measures jobs facilitated from opportunities which have been Closed-Won where KEDCO staff have played a direct role in supporting the win of the opportunity. The City of Kingston’s Urban Growth Strategy prepared by Tera Trends considered 800 jobs per year as a high growth; 600 jobs per year as moderate growth; and, 200 jobs per year a slow growth (based on census metropolitan area). Investment Facilitated.......... $67.99M +36.3% Value of New Jobs Created.... $28.92M .- 0.9%

To ensure that the Corporation doesn’t suffer from mission creep, our resource allocations must be in line with our strategic outcomes. KEDCO continues to refine efforts each year, to ensure the appropriate balance between activity directly related and those indirectly related to our goals.

Investment dollars are tracked with similar methodology as jobs facilitated. KEDCO must have been a part of the process in which new dollars are invested in the city. New jobs secured for the city are calculated based on an average one-year salary at $40,000. This salary is only captured in the first year of hire and is based on the median salary of Kingston employees.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2013 ANNUAL REPORT


ATTRACTION OBJECTIVE: To attract sustainable business that brings new investment, increases the tax base, diversifies the economy and provides greater opportunity for employment and career enhancement. The attraction of new businesses to Kingston is critical to the city’s growth and sustainability. Business attraction marketing activities are directed towards promoting the competitive advantages the city offers for the identified niche sectors and their related labour force. Concurrent to these marketing activities are ongoing research and analysis of emerging sectors which Kingston can leverage to build new centres of excellence which will generate the most significant return on investment and the realization of new jobs and dollars.


The Eastern Ontario Local Food Conference took place in Kingston in December at the Ambassador Hotel and Conference Centre. Hosted by KEDCO and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), the conference focused on innovative processing techniques, funding opportunities and best practices. Over 200 growers, processors and restauranteurs from the region attended .

With North American and domestic markets still rebounding, KEDCO made its first significant foray into international markets with trade missions to Brazil and Europe. In today’s global economy, foreign direct investment is a key driver of economic growth and prosperity and we want investors from around the world to look for new business opportunities in Kingston. With initial success at lead generation at these international trade shows, we continue to identify opportunities for expansion and mobilize business leaders in our efforts to attract, retain and expand investment in high growth sectors.

Food Processing and agri-business As part of KEDCO’s focus on the attraction of food processing and manufacturing businesses, KEDCO attended a number of trade shows in 2013 to promote Kingston as a competitive place to invest including: the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association (CRFA) show in Toronto; the Natural Products Expo West trade show in California; the Salon International de l’Alimentation (SIAL) International Food Expo in Toronto; Anuga in Germany; SIAL Brazil; the Summer Fancy Food Show in New York City; the Grocery Innovations Canada tradeshow in Toronto; the Canadian Health Food Association East tradeshow in Toronto; and, the Ontario Municipal Agriculture Economic Development Forum in Simcoe.

In June, Jan Dines, Business Development Officer attended the SIAL Brazil tradeshow in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Dines debuted the “It’s Simple” campaign which promoted Kingston as a location to relocate or expand food processing and manufacturing businesses.

INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Kingston is home to Canada’s largest Canadian Forces Base and in conjunction with RMCC provides all communications training to Canada’s military. This expertise, combined with the number of military personnel taking early retirement, has created a highly skilled labour force for ICT in Defence and Security. In 2013, KEDCO attended CANSEC, Canada’s foremost defence technology showcase in Ottawa to attract leads in this growing sector. KEDCO also organized a focus group for the defence, information communications technology and smart infrastructure sector. The group, comprised of sector specific representatives from the Kingston community, addressed Kingston’s strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for this sector.




Investment facilitated


Opportunities CREATED


Opportunities Closed-Won


GROWTH & RETENTION Objective: To deliver essential services which support the development and growth of public, private and non-profit businesses in Kingston. KEDCO is focused on helping to build a strong and vibrant local community. The public, private and non-profit sectors in Kingston are fundamental to this success. Existing businesses are critical components of a strong economy and the jobs they sustain and create. Expansion of a business does not just equate to bricks and mortar, but often means an increase in employees, payroll, new markets, new products or an improvement to the bottom line. All of these outcomes have a positive economic impact on our community. Establishing strong outreach activities to assist in the growth and promotion of existing businesses enhances the formula for business vitality.

Company Visit Program The Company Visit Program is an important resume tool for KEDCO to gain a better understanding of the current Kingston business operating environment. Through company visits, KEDCO identifies potential funding opportunities which a company may wish to investigate, identifies opportunities for collaborations, offers assistance with development projects and determines the needs and concerns of Kingston employers. In 2013, KEDCO’s Business Development team completed 203 company visits with local employers across a wide range of business sectors.

INVESTMENT SUPPORT KEDCO’s Investment Support Program provides assistance to local companies to facilitate their successful growth and expansion, be it new infrastructure, additional employees, development of new products or entering new markets. In 2013, 33 applications by local companies were submitted with the assistance of KEDCO grant writers to various provincial and federal organizations. A total of $1,063,617 was awarded supporting $1,375,711 in private investment and creating 81 new jobs in the city.

SALES STRATEGIES KEDCO regularly works with government ministries and partner agencies to co-host workshops on available programs and services. In 2013, KEDCO hosted and participated in over ten workshops, seminars, information sessions and conferences on topics including: doing business with the government; manufacturing export opportunities; investment support; doing business in the United States, procurement; border issues; and government programs and initiatives. These events help to create networking opportunities for local businesses and program representatives as well as to help keep Kingston businesses aware of programs and funding available to them.

Kingston’s Major Employers 2013 Private Sector

# of Employees



StarTek Canada


Calian Technologies


Empire Life Insurance Company


J.E. Agnew Food Services


Bell Canada


Novelis Works Manufacturing


Tim Hortons Inc. Distribution Centre


Commissionaires Canada


Assurant Solutions


Public Sector

# of Employees

Canadian Forces Base Kingston


Queen’s University


Kingston General Hospital


Limestone District School Board


Correctional Service of Canada


City of Kingston


Providence Care


Hotel Dieu Hospital


St. Lawrence College


Ontario Ministry of Health




Investment facilitated


Opportunities CREATED


Opportunities Closed-Won


Company Visits


Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2013 ANNUAL REPORT


GROWTH & RETENTION INTELLIGENT COMMUNITY In 2013, KEDCO, the City of Kingston and Utilities Kingston submitted an application to the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) to become recognized as an Intelligent Community. In October, Kingston was named a Smart 21 Intelligent Community for the second year in a row. In order for Kingston to be considered for the ICF’s Top7 and Intelligent Community of the Year designation, information was provided relating to this ICF 2014 theme, “Community as Canvas” and how Kingston uses the power of culture to help the transformation of the city into an Intelligent Community. In the Smart21, Kingston was chosen out of over 400 applicant cities and is joined by six other Canadian cities and 15 other cities from around the world. KEDCO, the City of Kingston and Utilities Kingston continue to work on the application to receive the designation of Intelligent Community of the Year and to promote Kingston as a #seriouslysmart community.

The fifth annual Perspective Kingston was published in June, 2013. Over 325,000 copies were printed and distributed through The Globe and Mail and Canada post. The 2013 supplement focused on Kingston as a smart city and a smart choice for business and people. Perspective Kingston 2013 featured stories on Kingston as an Intelligent Community and also featured profiles of local businesses and organizations including: Royal Military College of Canada, Analytics 4 Life, CMC Microsystems and St. Lawrence College.


Photo credit: Suzy Lamont

KEDCO continues to work with CogecoTV on the production of KEDCO on the Street which is now in its seventh season. The weekly community program airs Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm prior to televised City Council meetings. KEDCO on the Street features host Julie Brown interviewing local business leaders, entrepreneurs and community partners on economic issues in Kingston as well as site tours of area businesses and new developments. In 2013 KEDCO on the Street featured local businesses including: Graham’s Pharmacy, Kingston Olive Oil Company, Kingston Airport, and CDK Family Medicine and Walk-In Clinic.

KEDCO participated in the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce’s CONNECT – The Business Expo on September 26 at the Roger’s K-Rock Centre. CONNECT is Kingston’s largest business-to-business networking event. KEDCO organized a showcase to highlight the wide range of companies in Kingston’s innovative health sector.

LABOUR MARKET Objective: To support economic growth and development through initiatives that attract, retain and develop a diverse workforce in the city of Kingston.

KINGSTON IS HIRING In April, KEDCO launched, a new, web-based talent recruitment and applicant tracking system. Kingston is Hiring is a talent attraction and retention tool which markets Kingston to external markets as a viable community in which to live and raises the profile of local businesses and career opportunities to Kingston residents and post-secondary students. Kingston is Hiring is a robust tool that assists Kingston enterprises to attract talent, through an online job board, resume data base and social job share capabilities. Over 250 jobs are featured monthly on the site.

TALENT RETENTION In 2013, KEDCO played an active role in the retention of more than 80 skilled individuals in the community during layoffs at local companies. KEDCO provided assistance in the form of talent showcases and information sessions and through this outreach a large number of the employees were able to find work with other local businesses. KEDCO achieved this in partnership with the affected businesses’ human resources departments, our network of business clients, Employment Ontario and Service Canada. KEDCO partnered with the Queen’s University Alma Mater Society (AMS) to produce the content of the Queen’s – Kingston Opportunities Facebook Page which promotes parttime employment and volunteer opportunities as well as articles with advice on resumes, networking and interviewing to students. KEDCO, in partnership with Queen’s University and St. Lawrence College hosted the third annual Live and Work Kingston Career and Lifestyle Fair on February 12 in Grant Hall at Queen’s University. The event showcased post-graduate career opportunities from over 50 local employers.

TALENT ATTRACTION In October, KEDCO sponsored the Queen’s University Graduate Students and Alumni Community Networking Events to attract students and alumni, promote career opportunities and the benefits of living in Kingston as part of Homecoming 2013 activities. KEDCO participated in three national job fairs to promote Kingston businesses and career opportunities including the National Job Fair and Training Expo and the Internationally Educated Professionals Conference. The job fairs have resulted in over 2,000 job seekers creating profiles on

HEALTHCARE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT In 2013, healthcare sector development continued to be a priority focus to promote career opportunities in the healthcare industry and ensure that Kingston residents have access to primary health care and specialist care. Healthcare is one of the most important sectors of Kingston’s economy and employs 15 per cent of the city’s working population.

Welcome to Kingston messaging was incorporated into the 2013 advertising campaign to promote Kingston to newcomers to Canada looking to establish roots in a community. The campaign targeted the GTA, Ottawa and Montreal markets.

Labour Market Development Dashboard Jobs created


Investment facilitated


Opportunities CREATED


Opportunities Closed-Won


Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2013 ANNUAL REPORT


SMALL BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP OBJECTIVE: To facilitate economic growth by providing assistance to individuals in the development and expansion of sustainable small businesses. KEDCO’s Small Business and Entrepreneur Office is funded in part by the provincial Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment (MEDTE) and the Ministry of Research and Innovation (MRI) to provide community resources and consultative support for those interested in starting or expanding a business contributing to the economic growth of the Kingston region.

Photo credit: Stephen Wild for Fine Lifestyles Kingston Magazine Photo from L to R: Rebecca Darling, Senior Business Consultant; Mark Hanley, Manager and Mary Ann Walmsley, Program Coodinator

Through one-on-one consultations, the KEDCO Small Business and Entrepreneur Office provides referrals and resources to entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized owner operated businesses. In 2013, KEDCO hosted 11 Business Basics workshops which provide information on a variety of topics that are crucial to running a successful business in the Kingston area. In 2013, KEDCO featured business profiles in the Kingston Business Today publication run by Metroland Media and the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce. The profiles featured local business success stories with an emphasis on how KEDCO’s Small Business and Entrepreneur Office helped to facilitate their success. Local businesses featured included: Janati Yoga, Leahurst College, Kingston Shoe Repair and Orthopedic Shoe Service and The Annex Spa.

Youth Entrepreneurship The Summer Company Program is funded by the Government of Ontario and provides selected students between the ages of 15-29 years grants of up to $3,000 to start their own business for the summer. The Small Business and Entrepreneur Office at KEDCO administers the program on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment. The 2013 program, which launched in July, saw 17 student entrepreneurs start new businesses. Over 50 per cent of the student entrepreneurs indicated that they planned to continue their businesses after the conclusion of the program. The 2013 businesses included social media consulting, environmentally friendly lawn care, carpentry construction services and canoe tours with a certified canoe guide. Sales revenues from the 2013 Summer Company Program totaled $58,000 with an economic impact of $109,000 for the community. The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) is a national organization providing entrepreneurs ages 18-39 with pre-launch coaching, business resources, start-up financing and mentoring. KEDCO’s Small Business and Entrepreneur Office is a CYBF partner and helps applicants from Kingston and the surrounding areas with the CYBF application process. With KEDCO’s assistance five young entrepreneurs received financing support from CYBF in 2013.

Small business & Entrepreneurship DASHBOARD New Businesses Started


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Jobs Created


Investment facilitated


Business Consultations


TOURISM MARKETING AND DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE: To develop and enhance the tourism sector through the positioning of Kingston as a year-round destination of choice for visitors, sport events, conferences and business travel to realize an increase in visitation and visitor-related spending.

LEISURE TRAVEL The 2013 Official Visitor Guide to Kingston was published in partnership with Kingston Publications. The guide is distributed to over 1,000 travel outlets worldwide, with a strong concentration along the Ottawa-GTA corridor and into Quebec. In 2013, Tourism Kingston renewed a partnership with the Kingston Accommodation Partners and continued to work closely with the Great Waterway, the Regional Tourism Organization (RTO) for the area. Tourism Kingston continued to focus on promoting online packages to visitors including restaurants, hotels and attractions through the Meridian Reservations Systems. Tourism Kingston hosted Kingston’s 20th Annual Tourism Awareness week in June with a series of fun filled social networking events. The events were organized to help strengthen relationships and share Kingston information with front line staff, partners and attractions in the tourism industry as well as to promote Kingston as a fun destination for locals. Events included: tourism training for front line staff; a museum day with half priced admission for Kingston residents; Sport Tourism information training; a Mix and Mingle for tourism partners; two-for-one trolley rides for residents; and, a media seminar. In 2013, close to 500 residents and tourism partners participated in the week-long event. In 2013, Tourism Kingston completed a total of 650 sales calls in the Meetings and Conferences, Travel Trade, Travel Media and Sport Tourism markets. The sales calls were completed in Kingston, Ottawa, Montreal and GTA and promoted Kingston as a destination for meetings, tours and events in the various sectors. In 2013, Tourism Kingston launched a new website,, which promotes six motorcycle routes through the Kingston area. Motorcycle Tourism is an ongoing priority for Tourism Kingston to attract more riders in the spring and summer months. In August, Tourism Kingston, the Downtown Kingston! BIA, the City of Kingston and other community partners presented the World Invitational Town Crier Competition in downtown Kingston. 35 criers from Canada, USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Belguim and Holland attended the event. This was the first year that the competition has taken place in North America. Tourism Kingston’s own Chris Whyman, Manager of Visitor Services took a third place overall win in the competition. In October, You Gotta Eat Here travelled to Kingston to tape segments at local restaurants Harper’s Burger Bar and MLTDWN. Tourism Kingston is a proud partner in the Local Food Local Chefs initiative which promotes local farmers, growers, wine producers and chefs.

2013 Tourism Kingston Events Supported Sir John A. Bicentennial Commission Queen’s University Homecoming Kingston Whiskey Festival Kingston Canadian Film Festival FebFest Kingston

Sheep Dog Trials Kingston Penitentiary Museum Original Hockey Hall of Fame Limelight Artfest Kingston

Youko Leclerc-Desjardins, Assistant Manager of Visitor Services and John Catucci, host of Food Network Canada’s You Gotta Eat Here on location at Harper’s Burger Bar in Kingston.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2013 ANNUAL REPORT

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MEETINGS & CONFERENCES The Meetings and Conferences market is a sprawling industry, involving a large and multi-faced market. The spectrum ranges from small local meetings of 20 or more participants to large city-wide conventions and trade shows, serving thousands of delegates and attendees. In 2013, Tourism Kingston attended the Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE) Tête-à-Tête Trade Show in Ottawa. Tête-à-Tête connects over 160 organizations that provide goods and services to the association sector. Tourism Kingston also completed 395 sales calls in the Kingston, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal markets to promote Kingston as a destination for meetings, conferences and special events to qualified corporate and government meeting planners. In 2013, Tourism Kingston’s Meetings and Conferences Incentive Program supported six first-time events to Kingston with funding of over $7,000. These events brought more than 1,000 delegates to the City with an estimated economic impact of close to a quarter million dollars.

Tourism Kingston produced a promotional Meetings and Conferences video used to showcase Kingston as a conference destination online and at trade shows. The video, produced by Viva Productions features: Fort Henry National Historic Site, Renaissance Event Venue, Kingston 1000 Islands Cruises, Holiday Inn Kingston Waterfront, Ambassador Hotel and Conference Centre, Queen’s University Event Services, The Days Inn Banquet and Conference Centre Kingston, the Four Points by Sheraton, Kingston 1000 Island Cruises and Trolley, Confederation Place Hotel, Roger’s K-Rock Centre and Marriott Residence Inn Water’s Edge Kingston.

SPORT TOURISM In 2013, Tourism Kingston supported 35 events which hosted over 60,000 participants and spectators and generated an estimated $23.5 million in economic impact through visitor spending. Sport Tourism remains a very important travel sector for the city and 2013 featured a number of high profile events including the Scotties Tournament of Hearts, a Rugby Canada international match and the Ontario ParaSport Games. In 2013, Tourism Kingston launched a new sport tourism website, The new website highlights Tourism Kingston’s Sport Tourism Services and event resume as well as Kingston’s sports facilities and organizations.

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2013 Sport Events Supported Scotties Tournament of Hearts Ontario Cup Bantam Boys Basketball Championships Ontario ParaSport Summer Games Adult Provincial Ringette Championships Central Canadian Fencing Championships Ontario Electric Utility Hockey Tournament Laser, Laser Radial and Laser 4.7 North American Championships CSTA Trillium Workshop North American Dart Championships Ministry of Environment Hockey Tournament Rugby Canada Sr. Men’s Rugby Canada vs. Tonga Hockey Night in Canada Play On! Ontario Provincial Ultimate Championships Lacrosse Invitational and MSL Game Fort Henry Triathlon Kingston Triathlon BMX Nationals Canadian Eastern University Ultimate Championships Ontario East Cup Goosebowl Ultimate Frisbee Championship Kingston Youth Hockey Sports Festival – Five Tournaments Feb Fest Kids for Kids Hockey Tournament Carr-Harris Cup Ambassador Cup Soccer Tournament Canadian Open of Fishing CORK Fall Regatta, Ontario Sailing Combine CORK One Design Regatta CORK Olympic Class Regatta CORK International Week CORK Optimist Regatta Laser North American Championships Provincial Cyclocross Championships Canadian Eastern University Ultimate Championship Kingston Cup Soccer Tournament

TRAVEL TRADE Kingston continues to shine as Ontario’s only World Heritage Destination for group travel and the foreign independent traveler. In 2013, Tourism Kingston set an aggressive campaign and completed over 150 direct sales calls with prospective tour group leaders through a pre-qualified leads program. Tourism Kingston attended the Canadian Tourism Commission’s Rendez-Vous Canada Marketplace in Ottawa to connect with international buyers and Canadian sellers of tourism products and services. Information provided by the Visitor Information Centre indicates that in 2013, 1,498 tour buses carrying over 76,000 passengers stopped in Kingston.

TRAVEL MEDIA Media is a low-cost marketing and promotion tool for attracting visitors to Kingston. Tourism Kingston works closely with the Travel Media industry to promote Kingston as a travel destination globally to respected professional travel writers, bloggers, photographers, videographers and tourism industry experts. In 2013, Tourism Kingston attended the Canadian Tourism Commission’s Canada Media Marketplace in New York City as well as hosted a number of familiarization (FAM) tours to promote local Kingston attractions to travel bloggers.

VISITOR SERVICES Tourism Kingston’s Visitor Information Centre is open 361 days a year and provides a multi-lingual team of travel advisors and volunteer ambassadors to support visitor’s experiences to Kingston. In 2013, 229,778 people visited the centre and purchased $294,496 of merchandise and attraction tickets. In August, Tourism Kingston, the Downtown Kingston! BIA, the City of Kingston and other community partners presented the World Invitational Town Crier Competition in downtown Kingston. 35 criers from Canada, USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Belguim and Holland attended the event. This was the first year that the competition has taken place in North America. Tourism Kingston’s own Chris Whyman, Manager of Visitor Services took a third place overall win in the competition.

Youko Leclerc-Desjardins, Assistant Manager, Visitor Services at the Visitor Information Centre at 209 Ontario Street. Photo credit: Suzy Lamont

Tourism Kingston Advisory Committees Meetings & Conferences Marilyn Castleman Queen’s University (Chair) Bev Allinson Confederation Place Hotel Erin Cookman Holiday Inn Kingston Waterfront Erin Finucan Ambassador Conference Resort Hotel Paul Fortier Jessup Food & Heritage Violette Hiebert-Kelly Residence Inn by Marriott Roger James IT-Entertainment Aline Lamere Kingston 1000 Islands Cruise Line Stephanie Quick Delta Kingston Waterfront Hotel Kristen Steele Four Points by Sheraton Travel Trade Nicole Kemp Holiday Inn Kingston Waterfront (Chair) Gord Dalton Confederation Place Hotel Erin Finucan Ambassador Conference Resort Hotel Aline Lamere Kingston 1000 Island Jessica Leeman Peachtree Inn Becky Macdonald Queen’s University Megan Rose Diamond Hotels Kristen Steele Four Points by Sheraton Kelly Smith Travelodge Kingston Sport Tourism Murray Matheson Kingston Accommodation Partners (Chair) Marianne Davis CORK Nick DeLuco Rogers K-Rock Centre Jeff Downie Queen’s Athletics and Recreation Guy Dube Royal Military College Athletics Luke Follwell City of Kingston Laura Meggs Downtown Kingston! BIA Visitor Information Centre Jim Adams Chris James Van Allen Turner Kingston Brewing Company Maria Cronk Fancy That & Roundstone Laurie Day Aqua Terra by Clark

Visitor Information centre Visitor origins (%) Kingston Toronto Eastern Ontario Other Ontario Quebec Maritimes Western Canada US France Germany UK Other Europe Australia Japan China Central & South America Other Countries

2012 11.88 8.88 5.49 4.50 9.67 1.60 2.43 11 9.25 5.74 5.64 4.98 4.83 1.70 6.68 2.20 1.93

2013 9.21 9.04 4.04 3.41 7.66 1.14 2.17 12.50 14.58 7.25 5.38 5.10 5.17 1.37 7.45 1.93 1.99

% CHANGE -2.67% +0.16% -1.45% -1.09% -2.01% -0.46% -0.26% +1.50% +5.33% +1.51% -0.26% +0.12% +0.34% -0.33% +0.77% -0.27% +0.06%

Tourism Kingston DASHBOARD Sales Calls


Company Visits


VIC Visitors


Website Unique Visits


M&C Economic Impact


Sport Tourism Economic Impact


Tour Bus Passengers


Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2013 ANNUAL REPORT

Online Sales


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Construction Forecast Breakfast: L-R Harry Sullivan, KCA; Col. Stephen Cadden, CFB Kingston; Ann Brown, Queen’s University; Stacey Gregory, Kingston Hospitals Joint Planning; Greg Sullivan, KCA

On February 26 KEDCO and the Kingston Construction Association (KCA) hosted a Construction Forecast Breakfast to provide an update on current and upcoming construction projects in the Kingston area. The event included presentations from Utilities Kingston, Kingston Hospitals Joint Planning Office, CFB Kingston and Queen’s University. Over 140 community members attended the event.

Minister John Gerretsen, MPP, Kingston and the Islands and Chris Whyman, Town Crier and Tourism Kingston’s Visitor Services Manager

In October, KEDCO attended the second annual “Kingston Day” at Queen’s Park in Toronto. This event increases the profile of Kingston with Members of the Provincial Parliament through a showcase of local businesses, educational institutions, tourism partners and local food to the 107 MPP’s in the Ontario Legislature. KEDCO attended with representatives from over 15 local businesses including KEDCO, City of Kingston Council, Utilities Kingston, the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce, Viva Productions, Downtown Kingston! BIA and Anchor Concrete.

2013 Kingston Business Hall of Fame Award Recipients with KEDCO and Kingston Chamber Board Chairs. Photo from left to right: Donna Woodbury, Shai Dubey, Jane Faulkner (for Lily Inglis), John Molloy, Kathy Wood, Walter Fenlon, Peter Splinter and Dean Byrnes.

Photo from left to right: Gerard Hunt, Matt Hutcheon, Bill Hughes, Peter Huigenbos, Jeff Garrah and Mayor Mark Gerretsen.

KEDCO and the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce hosted the eighth annual Business Hall of Fame Awards on June 11 to honour those who have made a significant impact on the Kingston business community. 2013 inductees were: Lily Inglis and John Molloy (Visionaries); Kathy Wood (Enabler); Shai Dubey and Peter Swan (Mentors); and, Peter Splinter and Walter Fenlon (Community Builder).

In June, KEDCO attended a celebration for the 2013 Municipal Employee of the Year, Peter Huigenbos. Peter is the Real Estate and Land Development Manager at the City of Kingston and works closely with KEDCO on the promotion of City owned industrial lands.

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Jeff Garrah, CEO and HRH, Princess Anne at an event held at the Residence Inn Kingston Water’s Jeff Garrah, CEO and Paula Drouin, Executive Assistant enjoying Tourism Kingston’s summer Edge hotel. Mix and Mingle.

In October, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, Princess Anne visited Kingston as the guest of honor for the 110th anniversary of the Communications and Electronics Branch of the Canadian Forces. Earlier in the year, Tourism Kingston supported the Kingston Whiskey Festival which raised funds to support the Military Communications and Electronics Museum.

Quarterly Mix and Mingles are organized by Tourism Kingston to offer industry partners and colleagues an opportunity to take part in a social network gathering and share updates relevant to the local tourism sector. Special thanks to partners who hosted Tourism Kingston’s 2013 Mix and Mingles: Holiday Inn Kingston Waterfront Hotel (February), Jack Astor’s (June) and Fort Henry Discover Centre (October).

Jeff Garrah, CEO and John Tait, General Manager of Anchor Concrete along with Premier Kathleen Emily McCracken, Administration and Marketing Assistant and Melissa Shorrock, Marketing Wynne and MPP John Gerretsen during the tour of Anchor Concrete. and Communications Officer at the KEDCO Charity Golf Tournament. Photo credit: Suzy Lamont

In 2013, KEDCO hosted a number of visits with dignitaries to local businesses and establishments. In March, KEDCO hosted a jobs roundtable with the Honorable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario at Transformix Engineering. Premier Wynne also joined KEDCO in May at Anchor Concrete Products Ltd. along with Minister John Gerretsen, MPP Kingston and the Islands and Councillor Sandy Berg, City of Kingston.

The fourth annual KEDCO Charity Golf Tournament was held on August 7 at the Garrison Golf and Curling Club at CFB Kingston. Over 120 golfers came out to support the cause, with proceeds of over $1,500 raised for the Kingston Military Family Resource Centre (KMFRC). The KMFRC is a registered non-profit, charitable organization that supports and enhances the health and wellbeing of the military community through programs and services.

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2013 ANNUAL REPORT

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KINGSTONOMICS Economic Indicators









REAL GDP at basic prices (2007 $ millions)






Percentage change






7,337 1.8

7,454 1.6

7,574 1.6

Total employment (000s)






Percentage change






84 1.4

85 1.0

85 1.1

Unemployment rate (per cent)









Personal income per capita ($)






Percentage change






43,929 3.0

45,157 2.8

46,569 3.1

Population (000s)






Percentage change






170 0.7

171 0.7

172 0.6

Total housing starts



















2,357 3.8

2,437 3.4

2,522 3.5











1.309 2.0

1,335 2.0

1,362 2.0

Retail sale ($ millions) Percentage change CPI (202 = 1.0) Percentage change f = forecast Sources: Statistics Canada; CMHC Housing Time Series Database; The Conference Board of Canada

Average kingston home price

Source: CREA, CMHC forecast

Building Starts



























Industrial Institutional Alterations - Industrial/Commercial/Institutional Other Total Construction Value Source: City of Kingston.

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Average Annual Growth in Employment by Industry, 2004-2013 Transportation and warehousing Manufacturing Information, culture and recreation Accommodation and food services Trade Business, building and other support services Construction Public administration Health care and social assistance Finance, insurance, real estate and leasing Educational services Professional, scientific and technical services All Industries -4.0% -3.0% -2.0% -1.0% 0.0% 1.0%

Source: Statistics Canada


3.0% 4.0%



Unemployment rate 8








Source: Statistics Canada











Changing face of Kingston’s labour market 2.3%







65.0% 15 to 24 years 25 to 54 years 55 to 64 years

Source: Statistics Canada


65 years and over


Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2013 ANNUAL REPORT

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TOURISM & VISITOR STATISTICS Visits by Time of Year (Person Visits)

Total person Visits = 3,169,292 Visitor Economic Impact = $310,951,765

Transport $75,991,800 24.43% Food & Beverage $114,936,288 36.96%

Recreation/ Entertainment $22,706,096 7.30%

Accommodation $60,131,952 19.33%

Retail/Other $37,185,627 11.95%

567,841 Q1

1,194,493 Q2

957,124 Q3

(Jan - Mar)

(Apr - Jun)

(Jul - Sept)

Main Purpose of Trip (Person Visits)

Length of Stay (Person Visits)

Pleasure 1,024,929

Visiting Friends & Relatives

449,833 Q4 (Oct - Dec)


Business 270,151

Other Personal


Same-day 1,855,401 59%

Overnight Accommodation (Person Visits)

Hotels/Motels/Roofed Commercial

Camping/RV Facilities


Overnight 1,283,891 41%


Private Homes/Cottages 789,149

Other Accommodation


Source: Ontario Ministry of Tourism/Statistics Canada 2011 - Frontenac County










































Source: PKF Canada

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FINANCIAL POSITION AS OF DEC. 31, 2013 Assets Current Assets Cash Cash - New Energy Project Cash - interest earned on funds on deposit* Investments* Accounts receivable Inventory Sales tax recoverable Prepaid expenses and refundable deposits* Other Deposits and Advances Funds on deposit with Karwartha Credit Union* Advances to PARTEQ Angel Network* Capital Assets* Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities* Deferred revenue* Deferred Contributions Related to Capital Assets* Deferred Lease Inducements* Fund Balances Investment in Capital Assets* Board Restricted* Other Board Restricted* Unrestricted



$ 507,387 5,774 152,902 85,003 62,731 46,341 33,783 893,921

$ 468,142 13,481 3,621 150,931 37,178 63,213 52,950 33,895 823,411

100,000 20,000 120,000 158,762 $ 1,172,683

100,000 50,000 150,000 194,665 $ 1,168,076

$ 119,222 119,222 96,545 64,063 279,830

$ 54,530 38,131 92,661 115,778 51,563 260,002

62,217 120,000 34,876 675,760 892,853 $ 1,172,683

78,887 150,000 26,906 652,281 908,074 $ 1,168,076

STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS YEAR ENDED DEC. 31, 2013 Revenues Contributions from the Corporation of the City of Kingston Resale materials Provincial government contributions* Partnership revenue and corporate investors* Amortization of deferred capital contributions* Events and seminars* Federal government contributions Interest On-line reservation Expenses Accounting and legal Advertising Amortization Bank charges Equipment rental Events and meetings* Information technology support* Insurance Memberships and licences Office and miscellaneous Professional contractors Professional development Rent* Resale materials Salaries and benefits Sponsorships and donations* Telephone Travel Excess of revenues over expenses before the undernoted item Expenses of board restricted fund* deficiency of revenues over expenses



$ 2,589,925 178,935 118,633 69,877 19,233 42,390 10,952 9,442 4,350 3,043,737

$ 2,564,282 204,891 285,746 185,865 19,233 175,241 1,572 10,485 2,113 3,449,428

28,617 342,217 46,268 11,870 9,031 213,309 53,058 6,851 41,105 44,541 100,613 27,983 153,965 93,630 1,481,918 198,061 27,011 114,984 2,995,032

23,914 355,709 49,545 17,703 11,953 364,422 45,754 7,604 38,984 36,596 111,533 28,147 151,862 103,256 1,540,578 408,656 28,235 89,322 3,413,773



63,926 $ (15,221)

162,370 $ (126,715)

2012 & 2013 Financial Statements were audited by Secker Ross & Perry LLP *Notes can be viewed by requesting an official copy of the KEDCO audited financial statements

Kingston Economic Development Corporation – 2013 ANNUAL REPORT

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945 Princess Street at Innovation Park Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 Tel: 613-544-2725 Toll: 866-665-3326

/KingstonEconomicDevelopmentCorporation @KingstonEcDev

Photography: Suzy Lamont, Stephen Wild, Melissa Shorrock. Designed by: Robert Mutch, mutchmedia inc.

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